


English version⬇

Hokkaido’s Autumn Foliage to be Mainly Yellow Rather than Red this Year?
The unusually high temperatures during the summer may have affected the autumn colors in the mountains, as shown in the title of this article. On the way home, the nostalgic townscape filled my heart. The city is filled with a nostalgic atmosphere.

 My work life has come to an end, and I am free to make my own plans for the next few days of the week. According to my wife’s research, the best time to see the autumn leaves in the Asahikawa area this year is around October 20. We visited the area for a day between the surveying and contracting schedule at work, and also to avoid the holiday crowds.
 I am free to do what I want without having to worry about driving a car. Yesterday, too, I drove about 300 km to Asahikawa area and back, but I hardly felt tired. However, I slept more soundly than usual, so I am sure that I am fatigued in terms of my eyesight and body, but my body and mind feel much more refreshed. I generally choose to drive when I go on business trips, but I can feel refreshed after a rest at the hotel.
 My destinations are Kamui Ski Rinks, which becomes a ski resort in winter, and Kamuikotan. The photo above is a view of the autumn leaves at Kamuikotan. As for the photo, I used Photoshop to enhance its appearance slightly, so I made it “look better” than it is in reality (laugh). Please forgive me. The photo below shows the characteristic color change seen from the gondola we were riding at Kamui Ski Links. I asked the staff at this store about this year’s autumn foliage, and they told me that it was just as shown in the title. The colors were a little duller than last year’s and slightly different from the previous year’s. The high temperatures during the summer had an effect on the colors. Is this the result of the high temperatures during the summer?
 Well, however, it is God’s will, and we humans have no choice but to be thankful and accept it with gratitude. The magnificent natural panorama of Hokkaido gives us a sense of floating in time and space that brings a fresh sense of recovery to the center of our hearts. I am sure that when accepting things, such a washing of the mind will bring about a great realization.
 On the way home from there, we took the “down road” all the way to a hot spring resort in Bibai. We drove from Fukagawa to Takikawa to Sunagawa to Naie, visiting places in Kita-Kuachi that we usually just pass by from the window of the car on the expressway. At my age, I felt that the atmosphere was similar to that of the “rows of houses” I used to see from the car window in my childhood, and I was filled with an irresistible feeling of “nostalgia. I think that there is something about the mountains and rivers and the rows of houses that takes me back in time.
 However, I think I could feel a slight discrepancy between Sapporo’s streetscape and that of today, which is more in tune with the speed of modern times. I am sure that everyone has a different take on this, but for me, it was a very pleasant and enjoyable experience.
 I was healed not only by the autumn leaves but also by the atmosphere of the city.




English version⬇

[Real estate transactions, on-site surveying, witnessing temporary pile installation
We feel that the Sapporo economic zone is being restructured. This is clearly reflected in the speed of the increase in traffic volume. Access to expressways and airfields is the key to the future economy. Real estate transactions

 Yesterday, I witnessed the on-site surveying of the site for a second house.
 There is a sense that the Sapporo area is expanding toward Kitahiroshima and Chitose as a broad economic zone. As symbolized by the withdrawal of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters from the Sapporo Dome and its relocation to Kitahiroshima, the city of Sapporo seems to have lost its sensitivity to new “economic trends” that require a quick response, as the administration side’s boneheadedness has become apparent.
 In Kitahiroshima City, where the Fighters will be relocated, various public investment opportunities are emerging, and in Chitose, the construction of Lapidus and massive investment in the semiconductor industry are expected to contribute to an increase in the population. In any case, there is a growing possibility that the greater Sapporo economic zone will shift to the “south.
 The site and residential construction I am involved with is located in an area where there is a concentration of national corporate sites and other businesses. Access to expressway interchanges is also close to the Sapporo Minami Interchange from Sapporo City and the Kitahiroshima Interchange from the Chitose Airport area. In particular, the Kitahiroshima Interchange is only a few minutes away, and it is only about 10 minutes from the Sapporo Minami Interchange. In terms of transportation access, this is a unique location.
 Reflecting such a situation, the property is located near the intersection of National Route 36 and Atsubetsu Higashi Dori, where traffic volume has been dramatically increasing, and a civil engineering remodeling plan for the intersection is expected to be implemented within a year. I suspect that this is probably one of the highest levels in Sapporo in terms of traffic increase ratio.
 In view of this situation and timing, companies in the surrounding area are responding in various ways to the changes in the situation. There is no doubt that the environment in which we are located will also undergo a major transformation. We have been proactively responding to this situation, and we have been trying to have a “dialogue” with large companies, which has led to a variety of actions from them. Large companies take a long time to make decisions.
 As a part of such efforts, I was present at the site survey yesterday. The red stakes at the top of the photo show the new “boundary line” in general. Since the site is quite large, many “boundary stones” needed to be confirmed, and some of them were buried in the soil and sand, but we were able to properly confirm the outcropping through the efforts of the professional surveyors.
 The field surveying revealed various “information” about the site one after another. As mentioned above, for some reason, there are many large and well-known companies located in the surrounding area, so we were able to confirm that everyone was very rational, sensible, and law-abiding. We are very grateful.



 久しぶりの食べ心地、それも気候に恵まれたことしの日本列島、その空気・風土感もいっしょに、しっかりと味わって食したいと思います。 いただきまーす。

English version⬇

Miyagi’s new rice, 2024 Hitomebore, has arrived.
The staple food of Miyagi Prefecture, where you can enjoy the expression of the producers and the atmosphere and climate of the land. The high temperatures and good weather have resulted in a bountiful harvest. We will eat the whole crop. The whole thing is yours to enjoy.

 Yesterday, this year’s “new rice” purchased directly from a farmer in Miyagi Prefecture arrived. This farmer is a man who took over his family’s farm after he finished working as a sales representative for an insulation material manufacturer. I had been purchasing the rice for my own family because of our continuing business relationship.
 This time, I had a change in my position, but as usual, I received a 30 kg bag for my company staff.
 We received a large quantity of 30 kg bags, which were divided into smaller bags and distributed to each staff member of the company.
 According to the farmer, this year’s new rice was excellent, and he was confident of its taste. I once visited the farmer on a business trip when I was a former employee. The rice was grown in a rice field along a river in an area called Kashimadai Osako, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. In the past, there used to be flooding of the adjacent river, but it was a truly tranquil farming village with a soothing atmosphere.
 When it comes to rice, Niigata Prefecture is well known, but Miyagi Prefecture is also the largest producer in the Tohoku region. It has also prospered as the largest producer of staple food in the Edo metropolitan area during the Edo period (1603-1868). The water transportation route from the Pacific Ocean up the Tone River was the largest distribution route during the Edo period. This is the main economic rationale for the Date clan’s strong attachment to Miyagi during the Warring States uprisings in the Tohoku region.
 It is a gratifying experience to be in touch with the land where one’s staple food is produced and the atmosphere of the land. On the way home from the farmhouse, I was able to fully enjoy the local atmosphere. Well, I should probably be a fan of local Hokkaido products, but in my case, I was deeply involved not only in Hokkaido but also in the Tohoku region. In that sense, I would like to cherish this kind of “relationship.
 Since we still have more than 20 kg of rice from the previous year left over, we have refrained from ordering new rice, and this is the first time we have seen the new rice. Recently, or rather for the past several months, we have been eating rice with “10-grain rice,” which includes azuki beans. This choice was made because we believe that healthy life expectancy is the most important factor. Since we have become accustomed to it and have also succeeded in losing weight, our rice consumption may be on the decline.
 However, since it is new rice, I would like to eat 100% rice today for the first time in a while.
 It has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of eating rice, and I would like to enjoy it with the air and climate of the Japanese archipelago this year, which has been blessed with a good climate. Bon appétit!




English version⬇

I’ve been on a health-care & cooking binge since I’ve been feeling well.
I happened to have a sore throat, so I had to stay away from a large amount of homemade cooking. The source of motivation is health, after all. …

 On the last day of a consecutive holiday, an elderly couple took an early morning walk together. When two people take a walk together, there are a lot of discussions to be had. “How about a course of about 7,000 steps today? It is necessary to have a conversation like, “That sounds good. I can’t choose a walking course all by myself. And as a husband with a wealth of experience and knowledge, I would like to offer a variety of choices and respect her “I’ve made my own decision” mood.
 Oh, from our two-day experience, I know that she has a condition that she wants to avoid “uphill,” preferably downhill. I have learned that I am not averse to a somewhat strenuous uphill, but am attracted to the mentality of overcoming such difficulties. This realization came from walking together. My early morning walking habit has probably continued for about 20 years, and I have naturally accumulated a lot of experience, which is reflected in my choice of course.

 There are many points along the walking course where you can “flower-viewing,” for example. Not only the flower beds in parks, but also the spots along the course where flowers are peeking out from the roadside gardens of the homes along the course. When I walk with my wife, she also guides me to such points. I guess she subconsciously takes into account not only men’s tastes but also women’s tastes. The photo shows “dahlias” in full bloom at a house along our walking course. They have been in full bloom for some time now and have been a delight to the eye. They are still in Sapporo, where the weather is still mild, and they look magnificent, undaunted by the snowbugs.
 Well, this time we were able to take a walk together because it was a consecutive holiday and I was free from preparing for the daytime, making breakfast, cleaning and washing clothes, etc. I would like to try to do so in a timely manner in the future.
 My throat has been ailing for the past month or so, but it is finally getting better, and yesterday my daughter came over, so I cooked yakisoba and meat and potatoes for her. I realized that I was not very active in cooking when I was not feeling well. Well, I cooked as part of my routine, but I did not cook with a lot of enthusiasm, as if I were saying, “Okay, I’m going to cook. I made a large pot of meat and potatoes for eight potatoes, which is a lot of food for more than 15-6 people. I look forward to making them for my daughter and her husband from time to time. I force the “taste of my father” into their taste buds (laughs).
 I offer it to them, saying, “Here, taste it,” and enjoy their reaction. The daughter knows what she’s doing, and responds with a careful examination of the food. It is ordinary, but a moment of bliss.


 レンタカーの場合、移動手段としてだけの活用なので、小回りが利くというのは大きなメリット。さらに長距離移動のスケジュールも多いので、高速道路の軽の割引も3割程度なので大きい。たしかに追い越し時などエンジンの非力を感じることはあるけれど、快適性<利便性の一択。  ということなんですが、このときも通常のチェックを済ませて借りて、必要なカーナビ操作を行ってすぐに出発した次第。で、ひと走りしたあと、高速のPAでふと車両番号が目に入ってしまった(笑)。  まぁレンタカー屋さんに特段の底意はなかっただろうと信じますが、偶然にしては1/10000の確率の番号であります。大当たり気分も襲ってくる一方、比較的に楽天的性格ですのでいい方に考える習慣からすると、メッチャそのあとの運転に慎重さが増したメリット(笑)。まぁありがたい天の配剤でしょうか。  たぶん道路で後続のクルマからは、たぶんちょっと距離を離したくなってくれたのではないかとも勝手に想像しておりました。 みなさんくれぐれも安全運転最優先で。 English version⬇ Rental Cars, Canines, and Walking Cars? In the Kanto region, public transportation is the only choice for business interviews, but for residential interviews, rental cars are still the way to go. This time, I won a precious jackpot number. I'm so sorry....  This is the rental car I rented on my previous business trip to Tokyo. I am concerned about the type of car I drive, but recently I am not so concerned about the type of car I drive, probably because of the stiff competition. I have been driving cars for a long time, even after receiving my driver's license (?). 54 years have passed. It is a small country, but even though I continue to visit many places, I am still driving around with curiosity and inquisitiveness as my companion.  Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I was talking with a person in charge of a car manufacturer with whom I have a long relationship, and I brought up the subject that in the Honshu area, where roads are narrow, it is more convenient to use light cars, thereby blocking his desire to sell luxury cars (laugh). Yes, the roads in the urban areas of Honshu are very narrow, and it is very difficult to visit the various subjects and locations of the interviews. In many cases, you are driving a standard car, and you have to be careful about the width of the car and discuss with the shoulder of the road. Once, for example, in the Kumano area of Wakayama Prefecture, I came across a road where the road width was very narrow with a right turn at a right angle in front of me on a road going down a steep slope, and furthermore, I could not foresee what phase would appear beyond that. I was not confident in my driving skills and ended up taking the long way around to get to the destination. Although I am a veteran driver with more than half a century of driving experience, there is a possibility that I may encounter such a situation at any time in depopulated areas in Honshu.  I heard that about 40% of the cars in Japan are “kei” (light) cars, which probably reflects such road conditions.  In the case of rental cars, since they are used only as a means of transportation, the ability to turn around on a small scale is a big advantage. Furthermore, since there are many long-distance travel schedules, the light discount on expressways is also significant since it is about 30%. Yes, there are times when I feel the engine is inefficient, such as when overtaking, but it is a choice of comfort



 コースはわたしの普段通りで、北海道神宮の周辺緑地を森の中、水辺、いくつかの神社参拝というようにめぐって、最後は北海道神宮本殿に参拝というコース。 神宮境内、早朝は日本人ばかりなのでそこそこ人出があっても静粛は保たれている。散歩が時間がズレて日中になってしまうと声の大きな国のみなさんが多くて、ちょっと悲しい騒音ぶり(泣)。大袈裟に注意するまでもない事柄なのでまぁ、無視一択なのですが、マナーはどうすれば向上していただけるのか、と思ってしまう。

English version⬇

Aging Society and the Changing Sense of “Consecutive Holidays”
As we age, we realize that the marital relationship as a basic unit is extremely weighty. I want to remember to be thankful.

 The world is celebrating a three-day weekend, but as a couple who has reached the end of their lives, we have a high degree of freedom in our plans, so there is no particular need to adjust our activities to this holiday. In the past, we would have planned our activities by asking ourselves, “Where shall we go on this consecutive holiday? But now I am free from that kind of “driven” mentality. I have become free from such a “driven” mentality. The obsession of putting the highest priority on planning has completely faded away. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
 I used to go out for an early morning walk by myself, but when I invited my wife to join me, we decided to go out together. Since it was a holiday and I had no particular plans to go in and out of my home office, I had decided to eat breakfast as a lunch box when I went out, with a menu of leftover food and onigiri rice balls. Kami had no special plans for the morning. However, after the walk, we planned to go shopping here and there.
 Walking the same route we normally walk, our paces differ, so sometimes we have to stop or slow down to match our pace. I was not alone in my life, so when I was walking like that, I began to feel like I was being overtaken.
 When I started walking slightly uphill and then the road changed to a downhill, she followed my pace and almost overtook me. Walking together, we realized that I like to go uphill as fast as I can, while I like to take it easy on the way downhill. I was in a “heh-heh” mood.

 The course was as I usually do, visiting the green areas around the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, including the forest, the waterfront, and several shrines, and ending at the main shrine of the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine. The precincts of the shrine are usually full of Japanese people early in the morning, so even if there are a few people, the place is quiet and peaceful. However, when the time of the walk shifts to the middle of the day, there are many people from other countries with loud voices, and the noise is a little sad (crying). I don’t need to be overly cautious about it, so I just ignore it, but I wonder how I can improve my manners.
 Well, if you can only take a walk during the daytime, it would be better to avoid Jingu.
 We had an early morning walk as a couple, but Kami gave us a high evaluation saying, “It was fun” (laugh). (Laughs.) I was pleased to hear that she enjoyed the walk. I suppose that a major condition for an aging population is a happy marital relationship. People do not live alone.
 So we should not be too busy, but rather enjoy the holidays and beyond at our own pace.

【10/8 オホーツク海・底引き網は「フグ」大漁・・・】



English version⬇

10/8 Sea of Okhotsk, bottom trawl nets catch large “puffer fish”…
Unimaginable rise in sea water temperature in the surrounding seas. Pufferfish, a south-sea fish, is pushing into the east coast of Hokkaido. Salmon catches are down by half compared to last year. Is this a warning to humans? …

 Yesterday, I reported on the changing leaves of the nanakamado trees and the salmon run-up, as is typical of Hokkaido’s autumn season.
 Oh, how are you?”
 “Yeah, I sent you the video I took on your phone.
 “Oh, what’s going on?”
 It’s a video of the fishing I did in Yubu on the 7th and 8th.
 I was in Okhotsk this year, and all I saw was puffer fish, and the number of salmon was very low.
 So I checked out the video, which was probably taken early in the morning of October 8, and found a video of a “bottom trawl” fishery landing in the Sea of Okhotsk. It seems that the fish are being sorted according to species, and the vivid conversation between the men at sea is very unnerving.
 The species of fish are as shown in the photo above. Well, if you look carefully, you can see that this is a big catch of puffer fish. However, the fishing base in the northern sea of Okhotsk has no way to handle a big catch of pufferfish, a specialty of the distant Shimonoseki area, at this time of the year. They have no choice but to send them frozen to Kyushu, which is closer to where they are consumed. Naturally, the fish is less fresh, so the price drops. Although transportation costs are high and time-consuming, there is no choice but to send the fish to Kyushu even if it is bought by fishery-related companies in Kyushu. The economic structure of the fishing base is such that it specializes in salmon fishing at this time of the year.
 The salmon catch is half of last year’s. It is equivalent to 1/4 of the year before. The catch was half of last year’s and a quarter of the year before last.
 The fishermen sent me a vivid “on-the-spot report” of the northern sea. I wonder if they contacted me with information related to my report on the salmon run. I had heard about it, but it seems that the huge change in fish species due to the rise in sea temperature in the seas around Japan has reached an unparalleled level. Squid catches have also been poor. It seems as if the natural world is coming down hard on the human world.
 There may be a way to adapt the industrial structure to these changes in the marine environment, but this will require appropriate investment, and it is difficult to determine whether these changes in the ocean are permanent or not. In the first place, rural areas are directly hit by the problem of declining population, and such restructuring of the local economy will be fraught with difficulties and risks. It is a very difficult task, but we must take the necessary “measures” before despairing.
 The crisis in the fishing industry is symbolic of today’s Japan. In order for the society to survive and to see the next prosperity, we have no choice but to think about what we can do in the current era.




English version⬇

Sapporo’s salmon run up the Hassamu River, Nanakamado, and autumn colors deepen.
The cold progressed rapidly during my early morning walk. It may be time to put on your down jacket. The salmon, both in taste and in the show of their return to the Hakkasamu River, are a favorite of the people of Hokkaido. Nanakamado trees are also beautiful. Sapporo

 I left home around 6 a.m. for an early morning walk as usual yesterday, but the temperature I felt felt was lower than expected. I later checked the temperature and found that it was about 7 degrees Celsius, but my physical sensation was as if it was below 5 degrees Celsius. I tried my best to walk faster than usual to get out of the cold and raise my body temperature. 10 minutes of walking at a fast pace and I was finally getting used to it, but I was wearing a normal jacket, but I thought a light down jacket might be an option.
 So I was walking in a park along the Hassamu River, and I saw people gathered on the parapet of a bridge, staring at the surface of the river. I was about to say, “Oh! Sure enough, they were watching salmon moving up the Hassamu River. As a Hokkaido native, this “event” is truly a seasonal reminder of the season. The Hassamu River is a fairly sloping stream channel, so it is built for salmon runs in some places, but I was encountering a place where I had to be somewhat physically fit to challenge the salmon to make a strong run up there.
 The photo will be somewhat unclear, but it appeared to be a male-female pair. It was divine to see them face their destiny of life as a species without hesitation. As spectators, we naturally began to “cheer” for them, without anyone telling us to. It is similar to the mentality of unconditionally cheering for local athletes.
 Speaking of which, when I was shopping last weekend, freshly caught salmon were on sale for 990 yen per fish, and I immediately bought one. Limited to one per person. I was respectfully allowed to handle it. The milt was freshly removed from the abdomen. My wife said, “Geez” (laugh). I faced her without hesitation and carefully cooked the milt after I finished processing the lean body. I treated it as the main ingredient in a stewed dish, and although Kami was a little afraid of it, when she ate it, she said, “Yes, it’s good. I cooked it more or less thoroughly because I was worried about “anisakis” (an aquatic organism).
 The rest of the fish, including the head and bones, was enjoyed as “ara-jiru” (soup with ara). I mean, I have only used half of the ingredients for the “ara-jiru,” so I can eat it once more. Of course, the meat pieces were divided into about 50-60 slices and frozen. 990 yen is the best level of cosmos.
 Salmon are a mainstay of Hokkaido’s autumn season, whether cheering for their return or savoring their taste.
 On the other hand, the coloring of the Japanese white ash along the path is deepening day by day. They are so hard that it takes about seven times to cook them, but they are also a valuable source of nourishment for wild birds during the winter.
 The autumn season is a time when all things are moving gently and gently.



English version⬇

Visit to a building-related event organized by the Japan Management Association in Sapporo
It is important to observe trends in the market environment to find out the real-time responses of product providers. The event was held in Hokkaido, a small market, and provided an interesting information contact experience. …

 Two years ago, I participated as an exhibitor at a JMA-sponsored architecture-related event at Tokyo Big Sight. In this sense, I also used the event as a means of “gathering information” as I often met many people involved in the construction industry.
 From a common sense point of view, it would have been quite difficult to hold such an event in Hokkaido alone on the market scale, but when I learned that the event was being held in Sapporo, I came to participate.
 The venue was Access Sapporo, the most famous exhibition hall in Sapporo. It had been more than 10 years since I had been to this venue. I went there by car, but on the way there, I forgot my car navigation system (laugh), and it tried very hard to guide me to the “back entrance”. I thought, “That’s strange, I should be able to go in and out of the front entrance,” and headed for the front entrance, but the parking lot entrance was on the front side, and I was able to enter without any problem. I felt like Urashima Taro.
 As a visitor, I felt lost because there were four different themed events being held at the same venue. My motivation for visiting the event was to grasp the latest trends related to architecture, and the event was mainly the “Urban Development & Architecture Comprehensive Exhibition. The main event was the “Urban Development & Architecture Expo,” which was accompanied by the “Energy Technology Innovation Expo” and the “Disaster Risk Countermeasures Expo. I had received an e-mail from JMA informing me of these three events, but when I arrived at the venue, I found that the “Future Strategy of the Tourism Industry” event was taking up almost half of the venue, as I entered through the main entrance. I was not sure what they were talking about.
 After carefully looking at the map of the venue, I began to understand that there was a mix of events with completely different tastes and target audiences. Well, I guess such a strategy is unavoidable to hold an event in Hokkaido. As I feared, it must be quite difficult considering the size of the market.
 I was finally able to concentrate on the event of my interest, and I found several companies and movements that attracted my strong interest. I would like to add them to my own information network.
 I can get the latest industry information at these events, so I can get a bird’s eye view of the architectural and residential orientation of the industry. I was also able to get some fresh information refreshment from the trends of what kind of information the attendees at the event were sensitive to.
 But the problem was lunch (laugh). The food in and around the venue was all fatty and greasy, which was very unappealing to those of us who consider our health to come first. I had no choice but to give up on nutritional supplementation at the venue (tears).

【明治でも女性たちは太陽だった 富岡製糸場-6】


English version⬇

Women were the sun even in the Meiji era.
The phrase “In the beginning, women were the sun” reverberates loudly. The goddess Amaterasu is the basis of Japanese culture. The divine expressions of the women who were responsible for the national economy of the Meiji era. The sun, the sun, the sun, the sun, the sun.

 As we saw yesterday, what the Western market economy expected from Japan at the end of the Edo period and the beginning of the Meiji period was silk products produced by sericulture. In order to secure independence as a modern nation and to compete with the Western powers, the cultivation of “national power” was naturally the first priority. After succeeding in establishing a system of power through domestic wars, the Meiji government properly inherited and developed the economic efforts of the previous shogunate.
 Until then, sericultural industry had been developed throughout Japan because of its environmental suitability, but it remained within the framework of a “cottage industry” operated by farm women. Under such circumstances, demand from France and other large consumption centers increased rapidly, resulting in the distribution of inferior products. Under such circumstances, the “large-scale factory production system,” which was mainly developed in the French style, was oriented. In the process, the first leader, Frenchman Paul Brunat, is said to have studied in detail the sericultural techniques of the Japanese cottage industry and sublimated them into a factory production method that reflected the extracts while learning from the methods of Japanese women.
 In 1872, the Tomioka Silk Mill began to ship products, and its homogeneous and highly precise silk products won high acclaim in the European and American markets.
 Although the silk mill was managed as a state-owned enterprise through this process, it is said that there was a great difficulty in “recruiting” women in the early stage of the operation. The recruitment process ran into a wall due to the spread of rumors that the women would be “sucked alive by strange Westerners. 〜The hired foreigners were actually evil wizards, and as soon as they let in young workers at his behest, they squeezed the lifeblood out of the girls and cut off their lives (from a commoner’s comment at the time: “Tomioka Silk Mill Magazine”).
 Junchu Otaka, who worked hard for the establishment of the mill and became its director, tried to dispel the rumors by admitting his daughter, “Isamu,” as the first apprentice. The factory was run by the government, and the girls, mainly daughters of samurai families, were gradually recruited, appealing to the noble mission of learning the latest factory production techniques and bringing them back to the local silk mill to be established in the area.
 At a time when the railroad had just opened between Shimbashi and Yokohama, women from 30 prefectures in Japan came to Tomioka, Gunma, on foot. They had to pay for their own transportation and lodging.
 I was surprised to learn for the first time of their devotion to their country and to the development of their hometown, even though they were frightened by rumors.
 I suddenly recalled the words of Raiteu Hiratsuka, a writer known as a pioneer of the women’s liberation movement, who said, “In the beginning, women were the sun. The godlike expressions on the faces of the apprentice workers reminded me of the afterglow of the goddess Amaterasu.