
【「毛野」から毛が脱けた(笑)理由 「上毛野氏」探訪-7】



English version⬇

The reason for the shedding of hairs from “Keno” (laugh): Exploring the “Kamitukeno Clan”-7
The reason for the removal of hair is not the arbitrary decision of the Foreign Minister, who flirted with the Ritsuryo system of the Tang Dynasty, but the bureaucratic structure of the “Favorable Character Two Characterization Order”. Oops, talking about the old country name (laugh)….

I have been exploring the specific name of the Kamitukeno clan, a clan and region that expanded into Gunma Prefecture in the 5th and 6th centuries and left behind a large number of anterior posterior circular mounds.
I have been exploring the specific name of the Kamitukeno clan, which is the name of the region.
The name of the region is Mono, and it is divided into upper and lower parts by the Watarase River.
The west side was called Kamitukeno and the east side Shimotukeno.
The ancient states were divided into upper and lower regions in order of proximity to the Kinai region, as in the case of the upper and lower regions.
This sorting itself seems probable, but why was this Kamitukeno called “Kouzuke”?
But how Kamitukeno became kouzuke and Shimotuke became Shimotuke is not so clear.
It is not clear how Shimotuke became “kouzuke” and Shimogtukeno became “Shimotuke”.
It is also unclear why kouzuke is read as “Kozuke” and Shimotuke as “Shimotsuke.
Probably, English speakers and Chinese people who speak Chinese characters do not know the reason either.
A friend of mine gave me a painful blow, but I took the plunge.
I was tempted to make a gag like “the hairs came off” from Kamino-no.

Thanks to Mr. kamitukeno’s in-depth search, we now have a direct answer to this question.
As for this “old country name” and another way of saying “country under the ritsuryo system,” he says
In 713, shortly after the capital was moved to Heijo-kyo
In 713, soon after the capital was moved to Heijo-kyo, the Ritsuryo government issued the following announcement to the various countries (regions within Japan).
The names of counties and villages in each country were to be changed to two favored Chinese characters.
This is what is known as the “Order to Change the Names of Counties and Villages to Two Favorable Characters.
As one would expect from a Japanese society with a strong bureaucratic orientation, this system was designed to
This system has spread to the names of old countries and even to the names of today’s prefectures.
In the case of Kamitukeno and Shimomotukeno, the “毛” was removed from the Kanji characters.
However, the phonetic reading of “ke” was retained.
I do not understand the rationale behind this bureaucratic monopoly.
It is natural to phoneticize the lower part as shimo, but to phoneticize the upper part as ko.
I think that the rationale for this was not clear to the general public.
Furthermore, it seems conspiratorial that “tsuke” was secretly added.
Perhaps the bureaucrats had it done as a “decree” and carried it out.
“From now on, Jomo-no should be written Ueno and called Kozuke.
Shimomono is henceforth to be written Shimotsuke.
The bureaucrats, who are very skilled in writing in Chinese characters, would have followed the decision.
The less educated members of the power class must have ignorantly followed the decision of the bureaucrats, who were skilled in writing in Chinese characters.
The reason for this is that it was in line with the Ritsuryo system of the Tang Dynasty, the most advanced nation at that time.
The fawning nature of the Japanese state during this period was not that of the current foreign minister (laugh).
The historical document “Wamyoraijusho,” which was established in the early 10th century, describes the names of the countries at that time.
All the country names are aligned with two Chinese characters.
The only exception is Kagoshima-gun in Satsuma Province.
The name of “Habakki-kikoku,” which used to be written with three or more characters, became “Hoki-ki-no-kuni.
Kibi-do-Chugoku” was changed to “Bicchu-kuni.
Awaki-kuni” became “Awa-kuni”, “Ki-kuni” became “Kii-kuni”, and “Izumi-kuni” became “Izumi-kuni”.
There is no doubt that these place names became the source of the difficult-to-read place names that remain today.
Ueno and Shimono are the names of the most affected countries.
However, in view of this fact, “Hokkaido” is a good place name, even though it has been used since the Meiji era….

【日本国家「中央と地方」関係形成論 「上毛野氏」探訪-6】



English version⬇

The Formation of the Relationship between the Center and the Regions of the Japanese Nation: An Exploration of the “Kamitukeno Clan”-7
The historical centrifugal force between Japan, where the uniqueness of each region prevailed in the process of establishing a unified nation, and China, where only a dictatorship that suppressed uniqueness was possible. …

In order to get a glimpse of the Yamato kingdom in the primitive period, we will
We have looked at the movements in the Nara Basin in Makimuku and Asuka, and at the Kamitukeno clan as an example of the expansion of the royal power in Bando.
I have looked at the Kamitukeno clan as an example of the expansion of the royal power in Bando.
On what basis should local rule by a central government be based?
The Japanese kingship did not always have a methodology.
In the 5th and 6th centuries, local authorities were given the same icon of permission to build the same anterior and posterior mounds as the central government.
But such a grant of prestige alone was not enough.
However, such a grant of prestige alone was not enough to ensure submission to the central government and nationwide domination.
The rebellions of the Tsukushi Kokuzo and Iwai in 527 and the Musashi Kokuzo rebellion in 534, for example, were not enough to ensure submission to the central government and nationwide rule.
The local powerful clans that had developed in the provinces would not have had a rational basis for obedience to the central government.
The local powerful clans, who had developed in the provinces, were thought to have had no rational basis for obeying the central government, and their attitude of disobedience became pronounced.
If left unchecked, a unified dynasty would not have been realized, as was the case on the Korean peninsula.
In the end, they may have followed the Izumo rut of eight million people from different regions.
The biggest determinants of the formation of such a unified nation were
The unification of the country through the ideology of Buddhism, ensuring consistency in the logic of rule, and
and the introduction of the Ritsuryo system as an advanced political ideology.
This methodology was explored throughout East Asia, and was finally adopted by the Tang Dynasty in 628.
The final turning point was the emergence of the Tang Dynasty in 628, but in Japan, the introduction of Buddhist thought
In Japan, the introduction of Buddhist thought was preceded by the policy of “reverence for the three treasures.
The conflict between the Soga and Mononobe clans within the Yamato kingdom
The conflict between the Soga and Mononobe clans within the Yamato kingdom is thought to have been a conflict over the principle of establishing a unified state.
In the end, the Soga clan won the battle, and Buddhist thought covered the whole archipelago in a circle.
The ancient state arrived at the conclusion of the Chingo-no-Kokoku and the Ritsuryo system.
In the end, however, the “socialist” idea of “public land and public citizenship” did not lead to economic development.
The unification policy collapsed in the 10th century.
This conflict between the central government and the local powerful clans has remained the backbone of Japanese history.
The final trend was for the military power to rule with a violent apparatus.

The ruins of the Kamitukeno clan show that the unified state of the Kamitukeno clan was based on the use of anterior posterior circular mounds.
The Kamitukeno clan seems to be a local power at the stage of unified national identity through the use of an antero-posterior burial mound.
The Kamitukeno were not only a local clan, but also a powerful member of the central power structure.
Therefore, he was also the deputy commander of the army dispatched to the Korean peninsula.
On the other hand, economically speaking, iron production technology and agricultural engineering technology, which are thought to have been under the control of the state, were developed by the Kamitukeno.
As symbolized by the enactment of the Kenta Eien Private Property Law, private property expanded in each region, and the “hard work” was dispersed through the dispersion of power.
This “hard work” triggered a decentralized form of power.
This “single-mindedness” triggered a decentralization of power, which eventually led to the Bando’s independent ruling structure and the samurai government.
In the process, the idea of “individualism” took root in Japan.
I believe that the bare land struggle fostered an easy-to-understand individualism.
On the other hand, the local communities in the continental countries were too diverse compared to those in Japan.
In order to maintain their unity, despotic dictatorships prevailed.
Japan is the only country in East Asia with a democratic social base.

【古墳・埴輪は文字以前の感受性表現 「上毛野氏」探訪-5】




English version⬇

Kofun and Haniwa are the expression of sensitivity before writing.
When I look at Haniwa, I am not attracted by its cartoonishness (laugh). It is interesting to know that people in the past also saw things in this way. …

The culture of kofun tumuli represents a particular period of Japanese culture.
In my opinion, a large part of that culture was replaced by Buddhist temples.
The Kofun culture disappeared around the time of the introduction of Buddhism and its rise.
The Yamato regime used the Kofun culture as an icon during the expansion of its power.
The above photo shows the Oomuro tumulus group.
The photo above is a reconstruction of the Kojiko burial mound in the Omuro burial mound complex.
It is said that the entire tomb was originally covered with white thatched stones.
I think it was intended to be architectural in nature.
It was also an icon of massive civil engineering and construction technology.
The Nintoku-ryo and Daisen-kofun tumuli are said to have been built with an awareness of the view from the coastline at that time.
To diplomatic envoys and others who sailed through the Seto Inland Sea
It is said that the intention was to strongly impress the presence of the royalty of this island nation upon diplomatic envoys and others who sailed across the Inland Sea.
Eventually, the useful thatched stones were gradually stripped away
The thatched stones were gradually stripped away and left in their natural shape of an antero-posterior circle.
The symbolic rituals of kingship in this highly architectural landscape of this shape
The symbolic rituals of kingship were performed here in this highly architectural landscape, thus imprinting a basis of authority and dominance.
In fact, in an age when written records did not exist and circulate
I believe that this was an activity to clarify the overall control of politics, economy, and military affairs at a time when written records did not exist and circulate.

When a person who exercised royal authority died, he or she was
When a person who exercised royal power died, haniwa (clay figurines) were used as compensation for the act, which was similar to “martyrdom” in later times.
The “Genkan” space, constructed of stone, also houses relics from the past.
The “bas-reliefs” are also placed in the “bas-relief space,” which is made of stone and serves as a time capsule to convey the atmosphere of that period.
Haniwa culture is unique to Japan as a creation since the Yayoi period.
The expression of “Uma” (horse) is the root of the Japanese art culture that followed.
The power of abstraction, from Yamato-e to the modern manga culture, is condensed in these expressions.
Japanese people have the power of perception and culture to feel this way.
Whether it is a burial mound or a haniwa, what kind of value is intended in such a sense of value?
It is interesting to know what kind of reproduction culture was intended for such a sense of value.
Perhaps what was intended at the time of production there is the Yamato Royalty culture itself.
Of course, the creator and his workshop were located in close proximity to the tomb.
It is possible to imagine the existence of a group of specialists who were retained by the royal authority.
It is clear that a group of experts like the “Kano school” of later generations was involved.
The Taro Okamoto-like emotional wildness left behind by the Jomon period has been replaced by a more scientific and scientific approach in terms of form.
The morphology of the work gives the impression of a science-oriented, science-oriented sense of expression.
As the Yamato kingdom became dominant in the archipelagic society
The Yamato kingdom, which prevailed in the archipelago, recognized and recommended this kind of sensory common sense as a sense of universal design.
The natural progression from the construction of rice paddies and water conduit technology as agricultural engineering technology is the use of scientific simplicity and geometric shapes.
Did the emphasis on scientific simplicity and geometric forms take precedence?

In today’s world of our senses, this kind of sense of formative intent is still a living theme.
This sense of intentionality is deeply rooted in our sensory world today.
In other words, I feel that it is a cultural aspect of the pathos of architectural space creation.

【日本王権の「板東」進出戦略 「上毛野氏」探訪-4】



English version⬇

Japanese Kingship’s Strategy to Expand into the “Bando” Region: Exploring the “Kamitukeno Clan”-4
The power of iron tools, horsepower, and hydraulic and civil engineering to promote production and the economy dramatically increased agricultural productivity, and the idea of single-mindedness took root. …

Japanese royal and imperial rituals are still heavily influenced by agricultural rituals.
From the Yayoi period, the situation of the “Eastern Expedition” of the royal power progressed.
I believe that the Mimamukai site in the Nara Basin was reached in the middle of the 3rd century, in the 250s.
The story of the expedition to the east by the Japanese military leader Takemikazuchi is based on the success of the paddy field development and agricultural revolution in the Kinai region and its further expansion to the east.
The expedition to the east of Japan may be an expression of the desire to expand the success of the paddy field development agricultural revolution in the Kinai region to the east.
This would have involved the use of iron tools and water-use agricultural civil engineering technology.
The use of iron tools was the greatest technological innovation in early rice paddy cultivation and civil engineering improvements.
The religious culture of building kofun (burial mounds) also expresses the water-utilizing civil engineering technology capability.
In Asuka, the technological power went so far as to realize a “fountain” in a garden pond.
Iron tools, the driving force behind civil engineering, were probably the greatest “weapon” of the Yamato kingdom.
In order to expand the area of conquest in reality, it was necessary to overwhelm local forces with iron military might.
In order to expand the conquered area, it would have been necessary to overwhelm the local forces with iron military power.
The technical accumulation that would eventually produce the Japanese sword was built up over time since ancient times.
The Kamomono clan, which became one with the Yamato regime, was able to combine its economic and military power
The Jomuno clan, which was united with the Yamato regime, may have acquired land concessions through overwhelming invasive power.
It was a “technological revolution” that transformed the economic conditions of the period.
In reality, it is said that agricultural iron tools (suki and kuwa) were occupied and controlled by the powerful side.
When iron was not produced in the Japanese archipelago, the Korean peninsula was used as a source of supply.
The Korean peninsula was an essential region for “economic security” during the period when iron was not produced in the Japanese archipelago.
It is possible to speculate why Japan’s ancient kings were so sensitive to the political situation in the Korean peninsula.
The real reason for this can be inferred from this situation.

The visualization of such “iron rule” is the power costume shown in the photo above.
The kitschiness of the gilded crown and shoes may have been an expression of the “iron rulers.
Another is the “horse” as a military force in war.
The iron and the horse are the two major powers that brought the people in the nature-worshipping stage of life together under the power of the iron and the horse.
The reality seems to be that the two major powers, iron and horses, were used to consolidate people in the nature-worshipping stage of life under their power.
Of course, in times of peace, the horse also demonstrated its “horsepower” as an agricultural production force.
It is said that horses appeared in the Japanese archipelago around the middle of the Kofun period, at the beginning of the 5th century AD.
The famous “Biography of Wei Wei” also mentions that there were “no horses” in Japan during the Yayoi period.
A team from the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research for Racehorses, the University of Nebraska, and others compared the DNA of eight breeds of native Japanese horses with that of 32 breeds from around the world.
The team compared the DNA of eight breeds of native Japanese horses with that of 32 breeds from around the world, and found that the ancestors of the Mongolian native horses were imported via Tsushima.
They found that Japanese native horses were imported from Mongolia via Tsushima and spread throughout Japan.
In the Omuro Kofun area, there are many horse haniwa (terra-cotta tomb figurines) on display.
The people of Bando were overwhelmed by this kind of economic power.
The people of Bando must have been overwhelmed by this kind of economic power, and must have seen it as a set of civilization power that dramatically increased the productivity of the land.
The experience of the people far exceeded the development of Hokkaido during the Meiji period.
Blessed with rich climatic conditions of high temperature and humidity, and low population density, the Bando region was
It was one of the most prominent frontiers in the East Asian world.

【ヤマト王権・豪族の政戦痕跡 「上毛野氏」探訪-3】




English version⬇

Traces of the Yamato Royal Family’s Political Wars: Exploration of the “Kamitukeno Clan”-3
The distinctive icons of the clan have been confirmed in 12 domestic burial mounds and in a burial mound on the Korean peninsula. Is this evidence that they were the main players in ancient political battles? …

The Kamitukeno clan is a major player in ancient Japanese history.
They started from the area called Chinu-no-kuni, which is now known as Sennan from Sakai and other areas.
The Kamitukeno clan started out in the area known as “Chinu-no-kuni” and expanded their power along the path of the Eastern Expedition.
The division of the clan seems to have progressed in each region.
At the time of the Battle of Hakusukie (August 27, 663), Wakugo Kamitukeno was
went to Silla as a “vice general” to defeat Silla.
He was usually credited with organizing and consolidating that army.
He was in an important position in the overall dispatch of the army, denouncing the forces of Bando, the newly controlled area of the Yamato regime.
It could be said that he was in an important position in the entire dispatched army.
I think it is also certain that he had that much trust from the royal authority and the reality of his interests.
In the international wars of this era, the generals would have had free reign to negotiate in the field, and they would have had personal connections in the Korean peninsula.
It is also natural to assume that he had formed personal connections in the Korean peninsula.
In particular, after the defeat at the Paekchon River, many Baekje royalty were naturalized in the Japanese archipelago.
They were advanced in terms of literacy rate and education level in the Japanese society at that time.
Later, they played a leading role in the compilation of the Chronicles of Japan and the establishment of the Ritsuryo (law and order) state system in the Nara period.
It is likely that the Kamitukeno clan had strong ties with these people.

Archaeological artifacts excavated from burial mounds related to the Kamomono Clan have been found to contain the following items
The archaeological excavations from the burial mounds related to the Kamitukeno Clan are characterized by the shape of the “double-leafed sword-rhombus leaf”.
It can be presumed that this is an “icon” of the clan, so to speak.
Twelve such tumuli have been identified in Japan and are shown in the figure.
They are located in the Sennan area, the Hokuriku area, and Gunma Prefecture, where the Kamitukeno clan is said to have originated.
The tombs have also been confirmed from “Songhak-dong No. 1” on the Korean peninsula.
Songhak-dong is a suburb of Busan.
The Kamitukeno clan is known to have been founded by a man named Kubi Kamimono during the reign of Emperor Sojin (553-592).
He was sent to Wu, China, and upon his return to Japan, he gave the emperor a scale, a measuring instrument.
This is said to be the first time that scales were introduced into Japanese society.
Although this is a description from the Nihon Shoki, there is a time gap with Wu (222-280) of the Three Kingdoms period.
The name of the region commonly referred to as the Land of Wu may be interpreted as the name of the region.
Incidentally, this Emperor Soshun was the emperor who was assassinated by the Soga clan.
In any case, there is no doubt that the Kamitukeno clan played an important role in continental and peninsular exchanges.
This book gives us a vivid picture of the inner workings of the royal power at the time of the ancient Sumo Makumuki and Asuka periods.

Of particular interest is the connection with the “kofun culture” of the Korean peninsula.
In the Korean Peninsula, “forward-rear circular tombs” are said to exist only in the southwestern part of the peninsula.
Why do these burial mounds, which also appear in Japan on a limited basis, appear in Korea?
This is a proof of many facts as to why this burial mound type appears in Korea.
It is usually thought that the Yamato royalty had interests in these areas, and that Baekje was a part of the Yamato royalty.
The Yamato kingdom had strong ties with Baekje in relation to its interests in these areas, and this was the reason for the “World War” of the time.
This is probably the reason why they participated in the “World War” of the time, the Battle of Hakusukie.
The Kamitukeno clan, who were vice generals, are probably one of the most important clans in ancient history.





English version⬇

Azumahaya, Tsumagoi of Nihonmuson – Exploring the “Jomono Clan”-2
JR’s advertising strategy of stimulating the travel fever of the mature demographic is correct (laugh). Romance tale in the origin of the kun reading of Azuma. Japanese people put their emotions first. …

〜On his way back from an expedition to the east, Yamatotakeru no Mikoto remembered his deceased wife.
He turned to the east and grieved. He called the land to the east of Usuhizaka
Azuma,” he called the land to the east of Usuhizaka. Later, the area east of the slopes of Ashigara Pass on the Tokaido Highway and Usui Pass on the Higashiyama Highway was called “Banto.
The area to the east of the Tokaido Ashigara Pass and the Usui Pass on the Higashiyama Road came to be called “Banto. ~.
There are several theories as to the location of this story.
There are several theories about the location of this story, but the area surrounding the Higashiyama Pass, which was an ancient road that led from Gunma Prefecture to Shinano, is called
There are also place names such as “Tsumagoi” and “Azuma” in the area surrounding the Higashiyama Road, which runs from Gunma Prefecture to Shinano.
Nihon no Musunon himself is also a man of indistinct outline, but he was a member of the Yamato court.
However, considering the Yamato court’s policy of territorial expansion in the east, there must have been a fact of an expedition to the east.
However, there is a solid theory as to why the kanji for “east” is read as “Azuma” in kun (Japanese).
There is no solid theory as to why the Chinese character for “east” was read as “Azuma” in kun. The riddle is deep.
According to the Kojiki, when the Japanese god Takemikoto crossed over from Sagami to Kamisusa, the god of the sea at Sosui (Yokosuka City) caused the waves to rise up.
The ship was in a difficult situation. The ship was in a difficult situation.
The waves calmed down and the group was able to cross safely to the Land of Kaminoso.
The group was able to safely cross over to Kisarazu, where they stayed for a while and wrote a poem in memory of Ototachibana Ehime.

The photo above is from JR’s “Otona no Himitsu Club – What I want to do when I grow up” campaign.
The photo above is a poster of Sayuri Yoshinaga with Omuro Kofun as a stage.
It is not an association with “Azuma” Otomotachibana Ehime, the Japanese goddess of war (laugh).
Somehow, this kind of romanticism in the origin of the reading “Azuma” is
I think it is a Japanese way of prioritizing emotion over logic.
Regardless of the origin, it is interesting to note that this kind of romance tale became widespread and universal in the course of subsequent changes in Japanese history.
It is perhaps more interesting to note that this kind of romance tale became widespread and universal in the course of subsequent Japanese history, regardless of its origin.
And then, as we come to the Kofun period
The Kamomono clan established control over Gunma Prefecture in the Kofun period.
The Kamimono clan’s background overlaps with the tale of the conquest of the eastern part of Japan by the Japanese warrior warrior Takemikoto.
A clan that originated in what is now Sakai City
The family originated in the area around Sakai, and moved eastward to establish their power in this area.
The “civil engineering” device of a front-recession burial mound symbolizes the expansion of the Yamato kingdom’s power.
And then there is the fact that there is also an Omuro Kofun Tumulus in Shinano, a place across the mountains along the Higashiyama Road.
I feel that the bottleneck between the world of mythology and the facts of archaeological excavation is vaguely evident.

In a place like the Omuro Kofun Tumulus Museum, I was stimulated by my late arrival as a “Sayurist” (laugh).
I didn’t expect this kind of surprise attack here, so
We were caught totally by surprise.
JR’s advertising strategy of stimulating the travel fever of the matured generation is absolutely right (laugh).





English version⬇

Exploration of the ancient burial mounds of the “Jomono Clan,” a powerful family in the ancient Kanto region.
The central region of the ancient Kanto region is the Gunma Prefecture area, down from the Shinshu area. Traces of the ancient powerful clan are evidenced in the dense concentration of kofun tumuli. …

Finally, we are back to architecture and history.
I have been thinking about the architecture of the residence of the 10th Emperor Sojin, who is believed to have existed during the period when the area of Nara Prefecture was known as the Mukai ruins.
I have been thinking about the architecture of the residence of the 10th Emperor Sojin, who is believed to have existed at the time of the Momamukai site in Nara Prefecture.
On the other hand, I have been thinking about the ancient powerful families in Kanto, especially in the Gunma (Ueno Province) area, which is considered to be the center of ancient Kanto.
I have always wanted to explore the ancient powerful families of Kanto, especially in Gunma (Ueno Province), the center of ancient Kanto.
I finally had a chance to put the hook on this long-cherished desire the other day, so I decided to write a blog post about it.
I would like to explore it in depth through writing blog posts, while comparing the data.
As I said, since it is about 1,500 years old or earlier, architectural traces remain in the burial mounds.
Gunma Prefecture has more than 8,000 kofun tumuli, making it “Kofun Prefecture” along with Nara and Miyazaki prefectures.
Nara is the center of the ancient state of Asuka and Mukai, and Miyazaki Prefecture is the center of the ancient state of Asuka and Mukai.
Miyazaki Prefecture is also a probable site of the descent of the grandchildren and the departure of the Eastern expedition.
However, it is surprising why Gunma Prefecture is located in the Kanto region of Japan.
According to historical facts, the name of the Kamomono clan, a powerful family in the Kanto region, appears at the center of the Japanese army after the defeat at the Hakumura River.
It is highly likely that this ancient powerful clan was buried in these burial mounds in that period.
The Omuro Ruins are one of the core ruins in the ancient history of the Kanto region.
The tombs are located in the suburbs of Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, and include the Futago tumulus cluster.
Adjacent to the burial mounds is an old private house called “Sekine House,” which is a residential building space that stirs the imagination.
There is also a residential architectural space that stirs the imagination.
To uncover a sense of historical experience, it is essential to experience the site.
Even if the architecture is from a later time, the reality of the exploration will sprout when you come into contact with the local architecture.
Coming to this site, we can see how the ruins are loved by many local residents.

I would like to explore such ruins and old houses concentrated in “Omuro Park.
First of all, let us look at the ancient burial mounds.
The origin of the “Jomono clan” assumed to be the buried person.
~ In the 55th year of Emperor Keiko’s reign, King Hikosajima was appointed as “Governor of the Fifteen Provinces of the Eastern Mountain Province”. However, he died on the way.
His son, King Omorowabetsu, went to the east, governed well, and defeated the Emishi.
This is why he is considered to be the actual founder of the “Moya” clan (the founder of the Moya clan).
According to legend, he was worshipped at a shrine on Mt. Gongen in Sainosho, Ueno Province. 〜The record of the shrine is as follows.
The following is a record of the family’s relationship to the Emperor. According to the genealogy of the relationship with the Emperor family

According to the chronology, burial mounds were built in this area between the 500s and 600s.
〜The distribution of the Mono clan, and the theory that the Mono clan is a branch of the Kibi clan, are the most popular.
The ancient name “Nu” or “Chinu” region on the coast of Izumi-no-kuni was the area of origin. The eastern part of present-day Osaka Bay.
The area from Sakai City through Kishiwada City to Sennan-gun.
The area from there to Settsu/Kawachi ➡ Omi ➡ Hokuriku Road (Noto) ➡ Shinano ➡ Kono region (Ueno/Shimono).
The area was then divided into Settsu/Kawachi, Omi, Hokuriku (Noto), Shinano, and Keino regions (Ueno and Shimono). 〜From the
It is thought that they advanced to this area of Gunma Prefecture by at least the 400s to 500s.
This route is highly plausible, since there is a tomb with the same name “Omuro Kofun” in Nagano Prefecture.
<The following will be continued from tomorrow onward.





English version⬇

Kawasaki Daishi, Statue of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Goddess of Peace.
Religion and Humanity. An opportunity to talk with the ancients. We are thinking beings. It is an opportunity to calmly accept the religious views of our ancestors and explore the history of the world. The statue of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Statue of the Goddess of Peace at Kawasaki Daishi.

My life’s work is an exploration of human culture with a focus on residential architecture.
In addition to the usual modern houses, I also work on the construction of private residences.
I also engage in virtual dialogues with the people of the past who lived in old houses.
My main purpose is to have a virtual dialogue with people who used to live in old houses, as well as ordinary modern houses.

When I think of “reporting” in this way, various thoughts about the way of life of the people of old come to me.
I think that the main purpose of this project is to explore the traces of the lifestyles of the people of the past.
In this context, religion is positioned as something extremely dense.
In Japan, the religions of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are deeply rooted.
In the case of shrines, there are not many plastic statues as objects of worship.
If I were to venture a guess, I would say that shimenawa (sacred straw ropes) are equivalent to such objects.
As for architecture, Izumo-taisha and other shrines are symbolic.
But, rather, the natural mountain itself, as in the case of Ogami Shrine, is equivalent to such a shrine.
I strongly feel the ancestral form of deep-rooted sun god belief and nature worship.
In Buddhism, on the other hand, a wide variety of architecture and many Buddhist statues have been revered.
My family’s religious affiliation was changed to Jodo Shinshu at one time due to work-related reasons, but was later restored to Shingon.
Later, it was restored to the Shingon sect. I myself am the youngest child in the family, so I have been a member of the Shingon sect for a while.
I myself am the youngest child in my family, so I am not conscious of that much of an attribute.
Like most Japanese people, I think I have a “stay close to the people” attitude.
I am also a history buff, so I think I can find many “subtleties” in religious sites.
However, when I was a student, I was interested in learning the “Heart Sutra” on my own.
I have a sense of reverence for the religious views of the Buddha himself as depicted in it.
As one would expect from a teaching common to all Buddhist sects, I feel a strong sense of universality.

As I get older, when I go on business trips to Tokyo, I choose a place where I can go for a morning walk around Buddhist temples and shrines.
I have come to choose places to stay where I can take a morning walk around Buddhist temples when I go on business trips to Tokyo.
The most common places are in the Kawasaki area, such as Kawasaki Daishi and Hirama-ji Temple.
Old people are early risers, so we left the hotel and took the train to Kawasaki Daishi Station.
A five-minute walk down the approach to the temple allows you to participate in the early morning “morning service.
Well, not really to participate in the sutra reading.
I am allowed to chant a small Hannya Shingyo (Heart Sutra) to the accompaniment of numerous monks reading the sutra.
The grand fragrance of the incense and the loud sound of the sutra chanting give me a kind of cathartic feeling.
I don’t have any particular wish or curse to make (laughs).
(laughs) I guess you could say that I can spend time immersed in a religious atmosphere.
Japanese people have lived their whole lives experiencing this kind of time universally.
Do you want to maintain this sense of the average Japanese person?
I am not sure myself, but I do feel a sense of self-sufficiency.
Hirama Temple and Kawasaki Daishi Temple were founded in 1128.
The statue of Buddha was thrown into the sea by Kobo Daishi Kukai, and Hirama, who lived as a fisherman
The temple is said to have its origin in the fact that the Hirama clan, who lived as fishermen, scooped up the Buddha image into a net in the waters near Kawasaki.
The tale of the founding of the temple is strangely similar to the legend of Sensoji Temple.
Regardless of its authenticity, the activities of the people who have believed in it for more than 900 years
I feel something healing in the work of the people who believed in it for more than 900 years.





English version⬇

[Beijing “mass society” in the early Qing Dynasty and 1740s, similar to the Edo period.
Is the Chinese ideology an ideology that perceives the loss of its power base through restrained diplomacy? The peaceful bustle of the city, similar to ukiyoe prints. …

In a sense, Japanese history reflects the interaction between the world and Japanese society.
From the time of Himiko and the Yamataikoku, the movements of China have been the greatest influencing factor for Japan.
The fact that Japan even adopted a diplomatic policy of “seclusion,” which is rare in the world
I believe that the Japanese tradition of pacifism may have been at the root of this policy of seclusion, which is rare in the world.
Although the isolation of Japan during the Edo period was largely due to the distance it gained from Western colonial competition
The strengthening of the national defense system after the defeat at the Hakumura River, the “kokufu-ka” of the Heian period (794-1185), and the defense against the
In addition, the national defense against the Genko Invasions was the main target of the Japanese national defense policy.
I believe that the policy of responding to the Chinese nation as a maritime nation is shown in these movements.
The Chinese ideology, which is a nuisance to neighboring countries, is a domestic peace policy from the “I-idea” and
In order to achieve domestic peace from the “Gian idea,” it is necessary to have a foreign policy of “stay the course.
The best way to achieve domestic peace from the “Chinese idea,” which is a nuisance to neighboring countries, is a diplomatic policy of staying out of the way.
The best thing would be for China to change from an imperialist dictatorship to a democratic state.
But that seems to be an unrealistic dream.
If that is difficult, we can only hope that calm pacifism will remain stable in the country as long as possible.
If that is difficult, we can only hope that the calm pacifism will continue in the country as long as possible.
The time of the Edo Shogunate in Japan and the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in China
The period around 1740 was a relatively peaceful period due in part to Japan’s isolation.

In the “Qingfeng Zujian,” which depicts the bustle of the streets during the Chinese New Year in Beijing in the 1740s
It is full of depictions similar to the social conditions of the Edo masses in Japan during the same period.
The 28.6 cm (H) by 512.4 cm (W) extra-wide screen is filled with a variety of people’s lifestyles.
The Ch’ien-lung Emperor at the height of the Qing Dynasty loved this work depicting the bustling city life.
In the first lunar month of 1736, just after his accession to the throne, he presented the “Qingfeng Scroll” by Qian Chan, a painter of the Yuan dynasty.
The Ch’ien-lung Emperor was presented with “Qing-feng Scroll” by Qian Chien, a painter of the Yuan dynasty, in the first lunar month of 1736, and ordered the court painter Chen Hae to create a draft based on it.
In October of the same year, the emperor was satisfied with the finished manuscript, and this version of the “Qingfeng Scroll” was completed in the 5th year of the Qianlong reign (1740).
This copy of “Qingfeng Scroll” was completed in December 1740, so it is thought to be a different edition.
However, since the same artist, Chen Pai, is listed as the author of this scroll, it is likely that the results of the Qianlong 2 volume were somehow reflected in this volume.
However, since the same Chen Paik is listed as the author, it is believed that the results of the Qianlong 2 book are somehow reflected in this volume.
It is certain that the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, who had the “Qing-feng illustrated scroll” produced several times, had a great interest in this subject matter.

When you look closely at the city streets like this, you can see the happiness of ordinary, peace-loving people.
The peace-loving people of the city are happy.
The dominant atmosphere of this work is similar to that of ukiyoe prints of the same period in Edo society.
As for the work itself, it is a miniature painting on a 28.6-cm-wide canvas.
I am deeply moved by the variety of people’s lives expressed in these works.
I was deeply moved by the fact that he was able to express so many different people’s lives on a 28.6cm-wide canvas. I’m not trying to blackmail Taiwan, but I’m just trying to show you what it was like in the Edo period.
I strongly hope that peaceful coexistence like that of the Edo and early Qing dynasties can be realized even today.





English version⬇

Qing Dynasty painting “Qingfeng Scroll,” City of Beijing in the 1740s.
A Qing Dynasty version of the painting “Scenes in and around the City of Beijing”. The architecture and districts, as well as the general “customs” of the people who lived in the era, overflow onto the screen. A trip through time and space. The work is a short trip through time and space.

The Chinese military is now blockading Taiwan, firing live ammunition into the surrounding area and continuing to intimidate the Taiwanese people who greeted Pelosi.
The Chinese military is now blockading Taiwan, firing live ammunition around the island, and continuing to intimidate the Taiwanese people who welcomed Pelosi.
It is an insane “national” posture that stoutly adds argument to those who are weaker than oneself.
It is an insane “national” posture like Gian of the cartoon.
It can be said that the danger of the Chinese nation of the communist dictatorship was exposed to the whole world.

In such a situation, the Tokyo National Museum is holding a special digital exhibition
The special digital exhibition “The World of NPM” is currently being held at the Tokyo National Museum.
Compared to a normal exhibition, however, the size of the exhibition space is only about 1/4 of that of a regular exhibition.
One wonders how it came to be held on such a small scale.
The exhibition of VR images of the Palace Museum and the Forbidden City was also held using Japanese letterpress printing technology, so I wonder what kind of artistic diplomacy was involved.
It would be interesting to know how the artistic diplomacy was conducted.
So far, no information has emerged in this area, but we will keep a close eye on it in the future.
The Tokyo National Museum has decided that this digital VR exhibition alone is not good enough.
The Tokyo National Museum, however, thought it would be a bad idea to hold a concurrent exhibition titled “Calligraphy, Painting, and Crafts of the Qing Dynasty Court.
The museum also exhibited actual works of art from the Qing court that are in the Tokyo National Museum’s collection and under its management.
There are many opportunities to see Japanese and Western paintings in Japan.
Japanese and Western paintings are often seen in Japan, and the collection in Japan is very diverse and large.
On the other hand, there are few opportunities to come into contact with Chinese paintings in Japan.
Perhaps it was because the exhibition itself was very lonely.
I was allowed to take plenty of photographs, as I had full permission to do so.
Among them, the “Qing Feng Scroll” painted in the Qing Dynasty of China was wonderful.
The theme of the painting was the bustling city of Beijing during the New Year in 1760.
The people were prosperous because of the emperor Qianlong’s rule, as in a traditional dictatorship.
The work is openly intended to be a disgusting “manipulation” of the people’s wealth.
As an art appreciator, I do not want to listen to the pretensions of the rulers (laugh).
The “Qingfeng Scroll” is more than 5 meters long, and depicts the bustle of the gorgeous city of Beijing in great detail.
The preamble is a poem by Liang Shi-zheng, a calligrapher and senior official of the Qing Dynasty, written by the Ch’ien-lung Emperor himself.
(See the third photo.) Here is a poem that celebrates the full moon.
(See the third photo.) Here we can see phrases celebrating the full moon and the words “the imperial capital.
Based on the above, this long scroll is dated to the
The theme of this long scroll is the Japanese “Lantern Festival” in Luochu.

Thematically, it is probably similar to the “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu” in Japan.
In Japan, it is depicted as a sliding door painting, but in China, it is a long scroll representation.
In Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu, bridges over the Kamo River and famous places of interest are depicted.
The Raku-chu-Rakugai-zu depicts architecture, human figures, and customs. Although we do not know the specifics of the places of interest
but it seems that the intent of this “Keiho” scroll is the same as this one.
The gate, the fence around the building in the style of a shikai-in (a traditional Japanese-style house), and the exterior appearance of the building are interesting.
The roads are also represented as a stage with very wide avenues.
Although horses of various sizes and heights are depicted as means of transportation, the smaller ones do not appear to be horses at all.
The smaller one is not a horse, but seems to be a different animal species. The smaller one is not a horse at all, but seems to be a different animal species.
I would like to read the atmosphere of the period from the Chinese version of Rakuchu-Rakugaizu.