



English version⬇

I’ve been on a health-care & cooking binge since I’ve been feeling well.
I happened to have a sore throat, so I had to stay away from a large amount of homemade cooking. The source of motivation is health, after all. …

 On the last day of a consecutive holiday, an elderly couple took an early morning walk together. When two people take a walk together, there are a lot of discussions to be had. “How about a course of about 7,000 steps today? It is necessary to have a conversation like, “That sounds good. I can’t choose a walking course all by myself. And as a husband with a wealth of experience and knowledge, I would like to offer a variety of choices and respect her “I’ve made my own decision” mood.
 Oh, from our two-day experience, I know that she has a condition that she wants to avoid “uphill,” preferably downhill. I have learned that I am not averse to a somewhat strenuous uphill, but am attracted to the mentality of overcoming such difficulties. This realization came from walking together. My early morning walking habit has probably continued for about 20 years, and I have naturally accumulated a lot of experience, which is reflected in my choice of course.

 There are many points along the walking course where you can “flower-viewing,” for example. Not only the flower beds in parks, but also the spots along the course where flowers are peeking out from the roadside gardens of the homes along the course. When I walk with my wife, she also guides me to such points. I guess she subconsciously takes into account not only men’s tastes but also women’s tastes. The photo shows “dahlias” in full bloom at a house along our walking course. They have been in full bloom for some time now and have been a delight to the eye. They are still in Sapporo, where the weather is still mild, and they look magnificent, undaunted by the snowbugs.
 Well, this time we were able to take a walk together because it was a consecutive holiday and I was free from preparing for the daytime, making breakfast, cleaning and washing clothes, etc. I would like to try to do so in a timely manner in the future.
 My throat has been ailing for the past month or so, but it is finally getting better, and yesterday my daughter came over, so I cooked yakisoba and meat and potatoes for her. I realized that I was not very active in cooking when I was not feeling well. Well, I cooked as part of my routine, but I did not cook with a lot of enthusiasm, as if I were saying, “Okay, I’m going to cook. I made a large pot of meat and potatoes for eight potatoes, which is a lot of food for more than 15-6 people. I look forward to making them for my daughter and her husband from time to time. I force the “taste of my father” into their taste buds (laughs).
 I offer it to them, saying, “Here, taste it,” and enjoy their reaction. The daughter knows what she’s doing, and responds with a careful examination of the food. It is ordinary, but a moment of bliss.



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