
【日本国家創成期の北海道島 日本列島37,000年史-50】





English version⬇

Hokkaido Island in the Early Days of the Japanese Nation: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 50
The Japanese culture-centered viewpoint and the perspective as an emigrant to Ezo. As a resident of Hokkaido, I want to have an affinity and calm reason for both. …

This blog series is inspired by the great innovation of the National Museum of Japanese History’s ancient history exhibit.
I am still strongly attracted to the northern rim world, Hokkaido Island and northern Tohoku society, which are sometimes mentioned in chronological order.
As a Hokkaider, I cannot help but be strongly attracted to the northern border world, Hokkaido Island and northern Tohoku society, which are mentioned from time to time.
The panel introduces the northern border world as “the border world that does not create ancient tombs.
I have often seen the Ebetsu tumulus group in the suburbs of Sapporo.
Nowadays, when you exit the Ebetsu Nishi highway IC onto the public road and head north, you will find a hillside on your left.
It is located on the hillside to the left. However, it is not a burial mound of the primitive period, but rather a slightly later burial mound
It is said to have been built in the Nara and Heian periods, which is a little later than the original period.
Therefore, I think it is a world that was “created but quite late” to be correct.
Hokkaido did not participate in the Kofun period of the primordial period of the nation.
Except for a few areas in the Tsugaru Plain, Hokkaido did not participate in the Kofun period of the primordial period of the nation.
Paddy field agriculture, the basis of life and culture, did not spread to Hokkaido and the northern Tohoku region.
A small portion of the Tsugaru Plain area was temporarily destroyed by the subsequent volcanic eruption in Towada.

The “Continuation Jomon” lifestyle continued in Hokkaido and the northern Tohoku region.
On the other hand, traces of the Kofun period remain as far as the Sendai Plain area.
In Sendai City, there is the “Tomizuka Tumulus,” which faces National Route 4.
It is still along the line of the northern limit of rice paddy farming.
The boundaries were demarcated along the line of the northern limit of rice paddy farming, and the society of the archipelago was divided.

This Continued Jomon Period on Hokkaido Island is so local.
How nostalgic it is to see it in this National Museum of Japanese History exhibit in Chiba Prefecture (laughs).
It makes me want to shout out, “Yes, this is how we lived.
It’s also an apt place for a Jomon lifestyle.
It seems that they lived their lives obediently to the blessings of Kamui food in every season.
There are traces of interaction with northern Asia on the Sea of Japan side in the Fugoppe Cave in Yoichi.
But further north, in Sakhalin, there is also the influence of Chinese power from the north.
This would have caused tensions between the Chinese and the Okhotsk culture.
While hunting large marine animals from the Amur River estuary area
Tensions also developed with the Okhotsk cultural people, who began settling southward in the coastal areas of Okhotsk while hunting large marine animals from the Amur River estuary region.
Somewhat later in the period, such conflicts led to the use of military force by the Abenohiras.
The Abenohiras were never isolated from the rest of Japanese society, but were always linked to it.

I think of myself as a descendant of emigrants from the Japanese society.
As a descendant of immigrants, I have two strong senses of “home.
One is a sense of the Inland Sea Rim, and the other is a sense of the northern Sea of Japan coast.
This unique sense of synchronization is natural for my generation.
Depending on how you look at it, having two such strong senses of belonging
I think that by having these two strong senses of belonging, we can also think from the perspective of a diverse Japanese society.
I try to think in a “positive” direction these days.
I can have a sense of closeness and rational judgment toward both sides. It’s a delusion (laughs).

【国際交流と社会発展の古代史 日本列島37,000年史-49】




English version⬇

Ancient History of International Exchange and Social Development 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 49
Japan, which inherited intellectual assets from continental and peninsular societies and created a stable society, has a role to play in showing the wisdom of peace and stability in Asia. …

An intellectually exciting experience at the “Ancient History” exhibit zone of the National Museum of Japanese History.
What I am writing now is a re-learning of the history of the archipelago to accompany this experience.
Knowing the people of the past will give us the wisdom to live in the present.
In particular, Japanese society has been influenced by Chinese society in many ways.
Now, Japanese people are forced to think about their “relationship” with the continent and peninsula, which has continued since ancient times.
In terms of economics, the Japanese cannot respond in exactly the same way as the Americans.
However, in the past, major changes have repeatedly occurred on the Chinese mainland.
We must keep in mind that the “Yi Simei Revolution” will happen again in the future.
The surface of communism is just a surface, but the reality is the dictatorship of the Communist Party dynasty.
Whenever it will be revived, it will be the inevitability of history repeating itself.
Japanese society has been through many vicissitudes, but as a nation, it is a country of harmony.
It has continued to ensure unity and cohesion.
One of the wisdom of this is that Japanese kingship has no family name.
The wisdom of not having the basis for a family name revolution in the first place.
As a result of numerous political upheavals, many Asian intellectuals who defected to Japan
This is the result of the imprint of many Asian intellectuals who defected to Japan as a result of the many political upheavals in the region.
Japan has inherited many social assets from the Asian world.
Japan will be internationally called upon to demonstrate stability in the region as a whole.
Japan must fulfill its responsibility as the most stable society in a confusing Asian region.
Perhaps this is Japan’s major role in the world in the 21st century.
Perhaps such a perspective is the internal motivation for wanting to relearn history.

The figure above shows the traces of various manufacturing industries introduced into Japanese society.
It is a map of the distribution of blacksmithing, tools, kiln sites, and horse production as a form of labor in the Kinai region.
Paddy field agriculture necessitated various “civil engineering” projects ranging from irrigation to paddy field engineering.
At that time, iron tools were the most important strategic commodity.
Next, horses were used as labor to support such civil engineering projects.
In Japan, the Kinai region was the earliest area to introduce horse production.
It is evident that the “new technology society” of paddy field agriculture quickly swept over the Japanese archipelago.
The power structure inevitably followed suit.

Even now, a huge epidemic of infectious diseases originating in China is breaking out in this region.
In yesterday’s Nikkei Shimbun, editorialist Katsuji Nakazawa, who served as China’s general director for many years, wrote: ● “Beijing Corona Infection 70% Serious, Two Command Posts in Xi Administration.
The article was written by Mr. Katsuji Nakazawa, an editorial writer who had served as China’s General Director for many years.
I was surprised to find an interesting explanation of the current situation from a person with inside knowledge of the situation.
The official explained, “When any army withdraws from a situation it deems unfavorable, it must be prepared to defend itself against pursuing enemy forces in order to avoid total annihilation.
In order to avoid being annihilated, any army, when it withdraws from a situation it judges to be unfavorable, will leave a so-called “shingari” force in the rear to prevent enemy forces from pursuing it.
Now, however, China has abandoned its zero-corona policy without taking any defensive measures.
Suddenly, a crushing run in which everyone flees has begun.”
The turmoil in a megapopulation nation always affects neighboring countries.
Come to think of it, the activities of the “Five-Headed Party,” which tries to sway public opinion in Japan
seems to have become somewhat more mature recently. The roots of the confusion may be deep.

【古代史と地震噴火・天変地異 日本列島37,000年史-48】

・553年 阿蘇山噴火(記録での最古の噴火)
・599年 推古地震(大和国被害〜最古の地震被害記録)
・684年 白鳳大地震(伊予南部・津波被害も)
・6世紀初頭 榛名山二ツ岳噴火(古代豪族・上毛野氏本拠を直撃)
・6世紀中頃 榛名山二ツ岳噴火
・734年 畿内七道地震
・745年 天平地震(美濃国で被害)
・800~802年 富士山延暦大噴火
・818年 弘仁地震(関東諸国で被害、洪水も)
・864〜66年 富士山貞観大噴火
・869年 陸奧三陸沖・貞観地震と大津波(多賀城津波被害)
・871年 鳥海山噴火
・878年 元慶地震(相模・武蔵国で被害)
・887年 仁和地震(京都で被害、摂津で津波被害)


English version⬇

Ancient History and Earthquakes, Eruptions, and Natural Disasters: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Islands – 48
Numerous disasters have been recorded even after the age of historical records. Even before that, they occurred constantly and frequently. They must have had a strong influence on the mind and history. ・・・・.

We modern people have also experienced social changes due to many natural catastrophes.
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Great East Japan Earthquake, and other disasters dealt a profound blow to society.
Beyond the actual damage, these disasters also had an impact on the human mind and society itself.
The National Museum of Japanese History exhibition panel also records disasters in ancient times.
〜The Japanese archipelago in ancient times did not experience major climatic changes. However, as a volcanic archipelago
In 869, a major earthquake occurred in Rikugunkoku, which was accompanied by a massive tsunami.
In 869, a major earthquake in Riku-Onkoku was accompanied by a massive tsunami that destroyed Tagajo, the national capital, and the surrounding area.
The eruption of Mt. Kaimondake in Satsuma in 874 buried many fields and villages in the eruption. ~.
The following are the major ancient natural disasters described in the panel.
Eruption of Mt. Aso in 553 (the earliest recorded eruption)
599 Suiko Earthquake (damage in Yamato Province – oldest record of earthquake damage)
684: Great Hakuho Earthquake (also caused tsunami damage in southern Iyo)
Early 6th century: Mt. Haruna Futatsudake eruption (hit the home of the ancient Kamimono clan)
Eruption of Mt. Haruna Futatsudake in the mid-6th century.
734 Kinai-Shichido Earthquake
745 Tenpyo Earthquake (damage in Mino Province)
800~802: Enryaku volcanic eruption of Mt.
818 Konin Earthquake (damage and flooding in Kanto region)
864-66: Great eruption of Mt.
869: Jogan earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Riku-On-Sanriku (damage from Tagajo tsunami)
871: Eruption of Mt.
878: Genkei Earthquake (damage in Sagami and Musashi Provinces)
887 Niwa Earthquake (Damage in Kyoto, Tsunami damage in Settsu)
These records are from the period after the establishment of the national organization.
Of course, there must have been many natural disasters even before that.
How such earthquakes affected the Yamato kingdom, which was in charge of ritual administration, is not clear.
Perhaps we should use our imagination to determine how such earthquakes and other events would have affected the Yamato royal government, which controlled the rituals.

The eruption of Mt. Haruna in the early and middle of the 6th century destroyed the ancient power that had been in power until then, the Kamimono clan.
The eruption of Mt. Haruna in the early to mid-6th century is said to have devastated the home region of the Kamomono clan, the ancient power that had been in power until that time.
Place names that remain in the legend of Yamatotakeru, the ancient central military force
This area must have been viewed as Azuma.
The destruction of the Azuma center is thought to have caused major changes in the history of the Kanto region.
The Kamimono clan’s name remained as a major military force in the ancient wars against Japan, but the records of political battles show that the Kamimono clan’s name did not change.
Later, their name disappeared from the records of political wars, and they were only mentioned in the names of places in Ueno and Shimono.
The name of the Jomono clan has remained only in the names of places in the Ueno and Shimono regions. It can be imagined that there is a strong connection with the eruption of Futatsudake on Mt.
In addition, the ancient Great East Japan Earthquake of Jogan destroyed Tagajo, the local seat of royal rule.
The Taga Castle would have been the permanent seat of a violent apparatus and armed forces centered in the Kanto region.
It is highly likely that many of the lives of those forces were lost.
There is no doubt that the power of the central regime was greatly reduced.
Such natural cataclysms are also thought to have been a fundamental factor in political change.
It is possible to imagine such an event even in the recorded historical period, but even in earlier societies
Natural disasters must have been an even more significant factor in earlier societies.


2022/12/19 19:05分現在 東北電力管内で18200戸で停電。



English version⬇

[Urgent Report / Power Outages in Niigata and Other Wet Snow Areas – ReplanWEB Reference Article
A blizzard of wet snow with a high risk of power outages. Traffic jams are one thing, but how should we think about how to spend a winter night in the midst of anxiety psychology? …

While writing this blog series, I was informed of heavy snowfall in the Tohoku Electric Power Company service area, Niigata, Yamagata, and other areas on the Sea of Japan coast.
and Niigata, Yamagata, and other areas on the Sea of Japan side of the country. And with heavy snowfall at this time of year, the risk of power outages increases markedly.
The risk of power outages increases significantly due to the accumulation of wet snow on overhead power lines.
Mr. T, a housing researcher, sent us an urgent e-mail about this information.
It’s a blizzard of wet snow,” he said.
Unfortunately, the news reports are all about traffic jams…” (2022/12/19 19:00)
As of 19:05 on 12/19/2022, 18,200 households in Tohoku Electric Power Company’s service area are without power.
Tohoku Electric is working hard to restore power, but since they are working in the middle of a blizzard
The power is unlikely to be restored anytime soon. The power is not restored immediately.
Yesterday, it was suddenly cold in Sapporo, with outside temperatures as low as -4 degrees Celsius even during the daytime, and I felt very cold when I went out.
When I went out, I felt a chill or a chill, and after returning home, I was trying to cure myself so that the chill I felt would not lead to a cold.
I was trying to take good care of myself so that the cold I felt would not turn into a cold. I think we should be more careful this time of year when we are more careless than in the height of winter.
I think this is the time to be more careful.
In winter, a “power outage” can cause an immediate drop in room temperature in cold regions
This is especially true in the current battle against infectious diseases.
This is especially important during this time of year when we are battling infectious diseases.
It could trigger anxiety and health hazards.
So as a reminder, here are some articles that have appeared on ReplanWEB in the past.

Safe and useful during power outages. What is the minimum off-grid?
Shelter the LDK! How to build a house that won’t freeze even during a winter power outage
Oil heaters are your friend during power outages. What are the precautions to take when using it?
The three articles will be based on the following three articles.
These are based on the experience of the September 2018 Hokkaido-wide power outage.
~About a month and a half after the Hokkaido-wide blackout. How to prepare for a major power outage like this one, and
how to deal with it if it happens in the wintertime.
We visited Mr. Daitaka Suzuki, director of the Northern Architectural Research Institute in Asahikawa City.
Mr. Suzuki is an expert on Japanese house building, having spent many years researching house building in Hokkaido and other parts of Japan.
He is, so to speak, an expert on Japanese residential architecture. He has also been involved in the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake, the Great East Japan Earthquake, and other major disasters.
During major disasters such as the Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata Prefecture and the Great East Japan Earthquake, he was on site to survey the damage to buildings and to help the victims rebuild their lives and homes.
He is also well versed in the realities of the living environment in times of disaster, having been involved in building damage assessments and rebuilding the lives and homes of disaster victims. ~.
I am very familiar with the reality of the living environment at the time of a disaster.

The people in the areas where the power is out right now are in a state of emergency.
Hot water, heating, and lighting have stopped. It is a night of uncertainty as to when the power will be restored.
Of course, this kind of information is not an immediate response to an urgent situation.
The response of the house is to prepare the performance of the house to cope with any eventuality.
While thinking of the labor and hardship of the people on site who have been working tirelessly to restore the power outage, I also think of the anxiety and anxiety of the people living in such a situation, which may continue in the future.
I would like to talk about the anxiety in our daily lives that is likely to continue in the future.
We also need to think about how we can cope with such uncertainties in our daily lives.

【歴史を変える与条件・列島地形変化 日本列島37,000年史-47】



English version⬇

The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 47
Seasonal changes and the transformation of rivers and plains. The civil engineering and natural modification of rice paddies and agriculture also derived topographical changes and provided the historical stage.

We modern people imagine history based on the topographical environment we can see today.
However, since the arrival of Ieyasu, the land of Tokyo has undergone vigorous civil engineering reforms.
Paddy field agriculture is a basic technology that artificially modifies the land.
The development of this technology has been enormously successful in the Japanese archipelago, even in the history of mankind.
In a country with four distinct seasons, and especially in a land where long rains such as the rainy season are a regular occurrence, it is important to manage rivers in such a way that they do not become a source of pollution.
This river management technology is the foundation of authority at the highest level.
Like Himiko, the Japanese people used magic to foresee the weather, manage agriculture appropriately, and mobilize people for civil engineering reform.
At the same time, it would have been the basis of “festival work” to mobilize the people and reorganize civil engineering.
In addition, natural changes in the land, especially in the Osaka Plain, were also a significant factor.
The above figure is from the National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore exhibition.
The figure above is a map of the “Ancient Namba” area shown at the National Museum of Japanese History.
The figure above is from “Restoration of Ancient Landscape” by Masayoshi Kusaka, published by Chuokoron-sha in 1991.
〜The area was an extremely important port and a port town, and the “Naniwazu” was built on the north side of the Uemachi Plateau (the current location of Osaka Castle).
This area became an extremely important port, and the Naniwanomiya Palace was built on the plateau.
However, the construction of a succession of capital cities and large temples in the Nara Plain, Yamato and Yamashiro, located upstream of the Naniwanomiya Palace, caused the construction of forests in the mountains and forested areas.
The construction of large temples in the Nara Plain, Yamato, and Yamashiro, located upstream, caused the cutting down of forests and the discharge of earth and sand (due to civil engineering work).
As a result, port functions were hindered and declined, and the importance of Namba also declined. ~.
In the “Jinmu expedition” said to have taken place in the middle of the 1st century, the expeditionary force landed at the port at the western foot of the Ikoma Mountains shown in the figure.
However, the local forces that intercepted the army, the Nagamayuhiko forces, were able to intercept it from the high ground with their backs against Mt.
Ikoma, from the high ground with the sun at their backs.
The eastern expeditionary force claimed that the reason for their defeat was that they attacked toward the sun, even though they were an army dedicated to the sun.
The eastern expeditionary force is said to have turned to a detour around Chosan, saying, “We are an army dedicated to the sun, but we attacked toward the sun.
In any case, it is clear that the conditions were completely different from the current situation.

Although it was only around 2,000 years ago
These geomorphological changes must have affected the historical situation in various ways.
After all, history is determined by the military at the extreme point.
The victory or defeat in a war would have been decided according to the topographical conditions at that time.
Such conditions must have been a major determining factor in the geographical movement of tomb construction in later periods.
The geographical movement of the construction of the tombs in the following period must have been a major determinant of the outcome of the war.
This is clearly shown in the construction of the Naniwanomiya Palace itself.
This is clearly shown in the construction of the Naniwanomiya Palace itself, and may have been the motivation for Hideyoshi’s construction of Osaka in a much later period.
The construction of the capital cities of Mimamukai, Asuka, Fujiwara-kyo, and Heijo-kyo itself was also motivated by the construction of Osaka Castle by Hideyoshi in a much later period.
The fact that the construction of the capital cities of Mimamukai, Asuka, Fujiwara-kyo, and Heijo-kyo itself caused such topographical changes in the lower reaches of the Osaka Plain
The fact that the construction of the capital cities of Mimamukai, Asuka, Fujiwara-kyo, and Heijo-kyo itself caused such topographical changes in the downstream area of the Osaka Plain would indicate that the entire ancient history stage was also greatly affected.
This suggests that the topographical changes caused by the huge civil engineering projects such as the Nintoku Imperial Mausoleum also had a great impact on the political economy.
This suggests that the topographical changes caused by the huge civil engineering projects such as the Nintoku Imperial Mausoleum had a great impact on the political economy, or were intentionally planned and arranged.
Paddy field agriculture may have such an intense nature.

【最初期前方後円墳「箸墓古墳」 日本列島37,000年史-46】




English version⬇

The First Posteroposterior Circular Tumulus “Chopstick Tomb” 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 46
Myths and archeological facts are synchronized in the area of the tombs of Chopedombs and Muko-no-mukai. History and archaeology coexist in a quiet landscape. …

The Mimamukai ruins tell the story of the Yamato kingdom in the 3rd century, but the tomb of Chopstick Tomb was built not far from the site of the kingdom looking up at Mt.
Chopstick tomb tombs were built not far from the site of this royal authority looking up at Mt.
The tombs are managed by the Imperial Household Agency.
〜The tomb mound is located in Hashinaka, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture. The shape of the tomb is a forward-rear circular mound.
The actual burial site is unknown, but the Imperial Household Agency has designated the tomb as “Oichi no Haka,” which means “Great City Tomb.
The actual burial site is unknown, but it has been designated by the Imperial Household Agency as the tomb of the 7th Emperor Koryo’s daughter, Wajaku-no-Hyakuso-no-Mikoto.
Since the research of Kasai Shinya, there is a theory that it may be the tomb of Himiko, the Queen of Yamataikoku.
The tomb is considered to be one of the oldest tombs of the emergence period. ~.

The Imperial Household Agency considers it to be a royal mausoleum, although it is not an emperor’s tomb.
It has been established that a royal female who held a special position is buried there.
Assuming that the Mimamukai site is the royal palace of the 10th Emperor Sublime.
This chopstick tomb was built for the “great-aunt” of the 10th Emperor Sublime.
According to the date of construction, they were built at about the same time.
This Wajaku-no-Tsukihime-no-Mikoto became the wife of Ohmononushi, the spirit of Mount Miwa.
〜However, the deity is always unseen in the daytime and comes only at night. Yamatotsu-hime-no-Mikoto spoke to her husband and said
You are always unseen by day and come only by night. You cannot see his face clearly. I pray that you may stay for a while.
I beg you to stay for a while. I desire to see you perform a beautiful ceremony on the first day of the new year.
I wish to enter your comb-over on Mingtan.
I wish to be surprised at the shape I take. At this point, Yamatotake-no-Mikoto
But when she waited for the next morning and looked into the comb chest, she saw a small serpent of great beauty.
The length and thickness of the snake was about the length and thickness of a garment cord. Startled by this, he exclaimed, “What a beautiful snake!
Ashamed, the goddess took human form and said to his wife, “Thou art ashamed of me, for thou hast not been patient with me.
I will return and shame you. So he took to the skies and climbed up to the top of Mt.
Here, he looked up at the deity and sat down, repenting. He sat down in repentance, and was buried with a shadow on his chopsticks.
He was buried in Oichi. The tomb is called “Chopstick Tomb” by the people of the time. 〜The first half of the second half of the third century BC

On the other hand, when half of the population starved to death during the reign of Emperor Sojin
The divine will told the Emperor to appoint a person related to Omotonushi as the chief deity in order to firmly worship Mount Miwa (Mt. Omorozan).
The emperor told the deity to appoint a person related to Omotoshu as the chief priest to ensure the worship of Mt.
This is a duplicate of the legend. Archaeologically, they are comparable to the same period.
In fact, it is possible that cold or drought struck the Nara Basin due to bad weather.
Early kingship was based on the idea of building rice paddies by civil engineering and managing the water supply through irrigation work.
It is clear that the early kings were the centralized rulers of rice paddies and agriculture.
A nation is founded with a strong intention, which is entrusted in the founding myths.
These myths and legends may express such an orientation.
Facts were reflected in them and interpreted according to their intentions.
It is almost like the riddle of the Sphinx, but I think it also reveals a considerable amount of truth.

【卑弥呼=日の巫女「アマテラス」論 日本列島37,000年史-45】




English version⬇

Himiko = The Miko of the Sun “Amaterasu” The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 45
Imaginary Reconstruction of the Diplomatic Negotiation Process over the Myth of the Founding of the Yamato Kingdom and the Chinese Orthodox History in the Age of Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den. …

We are plunging into the article on Himiko and the Biography of Wei Wei as this blog series (see below).
The National Museum of Japanese History’s major renewal of this article is also treating this article in a small way.
Rather, it seems to be deployed in the archaeological excavation in a lighthearted manner.
We think that this is probably the rational response of the modern era.

However, after my recent experience of exploration and many site visits, I have come to realize that the following is not so much about the origin of the Japanese kingship as about the origin of the Japanese people.
However, after my recent experiences and numerous field trips, I have come to believe that a certain theory about the primitive period of the Japanese kingship seems to be plausible.
That is, the “Himiko” in the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den could be the Amaterasu of the myth of kingship.
The person who wrote the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den briefly describes the shape of an island nation in the Far East.
It is necessary to briefly record the rings of that nation.
However, it is based on hearsay information, not on facts confirmed by his own eyes and ears.
If we were to describe the information on the Yamato regime as a government in the middle of the 3rd century
First of all, the main theme is what kind of legitimacy the “national government” had.
In “diplomatic contacts” with the Japanese side, there were more opportunities to talk with the Yamato regime and
It is common practice to confirm the “legitimacy” of the regime.
In response to this question, the diplomatic corps told the story of the founding of the state by Amaterasu.
What role did this Amaterasu play?
She is the so-called “miko of the sun,” a position that predicts and governs the movement of the sun.
I see. Such a being would be indispensable to paddy rice cultivation.
Yes, when to plant the seedlings in the rice paddies is a decision made by the head of the state.
Furthermore, the timing of various agricultural activities must be determined according to the growth of the rice plants.
I see that your country has four distinct seasons, even more so than ours.
Of course, the king, a male king, is in charge of the normal affairs of government and festivals.
“Of course, the male king is in charge of ordinary government affairs and festivals, but it is appropriate for the highest priestess authority to preside over such divine will.
I see. However, as for the Chinese side, the emperor is the absolute ruler of the country.
“However, since China is a country where the emperor is the absolute ruler, we cannot allow such a state of affairs in our official history.
“So, for simplicity’s sake, I will describe your country as a country ruled by a queen.
“Since the Chinese government is not comfortable with the use of Amaterasu as Amaterasu, we have decided to use the name Himiko.
“I am sorry, but I would like to use the term Himiko.
“Hmm, I can understand writing Yayoi for miko, but Himiko for Hi…”
“I hope you understand that this is a country of the eastern barbarians as the emperor state of China.
“And since it cannot be described as a country with a national mythology that far exceeds that of Wei…
I will also refer to Himiko’s death as being in recent years.
We can imagine a hypothetical diplomatic negotiation like this.
The Japanese side and the Yamato government may have finally come to an understanding on this matter, since it concerns the sovereignty of the other side and the circumstances of the founding of the nation.
The Japanese side and the Yamato regime may have finally agreed to it.
The above is my main delusion. It is also a record of the dynastic state immediately before the Yi Surname Revolution.
I do not believe that there was much negotiation about the description.
However, I think it is possible that there was such a negotiation on the description, but I think it is possible that there was such a disappearance in the decision to discard hearsay information.

The Muzumukai site in Nara Prefecture as the location of the Japanese kingship in the period when the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den was written.
The above photos show the site of the Mimatsuki ruins in Nara Prefecture. It corresponds to the period of the 10th Emperor Sojin, and
stopped cohabiting with Amaterasu in the royal palace until then.
Amaterasu eventually moved her palace to Ise.
This diorama was displayed at the Sakurai Municipal Center for Archaeological and Cultural Properties.
Tomorrow, we will discuss the tomb of Chopstick Tomb.





English version⬇

The end of the year is busy, and the desolate nature is healing.
The early winter in the north is gradually getting colder and cooler, and a sense of desolation is evoking a sense of cleanliness. I want to face the busyness of the year with a calm and quiet mind. The first winter in the north is gradually deepening with a sense of coolness and desolation that gives a sense of grace.

I am still occupied with the careful work of putting down roots.
I am still in a state of nervous exhaustion, but now that I have a break, I decided to go for a short drive while on business.
I went for a short drive to Ishikari Beach, near Sapporo.
Here is a shot of Ishikari Beach near Sapporo yesterday.

The natural landscape is not very varied.
It is a lagoon at the mouth of the Ishikari River, but because the river is large
The area of the lagoon has a certain extent.
This is a Hokkaido-like early winter scene that I have been familiar with since my childhood and youth.
The cold air is gradually deepening, and even a small amount of snow cannot easily melt.
The road surface is shiny and shiny, and I drive carefully to brake the car.
The bare trees are swaying in the strong wind.
There is a unique sense of the season that is conveyed through the shimmering of the trees.
The memories of the deepest parts of the land come back to life in various ways.
The landscape of the place where I was born brings back the experiences of the time I have lived.
The landscape of the place of birth is a timeless replay of the experiences of the time in which we have lived.
The landscape of a desolate place without any landmarks, so to speak, as a background, is more likely to be triggered.
The landscape as a background, so to speak, is more likely to be a trigger.
The memories of past scenes excavated in this way tend to have a sweet fragrance
The human brain is capable of such a mechanism.
It is said that such a mechanism is hidden in the way the human brain works.
No matter how severe the experience of nature or life may be
The magic of time has rounded them out, so to speak.

So far this year, there has been little snowfall in Sapporo.
Sometimes a cold wave comes and piles up snow, but the temperature rises quickly and the snow disappears in a flash.
The snow disappears in the blink of an eye.
However, we are only about half a month away from the end of this year.
I wonder what will happen to the cold and snowfall in the next half month or so.
When I looked in front of my house this morning, I saw the first signs of snowplows being dispatched this year.
The end of this year, in which so many things have happened, is approaching every second.
Well, I’m not exaggerating, but I’ve managed to get through the busyness.
I want to spend my time in a calm manner, in sync with the great flow of nature.
With just a little over a week to go, let’s do our best.

【魏志倭人伝・卑弥呼伝説 日本列島37,000年史-44】





English version⬇

The Legend of Himiko, Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 44
Approximation of the Mimukai site in Nara and the center of Japan in the Biographies of Wei and Himiko. Positive efforts in the local city of Sakurai. The probability seems high. …

This is a blog series in response to the National Museum of Japanese History’s eye-opening reorganization of its exhibits.
The biggest riddle in the exploration of ancient history, the biography of Wei Wei, is very modest.
Rather, it is introduced like a photograph with animated slide images.
I guess they had no way to deal with this point since there is no archaeological evidence for it.
I agree with such an attitude.
I would rather discuss the “process” of the establishment of kingship in the Nara Plain area.
I think there are much more empirical traces in this area.

I would like to make an inference based on this. The description of the Wei Shih Wahnamen is from a passage in the “Records of the Three Kingdoms”.
The fact is that it was written by Chen Shou of the Western Jin Dynasty between 280 and 297 AD.
It is believed that the description was based on records of visits and oral accounts of the Japanese.
It does not seem to be true that the author, Chen Jue, visited Japan directly.
Therefore, it should be considered that the evidence for each and every one of the contents described has not been solidified.
It should be taken as hearsay information from Japan at the time of the mid-3rd century.
As one compass of understanding, if we identify the date of the Jinmu East Conquest
Many things may be deduced from that as a starting point.
It is certain that Emperor Sojin was the 10th emperor and built a royal palace in Mimamukai, Nara Prefecture.
The estimated date of reign of this Emperor Sojin (there are various theories, but one theory is that he reigned from 266 to 283 A.D.) is
The author of this book, “Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-Den,” is a Japanese writer who wrote about the Japanese nation at that time.
This is about the time when the author, Chen Shou, collected information on the Japanese state at that time.

The current city of Sakurai, the location of the Miamukai site, has established a center for buried cultural properties and a research center for “Miamukai studies.
The city of Sakurai, where the site is located, has established a Center for Buried Cultural Properties and a research center for “Miamukai Studies.
The city of Sakurai, where the site is located, has established a center for buried cultural properties and a research center for “MATSUMAKI studies,” and has been promoting local government-wide efforts and research to make the area “Himiko’s village, the place where the nation began.
I have mentioned this in my past blogs and have been paying attention to it for a long time.
It is said that there was a central ritual center in the Japanese archipelago in the 3rd century.
Located at the foot of Mt. Miwa, the city is also home to the Ogami Shrine.
Chopstick Tomb Tumulus, the earliest forward-rear circular tomb, which is said to be “Himiko’s Tomb,” is also located nearby.
As you can see in the illustration (which seems to be a reconstruction from an NHK program)
As you can see in the imaginary illustration (which seems to be a reconstruction of the NHK program), traces of buildings that are imagined to have been used by the Emperor Sojin as a place for rituals and administration have been excavated.
This group of buildings was not a residence, but rather a base of unity in ritual and political affairs, cohabiting with the deity Amaterasu, as shown in the illustration.
The buildings are thought to have served as a base for ritual and political affairs.
Later, the emperor Takashi intended to separate ritual and politics, and moved the central ritual facility to Ise in later periods.
The central ritual facility was moved to Ise in later generations with the intention of separating rituals and administration.

When I visited the site and considered the geographical linkage with the tomb mound of Chopstick Tomb and Mt.
Sakurai City, there seems to be a high probability for this approach.
After this period, a royal palace was built in the neighboring Asuka, and many kofun tumuli were constructed, including the Ishibutai kofun tumulus.
When the transition of diplomatic exchanges with the East Asian world is also taken into consideration, it is possible to conclude that
It is highly possible that Muko-Mukai was the central region of Japan as described in Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-den.
Reading it back that way, the Wei-Shi-Wa-jin-den becomes even more familiar to us…

【関東中部東海 1-2世紀の世界 日本列島37,000年史-43】




English version⬇

The World in the First and Second Centuries of the Kanto, Chubu, and Tokai Regions: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 42
The Japanese archipelago is the frontier of rice agriculture in Asia. It is thought that the dispersed existence of suitable land for cultivation fostered a strong culture of regional independence. The Japanese Islands

A group of panels analyzing the situation of the Japanese archipelago in the 1st and 2nd centuries at the National Museum of Japanese History.
While northern Kyushu was the entry point for the introduction of cultures from the continent and peninsulas
While northern Kyushu was a cultural gateway to the continent and peninsulas, the eastward expansion of rice paddy farming led to population growth in many areas, forming unique cultural areas that either conflicted with or intermingled with native Jomon culture.
The population growth in each region was accompanied by the eastward expansion of rice paddy agriculture, which resulted in the formation of unique cultural spheres that either conflicted or intermingled with native Jomon culture.
Moreover, Northern Kyushu is too far west of the country as a whole, and the best areas for rice cultivation are located in the Japanese archipelago.
The suitable areas for rice cultivation were scattered all over the Japanese archipelago, showing a decentralized regional development.
Yesterday, we saw the Sea of Japan region, which is considered to be the “Izumo Kingdom.
This is the situation in the core region of the archipelago, the Kanto Chubu Tokai region in the central part of Honshu Island.

The influx of cultural relics of western origin is also evident in these regions.
In the 1st and 2nd centuries, various metal products originating in northern Kyushu, such as mirrors, bronze bells, and iron swords
The materials and shapes of these objects originated in Northern Kyushu.
While the materials and shapes of these objects originated in northern Kyushu, they also had a unique form in the East.
This is a commentary on the dual nature of cultural acceptance and self-assertion.
On the other hand, in terms of the tomb system, circular and square periglottis tombs were constructed.
In Eastern Japan, tombs with ditches have been used since ancient times.
It is natural to think of peri-ditch tombs as a kind of “defense facility.
Does the region of Bando express such a rough endemic character?
Is it possible that such a regional character from this period would give rise to a warrior government in later generations?
The difference is that the Chubu Highland area has circular ditch tombs, while the Tokai to Kanto areas have square ditch tombs.
Although these periglottis tombs are considered to be “common grave sites,” they are gradually being used as a place to store metal products, glass beads, and other items from the west.
The graves of influential people with metalware, glass beads, and other burial accessories from the west are gradually becoming apparent in this area.
The tombs are thought to be “communal grave sites.
The spread of mass-production rice agriculture must have brought about a disparity in society.
Looking at the map in detail, we can see that the western coast of Boso, especially in the Kanto region, and the Sagami region on the opposite coast of Boso.
The sites are concentrated in the Sagami area on the opposite coast of the Kanto region, and are probably the result of the flooding of the Ko-Tone River.
The map also shows that the flooded area of the Ko-Tone River is a large blank area.
In the historical period, “Kamihisa” was protected by the Oyashio, and the highest position in the locality was “Kuso”.
The highest position in the locality is considered to be “Kozuke”. This shows the importance of Boso in the old Kanto region.
It is said that the Tokaido Highway originally crossed the Miura Peninsula to reach Joso.
In the 1st and 2nd centuries, red-colored earthenware appeared in this region.
While pottery from other parts of the archipelago lost color and decoration and became simpler and more utilitarian.
While pottery from other parts of the archipelago lost color and decoration and became simpler and more utilitarian, the eastern world had a stronger awareness of “red coloring”.
In the midst of the shift from Jomon to Yayoi earthenware, it seems as if Jomon sensibilities were showing a kind of resistance.
I wonder if this is because the Jomon sensibility was resisting the shift from Jomon earthenware to Yayoi earthenware.

The Japanese archipelago was a frontier for rice agriculture in Asia.
I think it has a strong aspect like America to the European world in later times.
While they were culturally accepted, they also had a strong sense of independence.
It seems to have been a region where a strong cultural centripetal force, completely different from that of the Korean peninsula, was at work.