

 〜一般に「翁が罠にかかった鶴を助け、その鶴が人間の女性に姿を変えて翁とその妻に恩を返す」という筋立てが知られている。類似する話は日本全国で報告されており、文献・伝承によって細部で差違が見られる。 〜


English version⬇

The Crane’s Benevolence “Local Folklore” Edition / Fukushima City Minka-en – 5
This is a bedtime story of a tale that exists throughout Japan, with the exception of Hokkaido, and gives the specific names of local places. The profundity of the culture is deeply moving. …

 The Fukushima City Minka-en has a separate exhibition hall, which provides a variety of visual explanations of how people lived in old private houses and their folk customs. Naturally, the relationship between old private houses and folklore reveals the faint realm of the relationship between architecture and human life. We can see how our ancestors lived their spiritual lives in old folk houses.
 I was fascinated by this wonderful folk tale in the exhibition. The following is a summary from Wiki.
 〜The story is generally known as “The old man rescues a crane from a trap, and the crane transforms into a human woman and repays the favor to the old man and his wife. Similar stories have been reported throughout Japan, with differences in details depending on the literature and folklore. 〜The story is told in the suburbs of Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
 The names “Tsurunuma” and “Futakozuka” exist in the suburbs of Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, about 10 km away, so it seems that this story has been passed down with reality in this area. As a Hokkaido native, I cannot help but feel a little nervous when I hear such tales that date back to the divine era, including the names of specific places.
 And when I imagine that these tales were passed down from parents to children in old houses, I am moved by something that these people respected. I am deeply moved by the fact that the local community shares these tales. Especially when the dialect is used as a melody, it is overwhelming.
 In this minka garden, I also saw an old house that conveys the culture of sericulture.
It is easy to imagine that this sericultural culture and the tradition of repaying cranes for their kindness overlap.

 It is my personal fantasy, but if we consider the production-distribution-consumption process, in which silkworms were a rare means of production that brought valuable cash income to rural villages through sericulture, and the textiles produced from these silkworms beautified urban upper-class women, then it makes sense that the cranes which symbolizes beauty in the natural environment of the Japanese archipelago, was narratively entrusted to the cranes.
 The girls who heard the bedtime story may have imagined the beauty of cranes and longed to be one of them, while the boys may have seen the origin of their “longing” in the story. The story reminds us of the layering of many generations who would have arrived at bedtime with the story.
 As a Hokkaider who could not recognize this culture from the folklore of Kunio Yanagida or the folk art of Muneyoshi Yanagi, I have no choice but to look at my own feet and search for “new insights”.





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