





English version⬇

[iPhone Model Replacement – Password Hell (Crying)
A sad hell of submission and slavery to smartphones and modern tech. But I also experienced a sense of “liberation” in its own way. I’m still trying my best to keep up with the evolution. …….

Yesterday, my contracted au company came to my office to replace my device.
My iPhone model was also to be exchanged.
I didn’t think it was important for me.
I thought it was fine with me, but the company decided that it would be more reasonable to upgrade my iPhone regularly for management and cosmetic reasons.
I thought it was not important for me, but I decided that it would be more reasonable for the company to upgrade the iPhone models periodically for management and cosmetic reasons.

So, as is the case every time, and as is inevitable, we decided to replace the phone with a new one.
When replacing a model, re-authentication of each app is an indispensable part of the process.
It’s a pain, and each app has to have a different password.
The process is very complicated and puts you in a crucible of confusion.
It is a difficult task that I have to face even though I know what I am doing (tears).
Well, I always try to use this kind of opportunity to declutter unnecessary apps at the same time.
I always try to get rid of unnecessary apps at the same time, but the number of apps is increasing little by little.
When I am kindly recommended to use an app if possible, I am always told, “Sir, I’d like to use an app if you don’t mind…
I will accept with a weak will, saying, “Well, it can’t be helped,” when someone kindly recommends it.
Then, the phone is handed to me upside down, saying, “Please enter your password.
Ah, here it is, the Daimajo of Fear.
Many people are probably trapped in this endless loop.
This kind of general awareness of reality is also important from a marketer’s point of view.
I accept it with the mindset of enduring “co-existence and co-prosperity,” so to speak…
I wonder when the modern world will break free from this “password” hell.

However, as the number of times I have gone through such a difficult and painful experience increases, it seems to become a kind of self-deprecation.
It is strange that such a difficult and arduous task seems to be a kind of self-deprecating recreation.
Perhaps the periodic checkups have the effect of revitalizing the declining ability to operate machines due to aging.
It is a modern “rite of passage” similar to the periodic renewal of a driver’s license.
Clearing one task at a time has a kind of “game” aspect.
I am beginning to wonder if completing tasks one by one has a kind of “game” quality to it.
It has a workability that leaves a mysterious pleasant sensation in your brain.
For the time being, I will only do the absolutely necessary application support on a case-by-case basis, and then I will start to use the other applications.
The rest of the time, things that are almost never used are revealed, and the trash can be sorted out.
Can you think of it as an “imaginary” version of mental gymnastics?
As an old person, I might see it as a positive way to maintain agility in reaction.

Oops, I started to write this in a grieving mood.
I am falling into a positive conclusion (laugh).
This may be a surreal affirmation of modern technology.
I’m still going to do my best to keep up with human evolution.



自社WEBメディアサイト「Replan Webマガジン」
住宅雑誌 Replan
Replan Web Magazine : Iloie : NPO住宅110番
WEBサイト制作・運用・WEB広告 一般広告制作



English version⬇

Exhibiting at Tokyo Big Sight Housing Business Fair for 2 days from today
From Real to Fusion. Supporting “local makers” nationwide in the web domain by utilizing the large volume of information assets accumulated up to now. We will be exhibiting at the Tokyo Big Sight Housing Business Fair for two days from today.

As previously announced, we will be exhibiting at the “Housing Business Fair” today and tomorrow.
Until now, this has been a “home building” event organized by our company for users, but this time
This time, our main focus is to appeal to the housing industry nationwide.
We are currently planning various new projects for next year, and this event is meant to develop the market for these projects.
Below is our introductory message at the event.

The Power to Connect
Replanning our advertising strategy to meet the needs of the times.
We have been publishing Replan, a housing magazine for more than 35 years in Hokkaido, in multiple areas.
Replan Web Magazine”, our own web media site
iLoie,” a portal site for finding local construction companies and architects to partner in home building
We also plan, design, and operate advertisements.
In addition, we offer comprehensive services for corporate PR and branding, including advertising planning, design, advertising agency, website production, and website advertising management.
We provide comprehensive backup for corporate PR and branding.
We provide a one-stop system from planning to editing and design production, utilizing the strengths and characteristics of the company.
We propose effective promotions that meet the needs of the times.
Replan Web Magazine : Iloie
Replan Web Magazine : Iloie : NPO Jutaku 110
Website production, operation, web advertising, and general advertising production

The relationship building between housing companies and general users is shifting from real to fusion.
Already, Daiwa House and others are cutting back on the number of real model houses and
The trend is toward the “digitalization” of sales and marketing.
In this context, the public relations style of local builders and builders will naturally be forced to change.
Naturally, it is certain that the public relations style of local builders and builders will have to change as well.
As a media company, Replan is also expanding into a wider range of
The reality is that Replan, a media company, has been expanding into a wider range of web business areas by utilizing its existing information assets.
The reality is that Replan, a media company, has already expanded far beyond the target of media companies around the world, which is the percentage of sales from the web business.
The reality is that they have already expanded far beyond the target values of the global media companies and the percentage of sales from the web business.
Based on this experience, the business area is expanding beyond “locality”.
This event will be an opportunity for us to spread the word about our current business activities and to meet with builders throughout Japan and in the Kanto region.
We aim to exchange information with builders in the Kanto region and the rest of Japan.
We want to increase the presence of local builders in the changing market environment.

That is why three of our staff members will be waiting for you at the venue.
The photo shows the booth being set up. We have also reproduced a map of our booth layout at the venue.
When we arrived, we found ourselves at the back of the venue (laughs).
We are looking forward to seeing you at our booth.
Please feel free to stop by when you enter the venue.

【アカシア、オオウバユリ 初夏の札幌・輪廻転生】



一昨日、北海道の高断熱高気密住宅探究の先覚者・荒谷 登先生が逝去。

English version⬇

Acacia, Lily of the valley, Sapporo in early summer, Rinne-tensho
The magnificence of the trees and flowers that convey the brightness of life as living things. Hokkaido’s pioneering efforts to explore a better way of life through reincarnation. Hokkaido pioneering, an activity in search of a good life through reincarnation.

Sapporo is a northern city where exotic tree species can be found.
In my walking route, Maruyama Park to the foot of Maruyama Mountain, you can enjoy the sight of
The sight of the snow lilies in the Maruyama Park – Maruyama foothills area is a delight to the eye.
In early spring, a brown bear was reported to have escaped from its den on the neighboring Mt.
I had changed my main walking route to the river.
I felt the call of the bears, like a “bug alert.
I walked around the Maruyama area for the first time in a while.

Acacia trees are in full bloom in the area.
All over Sapporo, pollen from these trees is dancing in the wind like a snowstorm.
It is a magnificent scene typical of this time of year in Sapporo.
The size of each pollen is about 4-5 cm.
The sight of a large amount of pollen dancing in the air is a bit fantastic.
The sight of the flowers is heavy in the early summer air that is typical of Sapporo.
There is a part of me that has been imprinted in my memory of experiences since childhood.
I sometimes feel the opportunity of reincarnation and the impermanence of all things.
As I get older, I am more and more fascinated by such an ordinary scene.
The daylilies I was looking for were just at the first bud stage.
They seem to have a habit of growing in clusters within a certain area.
I think that the location of flowering individuals is a little different every year.
The way they grow up from the flower bud stage to the
The way they stand up from the flower bud stage is like a “radiance of life”.
It is a flower, but its behavior is very animate.
More than half of them look like cute animals.
It is also the soul food of the Ainu people.
The rhizome part is collected, soaked in water to remove the scum, powdered, and cooked.
The aubayuri has been a part of human society on this archipelago since time immemorial, and it has been a part of the Ainu culture since the beginning of time.
I feel as if this day lily is silently telling us about the human society that has been sustaining life on this archipelago since ancient times.
It seems so divine and even mystical.

This picture shows a stone monument in the center of the city that I have been moving around a lot lately.
At the beginning of the pioneering period, as the core of shrine worship, the foundation of the Japanese nation.
It is a signpost to the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, which was built at the foot of Maruyama in the early days of pioneering Japan.
I have seen it many times, but only at my age.
I found the engraved characters on the side of the sign,

It is a stark reminder of how much I have been living in a “daze” (laughs).
There is a subway station in Sapporo called “Nishi 28-chome.”
I wonder if it is a coincidence, or if it was intentional.
I was reminded of this again.
It is dark under the lighthouse.
History” is a layered process, I suppose.
The day before yesterday, Dr. Noboru Aratani, a pioneer in the exploration of highly insulated and airtight housing in Hokkaido, passed away.
The environmental performance of houses has been constantly evolving in pursuit of good housing.
These efforts will be etched in history in time to come. Yours truly.



1 住宅を建てる個人への「義務」付けではなく約50社の住宅企業への義務づけ。
2 住宅メーカーへの義務づけも全住宅への設置を求めるものではなく
3 太陽光発電を選択すれば、住む人の経済的メリットは大きい。
4 住宅入手時に太陽光発電設置費を調達できない人は初期費用ゼロモデルを選択可能。
5 太陽光パネルのリサイクル問題は国レベルの問題だが都は率先対応している。
6 「ウィグル問題」は看過できない重大な問題。


English version⬇

Spillover of Overheated Debate on Tokyo’s “PV Obligation”.
A Northern Perspective on the Overheated Debate. Energy discussions can easily become heated because they are also security discussions. That is why we should be aware of the need for cooler debate. …

The energy security debate is gaining momentum in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Among these, the debate is particularly contentious about solar power generation.
If anything, as a Hokkaido and cold climate region, there are winter problems with solar power.
The mainstream debate is about how we should make energy choices.
In the warmer regions of Tokyo, however, there has been a great deal of controversy and debate over the “mandate” of solar power generation on residential roofs.
In the warmer climate region of Tokyo, there has been a great deal of controversy and debate over the issue.
In the midst of this flaming debate, Masayuki Mae, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, has been writing a long-running article in the magazine entitled “Energy Theory”.
He has been writing “Energy Theory” in our magazine for a long time.
I have been watching the debate with some concern, hoping for a calmer discussion.

Yesterday, there was a web seminar as a promoter of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which I attended with some apprehension.
I attended the seminar with some apprehension.
As I myself am involved in the discussion of energy policies, I found the disclosure of this information in the warmer regions to be informative.
I was able to gain some useful knowledge from the disclosure of information in the warmer regions.
The following is a summary of the last part of the seminar.
1. It is not an “obligation” to individuals who build houses, but to about 50 housing companies.
It is not an obligation to existing houses, so to speak.
2 Obligation to housing companies also does not require installation in all houses.
The system is designed in such a way that it is possible to respond by installing the system in homes in locations suitable for installation.
3 If photovoltaic power generation is chosen, the economic benefits to residents will be significant.
4 Those who cannot finance the cost of solar power installation at the time of acquiring the home can choose the zero initial cost model.
5 The recycling of solar panels is a national-level issue, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is taking the initiative to address it.
6 The “Uighur issue” is a serious problem that cannot be overlooked.
The essence of the problem is that 80% of solar panel production is monopolized by China.
➡The global supply structure needs to be changed toward a decarbonized society.
The U.S. has invoked the Defense Production Act and started strengthening domestic supply. Chinese import restrictions are also in place.
The EU is also strengthening its supply structure within the region.
Japan should also take the lead in clarifying its policy on how to respond to this issue.
〜The discussion was organized in such a way as follows.

I have a latent distrust of politics and the performance-driven governor of Tokyo.
I feel that the latent distrust of the governor of Tokyo, who is a performance-driven politician, is causing a strong backlash from those who are opposed to the project.
I think that this kind of haloing is too big before the energy debate.
It is like an absurdity that the energy debate is being put on the spotlight like that.
In Hokkaido, as I wrote the other day, there are many problems to be solved, such as the decrease in efficiency of roofs due to snow accumulation in winter and the installation of walls to cover it.
In Hokkaido, as I wrote the other day, there is a decline in efficiency due to snow accumulation on roof surfaces in the winter, and the discussion of “measures” such as installing solar panels on walls to cover the decline.
Furthermore, I believe that it is necessary to explore a direction other than a single leg of solar power.
Points 5-6 above are related to the basic premise of energy security for residential facilities.
5-6 of the above points are related to the basic premise of energy security for residential facilities, so it is necessary to pay more attention to them.





English version⬇

The “flood” of information on social networking services is testing the common sense of people today.
The age of overly convenient information terminals and the undeniably shortened distance between people in close proximity. The age in which individuals are faced with the difficulty of responding to information. The “flood” of social networking information is testing the common sense of people today.

The day before yesterday, I was on a social networking site that I am creating to exchange information among siblings.
I was not familiar with the operation of a smartphone, so I was supposed to be a “viewer”.
What the…?”
I looked at it and found that it was about a different field of interest from my brother’s.
I called my brother and asked him about it.
I was suspicious, so I called my brother and he told me that he had never posted anything like that.
I alerted the other siblings about the URL posted on the social networking site, and they said, “It probably leads to a scam site.
I told him to take the worst-case scenario, saying, “It’s probably a lead to a scam site.

However, the older brother is not familiar with smartphone operation and is uncertain in his grasp of the details of the operation.
With his thick fingertips and delicate handling of the device, he said
He often says, “Oh, I made a mistake (sweat).”
And then, when he has to worry about correcting it, he makes another mistake.
It is easy to fall into a quagmire.
The advent of the digital age also brings such “inconvenience” to the elderly.
Since the information infrastructure has changed to a completely different means of information exchange from what it was in the past
Even communication between siblings has to “keep up” with these new tools.
There is a pressure to “keep up” with the new tools that have not yet been experienced.
I am the youngest child, and since these digital devices are part of my work environment
I am the youngest child, and since these digital devices are part of my work environment, I can handle them naturally, but there are parts of me that still think
I think that’s probably what it’s about.
I feel sorry for my brother, and I think that’s probably the case.
I wish I could help him as much as possible.
But if I do that, I end up taking on the role of a teacher.
I am afraid that if I let the children teach me, then…” I am afraid to run away from the role of a teacher.
It has become very convenient, but at the same time inconvenient.

On the other hand, social networking sites make it easy to learn too much information about people close to us.
A person with whom I have a close relationship is now in the middle of an information flame war.
On the other hand, the House of Councillors election is approaching.
An acquaintance of mine has decided to run for a position in a certain political party.
I want to be moderate, especially in political matters among my acquaintances.
As an individual, the fact that such means of information dissemination has become easier
This may also mean that we are required to be more responsive and difficult to deal with.
In this age of information flooding, it is inevitable that there are some cases in which it is difficult for individuals to get involved.
The conventional wisdom of how to deal with information has changed dramatically with the advent of social networking sites and the like.
The environment is changing drastically with the emergence of social networking services.
In such a new environment, “common sense” is still immature.
Although there have been major changes in the relationship between society and individuals, the ability to respond with common sense to these changes has not yet been developed.
I believe that humanity has not yet acquired the ability to respond to these changes with a wealth of common sense.
In the end, we will have to “grow” our common sense through trial and error.
In the meantime, we should be mindful not to cause unnecessary trouble among individuals.





You Welcome!

English version⬇

6.16-17 Exhibit at Tokyo Big Sight “Housing Business Fair
Highly insulated and airtight housing innovation and design evolution. Publicity activities widely through magazines and web media that connect users and makers. ・・・・.

Replan magazine will be exhibiting at the Tokyo Big Sight on June 16 and 17.
June 16-17 at Tokyo Big Sight.

You may be asking yourself, “Replan is a regional magazine media, right?”
We believe that this is a natural question.
We have been working as a regional housing magazine and web media until now, but we are going to expand our business activities from this year to next year.
However, from this year through next year, with an eye on the development of our business activities, we are planning to
Our aim is to publicize our activities widely to everyone in the housing industry throughout Japan.
Our strategy is to first get the word out about our activities and then expand our business.
Since this is our first attempt, we are not sure what kind of response we will get.
We are not sure what kind of response we will get, since this is our first attempt.
Three of our staff members will participate in this event and exchange a wide range of information.

Replan is a housing magazine that originated in Hokkaidō and embodies a major trend in housing innovation of high thermal insulation and high airtightness.
Replan embodies the great flow of housing innovation of high heat insulation and high airtightness, and from the vortex of this trend, we are trying to make it easier to understand and “communicate” from the perspective of the resident.
We have continued to cover housing in a way that is easier to understand and convey.
The sincere desire for higher performance and better homes has been the backbone of the magazine’s ongoing publication.
Innovations in housing performance have simultaneously evolved housing design.
To communicate this realistic change in home building to users
We have been fulfilling our public relations activities in line with innovations in housing production.
Hokkaido has been creating “highly insulated outer shells” and “snowless roofs,” etc.
and “snowless roofs,” which have been developed in Hokkaido, are gradually spreading to regions south of Honshu.
I believe that housing innovation in Japan as a whole is making great progress.
In this sense, the “borderlessness” of the entire country has become more pronounced.
I wonder how housing innovation in warmer regions will progress in the future.
It will be very interesting to see how housing innovation in warmer regions will progress in the future, as a media outlet with a stance such as ours.
We would like to have a forum where makers involved in housing construction from many regions can gather and frankly exchange information with each other.
We would like to exchange information frankly and openly with each other.
Hokkaido is said to be one of the most active regions in Japan for regional construction companies.
Local construction companies have achieved the highest level of orders in Japan by directly meeting with users.
This has created a strong regional manufacturing base in the area of home building.
The necessity of high thermal insulation and airtightness has greatly honed the on-site technical skills that are not available from the nation’s housebuilders.
This has greatly refined our on-site technical capabilities, which are not available from the national housebuilders. At the same time, in order to convey such technical capabilities to users
local media have also been steadily engaged in public relations activities.
The power of the local community to produce good houses at a reasonable cost and with good design skills.
I believe that media information activities are absolutely indispensable to share this power with users.

We hope that you will join us at the fair to discuss with many builders about the public relations activities of “Yoki-House” in general.
We would like to have a frank exchange of opinions with many of you at the fair about the publicity activities of YOKIHOUSEI in general.
We have a small booth (laugh), but we hope you will stop by and visit us.
You Welcome!

【太陽光発電パネル「壁面設置」 in さっぽろ】




English version⬇

Solar panel “wall installation” in Sapporo
Tokyo’s “mandatory installation” has been the subject of much debate. Cold regions are at a disadvantage in terms of climate. However, the wisdom and ingenuity of the “advanced region on the issue” are also present. ・・・・・.

Now a case check on the solar power handicap in cold weather.
Tokyo’s “mandate” trend is also very controversial. In cold regions
Roof surfaces are generally snow-covered from December to March, and a reduction in efficiency is inevitable.
There is no way to deny the “disparity” in these natural climatic conditions compared to warmer regions.
In this regard, we hope that the government will take climate factors into consideration to ensure equality among citizens.
There are also concerns about damage due to snow loads.
This is a difficult decision for builders in cold regions.
However, it is necessary to explore the introduction method considering the electricity cost advantages for builders.
Even if full operation lasts for 9 to 10 months, it is advantageous in total.
Electric power companies are also beginning to offer rate plans that incorporate solar power + electricity storage as part of their electricity conservation measures.
The electric power companies are also beginning to offer rate plans that incorporate both solar power and electricity storage as a set of facilities.
How can we overcome this handicap?
One example of a challenge by a builder in Sapporo is the “wall installation” strategy.

The other day, for the first time in a long time, about three years, the Shinjyukyo Sapporo Branch
The local Fujishiro office was the focus of attention.
One of the highlights was a visit to a model house built by a local company, Fujiki Construction.
Mr. Fujishiro has been actively working on the use of solar power generation and has been able to bring out cost advantages through the standardization of highly insulated and airtight houses.
Mr. Fujishiro has also been actively working on the use of solar power generation.
For several years, he has been promoting “wall-mounted” solar power generation, as shown in the photo.
In this model house, we have installed more on the roof surface than on this wall.
This one is treated as a “sub.
The total power generation of the entire house is effectively more than 10k.
The power generation efficiency is said to be “about 95%” of that of a roof-mounted system.
The installation method has been devised to ensure stable installation over the long term.
Careful construction of the wall structure base and bonding
The wall surface is “flush” with the other wall surfaces.
The effects of wind, which can change in a thousand different ways, are reduced.
The household income benefit from the sale of electricity is also at a level that is almost equal to that in areas south of Honshu.
As for the roof surface, there will be a problem with the anxiety of failure due to snow load, but the current situation is that the roof surface will not be damaged by the snow.
However, there have been no problems even with heavy snowfalls such as this winter’s.
We would like to conduct a more detailed check in the future.
Furthermore, we are concerned about the “sparkling light” inconvenience to the neighbors when the panels are installed on the wall, but we are not sure if this is a problem.
However, as you can see, we selected a panel type that suppresses reflected light.
However, as you can see, the panels are designed to suppress reflected light, and the price is not too expensive.

In the case of wall installation, the possible installation directions are the south and west faces.
In this model house, they are installed more on the west side.
After all, the south side is more important as a window position to bring light into the room.
In contrast, the use of west-facing windows is more reasonable because Hokkaido is located at a higher latitude than the Honshu region.
Looking at the above situation, the rest is a matter of design.
(including the consideration of the lighting code requirements at the time of construction).
The balance between window openings and solar panel placement, and
The consistency with the interior floor plan will be a question to be answered.
It is also important to ensure mutual trust in neighborhood relations.
I believe that these precedents are rich in suggestions.

【木造技術の継承努力 小樽の「能舞台」-4】




English version⬇

Efforts to Inherit Wooden Construction Techniques: The “Noh Stage” in Otaru – 4
In order to revitalize the Noh stage, we are analyzing its structure and making it inheritable. The technology has been accepted, but society has undergone a major structural change. What about cultural inheritance? Well, what about cultural inheritance?

I visited the Okazaki Family Noh Stage, a comprehensive art architecture remaining in Hokkaido.
It was built in 1925, so it is almost 100 years old.
In 1985, 60 years after its construction, it was designated as an “Otaru City Historical Building.
In 1999, the building was designated as a “Historical Building of Otaru City” by the
In 1999, a survey was conducted by the architectural department of the Hokkaido Vocational Ability Development College over a period of two years.
The second photo is a view of the back part of the shed at that time.
Tetsuma Fujii, who was already a carpenter craftsman at the time, was very active.
Mr. Komaki told us that he was the only one who participated in all of the surveying activities that took place until the end.
He also disclosed that he was the only one who participated in all of the surveying activities that took place.
He had learned to master wooden construction techniques while actually working as a carpenter.
Naturally, this kind of traditional architecture is built with a priority on long-term preservation.
The building is full of gaps and crevices.
With today’s highly insulated and airtight technology, sealing and opening for drying have evolved to be solved at the same time.
and open for drying at the same time.
traditional techniques are based on this method of construction. Therefore, the interior of the back of the house is
wild birds, pigeons, etc., enter the interior and make a good nest when it rains.
This leads to the accumulation of a large amount of feces (!). The structure of the hut is not yet understood.
In order to clarify the structure, it is necessary to remove the feces.
This is the result of a great deal of hard work and effort.

The wooden structure of the roof is revealed, and as shown in the photo on the right, the vertical columns are surrounded by handcuffs and splintered wood.
As shown in the photo on the right, the wooden structure of the roof was revealed, and the way the handcuffs were radially attached to the vertical columns was also measured.
Confirming the activities of our predecessors through this kind of diligent measurement work is a great way to establish a foundation for the transmission of technology.
This kind of work is the foundation for the transmission of technology.
The first photo shows a model of the results of this work.
The third photo is an explanatory model of a disassembled and reassembled Noh stage.
This explanation was given following Dr. Komaki’s lecture this time.
I was able to learn about some of the efforts made by modern wood construction engineers to analyze and hand down their techniques.
In particular, the purpose of the floor surface is different from that of an ordinary house, so the acoustic efficiency of the floor was considered.
The wooden planks are made to look like the surface leather of a drum.
In order to further improve the acoustic efficiency of a full-fledged Noh stage, a large urn is half embedded under the floor.
the floor to further enhance the acoustic efficiency of the Noh stage.
In Noh and Kyogen plays, the drumming effect of the actors’ feet and the sound of the accompanying instruments such as flutes and drums
The space is designed so that the drumming effect of the actor’s feet and the sound of the flutes and drums echoes out to the surrounding audience.
This kind of architectural tailoring technique is being elucidated.

In this way, efforts are being made on the architectural side to pass on the traditions of Noh theater.
However, in order to utilize these techniques and to establish the best of Japanese culture, such as Noh and Kyogen, in Hokkaido, it is essential that the evolution and development of the northern lifestyle culture be promoted.
The evolution and development of northern lifestyle culture is required at the same time.
In the midst of today’s society’s ultimate trend toward individualism, the cradle of Japanese society and culture, the traditional mura community, must coexist.
The coexistence and co-prosperity of the traditional mura community, the cradle of Japanese society and culture, has become a trend toward minimization.
This is also the same as the problem of declining population, which is said to be a global trend.
It is necessary for Japanese society to reawaken to the flexibility of the mura community.
I am deeply reminded of this…

【能文化と現代社会の継承 小樽の「能舞台」-3】




English version⬇

Inheritance of Noh Culture and Modern Society: Otaru’s “Noh Stage” – 3
Noh, the cultural norm up to the prewar period, was certainly transplanted to Hokkaido, but it is difficult to carry it on in the modern age. Can Youtube carry on Noh? Noh, however, is difficult to inherit in the modern age.

The Noh stage built by Ken Okazaki, the second head of the Okazaki family, an Otaru business family from Sado Island.
The second photo shows the Noh stage in his hometown of Sado, where he lived until the age of 10.
It is the “Ozen Shrine Noh Stage,” which is said to have been built in 1843.
It was built at the end of the Edo period.
This kind of stage was set up in the precincts of a shrine in the countryside, and Noh plays have been performed
It is reminiscent of how Noh plays were performed at local festivals and other occasions.
The Sado region probably belonged to the Kitamae Ship trading network.
In the Sado region, which probably belongs to the Kitamaebune trading network, he threw himself into the booming business of the pioneering period in Otaru, Hokkaido.
father who “made it big” in the logistics business. During the local festival season
on the Kitamae-bune, and he would take his father on his lap to see the gorgeous and solemn Noh plays and the
He must have experienced the glamorous and solemn Noh plays and joyful Kyogen performances as a sensitive young boy.
The fact that the best of Japanese culture was experienced in the village of Sado
The strong presence of this culture must have grown inside him.
In an environment rich in nature, the “unusualness” and dramatic space, which may or may not occur more than a few times a year, brought a “purpose in life” to the boy.
The dramatic space of the “extraordinary” in a rich natural environment, which occurs only a few times a year, must have given the boy a certain “joie de vivre”.
I feel that there is something beyond comparison with the TV programs and movies that we are exposed to today.
The boys continued to experience the specialness of Japanese culture through the conversation of people who said, “At the next festival…
The boys continued to experience the specialness of Japanese culture through conversations about the upcoming festival, which culminated in the experience of the Noh stage performance.
The experiential climax of the performance on the Noh stage.
The respect for the traditional culture that is imprinted on them is beyond imagination.

In his youth, this experience was sublimated internally and he began to learn Noh.
After his father’s death, he immersed himself in business activities in Otaru, and as he took on a social role, he began to learn Noh.
And as he fulfilled his role in society, he felt something rising up from within himself.
He began to desire the creation of a Noh stage. This way of life is understandable.
He was particular about the materials he used and cooperated with carpenters in Sado Island, whom he trusted.
He made it his “life’s work,” so to speak, to build a Noh stage in Otaru.
As the finishing touch to his comprehensive art, he was particular about first-rate Japanese paintings of the Kano school.
His life’s work has something in common with the way we live in today’s age of individualism.
The Noh stage created and left behind by Mr. Ken Okazaki is a great source of inspiration.
However, in our society of later generations, this sense of value has been transformed.
First of all, the local mura (village) society that sustained the “hare” (a time and space for festivals) that took place only a few times a year has disappeared.
Local festivals continue to lose their centripetal force.
The realm of expression has expanded to infinity through TV, movies, and Youtube videos.
The experience of receiving these expressions has become almost completely “everyday.
The simple traditional culture of the Noh stage in the countryside has been severely damaged.

In today’s society, how can we pass on the Japanese culture
How do we pass on the Japanese culture left behind in these architectural structures?
Dr. Komaki is involved in activities to keep the Noh stage architecture alive as the core culture of the Otaru area.
I believe that Dr. Komaki is involved in activities to keep the Noh stage architecture alive as the core culture of the Otaru region.
It is a fact that it is becoming difficult to sustain even as an architectural technology.
I strongly believe that today’s cultural society is at a critical juncture.

【日本文化史が凝縮する北海道 小樽の「能舞台」-2】




English version⬇

Noh Stage in Otaru, Hokkaido, where Japanese cultural history is concentrated.
The Kano school’s head priest wrote calligraphy on the mirror plate of the Noh stage. It can be seen as an imprint of Japanese culture on the newly developed land of the north. The Noh stage is a comprehensive Japanese art form. Noh Stage

Kagami-ita,” or mirror plate, is an impressive backdrop for the Noh stage.
The family of a financially successful Otaru family, who had purchased the “kagami-ita” cedar from their hometown in Sado, Japan, for this architectural device, which can be considered the “essence” of Japanese architectural culture.
The family of a financially successful man from Otaru had to “requisition” their hometown of “Jindai cedars” from Sado Island.
Although “kanboku” may seem an odd term for a material, it is a very important one.
However, considering the enormity of the labor involved, I dare to call it so.
The second photo shows the Noh stage when it was completed as a building.
The second photo is said to show Mr. Okazaki, the head of the family, performing Noh when the Noh stage was completed as an architectural structure.
If you look closely, you can see that the pine tree on the first picture is not covered.

The pine tree was painted by the head of the “Kano school” of the time, who was invited to Otaru and spent two months painting it.
It took two months to complete the painting.
〜Construction work began in July 1925, and the stage was opened on January 26, 1926.
In November 1927, Mochinobu Kano, the 17th head of the Kano school, stayed for two months to paint the mirror.
In November 1927, the painting of the mirror panel was completed, which Kano Mochinobu, the 17th generation of the Kano school, painted during his two-month stay in Japan. ~ The second photo was taken in early 1926.
The second photo is a commemorative photo taken at the “stage opening” in early 1926.
The third and fourth pictures show the painting process in November 1927.
Oh, yes.
I had thought that the word “gaiyō” was used only for the act of “writing.
I learned for the first time that drawing pictures like this is also called “gaiyo” (painting).
In the drama “Kamakura-dono no 13inin”, the scene where Emperor Goshirakawa painted on the occasion of the reconstruction of the Great Buddha Hall in Nara was broadcasted.
It means an act of writing or painting by a person with authority.
In Japanese history, the “Kano school” is sometimes mentioned as the head family of Japanese painting.
However, we do not know much about the surrounding circumstances with a sense of reality.
It is true that, like the town of Sakai in the medieval society, Otaru had a situation like this as a recent historical fact in the last 100 years or so.
So, there was this kind of situation in Otaru as a recent historical fact.
The significance of asking the “Soke of the Kano School” to write the script comes through.

The Kano school received orders for decorative paintings for Azuchi Castle, which was built by Oda Nobunaga.
In the era of Nobunaga, who was unusually ambitious in his “descent from heaven” mindset, the Kano school was the legitimate owner of the Japanese painting culture.
The Kano school, which was recognized as the legitimate leader of Japanese painting culture, colored history in this way.
This atmosphere of Japanese history was also emanating in Hokkaido in the 20th century.
The traditions of Japanese society and the cultural nature that forms the undercurrent of Japanese society are
The traditions of Japanese society and the culture that formed the foundation of Japanese society were made visible only in Hokkaido, a newly developed region.
It seems to be a vivid site where Japanese culture was imprinted on the land of Hokkaido.
In the early days of pioneering, the “Hokkaido Kaitakushi” was the central government ministry.
And when the pioneering work was completed, the railroad, a symbol of the latest civilization, was built between Otaru and Sapporo before the Kansai region.
The Emperor Meiji took a train for the first time and came to Sapporo.
The efforts of the people to “Japanize” the newly developed territory
The Japanese people’s efforts to “Japanize” the newly settled territory left traces in the cultural realm.