
【関ヶ原戦勝で奉納、鹿島神宮・奥宮 東国三社探訪-4】


そういう時間を積層後、なおこころに響き合ってくるものが愛着というものの実質なのではないだろうか? 苔好き人間のつぶやき(笑)。・・・

English version⬇

Kashima Jingu Shrine, Okugu Shrine, dedicated in honor of the victory in the Battle of Sekigahara.
When I revisited Kashima Jingu Shrine, I thought, “I want to see this shrine again. It was a pleasure to see the architecture again. The design sense of simplicity and elegance. I was very happy to see it again.

It is said that the inner shrine pavilion of the Kashima Jingu Shrine was dedicated by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1605 as the main shrine to express his gratitude for the victory at Sekigahara, and was moved to this location 14 years later when a new shrine pavilion was built.
If this shrine legend is to be believed, its architectural history is over 400 years old. The last time I saw this Okumiya was supposed to be in 2014, when the roof was mossy. The photo below is from that time. I remember that I could feel a wonderful “breathing” sensation as if the forest was filled with the spirit of the shrine. This time, as a result of a major renovation in 2022, the cypress bark roof has been repaired, and the atmosphere of the original building has been restored.
It is hard to say which is better, but considering the long-term preservation of the building, it is only natural that repairs should be made in this manner. On the other hand, I personally love moss, and I am happy to see it growing on the plasterboard exterior walls of my own house (laugh), so a mossy roof is something that deeply touches me.
The shrine is a simple structure with a torii gate, a hall of worship, and a main shrine all in one. The roofed walls on either side of the torii in front of the shrine express the aesthetic sensibility of the craftsmen in their sense of dimension and balance.

The design of this shrine preserves the sensibilities of the craftsmen of Ieyasu’s time, but it shows little of the ornateness of the later Toshogu shrines, and instead shows the pragmatism of a warlord like Ieyasu, who differed from Nobunaga and Hideyoshi in his warlord status. It is said that Ieyasu built the Edo Castle, his home base, in a simple manner without much attention to ornamentation in the beginning.
I had already had the idea in my mind before my return visit that I would like to see this shrine one more time. I had never thought about it that deeply, but perhaps my mind was honestly replaying the memory.
In the end, I think the most important thing in the sense of value of architecture and housing is a sense of attachment.
Architecture has a variety of purposes, and the owner wants to realize those purposes. After that is accomplished, the architecture becomes more important in terms of its continued use. First of all, there is the functionality, the daily life of “usability,” such as the flow line plan, which is used every day, and the various patterns of human life that are deposited there as people sleep and live. Then, slowly and gradually, a sense of attachment is generated that correlates life and architecture.
After accumulating such time, what still resonates in our hearts and minds is the substance of attachment. The musings of a moss-loving person (laughs). Laughs

【地震頻発の関東鎮守・鹿島神宮祭神 東国三社探訪-3】



English version⬇

Kashima Jingu Shrine, the Kanto region’s earthquake-prone Shinto shrine
Since the Jomon period, when settlement began, Kanto has been a watery region similar to the Seto Inland Sea and an earthquake-prone area. Did the people nurture a disposition that favored masculine authority? …

This is Takemikazuchi, the deity of Kashima Jingu Shrine, with a truly powerful appearance. It is located further into the forest in the inner sanctuary of Kashima Jingu Shrine. The godly and interesting expression on his face as he places his foot on the rampaging earthquake generator, the giant catfish, and holds it down. It is easy to understand (laugh).
As I mentioned yesterday, it is said that this Kanto no Mikoto (warrior god) was the one who used force to force Izumo to hand over the land to the Yamato kingdom. Since he played such an active role at the time of the establishment of the Yamato kingdom, it seems likely that he played a role in protecting the Kanto region, which was not yet fully under the control of the Yamato kingdom. Since this is the mythical world of the time of the founding of the Yamato Kingdom, the relationship between these two events is not clear, but there must be a connection. Although there is no way to verify whether this is based on fact or not, it cannot be said that it is a myth.
In such a world of myths, it is the pose of suppressing earthquakes that is so easily understood by people.
The Kanto region has been hit by earthquakes since the Edo period (1603-1868) and Taisho period (1912-1926). The masculine image of the god has been passed down from generation to generation as an appropriate deity to protect the “rough and tumble land” of earthquakes, lightning, fire, and father figures.

People who have lived in this region since the Jomon period probably felt that it was an earthquake-prone area. In response to such natural phenomena that transcend human knowledge, the simple spirit of “prayer” and religious beliefs must have continued to exist.
The Katori Jingu Shrine, which is related to the Kashima Jingu Shrine, also enshrines a “keystone” as a significant presence. Furthermore, the “Yokuishi” is also enshrined at the Ikisu Shrine, another of the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan. In an unstable region where earthquakes are frequent and rivers such as the Tone River repeatedly overflow, devotion and faith in such power may have been appropriate to the human mind. Relatively speaking, there seems to be a difference in the grounding of religious beliefs between the Kinai region, where the power of nature seems to have a softer touch, and the Kinai region, where the power of nature seems to have a softer touch.
The essence of history is that this belief in the power of nature was the basis for the subsequent “samurai-ization” of the development lords and the creation of a military regime in which power was everything.
For the Yamato kingdom, the Ise Jingu shrine may have functioned as a religious presence to ensure the legitimacy of its temporal power, but in the Kanto region, religious beliefs were dispersed, as in the case of Kashima and Katori. This may have been a key factor in the subsequent development of Japanese history. In the Kinai region, the religious institution of Ise Jingu Shrine ensured the stability of power in the form of a lineage of ten thousand generations, while in the Kanto and Tōgoku regions, the Kamakura shogunate was mentally controlled by the institutional function of the royal authority, which itself was the lineage of the Minamoto clan, and in the Edo shogunate, the founder of the Edo shogunate himself was the sovereign deity of the Tōshō-dai Gongen. In the Edo shogunate, the founder of the shogunate himself created a separate system of authority called Tōshō-tai Gongen as a deity.
Kashima and Katori were kept in the same position as their followers. If they had been centralized in Kashima, it may have had a subtle influence on the subsequent history of Japan.

【鹿島・武甕槌大神と出雲、ヤマト王権 東国三社探訪-2】




English version⬇

Takemikazuchi no Mikami of Kashima, Izumo, and the Yamato Royalty: Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan-2
The deity Takemikazuchi of Kashima was the greatest contributor to the ceding of the kingdom, yet after that, the Kanto region remained immature in terms of power until the rise of the samurai. Did he fail to manage the economy? …

According to the account in Nihonshoki, the process of establishing the Yamato kingdom as the dominant power in the Land of Reed Plains took many twists and turns, and finally Okuninushi of the Izumo kingdom “handed over the land” to an expeditionary force led by Takeikazuchi Okami, the deity of the Kashima shrine. The painting above is said to have been dedicated to Yahiko Shrine in Niigata, Koshino-kuni. Yahiko Shrine is in the same cultural sphere of the Sea of Japan, and the way of worship is the same as that of Izumo, two bowing, four clapping, two bowing, so it seems that the shrine was deeply related to Izumo and had a high “sense of kinship,” so to speak. It is possible that Izumo followed the “legitimate” procedure of handing over the land, though “unwillingly,” and that this information was conveyed to the Koshino-no-kuni and its people, and symbolized as “seeking approval” as in this picture.

This picture, on the other hand, depicts the “handing over of the country” omens, which was displayed in the precincts of Katori Jingu Shrine. It is said that the Katori no Kami accompanied the Kashima no Kami and joined the “handing over of the country” of the shell of Izumo. Please forgive the tree shadows on the picture screen, as they are the result of sunlight. He is posed with Kyotsunushi no Okami, the deity of the Katori Jingu Shrine, as the victor, to whom Izumo no Okuninushi offers a sword as a symbol of his military prowess. This can be seen as a unique expression of armed renunciation.
Japan is a country that started out in the world of mythology. As I mentioned the other day about ancient Rome, this is the backbone of a nation in terms of its legitimacy. The legitimacy of a nation may have various aspects and meanings, but at the very least, the fact that such a theory is persuasive is a strong basis for legitimacy.
At the starting point of the legitimacy of the Yamato kingdom, this deity of the eastern provinces appears as a symbol of the military force of national unity.

On either side of the Sakura Gate of the Kashima Jingu Shrine, there is a symbolic thunderbolt-like device, like the emblem of the great god Takemikazuchi, displayed as a “shizumu” (guardian deity), as shown in the photo. The shrine is also strongly tinged with a “warrior god” atmosphere.
Before the Meiji era, only Ise, Katori, and Kashima were given the title of “Jingu,” making it one of the most famous shrines in Japan. The Kanto region occupies a very special position in terms of its relationship to the myth of the handing over of the kingdom.
Despite the military role of the god of war and the symbolic presence of the warrior, the Kanto region was not the main stage of Japanese history for some time afterward.
Since the geographical location of the region is in a watery area such as the Katori Sea, Kasumigaura, and the Sea of Kashima, it is difficult to develop an agricultural economy of rice paddies. Was the deity’s lineage merely a symbolic authority? Was it difficult to create a concentrated power structure in a topographically disjointed country? In the end, was anarchic strife caused by the disorderly rise of independent agricultural owners the norm?
Later in Japanese history, a ruling structure by samurai was established in the Kanto region, and a state based on independent military power by farm developers, separate from the dynastic state, was established. I continue to be puzzled as to what relationship there may or may not be between this Kashima Shrine’s warrior deities and the Kanto region after this, which history has elucidated.

【関東の地形変化と鹿島神宮の位置 東国三社探訪-1】



English version⬇

Topographical Changes in the Kanto Region and the Location of Kashima Shrine: Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan-1
Kashima Shrine is located in a place where “gods dwell” that has settled in the hearts of Kanto people since the Stone Age and Jomon period. Does the simple belief in the sun god inspire the people of the archipelago? ……

Yesterday, I received a call from a friend informing me that the procedures for my lost SUICA card had been completed at Kashima Jingu Shrine and that arrangements had been made for the card to be mailed to me in Sapporo, Hokkaido. As I get older, I feel more and more deeply comforted by the kindness I receive from people through such opportunities. I am feeling more and more grateful, not for the money, but for the fact that a small experience, a loss caused by my own carelessness, was resolved by the goodwill of so many people.
It just so happens that the publication of the Kanto edition of Replan is scheduled for August, and I had a feeling like bowing to the gods of the land and greeting them.
In the course of writing this blog, I was also able to discover the impact of the Tone River’s eastward shift, a major civil engineering project in the Edo period, and felt a natural “flow” of guidance from the fact that the Tone River flows to the Pacific coast of the border area between Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures where Kashima Jingu Shrine is located.
As a history buff from Hokkaido, I have gradually become more inclined to explore the history of the Kanto Plain region, along with the ancient royalty-establishing areas of Nara Prefecture in Kansai and Kinai.
With this in mind, I would like to respectfully explore Kashima Jingu Shrine, which I have had a strong interest in for some time.
As a residential journalist, my interest first turns to the macroscopic “topography” and “location.
The topographic map at the top is the “Topographic Map of Kanto in the Jomon Period” published by the Edo-Tokyo Museum in 2021. According to the Edo-Tokyo Museum, this map was created for use in the exhibition panels of the special exhibition “Jomon 2021: Jomon People Living in Tokyo,” which will be held until December 5, 2021.
As often expressed by the expression “Katori no Umi” (Katori sea), this area was the site of many “shell mounds” formed by the Jomon sea advance. This topographical memory has been handed down as knowledge to the Kanto people, which may have inspired the idea of a project to “eastward shift” the Tone River, which had previously flowed into Edo Bay and Tokyo Bay.

The Mifune Matsuri festival clearly shows the location of Kashima even today. The annual festival of Kashima Jingu Shrine is held on September 1 every year, and once every six years an imperial envoy is dispatched to the shrine to perform the festival.
If we consider the location of this region of Kashima, based on the simple nature worship of the ancients, it seems to be in simple accord with the belief in the Sun God as the “eastern horizon” of the entire archipelago. The sun rises from this region. If we take the ancient topography into consideration, the sun rises from a position that “looks up” at the island-shaped topography.
For the Jomon and earlier people who lived on the archipelago, it must have been natural for them to consider the position of such natural landforms as a “dwelling place of the gods. The location of Ise in relation to the Yamato Plain area also gives a strong impression.

【ありがたい神恩か? 鹿島神宮SUICA紛失事件-2】

一方古代ローマでは建国神話で建国者・ロムルスとレムス(ローマの建国神話に登場する双子の兄弟)が捨てられていたのをオオカミが救って育てたという伝説がある。 ローマ市は紀元前753年4月21日にこの双子の兄弟によって建設されたと伝えられている。こういう古代説話にはなにかの縁起がそこに隠されていると思われるので、わたしはわりと好きであります。



English version⬇

A Thankful Divine Benefit? The Case of the Lost SUICA at Kashima Jingu Shrine-2
Nippon is a country where electronic devices and human social culture from the age of the gods are fused together. What can make it better is communication between human beings. …….

The photo shows a deer in the “deer garden” of the Kashima Jingu Shrine. The Japanese archipelago is a society in which there remain romantic folklore and legends that are said to have originated in the pre-Christian era. An anecdote about a deer is also told at the Kashima Jingu Shrine, though of course the authenticity of the story is not certain. It is interesting to note that the deer of Nara are said to have migrated to Nara from Kashima, traveling a long way from here at the time of the founding of the Nara capital. Since anecdotes remain here and there along the journey, it does not seem to be a wild fiction.
On the other hand, in ancient Rome, there is a legend that the founders, Romulus and Remus (twin brothers in the founding myth of Rome), were abandoned and a wolf saved them and raised them. The city of Rome was founded by the twins on April 21, 753 BC. I rather like these ancient tales because I believe that there is some kind of good luck hidden in them.

Oops, it’s the case of a lost SUICA card in today’s society (laughs). The local police in Kashima informed me that I had lost something, and I gratefully asked them to deliver it to me.
I was so grateful that I asked a friend of mine from high school who lives in Chiba prefecture to help me out, and he kindly agreed to do so. So, after transferring the necessary expenses, I sent the SUICA card and a set of related documents by express mail on August 2, the day before yesterday. I also enclosed envelopes for returning the SUICA card that was to be reissued and obtained.
In return, yesterday evening, 8/3, I received a notification from my friend that the express mail had arrived. Today, 8/4, he will be heading for the “Midori-no madoguchi” (window of Midori-no madoguchi).
Considering the time, effort, and expense involved, I am not sure if it is profitable or not, and it all started with my carelessness (laugh), but it is clear that a lot of good intentions have been accumulated, so I think it is worthwhile to go beyond such profit-and-loss considerations and deal with the situation properly.
The actual envelope from the Kashima Police Department is already sitting on the altar in my home (laugh).

So, on the other hand, we are still not quite sure about the mysteriousness of JR’s SUICA card support. Apparently, as it was the first electronic device, there is a condition that “no two usable cards must exist at the same time” in order to reissue SUICA cards from the system design, including the ticket checker that reads the card. (My family did a lot of research on this.)
Due to SUICA’s systemic reasons, the card invalidation information is updated before dawn of the next day. In other words, even if the card is deactivated on the spot, the card will not be disabled until the next day. … Was it a meaningless response because it was too much trouble to explain?
But be that as it may, such electronic systems are also a part of human society, and what can make it better would be communication among human beings after all.
I think it is wonderful that we were able to realize such a thing at the Kashima Jingu Shrine’s Jingon.





English version⬇

The Sacred Spirit of Kashima Jingu Shrine, Lost and Found SUICA Return-1
The blessings of Takemikazuchi Okami, the deity of the shrine, who loves justice. He descended to us, the poor travelers. …….

Last week I was in Tokyo and Kanto over Sunday. I also attended an event at Tokyo Big Sight again, and on my days off, I found time to visit the “Kashima Jingu Shrine,” Katori Jingu Shrine, and the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan to do research for this blog as part of my life’s work (?). I was in the middle of a hot summer day in Tokyo.
I rented a car and drove all the way from Tokyo to this area in the blazing heat.

Since most of my time in Tokyo is spent traveling by train, SUICA is my basic bill for transportation. If I have SUICA, the hassle of such travel is almost eliminated. It is nice to be able to move around conveniently in the blazing heat.
However, since it is still hot and I am wearing light clothing, the storage space for my hand luggage in my clothes and pockets is limited.
In my case, I used a shoulder pouch that doubles as a waist pouch for most of my luggage, while I stored my coin purse, SUICA, handkerchief, etc. in my pants pocket. Especially at shrines and temples, I would take out money offerings from the coin purse, so the coin purse and SUICA lived together in harmony.
Since I drove to the Kashima Jingu area, this style of storage was unnecessary, but I did not change it because I might lose it unexpectedly if I changed it too much from the usual way of traveling in Tokyo.
I was grateful for the opportunity to visit the Kashima Jingu Shrine, where I was reunited with Takemikazuchi Okami, the deity of the shrine. After that, I walked around the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan mentioned above and returned to the hotel.
I suddenly realized that I had looked for my SUICA, but could not find it. It seemed that when I took out my money from the coin purse, the SUICA fell down with it. I had just recharged it, so the remaining amount was around 10,000 yen. It was a waste of money, and there was a possibility that the card could have been misused for more than that. So I googled and found on JR’s website that you can report the loss of your card at the Midori-no-madoguchi (ticket counter) of Shinkansen stations and they will reissue a new card.
I found out that if you report the loss, the reissued SUICA will be handed over to you the next day or later, and only for a period of two weeks or less. I inquired as to the reason for this rule, but it was unclear. Furthermore, since Sapporo is under the jurisdiction of JR Hokkaido, which is a separate company from JR Kanto, it would be virtually impossible to return to Sapporo. Unfortunately, the return trip was that evening.
Since the SUICA has a personal name on it, everything should be able to be handled on the web, and the rationale for this rule is incomprehensible to users. The lady at the counter who took care of the procedure also said, “I also think it’s strange…”.
Well, it was unavoidable, so I decided to just go through the procedure and eliminate the possibility of unnecessary abuse.

The next day, after I had completed the day’s requirements and returned to Sapporo, I received a call on my cell phone in the early afternoon.
The caller was from the police station with jurisdiction over Kashima Jingu Shrine, informing that the SUICA in question had been reported as a lost property. Oh, yes. If you think about the process, you can see the accumulation of the goodwill of many people in Kanto. The fact that they found the lost item and reported it to the police. The police accessed my personal information, found my phone number, and politely called me. I can only think of it as a spiritual blessing of Kashima Jingu Shrine.
…This is a bit too long for a blog, so I’ll leave the rest for tomorrow.


ちょうど2番目の地図では、関東平野地域の地形変化ぶりを表現していますが、利根川を東遷させた水路の最終地が、これらの神が鎮座する地域に相当するのですね。利根川東遷でこの地域に流路変更させたこととの歴史的関係性は? それは偶然なのか?

English version⬇

From the traces of the eastward shift of the Tone River to Kashima Jingu Shrine and the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan
Ieyasu was a warlord, but more than that, he was a remodeler of the Japanese archipelago dozens of times greater than Kakuei Tanaka. His frontier spirit can be traced back to the development of Hokkaido. Hokkaido

Well, we have finished the series of the old private house garden in Urawa until yesterday.
In reconfirming the ancient state of the Kanto region, I have come to understand how a huge natural transformation called the eastward shift of the Tone River took place in the early Edo period (1603-1868), which resulted in the increased regional stability of the capital region, Edo Tokyo.
The other day in China, the typhoon damage caused by the typhoon was reported as a major flooding in the capital city of Beijing. News footage from Beijing showed concrete bridges collapsing. The summer heat this year is said to be abnormal and the climate is said to be getting more violent, but what do you think?
It can be inferred that flood damage like that was common in Japan before Ieyasu’s massive civil engineering works. Considering that the effectiveness of the public works project of moving the Tone River eastward was the basis for the subsequent development of the capital city of Tokyo, we are informed of the weight of our predecessors’ labor and hardship. Ieyasu was not only the supreme ruler of the Warring States period, but he was also a man of decisive judgment and political power in the key political issue of flood control. I wonder how much of this less dramatic side of Ieyasu will be explored in “What to Do About Ieyasu” in the future? There is a story that Honda Tadakatsu, who served as a military commander, lamented Ieyasu’s politically-centered stance in his later years, saying, “Tell him that Heihachi ended up with a rotten stomach (due to anger).
I am interested in this area. Now, what about “What to do, Ieyasu?
So, back to the Tone River, which was the largest rampaging river in the Kanto region and an obstacle to regional development in the Kanto region. I was strongly interested in the area facing the Pacific Ocean before Ieyasu moved it eastward to increase the effectiveness of flood control and achieve economic stability in his domain, and the area around the three shrines of the East, Kashima Shrine, Katori Shrine, and Katori Shrine, which are located near the sea from Kasumigaura to Katori.
Just the second map shows the topographical changes in the Kanto Plain area, and the final location of the waterway that moved the Tone River eastward corresponds to the area where these deities are located. What is the historical relationship between the Tone River’s eastward shift and the fact that the flow path was changed in this area? Is it a coincidence?
It is clear that this was a national land reform plan that went right across the Kanto Plain. You can see that Ieyasu was more than a warlord, he was a “remodeler of the Japanese archipelago” dozens of times more than Kakuei Tanaka.
In Hokkaido, there was no need to remodel the natural environment to this extent, but instead, frontier settlements in response to the cold climate and the development of housing technology to make houses highly insulated and airtight were essential, which can be compared to the Tone River Eastward Transition.
As a Hokkaido native, I have sometimes been exploring the history of the three shrines in the eastern part of the country, because I cannot think of them as traces of ancestors unrelated to me.
Although the area is quite far from Hokkaido, it has become relatively close to us thanks to the convenience of flights from Narita Airport. In light of this, I would like to explore the final route basin of the Tone River’s eastward transition.

【神仏信仰と日本人の倫理感 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-6】


English version⬇

Shinto and Buddhist Beliefs and Japanese Ethics: Hikawa Shrine and Anrakuji Temple – 6
Why do lost and found items have an unusually high probability of being returned to their rightful owners in Japanese society? Why is it that the probability of lost and found items being returned is so high in Japanese society? …

I have been thinking about the unusually high probability of “lost items coming back” as one aspect of the Japanese sense of ethics, and how such a Japanese social character has been nurtured.
I had just visited an old house in Urawa where a priest of a Shinto shrine and a priest of a temple lived, so my theme naturally turned to the relationship between Japanese religiosity and ethical standards.
Religion has been an inevitable part of the human evolutionary process. Language was born, communication was established, and society was born. Certain “rules” became necessary, and the necessity to “systematize” them arose. First of all, when societies were born in Egypt and Mesopotamia, it seems that nature worship of the sun basically proceeded at the same time. Perhaps, as a universal human concept, it was based on the observation of the sun and celestial bodies.
It is very easy to understand that the yearning for the regularity and constancy of the celestial movements is the basis of shared thinking. It is a knowledge that can be shared by all living things on earth. In particular, the human race has advanced to all continents of the earth in its Great Journey. At that time, understanding celestial navigation and the movement of the sun as a “compass,” so to speak, must have been most important. When agricultural societies began to settle in Japan, the study of the sun became an especially important theme, and the “ruling class” must have thought about how to make use of it.
Since the Jomon period, Japanese society has been based on the worship of nature, believing that there is a god dwelling in all things. The climate, with its distinct seasonal changes, and the great differences in the climatic characteristics of the various regions of the volcanic archipelago, have led to the establishment of a society of so-called “eight million” deities. In Izumo, there was a period when all the gods gathered at once, which was called “kamizaitsuki,” while in other areas it was called “kaminashizuki. I believe that the Japanese society of the mothers was a highly decentralized federation of states.
I believe that the foundation of Shinto was this social norm of eight million people. And in each local society, powerful figures emerged. In response to this spiritual climate, a loose ancient royal power called the Yamato Royalty established a united state-like structure. The establishment of the government through the Jinmu expedition is probably a good example of this.
The emergence of the Ritsuryo system of government in East Asia further increased the need for modernization of the nation and led to the introduction of Buddhism. The wonder of Japan is that it has been extremely flexible in accepting these changes in its social system. Of course, there were some wars and struggles, but nothing as violent as in mainland China or the Korean peninsula. They have continued to accept the changes in an extremely peaceful manner.
As a result of this historical process, our society has acquired a high sense of ethics and a national character that allows us to “report” the loss of any item, no matter where it is lost. This is a remarkable wisdom of our ancestors.
Is it still a deep devotion to nature that “the heavens are watching”?

【日本的「坐る」文化格式表現 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-5】

ちなみに暖炉のWikiページには以下のような記述。「暖炉は特に西洋では部屋の格式や、席次を決める上での重要な調度品であり、暖炉周りのマントルピースなどの装飾には力が注がれる 」とある。このあたりは、日本文化でも同様で,きのう書いたように席次による格式が顕著に存在した。


English version⬇

Japanese “sitting” cultural prestigious expression: Hikawa Shrine and Anraku-ji Temple Kori-5
The family’s straightforward impression became clear to me. The Japanese architectural culture of sitting, a lifestyle culture derived from Irori (hearth), deeply engraved in our DNA. The Irori-derived lifestyle culture deeply imprinted in our DNA.

Yesterday, when I wrote about Japanese hearths and Western fireplaces, I was reminded by an honest feedback check from a family member. The difference between the culture of sitting and the culture of chairs. When I was told this, it became all too clear to me.
The hearth, a characteristic of Japanese culture, was also a space for “eating and playing,” which was very different from the fireplace culture of Western society. In the fireplace, for example, the culture of skewering meat and eating it cooked by radiant heat is not predominant. On the other hand, in Japan, the culture of cooking meat on skewers in a hearth with a good layer of ash and ash residue has taken root. In Japanese cuisine, meat is usually consumed as a “nabe” (pot), and fish is the most suitable for this kind of skewered food.
The fireplace may be a poor evidence of the cultivation of food culture. Furthermore, in the Chinese cultural sphere, the hearth does not seem to have become a dominant part of the lifestyle culture. Rather, it seems to be more in the direction of fireplaces. Also, I have not heard much about the cooking culture using ondol, a floor heating system commonly used in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. I would like to explore this area a little more.
Incidentally, the Wiki page on fireplaces has the following description. The fireplace is an important furnishing in determining the prestige of a room, especially in the West, and a lot of effort is put into decorating the mantelpiece and other parts around the fireplace. As I wrote yesterday, there was a pronounced hierarchy of seating in the Japanese culture as well.
This “seating order” concept and way of thinking developed throughout the Japanese house. The photo above is the most prestigious space in the kori, which is a combination of the Shinto and Buddhist temples, with a tokonoma (alcove).
Even today, when encountering such a space, Japanese people have a unique social ritual of giving up their seats to each other.
“Please come this way, Mr. XX.
No, no, no, I’m sorry to make a mess of your seat, you go this way.
Such scheduled exchanges of words and phrases are ingrained in the DNA of the Japanese people. There is also a verbal expression of character evaluation, such as, “You look good in the tokonobashira. This kind of “airiness” and sensitivity may be the ultimate in Japanese “character.
This concept of the pecking order has been passed down strongly in Japanese architecture.

I was born in Hokkaido, and belong to a housing culture society that has moved away from this type of floor plan structure in the early stages of its history. However, as a Japanese, there is still a part of my DNA that wants to respond to this kind of space. The tatami conveys a subtle fiber texture to the buttocks, and the pleasant sensation makes me swoon (laughs).
While overwhelmingly satisfied with the highly insulated and airtight lifestyle of living on chairs and sofas, free from cold and heat, there is also a desire from deep within to eat out occasionally, preferably in a space with a restaurant interior like a charcoal sunken hearth edge, and to be soothed by grilled fish skewers. It is the Nippon way of life and culture, a mixture of the two.

【囲炉裏火力調節のお魚デザイン 氷川神社末社・安楽寺庫裡-4】


English version⬇

Fish Designs for Irori Fireplace Heat Adjustment: Hikawa Shrine’s Yuhisha and Anrakuji Temple’s Kori-4
Fish is the mainstay of the pot dish that hangs over the hearth as a folk tradition. This unconscious area continued to be imprinted at the base of the Japanese sense of home. The…

One element of Japanese life design that has been lost in modern life is the hearth. The hearth is the dining table for daily meals and has subconsciously defined the Japanese consciousness, including the expression of the natural “sitting position” relationship within the family.
The highest position is the one that is farthest toward the earthen floor on the tatami room side. The family members sat on either side, and the person with the most authority in the family sat in the most senior position. Usually, the head of the household occupied this position. In my family’s old memories, my grandfather as the patriarch of the family was always present. Even so, there is no doubt that it was a symbolic place for family reunion, a space that connected the family’s life and sympathy while making sense of it.
The pots and pans that hung over such a hearth were adjusted in terms of fire power with an “arm tree. The pots and pans were placed close to the fire until they were simmering, and once they were simmering, the temperature was maintained at a constant level. In other words, it is a device that adjusts the heat power in stages.
Fish” formed the overwhelming mainstream in the design of this device.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that fish was the predominant source of protein for the Japanese, or perhaps it is due to the fact that fish was the dominant taste in nabe dishes. Either way, its design is dominated by fish. Why fish? And in foreign countries, do they have hearths and free-standing hooks, or not?
The theory is that “fish is connected to water, which means it is a talisman to avoid fire, and since fish have no eyelids, it means that they do not sleep – they do not doze off and keep the fire going, or that they do not take their eyes off the fire and cause it to burn. This seems to be the mainstream interpretation. However, I think it is more fitting that fish is the main ingredient in nabe dishes.
In addition, a web search on this theme shows that hearths can only be found in private homes in China’s Yunnan Province, and it seems that in the West, the hearth is still a “fireplace” and not a hearth, a cooking culture that doubles as a heating system.
In this way, we can see that the hearth culture itself is a lifestyle culture that has had a very significant impact on the formation of the Japanese mentality. The Japanese have a strong sense of “home” compared to Westerners, but this sense of ethics, which is quite different from individualism, may be the essence of the Japanese people. Samurai warriors fought for the survival of their families, risking their own lives. Perhaps the reason why they sacrificed their lives to ensure the continuation of the family even after their own deaths was due in large part to their culture of living around the hearth, which constantly heightened their sense of family.
It is interesting to note that humorous fish are a key design element of such hearth fire power. It seems that since the Jomon period, the afterimage of fish has continued to be imprinted deep in the hearts of Japanese people as the mainstay of seafood and river food.