
【縄文期「弓矢発明」と戦争の予感 日本列島37,000年史-14】




English version⬇

The Invention of the Bow and Arrow in the Jomon Period and the Foreboding of War 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago – 14
Sinful humans continued to slaughter wild animals with gentle eyes. The “weapon” itself evolved and developed. …

As the transition from Paleolithic to Jomon, there was settlement.
It is tempting to think that the transition from Paleolithic to Jomon brought about a safer society.
In fact, my experience of being attracted to the Marxist-communist ideology is due in part to the imprinting of the image of a so-called “primitive communist society” on my mind.
I was attracted to Marx’s communist ideology because it imprinted an image of a so-called “primitive communist society,” where there was peace without class inequality.
and the propaganda that a peaceful society with no class disparity had been realized there.
I think it was because of the propaganda that was actively disseminated.
A part of me thought it was an attractive society for the righteous minds of my youth.
However, if we take a cold look at history, the means of hunting also evolved during the Jomon period, and
In particular, the “bow and arrow,” a major tool for war and killing in later times, was developed in this Jomon period.
The Jomon period was also the time when the Jomon developed the bow and arrow, the main tool for warfare and killing in later times.
In the Japanese archipelago, the Jomon realized a society that depended on fishing and gathering for its livelihood, but in the world history in general, the Jomon developed from the Paleolithic period.
In the Jomon period, the Jomon were a fishing and gathering society, but world history in general has seen a transition from Paleolithic to agricultural societies.
As with the Jomon, the invention of the bow and arrow, and the evolution of killing weapons, crossed the red line.
In an agrarian society, there is an accumulation of agricultural products as “lootable food.
Warfare in which societies fight each other for it will become the norm.
In the Japanese archipelago, agriculture was delayed until the Yayoi period.
In the Japanese archipelago, agriculture was delayed until the Yayoi period, and the age of war was probably delayed comparatively.
However, we can imagine that the reality of the society was far removed from the Marxist utopia.

As shown in the figure, there is no doubt that the invention of the bow and arrow is a tool evolution of Paleolithic origin hunting.
Hunting of large terrestrial animals led to the decline of species, and to compensate for this, there was a decline of smaller animals.
The hunting of large terrestrial animals led to a decrease in the number of species, and to compensate for this, the need to target smaller animals from a distance increased.
The deciduous broadleaf forests that made the Jomon period possible also increased the diversity of small species.
In addition to the pursuit and pitfall hunting of the Paleolithic period, these “jumpers” emerged.
The bloody wars of the Yayoi and later periods were fostered by the Jomon period.
Tools that can kill animals are naturally effective against humans.
The Jomon were not a utopian society, but were steadily preparing for the next era of warfare.
The Jomon period seems to have been a time of settlement and the creation of regional societies.
The idea of close combat between regions inevitably led to the concept of “close combat”.
Adjacent hunting “territories” inevitably turned against each other.
In the Yayoi period, agricultural land itself was recognized as “property.
The Yayoi period, which was the beginning of the “hard-working” mentality that was imprinted on the human race, was a time of conflict.
The Jomon must have had a way of thinking at an earlier stage.
Although the boundaries are not as explicit as those of agricultural lands in the Yayoi period and later, the Jomon must have had their own customary “hunting grounds”.
The Jomon also must have had a customary sense of “hunting grounds,” although the boundaries were not as explicit as those of agricultural lands since the Yayoi period.
Such mutual antagonisms would have grown easily.
Once a society is formed, it will inevitably seek “security” for its people.

Studies of northern peoples in Hokkaido have shown that even among hunter-gatherer peoples, it is not uncommon for people to be killed by bow and arrow.
I have also heard that there have been remains excavated in Hokkaido that clearly indicate that people were killed with bows and arrows.
I cannot help but have a strong interest in the development of “weapons” called bows and arrows.



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