


English version⬇

[Temporary relief from snow shoveling, today on the Pacific side of the Northeast]
“Diamond dust” image in weather report. Winter in the north, the polar regions. On the other hand, I also feel the “spring of light”. I want to change my mood and increase my will to express myself in a new place after a long time. The weather report shows images of diamond dust in the northern winter and the polar regions.

 Well, today I’m moving to Sendai Airport, Tohoku, to prepare for my speech in Aomori Prefecture on 25-26 Feb. I’m hoping to get some Tohoku wind for the first time in a while. I have been writing about Totsukawa for a while now, but as I will be away from Sapporo until 26 Feb, I have to take a short break today to prepare for my lecture. I would like to continue the article in a different mood at the hotel where I will be travelling.
 Since the transfer of my housing magazine business, I have been walking around the country to find new “interview subjects”, but my wife has been booing me (laughs), so I try to avoid business trips during the peak winter season and heavy snowfall as much as possible, depending on the weather conditions. The implication is that I avoid putting the responsibility of “shoveling snow” from our house and surrounding parking spaces on the shoulders of one woman. Even though the physical exercise sessions are wonderful for maintaining health, they are indeed hard on the body.
 I had already made a business trip in January, but I decided to take advantage of the weather conditions and aim for this date. In Sapporo, the average number of snow shoveling is about 15 times a year, and this year we have to do it again this morning, but if we include that, we have reached about 14 shoveling sessions. After today, there will be only one more shoveling. I’m not sure if this prediction will come true, but I think there is a strong probability based on many years of experience. I am going out on a business trip with this belief.
 The photo shows ‘diamond dust’ at the height of winter in Hokkaido, as shown in the TV weather forecast on 22 February. It is a midwinter fantasy-like phenomenon that appears when the temperature drops below 15 degrees below zero and other weather conditions combine. This image was taken in the mountainous area of Biei-cho, Kamikawa Branch Office, which is known for its blue ponds. I remember experiencing this in Sapporo a few times, but this winter is still Sapporo and the temperature is still 10 degrees below zero, so you probably won’t be able to see it.
 There was record low snowfall in January, but the “balance of the books” in February is astounding. It is now above normal. Even so, you can still feel the “spring of light” when you go for a drive inland. The soft, warm sunlight reflecting off the white snowfields and contrasting with the blue of the sky evokes a unique sense of the season. The enka song “Hokkoku no Haru” (⇐ old) seems to boil in the back of my ears.
 I will continue to write about this place after a long absence.

【大坂夏の陣の武功・槍役45家 十津川と「新十津川」-5】



English version⬇

The 45 families of spearmen and warriors of the Osaka summer campaign Totsukawa and the “New Totsukawa” – 5]
At the nexus of Japanese history, the people of Totsukawa show impressive feats. The “45 families of spearmen” are similar to the Hatamoto. Is there a connection with the image of Yatagarasu in mythology? …

 Yesterday, I mentioned the detailed records of Totsukawa from the Taikoo inspection, and later, during the Osaka Summer Battle, the people of Totsukawa are said to have sided with the Tokugawa and achieved military success. In response to their military exploits, the Edo Shogunate granted the people of Totsukawa “fukimochi” (rice with allowances) and “yariyaku” status, which is equivalent to the rank of shibu (warrior), to 45 families.
 The Tokugawa Shogunate treated the people of this vast territory, which did not conform to the basic economic scale of Japanese society of rice farming, with a special status system. The Tokugawa Shogunate divided the country into regions based on the yield of rice crops and gave the right to control each region to the “daimyo” family, and institutionalised the status of Hatamoto for Tokugawa vassals, but the people of Totsukawa were treated with a special status system different from these.
 This historical background must have cultivated the mentality of the people of this region for a long time.
 In my opinion, the local folklore of Yatagarasu in the Kumano Sanzan Mountains may have played a role in the background of these events.

 In the tale of the Jimmu expedition, it is said that Emperor Jimmu landed at Tategasaki in Kumano and passed through the region of Totsukawa to Yamato Province, and that Yatagarasu led him through the rugged mountain path. This tale of the eastern expedition is, of course, a myth, but we can feel the traces of it in the DNA of the people of Totsukawa. I wonder whether the people of Totsukawa have a respectful expression of ‘Yatagarasu’ for the people who actively led the Jinmu lineage as mountain people.
 In the history of Japan, this is a region that has formed a very special kind of local tradition.
 The Maruta family is not one of the 45 families mentioned above, but it is said to have been a village official and was allowed to wear the family name from the end of the Edo period (1830-1843) onwards.
 The Maruta family archives, which were left in the family, contain detailed records from the mid-Edo period to the Meiji Restoration. They mainly contain records of forest sales and purchases, business transactions and interactions within the village, but they also contain information on events in Edo Osaka at the time and analysis of the situation at the end of the Edo period, as well as a storehouse of knowledge and information unique to the region. The records give us a sense of the level of awareness of the people, who were extremely perceptive to information despite being in a mountainous area.
 When we consider that the rich DNA of these people has been passed down directly to Hokkaido, we are deeply surprised at the “rediscovery” of the region on a flesh-and-blood level. Hokkaido and Totsukawa: far and near.


【新著「作家と住空間」 2/25八戸と2/26十和田で講演】



 東北電力さんの住宅ビルダー・関連事業者さん向けの機会ですが、一応、お知らせさせていただきます。万一のお問合せは、東北電力青森支店・販売本部 リビング営業まで。


【太閤検地記録、減税への希求 十津川と「新十津川」-4】

 「天正15年 日かへ(控えと推定)」「十津川 和州(大和国)吉野郡野尻村 金左衛門 佐介」とある。
 主な作物「いも・そば」と記述された畠からの収穫量とその畠の所有者の記載された文書。「いわむろ」という詳細地名が記され、その収穫地と作物・所有者について「一所畠 いも/そば 一石五斗 清四郎」という「租税根拠」書類が掘り起こされた。
現代で言えば、三木奎吾 所得の方法とその年度の所得金額データみたいなモノに等しい。それまでが、おおまかに各地域集落単位程度の経済基礎の総量把握だけだったものが、各戸ごとの経済規模を直接把握したのだということに等しい。日本の政治統治の新段階を明瞭に示している。現代ではこの段階の「家単位」家制度からさらに詳細に個人単位に収奪構造が進化して行くけれど、いずれにせよ、政治権力による経済支配という「国家のコア」の記録といえるのでしょう。現代にいたるディープステートの実像を見る思い。ひとびとの「減税」への悲痛な思いがこの紙背に刻印されていると思える。

English version⬇

[Taikoo inspection records, the desire to reduce taxes Totsukawa and ‘New Totsukawa’ – 4]
Economic grasp of each piece of land owned by individual owners of raw households. Recalling the disasters of the modern deep state. The people’s desire for tax reductions that transcend time. …

 Digging deeper into the history of Totsukawa, we are forced to rediscover a variety of documents. When visiting, I basically take photos of the various materials, saying “I’ll just collect what I think are materials for now and check them carefully later”. But it is difficult to have the opportunity to delve deeper (laughs). Human nature.
 This time, based on the photographs and images of the Toyonaka Minka Garden in Osaka, which I visited in April 2024, I started to write about the relationship with Shin Totsukawa in Hokkaido, but when I started re-excavating the records here, I found myself plunging deeper and deeper into past history. The illustration above is a map of the “Taikō Kenshi” record among these documents.
 The text reads: “Tensho 15 nen hikakae (presumed to be an annex)” and “Totsukawa Wazhu (Yamato Province) Yoshino-gun Nojiri-mura Kinzaemon Sasuke”.
 Document describing the harvest from a field described as the main crops “potato and buckwheat” and the owner of the field. A detailed place name ‘Iwamuro’ is given, and a “tax basis” document was dug up for the harvest area, crops and owner: ‘Ichisho Hatake imo / soba, one stone five too, Seishiro’.
 〜The Taiko-kensetsu was a survey of fields, excluding forests and mountains, and the amount of harvested crops, which was carried out throughout Japan by Hideyoshi in 1582 to clarify the basic conditions for levying taxes. It was Japan’s first nationwide land survey, and unified the rice field system, which had been divided into many different categories such as Zhuang, Go, Ho and Ri, and established the village system in order to break down the manorial privilege and make it easier to collect annual tribute for each area of land. In principle, each piece of arable land was assigned to a single farmer (i.e. one farmer per piece of land), and the land was uniformly assigned directly to the lord. This system organised the ownership of each piece of arable land better than in the manorial system, and established the foundations of the early modern feudal system in Japan. Along with the Taika Reform, the Land Tax Reform and the Agricultural Land Reform, this was one of the most significant land reforms in Japanese history. ~Wiki abstract.
In modern times, it is equivalent to something like the Miki Keigo income method and income amount data for the year. It is equivalent to the fact that the economic scale of each household was directly grasped, whereas until then it was only possible to grasp the total economic basis of each local settlement unit. This is a clear indication of a new stage in Japanese political governance. In modern times, the structure of deprivation has evolved from this stage of the “family-based” family system to more detailed individual units, but in any case, it can be said to be a record of the “core of the state”, which is economic domination by political power. The image of the Deep State as it exists today. It seems that the people’s grief over the “tax cuts” is imprinted on the spine of this paper.

【十津川の歴史〜幕末まで 十津川と「新十津川」-3】

 戦国末期の1588年の太閤検地によって十津川の領域が正式に認められる。しかし租税の基礎である水田がこの地域にはほとんどなく、畑作や林業などが生業であったことから赦免地として租税負担を免除されることになった。(石碑写真)司馬遼太郎「街道をゆく12 十津川街道」でも、この租税免除という伝統的な法制度体系がひとびとの意識に刷り込まれたDNAについて探究されている。

English version⬇

History of Totsukawa – to the end of the Edo period Totsukawa and ‘New Totsukawa’ – 3
The ‘annual tribute forgiveness’ tax exemption dating back to the Taikoh land survey. The extraterritorial history of the area encompassing the centre of power and the ‘near but far’ mountains and valleys, as well as the Kumano faith. …

The house in the photograph is the ‘Maruta Family’, known as a prominent Totsukawa family, which has been relocated and preserved in the Minka-en in Toyonaka, Osaka. For Hokkaido people, ‘Totsukawa’ has a strong memory as a symbolic ‘settlement’ movement during the Meiji pioneering period. The name of the settled land, ‘Shin Totsukawa’, echoes in our minds how we ‘feel’ for the mother land: when I made a ‘Kumano Pilgrimage’ two years ago, which is very remote from Hokkaido people, on the way from there to the Yamato Plain and Asuka area, I thought ‘This is the mother village of Shin Totsukawa…’. The three thousand six hundred peaks and their crowns are the most important in the world. The natural environment of deep mountains and valleys is so deep that it is described by the article as ‘three thousand six hundred peaks’.
 The depth of Totsukawa, however, is astonishing even if one only knows a part of its history. In 1142, at the end of the Heian period (794-1192), the place name ‘Tootsukawa-go’ is found in ancient documents. The meaning of the place name Tootsugawa is said to be that of an area far from the capital in the Yoshino Mountains. However, this was the result of the natural environment of the mountains and valleys, which were close to the capitals of Nara and Kyoto, and the Kumano Sanzan, an ancient centre of worship in the archipelago, where the culture of the centre had long permeated. The establishment of the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is also very interesting. Many families of people who were defeated in warfare at the centre of the regime fled to live in the area, and a group of people known as the ‘Totsukawa Goushi’ was formed around their descendants.
 In 1588, at the end of the Warring States period, the territory of Totsukawa was officially recognised by the Taikō Kenshi. However, as there were few rice paddies, the basis for taxation, in the area and the people’s livelihoods depended on field cultivation and forestry, the area was exempted from taxation as a pardoned area. (Stone monument photo) Ryotaro Shiba’s Kaido yuku 12: Totsukawa Kaido also explores the DNA of this traditional legal system of tax exemption, which was imprinted on people’s consciousness.
 Perhaps because of such regional peculiarities, political sensitivities were keenly felt, and during the Tokugawa Shogunate’s establishment period, this characteristic was demonstrated and this right to tax exemptions was continued as soon as the Tokugawa were given power.
 I personally have not visited the southern part of the Kii Peninsula for a long time, partly because of its inconvenience in terms of transportation, but once I have had this experience of visiting the region, I have turned my attention to it.
 It is both far and near, and near and far. It is like the polar opposite of the impression of the region.

【明治22(1889)年の異常気象・大洪水 十津川と「新十津川」-2】

 そのプライド高き郷村を明治22(1889)年大水害が襲う。1月16日にはオーストラリアで最高気温が記録(摂氏53度)されるような「異常気象」ぶりだったとされる。日本に於いても、春から気象条件が安定せず、梅雨時期には長雨、夏に入ると日照りが続いていた。それが8/17になって一転して豪雨が始まった。この雨風は丸2日経っても治まらず郷村を流れる「十津川」の水はあふれ、土砂崩れで民家は流れ出し、くずれた土砂が各所で川の流れをふさいで60ヵ所もの「湖水」が作られるほどだった。死者は168人、家屋流失・半壊610戸。耕地や山林にも大きな被害が出た。県をまたいで和歌山県では同じ河川が「熊野川」になるけれど、この被害は流域の熊野本宮大社・大斎原にも襲いかかり多くの社殿が流された。 流失を免れた上四社3棟は現社地に移設され、大斎原には流失した中四社・下四社をまつる石造の小祠が建てられている。それまでの大斎原の大社は、およそ1万1千坪の境内に五棟十二社の社殿、楼門、神楽殿や能舞台など、現在の数倍の規模だったという。


English version⬇

[Extreme weather and major flooding in 1889: Totsukawa River and the ‘New Totsukawa’ – 2].
The spirit of the entire township and village to rise up from the flood damage and move towards the development of Hokkaido in the Meiji era was violently shaken. …

This was a time when Japanese society was finally about to run towards a new era after the turbulent period at the end of the Edo and Meiji periods. This village of Totsukawa-go in Nara Prefecture was a hometown village of the Emperor and had a unique presence during the Meiji Restoration War. Ryotaro Shiba’s Kaido yuku (On the Road) also painstakingly describes the spirited actions of the people of this region during this period.
 In 1889 (Meiji 22), the pride of the village was hit by a major flood, and on 16 January it was said to have been an ‘abnormal weather event’ with the highest temperature ever recorded in Australia (53 degrees Celsius). In Japan, weather conditions have been unstable since spring, with long rains during the rainy season and continued sunshine in summer. Then, on 17 August, the heavy rains started. The rain and wind did not subside even after two whole days, and the Totsu River flowing through the township overflowed, causing landslides that swept away houses and created as many as 60 ‘lakes’ in various places where the river was blocked by debris and sand. The death toll was 168, with 610 houses swept away or half destroyed. Arable land and mountain forests were also severely damaged. In Wakayama Prefecture, the same river is known as the Kumano River, but the damage also hit the Kumano Hongu Taisha shrine in the basin, Osaibara, and many of its buildings were washed away. The three buildings of the upper four shrines that escaped being swept away were moved to the present site of the shrine, and a small stone shrine dedicated to the middle four and lower four shrines that were swept away was built in Osaibara. The former shrine in Osaibara was several times the size of the present one, with five buildings, 12 shrines, a tower gate, a hall for Shinto music and dance, and a Noh stage, all within a precinct of approximately 11,000 tsubo (about 1.2 square metres).

 I had this legend in mind when I fulfilled my long-held wish to visit Kumano a few years ago, and was deeply moved by the ruggedness of the natural landscape, which resembles that of Hokkaido, as I experienced the mountainous terrain that runs from Kumano to Yoshino in Nara Prefecture and the rivers that weave through the valleys. As a person from Hokkaido, I wondered if this topography and natural landscape had combined to form the mental image of ‘Kumano Pilgrimage’ in Japanese society, and as a person from Hokkaido, I felt as if my mind was somehow connected to this.
 The village of Totsukawa-go is rising up to recover from this unprecedented damage. Due to the historical power of the Meiji Restoration, many people were active in the central government, and they proposed a national restoration policy to the Meiji Government, which produced political results and won support for the development and emigration of Hokkaido.
 In response to the Hokkaido emigration policy formulated, a total of 600 households and 2,691 people wanted to emigrate to Totsukawa-go Village. In October of the same year, they set sail from the port of Kobe for Otaru in Hokkaido. As a person from Hokkaido, I can’t stop thinking that something is stirring in my blood.


【民家探訪再び 奈良県・十津川と北海道「新十津川」】


English version⬇

Minka exploration again – Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture and Shin-Totsukawa, Hokkaido.
Return to the original theme area ‘house exploration’. We want to delve into the feelings of the Hokkaido people towards Totsukawa, who moved en masse to Hokkaido after the floods. …

I have been publishing an original regional housing magazine for the Hokkaido region since I started my own business.At the age of three, my parents moved from a farmhouse near Iwamizawa in Hokkaido to Sapporo (now Kita 3 Nishi 11, Chuo-ku, Sapporo) to run a food manufacturing and sales business, and I bought a house for sale at the time and began living there. Thereafter, building work such as remodelling, renovating and rebuilding the house was repeated every year in line with the type of business and the expansion of the business.
 By the time he was 15 years old, he had moved to a new house in Nijushiken, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, which is now used as a factory, and built a new house, which was newly built twice and extended and reconstructed every year. Were those childhood – youth experiences imprinted on his subconscious like a trauma (laugh)? As someone who has lived in Hokkaido, with the exception of a period of eight years living in Tokyo during university and employment, I naturally chose ‘housing’ as my main domain when I started my own business. You firmly believed that the foundation of life in Hokkaido was living space.
 Since then, housing exploration and experiences were stacked in life time. Naturally, the reportage formed the bottom line in the midst of the cold-weather housing innovation of high thermal insulation and airtightness. After the transfer of the business, I have continued to be involved in the newly-established business of a related company, and recently I have continued to see a wider range of open houses all over Japan.
 As a result of these experiences, I am now working on an e-publication project to compile the housing visits of the writers. However, there are also many more ‘house-hunting’ records and images that have been accumulated. I would like to write about some of them.
 The ‘Totsukawa House’ at an old private house garden in Toyonaka, Osaka, strongly impressed me with the connection between Totsukawa, a mountainous area on the border between Nara and Wakayama Prefectures, and Shin-Totsukawa, in the centre of Hokkaido.
 The houses in that area were built by people from Totsukawa, which suffered catastrophic damage in the record flood of 1889, who moved to Hokkaido in search of a new place to live. We will delve a little deeper into this from tomorrow onwards.




English version⬇

132 Kan, the sushi feast that was so much fun to make.
After all the preparation, the people who will eat the food gather and the ingredients gather on the table. A fleeting encounter. A once-in-a-lifetime encounter. …

 Continued from yesterday. We completed the preparations for the sushi party by around 7am, and after a short break, we started nigiri at around 9am towards noon, when the family was gathering. In the end, we cooked about 1 square kilo of rice.
 For shirouto, the size of the rice nigiri changes slightly, depending on the day’s mood and sensations. No, it varies considerably. Does it accurately reflect your body’s appetite? It seems to be an expression of an unfamiliar subconscious realm. That and the degree to which the wasabi has been used are also definitely linked to each other. As per the sensations of the day, the size of the sushi rice grip and the size of the fish fillet merge to create a succession of nigirizushi that come out one after the other.

 The selection of the size and firmness of the nigiri – the sense of balance of merging with the neta. You surrender yourself to the sense of rhythm in your body that comes from the repetitive movements of the nigiri. Of course, it is impossible to reach the state of samadai or zammai, but I think I can see a ‘feeling’ in the entrance to that state.
 And also, I can feel a sense of psychological achievement in having reached this stage of thinking about the ingredients and hoping that they will turn out delicious. If it comes to pass, I will be working with the hope that each individual can of fish will have its own unique, one-of-a-kind charm.
 Although it is a physical movement, I feel that various thoughts and feelings are expressed along with it.
 And when each of these dishes is served, it is possible to create original harmony in terms of enjoyment, appearance and colour. I guess that’s the middle of the fun of cooking. The spirit and satisfaction of using the ingredients available at the time and sublimating them to the fullest in the enjoyment of food.
 The feeling of ‘see you next time’ lingers afterwards. I’ll do it again!





English version⬇

Ten items of nigiri have been prepared, now let’s get to work!
Sushi is more invigorating than buckwheat noodles, and it makes your brain active and your blood boil. It is as if the raw life of the fish is boiling and stimulating. …

Today, my relatives and family members, who are spread out over four locations, gathered at lunchtime for a sushi dinner under the guise of a birthday party for my relatives. The main purpose is to satisfy my nigiri craving (laughs). The fish that had been prepared by yesterday were brought out of the fridge/freezer and the ingredients were prepared. Then, I fired up the sushi rice.
 In the middle of all this, I thought, ‘Oh, I have to write a blog’ and rushed to my Mac. The photo above shows the fish that have been processed and made into sushi. There are scallops, hokki, soi, flounder, salmon, tuna, octopus, squid, bonito, and we also prepared a warm eel kabayaki. There are 10 items in total. We plan to serve about 150 cans with these.
 For a chopstick rest, we have prepared ‘octopus tonbi’ as shown below, cooked the day before and kept refrigerated.

 In addition, teppo soup is available as a soup. This is a dish made by heating up a large pot of crab (1 kg of king crab) and cooking it with some vegetables. As it is a sushi combination, it is lightly flavoured with miso.

 So, since lunch is the main meal, I will now make zosui for breakfast, and after a quick and easy meal, I finally want to start ‘nigiri’ in earnest. I know it’s the same for everyone in cooking, but the main battle is up to the preparation stage, and the nigiri is the final finishing process. It’s like ‘hard work’ and ‘rhythmical body movements’, so to speak.
 It’s like going through many battlefields from the fish processing stage, and finally decorating the plate beautifully while playing the rhythm with your body in a ‘joyful’ musical way.
 So today’s blog is about my mind’s pursuit of food, in the middle of cooking. Osomatsu!

【魚をさばく、寿司を握る 「三昧」の週末】




English version⬇

[Catching fish, making sushi, ‘samadhi’ weekends
A ‘dialogue’ with fresh seasonal herring with knife work. In a sense, it’s a time to enjoy the very best of samadhi. Respect for nature wells up in the heart. …

 I have stepped away from the work I have been doing for a long time and from its organisation, and I have changed my place of living to a somewhat freer stance and position, and in doing so I feel that I am gradually getting closer to my natural ‘tastes’.
 Cooking is also a very special kind of cuisine for me. Soba making is probably the most popular type of cooking, but in my case, I am more interested in fish dishes. Soba is a dish that requires kneading, but I’m more attracted to the real pleasure of processing fish.
 The photograph shows herring caught off the coast of Hokkaido, which is enjoying its first ‘schooling’ in many years.

 The fish body is usually over 30 cm. It has become a habit of mine to buy them from fresh fish shops and process them every week. The meat is rounded, and the nature of the seas around Hokkaido is all over this fish. It’s an exciting sight, as if it’s screaming out to you, ‘How are you doing?
 If so, we straighten up and face the beautiful figure from the front.
 From the edge of the knife, I handle the body. The time passes quietly, as if you are seriously facing and conversing with the body. A kind of ‘exchange of life’ is felt.

 I carefully cut the fish into three pieces and then carefully cut the knife against the small bones that still remain. Tomorrow, on Sunday, we are planning to have a family gathering for sushi nigiri, and I think it could be used for that, but Kami has decided that we will eat it as grilled fish, as we always do.
 Oh, we will also get some ara, which we will cook as kipper ara soup and eat it without wasting any of it.
 In addition to this herring, we also have a lot of other sushi items available, which we will be making tomorrow. We are deeply grateful for the seafood around Hokkaido.