

 画像は、昨日1/27 19:01受信した産経新聞のメール配信のスクショ。産経新聞は「フジサンケイグループ」であり、フジテレビとは企業経営眼的に「同系列」の立場とされるけれど、従来からフジテレビは産経新聞に対してそのような考え方はしていないとされてきた。朝日新聞とテレビ朝日、読売新聞と日テレの関係のように、こと「報道」については新聞社が主導的な役割を果たしているようではない。案の定、産経の伝え方にはむしろ突き放したような姿勢が感じられた。

English version⬇

[Will criticism of the TV industry proceed to ‘take away their licences’?
The corrupt corporate system has given birth to privileged people who are even referred to as irresponsible ‘emperors’. The people’s sovereignty should be the basis for taking away broadcasting licences. …

 The image is a scanned copy of an email distribution from Sankei Shimbun received at 19:01 yesterday, 27 January. The Sankei Shimbun is a member of the Fuji Sankei Group and is considered to be in the same family as Fuji TV in terms of corporate management, but it has traditionally been said that Fuji TV does not have such a view of the Sankei Shimbun. Newspapers do not seem to play a leading role in ‘news reporting’, as in the relationship between Asahi Shimbun and TV Asahi, or between Yomiuri Shimbun and Nittele. As expected, the Sankei’s way of reporting seemed to have a rather dismissive attitude.
 Well, it seemed that the Sankei was ‘in tune’ with the world, since if it reported the news from an ‘affiliated’ standpoint, it would only deepen its business crisis as a news organisation in the first place. This reporting style is probably a straightforward expression of the situation at yesterday’s press conference.
 Koichi Minato, former president of Fuji TV, who happened to be an alumnus. Various fragmentary ‘human information’ is received from friends, but even this kind of press photo is treated in a symbolic, ‘demon’s head’ way. However, the common perception of Fuji’s problems, so to speak, is that Hiedahisa, who is even referred to as the ‘emperor’, is the person who has created the ‘corporate structure’ and is the ‘great evil’. Hiedahisa is still hiding in the shadows and is having the press conference ‘cutting the lizard’s tail’, so to speak, which seems to be a long and tedious farce.
 It can be said that Hiedahisa stands in the same position as Tsuneo Watanabe of the Yomiuri Shimbun, who has since died.
 How is it possible for such a ‘dictatorial power structure’ to emerge in the Japanese media industry, which has effectively been the ‘fourth power’ and has been able to control information as it pleases? It is an indisputable fact that such a ‘dark power’ has been a major force in shaping ‘public opinion’.
 There is a lot of ‘corruption-chasing’ going on in politics. This in itself is natural, but politics is still subject to such criticism, while at the same time it continues to be subjected to a fair ‘electoral’ baptism.
 The television media is essentially an entity that is only ‘licensed’ by media companies to use the public’s common property, the ‘airwaves’. The only way to normalise media awareness would be to make provisions for the return of what has once been licensed work. It is only through such tensions that the ‘democratisation of information’ can be achieved.




English version⬇

Media and Entertainment Unified Structure ‘in Peril’ Today
Society’s attention is now focused on the ‘structure’ itself, which has been devoted exclusively to ‘making ratings’. This is a critical moment. How will it develop? …

 Well, yesterday I had a legal appointment, so I flew home from Tokyo first thing in the morning. It was the first time in my life that I had flown at 6:30am. So I woke up at around 2am and went to the sauna facilities at my accommodation to wake myself up, and then went from Tokyo to Haneda Airport in the early morning. The flight was full, even though it was the first flight of the morning. It was amazing. The passengers were diverse, from business people to inbound overseas passengers, from Westerners to non-Chinese Asians. I think the aspect has changed from the domestic airline tours I have been on. Is this a structural change in Japanese society?
 Since it was a completely different way of spending time than usual, my body felt very tired here and there, and since I came home in the evening yesterday, I’ve been sleeping heavily and concentrating on recovering from the fatigue. Thanks to that, I felt a little better this morning.
 In the course of exchanging various information in Tokyo, I also found out about my ‘distant relationship’ with the president of Fuji Television, and it seems that another Fuji Television ‘press conference’ is scheduled for today in relation to this matter. I have never been interested in this kind of TV media, which mainly focuses on ‘entertainment’, and have been fed up with the variety shows by comedians that I have seen from time to time in my life. I was surprised that someone who had spent his life in such a place was a high school alumnus and was now in charge of a spotlight of current social concern.
 Well, this is a critical moment for the commercial media of television. As an outsider, I can only watch the situation from a distance. For me personally, I feel as if I am being asked to judge whether the TV media itself will survive or not, and whether it is a ‘critical point’ or not.
 The photo is an architectural photograph of the Himeji Museum of Literature, designed by Tadao Ando. I have reaffirmed that I am mainly in the ‘sukiya domain’ of architecture and residential space. I would like to delve deeper into the theme and place of the correlation between such spatiality and artists, cartoonists and other forms of expression.

【久しぶりの東京・関東 情報収集】



English version⬇

Tokyo and the Kanto region after a long time of information gathering.
Surprised at the ‘connection’ with the current situation, which we thought was unrelated. Scheduled to be added in the evening. Tokyo and the Kanto region

 I have been exploring i-works’ first house in Hokkaido, designed by Satoshi Irei, for a while, but today I am taking a short break. I myself was on a business trip to the Kanto and Tokyo regions for four days from the weekend. I was gathering a lot of information there.
 The most surprising of all was the discovery that the president of Fuji Television, which has been highlighted as a cesspool of corruption in the established media, is apparently an alumnus of my Hokkaido school.
 I had no idea that the issue had anything to do with me, and I had only been watching the news reports and the like, being critical but indifferent to it because it was an entertainment/wide show TV programme that I rarely watched. However, I have rapidly become interested in the subject.
 I am now about to return to Hokkaido by the first plane in the morning for a business matter in Sapporo, so I would like to write a follow-up blog entry by the evening today. I hope you will enjoy it.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

【多重な採光・環境レイヤー装置群〜 i-works参観4】

 さて i-works参観4。きのうも触れた家のメインの窓回りです。現在は三角屋根の落雪方向からの雪に閉ざされているけれど、この窓外にはウッドテラスと造作された庭がある。積雪のためそこまで取材できなかったけれど、かなり力点の置かれた庭園造作と推認された。それと木製3重ガラス入りサッシ(NORD社製とのこと)が結界を構成している。

English version⬇

Multiple lighting and environmental layering devices – i-works visit 4
 I myself chose a non-traditional residential architecture of non-timber-framed concrete blocks with external insulation, but times are changing. …

 Now i-works visit 4. the main window area of the house, which I mentioned yesterday. It is currently closed off by snow falling from the direction of the triangular roof, but there is a wooden terrace and a garden outside this window. We were not able to cover that much of the garden due to the snowfall, but it was considered to be a very important part of the garden construction. The wooden triple-glazed sash (made by NORD) forms the boundary between the terrace and the garden.
 In between, there was an external fittings with horizontal piers, a kind of storm door. There was a certain amount of airspace between them and the outside and, due to the occasional ‘mild winter’ trend, there seemed to be no problem with the operation of the fittings. There was also a distance between the eaves and the moisture fall line from the roof.
 From that window face, the outermost ‘screen door’ was fitted and stored on the inside. The wooden window has a rather lumpy manual handle, so a setback distance was taken from that.
 And on site, a sliding door was stored in the innermost side, which was confirmed to be opened and closed. However, there was also a considerable distance between the screen and the sliding door, and it seemed that some kind of fittings were stored there, but we were unable to confirm this.
 Looking at the floor, there was an opening for passive ventilation and warmth rising from the underfloor heating. The distance between this wooden sash and the internal fittings storage space is approximately 30 cm visually. It may have been a challenge to see how such a fittings specification could lead to environmental performance results, which we had not seen much of.
 The benefit of the multiple layers of fittings is that they allow multiple layers of light from the outside to be introduced into the room. The spatiality symbolised by sukiya architecture is probably to bring a ‘softened’ light environment into the room through such layers of lighting. It seems to me that this, including the veranda and eaves, has nurtured and cultivated a Japanese sensitivity, or in other words, a mental image of mutual consideration for each other, like ‘kuki wo yomitaku’ (reading the air).
 When you think about it, in our houses in Hokkaido, the only ‘consideration’ for such mental images may have been in the ‘physical’ direction of uniformity and comfort in the air environment. It will be interesting to see how this kind of challenge will be accepted by the people of Hokkaido. In 1991, 34 years ago, I myself chose to build a block structure with external insulation, a choice that was far removed from the traditional Japanese architecture, but I am now aware that such challenges exist in the present day.

【室内に重厚な建具収納〜 i-works参観3】

昨日の「雨具収納」について多くのご意見・感想をいただきました。なんとi-worksシリーズ設計者の伊礼さんご自身からもコメントいただいたのには驚いた。以下にそのコメントを転載させていただきます。〜北海道生まれのパッシブ換気をカスタマイズして取り入れています。屋根の掛け方など、北海道では変えたほうがと提案したのですが、辻野社長がこれでやってみたいと、、、チャレンジャーは辻野社長です!! 〜転載コメントは以上。

English version⬇

[Stately fittings stored indoors – i-works visit 3].
Delicate lighting environment control devices such as storm doors, lattice doors and shoji screens were important in the ‘cultivation’ of Japanese sensibilities. We are reminded of these questions. …

We received many comments and feedback on yesterday’s ‘rain gear storage’. We were surprised to receive comments from Mr Irei himself, the designer of the i-works series. In the meantime, we reproduce their comments below. 〜The i-works series is a customised version of passive ventilation, which was born in Hokkaido. We suggested that we should change the way the roof is hung and other things in Hokkaido, but President Tsujino wanted to try it this way… The challenger is President Tsujino! 〜The above is all the comments that have been reprinted.
 I am very sorry about this, and I think it could be said that I should have originally interviewed the designer. However, it has been a long time since I have visited a new house being built in Hokkaido. Moreover, this is my impression of a well-known and talked-about series, which I visited with great interest and excitement, so I hope you will forgive me for that. I hope you will forgive me.
 As I mentioned yesterday, one of the themes of this house is that it is a question to the utter oblivion of modern northern people in regard to ‘lighting, security and other complex living environment control devices’ such as shutters. It was also a reminder of the role played by these devices in changing the atmosphere of interior spaces in Japanese housing culture.
 The photo above shows the living room opening on the south side of the building in contrast to yesterday’s ‘external fittings storage’ on the north side of the building, on the exterior wall of the second floor. The wooden triple-glazed sash on the window face was designed as a sliding door. Naturally, it is designed to be closed in as a sliding door on the left side of the front elevation. In this case, a fixed wooden sash of the same size is also fixed on one side of the window, which naturally draws in double sunlight, but this side of the window could not be seen from the room.
 Instead, a heavy ‘fittings storage’ was placed inside the room, including the shoji screens as shown in the second photo. More details of the fittings will be discussed in more detail tomorrow, but as can be seen from this photo, there are a number of fittings on the interior side of the room that are visually over 30 cm deep and would serve a ‘light control’ function. In addition, there were wooden louver-like ‘side-hinged’ external fittings just outside the wooden sash.
 In our house built 34 years ago, for example, we only used blinds to adjust the lighting, but as a result of such ‘simplification’, I realised that the sensitivity to the dense ‘lighting’ of Japanese architecture may indeed have become dulled in the way the people of Hokkaido live.
 There is no doubt that these lighting control devices have played a major role in cultivating the delicate sensitivity of the Japanese people. In fact, even craftsmen of these fittings and their storage devices are becoming scarce in Hokkaido. A very suggestive and interesting point.


【寒冷地での「雨戸収納」仕様〜 i-works参観2】


English version⬇

The ‘storm door storage’ specification in cold climates – i-works visit 2
The Q&A time flew by as many people greeted each other before they even entered the entrance. Many things I wanted to ask. Here is part 1. …

 During the house tour here, I encountered several known housing professionals. It was the first time in a while that I had the opportunity to visit a house, but I couldn’t really get into a conversation about the main body of the house because I was in a ‘Hey, it’s been a while’ mode (laughs). I was able to talk to a few architects about housing, but I think the main point was the difference in housing methods between the regions south of Honshu and Hokkaido.
 In Hokkaido, the concept of ‘storm door storage’, which is the ‘general solution’ in areas south of Honshu, has almost disappeared. The existence of storm shutters is thought to be used to ‘shield’ the opening for ‘full opening’ at night or during rainfall, but in Hokkaido housing, thorough research and development into the ‘performance’ of the opening in the first place has led to an explosion in ‘thermal insulation performance’. In the first place, the way of living with ‘all windows open’ itself has not taken root as a tradition.
 When we visited this model house, the first thing that jumped out at us was a wooden device for ‘storing external fittings’, which was almost the same span as the window openings on the second floor. It is finished in the same material as the external finish of Dounan cedar, so it might be a little overlooked, but as can be seen in the third photo, we could see that it is ‘deep’ enough to allow for the storage of the fittings.
 The window sash is flush with the exterior wall surface, so it is clear that this storage device is ‘overhung’ and rigged outside of it. The interest in the building was immediately aroused. It seems to set up a renewed awareness of the external spatiality that Hokkaido housing has ‘lost’, doesn’t it? However, as we did not have enough time to ask questions to the staff due to the aforementioned reasons during our short visit, we were not able to respond to them. I would like to ask questions in this area in the future when I have the chance.
 However, the challenge of revitalising, or rather renewing, the traditional ‘shitsurai’ of Japanese houses in the north of the country as a possibility was thought to be exciting.
 The outer walls are made of Dounan cedar, which is stretched vertically, and each piece is slender compared to the usual ‘width’ of the house. The eaves are well secured to protect the outer walls. The wood has a pleasing appearance and is easy on the eyes.

【北海道内で久しぶりの新築探訪〜伊礼智 i-works】


English version⬇

[Exploring new construction in Hokkaido for the first time in a very long time – Irechi i-works].
It’s been a long time since I experienced the latest housing models in Hokkaido. I wonder if it’s become a habit, and house-hunting has become part of my blood (laughs)…

Yesterday, like an elderly person, I visited two hospitals (laughs). Well, it was a dermatologist and a dentist, so it was like a ‘relationship’ with my body, a maintenance check.
 In the time between these visits, I received an invitation from the New Residents’ Association branch, which I was asked to join just before the visit. The woman who acts as the liaison officer for the branch called me directly to inform me of this date, about 10 days before the meeting. As a representative of Replan House, a newly established company, I have been accredited as a member of Shinjyukyo by Dr Kamata in the form of an ‘individual member registration’.
 I applied directly to the head office (Sendai) during the registration process, so I think this was a bit of a rare case in terms of procedures for the Hokkaido and Sapporo branches. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. I received a polite request to explain the circumstances, saying that I was sorry for the delay. I am very grateful for that. Last year, I had the opportunity to attend a lecture by Mr Kamata in Asahikawa, and this time, for the first time in a very long time, I had the chance to visit a newly built house in Hokkaido.
 We headed for the town of Tobetsu, about an hour away from Sapporo City. The construction company Tsujino Kensetsu built a model house of the ‘i-works’ type by Satoshi Irei, an Okinawan-born designer from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. I remember seeing this series of houses by Irei in the Ibaraki region around five or six years ago, but I was surprised to find that the design style of this type of house, which is more ‘warm climate’ style, has evolved in terms of thermal performance, and the architecture was suited to Hokkaido’s climate, but in terms of so-called detailing preferences, it was a bit different from the houses built in colder climates. The design style of the houses was very advanced in terms of thermal performance and suited to the climate of Hokkaido.
 There were a few points that I noticed, which I will report on in several parts from tomorrow onwards.
 First of all, I personally hadn’t had the opportunity to visit an Imadoki house in Hokkaido for almost a year, so the thrill of being back in this kind of atmosphere was good (laughs). In this respect, I found myself a little surprised at how much I was enjoying myself. Recently, I have been exploring many old private houses in the Honshu region and southwards, which I consider to be my second life’s work, but I also experienced that the latest trends in Hokkaido housing are beneficial as a contrasting balance. I kind of enjoyed the air.

【YKK APと札幌市 建材⼀体型太陽光発電で連携協定】

 〜YKK AP 株式会社(本社︓東京都千代⽥区、社⻑︓⿂津彰)は次世代型太陽電池であるペロブスカイト
太陽電池を⽤いた建材⼀体型太陽光発電の実証実験を実施するため、2050 年までに市内の温室効果ガス排出量を実質ゼロ(カーボンニュートラル)にする⽬標を掲げ環境省の「脱炭素先⾏地域」にも選定されている札幌市(市⻑︓秋元 克広)と、1⽉20 ⽇に連携協定を締結しました。〜

 具体的な行動計画として、期間2025年2⽉4⽇〜11⽇のさっぽろ雪まつり開催期間中に・時間11時〜20 時(⼀般開放)・場所︓第75 回さっぽろ雪まつり ⼤通会場3丁⽬(札幌市中央区⼤通⻄3丁⽬)【さっぽろ雪まつり 実証実験 概要】・ムービングハウス「SAPPORO ZERO BOX」にて、次世代型太陽電池であるペロブスカイト太陽電池を⽤いた内窓タイプの建材⼀体型太陽光発電等により実証実験を⾏います。ハウス内では、札幌市の取り組みに関する情報発信の展⽰も⾏います〜とのこと。


English version⬇

YKK AP and the City of Sapporo signed a collaboration agreement on building material-integrated photovoltaic power generation.
A demonstration experiment using next-generation photovoltaic power generation (perovskite solar cells) is open to the public at the Snow Festival site. An interesting challenge…

 Yesterday, I received an invitation to attend a press conference as described above, which I thought would be a good stimulating opportunity to restart my activities as a ‘housing journalist’.
 I have also served as a member of the Hokkaido Construction Bureau’s Building Guidance Section’s Housing Policy Deliberation Committee, so I thought it necessary to keep myself informed. I was also deeply interested in the theme of ‘solar power generation’, which is the subject of a series of articles in Replan magazine by Associate Professor Masayuki Mae of the University of Tokyo.
 In a sense, it may be symbolic that the announcement of the cutting-edge decarbonisation initiative is made on the same day as the inauguration of the US Trump administration, which is also expected to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The following is a summary from the press release.
 〜YKK AP Corporation (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Akira YAZU) has announced the development of a new building material using perovskite solar cells, a next-generation type of solar cell.
(Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Akira Akitsu) concluded a collaboration agreement on January 20 with the City of Sapporo (Mayor: Katsuhiro Akimoto), which has been selected as a ‘decarbonised region’ by the Ministry of the Environment with the goal of achieving virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions (carbon neutrality) in the city by 2050. 〜The agreement was signed on January 20, 2012.

 The specific action plan is to carry out a demonstration experiment during the Sapporo Snow Festival from February 4 to 11, 2025, from 11am to 8pm (open to the public) at the 75th Sapporo Snow Festival, Odori 3-chome (Odori West 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo). A demonstration experiment is being carried out at the moving house ‘SAPPORO ZERO BOX’ using next-generation perovskite solar cells, which are a type of next-generation solar cell, in a building material with an internal window. Inside the house, an exhibition of information on Sapporo’s initiatives will also be held.
Hokkaido and photovoltaic power generation have a background situation where the disadvantage of roof-mounted solar power generation due to snow cover makes it difficult to spread. The region has led Japan’s housing innovation as it is at the forefront of housing performance, but on the other hand it is also one of the snowiest regions in the world, which has led to a somewhat paradoxical situation.
 It will be interesting to see how the leading building materials manufacturer will tackle this situation. We will keep an eye on the situation from time to time.



【冬のサクラ開花? 霜降り樹氷繚乱】



English version⬇

[Winter cherry blossom bloom? Frosty trees blooming]
Cherry trees are thought to be slightly more white than pink, but the beauty of a momentary winter frostfall had allowed stronger white flowers to bloom. …

I have a large stock of housing stories, but I’m not in the mood (laughs) to go for them. I’m letting the natural flow of shifting thematic preferences take its course, and I’m taking it easy.
 Yesterday, my wife and I were on a mini-trip to Kuriyama-cho in the Sorachi region, and as we passed through the city of Sapporo on the way, the scenery became more gorgeous with the fine weather we had been having. In the middle of winter, when the landscape is covered with snow, the reflection of the sunlight is dazzling, and it becomes a bottomless ‘brightness’, but the atmosphere is a little different. If you look closely, the trees are sparkling. They look as if they are covered in ‘ice’, and the whole scene sounds as if it is orchestrated by a group of cherry trees with a strong white colour.
 The deciduous trees have changed their usual branch-only look and are truly divine. Even the evergreens have white icicles clinging to them, giving them a very nice taste. Above all, the entire ground surface is covered in white, so that the ‘white orchestra landscape’, as it were, is spread over every corner of the land.
 I usually live only in the city of Sapporo, so I don’t have the chance to see this kind of early morning landscapes, but even as a Hokkaido resident, it’s still a curious sight. The temperature was low (11 degrees below zero outside), with not much wind blowing, and I guessed that the moisture in the air must have formed a moderate ‘falling frost’.

 The frostfall has also dressed the dead low shrubs in beautiful costumes and they too have joined the landscape.
 All in all, the landscape pageant was showing us a landscape pageant in the harsh cold weather. And as the temperature rose to positive during the day, these scenes disappeared as fleetingly as light snow. But I was glad to know that even in the middle of winter, nature can enchant us with its wondrous beauty. I felt somewhat grateful.




English version⬇

[Boiled kasube, the soul food of the people of Hokkaido
A taste of Hokkaido’s common people and winter delicacies, commonly known by the discriminatory name ‘kasube’. The shape of the fish and the local flavour are deeply soothing. …

 It’s a holiday, so yesterday I went shopping again at my favourite fish shop, Nioka Shoten, in Yoichi, Hokkaido. I had eaten all the ‘octopus tonbi’ I had bought the other day, so I visited to see if they had any more. It was safely there, so I bought it immediately. Because it is a shop where local fishermen buy ‘fish caught that day’, if you don’t go there, you don’t know what’s there. At the Sapporo Central Market, where I often go to buy fresh fish, the fish caught by fishermen from all over the province are concentrated, so users can choose the type of fish they want, but this is not the case at these locally-based shops. But this is the pleasure of encountering the local people and the ‘blessings’ of the land and sea.
 Yesterday, I was drawn to this Kasube, which is a local name for the local people. Kasube is the local dialect name for stingray. 〜Kasube is the Hokkaido dialect name for stingray. It is the common name for fish of the family Acanthuridae, which includes the common kasube and spectacled kasube. There are various theories as to the origin of the name, but it is said to have been given to kasube in the sense that it is a fish that cannot be eaten boiled or grilled, but only turned into dregs (kasube), as it releases an ammonia odour when it is no longer fresh. 〜Mmmm, very Hokkaido-like (laughs).
 As I get older, this kind of local feeling stimulates my nostalgia in a ‘cradle’ kind of way. Foods that my mother used to prepare for me when I was a child come back to me in my brain, along with the surrounding thoughts and feelings. I think that even when I was a child, they were shipped in large quantities as a local delicacy and were a common ingredient on the dinner table. Sometimes I go shopping with my mother and memories of seeing them in the shops replay themselves.

 So I bought it and came home, but my wife decided to ignore it, as if to say, ‘I don’t cook this kind of food’. Oh, thank goodness (laughs). Of course I cooked it. But it was a simple simmered dish, so I only added kombu soup stock and ginger, and the rest was just simple seasoning. The houses in my childhood were of course cold, so in winter this simmered dish had the gelatine part transformed into ‘nikogori’ in the morning. That also strongly stimulated my brain.
 Today, you would have to put it in the freezer, but I would enjoy that kind of thing. Oh, I’m getting less harried.