



English version⬇

[Tokyo Central Accommodation Reservation Fiasco – Savior Capsule H (Laughs)
No, it is not a laughing matter. A stable lodging environment for rest and relaxation is essential for the elderly. Confirmation of reservations, not just sitting around. …

 Well, this is an embarrassing fiasco at my age. I have been traveling around the country to conduct “in-depth” housing interviews, much as I did when I was still working, but in the midst of all this, I made a huge mistake that I did not anticipate. I had an embarrassing experience when I went to a hotel I thought I had made a reservation for without checking it properly, only to find out at night that the reservation was not available and that the hotel was fully booked on the day of my visit.
 The problem occurred just the other day, on the evening of July 28. On that day, after visiting a museum facility that I often go to in Tokyo, I attended a rather large lecture in Yurakucho, which I attended for a long time. Since the lecture was to end around 20:00, I booked a hotel room in Shinbashi (or so I thought). It would take about 1.5 hours of travel time to return to the hotel in Chiba Prefecture where I had stayed the day before, so I decided to stay in Shimbashi because it was too much trouble.
 When I arrived there after 8:00 p.m., thinking that I could finally sleep, I found out to my surprise that I had made a mistake. This was the first time in my life that I had made such a mistake. I was deeply surprised at myself, but I had no choice. I had no choice but to look for a hotel to stay in and deal with the situation locally. This was also the first time for me to have such an experience. I thought I would look for a hotel in the Shimbashi area where I am now. I heard about one hotel near there, but I was told that the price was outrageously expensive, so I retreated. I think it was close to 20,000 yen for a capsule. It was not a very secure environment for more than the price. I thought about having my phone search for me, but it would be too much trouble to set up the conditions.
 So I headed for a capsule hotel in Ueno, where I had stayed once before and found it to be convenient and clean. I had never experienced the feeling of being a lodging refugee at this time of the day, not even when I was in the prime of my drinking life as a salaryman in Tokyo. For a moment, I thought I might have to pass the time wandering around the metropolis and staying in the open.
 As one might expect, it was a bit hard on my young body. But I thought, well, that’s just the way it is. I was scheduled to fly back to Sapporo the next day, so I thought, “I’ll head to the airport early and sleep in the waiting area. I called my wife in Sapporo for advice, just in case. She said, “If something happens, don’t forget to take care of it.

 Shimbashi – Ueno is 6 stops by JR. From there, the destination is a three-minute walk away. The total number of steps had reached the level of over 18,000 steps over the course of the night. The time was after 21:00. Luckily, the lower level was available. The price was 5,500 yen, which was cheap for an emergency evacuation.
 The photo above is an “indoor” photo taken after I had settled down a bit. Although it is a capsule, there is a storage space for clothes and luggage with a key on the left front side of the room, and I was able to secure a place to stay for the night.
 A modern-day version of an elderly vagabond. I am reminded that careful planning is essential so as not to cause trouble in the world. Deeply regretful.

【入道雲とセミ時雨が知らせる、至る「お盆」 】


English version⬇

 It seems that many people have been on a nine-day weekend since yesterday. My wife and I were out for a long drive here and there, but I have to be careful because there are many drivers who are not used to driving like normal drivers. Even if you are driving according to the rules, there are many drivers who are not used to driving and who drive very slowly on roads they have never driven before, or who drive out of control. So please drive safely.
 It is indeed mid-summer, and the cicadas are still singing on the driving course. When I wrote the word “spirits,” I realized that cicadas are aptly described as such. The cicada’s cry of life echoes throughout the forest as a chorus. It is truly a “spirit of the trees.
 The true nature of the entire creature as a species is so deep and piercing that it cannot be helped. I wondered what kind of poems Saigyo-san read in this kind of semi-rainstorm, but I could not come up with any poems due to my lack of study. Later, I looked it up and found this poem.
 The sound of the water makes me forget the heat.
     The sound of cicadas in the treetops is muffled
 Saigyo Hoshi became a monk drifting in and out of Japan, composing waka poems every day and deepening his indulgence in flowers, birds, wind, and moon. Unable to attain liberation, he wanders through the cycle of reincarnation in the six realms. In this poem, water is the main theme and the cicada is the incidental object. The Cicada is a concomitant object.
 Since ancient times, humans have been in contact with their spirits and have come to know that this is the destiny of reincarnation. From this knowledge, we have come to know one of the extremes of the seasons and have given it the religious term “Higan” (the other shore). Indeed, he must have had a sense of “the season that leads to the end” of all things in nature.
 The photo was taken during a drive yesterday, when I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the iridocumulus clouds that kept bubbling up, and when I rounded this curve, they smiled back at me at exactly the right moment. I am soothed by the beauty of moments like this.
 The sky and the earth show us a magnificent panorama in Hokkaido in every season, but gradually my mind is being guided by the clouds and the like. At the same time, the mental pattern of my childhood also overlaps with this kind of mentality.
 I think we can still enjoy the cicadas that signal the beginning of midsummer for a few more days.





English version⬇

Unintentionally “Appreciation of Paintings” – Mukashi E, Kikuo Matsushita’s works
I am strongly attracted to “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu”, a picture I drew in the first grade of elementary school in the U.S.A., which shows the Japanese people from the viewpoint of the people living in the city. …

 The venue for the high school class reunion the day before yesterday was a restaurant specializing in banquets called “Mikawa-ya Kaikan”, which we were indebted to. It is a business owned by the family of a friend of mine who was a classmate of mine in junior high and high school. He was naturally in attendance, but what I found myself looking at again was this picture hanging as a background painting in the banquet room.
 I was reminded of the fact that my friend’s mother was the manager of this kind of store, and I was somewhat indulged in the sensation of the selection of the painting while drinking sake.
 The painting itself is the work of Kikuo Matsushita (born in 1918 and died in 2010), a contemporary artist who seems to have established a style of vividly capturing the history of the place while conclusively elucidating the history of the place and its lifestyle. I asked the owner about this work, but he did not have much knowledge about it. Sapporo Nishi High School has a high percentage of students who go on to Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, so I asked the former art club member who happened to be in attendance to confirm his knowledge, but he did not have any such “knowledge” because he specializes in painting by himself.
 I could feel his “taste” and it was like talking to his mother for the first time in a long time. It was like talking to his mother for the first time in a long time. His mother is amazing (laugh).

 The overall view looks like this, but it probably depicts a commercial district somewhere in Japan up to the Edo period. While reproducing a certain localized point in the past of Japanese society, this work vividly recreates my favorite “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu,” a uniquely Japanese pictorial cultural area. As someone who has chosen information on residential architecture as my life’s work theme, I appreciate this kind of “city” perspective.

 The reality of the “way of life” that flows between the rows of houses and stores and their respective “livelihoods” is vividly reproduced. The people who move between the buildings express their way of life through their body movements.
 It is as if one can smell the origins of the city block and how it came to be.
 It occurred to me that there are similarities between my life’s work and this kind of expression. I have been reporting on residential architecture and using photographs as my “means of expression,” I have been strongly interested in what people think about and try to live in their houses. However, I will take care not to mention personal information in general.
 In this pictorial expression, I am committed to “anonymity” and express each human being’s life head-on. It was a time as if we were having a “dialogue” on the fundamental aspects of this area.

【高校同期会参加 しなやかに高齢化を生きる】



English version⬇

[Participation in a high school class reunion Living an agile aging society
55 years have passed since I graduated from high school. A shared experience of a sensitive and exciting time. It is a rare opportunity to check in on the present. I am in the mindset that even if I am broken, I will see you again at the end of my life. …….

 Yesterday, following the golf tournament the day before yesterday, we had a high school class reunion. 55 years have passed since I graduated from high school in 1969, and many of my friends have retired from work as well. However, it has been a long time since they last met, and the annual reunion was a great success with casual conversation and exchange of information over drinks.
 Prior to the opening of the meeting, a moment of silence was observed for those who have passed away. Of the 450 or so people who have passed away, about 50 have already passed away, which is more than 10 percent of the total. Although partings are sure to come, this was a place to exchange information about what to do in the midst of such decisions and how to spend the present time in one’s daily life.
 Some of my friends read this blog, which I write about myself on a daily basis, and I received various “reactions and opinions” from them. I am deeply grateful. And in the midst of these conversations, time passed introspectively as I wondered what I should do.
 Although we have been holding such meetings for several decades, there are still many topics that I have never heard of before, and I strongly feel that I am able to share the “experiential knowledge” of my friends. When I think about it, it must be a rare and precious thing.

This picture shows one of the excellent and the best haiku that were presented as entertainment at the meeting. The words “Someday next time” of the best haiku makes me deeply feel the spirit of words (Kotodama), and “Crying and Laughing” of the excellent haiku is also deeply moving.
 I mistook haiku for tanka, and my entry was not selected because it was a free tanka with too many characters (laugh). (Laughs.) My memory is a little fuzzy as to the content of the poem I submitted, but I think I came up with a poem based on the original poem “Cracked, but I will see you at the end of time,” which was written in the same style as the original poem.
 I am not sure if it is in this life or in the NEXT life, but I would like to use my time from now on in a meaningful way with such a feeling. I hope that everyone will continue to show their energy in the coming year and beyond.




English version⬇

I have not played golf for a very long time and my body is sore in various parts.
Practicing without hitting a ball at all is just a difficult and arduous task with little motivation. I don’t want to make excuses that I have limited time in my life and that I have to play golf with unnatural body movements… (laughs). Laughs.

Yesterday, I had a casual golf outing with friends I have known since high school. I thought that I could enjoy the company of my friends since I had already reached the end of my professional life, but it is not the case that I am not involved in the housing field, and in fact, I am involved in many things from a more liberal standpoint and have begun to take on challenges in new areas. I am also beginning to take on new challenges in new areas, so I don’t have much time to spare. I am also beginning to take on new challenges in new areas, so I don’t have much time to spare. So, even though I have been willing to participate in the regular golf meetings, I have been virtually absent from them.
 This time, however, I participated as a driver for a friend from Tokyo. My friend, who was the organizer of the event, gave me a pep talk and threatened me, saying, “If you haven’t been playing that much, you should practice a little,” and “Practice is an absolute requirement,” so I went to practice twice, but after hitting about 20 balls each time, I couldn’t maintain motivation any longer (laugh). (Laughs) Practicing hitting balls out is just like “training,” which is important but completely different from actual golf. I can’t seem to get motivated to do it.
 As for keeping in shape, I walk nearly 10,000 steps every day, so it is not that I am not moving my body. In fact, the number of steps I took at yesterday’s golf outing is as follows.

Although most of my recent golf outings have been in a self-propelled cart and not on foot as in the past, with about half of the time spent in the cart, my step count is higher when I am moving from place to place within the Tokyo metropolitan area. So, I was not physically exhausted during this golf outing. However, since golf is a slightly unusual physical activity in terms of the way I use my body, it took a toll on my lower back in particular, and my muscles began to ache. Perhaps the reason why I hate it as soon as I go out to “practice hitting the ball,” is because of this abnormal body movement and the sense of strain on the local muscles.
 I guess it is a “little song of the Hikareta” (a little song of the Hikareta), a manifestation of resentment and bitterness (laugh). The result was very miserable and approached the score I had when I first played golf for the first time in my life (tears). Sure enough, when I went up, I was awarded the prestigious “BB Award”. I thought, “Okay, I’ll stay away from golf for a while,” but to my surprise, I was asked to play the role of “secretary” for next year’s meeting as a follow-up. Hmmm… a conspiracy (laughs).
 Well, this is a fork in the road (?) of my life. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea or not. I would like to continue to play golf in a small way and fulfill my duties respectfully, and afterwards, I would like to take great revenge for the humiliation of playing golf this time.

【緑と暮らしのバランス & 多地域「居住」最適化】


English version⬇

Balance between greenery and living & optimize multi-regional “living”.
The correlation between population decline and the existing living environment. In an environment where there are too many houses and not enough people, will the theme of an optimal human environment emerge? Green & Living

 Humans are one of the unique creatures, and given our ape-like origins, I believe that we have a mentality that subconsciously “returns” to green vegetation.
 In modern life, we live in an urbanized, concrete jungle, and the evolution of “functionality” has been tremendous. Urban planning” will be developed in order to conform to such basic animal psychology and to achieve a balance between the two.
 As a person who sometimes comes and goes between the metropolitan area and the hyper-urban environment, I would like to try to find the optimal solution to this “sense of balance. Well, it may vary depending on the conditions in which I am placed at the time, but I think there is a fundamental area of sensation in which I think about what kind of balance is best for me at the present time.
 In this sense, I think that taking an early morning walk is a factor in determining the compatibility with such a psychological state. The feeling of comfort becomes an indicator. In my case, I live in Yamanote, Nishi Ward, a residential area of Sapporo, and my house is located in a similar position to the Nishi Ward Library, a short walk from downtown Kotoni, Nishi Ward, which is about five minutes away. In front of the house, there is a junior high school ground, which provides a relatively clear line of sight.
 In response to such an environment, we will try to find a “moderate” location in the Kanto area, from which we sometimes move. It seems to me that we are approaching an interesting area in terms of human behavior patterns, and we may be visualizing options such as living in two or three locations.
 This may be a theme of multilayered “living comfort” between home ground and other “familiar” zones. There may be various determinants in the selection and determination of one’s home ground, but there is a possibility that one theme will be to examine the environment that sometimes moves between such a thematic area and the “everyday” environment in the sensitivity area.
 As is the case with myself, some of my acquaintances live in two or three such environments, moving from one place to another on a regular basis. The correlation between the declining population and existing housing may also attract attention to this thematic area. For myself, I have a main and a sub residential environment, and in addition, I choose to live in a base of operations in the Tokyo metropolitan area and the Kansai region. The theme is to choose the best environment for each of these, and to make efforts to optimize them.
 I would like to consider each of them a little at a time.




English version⬇

Searching for a base of operations in the Tokyo metropolitan area – Floundering in Katsutadai, Chiba
There are some areas in Japan where one can gradually narrow down the search for a base of operations for “house-hunting,” based on the ease of action. Is that what “fate” is all about? …

 As a freelance housing explorer, I travel from place to place, but the frequency of Narita Airport use is gradually increasing in the Kanto and Tokyo metropolitan areas. Narita is still superior in terms of cost performance for frequent use. It takes a little longer to get to central Tokyo, but there is not a big difference when considering other parts of the Kanto region. This is the case if you mainly rent a car and use the expressway to travel around the Kanto region. In the center of Tokyo, public transportation and trains are the basic means of transportation, but if you want to travel around the Kanto region over a wide area, renting a car and using the expressway is the only choice.
 Recently, I often use the area around “Keisei Katsutadai” station. It takes only 30-40 minutes from Narita. It is a good location for car rentals in the Kanto area, although it is a bit difficult to get around Tokyo.
 The city and its natural environment are slightly different from those of central Tokyo, and there is a sense of “spaciousness” among the buildings and a lot of green space. As shown in the photo at the top, you can experience the sunrise from the Pacific Ocean in the direction of the Kashima Sea, as well as clouds and other scenery. The scenery is like an “ukiyoe” of the Edo period. In central Tokyo, it is difficult to receive a sense of sunrise only as “bright and dark,” but if you can feel the sunrise like this, you can also get a sense of “great nature.
 Early morning strolls are a casual way to get around anywhere in Japan, so it is enjoyable to spot a green area and explore it. I have always been a “windbag” at heart (laughs). Well, it is unlikely that we will encounter brown bears as in Hokkaido, so there is a sense of security even if we enter an unfamiliar green environment, as there is no great danger. Above all, it does not have the business-like feel of a hotel in Tokyo, but rather a more “lived-in” feel. It is a feeling that is somewhere between that of a traveler and that of a resident.

 In this area, you can also wander through a park-like green space like the one in the photo. This area is called “Kurosawa Pond Citizen’s Forest,” and the vegetation of the area is preserved on a slightly elevated piece of land. You can taste the sensation of oxygen from that vegetation. Besides the temperature and humidity, there is a unique feeling of “plant smell” and “soil smell,” and you want to inhale it with your chest full of air. You think to yourself, “Oh, that’s nice, this airy feeling.
 However, the area is still small, so I am walking around with other green areas, but as one walking spot, it becomes a “sukiyaki”. The atmosphere of this green space has attracted many restaurant buildings that are friendly to this landscape.
 …….Recently, I have been attracted by natural “calls” such as brown bears and deer. Is it because of my age that such inner feelings are becoming more apparent?


【シカと接近遭遇 8/4朝6時半 in札幌・宮の森】



English version⬇

Close Encounter with Deer 6:30 a.m. on Aug. 4 in Miyanomori, Sapporo
An unexpected encounter with the wild. We exchanged glances and conversed with the creatures for only a few dozen seconds or so. The dignified dialogue with them was a time of deep introspection. Sapporo and Miyanomori

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned the appearance of a 3-meter-long brown bear in the vicinity of our house (near Mt. Triangle in Nishi Ward, Sapporo City) in this season.
 The stag appeared in the middle of a residential area called Kotoni River, which runs through Miyanomori, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, a high-class residential area.
 I change the course of my morning walk from time to time in order to change my mind and improve my health, but since it is early in the morning, I choose a course with less risk of encountering wild animals or brown bears. In spite of such “consideration,” this is the place? I was surprised at the location of this encounter.
 The location of this encounter was about 1.5 km from our house in the direction of central Sapporo. The Kotoni River flows from the mountains of Maruyama and Sankakuyama in the southern hinterland of the city of Sapporo to the city of Sapporo in the lowlands. This means that for wild animals, the river is a “highway” that allows them to easily approach the human world by following its course. The year before last, there was a brown bear that followed the Hassamu River system into the urban area of Higashi-ku, Sapporo, and was exterminated.
 It is true that we frequently see foxes and other animals along the Hassamu River near our house, but this time we encountered one with large antlers (which can attack and kill these animals) during the breeding season.
 I was walking along the river when I came upon three police officers who had been alerted to the situation and were looking down at the river from their positions along the side of the stream channel. I was not an “extremist” who would need the help of the police, and I was just a curious onlooker wondering “what on earth is going on? I shared their gaze with the curiosity of an onlooker.
 Suddenly, the attention of the human community was on us, and we were like, “What’s going on? What’s going on? I was walking along the river with a somewhat annoyed look on my face.

 And just before he was about to move out of our line of sight, he turned his gaze straight at me, as in the photo above. He looked at me as if he was saying in his internal language, “By the way, the other guys are wearing uniforms, but there’s this one guy who looks so strange and peculiar. He looked at me as if he were saying in his own language, “Well, I used to be a radical.
 He looked at me as if he were asking me to write a letter of apology, as if to say, “Well, I used to be a radical boy, and I’m sorry for all the trouble I went through with the police, but…” (laughs). (Laughs). There is a 3-meter-high protective riverbank between me and him, so I wondered if we were having a “conversation” through a safety device.
 It was a close encounter that lasted only a few dozen seconds, but this kind of encounter with the wild will remain in my heart.


 北海道札幌でももっとも高温になるのが7月末から8月上旬。ということで普段の散歩道のコースをあちこちと分散しておりますが、やはりわが家周辺で緑のある地域としては三角山ということになります。標高311mで頂上には一等三角点という全国測量の基準点が存在する。明治初年の札幌都市計画の出発点とされ、開拓判官・島 義勇の故事も残される。開拓のときに三角山に登って札幌全域を眺望した。

English version⬇

Brown Bear Sightings in the Triangle Mountains
On 7/29, there was another brown bear sighting within 1-2 km of our house. We must be very careful about our safety and think about communicating with nature and the wild. ……

 The hottest season in Sapporo, Hokkaido, is from the end of July to the beginning of August. Therefore, we have dispersed our usual walking trails from place to place, but the area with the most greenery around our house is Mt. It is 311 meters above sea level, and there is a national surveying reference point called the First Class Triangulation Point at the top. It is said to be the starting point of Sapporo city planning in the early Meiji period (1868-1912), and there is a legend about Yoshiyou Shima, a pioneer magistrate. When he pioneered the development of Sapporo, he climbed Mt.
 So, until a few years ago, I often climbed this mountain because it was easy to climb, but as shown in the photo above, a danger alert has been notified recently. Just a few days ago, there was also a brown bear sighting near the entrance to this trail due to an emergency alert from Sapporo City. 〜A signboard indicated that a brown bear had been seen about 1 km from Kobetsusawa on the route from Sapporo City to Bankei in the backcountry on July 29, 2011. It is easy to talk about living in harmony with nature, but in reality, the way humans live is greatly restricted.
 This issue will continue to be a close concern for people living in Hokkaido, as the “aging” of hunters and their low allowances have been reported in the media. In my case, I decided not to go into the mountain trail from this point. It is impossible to accept danger when walking for the purpose of improving one’s health.
 However, there were news reports that wild deer were found and captured even in the 23 wards of Tokyo, and some wild animals are crossing the barrier between human society and the wild in search of food. Also, this year, a number of “bear” damages have been reported in the Honshu area. Boundaries between human society and the wild are still necessary.
 The entrance to this mountain trail is only about 1 km from our house, but it is getting to be quite a strain to walk uphill all the way to the trail’s entrance. Even though I walk more than 10,000 steps a day, I have not experienced much uphill walking. Well, I am aging, so I try not to work too hard.
 I would like to enjoy the short northern summer while keeping the correlation with the green environment and natural scenery within safe limits.


【2024盛夏の列島 上空からの残暑見舞い状】



English version⬇

2024 Midsummer Archipelago: A Late Summer Greeting Card from Above
Unusual sky above and wide landscapes diminish trivial things with an impression of being dazed. I would like to have a generous view to the extent that people do not think I am suffering from dementia (laughs). …….

 This week, after returning from Tokyo, we have been in a nerve-wracking battle to deal with a number of pending issues. I have finally reached a point where I can visualize the problem or rather the issue, and the next week will be the climax of the project. I am not very good at this kind of work, but I will continue to deal with it slowly and calmly.
 In such a situation, a change of pace is essential. The photo is an aerial view of the return trip from Tokyo to Sapporo. In the foreground is the Boso Peninsula, and across Tokyo Bay, Mt. Fuji appears to be emerging from a sea of clouds, with a group of summer clouds lined up to its right. On the Boso Peninsula, the surface of the water, perhaps Kasumigaura, reflected the sunlight and looked divine.
 When I look at such a magnificent panoramic view, I get a bird’s eye view of my entire life, and I even think back to the time when I was quite young and started flying for the first time. And suddenly, the things I was thinking and feeling at that time, as well as the cross-section of my mind, come vividly to the surface.
 Perhaps everyone will have such thoughts when they see a panorama like this. Or perhaps it is not that, but simply the aging of the population that is “flooding” our minds with memories of the past (laughs). (Laughs) However, as a biological characteristic of human beings, I believe that the past will be enveloped in a hazy and peaceful landscape. For example, even if it was a bad time or a painful experience, as time goes by, such negative feelings gradually fade away and we seem to recapture them in a positive frame of mind.
 Well, it may be that the passage of time purifies everything.
 I have come to have such a mentality that when I board an airplane these days, I always choose to fly by the window (laughs). When you are surrounded by a huge view, you can “see” everyday trivialities and difficulties as if they are just trivial. Or perhaps it means that I can think from a different perspective.

 This week, my daily step count has been climbing, averaging 11,439 steps per day. I have been working hard to maintain and improve my health and fitness, mainly in the early morning and evening, when it is a little easier to spend time. However, I may be walking a little too much. I am feeling a bit fatigued after the weekend.
 So, I would like to nurture my energy and physical strength. I wish you all the best. I would like to express my best wishes for the late summer season in this blog.