



English version⬇

The Miki Family Residence in Tokushima, where the “ARATAE” ritual is held on the day of the first ceremonial offering of rice to the goddess of grain.
After a fearful climb up the narrow one-lane “national road” in the Shikoku Valley, you finally visit an ancient private house on top of a mountain. The surrounding environment is relaxing. The Miki Family Residence

There are several old private houses with the name “Miki Family Residence” that have been designated as “Important Cultural Properties” throughout Japan. As far as I know, there are four in total. My family name is Miki, so I feel that I am related to the Miki family and that this gives me a greater sense of reality in terms of understanding old private homes. I have visited two of them in Hyogo Prefecture, and during my New Year’s vacation this year, I visited the Miki family residence in Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture, for the first time. I have visited the two houses in Hyogo Prefecture several times because they seem to be connected in terms of family lore, but I think the connection is probably weak in Tokushima Prefecture. The family is descended from the Imobe clan, a clan that has had a deep connection with the Imperial Court since ancient times, and in accordance with the ancient ceremony of the Great Tamesai Ceremony of 2025, the family “prepared” the emperor’s ceremonial clothes called “aratae” for his accession to the throne.
After arriving at the Kansai International Airport from Sapporo, I stayed overnight in Awaji and set off the next day for “Mt. The distance from Wakimachi, the highway IC from which I was heading, was about 31 km, so I thought it would take about 30-40 minutes from the perspective of Hokkaido people.

However, although it is a national highway (Route 492), the mountain road from the halfway point was almost a one-lane road with twists and turns, a difficult road, and a terrible road…. We had to drive on the road for a long time, and if an oncoming car came along, we would be out of luck. My wife and I prayed that no oncoming cars would come along the road. We asked a car that looked like a local driver to pass us and we followed him, but we gave up on the chase early on because people who are used to driving on the road speed up as if they almost ignore the danger of oncoming cars. When I went down the road later on my way home, I found a warning sign on the downhill side of the road to guide traffic not to cross each other. However, first-time drivers do not understand such circumstances, and safety was our top priority. After all, if you swerve the wrong way, there is a high risk of falling off the shoulder.
The Miki family’s house was located near the top of a mountain road that led out of the last village. We finally arrived at the house, but the inside was locked and not open to the public. I had assumed that the house was open to the public on weekdays, as it is a relatively famous old house and an important cultural property. We were not allowed to go inside either the main house or the “museum. In that respect, we were confronted with a lack of prior research. However, we were welcomed by the surrounding environment and other splendors that seemed to melt away the hardships we had gone through before coming. The view was divine.
And, above all, the space on top of the mountain was filled with the dignified and unique atmosphere of a family that has produced linen for the emperor’s coronation ceremonies. It was a pity that we could not see the interior space, but the house silently told us that not only the interior space but also the entire surrounding environment constitutes the “appearance” of the house. I would like to introduce the Miki family residence in several articles.

One Response to “【大嘗祭に麁服(あらたえ)調進の徳島「三木家住宅」-1】”

  1. […]  先日まで安藤忠雄「淡路夢舞台」探訪記を書きましたが、夫婦旅で淡路の後、徳島県・三木家住宅を参観。その後、「うだつの街」を見学。その後は徳島から一路南国土佐高知へ。忘れていたのですが、訪問先についてカミさんにはもう1件、高知市の名刹・竹林寺にある「納骨堂」もリクエストしていた。こちらは表題の通り、知人の設計者・堀部安嗣さんの2016年度日本建築学会賞。  建築関係のメディア人間ながら北海道を基盤とする雑誌メディアとしては、本州以南地域の建築動向について耳にはするけれど現地で参観する機会というのはなかなかない。たまたま四国行脚が夫婦旅だったことで今回実現できた。  最初の写真はお目当ての納骨堂の正面外観。この施設は当然ながら竹林寺の境内の奥まったところにある。そこに至るには山門を抜け、本堂や仏塔なども巡って行くことになる。堀部さんの設計趣旨の文章などを見ても、建築はその置かれる環境の中でいのちを得ているもの。多くの歴史的空間環境と「繋がって」存在している。そういうことで建築探訪ながら周辺の様子もルポしながら、数回に分けて探訪記としたいと思います。  自由旅行なので仕事的に調査活動をしっかりするわけではない。事前に情報を細かく入手するような段取り仕事はしておりません。実際に建築に触れてその臨場体験をベースにして、このようにブログで書くことで追体験整理することになります。こういう記述スタイルのほうが面白みも感じ始めています。  行って見て始めて竹林寺という古刹の高知県での存在感を知ることになる。四国八十八箇所第三十一番目の札所で、1300年の歴史を刻んでいる真言宗の寺院。高知市内南東、古くは桂浜とならび月の名所であった五台山にあります。わたしは真言宗の宗徒で、高野山参拝の経験もあるので、やはり親近感がある。南無大師遍昭金剛・・・。  参観の当日朝は、さきに桂浜の風景にたっぷりと癒されてからの参観となりました。四国には新入社員予定者だった大学4年の9月頃に入社先の社長の運転手としてアルバイトした経験がある。四国を一周するイベントの会場巡り。  ふしぎと食べもののこと、なんにでも柑橘ポンカンを搾って食べることが鮮烈な記憶だった。その当時から数えれば半世紀近く経っている。また元気にレンタカーを運転して巡り回っていることが、ありがたく味わい深い。  おっと、まったく目的の建築行脚に進めない(笑)。現場体験は明日以降に。 […]



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