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120 years ago, in the 30s of Meiji era, Kuriyama pioneer leader’s house
The new Meiji government dealt harshly with the defeated samurai families in the management of Hokkaido. However, they responded with careful and calm pioneering plans and carried them out. It is amazing. The home of a pioneer leader in Chestnut Mountain in the Meiji 30’s.

 Continued from yesterday. In May of the 3rd year of Meiji, a group of samurai from a region of the Sendai clan, now Kakuda City, on the losing side of the Boshin War, left to settle in Hokkaido as a new land. The initial settlement was in Muroran. The size of the group is described as 44 households with 51 members. It is thought that the women and children were left behind for the time being, and the men were mainly used as pioneer laborers, clearing the wilderness in Muroran’s Rinsei area and cultivating the fields. Over the next 18 years, they were involved in ranching, forestry, horticulture, charcoal making, sericulture, making and selling “ice,” and even iron manufacturing. What an amazing effort to cultivate land!
 In 1887, just as they were about to accept the second group of settlers and proceed with full-fledged cultivation, 110 households of 528 “Tondenbei” from the new government settled in those settlements, and another 110 households were scheduled to be settled in the second group. The new government was “taking over” the areas that had been cultivated by the losers of the Boshin War. The narrow Wansei area was extremely difficult to coexist with, and the Kakuda lineage had no choice but to seek a new land further into the country. The regret of the situation is hard to imagine, but the predecessors accepted the situation and headed for Kuriyama, then known as the “Anoro” wilderness. It is only natural, but the background circumstances reflecting the power situation at the beginning of the Meiji period are very interesting.
 In this further emigration, they calmly drew up a plan and established a joint-stock organization called the “Yubari Development and Reclamation Enterprise Cooperative Association. They had also established an economic foundation and made financial preparations for the move. The final difficulty in the migration was the crossing of the Yubari River, where only one Ainu person was allowed to board the boat. When I write about this situation, I feel a pain in my heart.
 Now there is a local line called Muroran Main Line from Muroran to Iwamizawa, and it was along this route that the woman crossed.
 The house of Izumi Rintaro, the pioneer who led the development of Kuriyama, still remains as a memorial museum, and it is decorated in a samurai style. Indeed, there is no “earthen floor,” which was mainly used for farming, and although the floor plan is drawn with the south side down, there is an edge on the north side as well. The “yashiki” architecture prioritizes style and tradition rather than cold weather.

 The photo shows a brown bear that caught my eye in a diorama showing pioneering and land reclamation work. Although it would have been possible to acquire farmland by felling trees in the plains, the bears must have confronted them with axes for cutting timber and with staggers for cultivating farmland, drove them away, and left a human trail behind. As a modern, more experienced person, I shudder at the mere mention of the word “brown bear,” but I am truly impressed by our ancestors’ efforts to expand the human social sphere.




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