
【厩戸王・聖徳太子とキリスト、動物愛護精神 法隆寺宝物館-12】




English version⬇

King Umayato-oh, Prince Shotoku, Christ, and the Spirit of Animal Protection The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-12
The similarity between the birthplace of Christ and the birthplace of Prince Shotoku. Are there similarities between religious beliefs and the spirit of animal protection? …

The twelfth article in the Horyuji Treasure Museum’s “Shotoku Taishi Eaden” series, “King Umayato” = Shotoku Taishi’s place of birth and his deep connection to animals.

In the West, Christianity is widely believed as a religious culture, and it is often said that the birthplace of Christ has a strong connection to a stable or livestock barn. As a Japanese, I am not so interested in this fact, but it is common knowledge that Prince Shotoku was named “King Umato-oh” because the place of his birth was a “stable” under an alias. And I am interested in the parallels between Christ and Shotoku Taishi’s auspiciousness.
The picture above is a depiction of the scene of Prince Shotoku’s birth, with a horse on the right. The scene of the maidens’ surprise at the birth of Shotoku Taishi, which is depicted on the right side of the painting, evokes human sympathy.
The date of the depiction of the birth of Prince Shotoku in the picture biography of Prince Shotoku at Horyuji Temple is believed to be 1069. It is hard to understand how anyone could have been aware of the contrast with the Christian world at that time.
It is true that the later belief in Shotoku Taishi led to the use of more and more legends, but the name is a fact, so there is little probability that the similarity with Christ would be emphasized. In terms of the reception of Japanese society, it is difficult to believe that they had a strong interest in Christ until the Warring States Period and the Age of Exploration, when they had vigorous contact with the West.
The second painting is of a camel, ass, sheep, and white pheasant, a gift from Baekje when the prince was 28 years old. He also rode a black horse up Mt. This shows the depth of his connection with animals. Later, there is a story that a horse traveling to the capital with a load on its back from a distant place ate rice along the way, and that when angry farmers beat up the owner and his horse, Prince Shotoku quietly admonished them. Prince Shotoku quietly admonished them, “Though you happen to be born as a beast in this life, you should have compassion for humans because we are all animals in the same way.
This tells us that Prince Shotoku was full of the spirit of animal protection. He himself seemed to have deeply accepted and loved the fact that he was named “King Umato-oh” (King Umato-oh) because of the circumstances of his birth.
From this natural reception, the resemblance to Christ is probably highly coincidental. Rather, it is likely that the discovery of the similarity with Christ, as a result of their active communication with the Western world, accelerated the Taishi faith in Japanese society and on the Buddhist side.
The way the Taishi gazes at the animals in the second painting suggests such a spirit.

【東アジア世界での聖徳太子外交 法隆寺宝物館-11】



English version⬇

[Prince Shotoku’s Diplomacy in the East Asian World: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-11
Rare animals raised many citizens’ awareness of the Japanese nation in the world. The thoughts of Prince Shotoku to Ono Imoko, the ambassador who created the basis of Japanese diplomacy. …

The wall paintings of Shotoku Taishi were kept in the “secret” collection of Horyuji Temple for a long time, and were presented to the imperial family after the war, so they were never seen by the general public, and only a few researchers were able to view them.
Therefore, no detailed research was conducted on each of the 60 scenes in the paintings. Even the research papers that have been made available to the public are mainly analyses of the history of the paintings, which is of little interest to the general public, nor to the analysis of social reactions to historical facts close to the time of their occurrence.
The digital exhibition at the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures has made high-resolution image analysis available to the public, and I believe this will lead to more research in the future. I am more interested in how the period was depicted through the hands of the artist in order to express the traces of Shotoku Taishi.
In this exhibition, we will focus on “diplomacy,” the most common of Shotoku Taishi’s events. Although the details are not so detailed due to the loss of images, the two examples are relatively easy to understand in terms of composition.
The relationship with the Baekje Kingdom is the most frequent. I believe that this regional state on the Korean peninsula was extremely important to the Japanese nation. The immigrant groups that came to Japan not only during the period of its prosperity, but also after its destruction, greatly changed the course of Japanese history.
The above picture shows the scene where “a camel and other animals were presented from Baekje. In Japanese history, there are records of demonstrations of elephants and other rare animals that did not exist in Japan.
In the days when there were no zoos, common people rarely had the opportunity to see the world’s animal species in person. The camel is an animal native to the deserts of Western Asia and does not live anywhere in East Asia. In the Sui Dynasty, this rare animal would have been frequently seen by traders. This is why they were brought to Japanese society via the Korean Peninsula and Baekje Province in the Far East.
The film stimulates the imagination of what the atmosphere was like in the age of Prince Shotoku, who was 29 years old. In the scene, a camel is placed in the garden from inside the building. In other scenes, Prince Shotoku climbed Mt. Fuji astride a kurokoma, and horses were offered to him from all over Japan.
It seems that encounters with rare animals like these may have psychologically strengthened the importance of external exchanges and diplomacy. This may represent a background psychological element of the basic policy of introducing Buddhism.
And next is the scene of Ono Imoko’s return to Japan. Although the picture is not so clear, the group of Ono-no-Imoko is on the left, and the welcoming party is depicted in the right foreground. Prince Shotoku is described as a “slight movement” in the welcoming group. Although Prince Shotoku would normally have “met” Ono-no-Imoko on her return from the Sui Dynasty as a powerful person in an official capacity, he was so devoted to the diplomatic negotiations that he should be understood to have “greeted” her in a rather “slight gesture.
The Sui Dynasty envoys who accompanied him were surprised at the situation and decided to “pay their respects” to him.
The Taishi, who developed the “Land of the Rising Sun, Land of the Setting Sun” diplomatic letter, a last-minute diplomacy that laid the foundation for the subsequent relationship between Japan and China, must have felt a strong sense of trust and accomplishment in Ono-no-Imoko, who fulfilled her mission and made her own diplomatic choices. This letter conveys the atmosphere of the times.

【「伎楽」と韓国「河回村」仮面劇 法隆寺宝物館-10】



わたしのブログ過去記事で河回村〜ハフェマウルについては【東アジアの建築と人間性 韓国河回村追想-19】で取り上げていますので参照いただければ幸いです。2016年の韓国訪問でしたが2020年に書いた記事。

English version⬇

“Gigaku” and the Korean “Hahoe Village” Mask Play: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-10]
The Sea of Japan Rim Cultural Area, Korea and Japan, and the mask culture of Namahage and “Noh” that remains in Akita. Masked drama in an ancient Korean village. A planetary direct line of coverage experience…

In this 10th article of the “Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku” series from the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, we look at the relationship between Gigaku, a masked dance drama introduced from Baekje during the reign of Prince Shotoku, and the masked drama of Hahoei Village in Korea.

Yesterday, I mentioned the Kongo Corporation, which came to Japan for the Shitennoji temple construction project. The introduction of Buddhism naturally meant that the construction of temples proceeded as one set. This must have been an easy-to-understand cultural “revolution” that conveyed the substance of Prince Shotoku’s reign to many people.
Tiles, a decorative device never before seen in Japanese society, were imported along with their production system, and the architectural design of pagodas and other highly symbolic structures were also brought in. In the temples, religious music, gongs, sutra chanting, and the sound of wooden fish echoed through the air, which had never been heard before.
These Buddhist temples made it easy for people to learn about the culture of world religions. Japanese society has experienced various encounters with foreign countries, but I believe that this encounter with Buddhism and temples must have been recognized as a fundamental change in Japanese society, even more so than the “Black Ships” of the late Edo period. I think that the surprise was so great that we have forgotten how to recognize the beginning point of the transformation.
Perhaps Prince Shotoku’s reform of Japanese society was as shocking or more so than the opening of the country to the outside world in the Meiji era.
And other foreign cultures were also introduced in this period. I think that East Asian-style masked drama and gigaku, which later sublimated into Noh and other forms, is one such example. I remember learning about it in history textbooks, but I feel that I have little impression of Gigaku because it was transformed into Noh and did not survive as Gigaku in Japanese society after that.
However, for me, the masked drama that I saw during my visit to Hahoe Village in Korea was so similar that it came back to me as a vivid impression.

I wrote about Hahoe Village in my previous blog post [Architecture and Humanity in East Asia: A Reminiscence of Hahoe Village in Korea – 19].
I have only shown one Gigaku mask here, but I visited the Horyuji Treasure Museum and saw dozens of Gigaku masks and many other masks, and felt a strong cultural similarity with the Korean masked theater. In Hahoe Village, wooden masks are carved near the entrance to the village as if to ward off evil spirits. In Japan, too, I saw “amulet” at the village boundary approximated in Tohoku Akita in the Sea of Japan cultural area. It is also connected to the Namahage culture. I strongly felt the commonality as a Japan Sea Rim cultural area. Also, thinking back to 2016, I went to Akita on a research trip immediately after returning from my visit to South Korea….
I felt as if I was experiencing a living example of such cultural exchange, and on top of that, I was able to find evidence of this in a picture biography of Prince Shotoku, which was truly an eye-opening experience.
Even an ordinary person may find unexpected coincidences when he or she continues to explore the connection between architecture, history, and culture. I would like to cherish these opportunities.

【大工集団「金剛組」百済から来日、四天王寺建設 法隆寺宝物館-9】




English version⬇

Carpentry group “Kongo Gumi” came to Japan from Baekje to build Shitennoji Temple, The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-9]
The experience of visiting Shitennoji Temple and the Kongo Gumi crossfires with the pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku. Encounter with frontier spirits of East Asian architectural culture. …

The ninth article in the series on “The Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku” in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures discloses the relationship between Prince Shotoku and the Kongo-gumi, Japan’s oldest architectural engineering group founded in 578 A.D.

I had no idea that an analysis of Prince Shotoku’s pictorial biography would introduce the traces of this oldest construction company in Japan. It is a moment of surprise. The photo above is Banshodo, located behind the main hall of Shitennoji Temple. It is commonly known as “Kyokushaku Taishi. It is said to represent Prince Shotoku holding a carpenter’s tool called “kyokusaku” in his hand.
I have been working as a housing journalist in cooperation with construction companies all over Japan, and I have a strong attachment to Kongo Gumi as an entity that architects respect as a subject of their coverage, and I have visited the parent company when I was in Kansai in 2018. The carpentry profession has a deep connection with Prince Shotoku. The company’s website states the following.
Under the order of Prince Shotoku, three carpenters were invited to Japan from the country of Baekje, far across the sea. One of them was Shigemitsu Kongo, the founder of the Kongo Gumi. These craftsmen were involved in the construction of Shitennoji Temple, the first official temple in Japan. After the completion of Shitennoji, Shigemitsu remained in the area and continued to protect the temple.
Since Prince Shotoku is said to have been born in 572, we would like to do more research on the relationship between this founding year and Prince Shotoku. The description of the “Banshodo” states that the Shitennoji temple was built in 593, so there is a slight discrepancy between the date of arrival and the year of foundation. If so, the Kongo-gumi organization may have been founded in Baekje, Korea.
The “Shitennoji Temple, a full-fledged Buddhist temple, is to be built in Japan. The temple was to be built in Japan, and the dispatch of professional engineers was requested. The organization may have been established by “craftsmen” who wanted to devote themselves to the frontier of Buddhist temples in the newly emerging nation.

The main purpose of the Kongo Gumi was the construction of Shitennoji Temple and its subsequent contribution to the creation, maintenance, and development of Buddhist architecture as “palace carpenters. This episode is indispensable in conveying to Japan the manners and highways of Buddhist architecture. The five-story pagoda, which is believed to be the tomb of Buddha, was represented in the five-story pagoda and other pagodas, and the culture of building components such as roof tiles was introduced in a splendid manner. Specialized techniques were concentrated in each of them, forming an organizational form called “kumi. The foundation of religious architecture was introduced both in terms of technology and organization.
Of course, this construction project was a national project, and construction engineers from all over the country must have been mobilized. As they worked together with the Baekje workers, there must have been a mutual exchange and sublimation of various technologies. While Japanese society evolved and developed the technology thus brought to them, wooden technology encountered difficulties on the continent and peninsula. Today, Japanese technology is being exported “in return” for the maintenance and development of large wooden structures in the region.
As for my own blog of exploration, I am very impressed by the intersection of my past research and this series of Shotoku Taishi E biographies.

【飛鳥時代の対東国、蝦夷認識 法隆寺宝物館-8】



English version⬇

Recognition of the East and Emishi in the Asuka Period (The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-8)
In the picture biography of Prince Shotoku, Mt. Fuji is the “Far East” in terms of land area recognition, and the Emishi were recognized as a truly foreign nation. The emphasis continued to be on the dense foreign relations with the continental peninsula.

In this eighth installment of our series of articles on the “Shotoku Taishi Eiden” in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, we focus on the Agatsuma and Bando areas, which are believed to have finally begun to develop during this period, as well as the perception of Emishi in the northeastern part of Japan.

It is difficult for us to understand how the ancient Yamato regime perceived “national land” and geography. During the time of Prince Shotoku’s regency in the early 600s, the degree of interest in the Japanese archipelago was not fully understood in comparison to the diplomatic and national awareness of the continental and Korean peninsula states.
With this interest, I have been looking closely at the episodes in the Shotoku Taishi Eaden, but there are not so many themes involving the Eastern Province, which refers to the so-called Kanto region, or the Tohoku and Emishi, which are the “back regions” of the Kanto region.
As for the eastern provinces, I believe that the “Kono” region, which is the area of present-day Gunma and Tochigi prefectures, must have been recognized as a dynastic state as well. A little later, in 663, at the Battle of Hakuchon River, a “shogun” named Kamomono Wakiko led a total of 27,000 troops to fight an overseas war. Naturally, he was a powerful local force in the Yamato regime.
The Kamomono clan is said to have been descended from the lineage of the 10th emperor, the Emperor Sojin, who is believed to have existed and built up his power in the Kanto region. Since the emperor of Prince Shotoku’s reign was the 33rd Emperor Suiko, it can be inferred that the Yamato royal authority had a substantial presence in the Kanto region for 200 to 300 years, considering the years of the emperor’s reign. Considering the fact that he was able to organize his forces to the extent of becoming a commander of an army dispatched overseas, he must have been a very powerful force within the royal authority.
In the pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku, there are only a few references to “climbing Mount Fuji,” a gift of Kurokoma from Kai Province, and a description of Emishi. In the description of Emishi, they are depicted with their upper body naked, and are depicted as barbaric and ungodly.
This shows that the introduction of Buddhism and the dispatch of envoys to Sui Dynasty China and Sui Dynasty Japan were fundamental to the development of Japan as a nation. Fuji, too, seems to have been a story that was inserted in later times in order to recognize the extent of the land in 1069, when the pictorial record was compiled, rather than the fact that Taishi actually visited the site.
The Yamato royal authority had the urgent task of diplomacy with the continent and peninsula, and the theme of eastward expansion of the land area may have been more of a regression from the previous era of Yamatotakeru’s dispatch. Iron products, which were imported from the Korean peninsula, were the most important strategic commodity for the maintenance of royal power, and the Yamato Takeru had little interest in the eastern provinces or the Emishi society to the north until the Nara period, when stable domestic iron production was initiated.
In my renewed exploration of these perceptions of the early Yamato kingdom, I came across a theory that the regional expression Azuma corresponded to the expression Satsuuma, which was used to describe the Yamato Plain, the Kansai region, and the Rim of Japan. The Yamato Plain, the Kansai region, the Seto Inland Sea, and northern Kyushu were the basic land areas recognized during this period, and this theory suggests that the names for areas outside of the Yamato Plain still retain traces of the Yamato Plain.
The pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku, which is being looked at carefully for the first time, gives us a variety of images of Japanese society.

【権力掌握後「憲法・冠位」の立法 法隆寺宝物館-7】




English version⬇

[After seizing power, to the Buddhist priest “Sanpo” system The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-7]
Prince Shotoku initiated the subsequent reforms to the “Ritsuryo” system. The basic policy of “Harmony is the key to nobility, and the three treasures are to be reverently respected. The “Three Treasures” system was established in the late 8th century.

In this seventh installment of our series of articles on the “Shotoku Taishi Eiden” in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, we look at the Seventeenth Article of the Constitution, the basic law established in 604, when Shotoku Taishi was 32 years old, and the Crown Twelve Ranks Policy of the previous year. Click here for the first article in this series→Exploring the neat modernism of the “Gallery of Horyuji Treasures.→端正なモダニズム「法隆寺宝物館」探訪。

The “Buddhist monarchy” established after the domestic civil war we saw yesterday became the basis of the subsequent regime. The rebellion directly triggered the establishment of the Shitennoji Temple and the Horyuji Temple, which promoted the policy of establishing a Buddhist state.
Five years after the Rebellion, in 593, at the age of 21, Prince Shotoku was appointed regent by his aunt, Emperor Suiko, on both his maternal and paternal sides. The Soga clan had the Imperial Court almost entirely under its control, and Prince Shotoku would no doubt have been appointed to this position partly because of his “war success” in the rebellion. As for foreign policy, a bridgehead for the establishment of the Japanese state in the East Asian world was built through the introduction of Buddhism. Considering the political situation in the world at that time, it was probably a challenge to cope with the political system called “Ritsuryo system” that was soon to be adopted by the emerging Sui and Tang regimes.
Until then, the system of kingship was governed by the Soga, Mononobe, Otomo, and other large landowning clans, and the government was managed only by the balance of power among these clans. Under such a system, the “rule of law” based on universal values, which was the goal of the acceptance of Buddhism, could not be realized.
It may be true that the textbooks describe Prince Shotoku’s goal as “the establishment of the Ritsuryo system and its forerunner. However, this is easier said than done.
In enacting Article 17 of the Constitution, Prince Shotoku’s first article stipulated that “harmony shall be the highest virtue.” This was probably based on his recognition that, under the previous system in which powerful clans served as “wuji” (clans) under a great king and constituted the royal authority, disputes among the clans had become the norm.

The following is a translation of the first three articles of the “Ki no Sho” (the first of which is translated into modern colloquialism as follows)
I say, “Make it a doctrine to respect harmony and not to disobey it. All men are gregarious, and few are wise. If the higher ups are at peace with the lower downs and discuss matters in amity, then the reason of things will be understood by themselves.
The second saying is, “Respect the three treasures with utmost reverence. They are the Buddhas, the Dharma Buddhas, and the Dharma Priests. It is the place to which all living beings return, and it is the doctrine at the summit of all nations. The Dharma says, “Low profile is good.
San says, “If you have received the emperor’s edict, be sure to obey it respectfully. The rules of those who rule over the people extend all the way to the heavens. Then the four seasons will rotate, and he will gain divine power with all his chi. The words of the sovereign are received with reverence by his subjects. If the higher-ups do, the lower ones will imitate them. Therefore, the words of the sovereign must be obeyed with reverence. Failure to do so will result in self-destruction.
The 12 ranks of the crown were intended to appoint a group of “bureaucrats” under the direct control of the Yamato royal authority, and were probably intended to reduce the involvement of powerful clans with family names in the affairs of state.
The difficulties that confronted Prince Shotoku during the initial period of the establishment of the state system are intensively expressed in these events. However, Prince Shotoku’s modernization policy must have caused considerable friction with the ruling structure of the time.

【聖徳太子四天王に祈願 崇仏派内戦勝利 法隆寺宝物館-6】



English version⬇

Prayer to Prince Shotoku’s Four Heavenly Kings Victory in the Civil War of the Chōbutsu Faction The Gallery of Horyu-ji Treasures-6
The “Dingmi Rebellion,” an armed struggle within the regime that I did not know much about. A civil war during the period of the introduction of Buddhism. At the boiling point of the times, bloody battles decided the fate of the nation. …

In this sixth installment of the series of articles on “Shotoku Taishi Eiden” in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, we will look at the “Chomi no Rebellion” that broke out in 587, when Shotoku Taishi was 16 years old, between the “Chobutsuha” who promoted the introduction of Buddhism and the “Chobutsuha” who opposed the introduction.
Click here for the first article in this series→Exploring the neat modernism of the “Gallery of Horyuji Treasures.→端正なモダニズム「法隆寺宝物館」探訪。
The Soga and Monobe clans were the heads of their respective positions within the Imperial Court at that time. Emperor Yomei, who had the Soga clan as his relatives, was of the Buddhist sect and respected Buddhism. On the other hand, Monobe no Moriya, who was the leader of the abolitionist faction, had a sense of crisis and was in communication with Prince Anahobe, one of Emperor Kinmei’s princes. Emperor Yomei collapsed on April 9, 587 (April 15 in the Kojiki), less than two years into his reign, due to smallpox. This armed conflict occurred at the moment a power vacuum was created.
In July 587, three months after the fall of Emperor Yomei, Soga Umako dispatched an army to pursue Monobe Moriya, and led a military force of the imperial family, including Prince Umamado (Prince Shotoku), and various powerful families to march on Moriya’s mansion in Shibukawa-gun, Kawachi Province. The Soga army entered Kawachi Province from Yamato Province and engaged Monobe’s army on the banks of the Yakka River, and according to the Kawachi provincial governor after the war, the combined death toll on both sides was several hundred.
In the midst of this fierce battle, Prince Umayato made statues of the Four Heavenly Kings to pray for victory and to obtain the blessings of Buddhism, and vowed that if he won the battle, he would build a pagoda and work to spread Buddhism. In the fierce battle, Moriya was hit by an arrow and killed, and Monobe’s army, which had lost its general, was crushed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the pursuing force attacked and killed all of Moriya’s family members.
The Soga clan succeeded in completely eliminating the power of their archrival Mononobe clan, which had been at odds with the Soga clan for two generations, from the center of the country, and further strengthened their power in cooperation with Emperor Umato-no-mikoto. The Mononobe clan and other opponents of Buddhism waned in power, and the penetration of Buddhism into the country began in earnest. After the war, Prince Umayato built Shitennoji Temple in Settsu Province.

The top image is a visual image that was shown at the Digital Shotoku Taishi Eiden exhibition. It appears that a large number of extras were mobilized and outdoor filming was conducted. The image may have been filmed for a TV program, and then used by the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures. The fence in the front is for the Mononobe clan, and the one in the foreground is for the Soga clan. It seems likely that the various settings were made based on the historical research considered in the present day.
Prince Shotoku was present at this battle, so it is very vivid. We can see how even a saintly prince won the power struggle with his “high road”. This world is not a pretty one. It is said that after the war, Monobe Moriya’s domain was divided between the Soga clan and Shitennoji. The first source of the Shitennoji temple complex, which remains to this day, is depicted.
When the pictorial biography of Shotoku Taishi is carefully analyzed based on the organized analysis of various researchers, the atmosphere of the period in which Taishi lived (572-622) and the period in which the pictorial biography was established (late Heian period, 1069) can be reproduced. The pictorial biography of Shotoku Taishi makes me aware of an era that I had never known before, and I am strongly attracted to its attractiveness (laugh). Laughs.

【12才の太子、百済高官(二重スパイ?)と密談 法隆寺宝物館-5】


English version⬇

The 12-year old prince secretly talks with a Baekje official (double agent?) The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-5
A scene from a picture biography gives us a glimpse of diplomacy in those days. The actual situation of exchanging information with a high-ranking official of Baekje, Korea, although he was Japanese. The scene of a secret conversation with a spy

This is the scene in the lower left of the fifth panel of the “Shotoku Taishi E biography” mural painting, which consists of 10 panels in 5 panels, and is located in the lower left corner. It has been regarded simply as an example of the Taishi’s outburst of intellectual curiosity.
In these five paintings, there is a scene in which Ono Imoko, an ambassador dispatched to Sui Dynasty China, goes to Hengshan in China to search for the sutra of the Taishi’s previous life, and another scene in which the Taishi rides on a blue dragon cart (a kind of float used in festivals but probably an imaginary high-speed flying vehicle) to retrieve a sutra he had at Hengshan in his previous life. The person named Mr. Hira is also a mystery.
This character, Hira, is also mysterious and interesting, and when I looked him up, I found that he was “a Japanese or Japanese Baekje official who served the king of Baekje, a state on the Korean peninsula in the 6th century. His father was Kuninomiyakko, the king of Higo Province,” according to Wiki. The Asuka period shows that the relationship between the Korean peninsula state and the Kyushu region was highly correlated. It is easy to imagine that Kyushu had a unique perception and worldview that was relatively different from that of the Yamato kingdom’s Yamato region.
In addition, “In the 583rd year of the Chronicles of Japan, he came to Japan at the request of Emperor Toshitatsu to report to the Imperial Court on the policy toward Korea. It is said that the exchange of information was highly confidential and disadvantageous to Baekje, and included such matters as the fact that Baekje would be likely to surrender if the people were made comfortable and wealthy and the national power was strengthened, and that Baekje was planning to expand its territory to Kyushu, so the defenses should be strengthened to avoid being deceived. As a result, his fate took a dark turn and he was assassinated in Namba by Baekje officials in December of the same year. The article also contains a top-secret matter on national security, “The Baekje State was the first country in the world to exchange information on the Baekje Dynasty.
The fact that the relationship between the two countries was one of high official exchange and espionage is also revealed. The historical fact is that he was assassinated at the end of the year in which he talked with Prince Shotoku. Or, the secret talk with Prince Shotoku may have been traced back to him, and Baekje officials, fearing the leakage of top-secret national information, may have sent assassins to kill him.
It is clear that Prince Shotoku, although only 12 years old, was a super genius as a sovereign ruler of a nation. His intellectual curiosity was vigorous, and his conversation with a person in such a position must have been full of stimulation. It is also odd that they had a secret conversation late into the night because they “just happened to see each other. It can be inferred that it was a wise exchange of information that forced him to make a decision in the national interest while carefully ruminating on the depths of the conversation and becoming deeply excited.
I wonder if he was deeply interested in and trained to think about such sensitive matters with foreign countries. It can be said that they were cultivating their imagination filled with reality, wondering what might happen if Baekje and Japan fought each other. At the very least, we can read from this image of Prince Shotoku as a gentle and realistic politician, which is quite different from the image of Prince Shotoku as a saintly prince who devoted his life to the introduction of Buddhism.
This episode may have revealed the true nature of the man who later practiced realist diplomacy in pursuit of the national interest at the very last minute, as in “The place where the sun rises…”. It is precisely because he was a man who possessed both purity and turbidity that he was able to build peaceful international relations. The policy of accepting Buddhism as the foundation of Japan’s national identity as a state that protects and defends the nation has taken root in Japan, and the Japanese people’s appreciation of Prince Shotoku, the political leader who introduced this basic framework, has risen to the level of religious faith. We are reminded that the people’s appreciation of Shotoku Taishi’s foresight and talent as a statesman was also profound and enormous.

【少年聖徳太子 同時に10人の話を理解? 法隆寺宝物館-4】



English version⬇

Shotoku Taishi: Understanding Ten People’s Stories at the Same Time? The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-4
I was tempted to say, “Really?” (laugh), but the expression on the cute boy’s face was so deeply favorable that it permeated the history of the people. …

Now, let’s take a look at the contents of the Shotoku Taishi Pictorial Biography.
This scene in the photo is the famous story of Prince Shotoku’s genius, which is said to have been manifested in his ability to hear and understand 10 people’s conversations at the same time, which is beyond ordinary people. The conversation was between children, and the content itself was probably a trivial everyday topic, so it is clear that he had a general grasp of the content, but 10 people is still astonishing. In modern times, some people use the “power of listening” as a catchphrase (laugh).
The placement of these stories on the first ship in the entire mural painting is probably meant to convey the impact of the whole of Prince Shotoku’s life. As a person of later generations, it is interesting to know that this kind of announcement to the people of the Heian period, nearly 400 years after the death of Prince Shotoku, was spread throughout the entire history of the people and had a certain degree of credibility.

The photo above shows the first of the five vessels (5 seki-10puku, each section of which is arranged on three walls as a wall painting). The photo above shows the first of the five vessels and ten panels (5 seki 10 puku, each section of which is arranged on three walls as a wall painting). In this painting, the arrow indicates that Prince Shotoku was 11 years old when he was sitting in a circle with his children and chatting with them.
The role played by the pictorial tradition in Japanese society can be clearly seen as a primitive form of “media. The pictorial tradition was utilized by Shitennoji Temple and others by this time. As Buddhism became deeply rooted in Japanese society, it is thought that such a communication tool was developed and evolved in its own way.
It is said that Chinese Buddhist painting styles were first introduced into Japanese society, but eventually a uniquely Japanese “Yamato-e” style was established, leading to this form of painting. In this way, the overall “labyrinthine news layout” can be seen as a reference to the “article layout” of modern newspapers and other media.
In the Heian period, when it was clear that the literacy rate was not as high as in the Edo period, it is highly probable that this kind of media style was adopted. The other day, I wrote about the opinion of an American expert who described the unique labyrinth-like format of the pictorial traditions, but even today’s newspaper media heavily balance their pages to manipulate the impression of each piece of information.
If you take a closer look at it, you will realize that it is a media of information. I think it is fair to say that the development of this type of information transmission contributed greatly to the process by which the idea of the state as a guardian nation was carried through in Japan and Buddhism successfully took root among the Japanese people.
Of course, the exhibition was not at the stage of being printed and disseminated, but rather it was a corner exhibition within a building of Horyuji Temple, and although it was probably intended for the ruling class rather than the general public, the boyish expressions on the Taishi’s face were deeply appreciated by people, and the information was disseminated over time as an experiential medium.

【聖徳太子がモデル?仏像2体 法隆寺宝物館-3】



English version⬇

Two Buddhist Statues Modeled after Shotoku Taishi? Two Buddhist statues, The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-3
Two of the earliest works in the art genre of Buddhist statues in Japan. The admiration for their models. The role they played in imprinting the teachings of Buddhism on the minds of the Japanese people. The role they played in imprinting the teachings of Buddhism in the hearts of the Japanese people.

Some of the statues, such as the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple in Nara, are open to the public, but I had never seen the main statue of Buddha at Horyuji Temple. I guess I was just kind of staring at it in a daze (laughs). On the other hand, in Asukadera Temple, you are greeted by the “Great Buddha of Asuka” as soon as you enter the main hall. I felt welcomed easily, and I liked the expression on his face, which is said to have been made by Buddhist priest Toributsuji. And when I saw the expression of the Buddha in the center of the “Shakyamuni Sanzon Zo” that was on display at the Digital Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, I was aesthetically convinced that it was also made by the master.
I cannot say what it is about the statues, but the overall atmosphere of the statues is similar. The facial features, the way they are made, and the sense of balance have a lot in common, and I feel a sense of affinity with them.
The upper photo shows the three images of Shakyamuni and the lower photo shows Asuka Daibutsu. The Asuka Daibutsu was built before the Shakyamuni Buddha, and its reputation leads us to assume that the same creator was commissioned to make the Asuka Daibutsu. As the name “Kurazakudori” suggests, the original saddle maker’s main occupation was to make saddles for horseback riding, but it is said that he was expected to produce these Buddhist statues because of the shortage of specialists during the period of the arrival of Buddhism, or because of his high level of production, or rather because he emigrated from the peninsula to do this work.
The general consensus is that Prince Shotoku himself, who was in charge of ordering this national project, may have been the model for these Buddhist statues. If so, is there a point of coincidence since the Asukadera Great Buddha is also considered to be the first Buddhist temple built by the “Soga clan,” which was a supporter of Prince Shotoku?

Asuka-ji Temple was built in 596; Prince Shotoku became regent of Emperor Suiko in 593, and Horyu-ji Temple was built later in 607.
One of the major upheavals of this period was the battle between the Chūbutsu and Exclusionist factions in July 587. Soga Umako, a member of the Chūbutsu faction, dispatched an army to defeat Mononobe Moriya, a member of the Zeng-butsu faction, and led a military force of the Imperial Family, including Prince Umamado (Prince Shotoku) and other powerful clansmen, to Moriya’s mansion in Shibukawa County, Kawachi Province. As a result, the introduction of Buddhism became a national policy, and national temple construction projects such as Asukadera, Shitennoji, and Horyu-ji were vigorously undertaken.
In this period, Buddhism virtually flourished as a world religion, and at the same time, the powerful united states of Sui and Tang appeared in the Asian world.
The Chongbulists believed that in order to oppose external pressure, they should actively introduce Buddhism to strengthen their foreign relations. On the other hand, was this a confrontation between the Mononobe clan and those who thought that the existing decentralized state was sufficient? Looking at Japan’s subsequent history, this kind of political choice and dualism has always existed.
Prince Shotoku, who was a member of the Chōbutsu faction, was thus victorious in the domestic struggle, but he had his envoy to the Sui Dynasty, Ono Imoko, declare that Japan was a nation on par with the Sui Dynasty. The Prince of Heaven where the sun rises and the book is given to the Prince of Heaven where the sun sets. This will be done without fail. The Sui Dynasty emperor is said to have been angered by this intransigent attitude, but in international relations, Japan’s independence was respected as a matter of fact, partly due to the necessity of dealing with the Goguryeo Dynasty. Diplomatically, it can be said that Japan won a victory.
Although he was an open-minded man, he insisted on independent and equal diplomacy in foreign affairs. In fact, this may be a major reason why Prince Shotoku has long been loved and worshipped by the Japanese people. How to deal with a continental nation may be the backbone of Japan’s identity to this day.