
【神武東征の苦難とその昇華 皇統神話と熊野の旅-3】


English version⬇

The Sufferings of the Jimmu Expedition and Its Sublimation: The Myth of the Imperial Lineage and a Journey to Kumano – 3
On the way to the Akoji Shrine, we encountered wild deer. A divine encounter between two equestrians in a mysterious and quiet psychological state. Psychological harmony with mythology (laugh). …

Now, I mentioned yesterday that I have a certain “sense of déjà vu” as a Hokkaido-goer with regard to Kumano’s specialty topography. It is thought that there are afterimages of “caldera” landforms, several of which have been confirmed in Hokkaido.
I have seen the characteristic “columnar joints” on a junior high school excursion. It would be like seeing such landforms again in Kishu, a faraway tropical island. I would like to discuss this in depth in a blog post to come tomorrow.
Whether or not we know of such “unique geographical features,” the scene of the landing at Kumano is prominently included in the Kojiki, the oldest surviving record of Japanese history, in the mythology of the imperial lineage. After the movement and battle in the Seto Inland Sea world are described as the first part of the story, they would march from the “eastern” part to the “western” part of the Yamato region based on the grand strategy of “fighting with the sun on their backs” to advance into the Yamato region.
In accordance with such a grand policy, the Jinmu East Expeditionary Force was to make a long drive to land from Kumano.
At this stage, Gose-no-Mikoto, the eldest brother of Emperor Jinmu and in effect the chief commander, had already lost his life. The top image is from the “Brief History of the History” published by the Kashihara Shrine of Kashihara. The top image is from the “Kashihara Shrine’s Brief History of the Kashihara Shrine. The boat was tossed about by a great storm on the Pacific Ocean in the Kumano-nada Sea. In response to the storm, two surviving brothers of Emperor Jinmu are said to have entered the water to calm the sea gods.
This human sacrifice scene often appears in ancient voyages.
Such scenes also occurred during Yamatotakeru’s march to the Kanto region, and the queen’s entering the water is said to have given rise to the legend that the name of the region, “Azuma-Azuma,” was composed. In an age when scientific analysis was not available, this may have been a common human response to such a violent natural phenomenon. The fact that the custom of hinokimi gyoji, in which a man is tied to the bow of a ship, has continued uninterruptedly is greatly reminiscent of this.
The two elder brothers of Emperor Jinmu are said to have been enshrined on either side of the entrance to the sea at the harbor of Futakijima, where the Jinmu line was eventually said to have landed. <This is, of course, the prevailing theory among the various theories about the landing site.
However, when one actually pays a visit to the shrine, one is struck by the simplicity of the shrine, which one would not expect to find in a shrine with an imperial lineage.
Compared to his eldest brother Gose-no-mikoto, whose mausoleum is said to have been enshrined on Mount Gamayama in Kii Province after the establishment of the imperial lineage, the shrine is extremely simple. If the imperial lineage is history as it is, this part of the story raises doubts about its veracity. On the other hand, the custom of inheritance of the youngest child in Japanese folklore may also be subtle.
However, as someone who has actually walked through the area and experienced the depths of its natural environment, some aspects of the story make sense to me. After all, on this steep path to Tategasaki, I even encountered wild deer as a symbol of nature.
It was a sudden encounter on a steep mountain road, in the midst of a quiet atmosphere, but rather than surprise, I was enveloped in a very tranquil sense of affinity between two creatures.
Of course, I was inwardly surprised, but I also felt a strange sense of satisfaction at the fact that the imperial lineage was being enshrined in such a space, which was psychologically so divine and serene.
It seems to me that this kind of atmosphere existed in the whole Japanese activity of Kumano pilgrimage.

【特異な自然地形への上陸・古事記 皇統神話と熊野の旅-2】




English version⬇

Landing in a peculiar natural terrain, Kojiki: The Myth of the Imperial Lineage and a Journey to Kumano – 2
The unique natural topography of Kumano, so to speak, brings a “convincing” sense of the mythological world with its “Jomon” persuasiveness. It is amazing. I am impressed.

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred early this year, and the Japan Coast Guard and a JAL aircraft engaged in disaster relief unexpectedly collided on the runway of Haneda Airport. On the other hand, precious lives were lost who were fighting against the great earthquake with a great sense of mission. It is very sad and painful. I pray for the repose of their souls.
It has been pointed out since last year that the year 2024 will bring a concentration of watershed events for the world, but apparently the tumultuous situation has symbolically occurred in Japan. I pray for social tranquility somehow.

This is the second in a series that began yesterday, New Year’s Day. In my blog, I was moved by the great innovation of the ancient exhibition at the Japan Museum of History and Folklore in Chiba Prefecture, and I have organized it in my own way as the “37,000 Year History of the Archipelago” series. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the scholars at the museum and history museum for their hard work in sharing the results of their latest research on history and archaeology with the general public.
In the gap between archaeology and history, in the case of Japan, the world of Kojiki and Nihonshoki is expanding. The various spots in the Kumano area are also strongly associated with the legend of the Kiki legend of the Jimmu expedition to the east.
This Akoshi Shrine is located almost halfway to Tategasaki, a unique natural landscape said to be a landmark of Emperor Jinmu’s eastern expeditionary force, after stepping over a 1.9 km mountain path from the “parking lot” on the side of the National Route 311 road that runs through the area.
The deity enshrined at the shrine is Sankeirino-no-mikoto, the elder brother of Emperor Jinmu.

The genealogy is taken from the “Brief History” issued by the Kashihara Jingu Shrine, which enshrines Emperor Jinmu. Emperor Jinmu is said to have been the youngest of four siblings, and three of his elder brothers died during his march to the east. The eldest brother, Itsuse-no-mikoto, was attacked by a local powerful tribe, the Nagasuhiko, when he was about to land in the Yamato region from the Namba area, and died from injuries sustained during the attack. In accordance with the policy of his last will and testament, his younger brothers made a detour around the Kii Peninsula, aiming to land at Kumano. They had set Tategasaki as their landing point, but encountered a great storm and the two brothers threw themselves into the sea one after the other. This calmed the sea, and the party was able to make landfall.
The two brothers are enshrined at the Akoji Shrine and the Muroko Shrine on the opposite shore. The deity enshrined here is Inahi-no-Mikoto. The “Fugishima Harbor” is located in the middle of the two shrines, and it is said that the Emperor Jinmu landed there.
Although it is not clear whether this area is history or myth, the unique natural landscape of the Kumano region and the “columnar jointed terrain” known in Asahikawa and Sounkyo in Hokkaido provide an overwhelming stage setting that makes one feel “just as it should be”. The Tategasaki area in particular, with its huge columnar-jointed terrain soaring above the rough waves of the Pacific Ocean, makes the viewer think, “That’s just as it should be. Reading the Kumano travelogue of Ryutaro Abe, a writer of historical literature, one can see that he too is utterly fascinated by the area (laugh).
It is also understandable that the repeated pilgrimages to Kumano by the emperors of the imperial lineage in the Middle Ages contributed greatly to the “Kumano faith” as a strong basis for Japanese history.
As for myself, as a Hokkaido native, I have never seen such overwhelming natural scenery outside of Sounkyo.
I was wrapped in a strange feeling of “encounter” with the natural scenery that was engraved in my naïve mind when I was on a school excursion in junior high school, as if I was reunited with it after a long time in this tropical country.

【神武帝の兄を祀る「阿古師神社」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-1】



English version⬇

Akoji Shrine, which enshrines the elder brother of the Emperor Jinmu.
Kumano is a place of repeated pilgrimages to Kumano by the Japanese imperial lineage, who “prayed” for their people. Even today, it takes about half a day one-way for a person from Hokkaido. We respectfully invite you to visit this historical site. The history of Kumano

On New Year’s Day yesterday, I woke up early and paid a visit to the Hokkaido Shrine. After that, my daughter and her husband came over to spend the day with us. After a glass of wine, I fell asleep immediately. When I woke up, I heard the earthquake warning for Noto. A tsunami warning was also issued for the western coast of Hokkaido.
This year has been said to be an extremely tumultuous year for world trends, starting with the Taiwan presidential election and continuing with the U.S. presidential election, but the earthquake and tsunami alert came right from the start. I have visited Noto several times and have been strongly attracted by its natural beauty. In particular, I have been fascinated by the “Toki-no-Kokoku Jutaku,” which can be said to be a cultural asset of the area, and have written about it in depth in this blog. I also learned through social networking services of an acquaintance’s communication with a family living in the area, and was impressed by the real-time progress of the crisis. I pray for your safety.

But I will return to the cultural history of housing and human beings in my blog again.
Starting this time, we will explore Kumano, a unique region in the history of the Japanese imperial lineage, as characteristically seen in the “Kumano Gokou”. However, it would be impossible to tackle all of them as one theme at once, so I would like to continue this project over a long period of time, visiting the area from time to time.
I have been obsessed with Japanese history since the “Miyako Zokei” of Kyoto and Nara, and I still think it is a wonderful cultural history in its own right. However, after coming into contact with the traces of the first period of the imperial lineage in Asuka (centering on Asuka Village) in the southwestern part of Nara Prefecture, I was surprised at the great difference in the “sense of language” and was further surprised at the repeated “Kumano Gokou” by the imperial lineage after the relocation to Kyoto and by the emperors after their abdication, and the overwhelming support for it among the people. The people overwhelmingly supported it.
I had a strong interest in the Asuka-Yamato region and its background, Kumano, but as a Hokkaido-native, I had not had the opportunity to visit the area due to the difficulty of transportation. Even from Sakai, which is considered a regular lodging point in the Kansai region, it takes about three hours by car to get there. Considering the 2.5-hour flight from Chitose to Kansai International Airport, I had been hesitant to visit Kumano. Even the emperors of the olden days used to take more than a month round trip to Kumano for a pilgrimage.
People of the old imperial lineage also found it difficult to make a Kumano pilgrimage while they were in the emperor’s reign, so after they retired from the throne and became free to do so, they all made the pilgrimage not as a so-called “gyoko” but as a “go-ko” (a visit to the Kumano Shrine).
I believe that the greatest reason for the survival of the Japanese Imperial Family, the oldest historical imperial lineage in the world, is that at its core it is a “praying” entity, and in this respect, the divine authority that this Kumano Gokou has played is immeasurable.
The photo shows the “Akoshi Shrine” and the space that appears to be its landing place. The shrine is located at Tategasaki, Futakishima Island, where Emperor Jinmu is said to have made a detour to Kumano after being defeated by the forces of the local Nagasaruhiko tribe in his attempt to invade the Yamato region from Namba.
It is written in the Kojiki that Emperor Jinmu lost three of his brothers who accompanied him on this expedition, but this Akoshi Shrine was located on the mountain road to Tategasaki and is said to have been dedicated to his elder brother Mikeri no Mikoto. <This article will be written tomorrow.

【2024年 あけましておめでとうございます】



English version⬇

Happy New Year 2024!
The energetic iridescent clouds of summer in Boso gave me the energy for a second start. I would like to continue to live my life with a firm sense of direction. ・・・・.

This year I am the “New Year’s Man,” but since I am over 60 years of age, I am not really called upon to do so (laugh). However, I am beginning to feel like I am starting a second life. Since I have just passed the nodal point in my professional life, I feel that the “60th birthday” of the old-timers has finally arrived for me as well.
The image above is not a photo taken in winter at the beginning of the New Year, but rather, the “iridocumulus” in Boso that looks like it is in the height of summer. It was taken during my visit last year to Ichinomiya, Chiba Prefecture, to explore the architecture of “Akutagawa-so,” an inn associated with Ryunosuke Akutagawa.
I have spent many years as the lead editor of a housing magazine, and this is a spin-out from that environment. However, personally, I still have a strong interest in “architecture and housing. I am the type of person who is interested in architecture and housing, but as I get older, I find myself more and more interested in the “in-between” of the human life in the living space and the architecture of the house.
This visit to Akutagawa-so was a perfect fit for such a state of mind. As I have written several times in this blog, Akutagawa, a literary young man whom Soseki Natsume had hoped to meet at this seaside inn in Kujukuri, Boso, was in the prime of his youth when he wrote a love letter of courtship to the woman he later married when he had just graduated from the University of Tokyo.
The monument to his writings was a straight description of the sentiments of a man in his youth, and it was quite amusing to see.
The Kujukuri beach served as a backdrop for these sentiments, and the one-story thatched building stood in the midst of a sand forest. As a Hokkaido native, the experience of the dazzling midsummer in Boso is beyond envy.
I happened to have the opportunity to visit the area on a whim, and I was receptive to it in a kind of sensual way.
I had the experience of reading about Ryunosuke Akutagawa and his worldview, and the fact that I could share the experience of a living space that he had also experienced was extremely fresh, and a sense of rebirth was strongly stirred up in me.
It was as if this “Irido-no-Un” in Boso was sending me a cheer.

When I visited a friend at the end of the year, I saw a compass of a fishing boat in a seaside town in his hometown in Okhotsk. It was decorated in full sail and had a picture of a boat that symbolized the town’s heyday. It was a reminder that our generation is in a position to keep a “compass” as we look ahead to the declining population of Hokkaido’s rural and regional areas.
Although I myself have been able to put things in order, I will continue to live my life as a human being, and above all, I still have the responsibility of passing on the baton to future generations.
Day by day, moment by moment, the circumstances around me are constantly evolving and changing, and I never stop for a moment. We will continue to be tested to see how we can live our lives with sincerity, always calmly checking our position.

【年の瀬のさっぽろ中央市場でお買い物 🎵】


English version⬇

[Shopping at Sapporo Central Market at the end of the year 🎵].
The atmosphere of Kusado-Senken is still the same today. The vitality of the central market that fills the stomachs of the citizens of Sapporo, Hokkaido. The vitality of Nippon, created by the gems of the south and the delicacies of the north. ・・・・.

Today is the last day of the year, the big New Year’s Eve. We are going shopping for souvenirs for our friends and perishables for our house. Usually, I can come a little earlier, but it has been postponed until the 30th.
I usually go to the Sapporo Central Wholesale Market, which is located in the northwest corner of Chuo-ku, Sapporo, and is said to be the kitchen of the citizens of Sapporo. The Sapporo Central Wholesale Market is a market where fresh produce from all over Hokkaido and the country is gathered and auctioned for distribution to traders, and I love its lively atmosphere.
Since I was a small child, I usually helped my parents, who were in the “food manufacturing” business, every morning before going to school. I also rode in the truck to the central wholesale market to help with deliveries. The atmosphere of the market that I was exposed to there must have been ingrained in my body.
This year, due to the calendar, the “on-site market” was closed on the 29th. I had no choice but to go to the “Outer Market,” which is the closest and almost adjacent to the Inner Market. I like to make nigiri-zushi for my staff, so I always come here to purchase ingredients. Sometimes I also go into the market to check on seasonal ingredients. Sometimes I discover rare and unusual items that are not easily seen.
The doors usually open around 5:00 a.m., so I delayed my visit by about 30 minutes, but as expected on the last day of the opening this year, there were many shoppers parked in the lot. I was surprised to see so many shoppers parked in the lot, and I thought to myself, “Well, well, well. I had written about the Kusado-Senken market the other day, and this kind of gathering of silent people is a Japanese scene that will never change, no matter how much time passes.
Stores with excellent taste naturally become crowded, and the atmosphere can be somewhat deadly. In particular, stores specializing in tuna, which is very popular as sashimi material for New Year’s, are incredibly popular. I once stocked up on several kilos of tuna when I made tuna donburi for my staff, and my wife, who was accompanying me, brought me fresh information that the daughter of a female acquaintance of hers had recently married the owner of this restaurant (laugh). We are very happy to hear that.
Speaking of which, there were cute children of elementary school age helping out at the stores in the market, and their cute shouts were enlivening the place (laugh). It was like going back in time and being reunited with my own childhood. I didn’t think I needed it much, but I ended up buying it (laugh).
It was one of those scenes at the end of the year that I hope will be passed on to children as a lovable atmosphere of common people’s sensibilities, both business and communication.




English version⬇

The One That Connects Lives – Kusado Senken 2023 Revisited – 16
It is the last day of work for the year. I am very much thankful for your hard work. Even in such a situation, childbirth, childcare, and life continue. From Senken Kusado to today and tomorrow. The last day of work for the year.

Yesterday was the work launch day for Replan members who share an office building.
Although I have changed my status from “representative” to “advisor” for a certain period of time, it is a different company. I was greeted on my way home by a member who had somehow come to the office. I felt that everyone’s expressions showed that they had experienced the big change together with me. Above all, I was pleased to see that everyone was looking forward to the future with all their might. Deep emotion.
One of these members had finally returned to work after childbirth and childcare, and since I was remote during the morning meeting, I was able to see her cute child’s face through the screen. Japanese society is experiencing a declining birthrate, but systematically, there has been an evolution in the direction of making it easier for female workers to participate in society. It may mean that companies are also being requested to take part in such a sense of social responsibility.
In the past, the burden of child rearing and childbirth was basically borne by the “family,” and two or three generations worked together to pass life into the future. However, the nuclear family has reached its ultimate stage, and society has been further transformed into an “individual unit.
Despite these trends, however, society as a whole must protect the children who bear the future. Even a small part of the female staff’s efforts to raise their children may mean that the company can also play a part in supporting them. I felt infinitely healed by the carefree, “spaced-out” expressions on the children’s faces.

This is the final installment of the Kusado-Senken series, but what comes to us across time and space is a sense of humanity and cousinliness.
The city received fresh vegetables from the surrounding villages, and the monks who played a leading role in the temple town where this medieval city was established were also able to sustain their lives thanks to the fresh vegetables. The latest research, however, indicated that traces of “inu” eating had also been discovered in Kusado-Senken. In the search for the truth, we are still trying to understand the Japanese “Honne to Tatemae” (honesty and tactfulness), and the unknown aspects of the medieval people’s food culture are deepening….
However, the town and its houses have firmly supported this way of life. As trading centers, Kusado-Senken, Onomichi, and Tomonoura were probably connected by a deep mutual network. My direct ancestors continued to pass the family baton in the Seto Inland Sea trading area, which is located near Onomichi, a port next to Kusado-Senken. As a merchant family, it is easy to imagine the various interactions that must have taken place between the Kusado-Senken and its successor trading post.
Imagining this, I kept imagining that if only time and the fate button had been a little different (laughs). I am grateful for the many insights I have been given.



English version⬇

The Beloved Seto Inland Sea World – Kusado Senken 2023 Revisited – 15
It seems possible to “dig deep and relive” enough about our predecessors in the 5-6 to 10s with the cognitive device called “self”. Virtual reality into the past. …

Finally, there are only three days left in this year. Thanks to your support, I have been able to continue this blog for a long time despite the changes in my position. However, I have been gradually changing to a “deep-dive” type blog, where I try to provide information about my actual experiences in the field, as well as information about the surrounding area.
The last series that I dug deep into this year was the Kusado-Senken series. It is based on my encounter with my ancestors, who are Hokkaido residents as exiles, and my close relationship with them. I sometimes feel a very close atmosphere to the Seto Inland Sea world, which expands my sense of reality in the way I dig up.
People from ancient times to the medieval and early modern Edo period would have had great restrictions on freedom of movement, but people today have the wonderful convenience of the car. Despite the aging of my body, I am the type of person who does not feel much fatigue when driving. A 213-km expressway trip from Kobe to the eastern part of Hiroshima Prefecture is nothing to worry about.
In Hokkaido, it is about the same distance as the 206 km trip from Sapporo to Obihiro. Even a “one-day trip” of this magnitude is quite normal. And if you add a little traveler’s high to the mix, the freshness of what you see and hear makes it all go by very quickly. I spent less than 1.5 hours at the Kusado-Senken Museum, but I was able to see and hear the museum in so many different ways that I have been able to write about it for more than half a month.
Since we have this kind of interview experience in dozens of places, there is not enough time to express it at all.
The figure above is a visualization of geological changes in the Seto Inland Sea world. In recent years, efforts to excavate and elucidate these historical phases have been concentrated, and the ancient situation has become completely imaginative.
On the other hand, human beings as living organisms have evolved only to a very limited extent in the past 10,000 to 20,000 years. The way we feel and perceive things is generally the same as ours.
We can imagine the world of the past using our own sensitivity as a guide, and we can make the world quite real.
If, after all, there are 5-6 to 10 generations in the family, it is highly likely that they have chosen to live and feel in the same way as we do. Perhaps we are still able to encounter the people we met on the streets of Kusado-Senken today, generation after generation.
I continue to be freshly surprised by the freedom of the coverage area generated by this kind of layered feeling. I believe that this kind of information will be beneficial to the people of the future, who will be responsible for the future of our time.
Until the first half of this year, I was in the position of a specific media outlet, but from now on, I would like to delve deeper into the theme of living spaces, towns, and human life from a broader and freer standpoint.



English version⬇

Snow removal may be a trigger for attachment to the house…
The “dialogue” between northern houses and snow is a fate that cannot be escaped. Is it a challenge to be overcome, or a flexible response? It is also a matter of attachment to the climate. …

Yesterday was the first time in a long time that we experienced a small “snow flurry. The depth of snow around our house was 25 cm according to the “depth of snowfall in Sapporo” announced by the Japan Meteorological Agency. In terms of physical sensation, it felt like a normal winter snowfall, but in reality, this was the first time I had to shovel snow this winter.
So, yesterday, I reported on the mentality of northern people in dealing with such snow shoveling work. Around my house, everyone was engaged in snow removal work in their own way. Unknowingly, we realize that a lot of information is exchanged through such scenes. Needless to say, this kind of scene is repeated every winter, so it is a silent reminder of what is going on in our neighborhood.
The truth is that when our house was newly built 32 years ago, road heating was attached and there is hot water circulation piping under the brick-paved road surface. We actually had it running for 1-2 years, but in order to keep the road surface melting snow, we need to keep the “perfect snow melt” conditions. In this case, it is necessary to predict the time of snowfall and keep running in preparation. We have installed snowfall sensors, but in reality, the operating conditions are not always as expected. So when we have to make “safe side” driving decisions, it is difficult to control the cost of the kerosene.
In reality, the parking lot is being used as a parking lot, so there is no problem if there is some compacted snow as long as it does not interfere with parking. Furthermore, even if the snow is melted by road heating, the boundary with the public road that has not been paved is rather exposed, and snow removal work must be carefully carried out there to level the road surface condition.
So, for these reasons, the initial decision was gracefully dismissed and human-powered snow removal using human judgment sensors became more reasonable. Everyone was in a similar situation at neighboring houses, etc.
The exterior of my house looks like the photo, but the brick flooring is obscured by the thin layer of compacted snow, which gives it an interesting beauty when the melted snow surface appears from time to time. This is not a bad thing, as there is a sense of encounter, as if to say, “Oh, how are you? In terms of appearance, the “lightly covered with snow” atmosphere is generated, as shown in the photo. It seems to be honestly in harmony with the sense of the season.
It makes me feel as if it constitutes one of the hidden attachment feelings of houses in Hokkaido and northern Japan. In the material composition and coloring of our house, we were conscious of a kind of “dialogue with the snow. By checking the snow cover every winter, it becomes an “opportunity for attachment” in itself.
I have been living in this house for about 32 years, and I find myself becoming more and more “sukiyori.
I fantasize that it is possible to have such a strange sense of attachment (laughs). Houses can make us realize various kinds of enjoyment, can’t they?

【年末最終週の札幌、雪かき本格化かなぁ 🎵】

写真は12/27 午前4時前に撮影したものですが、道路除雪の様子からは降雪はたぶん昨日の夜になってからのようで市の除雪車が入ってその後はあんまり降っていない様子であります。その下のように天気状況図を確認してみると、わが家周辺には昨晩20時以降、活発な雪雲が出張ってきていることが確認できた。

これらは15年くらい前にドップラーレーダーに換装され、雨雲の位置の他に移動速度もわかるようになった。このため、気象庁の降水予想は高精度となり、数kmのオーダーの分単位の細かい予想が可能になっている。リモートセンシング技術と解析技術は、10年単位で革新され、われわれは知らず知らずのうちにその恩恵にあずかっている。 by Shigeru Narabeさん。〜

English version⬇

Sapporo, the last week of the year, is the snow shoveling in full swing 🎵.
The winter general of semi-“Boomerang snow” has arrived. I have been living in a detached house in snow country for more than 50 years. When it snows, it turns on my DNA. The roar of the snow removal warriors! ・・・

When I woke up early this morning, the view in front of my house was as you can see.
I had been plowing since the beginning of December, but finally I had to start shoveling snow in earnest.
The photo was taken before 4:00 a.m. on 12/27, and from the look of the street plows, it seems that the snow probably started falling last night, and not much has fallen since the city’s snowplows arrived. Checking the weather map below, I could see that there was an active snow cloud around our house after 8 pm last night.
It was a semi “heavy” snowfall. It was the kind of snowfall that came suddenly and ended up falling without lingering. The forecast also shows a chance of snowfall until mid-morning today, followed by clear skies.
Well, General Winter, I guess you could say I have a light greeting for you.
Recently, I have been indulging in a series of visits to the Kusado-Senken site in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, a warm climate area. Many of you seem to have taken a new interest in the site and have responded favorably to my posts, but I am going to take a break for now.
Although I have strong family ties to this area, I myself am a native Hokkaidoan. When the snow falls, there is a part of me that naturally turns on inside of me. I have been living in a detached house for more than 50 years, and although there are differences among people, I think we all share the same sense of “destiny” for snow removal work as people from snow country.
So, since I will probably spend about an hour or so immersed in the snow removal work, I’m going to lighten up on my blog writing today due to time constraints. Let’s do it, shall we?

P.S.: I finished removing snow from 3 areas (in front of my house and office, and 2 parking lots) in about 1.5 hours. While I was relaxing, a reader posted a wonderful “explanation/explanation. It is easy to understand and scientific, so I am reprinting it here with your permission.
〜The city of Sapporo basically waits until the snowfall is over before going out to remove it. For this purpose, a weather radar located at Mt. In addition to these radars in Hokkaido, there are also weather radars at Yokotsudake in Hakodate and Kombumori in Kushiro Town, which allow real-time monitoring of precipitation and future estimates of a few hours to be viewed at any time from the JMA website.
These radars were converted to Doppler radar about 15 years ago, and now provide information on the location of rain clouds as well as their speed of movement. As a result, the JMA’s precipitation forecasts have become highly accurate, and minute-by-minute detailed forecasts on the order of several kilometers are now possible. Remote sensing and analysis technology has been revolutionized over the past decade, and we are unknowingly reaping the benefits of these innovations. by Shigeru Narabe. ~





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The Different Kinds of People Gathering in a Medieval City – Kusado-Senken 2023 Revisited – 14
I am going to be drawn to the area of historical diversity society, the state of human existence and housing, architecture and cities. What shall I do (laugh) …

This year was a milestone year for me personally, and I believe that people today will inevitably be required to live in various stages of life as a way of “coping. I strongly felt that way.
Generally speaking, it is something like “life after old age. I have yet to reach such a landing point, but I am gradually becoming more and more attracted to the idea of building on what I have done so far and thinking about things that I did not have time to notice when I was in active service.
It is not necessarily something that I have “left undone,” but I would like to explore in my own way, guided by such a feeling.
Things like this exploration of Senken Kusado are things that I have yet to sort out for myself, and I am not sure why I am so strongly attracted to them or what their implications are. But I am strongly interested.
So I have done a little marketing research, and I am getting some interesting responses from readers. Perhaps there is something we can share in the “way of life” of our predecessors?
The illustration above is a part of the “Yutsu Nenbutsu Emaki” (scroll depicting the Buddha) from the middle Muromachi period (mid-Muromachi period), which was probably drawn in 1417, the same year as the reconstruction of the streetscape of Kusado-Senken. In the asylum of the medieval city, human traces of diverse people, people who are considered “deformed” by the world, are sometimes depicted. Although modern Japanese people are living a proper life in relation to the corporate and capitalist society in a very docile manner, their predecessors were a bit more diverse.

This is a detailed zoomed-in view of the right side of the screen. In the upper right corner are three “thugs” who are believed to be committing gang violence. In Japanese society, “hoodlums” are not so common these days. In a society of unprecedented “labor shortage,” are such “outcasts” being weeded out? The figure on the right is wearing “mise-saya,” a type of geta custom-made by a geta shop, and is dressed in a shoulder-length robe. The figure on the right is said to be holding a “mise-saya” (waist sword).
Below this screen, a beggar is depicted. The expression on his body expresses his desperation. To the left of the beggar is also a “masked” figure. According to historian Yoshihiko Amino, there were many people in medieval society who wore such masked costumes in a dubious manner. According to Yoshihiko Amino, they may have been “non-humans.

This is an enlargement of the screen on the left. The two men slightly above were considered to be “gong-tappers and bowl-tappers”. Does that mean they were “chindon-ya,” or publicity men? The word “ringo” is used to describe this kind of publicity, and I wonder if this kind of technique was developed in medieval cities to advertise to the masses who gathered there. A woman with a walking stick in a straw hat and a woman carrying a child on her back can also be seen in the scene. There are also rogues like the one on the upper right, but I wonder if the “eyes of others” also had a security effect in medieval cities. I feel that I am being led more and more to this kind of historical diversity of society and the relationship between human existence and housing, architecture, and the city.