〜YKK AP 株式会社(本社︓東京都千代⽥区、社⻑︓⿂津彰)は次世代型太陽電池であるペロブスカイト
太陽電池を⽤いた建材⼀体型太陽光発電の実証実験を実施するため、2050 年までに市内の温室効果ガス排出量を実質ゼロ(カーボンニュートラル)にする⽬標を掲げ環境省の「脱炭素先⾏地域」にも選定されている札幌市(市⻑︓秋元 克広)と、1⽉20 ⽇に連携協定を締結しました。〜
具体的な行動計画として、期間2025年2⽉4⽇〜11⽇のさっぽろ雪まつり開催期間中に・時間11時〜20 時(⼀般開放)・場所︓第75 回さっぽろ雪まつり ⼤通会場3丁⽬(札幌市中央区⼤通⻄3丁⽬)【さっぽろ雪まつり 実証実験 概要】・ムービングハウス「SAPPORO ZERO BOX」にて、次世代型太陽電池であるペロブスカイト太陽電池を⽤いた内窓タイプの建材⼀体型太陽光発電等により実証実験を⾏います。ハウス内では、札幌市の取り組みに関する情報発信の展⽰も⾏います〜とのこと。
English version⬇
YKK AP and the City of Sapporo signed a collaboration agreement on building material-integrated photovoltaic power generation.
A demonstration experiment using next-generation photovoltaic power generation (perovskite solar cells) is open to the public at the Snow Festival site. An interesting challenge…
Yesterday, I received an invitation to attend a press conference as described above, which I thought would be a good stimulating opportunity to restart my activities as a ‘housing journalist’.
I have also served as a member of the Hokkaido Construction Bureau’s Building Guidance Section’s Housing Policy Deliberation Committee, so I thought it necessary to keep myself informed. I was also deeply interested in the theme of ‘solar power generation’, which is the subject of a series of articles in Replan magazine by Associate Professor Masayuki Mae of the University of Tokyo.
In a sense, it may be symbolic that the announcement of the cutting-edge decarbonisation initiative is made on the same day as the inauguration of the US Trump administration, which is also expected to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The following is a summary from the press release.
〜YKK AP Corporation (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Akira YAZU) has announced the development of a new building material using perovskite solar cells, a next-generation type of solar cell.
(Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Akira Akitsu) concluded a collaboration agreement on January 20 with the City of Sapporo (Mayor: Katsuhiro Akimoto), which has been selected as a ‘decarbonised region’ by the Ministry of the Environment with the goal of achieving virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions (carbon neutrality) in the city by 2050. 〜The agreement was signed on January 20, 2012.
The specific action plan is to carry out a demonstration experiment during the Sapporo Snow Festival from February 4 to 11, 2025, from 11am to 8pm (open to the public) at the 75th Sapporo Snow Festival, Odori 3-chome (Odori West 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo). A demonstration experiment is being carried out at the moving house ‘SAPPORO ZERO BOX’ using next-generation perovskite solar cells, which are a type of next-generation solar cell, in a building material with an internal window. Inside the house, an exhibition of information on Sapporo’s initiatives will also be held.
Hokkaido and photovoltaic power generation have a background situation where the disadvantage of roof-mounted solar power generation due to snow cover makes it difficult to spread. The region has led Japan’s housing innovation as it is at the forefront of housing performance, but on the other hand it is also one of the snowiest regions in the world, which has led to a somewhat paradoxical situation.
It will be interesting to see how the leading building materials manufacturer will tackle this situation. We will keep an eye on the situation from time to time.
Posted on 1月 21st, 2025 by 三木 奎吾
Filed under: 未分類
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