
【3連休初日 札幌はかなりの豪雪かなぁ・・・】



English version⬇

First day of a three-day weekend… Sapporo is getting heavy snowfall.
Sapporo’s snowfall is so concentrated that even the weather station’s forecast couldn’t keep up with it. Or the local “demon” called Ishikari Bay low pressure system is on a rampage. It can’t be helped, can it? …….

The week of various information exchanges in the housing industry has come to an end, and today is the third consecutive holiday, but it snowed all day yesterday in Sapporo, and even in the city, the visibility was as low as 50 meters. I was physically exhausted and fell asleep right after 6 pm. Old people are quick in this kind of thing (laugh).
So when I woke up a little after 2:00 a.m. today, the situation around my house was as you can see. I had removed some of the rough snow yesterday, but all traces of it are gone. Amazing….
Visually, it looks like 50-60 cm of snow has accumulated.
The weather bureau issued a “heavy snow warning for Sapporo and Ebetsu” last night, but the warning seems to have been issued late, and this time we were caught off guard by the concentrated snowfall in Sapporo.
It seems like a heavy snowfall, but the snowfall is still continuing, so it is difficult to predict the future. Some of our staff members are moving to Tokyo today to take pictures of houses, but I am not sure if they will be able to move.
I checked the area again after 3:00 a.m., and it seems that the public snowplows have started clearing the snow once, and it seems that it is best to try to remove the snow from the road side toward our building. Also, the snowfall has stopped after a slight drizzle.
So I am thinking of starting snow removal as soon as possible, even as I write this blog.
Since the temperature is -7 degrees Celsius, I imagine that the snow will probably be dry and powdery with low humidity. Although it is a heavy snowfall, the snow removal work itself may be a little easier. I would like to stop writing this blog for a while and go to the snow removal site. Then I will add the record again.

…I have been plowing snow for about an hour. There was still more than 10 cm of snow on the ground since the public snow removal. We thought the snow had stopped on the way, but it still continued to fall lightly. For now, we temporarily rescued the lifeline elements, the cars in the parking lot once and heaped up snow at the snow pile composting points, and removed snow from the necessary surface area of the parking lot plus about an additional amount. We also removed snow from the minimum lifeline points, and once about 1/2 of the site was cleared of snow, we paused. The snowfall is still continuing anyway, so we will continue to work without rushing, while interacting with the weather conditions.
After I finish writing this blog and my wife wakes up, we will go to the snow removal site together. There are six rented parking spaces in the vicinity, so we will also remove snow to secure their use. So this will probably be about three times the area.
So this was a special blog with a live report of heavy snowfall and nighttime snow removal in snow country. I am really hoping that this will be the last time this year. I hope this will be the last time this kind of thing will happen this year.



English version⬇

[Serialized article in the housing industry magazine “Shinken Housing DIGITAL
Changes in the work environment have forced me to deal with yet another new area. I would like to work with a firm sense of urgency. …

The series of articles I have been preparing for some time was published yesterday, February 21.
My basic position is that I have been “collaborating” in various areas of the regional “highly insulated and airtight” housing innovation movement in the Tohoku region of Hokkaido. Hokkaido’s position is that it has been the frontier of Japanese people’s “way of life” in the natural environment of snowy and cold climate. Local governments have been actively promoting measures to improve the housing environment since the early Meiji era, and have even established specialized research institutes for this purpose.
In response to the earnest wishes of the people living in this area, local construction companies, builders, and architects have been working on the project with great creativity and ingenuity. Hokkaido University and other architectural academics have also worked together to bring about housing innovation in the region.
Of course, there has been and will continue to be strong collaboration with Replan magazine, a regional housing magazine that has been created by our staff, and which has provided easy-to-understand reportage of the evolving living environment from the viewpoint of consumers. I would like to continue to take that standpoint and provide information to everyone in Japan in this Shinken Housing DIGITAL series of articles. In addition, I would like to delve deeper into marketing and other specialized information.
Through this new information dissemination, we hope to establish communication with makers in the Tohoku and southern regions of Hokkaido and beyond, where there is a slight sense of distance between them. At this time of year, many builders from the Honshu region are visiting Hokkaido on research tours. Yesterday, a builder from Aomori gave a presentation at a meeting. I was very impressed with the information including the vivid living style of the local residents. Having followed the industry since its early days, I feel as if I am a generation removed from the development and dynamism of the industry as a whole.
However, we are now entering an unprecedented phase of declining population. The market has changed dramatically since the days when demand for new housing was strong.
I hope to continue thinking about this aspect of the market in my series of articles.
However, I want to make this “daily updated” blog series my lifework, so “writing” work such as this kind of serial article work is becoming my main focus. There is a theory that if you keep using it, you can prevent the decline of your physical strength, but I am also fighting a battle with anxiety (laugh) to see if it is possible to keep it in my brain.

【5-6千年前「縄文のランドマーク」 ムラと住みごこち-8】


English version⬇

5-6,000 years ago “Jomon landmarks” Mura and livability-8
Survival as a group has been a natural state of human beings since the beginning. Ease of living and livability are probably the greatest factors that attract humans. …

We have been thinking and looking at the human race and the “mura” way of living, a community of people living together. If we ask ourselves how we can shift from a housing industry structure that relies heavily on new housing construction to one that considers the demand for upgrading existing buildings, we need to look back at the root elements of human sheer willpower.
Simply put, what is needed to promote demand for home renovation?
For example, how can we motivate people in their 60s to renovate their homes to improve performance? One possibility is that they would like to improve the value of their homes as assets in “good residential areas” for their children and grandchildren, as if they were inheriting the assets.
Or, young people in their 30s and 40s who purchase relatively inexpensive existing houses in “good residential areas” and wish to improve the performance of their houses to lead a better life.
In either case, my intuition is that the declining population will focus more attention on the value of “residential areas. What criteria should be used to determine what constitutes a “good residential area”? I would like to explore the attractiveness of “mura” as an environment for human habitation.
With this in mind, I spent yesterday researching the world’s oldest residential “mura” environment. There, I learned that stone “towers” were local “landmarks. Moreover, they were the tallest structures in the world until the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. I thought that such symbolic architecture might have some fundamental element in human consciousness that stimulates mura-like attachment.
This process brought to mind the oldest “large hottate-bashira” building in the archipelago at Sannai-Maruyama, which is the site of a large hottate-bashira building.
This is a 14.7-meter-high building reconstructed from the ruins of a large hottate-bashira building. Some people have suggested that it was used as a temple, a watchtower, or a monument. The size of the wood chips at the base and the results of the analysis of the soil pressure on the building were estimated by referring to the restored drawings. Moreover, these post holes are regularly spaced at 4.2m intervals.
It can be imagined that this was a landmark expressing the purpose of architecture and the integrity of the mura (village). As a simple high-rise structure, the building’s territorial awareness of the “visible range of space” has a sense of universality that is easy to understand.
The Jomon were a society whose basic livelihood consisted of gathering and hunting, but in the Japanese archipelago they had established a very “rich” means of securing food by fishing on the seashore. While hunting was a way of life that moved along with the seasonal migration of land animals as prey, the society was highly sedentary.
I can’t help but think that Sannai-Maruyama is the primitive form of the “eight million” village society of archipelagic society, a natural regional community.

【集住環境の始原「世界と日本」 ムラと住みごこち-7】



English version⬇

The Origin of the Gathering Environment “The World and Japan” Mura and the Comfort of Living – 7
The world’s oldest traces of residential settlement, and the oldest Jomon mura in the Japanese archipelago. And the modern sense of “mura”. There may be a macroscopic “connection” between the two. The world and Japan

The first traces of human settlement “villages” in the world can be found in Jericho, a town in the Middle East region of Judea and Palestine. Here is an excerpt from the Wiki article
〜The town of Jericho was a small settlement in the early Neolithic period, northwest of the Dead Sea, and is one of the oldest towns in the ancient Orient. It is located northwest of the Dead Sea and is one of the oldest towns in the ancient Orient. In the 8th millennium B.C., a settlement surrounded by a wall appeared. It is about 15 km northwest of the mouth of the Jordan River, which flows into the Dead Sea, and is now included in the West Bank of the Jordan River. It is a lowland at -250 m above sea level. There was an oasis called “Sultan’s Fountain” where people settled. It was known as the “City of Palms,” which appears repeatedly in the Old Testament. ~.
A settlement or village of such a nature. The existence of these villages was confirmed about 10,000 years ago in the ancient Orient. Among such mura, the “Remains of Tel Ek Sultan” in the aerial photo above is one of the earliest ruins. It has been identified as being 12,000 years old. Tell means hill. The scale of the hill is 350m north-south, 150m east-west, and 2.5m high. 9,000 B.C. No traces of houses have appeared yet, but stone tools, bone tools, and a base platform, which seems to be an altar, have been found. The wall is similar to the Japanese “moat encircling settlements,” but its purpose is believed to have been to protect the residential area from flooding. On one side of this wall, an 8.5-meter-high stone tower was built, called the “Tower of Jericho,” which was the tallest structure in the world until the construction of the pyramids in Egypt.

On the other hand, when considering the origin of mura in the Japanese archipelago, the Sannai-Maruyama site, which is said to be a Jomon “mura,” is also a Jomon “mura” site. Archaeological evidence supports that the Jomon period was at its peak around 6,000 to 4,000 years ago. The site is said to have been pioneered about 15,000 years ago. In the ancient Middle East, settlements were built by water called “oases,” but there are no traces of such settlements in Sannai.
In the Japanese archipelago, the Himalayan highlands were the starting point for the prevailing westerly winds, which generated water vapor across the Sea of Japan, generating abundant rainfall and creating abundant forested areas. In this sense, “water” is abundant, and in fact, wood resources such as chestnut trees are used as building materials in Sannai. While “stone towers” are built in the Middle East, six-pillar structures made of giant trees are erected as symbols and landmarks of the village. The world, where the basis of architecture is shifting toward stone structures, seems to contrast with Japan, which is moving toward a rich wooden construction culture.
The total area of the Sannai-Maruyama site is estimated to be about 42 hectares. Although a simple comparison cannot be made, the area of the mura space is larger than the 5 hectares of the Tel Ek Sultanate. Furthermore, the area of the modern “mura” as I saw it the day before yesterday is approximately 4 km square, which is about 1,600 hectares. In a society where the population has expanded geometrically, and considering the difference between ancient people who basically walked and modern people who mainly drive cars, even this area comparison may be somewhat similar in terms of the area available for human activities.
When we consider the symbolic landmark architecture, we can see the basic elements of human settlements. In my case today, the Hokkaido Shrine may be such a symbolic space.
These things are probably close to the basis of the human being’s perception of belonging to a region.

【街イメージを規定する公共・利便② ムラと住みごこち-6】


English version⬇

Public and Convenience (2) Mura and Livability – 6
The livability of “villages” in the survival zone changes drastically with changes in transportation convenience. In cities, is the power of metabolism and transformation the power of renewal? Public and Convenience

When people “live”, the first question is “where”, and “how” is considered relatively in relation to the “where”. As a publisher of a housing magazine in Hokkaido, I had to consider the theme of “where to live” rather subordinately. This is because the main theme of the magazine is how to build architecture in the area, and it relies on “universality” within the area.
Even in the housing policy study meetings of local governments in Hokkaido, where I participate in discussions, it is normal to focus on “universal themes,” and since regional selection is an area that belongs to the basic human rights of users, there is a general tendency to avoid discussing it. It is natural.
However, when considering measures to activate the housing market through dramatic modification of existing houses and performance-enhancing remodeling, we have no choice but to focus on the “motive to stay” of the users who live there in the first place. There is no doubt that it is fundamental to consider measures in line with that motivation.
When we begin to think about such a theme and focus on the actual “area” within Sapporo, a large “variation” becomes noticeable. The other day, when I traveled to an area about 10 km away from the city for a certain reason, I felt a strong sense of “Showa-era déjà vu” in the “cityscape” that I saw from the car window.
It was when I was in my late teens and had just obtained my driver’s license. It brought back memories of the town that I had sensed when I was a student working part-time as a delivery driver for my family’s food manufacturing business. Although it is true that people tend to be more emotionally attached to such things as they get older, it seems that I have gone beyond such factors.
I couldn’t help but feel a difference in my impression of the so-called “townscape. I was alone on the way there, but on the way back, I was accompanied by my wife, and when I asked her about it, she said the same thing: “That reminds me of that.
What occurred to me at that time was the fact that since the Showa period (1926-1989), the area in question had been somewhat isolated from the city’s expressway network, and I myself had rarely traveled this road, so it had been quite a while since I had driven there. In the modern age, cities are like a living creature, and their environmental conditions are constantly changing. When you are slightly removed from the forefront of this transformation, the atmosphere of the city remains as it is.
Even within the same city, the changing elements of traffic can create a great deal of variation.
This will have a considerable impact on the lives of the people living in the area. If the region itself is full of fluidity and change, the residents’ awareness will be constantly refreshed and they will naturally think about how to respond to the times.
It is conceivable that even the elements used as architecture itself could be transformed.
This seemed to be a major hint. Of course, the inner question, “Then, what is the maturation of a residential area?” The question “What then is the maturation of a residential area? It may be possible to find a “solution” in the process of considering and combining such factors.

【現代街区=ムラと公共空間・利便性① ムラと住みごこち-5】


English version⬇

Contemporary Towns = Mura, Public Space, and Convenience (1) Mura and the Sense of Place to Live – 5
The modern sense of “mura” is an everyday community space chosen by the residents themselves. In my opinion, the space of shrines and the convenience of transportation are dominant. I think that the

It is thought that a scientific scalpel has been applied to the internal “livability” of residential buildings, and the performance of the housing has been visualized. On the other hand, the “livability” of the “mura,” which is like a cocoon that surrounds human life, has not been scientifically elucidated.
Perhaps this is because the livability of a mura is a factor to be judged in the realm of “sensitivity,” whereas the performance of a dwelling can be quantified and understood, the criteria for livability of a mura itself changes depending on the individual. However, in many cases, for individuals and households, this susceptibility-based value judgment standard has much higher priority.
In general, in ranking “where to live” and “how to live,” it would be natural to say that “where to live” takes precedence over “how to live.
Since this is an inquiry into such a sensitive area, I thought that an approach based on an internal analysis of my own mind would be the most appropriate. From that analysis, it seems to me that a kind of “public knowledge” will eventually be derived.
The map above is a Google Maps overview of public spaces, walking trails, and transportation locations around my home.
While drawing the map, I wanted to show the approximate distance, but unfortunately, it got confused (tears). The distance between our house and the Hokkaido Jingu Green, a walking path we frequently walk, is about 3 km, and the nearest transportation station, Kotoni Station on the Sapporo Subway, is 1 km. The distances to other points on the map can be approximated visually.
As a member of the motorized generation, I feel that the car + walking is a more natural means of transportation in my daily life than walking distance. This is probably the realistic sense of people today, especially those living in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
For me, this kind of spatial awareness is rooted in my consciousness as “my daily living area (mura).
I believe that the people of the Japanese archipelago since ancient times have probably had this kind of spatial awareness of their daily life in a way that suited their time and region. In those times, this recognition of spatial extent was directly connected to the means of work and production.
When we look back at it in this way, we can naturally understand that the interrelationship with transportation and public space is a major factor in the perception of “living space. I think this is a fundamental element of the sense of value that modern people “somehow” perceive.
For Japanese people, shrines are probably more like a “custom” than a belief, but as they age, the custom of worship becomes stronger. Japanese shrines are generally accompanied by green spaces, and at the same time, they have a kind of “azir” (traditional free and unassociated space) spatiality, in which human interaction is guaranteed without any separation.
In choosing a shrine, I am more strongly attracted to the Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, which seems to be more public than the Kotoni Shrine, which is the closest to the shrine. <I think this is a matter of the mind and not a standard of superiority or inferiority. >In fact, I would say that I would rather go to Kotoni Shrine every morning when I choose a walking course.
In the “city district” division of Sapporo, it can be thought of as living in one’s own “mura” sensory world across three administrative units: Yamanote, Nishi Ward; Miyagaoka, Chuo-ku; and Kotoni, Nishi Ward.
<This section is getting long, so I will continue on to the next section.

【大自然・北海道へ海外の視線 ムラと住みごこち選び-4】



English version⬇

Overseas Eyes on Hokkaido’s Great Outdoors: Mura and Choosing a Comfortable Place to Live – 4
Housing demand in a society with a declining population. The transportation system has been dramatically developed and costs have been reduced. The IT system is transforming work and increasing the freedom to choose a mura.

Today, people are free to choose the “city” or “district” in which they live, and there are many people who actually choose to “live where they want”. Especially in Hokkaido, there are many immigrants and semi-immigrants from the Honshu region and overseas. There are also cases where people who have achieved a certain degree of economic success and are free to choose a “place to live” and move to Hokkaido for its natural attractions. In such cases, there are many highlights to be seen, and we cover them more often than not. This is an interesting fact that I have been covering for many years as a housing magazine. I have also had the experience of covering the housing of the top executives of Japanese subsidiaries of prominent overseas IT companies.
Symbolically, in the Niseko area and generally around Mt. Yotei, there are quite a few vacation homes and “condominiums” that are usually rented out as hotels, with the owners themselves only living there during the winter ski season. In Hokkaido, there are also quite a few orders for housing from foreign capital to meet such demand. I believe that the industry will also be required to respond to such demand. In Japan, a society with a declining population, it is also possible to take a positive view of such new demand and hone one’s ability to respond to it.
In this sense, it can be said that Hokkaido’s “mura” in the broad sense of the word is gaining recognition around the world, and since the region is a “newly developed area” within Japan to begin with, can it be said that demand for “immigration” is still continuing?
During this season, I believe that the percentage of overseas visitors to Chitose Airport is very high. In addition, due to the trend toward a weaker yen, the increase in tourists from around the world is also noticeable nationwide, and we encountered many foreign tours and small groups of overseas tourists during our two Kumano explorations, which are quite far from the Keihanshin area in terms of transportation.
Of course, as a housing enterprise, “community-based” is the basic concept, but in the case of Hokkaido, the majority of the people have been “immigrants” who have formed the region, so I believe that a sense of “mura” or “village” in human society is also rooted in a lack of commitment and openness. Although land acquisition by Chinese capital is highly risky, I think it is natural to be flexible in dealing with foreign investment in general.
In today’s world, where transportation has developed by leaps and bounds, it is highly likely that such demand will continue in the future. In fact, not only in Niseko, but also in the Higashikawa and Furano areas near Asahikawa, where the trend toward an IT-oriented society is gaining momentum, people are buying entire mountains with great views for their homes, building houses, and working remotely. In some cases, people buy an entire house in a mountain with a great view and build a house to work remotely.
The choice of mura in today’s world is evolving at a rapid pace.

<The image is from a wood house typical of Hokkaido, a townscape of Nanporo Town.>



English version⬇

Yamato Kotoba” personal names testify to the historical transition of the Japanese language.
I strongly feel the heart of the ancient people in the personal name Konohana Sakuyahime – Princess Konohana Sakuyahime. I am glad I was born in this land.

The figure is a genealogical chart of the first source period of the imperial lineage. Various ancient personal names were unearthed when Emperor Temmu’s son, Prince Shonin and his compilation team put together the Kojiki and Nihonshoki as a national project.
During the reign of Emperor Temmu, “Japan” as a country name was established, and through various upheavals, diplomatic relations with East Asia were also established. Kanji was introduced as a written language, a system of characters that could be recorded, and it was probably only then that it became possible to “write” ancient personal names.
Today, we have acquired the Japanese language based on a mixture of kanji, hiragana, and katakana, but when we consider its history, it is obvious that the Japanese language changed in line with the acceptance of foreign civilizations, as symbolized by the great transformation of the Japanese language during the Meiji period, just before the modern era. This great change in the Meiji period can be traced back to the “breathing” of the people who were directly involved in the language reforms of that period. Personally, I feel deep empathy for the works and personality of Soseki Natsume. The book also gives us a vivid sense of the grandeur of the “Cultural Revolution” that was taking place. We can understand the struggle to build the foundations of our society today, and we can see the works of many literary figures as “proof” of this struggle.
The predecessors of the Kiki period must have struggled at a level several times greater than the great changes of the Meiji period.
In fact, it was almost like the “founding of a nation,” a daunting task to express the history of the archipelago’s society by introducing “kanji” (Chinese characters) into a cultural sphere that had never had a written language before. The “literary meaning” contained in the native “Yamato Kotoba” of the archipelago’s cultural sphere since the Jomon period, which must have left a residue in the “Kun-yomi” language group today, must have been converted into Chinese characters.
I personally respond to the name “Konohana Sakuyahime – 〜In Japanese mythology, she was the daughter of the mountain goddess Ninigi no Mikoto, who was pleased with her marriage proposal. The mountain goddess, who was pleased with this marriage proposal, offered two sisters, Iwanagahime and Kihana-Kaiyahime, saying, “May the life of my grandson be as eternal as a stone and as prosperous as a tree flower,” but because Iwanagahime was ugly, my grandson only took Kihana-Kaiyahime as his bride. I cannot help but feel the spirit of the innocent ancient Japanese in the names of the people.
I will have to wait for the research of specialists to clarify the ancient Yamato language, but it strikes me as straight from the heart and deeply penetrating to modern people as well (laugh). It is irresistible to feel the cuteness and gentleness of a simple woman.
And the “literary meaning” of the names of many other people, which may have been entrusted to them, also makes us feel the foundation of the spirituality of the people. Through my research in the Kumano cultural sphere and my search for the mythological tale of the Jinmu expedition, I have been thinking about these aspects.



English version⬇

Even though it’s February… Sapporo’s high temperatures and snow are very unusual.
The road that turned into “ice” surface is dangerous even for walking. Penguin walking on the slippery road. The snow-covered road edge is too steep and slippery even for crossing cars. …

The high temperature in Sapporo yesterday had risen to about 10 degrees Celsius. Just the other day, there was a heavy snowfall of about 30 cm, with hard bedrock snow composting on the roads and heavy snow on the roofs. The temperature rose under those circumstances.
So the mutation caused by this abnormally high temperature had hit me from my morning walk. When the temperature rises, naturally the snow melts, but naturally it melts from the surface side. The snow melts at the top of the road surface. Then, as night falls and the temperature drops below zero toward morning, the surface of the melted snow turns into a “slippery” icy surface.
Of course, since it is wintertime, the soles of my shoes are of the “non-slip” type, but I do not often wear shoes with spiked soles. I went out for a walk with such equipment on the slippery ice surface. Even a slight weight shift was unstable under my feet. There were some bumps and dips on the snow-covered path, but each bump had its own hazardous spots.
Even so, I could manage to walk on the slightly uphill and flat paths with a little more penguin steps than usual, but when it came to downhill, I never knew when it would slip. It is a state of fearful downhill elevator. We had no choice but to proceed slowly and carefully along the boundary line between the soft snow and the hardened snow at the very edge of the hardened snow.
The narrow path was so narrow that everyone had to tread on it, causing traffic jams in many places. An elderly couple was walking hand in hand, which made me smile, but as a person following them, I felt helpless to do anything about the situation. If I had boots, I could plunge into the snow and overtake them, but with my normal winter sports shoes, my feet would get very wet from the melting snow that was entering my feet.
On top of that kind of thing, there were also scattered snowfalls from high places in places. The photo is looking up at the fence of the Maruyama Baseball Stadium, and in various places around this area, there was a scattering of falling snow and dangerous fencing cones. The photo shows a view looking up at the fence of the Maruyama Baseball Stadium, where there was a scattering of falling snow and danger cones had been placed around the area.
So, the danger level of walking on the snowy road increased rapidly, and in fact, a person close to me had fallen down on the snowy road. He was still young enough to laugh and talk about it, but it would have been a disaster for an elderly person.
What is even more frightening is the cars. After the heavy snowfall, the width of the road was reduced from two lanes to about 1.35 lanes. If you try to cross the road, you will have to “yield” to each other around the snowy mountain in front of you. The edge of this 0.35 or so is a “slippery” slope.
If a car slips here with the slightest slight, a collision can easily occur.
I encountered such a situation at least twice yesterday. When someone like me, who has been driving for a long time, gives way, I can give enough consideration to the space between the cars, but when someone who is not used to driving tries to give way, I am glad to hear his/her intention, but there are times when the space between the cars is almost empty.
As a result, we sometimes encounter the problem of being forced to yield. You have no choice but to gesture and say, “Please give me a little more room. The other person may have a feeling of “I’m giving way to you,” but I have no choice but to stand on the safe side of the road.
Usually, we don’t experience this kind of situation in February, but this year’s abnormal weather is not a simple matter. Everyone should act with safety as their top priority.




English version⬇

[Familiar time tunnel 59 years ago, map “history” feeling
The geographical perception of time change. The time in which I lived, and already a great sense of distance. I have the feeling and realization that I will soon become a piece of that time and space. I am going to be a piece of that time and space.

I was suddenly confronted with a “map for high school students” produced in 1965. It had been casually lent to me by an acquaintance, and had been tucked away on a bookshelf, but as a result of this bookshelf decluttering, it had somehow lost its “place,” and only one of them has surfaced, unrelated to the others.
I thought about it and realized that it preceded my high school years by two years. Perhaps an acquaintance’s brother or sister had purchased the book as a high school textbook. I don’t have such a hobby, but I heard that in some cases, maps are kept because people find value in using them, even though other textbooks are quickly discarded.
So, by such “strange” circumstances, a map of 59 years ago was opened in front of me.
I now understand what it means that only maps continue to be preserved somehow (laughs).
In short, I realized that a map is a time tunnel. Human society has been layered with “historical time” up to the present day, the time in which we live. There is a common expression, “a decade ago,” but the sense of specificity of the “present time” is probably about the same level. Beyond that point, time seems to stand still. It is a sense of time that can be synchronized with the life span of a pet dog.
It seems to me that once you go beyond that kind of time, you gradually enter the category of “history” rather than “the past. In about 60 years, Japanese society has changed drastically, and there is a considerable gap from the present-day perception. And a unique sign occurs in the “dialogue” with time from such encounters.
As people’s lifespan increases, the opportunities to interact with the past will probably increase dramatically.
I have included a map of Sapporo and a map of central Tokyo above as photographs. In the Sapporo area, “Kotoni” is shown as the name of the nearest place where I live now, but 59 years ago, Sapporo did not have a ward system, and although it was part of the city of Sapporo, it existed as “Kotoni-machi” and was like “the nearest neighboring settlement.
In Tokyo, the clips were taken mainly within the Yamanote Line, but of course there were no expressways depicted. Terminal stations other than Shinjuku were not indicated. As a 13-year old junior high school student at the time, I was very attracted to this area and felt a sense of futurism, but there was something idyllic about the way it was depicted. Perhaps that is what aroused my interest in the area.

From the awareness of having entered such a time tunnel, one’s curiosity about “what that area was like back then” is also aroused. When I look at the “Kumano” area, which I had written about only recently, and discover printed words such as “Onigajo,” a dialogue with the place name value judgments of people of that time begins to grow. Contrast this with the common sense sense of the time about how place names were treated on maps.
When we have a sense of grasping time in the span of “about 60 years,” we can have a dialogue with the people of the Edo period and feel the richness of imagination that lies ahead. Well, it is a delusion from the map of history.
I feel a sense of reality that I myself will eventually become a small part of the stacked layers in this kind of time.