
【縄文海進と家康の「関東大改造」 浦和の開発農家-1】


English version⬇

Jomon sea advance and Ieyasu’s “Great Kanto Reform” Development Farmers in Urawa-1
Public works projects to remodel nature from the viewpoint of “management” rather than “domination”. The basis of this project, the Tone River eastward shift project, is a gigantic flood control project. The “Tosateru Daigongen,” the sovereign of God. The “Tosetsu Daigongen” character, the divine sovereign.

A continuation of the “Minka-en” preserved buildings in Urawa, where we looked into two merchant houses. This time, we will look at the development of farmhouses in the area. When Ieyasu Ieyasu ruled the Kanto region, he launched a large-scale natural remodeling project. Below the exterior photo above is a red map of the “Minuma-tambo” area related to the houses in this issue, and a map of the “Tone River Eastward Transition,” a massive natural remodeling project.
The Kanto Plain is the largest plain in Japan, but it is a vast area where the remnants of the Jomon sea advance remain strong and the river configuration is not consistent, and the largest river, the Tone River, flows into the Edo Bay (Tokyo Bay), making it difficult to secure stable ground even in the central area, Edo. The huge humid plain area creates a huge cloud formation called “Bando Taro.
Although it is such an area, it has been the land of “Hongan” for the samurai power since the Kamakura period (1185-1333). I believe that this was the background for the establishment of the Yamato kingdom based on the relatively stable ground and climate of the Kinai region, and that the stable control of the eastern provinces and the Kanto region was also a historical “issue” for the Japanese power.
Hideyoshi gave Ieyasu the right to control such areas. Basically, he “contained” them in the Kanto region. He took away the five stable territories of the East Sea and exchanged them for the eight provinces of Sekihachishu. He must have thought, “Now my power is secure. Ieyasu’s steady territorial management in the face of such unfavorable territorial transfers proceeded smoothly.
I believe that Ieyasu’s success in the country was largely due to his “ability to govern and control mountains and floods. The most important of these was his plan to shift the Tone River eastward in the Kanto region.
Although “What to do about Ieyasu” is currently the talk of the town for its mind-boggling fantasy, Ieyasu’s ability to govern is largely due to his ability to rule the three provinces of Mikawa, Omi, and Suruga, and then, after Nobunaga’s death, to annex Kai and Shinshu in a flash, and to his skill in taking advantage of Hideyoshi’s subsequent move to Kanto, bringing peace and political stability to the region. The success of the shogunate was largely due to its ability to bring peace and political stability to the Kanto region. The fact that the vassals of the Takeda and Hojo clans quickly followed Ieyasu’s lead, in other words, brought stability to the region and to the hearts of the people, and I believe that this is what led to Ieyasu’s conquest of the region.
I would love to see you showcase such a non-dramatic theme in your film (laugh). But, well, such a thing would be impossible. Perhaps the heavy mercantilist reformist line of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi would be opposed to the nouveau riche ruling system line, as common sense would dictate.
The fact that Ieyasu sublimated the “castle-building civil engineering technology” that flourished during the Warring States period into the marvelous and peaceful river engineering and construction work known as the Tone River Eastward Expansion Project seems to have been Ieyasu’s hidden “revolutionary” nature. What do you think?
This kind of major natural remodeling project is rare in the history of Japan. It was a gigantic project that practically completed the rule of the Kanto region, which had been painstakingly ruled since the time of the Kamakura samurai. I believe that the legitimacy of the political power of Japan, the Land of Inaho, has its origin in the ability to firmly control nature. For Japan as a whole, the next national territorial management issue led to the management of Hokkaido.
The “Former Hasumi Family Residence” introduced here is a newly created rural farmhouse of the Hasumi family, which was the result of the natural remodeling related to Ieyasu’s major land development project. We will continue tomorrow and beyond in line with the understanding of the regional development aspect of the previous section.

【農本主義から資本主義へ社会転換 中山道・浦和宿の町家-9】


English version⬇

Social Transformation from Farmerism to Capitalism: Machiya in Urawa-juku, Nakasendo – 9
A major social transformation to a commodity distribution economy in a concentrated city. This group of merchant houses visualizes the transformation from the Edo period to the present day. …

During the Edo period, Japan, originally a maritime nation, restricted overseas development through trade and created a society that prioritized domestic security. In this society, the economy was based on the values of the samurai clans, which were strongly attached to the land, and the economic scale of each clan was basically based on rice production, which was defined by the rice production standard of 10,000 goku.
However, around 1700, about 100 years after the establishment of the Edo shogunate, rice production reached 30 million koku, which was in harmony with the total population of 30 million, and remained stable until the end of the Edo period. The standard for calculating the unit is that each person in the population consumes one stone of rice per year.
When rice production, which is the basis of the unit, was fixed at a certain level without increasing, it was natural to think of using farmland for other commodity crops. In such a situation, open-minded clans and others actively worked to produce “specialty products” on a national scale, with an eye on the nationwide distribution market in Osaka. From the mid-Edo period onward, the diversification of such commodity crops progressed beyond rice production.
This may be the result of the economic development of society as a whole, which has shifted from a fixed, single-footed rice economy to one in which a variety of commodity crops are at the center of the economy. The business of merchants who selectively traded fertilizers optimized for each of the various commodity crops may have been established. The political changes that led to the opening of Japan to the outside world at the end of the Edo period can be seen as an inevitable consequence of this economic development.
In the postwar period, my father’s family was engaged in the business of buying commodity crops from Hokkaido and sending them to the Osaka market. He was engaged in a speculative business, focusing not only on the status of tenant farmers, which had been gained through the liberation of smallholdings, but also on the distribution of commodity crops, so to speak, and the structure of the market on a national scale.
For a time, he tried to gain profit by producing “lily root” intensively in the area centering on Kurisawa, Hokkaido, where it had taken root since his parents’ generation, and sending it to Osaka. However, the commodity market was prone to “crash prices. After sending a large quantity of lily bulb to Osaka with all his money, he received a telegram immediately saying, “The market price of lily bulb in Osaka has plummeted! The company was able to avoid the crisis by stopping the wagons in Niigata and sending them to the Kanto region, where the market had not yet plummeted.
I have heard my father say that this was the beginning of his later foray into the food manufacturing business in Sapporo, as he was deeply aware of the dangers of being too speculative.
By looking at the old architecture of Urawa, which has the commonality of being a merchant house on a street, I think I was able to see in concrete terms the history of the people’s lives during the transition from an agrarian to a capitalist economy from the Edo period to today. I was also able to synchronize the transition of my family’s history. I was able to replay some very vivid memories.
Although I have seen the history of housing in Hokkaido, I feel that this kind of business of a merchant family is more realistic and gives me a greater sense of depth from the perspective of the research.

【商品作物経済の基幹「肥料」 中山道・浦和宿の町家-8】



English version⬇

Fertilizer, the backbone of the commodity crop economy.
The air is filled with the vitality of the contact point of the commodity crop economy, the active buying, selling, and transporting of fertilizers. The breath of a manufacturing society. The breath of a manufacturing society.

It is known that the kimono industry flourished in Kyoto during the Edo period, and that the production of cotton required large amounts of fish manure, the demand for which stimulated the fishing and transportation of herring in the Ezo region. The success of an entrepreneur named Takataya Kahei is remembered for the industrial and business revolution in the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe region. It must have been the diversification and industrialization of agricultural products that brought society to a boiling point.
The kimono industry is a totally fashionable industry, but the social development during the Edo period formed such industrial base conditions. It is said that there was a strong demand for such products due to social development, which was the reason why the shogunate repeatedly issued a kind of “luxury prohibition.
In addition, after the end of the Edo period, the opening of the port of Yokohama and the start of overseas trade had an economic impact, and the “sericulture” industry developed vigorously, especially in the Kanto area. The production of mulberry for silkworms created unprecedented demand.
In the midst of such competition in the production of commodity crops, the farm economy became increasingly dependent on “fertilizers,” which were crucial to the yield per unit area. The background to the establishment of the fertilizer business is largely due to the rise in the production of various commodity crops since the Edo period. Was this the very period of the rise of Japanese capitalism? In particular, the Urawa-juku must have been extremely significant in meeting the demands of the consumer metropolis of Edo. The shipment of commodities from the Urawa area to Edo and Tokyo must have been very active.
The photo above shows a store with a wide frontage among the town houses in Urawa. During the Edo period and the Meiji-Taisho prewar period, “fertilizer” was repeatedly carried in and out of Urawa by large carts and other vehicles. The third photo is said to be a photo of the store from the 1950s, and if you look closely, you can see a truck vehicle that looks like an “auto three-wheeler” parked in front of the store, and fertilizers are being loaded out.
It is likely that farmers and “middlemen” visiting the store to buy fertilizers purchased the products at this store, and the products were shipped out from the back yard at the rear of the store.
In Sapporo, Hokkaido, where pioneer settlers developed after the Meiji period, a similar scene was often seen, with the “horse dung wind” of horses used for transportation blowing in front of my birthplace, which faced the Ishiyama Road, a main road. As you can see in the photo, three-wheeled motorcycles were used for transportation. A similar scene must have been seen at the Urawa Inn. My own childhood memories of the Urawa Inn are synchronized with this scene.

As a view inside the store, a weighing scale for “weighing and selling” is sitting on the floor. The explanation was that such a scale was used for large volume transactions, while mass sales were used for smaller transactions. This is truly a vivid picture of business transactions in an epoch-making period.
Many people believed that today and tomorrow would be better than yesterday.

【伝統的「塗屋造」で大火に耐える 中山道・浦和宿の町家-7】




English version⬇

Traditional “Nuriya-zukuri” style townhouse in Urawa-juku, Nakasendo district, withstood a large fire.
The rise and fall of commerce due to repeated “big fires” in Japan, a cultural sphere of wooden architecture. The wisdom of architectural fire prevention to fight against crisis. Protect the business certificate! ・・・・・.

The photo shows the wall structure and exterior of the former Watanuki house, a townhouse in Urawa. From the exterior, even the openings facing the street are carefully “painted” with clay walls. The exterior columns and window frames are painted with white walls in a large wall construction style. The pillars can be seen from the inside, but the wood of the pillars and windows cannot be seen from the outside.
The house survived the Great Urawa Fire of 1889. The house has been relocated and preserved, and the original structure has been faithfully restored to its original state.

This seems to be the result of being smoked by flames from the surrounding area during the Great Fire of the Meiji Era. The “nuriya-zukuri” style was often used in machiya (townhouses) from the early modern period onward, and was created for its utility as a fireproof building. In general, the sides of machiya houses are painted on both the first and second floors, but only the rafters and girders behind the eaves are painted on the front and rear ground floors, leaving the pillars and latticework as they are and the wooden parts around the hips.
Some of them omit the eaves lining on the back, while others only paint the walls of the second floor, but not the eaves lining on both the front and the back. In the Watanuki house, the front pillars were painted both before and after demolition and reconstruction. This is a very careful preparation for fire prevention.
The problem with this type of nuriya-zukuri is the high cost of construction. Although there is little information available on how much carpentry work was done during the Edo period, the labor required to paint walls is all handmade, which inevitably lengthens the construction period. Therefore, there is a disadvantage that the cost of labor and some materials are more expensive than others.

Then, I suddenly realized that the Watanuki family was mainly engaged in the fertilizer business, which was a business for large orders. Inside the store, there is a fireproof safe, and its appearance and impression suggest that top-class business documents such as “certificates” were kept under strict control. Perhaps it is because of its appearance, but the safe seems to have survived the great fire.
The safe was in the safe.
“Oh, I’m glad to hear that.
Yamato-e paintings depicting how buildings in the dozo-zukuri style survived large fires have been preserved as genre paintings, but surviving repeated urban fires must have been a necessary condition for the development of commerce in Japan. In particular, I believe it was a prerequisite for the survival of merchant houses in the neighborhoods of Edo, a city where townspeople were the main residents, to survive fires that repeatedly ravaged the city.
The appearance of this merchant house before its demolition reminds me of the life and death of Japanese capitalism. I wonder if these visible elements of architectural culture will disappear in the course of trade with the advance of digitalization these days. Now, let’s see what happens next.

【宿場町と市場経済 中山道・浦和宿の町家-6】



English version⬇

The Postal Town and Market Economy: Townhouses in Urawa-juku on the Nakasendo Highway – 6
The actual situation of the economy of the inn town in the Edo period can be seen like a perspective drawing. The time of 180 years before and after the Edo period and the breath of the predecessors come together in one span of time. The house is a townhouse.

The former Watanuki family, which operated a fertilizer store in Urawa-juku, was certainly a merchant in Urawa in the late Edo period (1603-1868), as recorded in “Shukuninami Ezu” drawn in 1844. Since the surrounding environment is primarily agricultural, it can be assumed that the stores were in relatively high demand.
Rough goods are mainly miscellaneous goods such as colanders, brooms, and dust trimmers. The fertilizer store, on the other hand, was a wholesaler of fertilizers, sugar, wheat, and other commodities, and also dealt with large customers. It is evident that fertilizers were sold and traded in varieties optimized for each crop.
Furthermore, it is said that Urawa-juku was also a traveling inn for daimyo daimyo’s daimyo’s visits to the area. Daimyo families from the Tohoku region and the northern part of Kanto formed a procession, and the daimyo themselves stayed at the main traveling inn called “Honjin,” while the other attendants stayed at the “Wakihonjin,” or side inn. The main camp at Urawa-juku was managed by a family called “Hoshino Gonpei Family” for generations. The main camp site was approximately 4,000 square meters (about 1,200 tsubo), and the main building boasted a vast area of 700 square meters (212 tsubo). The building no longer exists, and a monument stands on the site where the Emperor Meiji stopped by during his visit to Hikawa Shrine in Saitama City. It seems to convey the reality of the inn town economy during the Edo period.
According to our family tradition, our ancestors ran a merchant house under the trade name of “Eigaya” in Imazujuku on the Sanyo Road in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, in business with the Imazu Honjin, which was run by the Kawamoto family, a prominent family since the Kokuzo period. The economic reality of the Edo period shows that this kind of lodging town economy was a core business in the local region.
In the “Koshi Yawa (Tales of Koshi)” written by Shizan Matsuura, the ninth lord of Hirado, Hizen Hirado, the movements of my ancestors are described in the description of the labor service of the innkeepers at the “Imazu Honjin” where the innkeepers stayed. It is easy to see how the social system of “Kan-kodogodai” (pilgrimage to and from work) was important to the local economy. It is clear what a huge opportunity it was for commerce in the Edo period.
With such core businesses in place, there must have been a concentration of peripheral goods and services in the inn towns. The Urawa-juku, which happens to be a preserved and reconstructed example of a similar inn town, gives me the feeling that I can feel the breath of my predecessors in my own home.

So, spinning out slightly from this, here is an old photo of our house at the time of the 1950s (1958), when we were making a living as a food manufacturing business in Kita 3-jo Nishi 11-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo. The other day, I saw a picture of a cracker shop in Urawa-juku, which was a very similar picture, but the father, who was young, is in the center watching the production site. It is the final process of food production, and his gaze shows a desperation similar to that of the owner of the senbei shop the other day.
The time-space of around 180 years is at the bottom of the story. The weight of historical time.

【用を満たす店舗群「荒物肥料屋」 中山道・浦和宿の町家-5】



English version⬇

A group of stores that fulfill the needs of “Aramono Fertilizer Store” Machiya in Urawa-juku, Nakasendo – 5
The transportation network originating from “government roads” that brought “industry” to the archipelago. The exchange of people, goods, and money stimulates social evolution and the true nature of humanity. The “Nakayamamichi Urawa-juku” townhouses

Kaido in Japan is a major artery of distribution as a foundation for economic development. It is said that “official roads” were developed in earnest when the Ritsuryo system of state system was introduced in earnest when the city planning of the continental state Tang Dynasty was introduced with the construction of the capital city of Nara. The term refers to the large straight roads (Gokyo seven roads) and other roads that were developed during the Ritsuryo period as trunk roads to connect the central government with the local national governments. The Gokyo-Seventh Province was a broad regional administrative division under the Ritsuryo system of ancient Japan. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), Hokkaido was added to the list and the region was called the Ginki Hachimichi (Five Kinai and Eight Provinces). Many of the current names of regions in Japan (Tokai, Higashiyama, Hokuriku, Sanyo, San’in, Hokkaido, etc.) are derived from the Ginki seven provinces (eight provinces).
As an aside, the history of the importation of horses as a means of transportation coincides with the development of these official roads. Horses did not exist naturally in the archipelago, and their importation and production spread as an integral part of the development of these official roads and highways. This is a realistic picture of “technological innovation” in ancient society, with distribution as its starting point.
However, Japan is a maritime nation, and water transportation has traditionally been the main form of distribution, which seems to have brought about a unique evolution in social development. Sea and water transportation were the mainstay of mass transportation, and large cities were based on these ports and harbors, while key locations on land routes developed as distribution routes based more on agriculture. Unlike other areas, Urawa-juku on the Nakasendo Road is unique in that it is entirely an overland route. Urawa-juku is thought to have originated as a “market” that arose during the Warring States Period. In 1844, there were a total of 212 stores (96 in the upper town, 47 in the middle town, and 69 in the lower town). This diverse group of stores included inns, grain stores, water oil stores, restaurants, fixture stores, and tool stores.
The second house in this Urawa-juku, a living machiya building with an integrated dwelling, is the Watanuki house, a “rough goods and fertilizer” shop.

Various daily necessities for passengers on the Nakasendo route and people living in the surrounding areas must have been traded. The “entertainment” element centering on inns, restaurants, and other such establishments must have attracted people to the area and added color to their lives. Information was also transmitted through such interactions. This must have been another source of support for the local people. The area must have continued to exist as a “sparkling” community that was separated from the surrounding rural environment.
It can be said that this kind of town environment stimulates the essence of humanity more than the “living only” function of housing. I can’t help but be curious about the true nature of humanity in this area (laughs).
The land is divided in the shape of a strip of land centering on Nakasendo Road to the back street. There is a road with a distance of about 1 meter between buildings, and stores, warehouses, storehouses, and residential buildings are arranged along it. The Watanuki family also has a layout with a frontage of 4 ken, facing west.
Since the introduction has become lengthy, we will continue with the store and the architecture tomorrow or later.

【町家の地割りと現代型住宅地 中山道・浦和の煎餅店-4】



English version⬇

Machiya lot layout and modern residential area: Nakasendo and Urawa rice cracker shop-4
Open architectural space to the street. Spatial design that gives full consideration to human interaction. What is the future of the modern closed town and housing? ・・・・.

The location facing a street is a “lot layout” based on trade and exchange among various people. The narrow frontage and long depth of the site make it a rational land use method. It could be called “machiya-style land planning.
In Japan, machiya houses in Kyoto are considered to be a typical example, but they are not unique to Kyoto, and town blocks were universally formed based on this concept in all regions of Japan. Even in Sapporo, the newest metropolis of Japan, “Raccoon Alley” was created naturally.
I believe that by narrowing the frontage, many merchant houses became more densely packed per unit distance, and it was established as a primitive “bustling” production. The display of a variety of products and services in a single location may have had the effect of increasing people’s willingness to purchase. Perhaps this is the universal formation of city blocks for human beings. The development of the district is in line with the diverse needs of human life, and has brought about humane development through human interaction. The open attitude, wide opening of the entrance, welcoming interior space like an earthen floor or a small room, and an open space for living and working.
I myself have been cradled in the atmosphere of human interaction created by these townhouses. The machiya district in Urawa has made me feel very close to the lives of the people.
On the other hand, during the postwar period of rapid economic growth and population increase, so-called “residential areas” were mass-produced, which were districts and houses that were not directly related to people’s livelihoods. In modern house building, such land planning has basically become the mainstream, and average towns have been formed that have almost nothing to do with the characteristics and atmosphere of the township. Houses are now being built in an “individualistic” manner, with basically no orientation toward harmony with the neighborhood or the bustle of the people. Some of my acquaintances point to the Edo period (1603-1868) middle-class samurai residences with no business as the design roots of these modern houses.
I am reminded that we no longer give much thought to the relationship and disconnect between modern urban planning and traditional machiya architecture and housing. In the past, machiya townhouses had a strong relationship with their neighbors, as if they were the other three houses or two neighbors, but in modern residential areas, such relationships are becoming less and less common.
When considering how to build a house, it is important to stop and think about these environmental factors of human relationships. In human society, when extremes are advanced in one direction, the opposite elements react in a “swinging back” manner, and eventually, the society will start to seek for harmony. If this is the case, it may be necessary to reconsider the good aspects of the “machiya district,” as we are seeing it, and bring them back into modern housing.
We need to carefully watch for the emergence of such a demand element for housing, which will emerge far beyond the evolutionary factor of high thermal insulation and high airtightness. In other words, we are pursuing bioscientific satisfaction in terms of “comfort,” and furthermore, we will discover another environmental satisfaction factor. I would like to continue my contemplation.

【都市での生存手段建築 中山道・浦和の煎餅店-3】



English version⬇

The Architecture of Means of Survival in the City: Nakasendo, Urawa’s Sembei Shop – 3
Just 40-50 years ago, the air of subsistence was everywhere in Japanese cities. Is the modern “house just for living” really progress? …

This photo shows the signboard and “storefront” of a “sembei store” taking advantage of its location on a street. In the large earthen floor, the rice cracker manufacturing process was repeated every day. The well-worn kamado (a kind of wooden stove) shows the power of the fire that sustained the business.
The third photo is said to show the “livelihood” of this house in the 1950s. Personally, it is a close resemblance to my father. …Until the Edo period, society was based on agriculture as a basic national strategy. The economy was based on the amount of rice produced under the samurai rule, but during the Tanuma period, there were attempts at “reforms” that emphasized a market economy.
The Meiji government forces overturned the Edo shogunate system by investing in the former zaibatsu groups such as Mitsui and Sumitomo, which had controlled the Kansai economy during the Meiji Restructuring. Such social transformation can be said to have continued until the Showa period.
This rice cracker store in Urawa conveys the atmosphere of such social reform.
I once visited a merchant’s house that still remains in front of a station in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, and the substance of the market and urban economy of the Edo period is still strong in some parts of the Kanto region. The streets of Edo (present-day Tokyo) were probably made up of such merchant and cottage industry houses. As the city changed from Edo to Tokyo, these remnants of the urban landscape were almost completely wiped out. In other words, the state-of-the-art scrap-and-build process has progressed rapidly, and the conditions of Edo society can no longer be felt.

The photo exhibit showed the process of kneading the raw ingredients for the rice crackers, cutting them into molds, frying them in oil over a kamado, dipping them in shoyu sauce, and then grilling them. The photos suggest that the family’s production was maintained by the female labor force of the neighborhood, rather than a “cottage industry. The part of the building facing the street must have been a specialized space for production and business.
In the 1950s, my family was engaged in this type of cottage industry. There were five male siblings in my family, so production revolved around them as the main labor force. Gradually, part-time and other workers were brought in, and the scale of the business expanded. The on-site feeling of production labor and its atmosphere is so pervasive that it has a gut-wrenching effect. Children were engaged in frantic production labor from early in the morning, and then had to eat and go to school. Although “salaried” households finally began to populate the neighborhoods around my generation, most of my children’s families maintained this kind of work ethic.
In the current era of 2025, this kind of atmosphere is disappearing from the city, but I believe that the founding period of Japanese cities was based on this kind of atmosphere. We need to consciously carry on this culture.



English version⬇

Conversation with a mandarin duck and the blooming of a Siberian lily
Two unique seasonal expressions of northern summer. The brightness of life plays its own symphony in the midst of nature. The two subjects are as follows.

Morning walkway, yesterday, we spent some time building a trusting (?) relationship. I was able to photograph a young male member of a family of mandarin ducks, posing on a standing tree (lol). (Laughs.) How nice.
Usually, most of the mandarin ducks are still sleeping, but one of the young male mandarin ducks, which looked like a young male from the color of its feathers, was not so alert and accepted the camera’s gaze without hesitation. He was still very conscious of my presence, and only for a short time, when he basically leapt to the surface to escape my gaze, he seemed to say, “Well, I’ll let my guard down a little bit.
That device, it’s not meant to harm you, is it?” It is as if he is saying to me, “Well, I’m going to let my guard down a little bit, aren’t I? He decided that the iPhone device I was pointing at him was not that dangerous, and for a mere 10 seconds or so, as he descended into the water, he showed his body as if he were looking at me for the camera.
I have observed them wagging their tail feathers from side to side as an expression of their strong alertness, but I did not see such a gesture. I was pleased with myself because of my limited experience in observing nature. It seems somewhat like a clue to dialogue with Ikimono.
I walked along the path, feeling completely at ease, and encountered a decisive change in the daylily, which has been showing changes every day recently.
Finally, among the flower buds that had branched off, there were some that had reached the moment of “blooming.
As the name “lily” implies, the tips of the thin flower clusters spread out. This appearance can be seen as bewitching or dainty, as an appeal to the unique beauty of this species. Either way, I feel it is an expression of feminine beauty produced by the nature of Hokkaido. I hope to enjoy its impressive beauty for some time to come.
At the moment, the flower buds are blooming facing slightly downward. Considering gravity, the flowers open slightly downward and then gradually “stand up” in a straight posture.
As I was taking the shutter to look for blooming individuals, I found one with a snail attached to it as a bonus (laugh).
It was as if an unscrupulous snail had interrupted the moment when the flower finally blossomed after a long life’s work, or as if it was the “destiny” of a flower bud that happened to meet such a fate. As an observer, this kind of coincidence seems to be the very essence of life itself. The two lives of the flower bud and the snail are like the “chance encounter” in Magritte’s painting. Summer in the north is really in full swing.

【懐かしい家内制食品手工業 中山道・浦和の煎餅店-2】



English version⬇

Nostalgic Domestic Food Handicraft Industry: Nakasendo, Urawa’s Sembei Shop-2
The universal survival strategy of the Japanese people from their parents’ generation to prehistory. The unchanging business of food production. The control of the cultural flow path called “Kaidou-suji”. The

Japanese people have struggled to survive in society. We have survived to the present day thanks to the desperate efforts of our predecessors to make a living. This is a matter of course, but this old house in Urawa makes me feel it strongly.
The reason is that the historical background, the location of this rice cracker store, and its business have many similarities to my family’s. The house was built during the period of turmoil from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period. During the turmoil from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period, this house was located facing Nakasendo, a major roadway in Urawa, which is a reasonably urban area, and probably provided food to travelers and other mobile people to sustain their lives.
My family started a food manufacturing business on a site facing Ishiyama-dori, a major north-south road in Sapporo, during the postwar turmoil and reconstruction period, and has managed to support my family.
As I looked at the photos on display of production scenes that were typical of a cottage industry, I felt a strong sense of empathy for the similarities with my own family. The women in the photographs even have the look of their mothers on their faces.
The strategy of survival is to secure a livelihood with reliable food products by opening a wide frontage to the street and offering easy food products to people on the street. I myself was only 3 years old, so I did not understand such a way of thinking of my parents, but I feel the same way about their choice of life, which was to quit farming and move to Sapporo, the largest city in Hokkaido, after the chaos of the postwar period.

Looking at the map with this kind of emotion, the street maps of the time and the names of stores expressed on them also give one a sense of déjà vu. More specifically, even the handwriting, which appears to be handwritten rather than typed, evokes a sense of traditional values from the Japanese society of earlier times.
The work expresses a part of the roots of our society.
〜The origin of “senbei” is said to have been brought back from China by Kukai, or from a confection invented by a disciple of Sen no Rikyu, or from a baked dumpling leftover by a Soka resident named Osen-san, who learned it from a traveler. The practice of baking and eating dumpling-shaped glutinous rice cakes was already widespread during the Yayoi period (710-794). However, this was only a staple food, and it was not until the Muromachi period (1333-1573) that it took on the character of a snack, and it was not until the Edo period (1603-1867) that many specialty rice crackers were born. In the Edo period, “senbei” were made by kneading and baking wheat flour mixed with sugar. Shio senbei” was considered a lower class product, and is said to have originated when farmers roasted leftover rice, mixed it with salt, stretched it out, cut it into rounds in bamboo tubes, dried it in the sun, and baked it over a charcoal fire. It was not until 1645 that soy sauce was added to salt rice crackers. They thrived in the town houses near Edo (Tokyo), such as Senju, Kanamachi, Shibamata, and Soka. In particular, “Soka senbei” from Soka, a post town on the Oshu highway, became so popular that it represented “shio senbei” (salted rice cracker). Reference: National Rice Cracker Industry Association, “Half a Century with Rice Crackers (50th anniversary commemorative magazine)
The Yayoi Period? The world of Japanese people’s food is truly profound. ….