
【縄文照葉樹林が日本の母体 日本列島37,000年史-16】




English version⬇

Jomon’s Shoreline Forest is the Mother of Wooden Construction 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 16
Urashima Taro is an expression of the roots of the Japanese people. The one-set settlement of the sea and mountains in the archipelago is a maritime nation type. The settlement created the division of labor and the development of wooden construction technology. The development of wood construction technology.

〜The Beginning of Settled Life
With the start of full-scale settlement, people were forced to solve various problems
The development of plant and animal utilization technology, planned land use
The development of plant and animal husbandry techniques, planned land use, the development of norms for daily life, and the development of magic and rituals all contributed to the complexity and sophistication of society.
The development of plant and animal husbandry technology, planned land use, the development of norms for daily life, and the development of magic and rituals were all brought about by settlement. ~.
At the Uenohara site in Kagoshima Prefecture, a large settlement was formed around 9,500 years ago.
A “standardized” pit dwelling and an outdoor furnace have been found at the site.
Unfortunately, this site was decimated by the great eruption of the “Kikai Caldera” (about 7,300 years ago).
In Jomon settlements, many “building materials” were quarried from the evergreen forests with stone axes.
The existence of a social architectural organization or group is also reminiscent of the Jomon settlements.
The Jomon settlements were also said to have traces of “standardized housing,” reminiscent of the existence of a social building organization or group.
There was a panel explaining the “stone axe logging.
It is obvious that the formation of human society was accompanied by a “division of labor.
There must have been people who specialized in fishing and obtaining food from the sea in front of the house, and on the other hand, there must have been people who specialized in housing, civil engineering, and logging.
On the other hand, it is also possible to imagine that people specialized in “working with wood” for housing, civil engineering, and the production of wooden boats.
It is also possible to imagine that they specialized in “working with wood” for housing, civil engineering, boat building, and so on.
It is natural, but settlement and the development of “house-building” technology are one and the same.
As a result, the “pit” style of house building, which emphasizes thermal environment, became the mainstream.
The fact that the pit style was a spontaneous development is evident from the fact that it is universal among archaeological sites around the world.
In the Japanese archipelago, they were built in eastern Japan and Hokkaido as well.
It was common both in Kagoshima, a southern country, and in Hokkaido, a cold region.

With the beginning of settlements and settlement, rituals were initiated at the same time.
In Kagoshima, rituals were held to bury tsubos of earthenware in the ground.
At Torikake-nishi Shell Mound in Chiba Prefecture, rituals were held to collect the skulls of wild boars and deer.
At the same time that various functions were being shared among people living in clusters, rituals were also being performed to promote social cohesion and to promote the sharing of various functions.
Rituals seem to have functioned as a way to strengthen such social bonds.
This is the ancestral form of the Japanese “8,000,000 gods.
The formation of independent spheres of life along the waterfront and in the shiny-leaved forests in the hinterland
The independent living area formation of the waterfront and the terrestrial forests in the background seems to be a cultural structure that is commonly associated with the eight million deities.
The fact that the waterfront was a living area makes shell mounds inevitable.
Of all the marine resources, shellfish are undoubtedly the most primitive.
I think that picking up shellfish on the foreshore would have provided the community members with the necessary amount for that day’s gathering.
Shell middens were left behind as remnants of these shell middens in various locations.
The social structure of the Jomon period is the prototype for the nation of Japan.

In the legend of Urashima Taro, the assumption of such a background cultural sphere is quite natural.
This kind of concept of a “maritime nation” seems to be rare in human terms.
At least in the East Asian sphere, such as the Chinese nation in a large river basin where agriculture developed.
In East Asia at least, the idea of continental and conquering dynasties, such as the Chinese state in a large river basin where agriculture was developed, would have been the mainstream.
However, the archipelago society was rooted in a thought base that was quite different from such a way of thinking.
This kind of social recognition of the eight million people is thought to be the foundation of a peaceful nation.



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