
【デジタル「聖徳太子絵伝」 in 法隆寺宝物館-2】




English version⬇

Digital “Shotoku Taishi E biography” in The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-2
The miraculous acceptance of Buddhist thought in Japanese society as a “state of tranquility and protection”. What is the “faith” of Horyu-ji Temple and its founder, Prince Shotoku? …

The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, whose architecture was introduced yesterday. This exhibition facility is located at the rear of the Tokyo National Museum grounds in Ueno, Tokyo. The museum exhibits and displays a group of treasures presented to the imperial family by Horyuji Temple in 1878. In other words, the treasures are the common property of the people. Naturally, it does not resemble the concept of private ownership, but is entirely shared. It is the basis of democracy for the people to share historically valuable intellectual and cultural assets and to evolve and develop their sense of value.
The Treasure House has many Buddhist statues and other items on display, and when I visited the museum, the “Shotoku Taishi Eden” was being digitally displayed. The Japanese people, Horyu-ji Temple, and the “Shotoku Taishi faith” that exists at the core of the temple were suddenly on display in a direct manner.
I believe that the success of the “Shinko-no-Kokoku” philosophy and the broad support of the people are at the root of the flexible change of government in Japan, where the separation of power and administration has been achieved in a relatively mild manner, rather than through revolutionary changes of government as in other countries. The adherence to the Buddhist policy of “reverence for the three treasures” has helped the country to overcome the crisis of social disintegration. The fact that the imperial lineage has survived for at least a thousand years is a miracle of the world. Although there is some controversy over the existence of Prince Shotoku, I think he is a pivotal figure in the basis of the legitimacy of royal authority.

The “Shotoku Taishi E biography” tells the story of the life of Prince Shotoku, a painting created in 1069 during the Heian period (794-1185). The painting above is one of the existing digitally processed paintings. It is a labyrinth of numerous traces of the Taishi, with the chronological order of events slightly backward and forward. According to Nelson Goodman, an American philosopher, “Sixty events are arranged as a whole in a twisted narrative,” which is a curious sense of composition.
A considerable amount of history has passed since the founding of Horyuji Temple (607). It is said that the paintings were exhibited in the E-den (Picture Gallery), which was newly built along with the Shariden (Hall of Relics) at Horyu-ji during this period, and that the paintings were displayed in the E-den like a wall painting.

A reproduction of the painting is now on display in the Horyuji Picture Hall, as shown in the photo. The Horyuji record clearly describes how the painting was created, and the painter is clearly identified as Hata Chisada, a resident of Ohnami, Settsu Province.
It is truly a time traveler’s recollection of the times (laughs). The era can be said to be the heyday of the Fujiwara family’s regal government. The emperor’s royal authority was symbolic, and the Fujiwara clan existed at the top of the aristocratic class as a system to control it. However, the Emperor Shirakawa, who aimed to restore the royal regency by countering the Fujiwara’s monopoly of power with the Insei government, became the crown prince during this period. This was probably the period just before the rise of the samurai.
In such an era, Horyu-ji Temple, as the root of Buddhism in Japan, may have sought to maintain and develop its exceptional status in Japanese society by widely publicizing the memory of Prince Shotoku, who was deeply involved in its founding. The existence of Hata Chisada, a “goeji” painter who was established in the late Heian period, also arouses strong interest. To be continued.
<Reference: Kanazawa College of Art Bulletin, Masako Ota, “Narrative Structure of the Illustrated Biography of Shotoku Taishi in the Horyuji Eden Hon” >.





English version⬇

Exploring the Neat Modernism of the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures
Japanese people have had a long relationship with Buddhism. The treasures in the museum are a collection of the history of Buddhism. The treasures are an opportunity to talk with the ancestors who believed in Buddhism rather than to talk with the treasures. The Treasure House of Horyuji Temple

One of the biggest “disparities” I feel when I am in a rural area is the distance between art and culture. There are almost no interesting or rare exhibitions held or exhibited in the countryside.
If you are Japanese and have some interest in history, you would like to see the treasures of Horyuji at least once. Of course, even if you live in Tokyo or the suburbs, you probably wouldn’t go if you weren’t interested (laughs). I visit the special exhibitions at the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno whenever I have the chance.
However, I had not visited the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, which is located in a slightly secluded part of the park grounds. The other day, I encountered this building for the first time and was able to visit the interior as well.
The building greets visitors with a neat modernist exterior over a water basin. There is a flow passage in the center of the right side of the water basin, which gives you a bit of a “boundary” as you walk through.

It is a simple concrete structure with a large opening toward the water table. It expresses a tranquil atmosphere and provides a peaceful encounter with the exhibits. The purpose of the architecture and exhibits is as shown in the guide photo.
As this is indeed a national cultural exhibition, visitors are free to take photos as long as they do not use strobe lights or other techniques. I was allowed to take pictures after checking it out. I was very grateful to have the opportunity to look back at the photos of the exhibits from time to time at home. It is a wonderful experience to be able to come in contact with the actual objects and then carefully ruminate on the information and understand it in depth.
I was fascinated by the exhibition of the “Pictorial Biographies of Prince Shotoku,” which utilizes digital technology. I believe that the spirituality that Japanese people have usually respected is concentrated in such exhibits.
As for the architecture, I felt that it was designed to calm the visitor’s mind.
There may be various functionalities in architecture, but this is one of them. I think the spatiality was appropriate for the relationship between the Japanese people and Horyu-ji Temple. I was able to fully concentrate on visiting the exhibits.

PS: Yesterday I was vaccinated for the sixth time. I am sure there are various ways of thinking about it, but for myself, I received the vaccine because of my aging and in order not to cause any inconvenience to the society. I hope that the adverse reactions will be minimal.

【木質・自然系デザイン in 新木場駅周辺】



English version⬇

Woody and natural design in Shinkiba Station area
In the tenement district of Edo (1603-1867), flowerpots were lined up along the street to ensure greenery that was easy on the human eye, based on the concept of mutual aid. There is no reason why such wisdom and ingenuity cannot be applied today. …

On a recent business trip to an AI event at Tokyo Big Sight, I wondered what I should do when traveling to and from the venue in Tokyo, and decided to go via “Shinkiba Station” for the first time. I had rented a car in consideration of my destination after the event, so I parked at a parking lot around Shinkiba Station and went out for the round trip.
As the parking lot was underground, I went up to the first floor to go to the station and encountered a front display like the one in the photo above. At first glance, I was under the illusion that I could see a huge forest like the Imperial Palace through the windows.
However, upon closer inspection, I realized that these were natural plants, partitioned by wooden frames and using the wall-greening technique. The sense of life is fresh and fresh, and it does not look as if it were simply cut from nature and pasted on the wall. It was firmly “rooted” in this position, and I could see fresh germination and growth of branches and leaves in this state.
I have often seen and heard of attempts to give “moisture” to the atmosphere created by modern concrete-framed buildings through the use of wall greening, but I had thought that such attempts were only possible with a certain amount of natural light. In contrast, this work is very much in tune with “nature,” but it is indoors, so when I thought about it more closely, I felt a sense of “strangeness.
After thinking about it and looking at it more closely, I could imagine that the plant group employed might be able to grow to a certain extent even in the weak sunlight coming from the glass surface of the entrance.
I think that wall greening is one of the “solutions” to restore nature in extremely dense areas such as Tokyo without requiring a large area. At least, even for an étranger like myself, I felt a strong positive impression of the project.

When I left this building, I found that the building next to it was also experimenting with the following. This is a view of an “added” exterior skin to a concrete building using wood building materials. It seems to me that this is a method of shielding the building from the sun. Compared to a building with an exterior skin composed only of concrete, it still gives a sense of lusciousness to the human eye.
Perhaps the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s fire prevention regulations also allow the use of wooden building materials as long as a certain amount of “exterior wall setback” is secured.
Whether it is wall greening or a wooden skin, I would like to see these kinds of attempts gain a lot of momentum. In the old days in Edo (old name for Tokyo), the streets of the townspeople’s districts were decorated with greenery through a series of flowerpots and other small efforts. I feel that these recent attempts at urban greening are restoring the DNA that has been present since the Edo period.



English version⬇

Guerrilla event, President’s Dining Hall, Rinzou “Katsuo-no-Tataki” (Bonito Tataki)
The straw grill is a mendacious thing, and a camp burner-like device can be used for multiple purposes. The smiling face of food that supports information production. The smile of food that supports the production of information.

We are working hard on the process of editing and processing easy-to-understand information about housing. Since the infection, our company has been actively introducing remote work and moving to a “new way of working,” and we have been working to control productivity in such an environment.
That is all well and good, but it is not easy to smoothly restart such an initiative as the president’s cafeteria. It is difficult to coordinate a remote work system where the entire staff can get together and have a good time. However, while this is fine for on-the-job communication, it is also possible to have a conversation with the staff with their minds off the job, so to speak, and have a chance to communicate with the entire staff in a way that is unobtainable.
Therefore, I decided to hold this event on a temporary basis when I could, without being unreasonable.
Even though I am working remotely, I have apprenticed myself to a fishmonger in Yoichi, who taught me how to process fish, and I am learning as I go along. We always have a supply of fish on hand, so we are always ready to serve even if we need to hold a party on short notice.
So yesterday, with a total of nine staff members at work, we made and served bonito tataki, sashimi of sea bream, and huge rice balls for lunch.
As for the bonito tataki, I would love to try the straw-roasted bonito, but my wife and daughter gave me a stern red card warning: “Don’t do such a tedious thing! I was given a stern red card warning by my wife and daughter, “Don’t do such a tedious thing! I had no choice but to try it with a camping burner. I uploaded the video on YouTube and put a link to it, but I’m not sure if you can watch it or not. Please watch it in fast forward.
I saw a cute little bonito at a store in Sapporo the other day and was attracted by its loveliness and affordability (7-800 yen per fish, as I recall), so I dismantled it and had it frozen while watching the video commentary. We ate it as a family, and since we had done the preparation training, it was no problem to deal with it on short notice. Searing the bonito on the burner was a fun way to see how the skin of the bonito was burned, so I called the staff over to watch. Wild cooking with only bricks and nets.
It had been a while since I saw the carefree smiles on the staff’s faces. I would like to continue to improve my cooking skills little by little by holding occasional guerrilla-style events as I please. Let’s do it!




English version⬇

The Soul Returns to the Soil of the Hometown – Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 11
The soil of his hometown, where he learned to read, write, and do arithmetic and where his character was nurtured, concludes his life. The scene of his eternal rest, embraced by the love of his parents and the land. …

Well, it has been a long series of articles along the trail of Rinzo Mamiya. Since it was about a historical figure who was deeply related to human beings and houses, and also to Hokkaido, it was a good opportunity for me to actually visit the site. So, within a few minutes’ walk from Rinzo Mamiya’s birthplace, there was also a family temple of the Mamiya family called “Sensho-ji,” and I was able to visit the grave of the Mamiya family in a corner of the house. In short, I had the impression that I was able to see the entire history of the Mamiya family from its birth to its gravesite.
After a long wait, he finally had a son, an only child. He was called a child prodigy, and was called a child prodigy when he proposed a brilliant idea for a civil engineering project of the Shogunate, which was adopted. He left a decisive mark that saved Japan. He died in Edo (Tokyo), living up to his destiny as a shogunate vassal.
This tomb is said to have been erected in a corner of Senjyo-ji Temple before he left for Sakhalin expedition, as a kind of a prenatal burial. The words “Mamiya Rinzo Tomb” inscribed on the grave are said to be in his own handwriting. Rinzo Mamiya was sorry for his lack of filial piety as the only son who could not take over his family, so he adopted a son from his relatives to take over his family of birth and built his own grave, pretending that he was “dead”. Or, did he do this because he was determined to “die” on his way to explore Sakhalin on the northern frontier? Both of these may have been the message conveyed to the audience. However, Rinzo Mamiya had a connection with an Ainu woman in Hokkaido, and some of her descendants are said to be alive today. This has recently been revealed.
His parents’ graves were also erected next to this grave. It is heartwarming to see her resting with her parents, deeply grateful for the love they had given her in the house where she was born and raised, and at the same time, it conveys her regret.
It is an idealistic image of a human being to be laid to rest as a lump of earth in the landscape of his hometown, the land near the house where he was born. Rinzo learned to read, write, and do arithmetic from the priest of Senjyo-ji Temple. It also shows how the temple nurtured human resources in the community. Outside the walls of the temple, which can be seen in the photo, is a river, which continues to support the agriculture of the area. The people must have caught fish in this river. This is truly a hometown.

I have been working in the housing media, but this type of “reportage” on houses and people from cradle to grave is a rare experience for me. I felt as if I could actually experience that a house is a vessel for human life and a cradle for the soul of a person.
As I get older, this type of house tour and reportage becomes more and more interesting.



English version⬇

Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 10
Rinzo Mamiya lived as a shogunate official from the Siebold Affair to his covert activities. However, he was later enshrined as a mihashira at the Kaitakushi Shrine. The…

Rinzo Mamiya, who made a great contribution to national affairs by exploring Hokkaido and Sakhalin to determine the territory of the northern part of Japan. The two photos above are of the Kaitakushi Shrine (a branch of the Hokkaido Shrine), which is my daily walking route and shrine. The shrine enshrines the 37 Gobashira, or “pillars,” of the people who made Hokkaido what it is today. Mamiya is the second person from the left in the upper row.
Other names on the shrine include those of Kahei Takataya, Tadataka Ino, Takeshiro Matsuura, Tokunai Mogami, and others. Perhaps it is because of this daily habit that I have always had a strong interest in the names of these people and their legacies, without even realizing it.
Although Mamiya has been honored for a long time in this way, his achievements in the latter half of his life as a shogunate official are well known. One example is his actions during the Siebold Incident, in which many shogunate officials and Siebold were punished for taking a map of Japan out of the country, which had been banned by the government. Today, it would be more meaningless to say that the map information was prohibited by the government, but it was highly confidential information for the Shogunate organization under the tyrannical power system. It was an event that involved the very foundation of the nation’s sovereignty. It can be said that this information has a strong historical significance.
As a bakufu official, he brought information about the northern border to the shogunate as something that would contribute to the public interest, and this must have strengthened his position within the shogunate. Under such circumstances, it was natural for him to act politically in accordance with the policies of the shogunate. It is said that he submitted letters and packages sent by Siebold to the Bakufu without opening them to show that “to communicate privately with a foreigner would be to violate the national prohibition. As a result, Takahashi Kageyasu, a fellow shogunate official who provided Siebold with information on Japanese maps, was arrested and executed, and Siebold was deported.
After that, he left traces of his “Shogunate covert” activities. In his later years, he was known to spy on the feudal lords of western Japan. The Siebold affair took place in 1828, when he was 49 years old. This corresponds to the time from 1828 to his death in 1844 at the age of 65 at his home in Edo. Attitudes toward information have historically fluctuated in political situations. Could this be an event that could have occurred in the intervening time? The period was just entering the period of political upheaval at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
However, despite this background fact, when Siebold, who was exiled from Japan, presented a map of the northern area of Japan to the European world, he clearly introduced it as the “Straits of Mamiya”. It is also a fact that Siebold himself was an information agent with a position as a member of the Dutch trading post.
As such, it cannot be said that Siebold had any particular feelings toward Mamiya. Rather, he must have had a certain respect for him. It seems to me that this is a difference in international standing. It is difficult for future generations to judge such behavior.




English version⬇

Public Opinion and Love for Parents Boosted by Success of Northern Expedition – Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 9
The results of the Sakhalin expedition that reached Edo. The results of the survey that prevented Russian invasion. Amidst the outpouring of praise, Rinzo Mamiya’s heart yearns for the relatives he left behind in his hometown. …

Since the end of the Edo period, Hokkaido has been the focus of intense attention from the Japanese nation and its people. Amidst the pressure from a succession of powers to open the country to the outside world and invade, it can be said that Japanese society was fostering public opinion for the development of Hokkaido from the Meiji era onward. The fact that Hokkaido is still recognized as a “special region” may have its roots in this kind of sentiment. Hokkaido is the front line in the Japanese people’s battle against the cold climate, a battle that would determine the nation’s independence and national destiny.
Rinzo Mamiya is said to have wished to “rise in the world,” but it seems to me that his desire to rise in the world was an expression of his inner desire to “devote himself to the service of his country” in the face of the boiling pressure from abroad.
His exploration of the north came to an end with the successful survey of Sakhalin and his subsequent contact with the outside world in Deren, and at the age of 32, after devoting his entire time to exploring and surveying the north since the age of 20, he produced and submitted reports such as “Travels in the Eastern Lands,” “Hokiibunkai Buwa” and “Map of Northern Yezo Islands.
The photo shows the published reports. Also shown are the hoods and blankets he is said to have used during his exploration of the north. All of these “winter protection” goods were indispensable for his travels in Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Northeast Asia, which were considered a different world from the warmer climate of Japanese society. They show the footprints of his efforts to confront the frigid climate, which was simply isolated from the Japanese archipelago.
It is said that in 1811, at the age of 32, he submitted these reported materials to the shogunate and asked for his retirement from his position as a shogunate retainer. …There must have been a strong atmosphere of admiration for his northern explorations in the “public opinion” of the time. Later, when Tokugawa Nariaki, the feudal lord of the Mito domain, conceived the idea of developing Hokkaido in his domain, he invited Mamiya, who was a leading authority on the subject, to serve as his mentor. It is likely that public opinion was in favor of Mamiya’s work.
On the other hand, it seems that Mamiya’s desire to settle down in his “service” to national affairs was also motivated by his concern for the condition of his parents as the only child of a farming family.

This letter was sent from Ezo to Iinuma Jinbei, an influential man from a neighboring village who supported him as a guarantor and foster father in his efforts to take care of national affairs, six years after he was appointed to the shogunate. The letter is said to express his concern for his parents who remained in his hometown. According to his biography, he resigned from his post the following year at the age of 23 due to an “illness. The following year, he “recovered from his illness” and returned to work.
I imagine that he was concerned about his parents’ health and the survival of the family, and tried to put things in order. He was adopted by the Mamiya family in his hometown, and he himself moved his home base to Edo.
I am very enthusiastic when I trace the history of Rinzo Mamiya (laugh). Although the theme of this blog is originally housing, as a person from Hokkaido, I naturally want to know about the early days when many people started to live in this area. I have previously written a blog about the development of Hokkaido in the Meiji period (1868-1912) and the beginning of cold-weather housing in Hokkaido, so I am also very passionate about the prehistoric period in which Rinzo Mamiya and his family were active. Please forgive me.




English version⬇

Diplomacy at the End of the Edo Period at Deren in the Middle Heilongjiang River – Mamiya Rinzo’s Birthplace – 8
Diplomacy between Japan and China at the time of 1810 at the Qing dynasty’s outpost in China. Under the isolationist regime, was it in the form of an accidental encounter with a local in Sakhalin accompanying a local in Sakhalin? …

Based on the efforts of Mamiya Rinzo and other territorial surveyors at the end of the Edo period, the new government, led by Kuroda Kiyotaka, adopted an aggressive “colonization” policy to consolidate Japanese control over Hokkaido Island.
The foundation for this policy was research into “cold-weather housing” and the policy to promote its spread. This DNA has been passed down through the generations to today’s local governments in Hokkaido, where highly insulated and airtight housing has taken root, and is now spreading to housing innovations in the south of Honshu and beyond. It seems to be a straight line of history as far as Japanese history concerning housing is concerned.
After his original mission to explore Sakhalin, Rinzo Mamiya, with the cooperation of the local people, went to explore the trading city of Deren in the middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River (Amur River). He was 30 years old at the time. The account of his expedition is described in the book “Travels in the East Rhodesian Region,” which was compiled as a record of the second Sakhalin expedition. The pictorial representations handed down to this day are recorded by Sadasuke, the son of Mamiya Rinzo’s mentor as an explorer, Murakami Shimanojo, as the compiler of the book. Sadasuke’s pictorial representation conveys the situation of this region at the time of 1810 in an easy-to-understand manner. The information is depicted from a naname-upper perspective as in the traditional “Yamato-e” realistic expression, as in military records and Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu, and is easy to understand.
The first picture depicts the form of subjugation and payment of tribute by different ethnic groups to the Qing dynasty. Of course, it is a prerequisite that the return gift
The first illustration shows a form of subjugation and payment to the Qing Dynasty by the different ethnic groups. From the perspective of the different ethnic groups, the purpose is only to trade, but the Chinese thought that they are the center of the world requires this kind of “formality”. Is this a part of the modern world as well?
On the other hand, once the formalities were over, Mamiya was treated as a so-called guest, and the scene of entertainment at the drinking table is also expressed. We can also see how traded goods were traded and freely distributed at the market in Deren. The question is whether or not the Qing dynasty “ruled” the region in the form of this kind of market.
The Japanese Edo shogunate at this stage in its dealings with the Western world was taking a stance that corresponded to the concept of a world-standard “modern state,” and the actions of these Mamiya and others represent such a reality. The subsequent transition of the situation in Far East Asia would see the collapse of the Qing dynasty state, while Japan would aim for “de-industrialization” of Europe.

Mamiya’s gaze also turned to the way of life of ordinary people. He even described how the local people were raising their children. Is this a sign that he was able to have friendly contact with the officials in Deren? The paintings can be identified as showing the “cradle” of an infant. Mamiya, who was not married and had no children, must have felt how he felt, and there must have been moments when he thought of his parents. Although Mamiya’s life was devoted to the affairs of the country, it is also somewhat sad.



English version⬇

Hokkaido and Sakhalin further to the Heilongjiang River estuary area – Mamiya Rinzo’s birthplace – 7
The scientific rationality of territorial grasp and geographical recognition was established as the basis for territorial domination of the northern part of Japan. From this achievement, Mamiya Rinzo further advanced into northern diplomacy. …

For a modern state, understanding the geography of its territory is important fundamental information that ensures the legitimacy of its governance. Without accurate geographical awareness, the overall effectiveness of the exercise of power is impossible. It is the basis for “land rule,” including the defense of the territory and its transportation, as well as the development of industry, population growth, and the promotion and securing of settlement.
It can be said that Japan’s Edo shogunate had a very correct understanding of the international common sense that such “civil administration” is the very essence of the modern concept of the state.
The Edo shogunate system was quick to promote the surveying of Hokkaido Island as the basis for territorial determination, and later, in preparation for border disputes with Russia, it promoted exploration of Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands, and other areas.
Rinzo Mamiya made a huge national contribution in this survey of Sakhalin. He established internationally that Sakhalin and the continent of Northeast Asia were not connected to the land, but were islands, and this led to a breakthrough in world map information. The “special national missions” were carried out and were considered “state secrets” under the Edo Shogunate’s policy of national seclusion. In the case of the “leak” of state secrets to the Dutch physician Siebold, the Shogunate imposed a maximum penalty on the Japanese informant and had Siebold deported from Japan.
However, as the above map information was shared with the Western world by Siebold, it was recognized that Japan’s political structure had the basic requirements of a modern nation that respected such accurate information. This was very effective for the national interest at the time. At the very least, it was one of the grounds for the West to recognize Japan’s superiority in the Russo-Japanese “war” regarding information. Perhaps it was the recognition that Japan possessed the basic qualifications of a modern nation, different from other Asian nations. Japan could defend its independence to the death. It can be said that the efforts of the Edo shogunate and the explorers of the Northern Territories in the “national intelligence power” saved Japan from the Meiji era onward.
I believe that Ryotaro Shiba’s repeated exploration of the Japanese in this period leading up to the Russo-Japanese War was based on his respect for this kind of background.
After discovering the Mamiya Strait, Mamiya Rinzo also engaged in “northern diplomacy” toward the region at the mouth of the Heilongjiang River, the northeastern tip of the Asian continent that Karafuto faced. He organized local residents living in the Sakhalin region to cross the strait and explore the estuary and basin areas of the Heilongjiang River, which had previously been called “Shantan” or “Tadatoku.
Japanese historical records are scant on direct negotiations with these regions. There is barely a fragmentary record of a visit by a family member of the head of the Abe clan during the period of Abe rule before the Oshu Fujiwara clan. However, the fact that the Oshu region occupied a unique position in “trade” with the central power regions of Japan for a long time must have been based on such exchanges with the northern regions. Mamiya Rinzo’s diplomacy must have had some aspect of reaffirming the relationship with these regions.




English version⬇

The Formation of a Modern Nation, Hokkaido, and Territorial Issues – Rinzo Mamiya’s Birthplace – 6
At the end of the Edo period and during the Meiji era, there were countless activities that martyred the “national interest” regardless of whether it was Satcho or the shogunate. In Hokkaido, such spirits are enshrined in the Kaitakushi Shrine.

The Kaitakushi Shrine is located within the precincts of the Hokkaido Shrine. It is a regular course of my favorite morning walk, and I visit the shrine with a strong sense of familiarity. I am not sure if my memory of the shrine is correct, but its name is imprinted in the standard local history book for elementary school social studies classes. The shrine honors those who have contributed to the development of Hokkaido. So Hokkaido as a region officially begins to have its history imprinted at the end of the Edo period.
Among them are the names of pioneers of Hokkaido’s geographical information, such as Ino Tadataka, Kondo Shigezo, Takataya Kahei, Matsuura Takeshiro, Matsuda Denjuro, Mamiya Rinzo, and Mogami Tokunouchi. Takataya Kahei was depicted in Ryotaro Shiba’s “Nanohana no Oki” as a hero of the Kitamae-bune trade. In my search for family lore, I have a strong sense of my roots in this area. As I was researching with interest, I found a passage at the end of Harimanada Monogatari (Tales of Harimanada) that crossed my family traditions with those of Mr. Shiba’s ancestors.
Such a sense of the times arises when I relive Rinzo Mamiya’s footsteps. When Rinzo Mamiya met his end in Edo, it is said that the shogunate had recovered the documents that contained the traces of his many northern expeditions as a vassal of the shogunate as “state secrets”. In an era when the national policy was to keep the country closed to the outside world, it is easy to understand how sensitive it was for the Shogunate to obtain information on the northern territories.
The fact that the Meiji Restoration government honored the many shogunate officials who were involved in this process shows how important the issue of northern territories, including Hokkaido, was to the Meiji era. There are traces that Kiyotaka Kuroda, who was at the center of the Meiji government, actively respected his adversaries and shogunate vassals in the Restoration War. The territorial issue centering on Hokkaido was the central axis around which the core of the modern nation was formed. For the people of Hokkaido, this sense of the times is still vividly alive through their daily visits to the shrine.
Visiting the birthplace of Rinzo Mamiya in Tsukubamirai City, I was reminded that the foundation of Hokkaido was formed by the various activities of these frontiersmen.
The bronze statue in the photo above is the statue of Rinzo Mamiya left at Cape Soya in Wakkanai. As a shogunate minister, he traveled to Sakhalin Island as part of his territorial survey activities as ordered by the Japanese government and established the “Mamiya Strait” that separated Sakhalin from the mainland. The discovery was later used as a basis for diplomatic negotiations with Russia as a fact of “public knowledge” in the world.

This fact was spread around the world by Siebold, the Dutch physician of the time. The name “Mamiya Kaikyo” also became a global standard through this process. World history and Japanese history began to intersect again after the Sengoku period. While the subject of the Warring States period was the feudal lords, the subject of the late Edo and Meiji periods was individual names that were closer to the common people. It is wonderful to be able to know even the breath of Rinzo Mamiya in this way.