
【魚をさばく、寿司を握る 「三昧」の週末】




English version⬇

[Catching fish, making sushi, ‘samadhi’ weekends
A ‘dialogue’ with fresh seasonal herring with knife work. In a sense, it’s a time to enjoy the very best of samadhi. Respect for nature wells up in the heart. …

 I have stepped away from the work I have been doing for a long time and from its organisation, and I have changed my place of living to a somewhat freer stance and position, and in doing so I feel that I am gradually getting closer to my natural ‘tastes’.
 Cooking is also a very special kind of cuisine for me. Soba making is probably the most popular type of cooking, but in my case, I am more interested in fish dishes. Soba is a dish that requires kneading, but I’m more attracted to the real pleasure of processing fish.
 The photograph shows herring caught off the coast of Hokkaido, which is enjoying its first ‘schooling’ in many years.

 The fish body is usually over 30 cm. It has become a habit of mine to buy them from fresh fish shops and process them every week. The meat is rounded, and the nature of the seas around Hokkaido is all over this fish. It’s an exciting sight, as if it’s screaming out to you, ‘How are you doing?
 If so, we straighten up and face the beautiful figure from the front.
 From the edge of the knife, I handle the body. The time passes quietly, as if you are seriously facing and conversing with the body. A kind of ‘exchange of life’ is felt.

 I carefully cut the fish into three pieces and then carefully cut the knife against the small bones that still remain. Tomorrow, on Sunday, we are planning to have a family gathering for sushi nigiri, and I think it could be used for that, but Kami has decided that we will eat it as grilled fish, as we always do.
 Oh, we will also get some ara, which we will cook as kipper ara soup and eat it without wasting any of it.
 In addition to this herring, we also have a lot of other sushi items available, which we will be making tomorrow. We are deeply grateful for the seafood around Hokkaido.



English version⬇

[A ‘singular day’ when work visibly progresses].
A derelict landscape that seems to silently tell us how to work steadily and over time. Mysterious mental synchronisation. …

 Yesterday, we finally made progress on a project that we have been working on for a long time, taking about two years since the transfer of the business, and we have finally reached the end of the pass. While experiencing a slightly relieved sense of achievement, we are tightening our helmets to face the final touches by working more carefully.
 Unlike work that is carried out in collaboration with many staff members, the work we work on as a private company is largely a matter of ‘breathing together’ with many external parties. The basic rule is to respond in a humble manner, in a way that is not unreasonable and with the other party’s position in mind, so as not to be selfish. I am made to realise that I may have gradually come to understand such a ‘breathing’ method a little better.
 I think that these days when progress can be seen, like a singular day, are probably the moments when the unseen, under-the-water arrangements like a duck’s waterer come to the surface. 
 The photo shows an ‘abandoned house’ that is often seen along the walking path. It is not very common to see abandoned houses like this in the city centre of Sapporo, but this one has been around for five or six years, if I know it at all. There is a noticeable ‘unequal settlement’ in the middle of the building, and I keep looking at it somewhat anxiously, wondering how far it can withstand the snow load on the roof, partly due to the rapid snowfall in recent days.
 It’s a strange thing, when you keep staring at something like that, it forms a sense of ‘familiarity’ in your psyche in its own way. Deep down inside, you feel as if you are cheering them on, saying ‘Go for it’. Cute.
 This wooden house also continues to support the lives of the family who lived there, and even though it has been abandoned, it still conveys something like a cry of life to passers-by like me. It is as if it is teaching me about enduring strength, perseverance to work hard behind the scenes and so on. I feel that this resonates with the development of my work.




English version⬇

Japanese-style ‘gardening’ and Hokkaido’s ‘snow shoveling’ activities
Hokkaido people, who are motivated to shovel snow by their ‘yarikirenai’ mentality that it will snow heavily again, are drawn to the charms of nature in the six months of the year when there is no snow. …

 Continued from yesterday. A contrasting argument between the Japanese garden-making mindset and snow shoveling in Hokkaido.
 There is a sense of distance from the so-called Japanese garden-making mindset from the Hokkaido people’s mindset of ‘putting more weight’ on housing performance aspects such as insulation and airtightness. This feeling is becoming stronger. The photo above shows a wonderful garden at the Takenaka Carpenter’s Tools Museum near Shin-Kobe Station in Kobe City. I am struck every time I visit by the magnificent architecture and gardens, which are indeed an expression of Takenaka Corporation’s corporate policy. Since my first visit, I have visited the Takenaka Taikogukan about 10 times. I am fascinated by the ‘sense of depth’ of the garden of the corporate architecture, which is open to the public.

 However, after returning from such a dreamy and beautiful space, we inevitably have a ‘dialogue with the snow’ every winter for at least half a year in our house, which is a combination of work and residence. The heavy snow removal by public works and the residents’ self-help and service to the public are intertwined, and maintaining this “can-do” mindset has become indispensable.
 I have never been aware of the ‘theory of relationship’ between these two, but I have recently been reminded that a large part of Hokkaido people’s minds are always occupied with such snow-related environmental maintenance in and around their homes during the winter months. This is a more serious ‘dialogue with the natural environment’ itself.
 And the garden at the Takenaka Carpenter’s Tools Museum, pictured above, is clearly in correlation and dialogue with the environment of the land and place here in Kobe. This garden is of course artistically appealing in its expression of the Japanese sensibility of ‘sukiyaki’.
 On the other hand, the Hokkaido people’s dialogue with the snow has a completely different form, and although the base melody is based on a psychology of ‘yarikirenai’, which is more than sukiyomi, it is a ‘dialogue with the natural environment’ itself.
 Hokkaido people, who have no choice but to continue this kind of forced dialogue that goes far beyond the Kacho Fugetsu (flower, bird, wind and moon) mentality, find greater beauty in the vast and attractive natural landscape of Hokkaido once the snow melts. Apparently, it is difficult for them to move towards a profoundly numerical psychology such as ‘Sakutei’. Discomfort. It is easy to assume that the creation of outdoor environments in Hokkaido tends towards a ‘Genghis Khan party venue-oriented’ mindset.
 This is my personal feeling based on the experience of shoveling snow every winter, but how about you?


 わが家では、狭めの敷地の平面部分にはロードヒーティングを敷設して表面にはレンガを敷いて、造園ではない庭としてきました。職住一体型住宅としては、わかりやすいコンセプト。最初はロードヒーティングをよく使っていたのですが、しかし札幌は年間積雪が5mを超える多雪都市。<図は2/11AM9:00現在のことしの年間降雪量データですでに70%程度で推移> このような世界でも奇跡的な多雪大都市なので、融雪地面と非融雪地面の「高低差」がハンパなく発生する。厳冬期3ヶ月程度は、その高低差に悩むことになる。そこで敷設したロードヒーティングは数年で中止。まぁ、こういう用途に化石燃料を使うことにためらいが感じられるようになってもいた。

English version⬇

[After the Snow Festival, it’s spring… or is it?
For the people of Hokkaido, the dialogue with snow is an earnest feeling of the flower, bird and wind seasons. A huge divergence from the traditional Nippon ‘mono no aware’ warm-weather sensibility. Shin Kacho Fugetsu? …

 Yesterday was a mid-week public holiday. The mid-week Monday schedule was a bit of a challenge, and I was not feeling very happy about the holiday. When I was in this mood, a group of snow clearing vehicles were out on the road in front of our house.
 The road in front of our house has a high priority in snow removal work because it is a ‘junior high school route’, and of course the frequency is high. We took these advantages into account when we chose the land, and now that we have lived here for the longest time in our lives, we realise that these advantages were still significant. The junior high school in front of our house seems to have a high number of students as a junior high school in a densely populated area, and I have a hunch that these advantages have a high chance of surviving even in the future when the population is declining.
 The fact that this kind of intensive snow removal is carried out on a continuous basis seems to naturally guarantee the planning of the act of ‘snow shoveling’ the home site & the road in front of the home on that basis.
 For those of us who have lived in Sapporo for a long time, this unavoidable ‘dialogue’ with the snow, and the planning period for snow shoveling, which extends over a period of six months from November to April, is the most important relationship with the external environment. I have come to think that this is an opportunity to ‘dialogue’ with nature even more than ‘garden work’ in the Kanto region and southwards. A unique sense of dialogue with nature that diverges from the so-called traditional Japanese aesthetic of Kacho Fugetsu.
 In our house, we have laid road heating and bricks on the surface of the flat part of the narrow plot, making it a non-landscaped garden. This is a straightforward concept for a house with an integrated work/residential area. At first, road heating was often used, however, Sapporo is a city with heavy snowfall, with an annual snowfall of more than 5m. As this is such a miraculously snowy metropolis in the world, the ‘height difference’ between the snow-melting ground and the non-snow-melting ground occurs without a hump. For about three months during the severe winter season, the difference in height is a problem. The road heating system installed there was discontinued after a few years. Well, we also began to feel hesitant about using fossil fuels for this kind of application.
 Since then, I have been obliged to shovel snow myself, including on the front road, for almost 30 years or more. This kind of conditioning may have been a big part of the reason why I have spent my life in relatively good health. I will have to think about my future old age in combination with my health. An interesting challenge.



English version⬇

[Questions about ‘ad revenue’ even in the use of social networking sites for political activities].
The reality of USAID’s activities has been brought to the surface by the Trump administration. The question of whether our brains have been warped in the form of post-war education? …

 The decline of the major newspapers will not stop, but the TV media is also likely to undergo a review following the Fuji TV issue. Then, the Trump administration has taken a major swipe at USAID, and the so-called ‘DS’ in the US is about to reveal how it has controlled the world’s media and the ‘flow of money’. Although information is currently lacking and fragmentary, we would like to know what kind of ‘control structure’ has existed so far, and we would like to see the disclosure of the actual state of information manipulation in the world’s speech.
 I myself was educated in the post-war education system and have been living in its brain-controlling structure, so my education was based on the policy of the ‘victorious nation’ of the US, especially the ‘Democrat’ Roosevelt (although it is said that Rosevelt is a more accurate pronunciation), who led the US to victory in the war and who, in the post-war period, was responsible for the establishment of the Japanese state. It is clear that the Japanese state has been largely framed by the policies of the ‘Democrats’, who led the US to victory in the war. It will be very interesting to see how far the Republican Trump administration will really go in disclosing information about these core elements. I think it is an opportunity for me, as a human being, to check how I myself have been affected by the situation before I go into the coffin.
 Now, on the other hand, social networking has been remarkably expanding its influence on political trends in Japan recently. Typical examples include the Hyogo Prefecture gubernatorial election, which in itself is a natural phenomenon, but there have also been various developments at the national political level.
 In this context, as a member of the general public, I have a question about the above-mentioned matter: on Youtube videos, advertisements are displayed during playback, and advertising income is earned according to the number of times the video is played. This in itself is a natural part of the system, but the fact that advertising income can be earned even when used for party and political activities distorts politics greatly, doesn’t it? This is the very problem of politics and money itself.
 It is fine that advertising is attached to normal media-like information activities, but the fact that this kind of bias factor is possible in political activities and discourse is a danger. There is a danger of giving a ‘money-making/business motive’ to a very biased discourse, a tendency that could also fuel hysteria, and spur it on. In fact, there is a tendency in some quarters to dread such ‘agitated groups’.
 We have to think about this in order to maintain a more sensible judgment of public opinion, don’t we?

【危険化するオーバーツーリズムに遭遇 in 小樽】

 小樽は明治14(1881)年 明治天皇の北海道行幸の上陸地。8月30日明治天皇は当時の参議・大隈重信らとともに軍艦「扶桑」で青森から小樽に上陸、札幌・手宮間の幌内鉄道の「義経号」で札幌に入られた。北海道の歴史にとってもきわめて重要な土地。そういう故地であるのでわたしのような年代の人間には、どこか、小樽は遠雷のように北海道で「日本が始まった」地域というような記憶心象がある。
 今朝のYahooニュースをチェックしたら、CNN発出の記事が見られていた。「映画「Love Letter」ロケ地の小樽市、観光客殺到でオーバーツーリズム深刻化CNN.co.jp」〜

English version⬇

Dangerous overtourism encounters in Otaru
The daily lives of citizens in Kyoto and other cities are becoming increasingly difficult, but Hokkaido, a scenic beauty with snow, is now also facing a growing danger of overtourism. …

 Yesterday, as a way of spending a holiday for an elderly couple, we headed to a hot spring facility in Otaru City, a suburb of Sapporo. The quality of the hot springs here is to Kami’s liking, so we decided it would be the best place for her to recover from the physical fatigue of shoveling the snow recently.
 Otaru was the landing place of the Meiji Emperor’s Hokkaido excursion in 1881, when he and his councilor at the time, Shigenobu Okuma, landed in Otaru from Aomori on the warship Fuso on 30 August and entered Sapporo on the Horonai Railway’s ‘Yoshitsune-go’ between Sapporo and Temiya. This is an extremely important land in the history of Hokkaido. As such a place of origin, people of my age have a memory of Otaru as the place where ‘Japan began’ in Hokkaido, as if it were a distant thunderbolt.
 Our daily driving route of choice is to avoid the main Canal Street ‘Rinko Line’, which has become an international tourist attraction, and take the back road shown in the map above, the ‘Otaru Port Traverse Road’, which leads to the Temiya area. The view of Otaru city with large snow piles composted on the side of the road in winter also stimulates nostalgic brain recollections of life for people in their old age, as there are various memory afterimages since their youth. My Sukiyoko.
 As I was driving through such a memory corridor, a man in a strange woollen hat suddenly jumped out from behind a snowy mountain on the side of the road, where there was neither an intersection nor a traffic light, eating an ice-cream on the roadway (!).
I had to slow down quickly, but I had a recollection in my brain that the speed of the car was moderate, so I was able to slow down quickly and save the day. It was a good thing that the road surface was already sunny and the sun was already high in the sky, so the deceleration worked without slipping. The person who had been driving the car was not offended by our desperation, but kept to himself and walked away without a care in the world.
 Well, there was no way to be sure, but I could guess that he was a foreign tourist from his appearance, and from the whole situation, I could also guess that he was from a certain country. The fact that there were an unusually large number of people pointing their cameras at the old brick warehouse buildings in the canal district also attests to the situation.
 I checked Yahoo News this morning and found an article from CNN. The city of Otaru, where the film Love Letter was shot, is facing serious overtourism problems due to the influx of tourists.CNN.co.jp」〜
 As for what we can do, we urge everyone to take care in their daily lives.

【列島雪景色 金閣とSapporoスヌーピー雪像】


English version⬇

Snowy Landscape of the Archipelago – Golden Pavilion and Sapporo Snoopy Snow Statue
The ultimate snow-covered Golden Pavilion, a symbol of the Japanese sense of beauty in landscape, and the snow sculptures of the people of the north, which convey warmth. The contrast between the two is striking. …

In a blog that is updated every day, my interest tends to be on current affairs. At the moment, I am busy with a lot of proofreading and proposal compilation work, but the more I feel on the edge of my work, the more I want to take a break in another dimension, not to relax.
 Yesterday, when I introduced the familiar art forms of my neighbour’s house, I was rather pleased to hear from an architectural expert. They said they liked it because it was a reaction of human society to the natural order of heavy snowfall, and not just a reaction of confronting or overcoming it. I was surprised to learn that this is one way of looking at it.
 On the other hand, when it snows in the Kanto region and southwards, the Golden Pavilion is often introduced as a symbolic site. Many people are attracted by the synergy between the beauty of the architecture and the sight of the Golden Pavilion. I, too, look forward to such news at this time of year. The photo is taken from a yahoo article by Nittere NEWS-NNN, but many people, not only from the news media, visit the Golden Pavilion early in the morning with the intention of being photographed, aiming for this sense of beauty. As can be seen in the works of Yukio Mishima, this scenic beauty is typical of the Japanese sense of beauty. The contrast between the water in the background and the green environment continues to deeply capture the Japanese.
 But on the other hand, in the picture below, the people of the northern part of the country are trying to convey some kind of sentiment to the children on the street by sculpting such a snow sculpture in front of their house. Snoopy’s eyes and ears have been coloured to complete the picture, but it is a very human sensation that contrasts sharply with the beauty of the Golden Pavilion.
 In the traditional culture of Kyoto, ultimate beauty is sought after, while in the northern countries, snow, which is so ‘close’ to us, is appealed to with a kind of affection in a fleeting but heart-warming form. Both of these appeal to the heart. Since then, Sapporo has also been baptised by overtourism from around the world with the Snow Festival, but even in a residential corner of the city, it seems to be saying that there is also such a ‘Snow Festival’.


 道行く人びとも、なんとなく気になるようで注目を集めていたようでした。で、さらに時間が経過して見てみたら、写真のような光景に変貌していたではありませんか。いや、お見事! 素晴らしい。

English version⬇

The ‘Snoopy snow sculpture’ in our neighbourhood is a moving sight.
Residents of the north have a common love of snow, and there is something about the snowman that touches their heartstrings. An expression of love for the children growing up in the area. …

 Well, I am really impressed.
 We had seen that the snow had been stored in a box on the road side in front of the approach to a neighbour’s house, but yesterday during the day, we saw them trying to make a snow sculpture out of this snow mass (!).
 People on the road seemed to be somewhat curious about it, and it seemed to be attracting a lot of attention. And when I looked at it after some more time had passed, it had transformed into a scene like the one in the photo. No, it’s brilliant! It’s wonderful.
 The surrounding roads are used as a route for junior high school students to go to school, and nursery school children sometimes pass by, accompanied by their mothers. I remember that you seem to make snow sculptures as a hobby every year, and the children’s delight in this activity made me feel a strong respect for you, which you are doing again this year.
 The other day, I wrote about the snow shoveling activities of Hokkaido and Sapporo citizens as a kind of ‘public service’ that goes beyond the mere ‘as long as it’s good for me’, and that it may be more than the kind of ‘garden work’ that people in the south of Honshu do, This snow sculpture shows a kind of community spirit towards children. Could it be said to be a Santa Claus-like sentiment to bring smiles to the children? It is truly moving.
 Imagining how children who are exposed to this kind of ‘heart of the city’ would perceive it, as people who share the same urban space, I feel truly bowed down. I am filled with gratitude.


【地元・札幌 Kotoni JR駅周辺「空中散歩」コース】

 で、結局「中庸」として、いまはわが家周辺の街区「JR琴似駅」周辺の「SkyWalk Kotoni」という散歩ルートに収まってきております。24時間営業のスーパー店舗でちょっとした買い物をして、そのの駐車場制限時間範囲内(1時間)で、速歩気味に歩きまわるというコース選択。札幌市中心街区の「チカホコ」からススキノ、テレビ塔周辺までの広大な地下空間と比較すればコンパクトではあるけれど、圧倒的にコスパが良く、往復の散歩歩数もおおむね4,000歩超〜5,000歩は確保可能。スーパー店舗以外は全部SkyWalkとして、2階空間の同一平面を歩きまわることが出来るのがメリット。カミさんは「歩きやすくてサイコー」と高評価。途中には当然ながら琴似駅もあるので、ひとびとのその日の様子もわかって、社会性もわかりやすく伝わってくる。どっちかというと「自然愛好派」であるわたしですが、まぁ冬場の妥協策としてそれなりに好感も持って歩いております。

English version⬇

Local Sapporo Kotoni JR station area ‘aerial walk’ course.
The basic health strategy for elderly couples living in cold regions is the habit of walking. A fast walk is the best way to live a positive life. The course was chosen with priority given to foot safety in winter. Sapporo, Hokkaido

Oops, I was too focused on work and in no time at all I reached the time limit for updating the blog. I try to update the blog 24/7, so I set my own rule that I have to finish uploading the day’s articles by 6am. The truth is that I can’t manage myself unless I make a decision like this.
 Yesterday, I had declared that I would try to write as much as possible on ‘housing’ themes around my core business, but I was shattered immediately (tears). So today, I’m going to talk about my daily early morning walk.
 I have set up a walking course around my house in Yamanote, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, which takes about one hour, but as it has changed to a walk with my wife, I have to make various orders for course selection in the winter. When I am on my own, I can walk in all kinds of tough road conditions if I wear athletic shoes with spiked soles, but when I am accompanied by my wife, there is a risk of falling on icy, slippery roads.
 In winter, I sometimes go to the underground shopping centre in central Sapporo as I think it is the best place to go, but the drawback is that I have to use public transport such as JR or the underground to get there and back, in addition to my car. That’s also fine, but it’s hard to feel like you’re wearing normal clothes. It’s interesting because it gives you a feeling of excitement, but it makes you feel like you’re stepping out of the ‘strolling’ frame of mind. A bit of ‘going away’.
 I have chosen the ‘SkyWalk Kotoni’ walking route around the JR Kotoni station area, which is a 24-hour supermarket, and then walk around at a brisk pace within the parking time limit (one hour). Course selection. The route is compact compared to the vast underground space from Chikahoko to Susukino and the TV Tower area in the central area of Sapporo, but it is by far the most cost-effective and the number of steps for a round trip is generally more than 4,000 to 5,000 steps. The advantage is that you can walk around the same plane of the two-storey space as SkyWalk, except for the supermarket shop, which is all SkyWalk. My wife highly recommends the SkyWalk, saying that it is easy to walk around. Naturally, Kotoni Station is on the way, so you can see how people are doing on a given day and get a clear picture of their social life. I am more of a ‘nature lover’, but I also like it as a compromise in the winter.




English version⬇

‘Imadoki-Japan/Hokkaido house-building, what do the makers really think?’
 On the information intake base of housing journalism in the capacity of a free citizen member. It explores how housing can be developed in the future. …

 Yesterday was the day after the members of our affiliate company, Fusoshusha, were hit by a historic short-time heavy snowfall on 4 February, the very day of the event in Obihiro, and we were worried about them, but they all managed to come back safely!
 There was nothing we could do, so we were praying for their safe return by shoveling snow from their vehicles, which they had left at the company office, but it was a relief to see their cheerful faces. We were also able to check on the president of the company, who had ridden in from Tokyo the day before to join us on site, and we were able to confirm his safety as well. And he was telling us about the unprecedented heavy snowfall ‘with his eyes wide open’.
 The staff were born in Hokkaido, Setagaya, Tokyo, and Uji, Kyoto, so it was a surprising new discovery to hear the reaction from the non-Hokkaido staff that they had thought, ‘I wonder how often it snows this much in Hokkaido’. The conversation was very realistic and we were able to share the experience of the snowfall.
 Although I have taken over the management of the business, I still manage the office building and grounds as a ‘landlord’, and I have been in an advisory capacity for a period of time, so I still feel like a ‘relative’.
 However, one year and four months have passed since I took over the business, and I am gradually doing what I can to promote the independent activities of the newly established company, Replan House Co. Although we are a private company in a relatively free position, the main theme is still ‘how the field of housing can develop in the future’.
 This is why we participated for the first time in the 2/3 branch general meeting of the Sapporo branch of the New Housing Association, as shown in the photo. When I visited Mr Norihiko Kamata of the Shinjyukyo last year, he decided to join as a ‘citizen member’, which is a relatively free position. That is how it happened, but I was invited by the Sapporo Branch as a member of the Branch. The Sapporo branch in particular has seen a significant rejuvenation of its members, and it seems to be overflowing with a sense of the new age of house building.
 The meeting was not a technical training and learning session because it was a Shinjyukyo meeting, but rather it conveyed a realistic sense of the Hokkaido house-building scene that the staff of young member companies experience on a daily basis.
 At the meeting, I was even asked to make a statement by a citizen member, Mr Miki (laughs), and I happily burst out with an honest talk report (laughs). I am aware that this is a valuable opportunity, and I intend to reflect this in my future activities, including external activities on the occasion of the launch of the electronic publication of my book scheduled for April, so please continue to exchange information with the readers of this blog as well.