


English version⬇

Yamato Kotoba” personal names testify to the historical transition of the Japanese language.
I strongly feel the heart of the ancient people in the personal name Konohana Sakuyahime – Princess Konohana Sakuyahime. I am glad I was born in this land.

The figure is a genealogical chart of the first source period of the imperial lineage. Various ancient personal names were unearthed when Emperor Temmu’s son, Prince Shonin and his compilation team put together the Kojiki and Nihonshoki as a national project.
During the reign of Emperor Temmu, “Japan” as a country name was established, and through various upheavals, diplomatic relations with East Asia were also established. Kanji was introduced as a written language, a system of characters that could be recorded, and it was probably only then that it became possible to “write” ancient personal names.
Today, we have acquired the Japanese language based on a mixture of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, but when we consider its history, it is obvious that the Japanese language changed in line with the acceptance of foreign civilizations, as symbolized by the great transformation of the Japanese language during the Meiji period, just before the modern era. This great change in the Meiji period can be traced back to the “breathing” of the people who were directly involved in the language reforms of that period. Personally, I feel deep empathy for the works and personality of Soseki Natsume. The book also gives us a vivid sense of the grandeur of the “Cultural Revolution” that was taking place. We can understand the struggle to build the foundations of our society today, and we can see the works of many literary figures as “proof” of this struggle.
The predecessors of the Kiki period must have struggled at a level several times greater than the great changes of the Meiji period.
In fact, it was almost like the “founding of a nation,” a daunting task to express the history of the archipelago’s society by introducing “kanji” (Chinese characters) into a cultural sphere that had never had a written language before. The “literary meaning” contained in the native “Yamato Kotoba” of the archipelago’s cultural sphere since the Jomon period, which must have left a residue in the “Kun-yomi” language group today, must have been converted into Chinese characters.
I personally respond to the name “Konohana Sakuyahime – 〜In Japanese mythology, she was the daughter of the mountain goddess Ninigi no Mikoto, who was pleased with her marriage proposal. The mountain goddess, who was pleased with this marriage proposal, offered two sisters, Iwanagahime and Kihana-Kaiyahime, saying, “May the life of my grandson be as eternal as a stone and as prosperous as a tree flower,” but because Iwanagahime was ugly, my grandson only took Kihana-Kaiyahime as his bride. I cannot help but feel the spirit of the innocent ancient Japanese in the names of the people.
I will have to wait for the research of specialists to clarify the ancient Yamato language, but it strikes me as straight from the heart and deeply penetrating to modern people as well (laugh). It is irresistible to feel the cuteness and gentleness of a simple woman.
And the “literary meaning” of the names of many other people, which may have been entrusted to them, also makes us feel the foundation of the spirituality of the people. Through my research in the Kumano cultural sphere and my search for the mythological tale of the Jinmu expedition, I have been thinking about these aspects.



English version⬇

Even though it’s February… Sapporo’s high temperatures and snow are very unusual.
The road that turned into “ice” surface is dangerous even for walking. Penguin walking on the slippery road. The snow-covered road edge is too steep and slippery even for crossing cars. …

The high temperature in Sapporo yesterday had risen to about 10 degrees Celsius. Just the other day, there was a heavy snowfall of about 30 cm, with hard bedrock snow composting on the roads and heavy snow on the roofs. The temperature rose under those circumstances.
So the mutation caused by this abnormally high temperature had hit me from my morning walk. When the temperature rises, naturally the snow melts, but naturally it melts from the surface side. The snow melts at the top of the road surface. Then, as night falls and the temperature drops below zero toward morning, the surface of the melted snow turns into a “slippery” icy surface.
Of course, since it is wintertime, the soles of my shoes are of the “non-slip” type, but I do not often wear shoes with spiked soles. I went out for a walk with such equipment on the slippery ice surface. Even a slight weight shift was unstable under my feet. There were some bumps and dips on the snow-covered path, but each bump had its own hazardous spots.
Even so, I could manage to walk on the slightly uphill and flat paths with a little more penguin steps than usual, but when it came to downhill, I never knew when it would slip. It is a state of fearful downhill elevator. We had no choice but to proceed slowly and carefully along the boundary line between the soft snow and the hardened snow at the very edge of the hardened snow.
The narrow path was so narrow that everyone had to tread on it, causing traffic jams in many places. An elderly couple was walking hand in hand, which made me smile, but as a person following them, I felt helpless to do anything about the situation. If I had boots, I could plunge into the snow and overtake them, but with my normal winter sports shoes, my feet would get very wet from the melting snow that was entering my feet.
On top of that kind of thing, there were also scattered snowfalls from high places in places. The photo is looking up at the fence of the Maruyama Baseball Stadium, and in various places around this area, there was a scattering of falling snow and dangerous fencing cones. The photo shows a view looking up at the fence of the Maruyama Baseball Stadium, where there was a scattering of falling snow and danger cones had been placed around the area.
So, the danger level of walking on the snowy road increased rapidly, and in fact, a person close to me had fallen down on the snowy road. He was still young enough to laugh and talk about it, but it would have been a disaster for an elderly person.
What is even more frightening is the cars. After the heavy snowfall, the width of the road was reduced from two lanes to about 1.35 lanes. If you try to cross the road, you will have to “yield” to each other around the snowy mountain in front of you. The edge of this 0.35 or so is a “slippery” slope.
If a car slips here with the slightest slight, a collision can easily occur.
I encountered such a situation at least twice yesterday. When someone like me, who has been driving for a long time, gives way, I can give enough consideration to the space between the cars, but when someone who is not used to driving tries to give way, I am glad to hear his/her intention, but there are times when the space between the cars is almost empty.
As a result, we sometimes encounter the problem of being forced to yield. You have no choice but to gesture and say, “Please give me a little more room. The other person may have a feeling of “I’m giving way to you,” but I have no choice but to stand on the safe side of the road.
Usually, we don’t experience this kind of situation in February, but this year’s abnormal weather is not a simple matter. Everyone should act with safety as their top priority.




English version⬇

[Familiar time tunnel 59 years ago, map “history” feeling
The geographical perception of time change. The time in which I lived, and already a great sense of distance. I have the feeling and realization that I will soon become a piece of that time and space. I am going to be a piece of that time and space.

I was suddenly confronted with a “map for high school students” produced in 1965. It had been casually lent to me by an acquaintance, and had been tucked away on a bookshelf, but as a result of this bookshelf decluttering, it had somehow lost its “place,” and only one of them has surfaced, unrelated to the others.
I thought about it and realized that it preceded my high school years by two years. Perhaps an acquaintance’s brother or sister had purchased the book as a high school textbook. I don’t have such a hobby, but I heard that in some cases, maps are kept because people find value in using them, even though other textbooks are quickly discarded.
So, by such “strange” circumstances, a map of 59 years ago was opened in front of me.
I now understand what it means that only maps continue to be preserved somehow (laughs).
In short, I realized that a map is a time tunnel. Human society has been layered with “historical time” up to the present day, the time in which we live. There is a common expression, “a decade ago,” but the sense of specificity of the “present time” is probably about the same level. Beyond that point, time seems to stand still. It is a sense of time that can be synchronized with the life span of a pet dog.
It seems to me that once you go beyond that kind of time, you gradually enter the category of “history” rather than “the past. In about 60 years, Japanese society has changed drastically, and there is a considerable gap from the present-day perception. And a unique sign occurs in the “dialogue” with time from such encounters.
As people’s lifespan increases, the opportunities to interact with the past will probably increase dramatically.
I have included a map of Sapporo and a map of central Tokyo above as photographs. In the Sapporo area, “Kotoni” is shown as the name of the nearest place where I live now, but 59 years ago, Sapporo did not have a ward system, and although it was part of the city of Sapporo, it existed as “Kotoni-machi” and was like “the nearest neighboring settlement.
In Tokyo, the clips were taken mainly within the Yamanote Line, but of course there were no expressways depicted. Terminal stations other than Shinjuku were not indicated. As a 13-year old junior high school student at the time, I was very attracted to this area and felt a sense of futurism, but there was something idyllic about the way it was depicted. Perhaps that is what aroused my interest in the area.

From the awareness of having entered such a time tunnel, one’s curiosity about “what that area was like back then” is also aroused. When I look at the “Kumano” area, which I had written about only recently, and discover printed words such as “Onigajo,” a dialogue with the place name value judgments of people of that time begins to grow. Contrast this with the common sense sense of the time about how place names were treated on maps.
When we have a sense of grasping time in the span of “about 60 years,” we can have a dialogue with the people of the Edo period and feel the richness of imagination that lies ahead. Well, it is a delusion from the map of history.
I feel a sense of reality that I myself will eventually become a small part of the stacked layers in this kind of time.


1 北海道
2 東北
3 関東
4 東京
5 中部
6 関西
7 とくに奈良県
8 兵庫を含む中国圏
9 四国

English version⬇

[Decluttering of documents and bookshelves and reaffirmation of my tendency toward “numismatics”].
After all, it is clear that I have lived my life deeply devoted to things like “folklore. I have several times as many materials from various regions of Japan as I had in the past. A wealth of themes to explore, a treasure trove of treasures. Themes and treasures.

I don’t know about you, but in my case, the bookshelves in my study, which I use regularly and refer to every day, generally reflect my hobbies and work-related information.
And sometimes, I keep decluttering them for ease of use. Except for documents and books that I want to refer to constantly, I sometimes have them moved to another bookshelf so that they always reflect the latest interest trends in a strong color. This is an indispensable opportunity for this process. When you reorganize your books in line with your current interests, it also brings to light the fact that you have been accumulating books for a long time and have not kept up with the organization of their contents.
When I travel for work and have time left over, I try to visit local museums and art galleries to learn about the local area and specific themes. In order to “cover and organize” the way of life in a place, the deeper my knowledge of such background, the more depth understanding I can gain.
However, the information is piled up one after another, so much so that it is difficult to keep things in order.
Most of the books on photography I have purchased at ordinary bookstores are “catalogs” of exhibition events at museums and other places.
The foundation of human knowledge is formed through experience. Seeing” is the basis of information activity for humans as animals. From there, after receiving impact, it deepens into textual and pictorial information.
The collection I have assembled here is mostly “catalogs,” but there are also several times as many related textual information, booklets, catalogs, etc. as these. When I tried to organize them, it was as I expected,
1 Hokkaido
2 Tohoku
3 Kanto
4 Tokyo
5 Chubu
6 Kansai
7 Especially Nara
8 Chugoku area including Hyogo
9 Shikoku
In this way, the materials were stacked in a dispersed and constant volume to enable geographical classification.
Tokyo has many national museum exhibits, and many of them are related to artifacts from outside Japan. The postcards in the catalogs show that they were supervised by core researchers in the field, and that they reflect the findings of impartial research.
The areas that were explored in the days of Kunio Yanagida and the Japan Folk Art Movement are now in the spotlight thanks to the enhancement of museum facilities around the country. In the end, we are still groping in the dark, taking twists and turns along the path opened to us by the predecessors of Japanese society.
I would like to weave various views from within these warm “cocoons,” attracted by my own awareness of the issues, while keeping the information in order. It is fun to see my “sukiyomi” becoming visible (laughs).

【大雪30cm日本人的「共助」 ムラと住みごこち選び-3】


English version⬇

Japanese-style “Mutual Aid” in 30cm of heavy snow: Mura and choosing a comfortable place to live – 3
Mutual aid practices at snow-clearing composting sites in Hokkaido. When snow piles on the road become too high, a snow plow is indispensable. Mura” social help between neighbors. ・・・・・・.

The second chart shows snowfall data from 9:00 a.m. on Feb. 11 at a location near my house (Nishino, Nishi-ku, Sapporo), as reported by the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory.
The second chart shows snowfall data from 9:00 a.m. on Feb. 11, according to the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory.
The couple immediately began working together early in the morning. Thanks to the snowfall, however, the snow was light and powdery, not humid and heavy as in areas south of Niigata. Even with a large dump truck full of snow, it was easy to move it around, as long as you put some energy into your lower back and lower body. So, with the help of our neighbors, we were able to complete our property plus a rented parking lot in about an hour or so.
We had originally installed road heating for the entire brick parking lot, but we felt that we were accelerating global warming and that we were reflecting on the “snow countermeasure” of heating with an oil heat source, even though we had installed the heating system.
Also, even if we did so, it would be rather difficult to eliminate the difference in level with the road, so we ended up using human-powered snow removal, while tolerating a composting snow layer to some extent, giving priority to adjusting and securing the natural snow accumulation level.
In the end, we were not able to secure storage space for a snowplow in our house because we did not consider the space available on the site for a building that integrates work and residence. I regret my lack of foresight in this area in the construction of my house.
However, even with such manpower, I am grateful for the help of the snowplow as part of our customary “association” with our neighbors in the “maintenance of snow composting sites.
The goodwill of the owner of the lot rented as a parking lot in the neighborhood and the people living next door. They help us every time we remove snow from the parking lot and maintain the snow removal area from our neighboring property. I really appreciate it.
However, in such a silent relationship, there is at least a shared sense of timeliness in snow removal. There is a time-zone commitment to mechanical snow removal that exists in the conversation regardless of the time of day. It could be called a “mura” social mutual aid agreement.
In addition, there is a natural and customary promise to refrain from giving gifts of gratitude. The establishment of such norms is based on the idea of “mura” mutual assistance.
This idea of mutual aid is a social norm that is inherent to the Japanese way of life, and will eventually become explicit in the form of agreements at “yoriai,” or gatherings, but it is still in its infancy in urban villages, where it is still at the “aun no kowtow” stage.
Although the snowfall has been severe, we can feel that the sense of “mura” as the foundation of Japanese spirituality is being restored and revived as a deep-rooted custom in response to the heavy snowfall.
The photo shows the scene after all the work was completed and the “public” snowplows entered the area this morning. You can see how the snow was removed apologetically after almost all the “mura” communal mutual aid was done (laughs). I don’t mean to criticize the public work, but rather to say that this is fine.

【現代人の生き方選択 ムラと住みごこち選び-2】


English version⬇

[Modern People’s Way of Life Choices: Mura and Choosing a Comfortable Living Environment-2
An example of a housing performance researcher who chooses a low airtight house with an equivalent clearance area of more than 3c㎡. The selection of town block projects the mura-like sense of community value of the Japanese people. …

The photo shows Pontocho in Kyoto as seen over the Kamo River and the ancient architectural landscape of Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture.
Until the Edo period, Japanese society was basically an agricultural nation, with the mura (village) society as a production structure that supported a seafaring lifestyle, and the second and third sons of farmers in the cities who became exiles and lived in tenements and other places. In addition, there were samurai families, but their dwellings were unproductive and their sense of life was extremely limited.
Basically, I believe that a strong sense of belonging, the mura (village), existed at the top of the hierarchy. Houses and residences were a single unit of work and residence, incorporating a working space called an earthen floor, and in the relationship of mutual support and responsibility among these houses, the mura society enveloped the people like a cocoon.
The communal nature of mura society was far superior to individualism.
This sense of social ethics and lifestyle was the prevailing sense of values, and it seems that city dwellers basically accepted this mura social consciousness as the dominant ethic. Perhaps the political structure of the shogunate itself unconsciously followed such a social foundation.
People’s lives and livelihoods were naturally integrated with the mura community. The family lineage was also firmly positioned within the mura community.
When my family immigrated to Hokkaido, it was guided by the fact that members of the mura community had already immigrated there before us and had achieved a certain level of success. A strong sense of mura values.
Although it is fading a little these days, I believe that this fact is imprinted in the Japanese practice of “sato-kitari,” which is repeated every long vacation season, Bon and year-end.
I believe that this kind of human consciousness has continued to persist even in the midst of the concentration of people in the cities since the Meiji era, with the emergence of various industries.
I believe that this human consciousness functioned as some kind of “selection criterion” that had a strong effect on the choice of location in “urban residence”.
We can see remnants of this in today’s expanded urban “choice” of neighborhoods.
When building or purchasing a house, one may be attracted to a certain neighborhood “somehow” when choosing one of several available neighborhoods.
I spoke with a person who is a housing performance expert and researcher, but who chose a low airtight house with an equivalent clearance area of over 3 square meters for his home, but his wife insisted that she wanted to live in this low-performance house for sale in a “high-end residential area” in Sapporo, and she was pushed into it.
Although the house is inferior in terms of housing performance, it is understandable in terms of social values. The atmosphere of the neighborhood and the “choice of neighborhood” within the city may also stimulate a sense of symbiosis with the local community (mura), which has long been imprinted in the consciousness of the local people. The desire to live as a member of the community.
And we can understand that this factor plays a very important role in the choice of “environment” in which people live.



English version⬇

The “Location/Village” and “Quality of Living” Selection that Belongs -1
Tower condominiums have become the symbol of “winners” because of their top convenience. The basis of this way of life and sense of value is the worship of “location” and belonging. What is the point of contact with environmental performance? ・・・・・・.

The photos show the “urban city area” from the heights of Matsuyama, Shikoku, and an old minka house in Tsugaru, Tohoku, as well as a family “gathering” in an old minka house.
I was talking with a leading figure in housing technology the other day, and he gave me his honest opinion and impression of my blog. It was very enlightening and a great deal of self-analytical realization on my part.
I have chosen to change my own stance and environment drastically, and in doing so, I inevitably had to sort out certain parts, like “what I can write” and “what I cannot write,” and even in this daily blog expression, I had come to limit myself to “expressive themes” (as I have been doing in the past) I have been limiting myself to “expressible themes” in this daily blog expression.
I thought that the theme of “the imperial lineage and Kumano,” which I had been writing about until a little while ago, was consistent with a macroscopic viewpoint and a total consideration of the “living environment” of the Japanese people, but it is true that there is a distance between this theme and real housing policies or real-time “living style” studies. However, there is a sense of distance between the themes and the real housing policy or the real-time “way of life” study.
However, I have been thinking that the theme of “Kumano” is consistent with the current trend, but it seems distant from the real housing policy or the real-time “way of living” theme.
The reality is that recently in the Tokyo metropolitan area and central Osaka, there has been a major trend toward the selection of new “locations and irregularities” called “tower condominiums. The impression of a great “longing” to live there is occurring. In extreme cases, there have been cases of people who want to live there, but in the sole desire to live there, they have made unworthy choices that have led to the collapse of their lifestyles.
The reality is that as we enter an era of declining population, the “branding” of residential areas is becoming more convenient. In urban living, too, a social structure of “disparity”-type selection of location and community is being created.
Considering the above, it makes me wonder if human beings are, after all, beings who consider hierarchy and regional indices to be the highest value.
On the other hand, even in areas such as housing performance requirements, there seems to be a fault line between the Hokkaido sense of choice and that of the regions south of the Kanto region. In Hokkaido, the choices are more grounded, while in the Kanto region and southward, there is a more “fundamentalist” and aggressive stance toward others, which is a bit bizarre.
I will discuss these fundamentalist aspects in the future, but for this series of articles, I would like to consider the current situation regarding the ultimate theme of people’s “home,” namely, site selection and environmental performance. The reason why I have dared to combine the phrase “location” with something that seems to be out of place, “unevenness,” is because I intuitively believe that the universal truth of human beings, the “anxious psychology of seeking belonging,” is deeply rooted in this area.
I would like to think about this while having a conversation (?) with the photos I have taken so far. If you have any thoughts, please let me know.

【ひと区切りには「にぎり寿司」 総数180くらいかなぁ】


English version⬇

I think the total number of nigiri-zushi is about 180.
I’m getting up earlier and earlier with age. Completed a total of 4-5 hours of work from early morning to 10:30 am. Restarted Miki Diner. …

Various projects are beginning to get underway. We are beginning to “visualize” the radius of action in the new environment from the organizing stage of the environmental change.
Since the timing was such, we processed the ingredients we had purchased and served Nigiri-zushi. It was the first time this year, or rather the first time in a couple of years, that I was able to show off my skills. I don’t have to explain each and every ingredient, as there are many different kinds of ingredients. We bought some at the Sapporo Central Wholesale Market and some at a famous fresh fish store in Yoichi.
There were some remote workers, but it seemed that about 15 people ate as a result. Since we were not sure how many people we had in that area, well, we judged the total number to be appropriate and held the “feeling” as shown in the title.
It was served to the staff as lunch. In terms of time, the rice cooker is limited to cooking 5 cups of rice as the nigiri work, so it took about 1 hour for 5 cups at a time x 2 times for a total of about 2 hours. Since there were many female staff members, I made the rice as small as possible according to their requests. This takes time. The first step, “processing the ingredients,” takes about 1.5 hours. In total, it takes about 4-5 hours.
If you count backward, considering the time required for the work, it would start early in the morning. On the same day, I also have a schedule to attend a housing advisory meeting of the provincial government (this is the “Meeting on Measures to Activate and Start Up the Housing Performance Improvement Remodeling Business Domain,” which is becoming a pressing issue in Japan). We will provide an outline of the meeting as soon as possible. >I will be finishing my work around 10:30 a.m., as I have to prepare for the conference. In between, I had to spend about two hours writing and uploading my blog, so it was quite a tight schedule.
But, well, like is like, and it’s fun to do parallel work while working on nigiri sushi (laughs). (Laughs) Although it was strange, we were able to proceed with the work with a relaxed mind.
For lunch, in addition to the staple food, Kami prepared “hijiki no nimono” (stewed hijiki mushrooms), “kizami yam and cucumber salad,” and “edamame” (green soybeans) to balance out the nutrition. I also made miso soup in between nigiri (rice balls). This soup was a unique combination of onion, burdock root, and tofu. I had tasted some of it, but I thought there would be a little left over, but it was completely empty (laugh). Thanks to this, I did not check the taste myself. When I asked the staff about it, they said, “It was very tasty. Also, my wife asked me to teach her how to make “chopped yam and cucumber salad,” so it was worth it for both of us.
We will continue to do our best from time to time.

【橿原に宮を建て「即位」紀元 皇統神話と熊野の旅-33】

いま奈良県橿原市に広大な敷地をもって建てられている「橿原神宮」は、創建としては明治になってからで1890年4月2日。神武天皇が橿原宮で即位したという「日本書紀」の記述に基づき、畝傍山の東南麓に明治23年(1890) に創建された。祭神は神武天皇と媛蹈韛五十鈴媛皇后(ひめたたらいすずひめこうごう)。この皇后は出雲の大国主の息子の事代主神の娘とされ、その名に「たたら」という製鉄のことだまを響かせている。


English version⬇

The “Accession” to the Throne” Kashihara, Nara, Japan: The Myth of the Imperial Lineage and the Journey to Kumano – 33]
The Jimmu Expedition to Kumano. This is an exploration of an area that is not clear as to whether it is myth or history. After all, is it a way to “transmit” the social transformation from the Jomon to the Yayoi period through expressions that transcend language? by …

The Kashihara Shrine, now built on a vast site in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, was founded on April 2, 1890, in the Meiji era (1890-1912). The shrine was built in 1890 at the southeast foot of Mt. Unebi, based on the account in the “Chronicles of Japan” that Emperor Jinmu ascended to the throne at Kashihara Palace. The deities are Emperor Jinmu and Empress Ehime Tadasu Isuzu Kogo. This empress is said to be the daughter of Kotoshironushi, the son of Okuninushi of Izumo, and her name echoes the iron-making word “tatara.
The existence of an emperor is symbolic of the social order of rice cultivation and agriculture, and it seems that the first emperor also has a projected connection with “agricultural ironware.
It was in 1863, at the end of the Edo period, that Emperor Jinmu’s mausoleum was located at the present site adjacent to the Kashihara Shrine. In the 10th year of the Meiji Period, there was a growing movement to investigate and honor the site of the Kashihara Palace, which led to a series of applications from the private sector for the erection of a monument at the palace site and the establishment of the Kashihara Shrine.
This trend suggests that the Meiji period’s spirit of honoring the imperial lineage led to the development of the shrine site. Conversely, however, compared to the fact that Izumo-taisha, which had been handed over to the state, continued to maintain its majestic shrine pavilions for generations, the “palace architecture” of the imperial era was surprisingly neglected. In the history of Japanese architecture, Izumo-taisha is unique in its scale and succession, while the casualness of the Yamato regime is characteristic.
The subsequent palaces of the imperial lineage were built when a new emperor ascended to the throne, and were continually relocated from place to place. The construction of a capital city in the East Asian style had to wait until the Asuka-kyo capital in the 6th-7th century. The idea of building a capital city was primarily motivated by diplomatic relations with the Chinese dynasties. At the beginning of the imperial lineage, there was no such orientation, or it could be said that such an orientation was weak. This has led to a debate over whether Emperor Jinmu really existed in the first place. This is the reason why the book is called “the myth of the imperial lineage,” but on the other hand, if you think about it in relation to Kumano, you can get the strong impression that it is a crossroads between myth and history.

As a Hokkaido native, I knew little about the Kumano region, but something about it drew me to walk there, and I was deeply “gripped” by its romance (laughs). I believe that Kumano retains traces of the transformation from the Jomon to the Yayoi period, probably from the stage of spoken tradition before language expression.
The subsequent imperial lineage may have made effective use of this local culture to enhance the world of its own ancestral mythology. In this sense, whether intentionally or unintentionally, things related to the origins of Japanese culture continue to remain as part of the cultural climate. I would like to continue to visit these places from time to time in the future.

【大和平定・長髄彦との戦い 皇統神話と熊野の旅-32】



English version⬇

The Pacification of Yamato and the Battle with Nagasuhiko: Imperial Mythology and the Kumano Journey-32
The Jinmu army left Kumano and moved east from Yoshino to fight with the “sun on their backs” strategy. Is the legend of the golden Tobi a symbol of this strategy? …

Departing from Kumano and led by Yatagarasu, Emperor Jinmu’s army reached Yoshino at the southern end of the Yamato Plain. From there, the army moved eastward. It is thought that the policy of “fighting with the sun on our backs” was the basic strategy of the war against Nagasuhiko, a hostile force controlling the entire Yamato Plain, and was the testamentary strategy of his elder brother, Gose-no-Mikoto. In addition, we can sense this aspect in the underlying principle of subsequent “faith” in the worship of Mt. This may have been the motivation for the subsequent relocation of the capital to “Mukomukai” (Makimukai) by Emperor Shinmu.
Returning to the original story, Emperor Jinmu’s army advanced into the mountainous region of Uda at the southeastern edge of the Yamato Plain to subdue the local forces. The forces of the brothers “Eu-kashi and Oto-kashi. <(The reference is to the “History of Kashihara Shrine” published by the Kashihara Jingu Shrine.
Here is one of the most famous episodes in Kashihara mythology. It is said that Eukashi played a trick on the Emperor Jinmu, persuading him to enter a certain palace. However, it is said that the building was a trap, and that if he entered, the roof would be crushed and the people inside would be harmed. This is the scene where “architecture” finally appears in the myth.
The content of this story is reminiscent of the “Utsunomiya Suspended Ceiling” anecdote from later times. As symbols of Japanese architecture and intrigue, I am interested in these two topics. The fact that the “structure” has been mentioned in myths since the time of the Gods suggests that there was a certain common architectural understanding of the structure. I think this is one of the themes to be explored in the future.
The story goes that the evil scheme was revealed in the confession of Otoukashi, who chose obedience, and that Otoukashi was driven into a corner, saying, “You who built the palace, Eukashi, go in there first, and see.
The story is based on the “Yueokibuki” published by the Kashihara Jingu Shrine, but it is said that the battle with the army of Nagasuhiko became fierce. This is the symbolic climax of the battle. The following is a reprint of the text.
〜The Chomyohiko army was so strong that they were having a hard time. Suddenly, black clouds covered the sky and it became dark. A golden kite perched on the tip of Emperor Jinmu’s bow and shone brilliantly. The soldiers of the rebel army were shot in the eyes by the lightning. Too dazzled to open their eyes, Chomyohiko’s army finally surrendered. ~~

After the conclusion of these battles, Emperor Jinmu gathered his entire army on the banks of Mount Unebi. A forest of oak trees, a high-quality “building material,” spread out before his eyes. There, the emperor announced in high spirits that he would build the capital city of Kashihara, Kashihara. In Kashihara, the Emperor Kanmu ascended the throne as the first emperor of Japan. This “accession” is considered by the Japanese Imperial Court to be the beginning of the era.
This is in sharp contrast to the fact that in most other countries, the birth of a person in power during the divine era is the time of his/her accession to the throne. This is one of the reasons why the Imperial Court continues to exist even today. <To be continued tomorrow.