

論文のサブタイトルには「過度に失敗を恐れて行動が消極的になりがちな人の脳で何が起きているか? ―行動の動機づけシステムに基づく不安障害やうつ病の治療の実現に有用な知見」という長大なもの。https://www.qst.go.jp/site/q-leap/press220322.html
「国立研究開発法人・量子科学技術研究開発機構(理事長平野 俊夫)量子生命・医学部門量子医科学研究所脳機能イメージング研究部(主は量子生命科学研究所量子認知脳科学グループ)の山田真希子グループリーダー、および千葉大学大学院医学研究院脳神経内科学の小島一歩医師、平野成樹診療准教授、桑原聡教授らの共同研究グループは、罰を回避する行動にセロトニン神経伝達機能が関わっていることを発見した」のだそうです。<論文発出:2022年3月22日>

English version⬇

80.2% of Japanese are reluctant to take on new challenges due to fear of failure.
The “national character” is often expressed in a positive way, but it also suppresses a “challenging” mindset. A research paper published on March 22, 2022, which is also significant for management. …

Recently, brain scientist Nobuko Nakano has been getting a break in the media. I am a big fan of the NHK-BS history study program “Heroes’ Choice,” in which she sometimes appears. She sometimes appears on the NHK-BS history study program, “Heroes’ Choice,” and gives us unique insights from the perspective of how the brains of historical figures work. She is very convincing in her analysis of historical figures and their codes of conduct, using a completely new analytical method. He is a beautiful man with cool opinions, and ordinary people tend to be easily persuaded by him (laughs).
She seems to be playing a publicity role for “brain science,” which is close to the latest research field. In one of the programs, she mentioned that Japanese people are “very anxious” as a result of DNA analysis. In researching such research, I came across a research paper by the Quantum Science and Technology Agency (QSTA) and learned of an interesting research project called the Q-LEAP Quantum Life Flagship Project.
The subtitle of the paper is “What is happening in the brains of people who tend to be overly fearful of failure and reluctant to act? -Significant findings useful for the realization of treatment of anxiety disorders and depression based on motivational systems for action” lengthy.
A research group led by Makiko Yamada, group leader of the Functional Brain Imaging Research Department (mainly the Quantum Cognitive Neuroscience Group of the Quantum Medical Science Institute of the National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology (President: Toshio Hirano), and a joint research group led by Dr. Kazuho Kojima, Dr. Shigeki Hirano, and Professor Satoshi Kuwahara of the Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, has discovered that serotonin neurotransmission is involved in punishment avoidance behavior. They found that serotonin neurotransmitter function is involved in punishment avoidance behavior. .
Furthermore, “It is thought that the behavior of animals, including humans, is controlled by two major motivational systems: a system that “activates behavior” to achieve goals and obtain rewards, and a system that “inhibits behavior to avoid punishment or damage. The “behavior suppression system” is thought to be controlled by two major motivational systems. The system that inhibits behavior (behavioral inhibition system) is associated with negative emotions such as anxiety and depression in humans, but what is happening in the brain with respect to the behavioral inhibition system is not clear. He said.
Human beings have always been exhilarated by the frontier spirit in conquering all continents on the earth, and it seems to me that the “spirit of challenge” is at the core of this spirit. It is said that Japanese people have few substances in their brains that are involved in actively taking on challenges. In fact, research shows that the amount of serotonin, a brain substance involved in the opposite tendency, “being anxious,” is one of the highest in the world. The Japanese have a serotonin level of 80.2%, compared to less than 50% in the rest of the world.
This is interesting. I am sure that this kind of research is deeply related to management, organization, and human resource management. It is a very useful area of research if it is possible to sort out the scales, or rather, to organize them. Indeed, it would be very useful in elucidating the determinants of history, in analyzing and understanding ethnic trends, and in organizational management.
Hmmm… I would like to dig a little deeper into this matter. I would like to explore this topic in more depth.



English version⬇

[Strong push to restart the Prince Shotoku series.
This is a book by a philosopher published 51 years ago, which explores the mysteries of Horyuji Temple. The small size of the text is a little disconcerting, but the “cramped” feel of the book resonates as a powerful agitation. The book is a very powerful agitation.

Yesterday, after returning home after completing my weekend routine of driving to buy wild vegetables and asparagus, I started to participate in a Zoom web lecture just in time to receive a call on my cell phone from a friend I had not seen since junior high school. However, the web lecture was unusually lively (laugh), and the time was being extended rapidly. After listening to the lecture until the end, I replied to my friend.
He sometimes checks my blog, and he was very interested in my recent series of “Shotoku Taishi E biography” (picture biography of Prince Shotoku). He told me that he had a book in his collection called “The Hidden Cross,” written by philosopher Takeshi Umehara on the theme of Prince Shotoku and Horyuji Temple, which he had read a long time ago.
The book was published 51 years ago. We were 20 years old when the book was published. At that time, both of us were attending university in Tokyo, and Mr. Umehara’s book was a big hit at the time. However, I was not particularly interested in it. He said he was surprised that the philosopher Takeshi Umehara had written a book about Horyuji, and that it had become a hot topic of discussion in the academic circles of the time.
He was surprised to hear that the philosopher Umehara Takeshi had written about Horyu-ji Temple, and he was so excited that he brought it all the way to my house. He even went to the trouble of bringing it to my house. It is a B5 hardcover book published by Shinchosha with a total of 456 pages. I was amazed at the tightness of the binding and the way the text was packed.
The photo shows the binding of the book published 51 years ago. Compared to the binding of a book of the same size published just recently, it is obvious that the size of the text and the spacing between lines have changed in the publishing society over the past half century.
I was also made painfully aware of the deterioration of my own eyesight (I cried). When I pulled out a few of the books that I was absorbed in at the same time and looked at them from the bookshelf, I found similarities in the size of the text and the binding. It was not so much that we were young, but rather that we were more focused on the “content” of the book rather than the size of the text or the binding.
Before getting to the contents of the book, my thoughts turned to the changes in society over the past half-century.
Today’s blogs, Facebook, and other forms of social networking may be a kind of publishing platform. Half a century ago, publishing a book was something that only people with that background had the opportunity to do, but nowadays it is highly segmented, and everyone has the opportunity to publish. It is truly a world apart.
I came to think that my friend’s offer of a book collection may be a rebuke to me, saying, “Prince Shotoku’s works, try harder to keep up with them. It is true that the more I learn about this period, the more interesting it is. I have also read Takeshi Umehara’s explorations, and the stimulation has been doubled.



English version⬇

The “Gigaku” masks of the lion dance roots typify human emotions.
The unique facial expressions of the 14 types of human archetypes are formed, but there is also a social satire and critical spirit that can be seen. An opportunity for dialogue with predecessors. …

I have been writing every day for the past 18 years since 2005, when the staff requested me to “update this page every day,” and as a result, my themes have become biased toward my “sukkyoku” area. Well, I guess it’s a natural progression. Lifework.
My main field of work is residential architecture, but it is human life that is encompassed within that field. In the end, “value judgments” about housing are like preferences for human life. In this way, thinking about human beings as similar beings is becoming the main field of study. History is something that tells us “how humans have responded” in various times. Only by knowing the past can we think about the present and the future.
History, as is typical of humankind, has developed in a wide variety of fields of interest.
Although the basic focus is on economics, the influence of spiritual culture is tremendous. Religion is a typical example of such a spiritual culture. In the exhibition at the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, I saw a list of Gigaku masks, which were introduced from continental society as a Buddhist event in the early days of Buddhism.
Gigaku was introduced to Japan from Baekje, Korea in 612 during the reign of Prince Shotoku, the first time it was performed in Japan. Buddhism, a world religion, was introduced to Japanese society in order to establish Japan as a frontier state in the East Asian archipelago, catching up with global trends and establishing itself as an independent national sphere and society.
According to Wikipedia, there were Gigaku groups at Horyu-ji Temple, Daian-ji Temple, Todai-ji Temple, Saidai-ji Temple, and other temples in Japan. According to the Engishiki, there was a Gigaku troupe that performed at Horyuji, Daianji, Todaiji, Saidaiji, and other temples, at least twice a year, on April 8 and July 15. 〜The first performance was held on April 8, and the second on July 15. The role of Gigaku was to serve as a “spectacle” to mobilize the masses to visit Buddhist temples.
However, because of the state’s involvement, the form eventually became “localized” as the involvement waned, and it is said that it eventually transformed into lion dances and other community-based performing arts. In a recent blog entry, I wrote about the similarity between the masked drama in Hafemaeul, Korea, and the lion dance, which can be easily understood as a pattern of transformation like the lion dance.
The pin-up nature of the human facial expressions symbolized by these masks is, to my mind, very stimulating. 14 types of human archetypes are fixed with their own unique facial expressions, but it is said that the earthly and folkloric archetypes drew laughter from the audience. The spirit of social satire and criticism is also visible in these works.
The thoughts of our predecessors are entrusted to each mask, and they tell us the details of the human world….



English version⬇

The Asuka to Heijo-kyo area, the atmosphere, and the Japanese language.
When the poet Princess Nukata left the Asuka area, she composed a poem of regret and regret. Another characteristic of the area is that the residuals of the original Japanese language remain strong. The Mahoroba of the country. ・・・・.

The capital of modern Japan is Tokyo. Before that, it was Kyoto. For a time, Kamakura was also the center of samurai politics. And before that, Nara. Further back, we come to Asuka. In the Asuka period, the concept of capital meant “the place where the emperor resided” and not necessarily a city.
During the Asuka period, which we have seen in the Shotoku Taishi Pictorial Biography series, there was a capital function or center of power somewhere in the Nara Basin or in the Kinki region. Heijo-kyo, Japan’s first “metropolis” built under a system of monks, was a major milestone, and there are significant differences between Asukadera and Horyu-ji temples and Todai-ji temple in terms of temple architecture. The construction of Todai-ji Temple was completely different from the Asuka period, and the Great Buddha Opening Ceremony, which marked the culmination of the construction, is said to have been an occasion to invite distinguished guests from around the world and to show off the majesty of the metropolis as a newly emerging East Asian nation.
Since the time of Prince Shotoku, the process of nation-building has been a process of catching up with the “world standard” of the introduction of Buddhism and the Ritsuryo system.
However, I prefer the atmosphere of Asuka.
Princess Nukata, one of the most famous poets of this period, wrote a poem about Asuka when the capital was moved to Omi and the world was changing. The poem is titled “Miwasan wo dama dake kaumo datamo kokoroaranamo kakifushiya” (“Even the clouds that hide Mt. Miwa must hide the heart of Asuka”).
Although many of the royal family, including Asuka, had no choice but to move further inland after the upheaval of the defeat at the Hakumura River, her sentiments may have expressed the inner feelings of many of the people.
Later, after the death of Emperor Tenchi, who had led the relocation of the capital to Omi, Emperor Temmu, who had fought against Emperor Tenchi’s legitimate successor in the Jinshin War, returned to Asuka again after winning the war. There must have been various reasons for this, but it can be assumed that many people were emotionally attached to Asuka and the Nara Basin.
Later, Asuka was moved to Heijo-kyo because of its poor water supply, but it remained in the northernmost part of the Nara Basin. Could it be said that Princess Nukata’s wishes bore fruit?
Another thing is that the Asuka period’s sense of language is rich in remnants of the original Japanese language.
When I was walking around Asukadera Temple and heard the name of a nearby shrine, Asukani-no-Izumi-jinja, I was greatly comforted by its gentle sense of language. Well, “isu” is a very common reading of the Chinese character “za,” but the continuity from the ancient language is very impressive.
When I toured Asuka, I was greeted by such a sense of language in various places. There are many place names and events that are not called in the Chinese style. Is this truly the Mahoroba of the country?
On the wall of the restored Daigoku-den Hall in Heijo-kyo, there are paintings of dragons and other animals of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, and I feel that this sense of Asuka’s atmosphere is faintly conveyed in the designs by modern painters.

【聖徳太子の死と偶像化 法隆寺宝物館-17】



English version⬇

The Death and Idolization of Prince Shotoku: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-17
Japanese history may have utilized the traces of this man to the nation’s own “religiosity”. The deeply penetrated “faith” of Prince Shotoku. …

The 17th and final article in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, “Shotoku Taishi Eaden. It is about the death of Prince Shotoku and his subsequent idolization as a state religious figure.

The fact that Japan has long held in high esteem the regent King Umato-oh as a member of the imperial family who was deeply involved in the founding of Japan, which placed the spread of Buddhism as the basis of its “state of tranquility and protection,” and that he donated the honorific title “Shotoku” to Japan and continued to be revered for a long time, tells us something important about our history and spirituality. This is a rather unusual theme for a blog post, and it has been covered in a total of 17 articles.
It has been kept as a treasure of Horyuji Temple, which is a unique symbolic existence in Japanese architecture, and it has been presented to the Imperial Family, and now it is kept in the “inner sanctum” of the Tokyo National Museum, where it is regarded as the core treasure.
Even today, Horyu-ji is probably the most common destination for high school excursions. This temple is not so much a Buddhist temple as a symbol of the Asuka period, the original period of the Japanese nation, and its architecture has been continuously imprinted on the Japanese people.
Prince Shotoku’s role in the establishment of such an overall national and religious consciousness is enormous. For Japanese Buddhists, his presence was like that of Jesus Christ in Christianity. His presence in Japan was like that of Jesus Christ in Christianity, and his presence in Japan has been repeatedly publicized by the Buddhist side as evidence that Buddhism has not been ostracized and has continued to take root in this country.
After his death in 622, the first personal record of his life, perhaps in Japanese history, was produced in the form of a “pictorial biography” of the event. There is no doubt that for the imperial family as a power structure, the traces of such persons have continued to function as the basis of legitimacy. In addition to the traces of his life, his posthumous symbolism is also miraculous.
Prince Shotoku died at about the same time as his beloved wife. It is said that the emperor participated in the funeral.
The last picture shows him riding in an imaginary vehicle to Mount Eizan in China, where he had Ono Imoko bring back a sutra he had “left behind in a previous life. It tells of a situation in which the Japanese nation has elevated its own power base to religious authority.
The purification of ethnic DNA is possible in an island nation like Japan, but not in a continental nation. There exists a kind of ethnic mentality that is not possible in a continental nation. I believe that the first sentence of the Seventeen-Article Constitution, which proclaimed that “harmony is the key to nobility,” was imprinted on the Japanese people in the years that followed. I would like to continue to think about and look at what was hypothesized in these figures.

【王権と政権 日本的権力構造 法隆寺宝物館-16】



English version⬇

Japanese Structure of Power: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-16
The creation of a national structure that separates kingship and government, where harmony is the key to nobility, from an imperial dictatorship and a system of vassal disputes within power. Is this the wisdom of the Japanese people? The wisdom of the Japanese people.

The 16th article in the “Shotoku Taishi E biography” series of the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures is about the structure of the government by Emperor Suiko and Shotoku Taishi.

What makes Japanese history so different from both Chinese history and Korean history is the existence of the royal power of the emperor. Since the emergence of unified political power in the archipelago, it has remained at the core of national unity.
In China, the Yi Surname Revolution led to the violent overthrow of the previous dynasty, and the regime has continued to change over the years. On the Korean Peninsula, too, unified government is a rarity. Looking at the rest of the world, Japan’s power structure can be said to be very unique and exceptional. The power structure of the United Kingdom is a close approximation. The consideration for the Emperor’s family shown at the coronation ceremony of King Charles indicates this intention. Although the Meiji Era brought about a major transition to a European-style “emperor-type” power, from the perspective of ordinary Japanese history, the system from the Meiji era to the prewar period was more unique, and the “symbolic emperor system” that emerged after the defeat of the Occupation forces in World War II is more universal. In the chaos that followed the defeat, we can see how Japan tried to “protect the national polity” at the very last minute.
The power structure of Prince Shotoku’s time may be suggestive as the origin of such a sense of national identity.
The photo shows the “High Imperial Throne” in the Daigoku-den Hall of Heijo-kyo, which was restored in Nara. It is fresh in our memories that Emperor Imagami sat in this seat at the recent accession ceremony of 2025. In the reign of Prince Shotoku, Emperor Suiko ascended to the throne at the age of 22, and at the same time, Shotoku Taishi assumed office as “regent,” as recorded in the “Pictorial Biography.
The second illustration in the pictorial biography is from the Horyuji version donated to the Imperial Household and housed in the Horyuji Treasury. In this painting, Emperor Suiko is seated on a high throne, flanked by Prince Shotoku, who is seated at a higher level than the courtiers, facing the courtiers, who are slightly “nana-mae” in their posture. The courtiers are seated on wooden floorboards of different heights according to their ranks. Among them, Soga no Umako is depicted as he steps forward to receive the emperor’s imperial decree. In the “Tachibana-ji” version, the same arrangement is used, but Prince Shotoku is depicted in the front. The difference in the intention behind the composition is intriguing.
The following is an explanation (abstract) of the circumstances surrounding Prince Shotoku’s assumption of national government as regent, as given in the catalogue of the 1965 exhibition of the pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku at the Nara National Museum.
〜The Emperor ordered that the Prince should administer the affairs of state as regent. The Prince repeatedly insisted on the appointment on the grounds that he was not worthy of the position, but the Emperor refused and insisted on the appointment. The Taishi accepted the request to become regent. When the people heard this, they rejoiced as if they had met a loving mother and father. ~ The Emperor himself said, “I will give you three blessings.
By showing his respect for the regent’s power and administrative authority in the form of the Emperor’s own “three-part courtesy,” was the Emperor demonstrating how “harmony is the key to nobility”? This is very Japanese and Japanese-style.

【山菜・野菜シーズン最盛期 in 北海道】



English version⬇

Wild vegetables and wild plants season is at its peak in Hokkaido.
The natural flavors of the mountains and fields are prepared with time and care. The simple preparation work is wrapped up in a feeling of “samadhi”. The key to improving eating habits is to consume natural wild vegetables and fiber. The best way to improve your eating habits is to consume natural wild vegetables and fiber.

Recently I have been concentrating on an article about the pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures exhibit at the Tokyo National Museum. The pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku is easy to understand, and the fact that it transcends 1,000 years of time and provides a shared recognition has made me a bit overheated (laugh).
So I’m taking a break today to cool down.
It is now mid-June and Hokkaido is the closest island to heaven. It is the best season to drive a car in a rich natural environment. Wild vegetables that are shipped from various regions are a great way to fully enjoy the “wildness” of Hokkaido.
As I am seriously implementing efforts to improve my eating habits this year, I cannot take my eyes off asparagus, butterbur, bracken, etc. as ingredients for such efforts. I am learning firsthand how important it is to consume plenty of dietary fiber for good health.
Since my wife has been working on the same kind of dietary habit improvement as I have, we have been running around together to collect such dietary fibers, especially fresh and aromatic ones.
This year, there have been more reports of brown bears than usual, so catching wild vegetables has been difficult, but at “roadside stations” around the country, there are piles of them every Saturday and Sunday. We are grateful for their efforts and purchase them.
In my family’s case, asparagus is simply boiled and eaten, and other wild vegetables are used as basic ingredients in a stewed soup made with kombu (kelp), chicken, and other vegetables in a broth. While we are limiting the amount of rice we eat, it is becoming more of a staple food.
But then, they are a gift from nature, so the preparation work becomes essential.

The photo on the left shows butterbur cut into appropriate lengths, then salted and “itazuri” processed on a board, and then the fibrous threads removed from the boiled butterbur. On the right is a cheap asparagus with a little bit of strong outer fibers (laugh).
Both of these are really time-consuming and labor intensive, but it is quite nice to be absorbed in this kind of work (laugh). By devoting yourself to this monotonous work, you are filled with a sense of immersion in what is called “samadhi,” and you feel a sense of satisfaction, as if you are facing nature.
The aroma of Hokkaido’s soil and condensed mountain air seems to resonate with your physical senses.
On the other hand, I also purchase seasonal fish from my favorite restaurant and have them cut into three pieces. Since I learned how to do this at Shinoka Shoten in Yoichi, it has become a regular part of my weekend cooking. I have never had the privilege of putting fish in my mouth before, but after I see what they look like, I respectfully dismantle them. I feel that the act of cooking shakes our true nature.
It is the season in Hokkaido that is the closest to heaven.

【セリを摘む娘・聖徳太子の恋 法隆寺宝物館-15】

法隆寺宝物館「聖徳太子絵伝」記事、第15回目は聖徳太子27才の時の妻問い。ほぼ同時に世を去った愛妃「膳部菩岐々美郎女〜かしわで の ほききみのいらつめ」との出会い。このシリーズの第一回はこちら→端正なモダニズム「法隆寺宝物館」探訪。


English version⬇

The Love of Prince Shotoku, the Daughter Picking Seri, The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-15]
This work conveys the character of Prince Shotoku, who loved animals and honesty and frankness in his love affairs with men and women. The smiling love between a man and a woman lasted until his grave. …

The 15th article in the “Shotoku Taishi Pictorial Biography” series from the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures is about Shotoku Taishi’s wife questioning him when he was 27 years old. The 15th article in the “Shotoku Taishi Pictorial Biography” series, published by the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, is about his encounter with his beloved wife, Kashiwade no Hokikiminoiratsume, who passed away at about the same time as Shotoku Taishi.

I think it is a bit “reserved” to ask for a wife at the age of 27 in the Asuka period of the 6th-7th century. Since Prince Shotoku himself died at the age of 50, there must have been other wives besides this woman, considering that he was royalty. The “Shotoku Taishi Denryaku,” which is said to be based on this pictorial biography, states that “this person was very compatible with each other like a mandarin duck,” as in the description “This person is very compatible.
It is said that they were as affectionate as mandarin ducks, and that they even died together the day before the death of the prince.
He was from a clan called Zenbu, and when he went to a place near Zen village, there were three daughters who were picking wild parsley by the roadside. Two of them ran to greet the Taishi when they learned of his visit, but the remaining one simply piled up the parsley without looking up. The Taishi became suspicious and asked the attendant why he was there. Today is the first time this spring that I have come to pick parsnips. I want to repay her for her kindness by picking as many parsnips as I can.
When the prince heard this story, he was deeply moved by her beauty and fell deeply in love with her. He promised to visit the daughter’s home that night in order to take her as his wife. Wife-questioning marriage.
The villagers were skeptical, but the Taishi visited the daughter’s home and spent three days talking with her, even though it was late, and then he arranged a carriage and welcomed her into the palace.
The prince and his wife had four sons and four daughters, so it is said that they must have been an excellent match. In 622, she became ill with Prince Shotoku and died the day before his death. He was buried in Isonaga-ryo, the grave site of Prince Shotoku.
She was from a tribe called Zen, and it is said that the Zen clan was in charge of the food of the imperial court. It is likely that her picking parsley was a natural part of her duties as a member of such a clan. The name “Zen” also remains as a place name in the Kinai region, such as Zensho.
This anecdote reveals the character of Prince Shotoku in his affectionate life as a man and a woman, and in his love for animals. If we are “attracted” to the woman’s devotedness to picking cherries, or if we compare it with the fact that he often received gifts of animals from home and abroad, we can see a certain part of his inner life. Simply put, his love for the “straight and narrow” is the key point.
This may be one of the keys to the continued love of Prince Shotoku’s individuality in subsequent Japanese history.

【鉄をめぐる資源外交・新羅征伐 法隆寺宝物館-14】



English version⬇

Resource Diplomacy Concerning Iron and the Conquest of Silla: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-14
Stabilization of iron imports, essential for rice production, was the foundation of the regime. Understanding the situation on the Korean peninsula and getting involved was an extremely important diplomatic theme for Japan at the time.

The fourteenth article in the Horyuji Treasury “Shotoku Taishi E biography” series discusses the situation in East Asia during Shotoku Taishi’s lifetime and his war with Silla.

The period in which Prince Shotoku lived (572-622) corresponds to the period in which the powerful Sui Dynasty (581) was founded in mainland China and was destroyed in a short period of time (619). On the Korean peninsula, the year 576 corresponded to the so-called Three Hans Period, when three countries were in a state of triumph, as shown in the figure.
Against this background, Japan was at the stage of finally establishing a central government in the central region connecting the Kinai and Kitakyushu regions. It was a time when immigrants were pouring in from East Asia in search of land. As an example, the descendants of the “Qin” clan, which was established and destroyed on the Chinese continent, are known as the “Hata” clan, and their place names and traces exist in various parts of Japan.
Paddy field agriculture expanded as a means of production that could feed a large population, and its management and control was probably the basic foundation for the establishment of the regime. In order to promote paddy field agriculture, it was essential to secure water supply by constructing paddy fields, and to collectively manage rice planting, harvesting, and other farming activities. It is absolutely necessary to give explicit instructions on the timing of rice planting like a shrine maiden. The significance of Himiko’s existence?
Inevitably, the most important strategic commodity was “ironware,” which was produced vigorously on the Chinese mainland, but which was not yet sufficiently produced in Japan, and was solely dependent on imports from the Korean Peninsula.
On the Korean Peninsula, rectangular iron plates with wide ends called “tetsutei” appeared in the middle of the 4th century at the Bokcheondong burial mounds in Busan and other sites. Tetsutei were imported to Japan at the end of the 4th century. It is estimated that most of the tetsutei brought to Japan were made in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. There is no doubt that a group of engineers from the Korean Peninsula came to Japan behind these so-called industrial revolutions. This is the reason why political involvement with the Korean Peninsula was so important during this period.
Against this backdrop, Prince Shotoku actively introduced Buddhism as an “open-minded” leader and made efforts to strengthen diplomatic relations with foreign countries. In particular, he devoted his energies to diplomacy with the Korean Peninsula, which was an important region.
His foreign policy was then, as it is now, related to his regime base, and it was also a domestic political conflict. It is thought that Prince Shotoku made his anti-Silla stance clear and strengthened his relationship with Baekje in particular.
The second picture in the Shotoku Taishi Pictorial Biography shows Prince Shotoku capturing and interrogating a Silla counterintelligence officer. The third picture in the pictorial biography shows an attack by naval vessels.
The policy of introducing Buddhism became a national policy in the context of these diplomatic developments. I think it can be said that the Yamato kingdom used this policy to consolidate its political base. This may be the aspect of Prince Shotoku as a real politician.

【聖徳太子、鞍作止利に「丈六仏」を造らせる 法隆寺宝物館-13】


聖徳太子絵伝について掘り下げて見てみてようやく鞍作止利と聖徳太子の直接的な場面と遭遇できた。絵伝探索の迷路の中で発見できた明瞭な図柄。このシリーズ3回目で紹介した記事【聖徳太子がモデル?仏像2体 法隆寺宝物館-3】の増補版でもあります。


English version⬇

Shotoku Taishi had Kurusaku Tadatoshi create the Jorokubutsu (Jorokubutsu).
A meeting with the creator of the Jorokbutsu, which can be assumed to be the Great Buddha of Asuka, at the time of its creation. Construction site. Report on Asuka’s “monozukuri” site. ・・・・.

The thirteenth article in the “Shotoku Taishi Era Biography” series from the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures discusses the relationship between Kuramatsuki-Tsumari, the creator of the Asuka Great Buddha, and Shotoku Taishi, who ordered the construction of the national temples.

After delving into the pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku, I finally encountered a direct scene between Kurusaku Toritoshi and Prince Shotoku. A clear pattern found in the maze of pictorial biography search. In the third article in this series [Modeled after Shotoku Taishi? Two Buddhist statues: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-3].
The photo above is of the Great Buddha of Asukadera Temple, the biggest draw for me to explore the Asuka area. The creator of this first Buddhist statue in Japan was Mr. Toritoshi Kuramasaku, and the style of his work really resonated with me. The connection between the creator and Prince Shotoku is expressed in a scene from the pictorial biography. As an ordinary person who is not a scholar, I felt cathartic enough to be convinced of the atmosphere of Japanese society at the time when Buddhism was first introduced (laugh).
In the second picture, Prince Shotoku is seated on the right side, chatting with his entourage, while in another room on the left, a person who appears to be a Buddhist priest and his collaborators are working on the ancestral model of a Buddhist statue. The Jorokubutsu is a 4.8-meter statue of the Great Buddha, and we can imagine that what is depicted in this painting is a human-sized prototype or model of the motif that was conceived. It is likely that Prince Shotoku, who was in charge of placing the order, had detailed discussions with the artist, Kuramasaku Tomotoshi, based on the prototype. The expression on Prince Shotoku’s face is soft, similar to the gentle gaze toward animals we saw yesterday. It must have been a sukiyomi.
And the clothing of the Buddhist priests has the characteristics of “exotic costumes,” as explained in the catalogue of the 1965 exhibition of the pictorial biography of Prince Shotoku at the Nara National Museum. I find this a convincing professional opinion from a museum curator. It conveys the reality of the social background of the introduction of Buddhism.

On the other hand, the picture also shows the construction of Asukadera Temple, where the Jorokubutsu was enshrined, and which was later relocated to become Gankoji Temple in Nara. This painting shows that foundation stones were not used and that the pillars were dug into the ground. This is a clue to the architectural technique of the “wooden frame” method of construction, in which nails were not used extensively. This is probably a scene of wooden carpenters, such as the “Koujin” (artisans) introduced the other day, at work.
In the story of the founding of Asukadera Temple, it is said that when the time came to put the Joroku Buddha, which was made by a Buddhist priest, into this building, there was a construction accident because of a lack of intercommunication between the dimensions of the Buddha and the building. It is said that Kurusaku Tadatoshi solved the problem with his exquisite ingenuity and overcame the problem. <But how did he do it? The method of how he did it has not been handed down.
In paintings from the Nara period (710-794), carpenters can be seen wearing crow-shaped hats, which is said to have been a foreign architectural cultural fashion at the time. It would be interesting to delve deeper into this aspect of the art.
The scene of manufacturing in the Asuka period transcends time and space. The atmosphere of the time comes to me with sympathy (laughs).