
【山村文化の純粋培養「椎葉神楽」 日向・平家村-4】



English version⬇

Shiiba Kagura, a pure culture of mountain village culture, Heike Village, Hyuga, Japan-4
The explanation of “Euphoric Kagura” with many repetitions stimulates the imagination. Each family shares the euphoria of the dramatic space of the Heike Rakunin Mura. A high level of folk culture. The Heike Village

I have somewhat taken a break from the world of housing information in my working days, and I am beginning to let my imagination run free in the thematic area of “human beings and living space” as if it were my “life work” in my own way.
 After covering actual houses from the perspective of a housing magazine publisher, I have come to realize that the ultimate meaning of house building is the result of a search for the “client’s” view of life and way of living.
 The builder must have a rich imagination to “listen” to the client’s inner cries and give form to a space that can make the most of the client’s true nature. Today, there is no longer a strong “fixed” concept of “views of life and a way of life. It is becoming harder to find solid “insight” in them. Does a free society mean that it is harder to establish a basis for norms and strong feelings?
 Perhaps we are now in the process of developing certain “norms” through trial and error.
 On the other hand, in the Shiiba area, there is a shared sense of value about the starting point of the local community, the Heike Rakunin.
 In modern life, entertainment is based on contact with information through TV, movies, the Internet, and SNS, but in the closed environment of the local community, a unique culture called “Shiiba Kagura,” which is a unique, shared, and purely cultivated culture, has been carried on for many years. This culture has a tradition of about 400 years, and has been handed down in 26 places in the village. Every year from November to December, 33 performances are dedicated throughout the night, not only at shrines, but also at private homes.
 According to the description, “Torimono-mai (dance with a sword, fan, or other object to be picked)” is performed with a masked dance in which people wear kagura masks. It is characterized by its repetitiveness and its unabridged old form.
 The word “euphoric kagura” is very stimulating to me, but I could not get a clear picture of what it is about even though I looked it up in various ways. However, based on my limited experience of kagura viewing, I can somehow sense the “dramatic space” nature of this form of kagura. In my imagination, the stage and the audience are united in a dramatic upsurge of excitement, and the same scene is repeated over and over, and the entire theater space is filled with a sense of euphoria.
In this Shiiba Kagura, such a theatrical space is used for 33 performances, which are rotated among the houses in the community.
 When this kagura is performed in the houses in this area, it is performed in the “dei” in the center of the house, and the “koza” is the antechamber for the musicians and caretakers. The villagers would sit on the uchiwen hokaen, the porch that flows from the stage, and enjoy this collective euphoria. The structure and style of the house itself is perfectly suited to this Kagura culture. <The picture of Day in the photo below shows a masked kagura dancer. >The modern house is still a part of modern life, but it is not yet a part of the modern house.
 Modern houses are still in the process of adjusting themselves to the pre-conventional lifestyle of modern life, but I wonder if they will be able to sublimate the “euphoria” of the houses of Shiiba into a living culture.

【狩猟採集・焼き畑、落人の生存戦略 日向・平家村-3】



ぜひ、ご一読ください。  https://www.s-housing.jp/archives/351127


English version⬇

Hunting and Gathering, Slash-and-Burn, Survival Strategies of the Heike Rakunin, Hyuga, Japan-3
How did the Heike Rakunin survive to the present day? Hunting is the best livelihood for experts of bow and arrow. Other than rice paddies, they struggled to survive by cultivating other fields. …

A mountainous region between Kumamoto and Miyazaki prefectures in central Kyushu. The Heike clan fled to the Shiiba area, which is said to be one of the three most mysterious places in Japan.
 Yesterday, I tried to imagine the granddaughter of Kiyomori who saved the Heike clan by self-sacrifice like Princess Anju in the story “Anju to Kurashioh” (Anju and Kurashioh). I remember being deeply moved as a child by the story of “Anju and the King of the Kitchen,” which is one of the most famous folk tales. Knowing that there was such a way of life of a woman, or rather, a type of love in which a woman sacrifices herself to save her relatives, I felt as a man that I had been overwhelmed by the greatness of women. After all, such a heroic spirit as the bloodline of the family that gave birth to Kiyomori is strongly messaged from the choices of women in these circumstances. In a sense, the way in which life is utilized and used in these situations is more important than Kiyomori’s success.
 On the other hand, what kind of “survival strategy” did the fallen Heike warriors use in the deep mountain environment where they were saved, and how were they able to keep their traditions pure and alive until the present day?
 The photo above is an old image from the record panel of this exhibition house. The houses are nestled together in the mountainous environment, as if they were cooperating with each other. As you can see, there is hardly any flat land, and houses have been built on the flat land that barely resembles a cat’s forehead, forming an irregularly shaped row of houses. A strong slope looms immediately behind the houses, and on the lower side, too, a certain amount of “fields” have been built on the strong slope.
 The description describes the village’s occupation as hunting and gathering nuts in the mountains and slash-and-burn agriculture.

There were, of course, few rice paddies in mountainous Shiiba. It is hard to imagine how to secure a water source. The main occupation is said to be hunting. Folklorist Kunio Yanagida Kunio published a book titled “Nochino Kari Kotonoki” about life in Shiiba, which preceded Tono Monogatari (Tales of Tono) and centered on hunting. This is a written record of the facts of hunting. This is said to be a “later” version, but the former Kari Kotonoki refers to the description of the hunting lifestyle in the “Gunsho Ruishu” (1793-1819).
 It is said that the author lamented the decrease in the number of deer and monkeys in the mountains as hunting tools were replaced by guns instead of bows with the introduction of guns, making hunting easier for everyone, and described hunting in the age of the bow. Since there were, of course, no guns in this Genpei period, it is highly likely that it was easiest for people who were accustomed to archery as Heike to convert their skills into a livelihood. Since it is recorded that Yoritomo (1522-1591) engaged in falconry, hunting with a bow would naturally have been an easy occupation for him.
 This may be the reason why there are still legends of the Heike Rakunin in all of the three most remote areas in Japan.
 However, it is difficult to preserve a visual “technical record” of hunting.
 Yakihata is an old agricultural method in which small trees are cut down and burned, and buckwheat, Japanese millet, millet, azuki beans, and other crops are cultivated on the land. The old photographs are thought to represent the drying process. The long porch space faces south and would have been a perfect drying place. It is said that Shiiba is the home of “hiyetsuki-bushi,” and it can be assumed that this is the background of the daily life of this area.
 I am deeply humbled by the efforts made to develop a way of life and livelihood that fits the region in an environment where rice paddy cultivation is not used.

PS: The fourth installment of our series of articles on Shinken Housing Disital was published on May 31.
Please take a look.



【清盛の孫娘と那須与一弟の伝説 日向・平家落人家-2】




English version⬇

Legend of Kiyomori’s Granddaughter and Her Brother Yoichi Nasu, a Heike Rakunin Family in Hyuga-2
 Did the princess, who was a noblewoman related to Kiyomori and could have been a court noble if she had been in the capital, self-sacrificingly devote herself to an enemy general? Yasutoshi and Kurashioh? …

For me, this is the first “Heike Orachito” house I have seen since the Tokikoku residence in Noto. Well, I have seen other old minka houses in Shikoku that have only such traditions, but this is the second one that has a full-fledged village with its own traditions.
The photo above is from the explanatory panel of this reconstructed house. Every year in November, a festival called the “Shiiba Heike Festival” is held. Itsukushima Shrine, a shrine related to the Heike family, is recommended to the local people. Although the Genpei wars have made the “Hachiman” deities predominate among Japanese shrines, many Itsukushima shrines might have sprung up if the Heike had been in control of the area.
 On the occasion of the festival, a woman appears on top of a portable shrine. It is not known who her father was among Kiyomori’s children. She is said to be “Tsurutomi Hime,” a symbol of the integration of the Ochinin community.
 According to tradition, she is the “granddaughter” of Taira no Kiyomori. The Heike line escaped to Shiiba and still maintained their unity, probably due to the worship of such a noble species.
 Kunio Yanagida, who later became the founder of Japanese folklore, visited this area and later went to Tono, so it is considered one of Japan’s three most secluded areas, along with Shirakawa in Gifu Prefecture and Iya in Tokushima Prefecture, where folklore remains. However, Yoichi was ill, and his younger brother Munehisa Nasu, known as “Daihachiro,” attacked this area deep in the mountains.
 The explanation on the panel reads, “He saw the fallen soldiers who had lost their will to fight and were living peacefully, so he decided not to attack them. Daihachiro eventually fell in love with Princess Tsurutomi and decided to live here permanently. However, the order to return came from Kamakura and they parted. If it was a boy, he told her to send him back to Shimono, the Nasu family’s main residence, and if it was a girl, he told her to raise the child here. Since the child was a girl, she grew up in this area, and she took a son-in-law and assumed the family name of “Nasu” and ruled the area for generations.

The story is a local legend about a noble descendant of the Heike clan that ruled the area, so the truth is likely to have been falsified from that standpoint. In my opinion, the story is about Tsurutomihime, a woman who sacrificed herself for the fate of the fallen soldiers.
 I can only imagine how great a decision it must have been for the “peace-building” of this land to have offered herself to the leader of the enemy’s attacking army and to have her descendants bear the name of the leader.
 Furthermore, such shared “feelings” may have continued to ensure the permanence of this Ochijin community. I wonder if she devoted herself to become “Anju,” the elder sister of King Zurikio, who protected the family. It makes me think deeply of the greatness of women.




English version⬇

Minka of the Heike Rakunin in Hyuga Shiiba-1
Exploration of an old private house in Miyazaki Prefecture, the home of a military family that fought in the domestic wars, at an old private house garden in Toyonaka, Osaka. The relationship between the family and the house, which may have suffered a strange fate, is discussed. …

Yesterday, I introduced some examples of houses in Kyushu that I saw at the Museum of Japanese Folk Houses and Villages in Toyonaka, Osaka, following on from my introduction of areas where traditional buildings are preserved. As one would expect, I don’t get a chance to travel much in Kyushu, so I only saw a small number of houses that are said to be models of “Tondabyo” houses built by the local samurai in Satsuma, compared to other areas.
 So I was interested to see this house in Hyuga, Miyazaki Prefecture.
 I was interested to learn about the origin of this house, and to my surprise, it is said to have been the residence of a family in the tradition of fallen warriors of the Heike clan. In Shikoku, there are many residences of fallen warriors built in the middle of mountains as “hidden villages” in various places. In such cases, the houses are built on a very narrow plot of land on a flat area such as a mountainside, so they have a long and narrow layout along the mountainside.
 The same is true in Hyuga, and the photos of the houses built on the building sites in Hyuga and Shiiba show the exact location of the houses. Since the rear of the house borders the mountainside, it is boarded up with no windows to protect the building from humidity and falling rocks. This kind of wisdom must have allowed the house to survive in hiding for nearly 8-900 years.
 I often think that, for example, the “Tokikoku Houses” damaged in the Noto Peninsula earthquake were also built by a fallen warrior, who was the ancestor of Taira Tokikoku, but in the case of the Tokikoku family, they survived as a commercial capital trading on the Sea of Japan and were able to come to terms with the shogunate side. The Jikkoku also produced a judge who condemned Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka in the Showa period. I am deeply impressed by the wisdom of a family that survives in history.
 In my imagination, the fact that Yoshitsune was able to escape to Oshu by the Sea of Japan route may represent such a negotiation with the clan. However, I am intrigued to know what kind of “livelihood” was possible in areas such as Hyuga and the mountains of Shikoku, and how they “came to terms” with the military violence that was the supreme political power of the shogunate regime that was established.
It is said that Yoritomo was under martial law when he was summoned to the anniversary ceremony of the Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple after he had conquered the whole country.
 The civil war that had come to the fore in the form of the Jokyu Incident made it difficult to maintain peace in the country if they relied solely on military force. With this in mind, they stopped trying to suppress those who were “living in hiding” in high and distant mountain villages.
 And, as for the fallen warrior clans, although it is not the same as “If you live there, you are in the capital,” I suspect that they were satisfied with the comfort of their large open residences on the south side and devoted themselves to building an economic circle with the villagers. What do you think?
 <(See the next section, including interior photos, in the next issue.



English version⬇

A familiar inn was in the “Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings.
The traditionalists, who praise old buildings, hate thermal insulation and airtightness, but the reverse is not true. I like it even if they don’t like it. …

The name “Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings” is too long (laughs). I feel that the bureaucratic structure does not really like this kind of designation, even though they have no choice but to do so, and I sense a silent resistance.
 I once attended a meeting of the traditional wooden construction group, where Mr. Daitaka Suzuki was fighting a solitary battle about the importance of insulation and airtightness, and I was cheering him on in a low voice from a far back seat. I could understand their love for the beauty of architecture.
 I can well understand their love for the beauty of architecture. However, all the people of the Japanese archipelago who immigrated to Hokkaido were exposed to the fatal flaw in cold protection measures, and as a result of their “response,” they have developed cold-responsive technologies. Therefore, I wanted to say that it is the same Japan in Mother.
 However, on the other hand, as I have been on a “residential building tour” around the Honshu region, I have been comforted by the beauty of the ancient architecture that you have recommended.
 Yesterday I wrote about over tourism in Nara-Kyoto, and in Nara Prefecture there is the second most populous city, Kashihara. Kashihara Shrine, dedicated to the first emperor of Japan, Emperor Jinmu, was founded in the Meiji period (1868-1912), and the city has prospered since ancient times as an important transportation point in the Nara Basin. To reach Ise from the Osaka area, a cross-basin road known as Yoko-oji was used, and Kashihara has developed as the most important lodging area for these travelers. Even today, the population of Kashihara exceeds 100,000.
 The southern area of the Nara Basin is densely populated with Asuka’s palace and other historical sites. Driving around in a car, one after another, you will discover something new, and no matter how many itineraries you have planned, you will never have enough time to see it all. And all of these places are so unobtrusive and hidden. I was always surprised at how many places I found in Kashihara, and how many places I found in my itinerary that I could not make up my mind to visit.
 That is why I am gradually looking for a hotel in Kashihara and staying there. I am a cost-conscious man who is satisfied as long as I can stay at a hotel, but I suddenly searched for a hotel in Yagimachi, an important traditional building preservation district. I didn’t have high expectations for the hotel, but it was conveniently located in front of the hotel with free parking. When I arrived at the hotel, I looked around and saw that there were a total of 300 old buildings, as you can see. There was also an old-fashioned shrine in the back of the hotel, which gave it a very pleasant atmosphere. I asked him about it, and he told me that it was run by a relative of a well-known old architectural family in this town.
 The most famous important traditional building preservation area in Kashihara is “Imai-cho,” where the main house of Munehisa Imai, a wealthy merchant from Sakai, is located, and there are over 500 old buildings in this area. I took a lot of photos of this area because it is my neighborhood, but I hope that the area is not poisoned by over-tourism and that it will do well.




English version⬇

Portraits of Buddhist priests and the Great Buddha of Asuka
The sightseeing explosion in Kyoto and Nara is overwhelming. It is far from the situation to let one’s mind play with the stage of history. On the other hand, in the Asuka area, silence reigns. A heart-warming trip. Kyoto, Nara

When I visit the Kansai area, I am amazed at the crowds of overseas tourists from various parts of the world. It seems that now that the Corona disaster has finally subsided and the disease is no longer treated as a general illness, people from overseas are rushing to visit Japan, thanks to the extremely large influx of people from overseas, which has been boosted by the weak yen.
 I have written in this blog about my feelings of remembrance for the Ashura statue at Kofukuji Temple in Nara, and recently I visited the temple because I still wanted to pay a little visit to it. From Osaka City, where I stayed the night, I drove almost like a single road, and I moved there smoothly in a rented car. I was lucky to get into the parking lot of Kofuku-ji Temple (1,000 yen), but from there, the crowds were huge.
 The place was packed with people from elementary, junior high, and high schools, school excursions, and overseas tourists from various regions. We couldn’t even buy tickets.

I spent quite a long time in front of the statue of Ashura, which I was looking forward to seeing, and I was able to talk to the priest who was guarding the statue, and he gave me a lot of information.
 After that, we decided to take a walk around the Kofukuji Temple grounds and the Nara National Museum, but it was a bit too much of an overtourism. After about 30 minutes, I became “tired of people”.
 I guess a certain “distance from people” is important to maintain the psychological equilibrium of each human being. So, I went southward through the Nara Basin to Asukadera Temple, hoping to “escape” from the vortex of sightseeing in Nara and to gain psychological equilibrium.
 And I had a “chance encounter” after a long time, as shown in the two photos above.
 Although I had occasionally seen pictures of the face of Mr. Toributsushi on the web and other places, I was very happy to see the picture image placed on a screen of its own size. The expression on the face of the Great Buddha below is one of my favorite faces.
 It is not a somewhat formal expression, but rather a somewhat bland one. Although the statue has been destroyed by fire many times in its history, this part of the face is the original form and is said to be the expression of the Buddha created by Buddhist priest Toributsuji.
 When I arrived at Asukadera Temple, I felt as if I was in a different world from the noisy one in Nara. The quietness of the temple is so great that it makes you wonder where in the world the great bustle of Nara is.
 I have become accustomed to strolling in the Asuka area, and the sightseeing explosion in Kyoto and Nara is starting to wear on my mind. I will probably not visit Kyoto for a while, or I will probably take a “backstreet” type of trip in the future.

【北海道人の庭とは「借景」 新・花鳥風月か】


English version⬇

Hokkaido people’s gardens are “borrowed landscapes,” a new “Kacho-fu-getsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon).
A garden is a “dialogue” between the mind and nature to create an environment. There may be a difference in the way gardens are created with artistic intent and in areas where the size of nature is large to begin with. …

A “garden” is considered to be one set with a house. Most of the famous architectural houses in the Honshu area have Japanese-style gardens of the so-called “daimyo’s garden” or “sukiya-douraku” style.
 I am not averse to such a hobbyist lifestyle, but rather, it “sticks” deeply in the folds of my Japanese psyche. On the other hand, however, I thought it would be a bit “impossible” to create such a garden in Hokkaido, where the house itself must be highly insulated and airtight, and where snow accumulation is an absolute requirement for the garden environment.
 Yesterday, I also wrote about the house and garden of Ryotaro Shiba, the writer whose house is now part of the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum.
 Mr. Shiba seemed to feel “sukiyaki” in the natural wooded area as it is. As a Hokkaido native, I felt a certain sympathy for him.
 This led me to wonder what kind of psychological “dialogue” Hokkaido people have with their gardens or external landscapes, and an image came to mind. That is the photo above.
 It is a “borrowed view” glass window from a museum in a forest in Tokachi, Hokkaido.
 Although not the size of a house, it seems to be psychologically “in sync” with the big sky of Hokkaido and the abundantly expressive nature, in terms of the sense of rhythm of life.
 As a personal psychological scene, my home in Sapporo, where I have lived since I was three years old, is located on the west side of the Hokkaido University Botanical Garden in Chuo-ku, Sapporo City, and from the window I can see the dense forest of the garden. When I looked up at the sky, I saw a “cloud scene” moving in the east-northeast direction, sometimes slowly and sometimes quite quickly, changing its expression in various ways.
 These were the clouds rising from the mouth of the Ishikari River, which is located in the direction from Sapporo, to the basin of the Ishikari River. When the majestic Ishikari River flows into the Sea of Japan, the temperature difference between the sea surface and the Ishikari River makes clouds of complex shapes along the river’s basin.
 If a garden is an environmental creation of “dialogue” between the human mind and nature, then the nature of Hokkaido is far beyond the size of such a cutout to be perceived in this way. I believe that, like me as a child, each upbringing has its own boundary contact point or “window” to psychosynchronize with the nature of Hokkaido.
 When I built my own house, I chose the site, but after actually living in the house, I realized that it was similar to my childhood in terms of the directional relationship with the distant Ishikari River basin, and that there were no other houses in front of the house, which made it an identical viewpoint environment. It may be a coincidence, but I think that when I chose this location, I may have had a subconscious awareness that it might be a good choice.
 My desk is located in a direction that allows me to perceive the expression of the clouds created by the Ishikari River, even if only to a certain extent. When I feel the clouds rising and moving only in that direction in spite of the blue sky, I feel a certain peacefulness.



English version⬇

The wooded “garden” of the area favored by Ryotaro Shiba.
The “dumpling” orientation is more toward vegetable gardens to enjoy greenery while satisfying one’s appetite rather than elegant gardens, and more toward a dynamic BBQ stage than a flower garden. This kind of orientation may be possible somewhere in between. The garden

Yesterday, I wrote about the Japanese “famous garden” orientation in the “Kacho-fu-getsu” style.
 When I think about the normative tradition of “residence” in warm climate Japan and its high-class expression, I conclude that a tatami room with an alcove for “appreciating” the garden through an open veranda is a universal orientation of the Japanese style.
 I believe that there is a large area of Japanese culture that emphasizes the spirituality of appreciating the beauty of flowers, birds, wind, and the moon. It is a spiritual and cultural climate that recognizes the superiority of humanity that has attained such a spiritual horizon of “wabi sabi.
 Such gardens and a way of living that enjoys them were tried to a certain extent in Hokkaido, but they naturally “broke down. I once heard about a house with a beautifully designed garden on the open porch, but the living room inevitably had a large opening, which was extremely cold, and the lightweight roof over the porch could not withstand the excessive snow accumulation during the winter.
 The garden trees were covered with snow from mid-winter to the end of March, and he used to look at the monotonous snow-covered area every day. In the spring, the garden trees are not immediately ready for enjoyment, but rather, they must be released from their winter enclosure and wait for the trees to regenerate and green up. In the first place, such wintering power cannot be expected from delicate evergreen plants.
 After a great deal of effort, the trees can only be truly enjoyed for a few months during the summer season.
 The elegant architecture of the Daimyo Gardens in Aizu, an environment similar to that of Hokkaido in terms of snow accumulation, is said to have failed many times due to excessive snow accumulation, and had to be rebuilt many times at great cost.
 In contrast to such “famous gardens,” the writer’s house, which is now open to the public as the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum in Higashi Osaka, as shown in the photo, has natural vegetation of the local area planted in the garden as it is. Fans from all over the world are said to have presented him with unnamed trees and shrubs for his “sukiyos”. Ryotaro Shiba loved such gardens.
 This kind of garden is also possible in Hokkaido. However, one commenter said that Hokkaido people, who prefer dumplings to flowers, often use their gardens as a stage for BBQs or as a vegetable garden.
 In the vegetable garden, favorite vegetables such as asparagus are planted at the request of the family, so perhaps the concept of “dumplings rather than flowers” is still the only choice.
 But more than that, in Hokkaido, rather than enjoying the elegant miniature “nature” of a small garden, one can just turn one’s eyes and see the wide open sky and the natural beauty of nature. Compared to the charm of such gardens, Hokkaido people are not interested in wabi-sabi style gardens.
 For the aesthetic daimyo’s garden and the elegant orientation that seeks the profound wabi-sabi, the “muri” is the only choice. It’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it?



English version⬇

The “Garden” Culture at the Core of Japanese Housing and Hokkaido
At the core of Japanese housing culture, there is a native culture and sense of values that respond to the beauty of gardens and love of flowers, birds, wind, and the moon. There is a huge gap between Hokkaido and Japan, which is impossible to realize as it is. The “garden” culture and Hokkaido

Recently, I have been having more and more opportunities to explore houses in various parts of Japan, mainly in the Tokyo-Kanto and Kansai-Chubu regions.
 In terms of population size, these areas are about 80% of the “residential culture zone”. The houses are open to the public, and since they are the residences of famous people who have left their mark, they are not “middle class,” but are generally considered to be “luxury residences.
 In such houses, the “tradition” of Japanese housing culture is reflected more strongly. As a house owner in Hokkaido, I am strongly impressed by the relationship between the “garden” and the house, as shown in the photo.
 Needless to say, many areas in Hokkaido have a large amount of snowfall.
 In our daily lives, we are forced to “fight” against this snow in a sense in order to maintain normal human life. First of all, it is the biggest obstacle to mobile transportation for the maintenance of social activities and interaction among humans. When there is a large amount of snowfall on the roads, human life is inevitably hampered by the necessity of clearing snow or organizing and sorting out snow storage areas and snow removal spaces to ensure the convenience of mobile transportation.
 During the winter, these external conditions are thoroughly imprinted in the minds of the people of Hokkaido. They are forced to “fight” against the difficulties of life to survive.
 Under such climatic conditions, the first priority is to secure the convenience of one’s living space. Then, for example, if the site of one’s home is vast, the first priority is to secure the absolute conditions for snow removal, which is necessary to remove snow from the living corridors leading to the “roads” for official snow removal of mobile traffic.
 Under such conditions, if the “winter enclosure” to maintain a generous “garden space” like the one in the photo is not also heavily protected, all the garden trees will be completely destroyed in the spring.
 As a Japanese ethnic group, this is a very novel external environment.
 Inevitably, the concept of a garden in Hokkaido is forced to undergo a transformation from the previous Japanese cultural concept. Rather than gardens and trees, Hokkaidoans are now more interested in “barbecue space” outside, in the direction of “dumplings over flowers,” so to speak. In contrast to the Japanese lifestyle and culture, which is characterized by a sense of “modesty,” the direction of the Japanese people is toward a more immediate and materialistic approach.
 On the other hand, in cultures that consider rich planting as an expression of the owner’s personality and the dignity of the house, such as the one in the photo, the response to a “meticulous” garden is an important aspect of the lifestyle.
 Kacho-fu-getsu,” a key element of Japanese culture, seems to represent a spiritual response to the garden culture that has become a tradition over time.
 As a person who shares the inner cultural nature of the Japanese, I am deeply comforted by the beauty of these gardens, but at the same time, I cannot help but have an internal language of “I can’t do this. 
 I cannot help but be deeply interested in how this kind of absurdity will be resolved.



English version⬇

Yoshiyoshi Shima, “Hokkaido Kaitakushi Hangaku” (Hokkaido Development Judge), appointed in 1869 and dismissed the following year.
The history of Yoshiyuki Shima and his strange fate reveal the Meiji Emperor and his love for Hokkaido. …

The name “hanko” may remind many people of Yoshitsune, but Hokkaido people also think of another pioneer judge, Yoshiyou Shima.
 On the left side of the entrance to the main shrine of Hokkaido Jingu, there is a bronze sculpture of him “with the three pioneer gods on his back. Since I keep seeing it on my daily walk, I have a certain affection for it (laugh).
 While he is so admired in this way, his history in Hokkaido is rather simple. The Meiji Restoration, which was the first of its kind in Japan, was preceded by the Emperor Meiji’s decree to pioneer Hokkaido, which led to the establishment of the “Three Gods of Kaitakushi (Development)” and the unification of the three gods, which he had Yoshiyou Shima take with him to Hokkaido. In his subsequent history, the Meiji Emperor seems to have shown warmth to Yoshiyou Shima as he faced various problems.
 Or, as a pioneer judge, I believe he may have had the opportunity to be in contact with him at court. To put someone on one’s back would not be done so without trust in the person.
 The photograph is of the “Hayashi Shao Shuyuan Kangaku Residence,” one of the first buildings constructed in the Sapporo Main Office. As someone who has worked in the residential field in Hokkaido, I am touched by these small house-sized structures that show the breath of our predecessors.
 Below is a “government expense statement” dated February 21, 1870, showing the payment of 35 ryo for the small house in the photo. The end of the Edo period saw an extraordinary rise in prices, which led to the conversion from “ryo” to “yen.
 Since one ryo is said to cost about 10,000 yen at the end of the Edo period, the house in this photo was built for 350,000 yen. Assuming that the building materials were supplied separately, this may be consistent with the “construction cost. It is interesting that these records are kept not only because they are familiar to the people of Hokkaido, but also because they give us a sense of the atmosphere of the area.
 The winter of 1890-1990 seems to have been extremely cold, and we can see that he slept with a cat in his arms to endure the cold, which further increases our sense of his flesh and blood.
 On the other hand, Yoshiyuki Shima seems to have been a little more “straightforward” in his actions. During his too short period of service, there was a conflict with the “place-accepting” class, which was the core of the economic entity in Ezo at that time. The “place-recipients” were the holders of rights to fishing grounds and beaches as part of the Matsumae clan’s ruling structure, and as the political ruling structure changed from the Matsumae clan to the Sapporo headquarters, there was a conflict between Shima Yoshiyuu and the local economic entities. In fact, he suddenly proposed a policy of denying the right to economic sovereignty, which generated a strong opposition.
 The young Meiji emperor may have loved this kind of “straightforwardness. After all the twists and turns, he was beheaded as the ringleader of the Saga Rebellion, but even so, he was posthumously granted a pardon, and is still displayed at the Hokkaido Shrine, where the Meiji emperor was also enshrined, in a state of unrestrained adoration for the emperor. Something is being conveyed to us.