


English version⬇
[Apple withdraws from EVs. The market is showing its intention of NO-EV.
Driving in Sapporo city, I found a signboard of “BYD”. While I strongly sympathize with Apple’s decision to “cut its losses”, this one…

Apparently, this seems like a decisive blow for EVs.
 From BBC News, February 28, 2024.
It appears that the U.S. company Apple Inc. has withdrawn from the development of electric vehicles (EV). The U.S. media reported this as a related source’s story on the 27th. Apple’s participation in EV development became a hot topic about 10 years ago, but the company has never officially acknowledged it. It is said that about 2,000 people were involved in the development project. According to Bloomberg, many of them will be moved to the company’s in-house artificial intelligence (AI) department.
 I’ve always thought that in a cold region like Hokkaido, in the wintertime, EVs, a mobile transportation option with risks that could be life-threatening in some cases, is not a viable option…on 11/27/2021,I have also posted a blog article titled “Hokkaido, Cold Regions, EV Cars, and Energy Issues…”.
 I have had to be involved in the car as a means of transportation for almost all of my life. Except for a brief period when I was living in Tokyo, where public transportation was developing at a furious pace. I guess I am of the generation that experienced the motorization revolution. Even at my advanced age, I have lived my life thinking that this “freedom of movement” is a matter of fundamental human rights.
 I have been paying attention to the EV option as a tectonic event in the realm of this freedom. As a person from a cold region, I have to keep in mind the rationale for the direction of industrial evolution chosen by the majority of the population in warmer regions, in relation to the trend of market principles. If the market is going in a certain direction, we have no choice but to follow its social decisions.
 In this observation of market trends, Apple is a kind of “weathercock. Indeed, there was a part of me that thought that if the fruits of “self-driving” were to become a reality, we would have no choice but to respond to it, including the recharging infrastructure. The decision was tantamount to Apple “cutting its losses” on its previous development investments.
 As another life time element, I have experienced the cultural revolution of the personal computer culture, and I feel a strong “contemporaneousness” with Apple as a company. My work environment is almost entirely based on Apple’s products. I have been at the mercy of the company’s zig-zagging ways (laugh).
 The news report has completely blown my mind, and I have decided to choose one of them.
 Driving through the streets of Sapporo, I spotted a store sign that read “BYD. I was astonished to see that they were taking on a challenge in Hokkaido. Do they think they have marketability in the cold regions of Japan?



English version⬇

[Reunited with the culture of “snow removal” which has been abolished from Hokkaido.
Was it upper elementary school or junior high school? A scene that evokes memories of boyhood experiences. I surrendered myself for a moment to the memory of the experience imprinted on my body. The snow

We are finally a few days into March. So far, the heavy snow has stayed away for a while. It is a delicate time of year to see if General Winter will quietly follow the arrival of spring, although there is an eerie silence.
 According to the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory, the depth of snow in Sapporo’s Nishi Ward was 89 cm at 9:00 a.m. on March 4, which is slightly more than last year’s 88 cm and the normal year’s 80 cm. The public snow removal schedule was announced in a circular as scheduled for last weekend, but there is no such sign around our house. It is as if we are idly waiting for the coming of spring.
 I looked out the window and saw a few people trying to get the snow off the roof of our neighbor’s Christian “tabernacle” building, which was covered in a thick layer of snow. With a mom-and-pop dump truck, they were breaking the hardened “bedrock” of the snow, breaking it open with their weight, and sliding it off the roof. The snow after falling was blown away with a snowplow.
 This kind of scene, however, is rarely seen in Hokkaido anymore.
 This is because most roofs are made with steep angles or otherwise have no snow falling, such as flat roofs that remain in place or snow ducts that melt water through ducts.
 This is a non-residential gathering facility, so it has a gently pitched roof. In Hokkaido, the problem of how to deal with snow on roofs is the most important point for residential buildings, but I wonder if this kind of roof was built because it was a meeting place building and this kind of “manpower” could be secured.
 As someone who was born in the mid-Showa period (mid-1989s), this kind of scene stirs a certain nostalgia in me, and as I gaze at the work, I can’t help but feel a physical sympathy for every move they make. I can’t help but recall that around 60 years ago, I myself went up on the roof of my parents’ house and did the same kind of snow removal work.
 I remember that the roof of my parents’ house at that time had a very steep slope and was 6-7 meters high.
 I was swinging the shovel down with a sense of tension that if it fell, I would be in trouble. I watched as it “popped” and cracked, ripping through the layers of snow, and slid down over the tin roofing. That moment was a kind of “pleasure” to work with.
 I remember that there were quite a few local news reports of damage that caused injuries due to “roof avalanches” depending on the warming conditions. That kind of running memory comes back to me.
 The fading of memories of such experiences is an indication of the evolution of housing in the north, but when I suddenly see such scenes, I feel really nostalgic, and there is a part of me that is stimulated from within. I want to cherish such things.



English version⬇

[Where did the “preference culture” of “solid wood tables” come from?
Is it a strong aversion to the culture of “sharing” to the place of family relations, such as television or some kind of design? Gradually, a strong affinity for the grain of the wood of a lifetime. …

The other day, I wrote about the “solid wood table” that was placed in the entrance space of Onsan Anraku-ji, a lodging experience, and received a comment from a reader who is a housing researcher.
 The reader, a housing researcher, commented, “What is the origin of this “culture of preference” for solid wood tables in daily life? The question was raised. The researcher himself is a fan of solid wood tables in his own home, and pointed out that in the history of the Japanese home, large tables have been used for “family reunions” for a long time.
 In the history of the Japanese home, the “meizzen,” or a meal served to each member of the family, is a set of dishes used by each member of the family in their daily lives. This was the traditional way of serving food to each family member, and it eventually gave way to the “chabudai” culture of serving meals only in a tatami room called chanoma (tea room). Later, in the postwar society, the dining room was integrated with the kitchen in a “separate dining and sleeping” culture, and a fixed “dining table” culture was established as a modern place for family reunion.
 In the era of the “individual meal” system, the family culture was dominated by a strict prohibition of useless “conversation,” and a patriarchal “family education and discipline” was the prevailing lifestyle culture. In contrast, in the postwar era, “family conversation” became the dominant value and was combined with the “shared culture” of television.
 In this context, the “solid wood table,” for which no such orientation can be found even in Western society, is quietly making strong inroads in Japanese society, according to your opinion. In addition, the “custom” of sharing cultural information among family members by watching TV is also dramatically dying out. The custom of “watching Amapura together” is probably gone, and I think the majority of people watch TV individually. There is a strong rejection of the “forced viewing” aspect of TV’s cultural drip-feed. Video channels are replacing it. The most “unsuitable” place when our house was designed was the exclusive living room. Perhaps I overlooked the client’s aversion to the TV as a compulsion to share information (laugh).
 Oops, sideways excess (laugh). In such a scene of modern people’s life and eating habits, I don’t feel a strong orientation toward Western-style “design furniture. It is true that there is a taste for Scandinavian furniture, but the modern person does not have a psychological attachment to a particular design. Or perhaps it is a rejection of uniformity.
 In my case, when I built a new house, I built a round dining table, similar to a tea table, in close proximity to the kitchen. The wood was of a reasonable thickness, about 7 cm, and the table was made of laminated wood. Later, as the use of the house changed and the family members began to use it more and more, I was allowed to obtain a log of oak cut from Ashibetsu, Hokkaido, and after several years of “letting it sleep in the air”, I had it made into a solid wood table at the site of our house.
 The wood was so “rough” as a log that even now there is a big warp, and that part of the wood is irregularly shaped and thin. Well, my husband has his own character problem (laugh), so he accepts it as unavoidable, but I don’t feel any discomfort at all. In fact, I have a once-in-a-lifetime attachment to this flawed material. It’s like a cure for all illnesses.
 What kind of culture is this preference for furniture and solid wood tables?
 I have been agonizing over this question ever since I was asked, but I have not found a solution. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some hints.






English version⬇

I wonder what it is like to stay at a hot spring mountain or temple…
This was my first temple lodging experience at my age. I was surprised at the curiosity of the young foreign visitors. The spirit of inquisitiveness about Japanese culture that is even greater than that of Japanese people is wonderful. I was very impressed by their curiosity.

So I opened the door with trepidation (laugh), and as you can see, the room was just like a business hotel of a certain size. It had the same atmosphere as a business hotel of a certain size. The bed was made of wood, a tatami mat was laid on the raised floor, and a futon was laid on top of it. I am usually a bed person, but I also like the combination of tatami and futon. When the house was newly built, I used to raise and lower the futon in the tatami bedroom.
 The bath is a hot spring, so it can accommodate up to 10 people. The water is colorless, odorless, and warms you up slowly and comfortably. There was a unit bath with a washbasin in the room, but I used it only as a washbasin. The sixth temple, Kukai’s concern more than 1,000 years ago was wonderful. The priest explained that Kukai had planned to set up lodging facilities at several of the 88 temples, but they gradually fell into disuse, and this is the only one that is still in operation. On the contrary, this has become a sense of mission to convey Kukai’s lineage of the Dharma.

Each part of the lodgings, especially the dining room, is decorated with an interior that looks like a paneled record of Kukai’s things and teachings with an electric light installed in the back of the room. It was on the left hand side of the in-room photo, and was very naturally accepted from the side that knew such a character of the temple in advance.
 After dinner, we were guided through the temple’s main hall, the Perfumed Grotto, and a group of Buddhist statues with commentary by the temple’s abbot, and at the end of the tour, our eyes lit up at the illumination of the Dabotou (pagoda). At the end of the tour, we saw the illumination of the Dabotou Pagoda. They spoke a few words of Japanese, so I asked them about it in conversation. They told me that their interest in Japanese culture had been growing recently, and that they were even interested in 88 temples. I was surprised. It is true that the inbound situation has changed since the Corona disaster, with nearly 50% of visitors coming from Europe and the United States, and more than 30% to 40% from other Asian countries, including a large number from South Korea. The weak yen may be a tailwind, but while Chinese tourists used to have no choice but to take large buses, the recent overseas visitors seem to be exploring the country in their own unique ways. However, it seems that these days, overseas visitors are exploring the country in their own unique ways. When I met them again at the entrance the next day, they were dashing off on their motorcycles. Amazing. I have never heard of renting a car with a motorcycle… I was curious to know about the license and other details.

So, this is a record of my experience of staying at a temple for the first time at my age, even though I am Japanese. It was interesting, and I would like to experience it again.

【聖徳太子「駒つなぎ石」 in 四国・温泉山安楽寺】



English version⬇
Shotoku Taishi “Koma Tsunagi Ishi” in Onsensan Anrakuji Temple, Shikoku, Japan
A strange encounter of chance. A strange encounter with a giant’s trail of Shotoku Taishi – Kobo Daishi Kukai. …

Now, without much ado, here is a visit to Onsan Anraku-ji Temple (laugh). We were not particularly interested in visiting the 88 temples of Shikoku, but we stayed at an inn that met my wife’s selection criteria of “an interesting place.
 When we arrived at the inn, it was almost dinner time, so the innkeeper asked us, “Where are you now? 💦. We were on our way by rental car, and just in time to turn off the regional highway onto the temple side. But everyone else in the hotel was already waiting for dinner. So we went to dinner with a sigh of relief.
 We were taken to the interesting “Perfumed Cave,” a secret place that was like a tour inside the body of a Buddha. I have seen many kinds of temple architecture, but this was truly a gut-wrenching (!) experience. I have seen many temples, but this one is truly gut-wrenching (!). I highly recommend staying here if you have the chance.
 The next morning, after finally recovering from my fatigue, I was allowed to walk around the temple. There, my eyes were drawn to this Prince Shotoku “Koma Tsunagi” stone. What? Why is there something related to Prince Shotoku here in Shikoku? I thought. I uploaded the explanation on the explanation board.
 In summary, when Prince Shotoku Taishi watered his horses on his way back and forth between his palace and Horyuji Temple in Ikaruga, he took a rest and paid attention to the people’s lifestyle. The stone that connected the horse to the “Fudo Myoo,” which had become an incarnation of Fudo Myoo three times, stood at the bedside of Dr. Seitoko Hayakawa (a religious person), who resided in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture, and told her that he would be a guide for those who travel to Shikoku to practice asceticism.
 After discussions among the people concerned, he was relocated to the sixth of the 88 temples of Shikoku. For reference, the following documents are reproduced in their relevant parts.
 〜Origin of the Koma-tsunagiishi and Fudo-son (from Sanzando documents)
 The three mountains of Yamato are well known to students of Japanese history since ancient times, and one of them, Mount Miminari, was home to the Miminashi (Miminari) Palace of the 33rd Empress Suiko. The regent Prince Shotoku Taishi, a man of great wisdom, wisdom, and virtue, visited this temporary palace and rested under the sacred camphor tree at the Ishiwarada ancient tomb mound on his way to Ikaruga Palace (Horyu-ji Temple). This boulder is said to be the “Koma-tsunagi no Ishi,” the stone on which the Prince’s horse was hitched. 〜From the top of this page

I was reminded that before my trip to Shikoku, I had taken a picture of a well where Prince Shotoku gave water to his horses on the banks of the Asuka River, which flows around Imai-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture.
 Although I have no intention of conducting a detailed investigation of the facts, I am struck by the coincidence with my own travel experiences, and I am in a mysterious mood. I happened to be visiting Kashihara’s Kawabe, and my wife arranged for me to stay at a lodge in Shikoku, and fate had a thread of luck in deciding which one to visit.
 Well, I have a Buddha’s heart appropriate to my age, but…what kind of cause and effect is this?


 温暖地のホテル選びですが、加齢してくるとどうしてもこういう傾向の宿所に惹かれてくるものなのでしょうか? あ、選択はすべてカミさんにお任せであります。一応、2−3日前には「こういう処に予約しているから」と知らせてもらっているのですが、そういうのは旅の主旋律の部分なので、わたしの好みも踏まえた上での選択ということでただただ受容であります。


English version⬇

The “healing feeling” that a solid wood table creates.
When we encounter an interior space that is close to our home tastes in our travels, we are enveloped in a sense of security. This is a spatial device to feel the spiritual tradition of the first “Shukubo,” the sixth of 88 temples in Japan. ・・・・・.

The photo shows a solid table in a lodging house at Anraku-ji Temple, the sixth of the 88 temples of Shikoku, where we stayed for the first night on our January trip to Shikoku.
 I chose this hotel in a warm climate, but as we get older, we are inevitably drawn to this kind of accommodation, don’t you think? Oh, the choice was left entirely up to Kami. She tells me two or three days in advance that she has made reservations at a particular place, but since this is the main melody of the trip, I simply accept her choice based on my own preferences.
 Anraku-ji Temple is the sixth temple in the 88 temples and has a hot spring bath. It is the sixth of the 88 temples and pilgrims are likely to want to have a place to stay, so the temple continues to maintain lodging facilities in accordance with the wishes of Kobo-Daishi Kukai. Although I am not planning to visit 88 temples, I thought it was a very appropriate choice of accommodation for my mood.
 The “temple tour” by the monks after dinner was really exciting and unique, but I am not allowed to take pictures of this tour, so I will not introduce it here. However, we will not introduce it here, as it is strictly forbidden to take pictures. I don’t mean comedy, but in the Buddhist sense.
 I can sense a kind of “concern” tradition on the part of the temples for such 88 temples tour. To begin with, the name of the mountain and the name of the temple is “Onsenzan, Anrakuji Temple.
 It gives me a sense of Kukai’s timeless ability as a producer in the process of Buddhism taking root in this country.
 I was impressed by this solid table placed at the entrance of the temple. I have a solid wood table in my own house, and the atmosphere is very similar.

Since I have been fascinated by Shikoku, I had a feeling that I had come back to Shikoku, and since it was the first night of my trip, I was getting more familiar with the place. I was thinking, “It’s a little more vivid than ours, but the expression is close.
 The grain of the wood is a unique characteristic of solid wood, and the climate and environment in which the wood was grown will be imprinted on the wood as it is. The solid wood from Anrakuji here has a wonderful natural curve that attracts me, but the one in my house is almost straight. Also, the painting on the Anraku-ji wood is quite harsh (laughs). The painting was kept to a minimum in our house.
 However, the psychological effect of being “greeted” by a solid table with a similar look was significant.
 I would like to mention the thermal environment as a warm-weather accommodation in the middle of winter (laughs), but apart from that, we were caged in by this kind of psychological aspect (laughs).




English version⬇
Commemorative Journal” from a temple with a connection in Imazu, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
The temple’s history was compiled and published on the occasion of the appointment of a new chief priest. The temple’s history is deeply engraved in the book, and the temple is deeply connected to the place where the ancestors lived. I have a weakness for this kind of thing.

My family immigrated to Hokkaido around the end of the Meiji period from the Imazu area, located in the western suburbs of Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, about halfway between the city and Onomichi. This area of Imazu continued to be a point on the Sanyo Expressway, and during the Edo period, the economy of the area was primarily as an inn town due to the “Sankyo Koryo” (attendance) system, which was an important part of the local economy.
 The Satsuma Clan had a record of using Satsuma as a regular inn during the last days of the Tokugawa Shogunate. In fact, the house that served as the fixed lodging sent a letter to the Satsuma clan saying, “Actually, our house was destroyed by fire, so we would like to borrow some money” (!). The Satsuma clan was called “rude” and “rude men” by the Satsuma clan. The Satsuma clan lord might have cut him a slash and dagger for being “rude,” but he made the offer without a second thought. I think this is a very interesting aspect of history….
 At the inn towns on the daimyo’s circuit, there are fixed “honjin” and “waki-honjin,” or traveling inns where the daimyo and his retainers, mostly samurai, stay. It seems that my family was in the business of handling the various economic activities ordered by the “Honjin” operators. Basically, it was positioned as a local subsidiary of a group of companies headquartered in Onomichi, but the relationship with the Honjin family eventually grew stronger, and with their support, the family became independent, according to various documents.
 We still have a certain amount of contact with the family members of the Honjin family, but the Waki-Honjin was managed by a local temple called Rengeji, and it seems that the relationship with that temple was even deeper. Of course, you can see the family graves, and my uncle’s family, who now lives in Hokkaido, has sought a grave site at this temple.
 So, I have come to visit the temple with a “hometown” mentality. Well, there is also a strong “visit to the graves” of my ancestors. Because of this, I sometimes have the opportunity to talk with the head priest of the temple, and I have even been shown around the “inner sanctuary” by the recently appointed head priest. The temple published a “commemorative journal” for the 1,250th anniversary of the birth of Kobo-Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect, and the “Puzan Ceremony” marking the inauguration of the new head priest, and sent it to us.
 It is truly a great honor for us to be able to hear the “voices” of our ancestors.
 I read it with great respect, and to my surprise, this temple has a deep connection with Kumano. As readers of my blog may know from the series, I was deeply surprised to learn that Kumano, which I originally visited for the purpose of exploring the route of the Jinmu expedition, was also related to Imazu on the Sanyo Road, even though I “vaguely knew” about it. This was the moment when the founder Kukai’s wise and thoughtful suggestion of fate to sentient beings was determined (laugh).
 As I age, I become more and more sensitive and sensitive to this kind of fate (laugh). I am deeply healed by the various opportunities that are imprinted on the pages as I am guided by the path.






English version⬇

[Design of a lodging rink and an old private house in Shikoku.
The folk traditions can be visually understood. It conveys the psychological depth of waiting for spring from the sense of enduring the cold of winter in the area. An important element for communication. ・・・・.

This is an old private house, one of the places we stayed during our New Year’s vacation in Shikoku, which we introduced yesterday. The response to this article shows that readers in the Honshu region responded more strongly to the article, while those in Hokkaido showed less interest.
 I think this is probably related to the current user psychology regarding housing performance. The psychology of people in Hokkaido is that they are interested in outdoor weather conditions regarding winter coldness. They perceive it mainly in terms of “traffic stress,” such as how a blizzard or heavy snowfall is happening. As for the indoor climate, they do not have much of a level feeling of “it’s cold and I want to do something about it as soon as possible.
 On the other hand, I think the response from the warmer regions, mainly professionals (my blog readers’ tendency), was strongly as a comedy story. They were like, “Oh, you’re going to write about this point?”
 Until a while ago, professionals in Hokkaido had a strong sense of fear of visiting old buildings and old houses in a warm climate in winter. I think many people’s reaction was, “This is impossible, but I can’t do it. Isn’t a warm climate area just a name? I was one of them.
 I was the same way, but as I made more and more trips to the Honshu region, I began to think that it was not enough to just go there, and that it was important to share firsthand experience with others.
 This is also a strange feeling for me, but of course, as I wrote yesterday, it would also be interesting to confront the situation by thoroughly mobilizing the full potential of local heating systems and using explosive energy.
 The psychology of sharing the most difficult situation with others is becoming stronger and stronger.
 I think it is necessary to share the experience with others. The actual experience of the “coldness” of the area may be, in a sense, essential for communication. And I think this is also the root of the “folk design sense.
 There is still a need to know the difference in sensitivity to the word “winter cold” by region.

There is a saying, “One night, one meal, one debt,” and I believe that such respect for each region is an extremely important sensitivity. The photo above shows a living room space with an oil stove and a hearth, but it is necessary to know that such “partial intermittent heating” devices also have substance that is closely related to the lives of many people.

I took a morning bath in a bathroom with a wonderful woody design, and it is true that there is a temporary “forced warmth” feeling. The tension-filled sensation of getting out of the bath and running back to the kotatsu while the heat is still in your body is a part of the experience that can only be understood by experiencing it firsthand.

In the morning, I feel like a “comrade-in-arms” with the futon that was laid out in yesterday’s photo, and also with the bedding that I was allowed to use in a special way (laugh), which I had to put the bottom part into the kotatsu. I want to fold them carefully.
 There is a feeling of attachment, which is a fundamental part of daily life, but in reality, it is also a battle against the harshness of life. It is only with this kind of harshness that we may truly feel the richness of the cherry blossoms in spring.



English version⬇

[A tasteful old house in a warm climate area in the middle of winter “local heating” residence experiment].
Prepared to fight against low temperatures. We fully mobilized all kinds of devices that could be used for “local heating” to face it. But, it’s just for sightseeing (laughs). …

This is a picture of something out of the blue (laughs).
 At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, my family often travels to the Honshu area. I think a certain number of people in Hokkaido probably do so. And at such times, we think about hotels and inns in various ways.
 Generally speaking, people want to experience the culture of the area, so they tend to choose a hotel or ryokan that is remote or old-fashioned. Especially as people get older, it is normal for their tastes to be reflected in their sightseeing itself. This is why we stayed in a house in a mountain village in Shikoku that had been converted into a travel inn.
 It was late in the evening when we arrived, but there was a clear stream flowing in the mountains, and the old house had an air of elegance.
 I had a hunch that this was the place to stay, and it turned out to be right on the money.
 Yes, it was the perfect situation to experience the bitter cold in a warm climate.
 Well, we are an elderly couple traveling together, but at the moment we are mostly in good health and have a certain level of “tolerance,” so we felt like we should report on the experience for the first time in a long time (laugh).
 I was just going ahead with my experimental “measures” for enduring the extreme cold.
 The house is a one-story, single family house with a floor space of about 25 square meters.
 The entrance earthen floor is about 12 tatami in size, and although the sliding door is double-layered, of course, it is not insulated. The appearance of the earthen floor is magnificent. It is splendid and wonderful…that’s all. There is a kitchen on the back side of the house, and there are many cups and dishes on the table, all of which can be used freely. The stove is gas, and I immediately boiled water and brewed coffee.
 The main space is a living room of about 20 tatami mats with a wooden floor. There is a sunken hearth in the living room, but it is prohibited to use due to fire prevention measures. Therefore, this vast living room is just a passageway.
 At the back are two Japanese-style rooms of about 12 tatami mats. The perimeter of the room is surrounded by a rim, and there are single-pane glass fittings between the rooms and the outside. There is a storm door, which, in a manner of speaking, shields the whole area. The floor of the veranda conveys a harsh cold air.
 There were shoji screens around the two Japanese-style rooms, which were also fully screened.
 The washroom and toilet are located at the edge of the porch. Behind that is the bathroom, which is a wonderful wooden bath and what a good viewing. The water was turned on at full blast immediately. It is also full runoff at the highest temperature. We hoped that the hot water in the bathtub would have some “hot cell” effect. Well, it was better than nothing.
 I then holed myself up in the upper 12-mat Japanese-style room with an alcove to prepare for the nighttime drop in temperature. It is strange, but for some reason, I find myself burning up in a battle against the cold air with a strong desire to fight (laugh).
 First, I lit the kerosene heater that was in the boardroom as a heating device. However, this was only reserved for a certain amount of oil, so when it ran out, it automatically shut down. In the morning, we checked.
 There is also an electric heater in the Japanese-style room, so I immediately turned it on full blast. Of course, the electric kotatsu, the lifeline of the house, was also turned on full throttle. Then, we took the futon out of the closet and put two futons on top of the two mattresses, and put a blanket on top of that. Then I put the foot side of the futon into the kotatsu (laugh). (Laughs.) In addition, we had a futon dryer, so we put it inside the futon as well. The warm air was intended to raise the temperature inside the futon at bedtime.
 I then put on a down jacket and went to work on the computer before going to bed.
 As a result of this environment, I was able to go to bed before 8:00 a.m. because I am an elderly person and have a habit of going to bed early. Early in the morning, I woke up around 3:00 a.m., and once again went to bed in the kotatsu.




English version⬇

The last of the consecutive holidays is “hand-rolled” sushi 142 pieces full of rice.
I’m crazy about it. The subtle vinegar flavor is added to the rice to maximize the flavor of the fish. This is a food culture unique to this archipelago, even in the global environment. The “heta no yoko” (love of fish) explodes (laughter). Laughs.

Yesterday, we had a hand-rolled sushi party at noon to celebrate my relatives’ birthday.
I had processed the ingredients the night before, put them in a container and “skimmed” off the water, and started nigiri around 6:00 in the morning. It was my second nigiri this year, and it seems that being a sushi chef is a job I have always longed to do.
I met each piece of fish I had already processed once in a lifetime (a logical contradiction, I know, but forgive me), reconfirming its shape and form, and then combining it with the rice, groping for the subtle perfect finish. It is inevitable that there will be irregularities in each fillet. The real pleasure lies in matching them with the rice.
The rice and the fish meet for the first time in this world on the side of each piece of sushi, and they are united in a momentary encounter, entrusting everything to my hands as a craftsman. It is as if it were a marriage relationship in human society. There are enviable mergers between beautiful men and women, but there are also unique mergers that are like a pig in a cracked pot. In fact, those are more interesting to me as a “creator of destiny” because of the ingenuity of the creator. It is hard to say whether a couple of beautiful men and women who are the envy of others is necessarily happy or not.
The sushi are arranged on a flat plate, one by one, talking to each other and arranged at a suitable distance, softly arranged according to the sense of alignment of the ingredients as a whole. Each piece expresses its own individuality while at the same time fostering a sense of homogeneity.
When moving on to the other ingredients, I arrange them in a way that allows them to “talk” to each other, paying attention to the differences in coloring and texture. As for me, I just let my whole body fall into the rhythmic rhythm of the nigiri process of combining and kneading the rice, the neta, and the wasabi, and I was wrapped in a sense of a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with the time at hand without thinking.

The fact that the fish-eating culture, which was fundamental to this archipelagic society with the world’s largest fishing industry, has found its way into this form of expression through the encounter with rice culture is a reflection of the thoughts and wisdom of countless people who have lived in this archipelago. This is a taste culture that puts a subtle vinegar flavor on rice to maximize the umami of the fish.
In between nigiri, I remembered the squid I had forgotten about (laugh) and hurriedly made a stew of squid, konjak, fried tofu, and kombu (kelp) that I had added as seasoning when the rice was cooked. I used the soup stock from dried shiitake mushrooms, a delicacy of the mountains, as a base. For a chopstick rest, he combined it with the pickled turnip radish that he had made the day before.
After the dish was finished, everyone enjoyed it in a friendly atmosphere, but on the other hand, various reflections were awakened from within.
I see, I should have done better in this part,” they say, vowing to take revenge the next time. I am a very persistent “craftsman’s spirit,” and a lover of the heta no yoko. I am a “craftsman” (laugh).