


English version⬇

The “Western-style” Kaitakushi (Development Office) main office building that took the heart of the Meiji Restoration in the 6th year of the Meiji Restoration.
An easy-to-understand expression of the design concept for architecture adopted by the revolutionary government of the Meiji era. A major policy statement of architectural administration policy. Scenery of Meiji Nippon. …

A series of re-discovered old photographs from Hokkaido’s pioneer days.
 The current red-brick building of the Hokkaido Government Office is a staple of Sapporo’s sightseeing courses. The building serves as a landmark, so to speak, since the actual business department is not located there, but its functions have been moved to the concrete building behind it.
 Although there may be a kind of “paralysis” effect in the common sense of the present time, if we imagine back our sense of time to 1873 (Meiji 6), 151 years ago, we can see the landscape in which this architectural sense suddenly appeared in the pioneer days of Sapporo, Hokkaido.
 It was only four years after the end of the Hakodate War in 1869. The great order for the development of Hokkaido was issued and the Sapporo Shrine, the predecessor of the Hokkaido Shrine, was built in the 2nd year of Meiji (1869), when the judge, Shima Yoshiyuu, came to this area with the three gods of development as the “imperial command” of the Emperor Meiji, which shows the great wheel he rode.
 It was in the 4th year of Meiji that Kiyotaka Kuroda, the leader of the Satsuma clan, came to the U.S. and asked Kepron, then director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to invite him for a large sum of money to develop the basic concept of this pioneering plan. Some of his basic ideas were realized and some were not, but at least the architectural symbolism was realized in this way.
 It is a clear statement of the major policy that the basis of architecture in Hokkaido should be “Western-style architecture.
 The fact that Kiyotaka Kuroda, the top military officer of the Satsuma Clan, recklessly persuaded the then U.S. agricultural policy maker, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, to join him in this project shows the “revolutionary” nature of the Meiji era.
 Kepron established the foundation for Hokkaido’s development by guiding the construction of cities in Hokkaido, the adoption of large-farm management, and the establishment of the Sapporo Agricultural College.
 The building at the time of its completion was destroyed by fire in 1879, so although it lasted only six years, it probably fulfilled its role as a landmark that “inspired the spirit of pioneering,” and it has become a model for subsequent buildings of government offices as the core architecture of Hokkaido, even the red-brick government office building that was later built to transmit that spirit. I believe that this building has continued to transmit the same spirit to later red-brick government office buildings.
 The building replaced the “castle architecture” of the past, and in this way, it has a strong sense of having revolutionized the inner workings of the will of power.
 Nowadays, a building like this is being built in the Hokkaido pioneer village, and I still feel a kind of peculiar freshness.
 It also makes me feel the absurdity of history, wondering how something that shared so much culture with the U.S. in the early Meiji period ended up in the outbreak of the war between Japan and the U.S.



English version⬇

Inheriting “history” as noticed in the Hokkaido Kaitakushi no Mura
It is necessary to testify to the history that herring fishing was the representative “industrial structure” of the Hokkaido region. Only old buildings will be able to show this.

I visited the Hokkaido Kaitakunomura for the first time in a long time to discuss a project I am working on.
 Old residential architecture has established itself as a “cultural heritage” that can be enjoyed and appreciated in its own way, and such “theme parks” have been established all over Japan.
 However, in many cases, these are publicly operated projects, and it is difficult to establish them from the standpoint of stand-alone profitability and efficiency. However, if we consider tourism as a whole, it is an essential element of regional appeal, and therefore, it can be considered a necessary public investment within the framework of regional tourism industry promotion.
 The concept of “Hokkaido Kaitakushi no Mura” (Hokkaido Development Village) is relatively easy to understand, and its deliberate preservation is highly meaningful, especially since the architecture can be easily renewed and dismantled after more than 150 years of accumulated history.
 The Aoyama Fisherman’s House in this photo is one such example of an “industrial heritage” building.
 The fact that the industrial domain of “herring fishing” was a very large part of Hokkaido’s history is not so obvious to the current generation. Hokkaido has long been recognized by Japanese society as a raw material supply area, and as in the case of Kahei Takataya in the Edo period, large profits were generated by supplying “fertilizer” for cotton cultivation from Hokkaido.
 Aoyama, a native of Yamagata Prefecture, has been a great success in this area since the Meiji period. He is said to have reached the height of his prosperity as a highly successful herring fisherman using the “ken-net” fishing method. Such “industrial traces” seem to be a predatory industry, and it is difficult to find the industrial structure that has developed since then. It is difficult to say that it was an industry with roots, and it has disappeared like a shadow.
 That is why it is meaningful to preserve them as architectural remains. Perhaps today’s children are aware of the history of herring fishing only from the remains of such structures.
 I had not been to the site for more than 10 years, but I had visited the site and was impressed with the history of the herring fishery and the history of the fishery. 
 It had been more than ten years since I had visited there, but he was now a core member of the organization and had the power of a witness to Hokkaido’s history. For a while, I was struck by the fact that the theme of historical inheritance is a common issue for our age group. There are probably a variety of things that play the role of human beings, but as we age, I suppose we need to purposefully uncover the role of such parts of our lives.
 The part like the relationship between ancient architecture and human beings. We recognized this as a major theme.



English version⬇

EVs are stalling and gasoline prices are “variable.”
The variable price situation is conveyed moment by moment through SNS information. The world will continue to choose to reject EVs, though the instability of the political and economic situation is reflected. …

I have a friend who has been running a gas station business for a long time.
 His company closed a gas station in Sapporo and leased the site to another business. The company decided to give up on the future of the business as a management decision.
 Before making this decision, the company seemed to have predicted that there would be a major shift from gasoline-powered vehicles to EVs and other vehicles in the future. Even if this were not the case, the fuel efficiency of gasoline vehicles would continue to shift in the direction of fuel efficiency, and the future of the industry was not bright.
 That was 5-6 years ago.
 Since I was aware of this, I became interested in how to think about automobiles as a personal matter as well.
 So I started to look into electric vehicles. Well, probably many ordinary Japanese people must have been like that.
 When I began to consider this, I was made to think deeply about how unrealistic EVs are in cold climates, and the car dealers themselves proclaimed that “they are completely impossible in cold climates.
 In Hokkaido, a car is an absolutely indispensable means of transportation in a situation where public transportation is limited, and where one needs to travel “anytime, anywhere” for business sales, news gathering, and other activities. Naturally, it must be able to be used in all seasons and at all times.
 The current conclusion is that gasoline-powered cars are the only choice, and the correctness of this conclusion has been overwhelmingly recognized around the world.
 The deceptiveness of the loudly proclaimed SDGs, decarbonization, and so on, has been completely exposed. As is to be expected, these claims have disappeared from the public eye, as they are now seen as embarrassing.
 It can’t even be “decarbonized” in the first place. This has been proven by considering the entire process from production to operation, and even disposal in the future. Furthermore, the reality is that this process is riddled with a malignant dictatorship that has gone crazy and “set the Japanese people on fire,” so it is not a serious option by any means.
 However, gas station operators have been responding to the fluctuating market situation in various ways. Recently, they have been using social networking services to announce fluctuating price information. I, for one, responded immediately to the above information and went to fill up my tank.
 But, well, there is no way I would sacrifice my need to travel for the sake of a slight price fluctuation. As a user, I guess I would have to be flexible and adaptable to such a situation. Will there ever be a return to the days when prices were almost “fixed”?




English version⬇

About 150 years ago, a Tondenbeiya cultivated land near my house.
In peacetime, they cultivated farmland, and in the southwest, they went to war as far away as Kagoshima. The Tonden Troop House was built 150 years ago near our house. ・・・

Some of my high school friends in Sapporo are “descendants of Tondenbei. It is said that there was a building around the current Sapporo Nishi Ward Office that looked like a command post for the Tondenhei. The Kotoni Shrine is also said to have been built adjacent to the Tondenhei Shrine, and it is said that the shrine was built by a group of Tondenhei soldiers from Miyagi Prefecture.
 In “Hokkaido’s Roads” in Ryotaro Shiba’s “Kaido yuku” series, he mentions the Tondenbeiya in the Asahikawa area and describes them negatively for their “military organization” style. He wrote negatively about the “military organization” of the Tonden-byo in the Asahikawa area.
 I believe that there were various fetters due to the dominance of the old military-like organizational principles.
 The photo shows the Tondenbeiya in the first year of the Meiji era and the interior of the Tondenbeiya that remains in the premises of Kotoni Shrine near my house. It is not very likely that such a portrait would be voluntarily hung in the alcove.
 From the Japanese point of view, what one would want to display in an alcove would be an image of “ancestral heritage,” such as a family tradition or a family history, or an image of a deity or an object of faith related to Shintoism and Buddhism.
 The architecture of the Tonden-biya was also too cold for people to live in this cold climate. In particular, the roofs were shingled, which is not in reference to the heavy thatch of minka houses in the Tohoku region, where “heat insulation” is considered, and there was little protection against the cold.
 Still, it must have been attractive for the people to be able to cultivate land and secure farmland and have a house in Nihon-sha at the beginning of the Meiji era. However, it seems to me that the only “tradition” in terms of performance of Japanese houses was their ability to “keep out the rain and dew. On top of this, there is an added element of “wabi-sabi” as part of the spiritual culture, and it is clear that this element has been part of the “high-class housing culture.
 In other words, it can be said that they were forced to be “patient” in order to show off their spiritual profundity while turning a blind eye to the cold.
 The coldness of the housing was incomparable to the evolution of housing construction methods in the western frontier of the United States.
 In the end, it was not until the postwar period that full-fledged measures to protect homes from the cold began to take hold. The full-scale technological exchange with Northern Europe and North America brought about a revolution in Japanese housing technology.
 The Tondenbeiya that remains today is a reminder of this historical process. Even today’s Hokkaido residents have an impression that is far from a “sense of roots.




English version⬇

A mere 120 years ago, a mere shadow of the time of the settlement of Hokkaido.
In Japanese society, where the concept of “ancestral land” is strongly rooted, there is a psychological lamentation at the thought of leaving the land. Contrast this with the development of the American West. The contrast with the settling of the western United States.

I am fascinated by these early photographs of Hokkaido, and I am captivated by them.
 My family immigrated to Hokkaido from the Fukuyama area of Hiroshima Prefecture in the early years of the Taisho era (1912-1926) during my grandfather’s generation. There are no photographs or other evidence of this fact.
 The photo above is an old photo that reminds us of that time. My siblings and I have only hearsay from our grandfather and grandmother. I myself do not remember the faces of my grandfather and grandmother with my own eyes. Therefore, I do not have a physical sense of the atmosphere of this migration to Hokkaido.
 However, now that I face them, I find it difficult to find words to describe them.
 I can only imagine what it must have been like to move far away from the land of one’s “ancestors” in a time when people were completely different from those of today.
 People of my father’s generation seem to have had two choices after death. One is where they would like to be buried after their death, and the other is how they would like to be buried. Even my father’s siblings have two choices: they can choose the place of their “ancestors” or they can choose to “bury their bones” in Hokkaido. My father built a grave in Hokkaido with some of my grandfather’s bones, and my uncle built a grave in his ancestral place with some of my grandfather’s bones.
 These thoughts keep haunting my mind.
 On the other hand, if one imagines what it must have been like for the people who moved here, it must have been a series of completely new experiences for them. For the first time in their lives, they had to travel long distances across the archipelago by boat, so everything they experienced was in uncharted territory. The fact that they could finally reach land after several days of travel must have been a more immediate psychological experience for them.
 First of all, the feeling of being at home. If we think about it in terms of the passage of time, the move for emigration was, surprisingly, more like a “head-full” response to the reality of the situation, and we may not have fallen into the mood of lamentation.

In the second photo, the building of houses in the settlements began immediately, similar to the settling of the western part of the United States. This is consistent with the fact that the Hokkaido Settlement Administration’s major administrative task from the beginning was to build houses.
 In the U.S., the so-called “two-by-four” construction method was developed so that even a novice could easily build a house. In Japan, the pioneers themselves had no time to develop construction methods and were forced to build houses using the traditional construction methods of the mainland.
 The reason why the U.S. was able to take the time to develop construction methods was largely due to the positive attitude of European immigrants seeking a “new land,” and it seems that the U.S. had well-developed measures to deal with this situation. In contrast, Japan’s Hokkaido immigration policy seems to have been inadequate, especially in terms of housing policy.
 First of all, the urgent issue of colonization for national defense against Russia was probably a major factor.


 函館山から、北西方向を見下ろしたような写真。明治初年というと明治3年の「札幌市街」の入植人数が13人、明治4年では637人という対比的状況が記録されている。開拓使「判官」の島義勇の事跡では、1869(明治2年)48歳 蝦夷開拓使首席判官として北海道に赴任とある。その後明治3年には蝦夷開拓使首席判官解任/明治天皇の侍従に任命という波瀾万丈の時代相。

English version⬇

A view of the city center from Mt. Hakodate 150 years ago.
This photo “sticks” in my mind because it comes after my exploration of Shikokan in Hakodate. The shadow of the pioneers who left here to settle the outlying areas of Sapporo also lingers in the background. The view from the Hakodate

I have been sorting through the old photographs of Hokkaido in my Mac data since the other day, and among them, I have found some old photographs that may be related to the “Traces of Medieval Samurai Immigration to Hokkaido” – Hakodate Shikokan and Kobayashi’s Residence series that I have recently been digging into in depth. I found an old photo that might be related to the “Hakodate Shikokan and Kobayashi Residence” series.
 The Shikokukan was built in the 1300s-1400s, which is the Muromachi period. The oldest traces are more than 700 years old.
 As a Hokkaido native, it is common to feel that the movements after the Meiji period are directly connected to the present, and this was a deep historical dig that went back 500 to 600 years at a stretch. In the process of sorting through the photos, I found an old photo looking down from the top of Mt. Hakodate at the “Benten Battery,” which still remains today, and was dated “early Meiji era.
 For contrast reference, I used the modern GoogleMap direction as a perspective in almost the same direction.
 The photo looks as if it is looking down from Mt. Hakodate to the northwest. In the first year of Meiji, the number of settlers in the “city of Sapporo” in the 3rd year of Meiji was 13, and in the 4th year of Meiji, the number of settlers was 637, a contrasting situation is recorded. According to the record of Yoshiyou Shima, a “judge” of the Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office), he was assigned to Hokkaido in 1869 at the age of 48 as the chief judge of the Yezo Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office). In 1869, he was dismissed from his post as the chief judge of Yezo Kaitakushi and appointed as a chamberlain to the Emperor Meiji.
 Incidentally, a statue of him still stands in front of the precincts of the Hokkaido Shrine. This is an important personage in the history of Hokkaido’s development as a Meiji nation. He landed in Hakodate, carried the three deities of Hokkaido on his back, and went north to present-day Zenibako, Otaru City, based on a proposal by Takeshiro Matsuura, and established a “main office” in Sapporo, thus establishing the authority of Hokkaido.
 The development of Hakodate in this photo shows a very urban situation, with very active ship traffic.
 From that location, the people had to divide into Sapporo, an undeveloped “backcountry” with a population of only 13 people.
 Although there is considerable historical data on the development of Sapporo after that point, it is very interesting to see the situation in Hakodate in this way.
 It is a fresh awakening of a sense of time and space shift at once from the period of the situation of the entire Hokkaido Island, which was triggered by the Battle of Shakushain from the advance of Japanese armed forces in the early Sengoku period to Shikokan, is what you are thinking.
 The “history of the Hakodate area” from the period of the Twelve Provinces of Donan to this first year of the Meiji era naturally includes major themes such as the activities of Takataya Kahei and others. We can also refer to Ryotaro Shiba’s historical digging achievement called “Nanohana no Oki.
 A single photograph can also evoke a general historical perspective of Hokkaido. Well, I hope to live a long life in good health and continue to dig up the history of Hokkaido.




English version⬇

Asparagus Heaven in Hokkaido
I’m so excited about the taste of the season that I’m late updating this blog because I slept twice today due to fatigue from the round-trip bullet tour. But I can’t resist the deliciousness of asparagus. I can’t help it, can I? I’m so tired…

My wife and I love asparagus in season. The texture of the asparagus in our mouths gives us an irresistible sense of the season, and it is a sensation that awakens us.
 We went on a road trip to Niseko in search of “open-air” asparagus shipped from a roadside station in Niseko.
 The local nature in the flavor of the asparagus must be stimulating something intense. The local atmosphere and flavors of the land are replayed.
 At the Niseko View Plaza store, you can see the producers bringing in their products directly to the store.
 The farmer who sells the produce can be heard whispering, “This was left over from yesterday, so I’ll give you a small discount. This is a bag of slightly firm ones, but if you peel the surface with a peeler, the texture of the inside has a rather strong flavor. Wait for the buyer to change the price and get them right away (laughs).
 This kind of “time and effort” is rather appreciated, so I spare no effort.
 We purchased a large quantity of locally procured vegetables, including some cheap gems, and went to work on the cooking with a smile on our faces. This is a picture of boiled asparagus. I like to boil them a little soft. They are soft and make the seasonal flavors of Hokkaido dance in your mouth.
 On the way to the airport, we also enjoyed a walk in a park with abundant nature.
 Although this is a “regular” activity for this season, I am a bit tired from last week and this week, as I returned from a business trip on Monday and had a schedule with almost no rest.
 I strongly hope that I can continue to receive the “energy of the earth” while taking care of my body in an age-appropriate manner. To do so, I would like to seriously work on my vegetable-first eating habits and a smaller diet.
 Nevertheless, seasonal asparagus is delicious. Paku!



English version⬇

The chaos of “tidying up” the photos in my Mac
The inexhaustible collection of images in the Mac as a mapping and re-exploration of one’s “field of interest”. Interacting with them activates my brain. I am now in a state of…

I have been working with computers since about 1993. In publishing, desktop publishing (DTP) has naturally become more and more popular, and using Macs was a consistent way to harmonize the many “processes” involved in the final printing and output process.
 I have lived in this environment for almost 30 years.
 I have been conforming to such an environment for almost 30 years because it was an extremely rational choice for my work environment. As a result, a large amount of data has accumulated since that time. I have accumulated a large amount of photos of houses and historical images of my personal interests.
 I have been trying to organize these photos by several “classification methods” such as chronological order and content classification, but it is quite “difficult”. 30 years has passed and I have tried many classification methods, so it is not a simple task.
 In addition, since I have been writing a blog for the past 20 years, I have also been “tying” things together in a subterranean way, so my brain has to be multi-layered in order to be organized.
 My work life has become absolutely necessary to be organized, so this sorting of information is also indispensable.
 So, I have been struggling with my photos for the past few weeks. Or perhaps I should say that I have been struggling with them for the past 30 years. It is almost as if the photos themselves are telling me a significant part of my history. Of course, I have delegated the management of my work photos to a number of staff members and have only been integrating them, but even when limited to my own proprietary image information, it is seemingly inexhaustible.
 The fact that I can use Photoshop and other imaging software to correct the images and make them easier to understand is an opportunity that pushes me strongly to do so.
 The photo is from a photographic image from the Hokkaido pioneering period. Noboribetsu Onsen” in Hokkaido in 1902.
 Although it is not clear if such outdoor “hitting” baths still exist today, we are surprised at the ingenuity of the device, which seems to be made of bamboo, and the fact that it is used as an all-round hot water discharge line. Considering the background of the photo, it seems to be somewhere in the “Hell Valley,” but I was enraptured by the sense of exhilaration and pleasure.
 I was also surprised at the existence of such a collection of images (laugh). Perhaps he had collected many “zeitgeist” photographs and kept them even though he did not use them. In this sense, we are strongly reminded of the importance of “re-searching.



English version⬇

Hokkaido and Western Cultural “Gardens” and Flowers
I mentioned Saigyo-san yesterday, but the theme of the relationship between the great nature of Hokkaido and the sense of “Kacho Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon) sounds interesting. Where is the post-Hakoniwa aesthetic sensibility headed? ……

Yesterday, I made a round trip to Tokachi and back (phew!).
 I picked up my wife, who was on a business trip, and came back together, but it was still a bit tough to drive over 400 km round trip (laugh). On the way back, my wife drove the car mainly, but she is just now seriously working on her diet, so she sometimes felt a little dizzy.
 We lived in the middle of the height of motorization in our generation. We may be the generation that has been driving cars since we were very young. Recently, one of my readers commented to me that they could sense a sense of speed in my writing, and I was worried that it might mean that the content was “light” and becoming more and more “airy. If that is the case, then I was a little bit enlightened, even though it was my own experience, that the “environment” in which I have lived may work in such a way.
 However, driving is tiring and tiring, so I would like to save it for long distances.
 However, when you look at the outside world while moving in a car, countless “information” is transmitted to you. The speed at which we perceive such information may be one of the greatest mental assets that modern people have acquired.
 This garden photo is of a garden in a parking lot on the way to the park. It is very English style, not like a Japanese garden.
 The plants and flowers used in the garden also show the difference between English and Japanese gardens.
 The second photo, showing a grouping of plants, is a little different from the “Kacho Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon) style. However, Hokkaido seems to be the most suitable place for this kind of plant grouping. On the other hand, the so-called Japanese garden style of Kacho-fu-getsu is not so oriented in Hokkaido. It seems that people in Hokkaido have given up on the “Kacho-fu-getsu” (flower, bird, wind, and the moon) and “Wabi-sabi” (the beauty and simplicity of nature) spirit because they are irreparably damaged during winter due to the cold and snowy climate.
 When talking with people from Honshu and getting into a garden argument, Hokkaido people are quick to change the subject to “the joy of outdoor Genghis Khan” (laugh), to my dismay. Hokkaido people have a spatial orientation that is more like “dumplings than flowers. In addition, “abundant nature,” which cannot be matched by the boxy garden-like “Kacho-fu-getsu” space, has a much stronger grip on us.
 In such an environment, a Western-style garden may still be appropriate.

【天国にいちばん近い島 北海道の初夏】


English version⬇

The Closest Island to Heaven: Hokkaido in Early Summer
When you are busy using your mind, you want to be relieved and forgetful. The northern land conveys that blissful state. Winter is finally over, and now is the best time of year. The first summer in Hokkaido.

Yesterday, I took a walk during the daytime for the first time in a while around Nishino Greenway, about 1.5 km northwest of my house.
 Until a few years ago, I used to take a walk along this course, but in early spring, there were frequent reports of brown bears appearing in the area, so I had changed to a different course as a precautionary measure.
 This year, too, there was a report of a brown bear appearing in early spring, and it was reported to have appeared near an acquaintance’s house, but I thought it would be safe to walk during the daytime. I was safe and sound (laugh).
 At this time of year in Hokkaido, flowers and grasses sprout all at once, trees become freshly green, and the fields and mountains are enveloped in rich colors. Water from the melting snow flows through the villages and moistens the land. Sunlight fills the sky, and the sky is filled with a brilliant azure, or even brighter blue.
 The land, which had been buried in snow, is restored to its original state of color and beauty.
 The temperature rises to around 20 degrees Celsius, neither hot nor cold, and there is no need to be conscious of anything. Many people describe this time of year as the closest to heaven. I agree.
 I have been working at my desk more and more these days, and my eyes have been bloodshot, so this kind of scenery is truly wonderful from my point of view.
 Heaven” may be an expression of some awareness of death. In Saigyo’s lyrics, “I wish to die in spring under the flowers, around the time of the Kisaragi no Mochizuki”.
 Saigyo, who lived among the flowers, birds, winds, and moon of medieval Japan, wrote a poem like this, but in 21st century Japan, and as a person from Hokkaido, which was established as a new territory only 150 years ago, I would like to call this season “the Kisaragi no Mochizuki no Koro” (the season of the Kisaragi moon). What do you think, Saigyo-san?
 I was embraced by this kind of scenery for a while, but in reality, a lot of desk work awaits me. I am forced to ask myself, “Hey, where on earth have you been slacking off? (laugh). But encounters with this kind of scenery give me a sense of “space” in my mind.
 When I restart and work on it again, it brings me to a state of concentration that makes me forget myself. I am struck by the strangeness of heaven and earth and the seasons.