
【ファストフード全盛「めしや」 江戸期・房総町家の賑わい-1】






English version⬇

[Fast food flourishing “Meshiya”, the bustling townhouse of Bossou in the Edo period -1
New lifestyles created by cities that welcomed surplus population from all over Japan. The first form of modern fast food is seen in the culture of merchant houses in the Edo period. …

Well, I have been immersed in historical topics from prehistory to the founding of the nation for a while, but I am now making a comeback from history to architecture (laugh). My basic stance is to focus on “old private houses. As my work has expanded to the Kanto region, I would like to explore the housing culture of each region of Kanto from the perspective of learning about the local “history” of the area. In Hokkaido, there is a relatively new collection of old private homes, called “Kaitakunomura,” which are around 100 years old. From the houses of the past, we can experience the “breath” of our ancestors who lived there. It can be said that there are significant points to be learned from them as the ancestors of modern houses. I also believe that there is a need for a movement to systematically organize and organize these old private house cultural exhibitions that are increasing in number throughout Japan, and to construct a modern meaning for them. This time, I visited an old private house in Boso, Chiba Prefecture. I visited Boso no Mura, a wonderful “folk outdoor exhibition” facility. Here is an excerpt from my experience of an old minka house there.

The “merchant house” zone was created to show the way of life of common people in the city during the Edo period.
The merchant house is a condensed version of the “urban lifestyle,” which seems to be a basic requirement for the modern age. Boso will have aspects of both the Edo period townspeople’s culture and the local culture of the provincial way of life. What we see today is the “fast food” culture that sprouted in the Edo period merchant culture. At its peak, Edo had a population of over 1 million people, and this was due to the migration of people from rural areas across the country, with the second and third sons of farmers migrating to the cities.

The kakesoba (buckwheat noodle) and meshiya (rice restaurant) businesses emerged to meet the dietary needs of these people. In the photo above, a “tachi-yoku” style eating place is being offered. This style of eating is universal in urban life today, but the Edo period must have been the period of its birth. It must have been a different style of eating from the conventional code of behavior known as “manners. One can imagine that people who came to the city from the countryside were quite surprised to see this style of eating.

A “small dining space” is provided next to the standing style, and the seating configuration responds to the diversity of the clientele. In addition, this meshiya has a second floor that provides a more relaxed customer service zone. The wooden latticework on the front of the restaurant is like a glass showcase for the street, and at the same time, it provides a view of the bustling traffic from inside the restaurant. It gives a sense of the “liveliness” of urban life.

It is also interesting from the perspective of Japanese POP advertising and display styles. The store owners must have been creative in the way they expressed the word “meshiya,” a catch phrase that gives people the impression of wanting to eat, and in the form in which they presented it. In the fiercely competitive society of urban areas, the rattle-pong of victory and defeat in Japanese society was repeated on a daily basis, and this type of expression must have prevailed. A selection of designs that the Japanese people liked and were attracted to occurred.

One Response to “【ファストフード全盛「めしや」 江戸期・房総町家の賑わい-1】”

  1. […]  さて龍角寺についての探索、いろいろな資料を参照しながら進めてみて、やはり気になるのはほかの関東地域の豪族の遺跡と比較して中央王権としても仏教導入始原期にもかかわらず、なぜこの地に本格的仏教寺院が開設されたのか、ということ。  また、この印波国造の支配地域のなかでも龍角寺周辺の古墳群と、それに先行する古墳群とは明確にその主体者の性格にあきらかに差異が見られるという専門的所見があること。  こうした疑問は大きなナゾとして、ドンドン深まってきていた。  そういうなかでこの龍角寺のすぐ近くの「房総のむら」の「主任上席研究員」の白井久美子先生の発表文の一節に強く惹かれています。氏はとくに軍事機能を表徴する「毛彫り馬具」に注目されている。  〜6世紀以降の馬具製作には、鞍作りと仏師がともに関わったと考えられている。鞍作止利に代表される「止利派」は、推古朝における中心的な仏像製作者集団として飛鳥寺・法隆寺本尊を造像した点が知られているが、金銅薄板造りの馬装には彼らの関与が推定されている。特に、仏教色が強まった7世紀の金銅製毛彫馬具は、仏教美術の担い手によって製作された可能性の高い製品であり、新たな時代の息吹を映した馬具といえる。(中略)毛彫馬具の分布は、東日本に偏っているのが特徴(図1)で、特に、古代の東山道と東海道に集中し、群馬県(上毛野)と、静岡県(駿河)から茨城県(常陸)の分布が他を圧倒している。これらは、東北へ向かう内陸道、海道の要衝で、新式の道上型毛彫馬具は、東北 進出を図る王権の政策に応じて、活躍した東国軍団への勲章だったのかも知れない。〜  房総のむらは関東でも屈指の「民俗村」としてすばらしく、わたしも探索させていただき、ことし1月には全13回のブログシリーズでも紹介させていただいた。(連載1回目にリンクしたので辿ってみてください)  そういうことなので個人的体験としても親近感があり、そちらの主任上席研究員としての探究結果には強く刮目させられる。こうした物証に踏まえての論説には非常に説得力があります。王権は京都に遷都した桓武帝以降、東北地域への進出、征夷を活発化させるけれど、関東はその武力涵養地域として意図的に勢力を育成していったという説。それも600年代中期ころから意図していたということ。そういった意図からこの地域の勢力を武力の涵養地域権力として育てていった。  後の時代の武家の棟梁・源義家は、勿来の関という福島県太平洋側から東北に進出していくのだけれど、その根拠地・出撃準備地域として下総・印波の地域で、この龍角寺を営んだ勢力が役割を果たしたというのは非常に蓋然性が高いと思います。  日本史と建築の探究、点と線が繋がってくるような楽しさであります。 […]



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