English version
Lecture on “Writers and Living Space” in Hachinohe:
an opportunity to lecture on the Corona Disaster and my own changing environment. The sense of time had disappeared (tears). But what I lacked in time, I made up for a little by exchanging impressions at the reception. I’ll do my best again today. …
Well, yesterday I gave a lecture in Hachinohe, the main part of this business trip. It was an “industry information” type situation at an event for construction professionals organised by Tohoku Electric Power Company.
I had given lectures on housing in various parts of Hokkaido and Tohoku as a publisher of a housing magazine, but since the Corona disaster, it has become difficult to hold such events and I have had very few opportunities to give lectures. This is the first time in a long time that I have had the opportunity to give a lecture. Also, my position has changed, so I had no idea that I would receive such an offer. However, the information about the publication of the e-book has given me this opportunity once again, so I have respectfully decided to give a lecture.
I was told that the lecture would last about 50 minutes, but as it had been a long time since I had given a lecture, my sense of time had completely disappeared (tears). Slides for the lecture are prepared using PowerPoint, but of the number of slides I had prepared, 1/4 of them ended up undigested. In terms of time allocation, my “hunch” did not work at all.
With those apologies, I was able to talk to almost everyone at the reception after the lecture, so I was able to “cover” their reactions to the content. As a writer of a publication, this is a rare opportunity to learn about the “reader’s reaction” before publication.
There were various points of “awareness” that I was very grateful for.
It was unusual for a lecture on housing for professionals to receive such a wide variety of reactions and opinions from everyone who listened to it. One woman said, ‘It was interesting to see the way he was so quick to pursue the place and space where the man wrote his love letter (laughs)’.
I am very grateful for the valuable feedback I received, including such comments. However, I will reflect on the fact that I was not able to make good use of the time, and hope to make use of some of the experience in today’s lecture in Towada.
I will continue to make adjustments to the number of slides and the content of my speech until the time of my speech today (after 4pm).
Posted on 2月 26th, 2025 by 三木 奎吾
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