



English version⬇

The Joy of Spatial Transformation, from the Renovation Construction Site
Residential construction allows you to create your own environment. Renovation is especially enjoyable in terms of spatial transformation. During the process, irresponsible fantasies such as, “Oh, it would be nice to leave it as it is. From the renovation work site

Let me continue where I left off yesterday.
 In the time I have been alive, I have been involved in the building industry for a long time. Of course, the launch of a housing magazine is probably the most significant event, but I have also encountered many changes in my own environment.
The first was the relocation from a farmhouse in Kurisawa-cho, Hokkaido to the center of Sapporo City at the age of three, before I even knew what I was doing. By the time he was 10 years old, the house was completely rebuilt, and he had to move to a temporary residence and then to a new house. Then, at the age of 15, the family moved to a completely new building. Up to this point, the change of environment was unavoidable as a child under his father’s initiative.
 On the other hand, after returning to Sapporo, I have experienced environmental changes due to my own construction about eight times.
 This time, however, the environmental changes caused by architecture are really interesting.
 Of course, as the client, I place the order for such requests myself, but when the construction work starts and the transformation actually begins, I am frankly impressed by the changes (laughs).
 This time, it was a small remodeling project, but it consisted of building a coat rack at the entrance and creating a partition to create a study space on the opposite side of the room. There are many related transformations, but the process of dismantling the building is also enjoyable, and I find myself thinking, “Oh, I’d like it just the way it is” in an offensive fantasy. I am a terrible owner (laughs).
 However, I shut out my fantasy coolly and watched the construction progress silently.
 After all, if it is to be used as an office, the expansion of the entrance area, even if it is small, is still very valuable. It may only be one tatami mat, but when the floor space is expanded, the look of the entrance area is completely transformed.
The entrance area is a very important part of the office space, but it is also very important for the office space.
 The enhancement of public space is directly related to the public nature of the living space.

Although human beings can usually grasp the area of a space by feeling it under their feet, even a slight expansion of the floor surface will have a significant effect. Although this is the only part of the interior, we will continue to change the use of the space through DIY-style furniture construction and rearrangement.
 Woodwork for the exterior was also completed in two days. From now on, civil engineering modifications will be added. Construction continues to be fun (laughs).




English version⬇

[House in Satozuka, Kiyota-ku to be used as an office, partial renovation work
Excited about “building construction” after a long absence (laughs). In an era when the number of vacant houses is increasing, effective use of buildings will become an important factor. …

Recently, vacant houses have become a major social problem. Although surveys indicate that there are more than 9 million units, it is said that the actual number of genuine “abandoned properties” is about 3.5 million units, since the number is not fully utilized and cases of temporary use, etc., are also added up.
 However, with the declining birthrate and population decline, this will emerge as a problem that cannot be ignored.
 In the case of our house, it is not that kind of vacant house problem. It is a maintenance-type, effective utilization-type “care” of existing houses with the aim of making more effective use of them and strengthening family ties.
 The new company, abbreviated as “Miki Jutaku Journal,” will make effective use of the house as an office, and we have asked them to begin work on renovating various parts of the house, both inside and out. The house had previously been used only as a detached house, with only one covered carport for car parking, but we wanted to secure at least three car parking spaces, and decided to remodel the house slightly to create an office space inside.
 The office space itself is located in Yamanote, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, but we think we can use it more actively by using it as a second office. The location is close to the Kita Hiroshima and Sapporo Minami interchanges. I think that highway access will be important from now on.
 Writing” is becoming a big part of my life these days, so the site conditions, which also have a vegetable garden and allow for “sunny days,” seem quite interesting to utilize.
 This one has a more spacious site area and could be utilized in various ways in the future. There is a large COSTCO store nearby, and the location is the second house from the corner lot on Route 36, one of the busiest roads in the city. In front of the house, an arterial road running toward Shin-Sapporo also intersects. We believe that if we can secure about three parking spaces, there will be a variety of ways to utilize the property.
 When the building itself was newly constructed, we, as the owner, worked together with the construction company to achieve rational construction with wood construction, energy conservation, and excellent cost performance. Although it is nearly 20 years old, the basic performance is satisfactory.
 The writer Junichiro Tanizaki was famous for his penchant for moving from one place to another, and it is said that there was a very strong relationship between his housing environment and his “style. Of course, the level of performance is completely different from that of Tanizaki, but we would like to work on high-quality work while paying close attention to the environment.



English version⬇

[Aerial view, imagination on the ground.
An old man clinging to a window in the sky. He is taking pictures here and there with his smartphone. It must be a strange sight from the other side (laughs) …

I am now at the climax of my manuscript writing, and my mind is filling up with each topic. I am more than aware that I don’t have much capacity for writing, so I am feeling a bit dizzy.
 In times like this, it is best to be in a daze, so here is a photo of the view from the sky when I recently boarded an airplane.
 We are from the generation when the “youth discount” called “Skymate” was in its heyday, and the boys in Sapporo in particular were not particularly aware that the neighboring prefecture was Aomori Prefecture, and they almost exclusively used airplanes to go from Hokkaido to Honshu. The “next” prefecture to Hokkaido is Tokyo via Haneda, as is common sense.
 So, during the boarding time of travel, I wanted to see the view from the sky in the first period! It was my first priority, but gradually I got tired of it, and soon it became my first priority to “get off the plane as soon as possible. Anyway, I have been choosing the aisle seat in the front as much as possible for a long time. Business sense is the top priority.
 However, as people’s moods change, they are once again returning to the view from the air. When I think about the process of preparing the computer, working on it, saving it again, and putting it away neatly and in order, the preparation and cleaning up take up more time, and it becomes a hassle. So, I have changed to think that it is the most “efficient” way to be “idle” as I usually am.
 It seems that I have just returned to being a mere hassle.
 However, I have forced myself to think that the view that can only be seen from the sky has some meaning in the enrichment of ideas.
 As I get older, I have more and more experiences on the ground in various places in Japan, and I seem to have more and more points to restore my memory of the places I have seen from the sky.
 It’s a time for ruminating and memory replay, like, “Oh, there was something like this there,” or “Oh, the scenery from the other day looks like this from up there.”
 But I think that airplane routes are always slightly different from each other. Especially in the approach to “Kansai International Airport,” the direction of approach itself seems to change each time. In that sense, I suppose there are once-in-a-lifetime encounters with the scenery. I would like to continue to enjoy air travel in a daze, although it is almost once a month.



English version⬇

The beauty of the wood grain invites us to join the woodwork.
The junction point between the Daikobashira (main pillar) and the large beam timber. The way the beams are cut down shows a chance encounter between the honest grain and bark of each piece of wood. A way to set up a “dialogue” with the wood.

In this blog, a serialized theme is usually one of the “lines”, but recently I have been working on a lot of writing projects, and if I try to work on such a theme on the blog, it will completely overload my capacity.
 I have a lot of photos of houses that I have visited all over the country, but due to the pressure of such “output,” it has become a one-shot theme.
 However, as I wrote yesterday, my “taste for space” seems to be gradually narrowing down, and I am becoming more and more deeply healed by the bark of wood and its expression. Symbolically, “furniture,” etc., which we touch the most in our daily lives, are such objects, but when we come in contact with an atmosphere in which “wooden structures” like the one in the photo seem to have met each other in a certain cross-section, we are surprised at how fresh they are.
 Various structural materials meet by chance at a certain architectural contact point, exposing each other’s bare expressions.
 This photo shows the woodwork in the center of a room facing the stairwell of a wooden house. Under construction.
 I asked a construction worker on site, “What is the rationale for the slightly wider cross section of this beam material at the top and the slightly narrower cross section at the bottom?” I asked.
 The answer was, “Perhaps it is the world of the on-site sense of the carpenter of wood framing.
 Oh, yes.
 If the wood is cut off vertically at right angles, there is no need to think much about it, but by making a conscious cross-section like this, people’s attention will be drawn more to the “bark” and “grain” of the wood.
 For the carpenters on the production side, it seemed to me that by accentuating the cross section a little, they set up an everyday “dialogue with the wood” that makes us wonder “why?
 As a user of the house, I think that one’s attention is inevitably drawn to the woodwork, which shows an honest cut, even if it is only a small section. The wood surface of the Daikoku-bashira (main pillar) and the wood surface and grain of the beams create a kind of harmony that conveys the enjoyment of a wooden house.
 I am sure that the owner will never get tired of the dialogue with the wood over the long time he lives in this house. This is because the bark and grain of the wood are the expression of nature itself.
 I thought it would be nice to have a house with this kind of “device” in the middle of the house.



English version⬇

A long wooden couch in a highway parking lot.
Wooden furniture has a psychological “dialogue” with the user. The wooden furniture relaxes the mind when it says, “Well, sit down,” or “But I’m in a bit of a hurry. It also interacts with a photograph. The photograph also interacts with it.

We have a table in our house, which was built over a long period of time from solid oak that was left to dry naturally at a woodworking shop in Ashibetsu. It has been more than 25 years since the wood came to our house. A quarter of a century.
 In the beginning, it was a “rambunctious” tree. I thought that the wood had been dried naturally for a few years after it was cut, so I thought that the “twisting” and “warping” had been mitigated to some extent. And since it weighed about 200 kg lightly, it took five people to carry it into the house.
 For a few years, we followed the advice to let the wood air-dry in the house by putting block feet over it, but the twisting and warping was rampant from all parts of the timber. When that finally came to an end, I finally had it “finished” as table furniture, but it didn’t quite straighten out.
 Even now, it still retains some “distorted” parts, but together with the blocks on the walls and the bricks on the exterior walls, it plays an important part in the atmosphere of our house. When you arrive at the living room, the grain and texture of the wood make you feel at home, as if to say, “Hey, you’ve come home.
 When I am walking around outside, I tend to look closely at the furniture that shows the expression of wood, and I feel as if I am getting a little bit deeper into it. Of course, it is not as assertive as the table in my home, and you can tell that it has “adjusted” to its surroundings in its own way, but you can still feel that the wood is “alive” in its own right.
 As for the bench in the photo here, I could not check the legs because I was focused on the functionality of the bench, so please look at the grain of the wood. The bench is probably connected to the wood on the back with metal hardware, but I liked it as a “device for dialogue” between human beings and the grain of the wood.
 As someone who talks with the grain of the wood every day, I felt a sense of empathy.
 I could hear conversations like, “Well, you should sit down for a while,” “Yeah, but I’m in a hurry,” or “You need to rest first for safe driving.
 I let my brain go through conversations like these on its own. In the end, I am held by the grain of the tree for a few minutes. It’s just a moment to check my phone, but it serves as a punctuation mark. I say, “Thanks,” and we part ways, but when I return home, I rediscover that I am strongly attracted to such pictures.




English version⬇

[Oh, is that a red dogwood in Maruyama, Sapporo?
In the midst of various activities, I encountered a tree at a site where I was responding to a housing consultation brought to me. In the history of personal encounters with trees, I was reunited with a distinctive one. …….

Yesterday, I visited a corner of Chuo Ward, Sapporo City, where I was visiting to consult with a client about housing. In the midst of the almost natural state of the flowers, I saw a familiar flower. When I visited the National Institute of Housing Research in Tsukuba City, Honshu, the red petals were in full bloom in front of the entrance of the institute. When I asked him if this was the dogwood that I had heard so much about, he replied with a blank expression on his face, “Of course it is.
 From my personal experience, I have rarely seen such pink petals in Hokkaido. It is a world of common knowledge that people in the Honshu area are “left behind” in terms of flowers.
 However, I have recently become more open to such things. I don’t care what they say, the dogwood is a flower of other worlds to the people of Hokkaido.
 Even the famous song seemed to be an imaginary reality that we cannot experience in Hokkaido.
 In Hokkaido, all the vegetation blooms at once in the summer, so it can be said that we do not notice each individual species, and in the first place, “seasonal words” themselves have little in common with those of Honshu.
 Hokkaido people can only smile and let the conversation about “Kacho Fu Fugetsu” pass them by. Deep down inside, I would like to refrain from making such “rules” in our small world, but I am Japanese, and I am sorry to interfere with our common understanding. In such a case, silence is the only choice.
 However, I am happy to see the independent flowering in this way, almost in a natural state.
 I am glad that we can finally synchronize the seasonal words in Hokkaido, albeit a little late. It’s kind of a tease, though (laughs). So, today’s topic was about trees, which I feel a bit cynical about. I am determined to expand my narrow mind a little more.



English version⬇

I still love Takagamo Shrine.
The shrine is located in the middle of Mt. Katsuragi in the Yamato Basin and is a soulful experience every time I go there. I’m a lost lamb, but I’m honest enough (laughs) to ask for your help. I am a lost lamb, but I am honest (laugh) there, so please do not hesitate to contact me.

On the last day of my recent trip from Kansai to Iida, Shinshu, I stayed in Kashihara, Nara Prefecture, and rested at an inn in the “Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings,” as mentioned above.
 The next day, I was returning to Sapporo, but as I was on my way to rent a car, I decided to pay a visit to the Asuka Great Buddha and another Takagamo Shrine in the Yamato Basin, where I was feeling nostalgic now. Driving from Asuka to Takagamo-jinja Shrine, I arrived there without any trouble as if something was guiding me along the way. It was as if Sukiyoko’s heart was joyfully instructing me on how to drive here, there, and there (laugh).
This was probably my fourth visit to the shrine since my first visit.
The following is the gist of the information posted in front of the shrine.
〜This shrine is the head shrine of Kamo shrines throughout Japan, and is one of the oldest shrines in Japan, with rituals conducted since the middle of the Yayoi period.
Main Deity
Atashiki Takahikone-no-Mikoto
(Shakamo no Mikami)
Kotoshironushi no Mikoto
Shimoteruhime-no-Mikoto and Amatsukihiko-no-Mikoto
 Furthermore, “Recent archaeological research has revealed that villages were established and rituals were performed in this area at least as early as the late Jomon period. This is a description of a distant visitor from Hokkaido. As a person from Hokkaido, this is a rather sobering “tale of karma.
 Human beings are obsessed with what they do not know and are strongly attracted to.
 In that sense, this Takagamo no Kami-sama fills my heart with a profundity that is very hard to compete with. I find it comforting to be overwhelmed in this way.
 Whenever I visit, I park in the parking lot on the lower left side of the map and look over the pond to see the shrine.
 The location of this site is like the middle of Mt. Katsuragi, and even though it is at a relatively high altitude, such a view over the water can be seen.
In far ancient times, this water must have supplied water to the surrounding rice fields and supported the lives of people. Later, the kingship after Jinmu was established as the leader of rice cultivation, and eventually it was more reasonable for the topography of the archipelago to have paddy fields in the river basin, which was more efficient for overwhelming “population growth”.
 The “Kamo” clan eventually shifted their headquarters to such basin river valleys and developed, and many “Kamo” companies spread throughout the country.
 However, the miraculous appearance of the waterside at such a high altitude must have been strongly felt by the ancient people as a source of various “spiritual powers” and as if the land was filled with “chi” (energy). The sun shines on the surface of the water and shows complex diffuse reflections, some of which are believed to be areas where minerals in the ground are at work.
 There is no doubt that this is an important area of “history” during the period of the footsteps of Emperor Jinmu.
 I hope to continue to visit the Shinmu from time to time. Gassho.




English version⬇

The Natural Beauty of Hokkaido and the Beauty of Japanese “Sakutei” Gardens
A continuation of the garden culture theory. It is not “bloom in the field, evening primrose,” but a variety of species are blooming in Hokkaido. The intensity of life and self-assertion of this natural beauty is intoxicating. The garden is a place of beauty and beauty.

The photo is of a lupine (Ascending Wisteria) that immediately delighted my eyes from the roadside when I took a short “walk” for the first time in a while yesterday. This flower is not native to Hokkaido, but was introduced from Europe in the process of cultivation after the Meiji period. It is said to have been introduced incidentally, rather than for that purpose. Known for its vigorous fertility, which allows it to bloom anywhere, it is said to have spread from Hokkaido to the Honshu region.
 This kind of treatment is considered an obstacle in the world of “horticulture,” “gardening,” and “landscaping,” where the beauty of the plants is controlled. On the other hand, to a native of Hokkaido like myself, they are representative of the “beauty of the wild,” and I see them as representing the spring season in Hokkaido, when all the plants and flowers begin to bloom and bloom at once.
 I was struck once again by the fact that the stylistic “Sakutei” culture of Japanese garden beauty is also connected to the “natural beauty of the north,” which is the furthest thing from the culture of Japanese garden beauty.
 I have a number of health alerts that prevent me from going for walks as much as I would like, but in my case, rather than creating a garden around my house to enjoy the greenery, I just go for a short walk and find the Maruyama Park green space, where American urban planners in the Meiji period preserved the natural beauty that is typical of Hokkaido, There, I enjoy watching the “Oubayuri,” which produces the bulbous part of the Ainu people’s soul food, from germination to beautiful blooming, as I do every year. The way the plant is formed and transformed as an inanimate object is truly an “epic poem” of plants in real time.
 In addition, lupines like this one appear suddenly and guerrilla-like on every roadside, asserting their beauty.
 For those of us who interact with nature in this way, it is impossible for us to feel the urge to seek extreme values in landscaping and gardens that seem to be the ultimate in aesthetics.
 I do not deny the beauty of such a world, and I think it is wonderful in its own way, but I still want to celebrate the beauty that is desperately holding on to life in the wilds of nature in Hokkaido.
 Since its arrival here, lupine has been gracing the roadsides of remote Okhotsk sites in the east of Hokkaido, for example. I believe that this kind of natural beauty survives in Hokkaido in all kinds of places. Perhaps that is why it is difficult to agree with the “artisanal” techniques of garden design, such as enclosing the garden with a fence and confining it to one’s own “private” world of appreciation and pride in its ultimate beauty.
 The day before yesterday, I was looking at an example of an external environment that interacts with a natural forest in a Hokkaido-like setting. In this kind of “garden design,” they accepted the vegetation in its natural state, removed the lower part of the branches to secure the view, and carefully protected the moss that gradually formed in the natural grass.
 I was in a strong mood of acceptance and agreement.


【大阪-長野県飯田の往復クルマ移動 ふ〜っ】


English version⬇

Traveling by car from Osaka to Iida, Nagano Prefecture and back.
An old tree in the area that soothes the fatigue of an elderly person traveling 300 km. Its majestic and powerful appearance encourages us to keep going strong. ….

In the midst of the passing of the years, I moved from the Osaka Central Public Hall area to Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, in the Chubu region of Japan, in one fell swoop.
 I have been immersed in digging deeper into a personal theme of exploration. I am in a situation where my own field of interest is expanding while building on my past experience in the housing area, and in doing so, the subject of my coverage is developing in various ways.
 The other day, when I had several places to visit in the Kansai region, the requirement to go to Iida City, Minami-Shinshu was brought up. The one-way trip would be 300 km, and the round trip would be over 600 km. In Hokkaido, this is the same distance as a round trip from Sapporo to Kushiro. Well, that’s a reasonable radius of travel in Hokkaido. In fact, I have been moving around within that radius for housing coverage and so on.
 However, it has been almost 20 years since then. Since the departure time from Osaka was around 5:00 p.m., we stayed overnight in Gifu Prefecture on the way to Iida City, and left early the next morning.
 But this time, there was also a long-distance trip back. Normally, one would think of using public transportation, but there was no suitable means of transportation between these destinations. On the other hand, I am of the motorized generation, and since I was born, I have a native sense of automobile transportation.
 Since the sunset time has completely lengthened to about 7:00 p.m., we arrived at the lodging point, about 180 km away, with plenty of time to spare. Since I am good at going to bed quickly, I took care of some errands and went to bed right away. Oh, and dinner is served at a PA around Lake Biwa in Otsu on the way.
 The next morning, we left early and headed east on the mountainous “Chuo Road” for about 120 km.
 The photo shows the “Nagano Prefecture Natural Monument Osahime no Edohigan” tree in Iida City, our destination. It is also known as the “Yasutomi cherry tree.
 〜The tree is a famous tree in the prefecture with a magnificent trunk and root system, and its well-proportioned form gives it the appearance of an old tree, and the characteristics of the edohigan are well represented. It is commonly called “Yasutomi Cherry Blossom” because it was located near the residence of “Yasutomi,” a retainer of the Hori family, lords of Iida Castle. ~.
 After visiting Iida City, my own “attempted relationship” with Iida City also began to crowd my mind. I was reminded of the “relationship” I have with many people who are from this area, rather than the region itself. Since I arrived a little early, I spent a lot of time admiring these Yasutomi cherry blossoms, and my mind was taken by such things.
 Perhaps, if my life choices had been a little different, I might have spent my life time deeply rooted in this town, and I was immersed in such a mysterious afterglow. Although it was a big round-trip due to an accidental requirement, there might have been some kind of life time “cause and effect” involved in it.

【800年続く「戦後」を生きる集落 日向・平家落人村-5】


 日向・椎葉の家というのは思いもかけず、そんなことにまでわたしを誘ってくれる機縁になっていた。住空間というものは、そこで生きた人間と社会を抱擁する存在なので、その空気感は非常に重大な気付きにもなっていくのだと今更ながら気付かされた。  <この項終了>

English version⬇

The 800-year-old “postwar” village of Hyuga, a Heike Orachi-jin Village-5
The Genpei uprising and World War II. The experienced knowledge of the Orachi-nin community after the war echoes like a distant thunderbolt. The village is a place where people can live and work together.

Iya, Shikoku, Shirakawa-go, and Shiiba, Hyuga, are said to be the three most mysterious places in Japan. I had suddenly encountered them at an old folk house garden in Toyonaka, Osaka, but I was still deeply captivated by the sense of “background circumstances” that separated them from other folk houses.
 When I was there, I saw some Anglo-Americans who seemed to be interested in old folklore, and I wanted to talk to them, but I was hesitant because of the depth of Japanese history, which is too deep to be discussed in a one-word conversation. It was hard to gauge what kind of universal understanding of the history of the Genpei wars, for example, was possible (laugh).
 One of my very big impressions was that for the people who have been living in this unexplored environment for 800 years or so, it must be “time after the defeat. For the people of Hyuga and Shiiba, their identity as the “our world” of the Heike clan has collapsed, and they must have been living a postwar lifestyle for such a long time in order to survive. For them, the destruction of the Heike clan is a huge and heavy reality.
 They had to survive in harmony with society and the world. At the same time, however, they have also maintained their sense of values in their own world, such as the extremely unique “Tsurutohime” tradition. Furthermore, despite being a mountain village, they had matured and developed their own “euphoric kagura” culture.
 Personally, as I was thinking about the “economic structure” of this Heike Orachi-jin settlement, I became deeply aware of the “hunter-gatherer” lifestyle as the base culture of this archipelago society as I looked at various books. While casually reading Ryotaro Shiba’s “Kaido yuku” series in parallel, I came across a passage describing the “Totsukawa” people of Kii who were mobilized to attack Osaka Castle. In the article, the people of the region, who until then had not practiced rice paddy cultivation at all, were mobilized by the military to use the art of bow and arrow as a means of livelihood. The question of the basic survival of the fallen Heike people was cleared up.

I myself have lived only in the so-called “postwar” period. Although more than 80 years have already passed, Japanese society may be a very flexible society in terms of how to “survive” in such a situation. Just as the Edo shogunate system survived for a long time.
 In the end, change will come fundamentally when external pressure like the “Black Ships” strikes again. I pray that this will not be faced as a crisis.
 The house in Hyuga/Shiiba unexpectedly became an opportunity to invite me to such a thing. I now realize that the atmosphere of a dwelling space is a very important reminder that it embraces the people and society that live there.  <End of this section>