

〜実はマッサージチェアは医療機器として認証されていて「あんま、マッサージの代用 疲労回復、血行の促進、筋肉の疲れをとる、筋肉のこりをほぐす、神経痛・筋肉痛の痛みの緩解」の効果が認められています。 使う人がそれぞれ自分好みのマッサージコースを設定できるほか、筋肉を心地よくのばすストレッチ機能を搭載したモデルも登場。〜というような背中押しがあるので、マッサージ器に関心が向いてきております。

English version⬇

Aging and “Body Pain” Coping Methods & Massage Chairs
I was at a loss when the massage parlor I trusted went out of business. Do we develop new relationships or choose a massage device that is also certified as a medical device? …

As I get older, “aches” rise up from all over my body (I cry). In my case, since I was in my 50s, I sometimes went to a convenient massage parlor to have a massage once every 2-3 months. To tell the truth, it was only once every few times that I felt good, but each time I went, I felt that the massage had a “reasonable” effect, so when I felt “I’m feeling a little tired lately,” I would go to the massage parlor.
Well, I thought that was enough to deal with the pain in my body. There, I was asked about the “cause of the pain” as a medical practice. Each time, I responded that it was a response to snow removal due to snowfall.
However, the massage parlor suddenly went out of business about a year ago and was replaced by a completely different “osteopathic chain store. I found out that the area of “osteopathy” is easily recognized as a medical practice, so the massage function seems to be treated as an “incidental” service act.
I felt a bit uncomfortable listening to the guidance at that store, so I have since distanced myself from massage. Massage is based on a kind of trust in human beings, and I wonder if the aging of the human body makes people a little resistant to stepping out and “surrendering” from a state without such trust.
However, pain sometimes occurs in the body. I have had no choice but to deal with them by stretching and doing other appropriate things.
My way of life, which involves walking around a lot, such as house-hunting and historical visits, is getting more and more exciting, such as the Kumano and Tategasaki visits that I have been introducing in this blog. The momentum and pain in my body are also increasing and becoming more routine. However, I am far from a medical institution such as a full-fledged plastic surgery clinic. First of all, it is difficult to explain the cause-and-effect relationship of a direct accident to a doctor.
The following is a description of a web search guide.
〜Massage chairs are certified as medical devices and are approved to relieve fatigue, promote blood circulation, relieve muscle fatigue, relieve muscle stiffness, and relieve pain from neuralgia and muscle pain. In addition to allowing users to set their own preferred massage courses, models with a stretch function that comfortably stretches muscles are also available. 〜We are becoming more and more interested in massagers because of the back-pressure like “I’m going to get a massage!
Until recently, I used to feel a sense of rejection like, “Oh, that’s such a big guy,” but the barriers have narrowed comparatively.
At the moment, my situation is being discussed on the family line, and my daughter is taking the lead in the investigation activities. As a father, I am happy to see that the role of chief health officer is gradually rejuvenating (laugh).
Now, I am at a critical crossroads in my life, whether to accept massage equipment, which is a symbol of the aging population, or to continue to depend on masseurs and develop new clients. I’m obviously overreacting (laughs).

【50年超の「南紀白浜」との再会 皇統神話と熊野の旅-20】


王朝時代の昔から熊野詣の行路にこの白浜はあたっていたのでしょう。「雪のいろにおなじしららはまちどり こえさえさゆるあけぼののそら」寂念法師(不木和歌抄・巻第十七冬部二より)という和歌も遺されている。しらはまという地名はここで謳われた「しららはま」が由来。

English version⬇

[Reunion with “Nanki-Shirahama” over 50 years: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-20]
The extreme point of wandering of youth, the Southern Pure Land for Hokkaido people. The desire to encounter “beauty” boiled over in my brain (laughter). A period of “reflection” akin to penitence. …

I’m sure everyone has sentiments like “the land of my dreams. The experience of actually going there may gradually fade away or, conversely, be beautified, so it doesn’t really feel “as it was”.
I have a sense that I have come to the end of my journey, but my motivation for work is also rising again. The atmosphere of “rebirth” in the air of Kumano is perfect for such a mood. And as I was walking around Kumano, I suddenly remembered that Nanki-Shirahama is very close by. This was a unique experience for me. When I was in high school, during my “three years of rebirth” after taking a year off from school, some of my good-natured younger friends took pity on the fact that I could not go on a school excursion and encouraged me to go see the Osaka Expo.
I didn’t have any itch or regret about not being able to go on two school trips, but since it was my friend’s offer, I said, “Thank you,” and off we went.
So, here we are, three high school boys on a rare road trip (laughs).
When we arrived at Senri Hills, the Expo site, we were fed up with the crowds and decided, “Since we’ve come all this way, let’s go to a different part of town.
And for some reason, the place name “Nanki-Shirahama” filled my brain.
Since I was a young high school student on a windy trip, I thought that if I took a swim in the sea, I could simply take a shower with sea water and feel refreshed. After all, he even remembers sleeping in the open air at the train station in Nara, not an elegant trip where he could stay in a proper inn or hotel. It was truly the wandering and wandering of youth.
However, from the time I boarded the Seikan Liaison Boat, my intention was to interact with people of the same age regardless of sex (laugh). The trouble was, I was lucky enough to find someone I hit it off with (laughs). It was such a rare trip.
So the sight of the “Nanki-Shirahama” beach was dazzlingly enviable in that kind of cerebral atmosphere. If all goes well, I might be able to encounter the immensely attractive and beautiful Bodhisattva “Maitreya” again.
I am not sure if it was the blessings of Kumano Hongu Shrine or simply the route of the Kishu Road that brought back the whispers in my brain from more than half a century ago. However, I was motivated by the question, “What was that excitement in my brain? The station building was also somewhat familiar to me.
I guessed that Shirahama had been on the Kumano Pilgrimage route since the olden days of the imperial era. There is also a poem written by Jakunen Houshi (from “Fuki Waka Sho,” Volume 17, Winter Part 2): “Shirahama chidori koe sae sae yaru akebono no sora, the same color of snow. The name “Shirahama” is derived from “Shirahama,” which was said to be one of the most famous beaches in Kansai.
It was one of the best beaches in Kansai, and to a Hokkaido boy, it must have seemed like a paradise on earth, like a beach in Hawaii. In Buddhist terms, “Pure Land” is also a thing of the past.
Recently, the composition of Shirahama has been changing, and I hear that there is a great deal of effort to maintain the beach as it was named. Seeing the beautiful scene, I deeply appreciate such efforts.

【ジオサイトと八百万「神奈備」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-19】


English version⬇

Geo-sites and Kannabis: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-19
The culture of the imperial lineage approximates the “reign but do not rule” of the British royal family. A non-dictatorial regime adapted to the diverse natural environment of the volcanic archipelago. …

In the “spiritual history” of the people of the Japanese archipelago, natural formations must have been a very large part of their history. In this sense, when we walk around Kumano, Kii, and Nanki, we can find spots like the ones in the photos that can be compared to Onigajo, which I introduced yesterday.
The photo above is “Hashigaiwa” near Kii Oshima, and the third one is “Shishi-iwa” in Kumano.
The one of Hashigaiwa has an explanation of its formation: “A mysterious landscape created by magma. It is 15m wide and 900m long, and is aligned straight toward Kii Oshima Island like a bridge pier. The rocks scattered in the open eye are pieces of broken Hashikaiwa. It is believed that the large rocks that are located away from the Hashigake Iwa were carried here by the tsunami caused by a huge earthquake. 〜The description of the rock is as follows.
Shishi-iwa, on the other hand, is a strange rock with a height of about 25 meters and a circumference of about 210 meters, created by the uplift of the ground and the erosion of the sea. It has been called “A” rock (male rock) in contrast to “Un” rock (female rock) in Shinzen-do Cave located to the south, and was revered as a guardian dog of Ohma Shrine located in the upper reaches of the Ido River. For this reason, there are no guardian dogs at Ohma Shrine even today. 〜The explanation is that the rock is a “guardian dog”.
In ancient times, when natural scientific analysis was still in its infancy, people who encountered these natural formations would have gone on a path such as Shugendo, or the path of asceticism.
It is natural to assume that when Buddhism encountered the local landscape on such a spiritual foundation, it accepted it as a unique “nirvana” scene, leading to the Kumano Sanzan culture of Shinto and Buddhist syncretism.
The Japanese archipelago is one of the most diverse environments in the world, with its oceans and volcanic formations, and the spiritual history of the people who lived there is a highly unique culture.
To take a leap forward, it would be difficult to establish a “dictatorial” government in such a natural environment. The story of the origin of the Japanese imperial lineage, Emperor Jinmu, is that he advanced from Kumano to Yamato and occupied it, but it did not turn out like the Chinese dynasties of the past.
In China, the “Chinese” regime was a violent dictatorship, and the only way to renew the regime was to have the “Yi Surname Revolution” break out. The Chinese mentality of declaring “we are the center of the world” is characterized by a strong sense of “imposition,” which is annoying to the neighbors and other countries of the world. Such an attitude would eventually lead to a strong auto-addiction and bring about the Era of the Surname Revolution.
The Japanese imperial lineage has the longest history in the world as an entity closely related to the “democratic” form of government known as the “reign but do not rule,” which is in a sense the way the British royal family was known.
As I have become more familiar with the natural landscape of Kumano, I have come to strongly imagine this.

【鬼ヶ城に「空海の風景」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-18】


English version⬇

Onigajo and the Scenery of Kukai: A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Family – 18
When I awoke from zazen, I must have had a sense of experience as if the sights of the natural world were seeping into my body. The sky, the sea, and the sight of his own personal “datsukan”? I don’t know.

I will return to Kumano exploration.
The regional boom in Kumano from ancient times to the Middle Ages and during the Edo period (1603-1868), known as the Kumano Pilgrimage, was probably due in part to the “out-of-this-world” local landscape of strange rocks created by the caldera, which stimulated people’s desire to explore the mysteries of the area.
Onigajo” is a famous example of such strange rock formations.
It seems to be an easy-to-understand tourist spot, and when I visited there, I heard almost no Japanese and only Chinese (I cried). It seems that the number of Chinese tourists has been increasing again recently. According to a survey conducted about a year ago, 92% of Japanese people have a bad impression of China.
I am the type of person who wants to talk with foreigners as much as possible, but I find it difficult to do so with Chinese people. The other day, a cab driver told me that while a young Chinese woman was getting into the taxi, he kept on belittling the whole scenery he was looking at, saying, “Small country, Nippon! She was lamenting the other day that a young Chinese woman kept belittling the whole scenery she was looking at while she was getting in the taxi. If you hate it so much, don’t come here,” the driver said. The imprinting of anti-Japanese education by the Communist regime must be an obstacle to friendship on a decent national level.
Perhaps this has influenced them, but in any case, their loud and unmannerly behavior is too much to be seen. The other day, a Chinese person took my seat on an express train for which I had reserved a seat. I asked him to move aside in simple English, but he didn’t seem to understand me at all. After I showed him our reserved tickets, he finally got up from his seat, as if he had been told to do so by another Chinese person traveling in a group. It’s hard to believe that the abnormality is not limited to the tops of the political system.
Oops, totally side-tracked (laugh).
The photo is a scene from Onigajo.
I love Shikoku and my family is a Shingon Buddhist, so I have a lot of respect for Kukai’s legacy. I would like to visit the “Mikurinokutsu,” a power spot in Cape Muroto, Kochi, where Kobo Daishi Kukai opened his eyes, but the visual experience is quite similar to that of Onigajo in Kumano, which has a somewhat similar geological landscape.
When Mr. Kukai sat in zazen and reached a certain moment of enlightenment, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw only the sky and the sea. He was so enlightened on his own that he decided to name himself “Kukai,” which is exactly what he did in the legend.
Although I am not enlightened at all due to my horse’s age, I was able to see a part of the earthly nature’s heartbeat by standing in this scenery for a moment. No, I was able to immerse myself in the feeling. I agree that immersing oneself in such natural formations would have brought the power of the Kumano Pilgrimage to many people.
I was thinking of Mr. Kukai, and if you think about it, he went to China and introduced the latest “esoteric Buddhism” to Japan. I would have said that we should still make efforts for friendship with Chinese people as much as possible, if Mr. Kukai were still alive, I reflected.



English version⬇

A cold-weather resort hotel in a warm-weather area with the nosy eyes of a cold-weather person
I thought it was a triple structure of blinds and shoji screens against a single-pane glass window, but, well…. It’s a very strange finish, and I have my doubts…

Today, a quiet break. A short break in the Imperial Mythology series.
As I am getting older, I have some more freedom in how I take vacations. I have delayed my New Year’s vacation somewhat and am now on a warm-weather journey. I am sure that each person’s preferences will be reflected in the places he or she visits. Overseas is fine, but I prefer the warmer climates of Japan, where I can share the Japanese language and cultural values. The depth of enjoyment is enhanced by a deeper understanding of history and other backgrounds. The feelings of the people of the past of the same ethnic group are “transmitted” to me in a DNA-like way, so I can feel empathy in each place that I cannot get when I travel abroad.
This inevitably brings us into contact with the “winter” climate of the region.
Anyway, the architecture is cold (laughs).
Recently, there has been a great deal of talk about the evolution of building insulation and airtightness even in warmer regions, but when Hokkaido residents go to warmer regions in the middle of winter, they are surprised at the disparity in their perception of the response to cold temperatures. When I woke up in the morning at a resort hotel in Kyushu, I was surprised to see the open windows covered with ice and condensation. In midwinter, even in Kyushu, the minimum temperature can drop below zero, so the single sheet of glass with aluminum sashes and the huge “panoramic view” that is the top priority for the view is a real turn-off. Sleep in a shivering manner.
I understand that everything is adjusted to the warm and humid climate in summer, but it is difficult to move during the vacation season of New Year’s, so this is what I have to do.
So, this is the window in the photo above.
Since this is a concrete building and the heating is by a large air conditioner, the room temperature is under constant control. As for the building’s exterior, well, it must be there. And the windows/openings are moderate, not huge openings. During the daytime, it was fine, but at nighttime, blinds were installed between the glass windows and shoji fittings (two sliding doors are overlapped in the photo), so I lowered the blinds.
It is “that.”
The blinds did not cover the bottom of the window and about 1/5 of the window was bare single-pane glass. Since there were blinds, I was naive to think that the triple-opening specifications would take care of thermal habitability in a warm climate (laugh). (Laughs.) And when I checked carefully, I found that the top 1/3 of the shoji fittings were not covered with shoji paper, but only wooden latticework. Although the fittings were made to look like “triple-layered” fittings, they were not. After all, although it is a three-layered fixture, the cold air from the single-pane glass can enter the room as much as it likes (cries).
But still, it is a puzzle that the bottom 1/5 of the blinds (which I expected to be honeycomb blinds, but they are just light-shielding type) are not covered.
Normally, I would have thought that it was a miscommunication between the architect and the blinds manufacturer, and that it was “just as well. However, the hotel would not agree to that.
If so, the “relevance” of the fact that 1/3 of the shoji screens are bare is questionable.
Was the design intent to “create a blank space” because they thought that the three-layered cladding structure was “too much”?
I am filled with questions, and I am very eager to be an architectural detective (laugh).
But, well, since it was only a one-day etrangement, I was able to cope with it by “using the bedding explosively and maxing out the heating energy,” and it didn’t harm my health. I am a user with plenty of time to spare. As a matter of policy, I will never express the specifics of where I am or where I am going. Please understand.

【古代のヤタガラス族との種的共存 皇統神話と熊野の旅-17】



English version⬇

Species Coexistence with the Ancient Yatagarasu Tribe: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-17
Why are ravens, the objects of hatred that attack humans even when they are raising their young, friendly in the mythology of the imperial lineage? …

At the crossroads from the Kumano expedition to the main story, “Jinmu’s Eastern Expedition,” there is an important character named “Yatagarasu” (raven).
Frankly speaking, I do not have a favorable impression of ravens. Recently they have become a problem because of their ferocious behavior when they are raising their young. There have been many reports of them attacking humans in the urban area of Sapporo, and I myself was subjected to an attack by them last year.
Last year, I myself was attacked by one myself. It was on my usual walking path, and it was making a menacing noise that echoed through the air. Since it had been a while since I had encountered them, I had forgotten to defend myself in the “banzai” style and was unexpectedly subjected to a kicking attack.
I understand that it stems from the child-rearing period, but I can’t help but feel disgusted (laughs). Well, is this also the process of establishing rules for coexistence with wild animals in the modern/humanocene era?
In the modern age, human beings have generated the environment of cities and have scattered an enormous amount of waste from their daily lives. Crows, which were originally wild, have come to coexist with humans as “cleaners. The crows’ hateful cawing annoys me every morning, but their food is the same thing that humans have been polluting nature with.
Their “insistence” that “the reason we have come to live this way is to compensate for your deficiencies” (laughs). For the time being, we humans should coexist with them while making peace with them by adopting a “banzai” pose.
However, when we think about it, we can imagine that in ancient times, when urban settlements were not so advanced and the population was sparsely populated during the Jinmu expedition, the Crow tribe had a different way of life from that of today. It is likely that they lived their original way of life in the forest.
They may have seen humans as a symbiotic animal species, and they may have believed that the increase in the number of humans would be beneficial to their species and tried to help (laugh). This may have spread to the human side, creating this yatagarasu myth as an expression of species affinity.
If the Jinmu Emperor conquered the east and formed a nation, and the residential style became the universal style of the human race in the archipelago, “We can expand our territory at once,” was the delusion. It is true that this is a total delusion, but there is no doubt that humans in ancient times would have had a different sensitivity to the Crow tribe than they do today.

Each of the three mountains of Kumano has a different yatagarasu shirushi symbol.
After studying this cultural area, I feel that Kumano is strongly influenced by Jomon-derived nature beliefs. If we consider the Kumano beliefs to be a reflection of this view of nature, it would seem that a “symbiotic relationship” with the raven tribe is at the base of the psychology of the people. It is said that ravens are depicted in the murals of the Kitora burial mound, and perhaps a perception of ravens that was quite different from that of today took root in the human society of the archipelago.
Considering this, I wonder if we should not see them only as objects of hatred. But I still hate their attacks!

【明治の日本語創造と古語「記紀」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-16】


English version⬇

The Creation of the Japanese Language in the Meiji Era and the Ancient Language “Kiki”: The Myth of the Imperial Lineage and the Kumano Journey-16
The Japanese language was established as a result of a great deal of wisdom and effort. We can relive the struggles of the Meiji period, but the hardships of the compilation of the “Chronicles” are unimaginable. …

Yesterday, I wrote about Susanoo-no-Mikoto (Susanoo-no-Mikoto) and received some comments from readers. Inspired by this comment, I would like to touch on the “written Japanese language.
When I visited Akutagawa-so for the interview, I was reminded of my strong attachment to the Japanese written language. Akutagawa-so is a thatched-roof “detached house” that remains in Ichinomiya-kan, an inn in Kujukuri, Chiba Prefecture. It is known that Ryunosuke Akutagawa wrote a love letter there to the woman who became his wife. I then dug up various circumstances and background facts about Akutagawa, who at that time (having just graduated from the University of Tokyo) had been entrusted by his former teacher Natsume Soseki with the future of Japanese literature.
I have spent a lot of time absorbed in the works of authors such as Ryotaro Shiba and Yutaka Hani, and I felt as if someone had pointed out to me from the front that I had been so strongly influenced by them in my life that even I was unaware of it. I was also convinced that if that site/architecture remained, I could feel the evidence of “atmosphere” there. Having reached a certain point in my working life, I also feel a sense of life’s work in such things.
I am now in the present, and it has stuck in my mind (laugh). Here are my thoughts on the first theme.
I think it is still completely unexplained what kind of “words” were used in ancient times. Recently, I have come into contact with the traces of Shiki and Natsume Soseki, who created the modern Japanese language in the early Meiji period, and I believe that there was a great deal of struggle and creation, as in Ryotaro Shiba’s discussion of this.
Kotoba did not simply develop spontaneously. The ancient “original Japanese” was at a stage when no written language existed. In later times, when the Chronicles were written, compiled out of the necessity of diplomatic relations with the Chinese dynasties, what kind of people and what kind of criteria they used to make the human history of this archipelago society from the ancient language into a “written language” is too deep to have any clue. In the Meiji era, oh, my.
I guess we have to approach it from the aspect of folklore first. In this sense, Japanese “shrine” beliefs and customs, which have a depth unparalleled in the world, would be a very important bystander. However, it is difficult to completely unify the interpretation of the content of the description.
First of all, it is necessary to differentiate whether they are “myths” of the Shinto period or “events” by actual persons. After all, there is no doubt that Amaterasu, Susanoo, and of course Izanagi and Izanami are “myths. However, it is also true that such myths continued to define the psyche of the people at large.
Rather, I believe that the “fact that they were believed” is more important for the history of the archipelago.

【素戔嗚尊(スサノオ)主祭神の本宮 皇統神話と熊野の旅-15】



English version⬇

The main shrine of Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the main deity of the Imperial lineage Mythology and Kumano Journey-15
Susanoo, who was abhorred in the heavenly realm for his evil deeds and rough behavior, became the main deity as the “God of Trees”. He took precedence over Amaterasu, Izanagi and Izanami. The strangeness of the Kumano faith.

My motivation for walking in Kumano was to gain physical experience of the “marching route” of the first Jinmu Emperor, who is said to have been the origin of the “imperial lineage” due to my innate love of history. I also believe that such knowledge is extremely useful for a comprehensive understanding of Japanese architectural culture.
This is also because I believe it will give a clear expression to the “spirituality” of the Japanese people. Aside from Izanagi and Izanami, the most prominent ancestor deities in the mythological part of the spiritual culture of the imperial lineage are the highly influential “sister and brother” stories of Amaterasu and Susanoo.
Amaterasu, who is considered the sun goddess and is worshipped at Ise as the ancestral god, is, so to speak, the origin of the myth, but her younger brother Susanoo, the “rough” god, is unique in the mythology of the imperial lineage. Amaterasu had initially ordered her brother to deal with his many misdeeds in the heavenly realm in a hawkish manner, but as they grew worse and worse, he exploded in anger and hid in the Iwato of Heaven, causing the famous mythological episode of the disappearance of the sun’s rays from the world.
When I visited the Kumano Hongu Shrine for the first time, I was surprised to see Susanoo enshrined as the principal deity and Amaterasu in the top order of precedence over Izanagi and Izanami.
As the third signboard explains, “How to worship and the order of worship,” Ketsumiko no Kami, another name for Susanoo, is positioned at the top of the list. In the same explanation, Amaterasu is represented as being on the same level of divinity as Susanoo, and the couple Izanagi and Izanami, the birth of the nation, are seated together in a single structure. Finally, the eight million deities are seated in a row.

I am not a Shinto researcher, but as an ordinary Japanese, I have an honest psychological attachment to shrine worship as a customary practice. More specifically, I have respect for Shinto as a major spiritual culture of the Japanese people.
This is the only place where I could look at Susanoo in such a positive way. Ketsumiko-no Kami is the central deity of Kumano Gongen and has been worshipped in Shugendo since the Heian period (794-1185), and as the Kumano faith spread, he came to be worshipped in various places. Ketsumiko means “Kizumiko,” the god of trees, and is said to be based on the legend of the Kami period that trees were planted in Kishu, the land of trees.
Among the various myths of the imperial lineage, Susanoo, who is unique, is interesting. Although he is clearly a heretic in terms of orthodoxy and heresy, he is the main deity at Kumano Hongu, and is regarded as the god of trees. And if he is regarded as the god of trees, he seems to be the most revered deity in Japanese architecture.
While being inspired by such delusions, I was inwardly feeling a sense of joy at having been given the opportunity to enjoy an enjoyable exploration of the area. The presence of all the great stars of the Imperial Ancestral Gods in one place was indeed the center of the Kumano faith.

【民族の「再生」力の根源思想 皇統神話と熊野の旅-14】



English version⬇

The Root Idea of the “Rebirth” Power of the People Imperial Mythology and the Kumano Journey-14
Disaster-stricken islands repeatedly force their people to face difficulties. However, our ancestors have also bequeathed to us the faith to confront them. Passing on wisdom to the next generation. The wisdom of the past is passed on to the next generation.

The existence of the three Kumano shrines is something that few people today have the opportunity to learn about through history or other means.
However, the three Kumano shrines are the focus of the Kumano Sansha, or Kumano Gyoja, who can be said to be the central figure of nature gods and mountain worship. Kukai, who had his headquarters on Mt. Koya in the mountains of Kishu, and other important figures in the history of Japanese spirituality seem to have been deeply aware of Kumano. In the Middle Ages, the Nenbutsu (Buddhist prayer) dancer Ippen is said to have had a chance of rebirth at Kumano Hongu, and there are countless other similar examples.
As such, it is an important part of Japanese history that serves as the foundation of “spiritual history,” yet it is not given a second thought in modern education. In fact, I myself was only vaguely aware of its existence, but I had no idea that it was an important part of Japanese spiritual history.
Since the Middle Ages, many imperial families have made repeated pilgrimages to Kumano, and the common people, driven by the belief that they could not have a good life without making a pilgrimage to Ise seven times and Kumano three times, have also made repeated pilgrimages to Kumano in large numbers. It is true that this is not an authentic part of history.
Although it may not be an authentic part of history, I think it is essential to have a correct understanding of this aspect that has largely defined the inner life of the people.
As I see and hear the sad words and actions of the increasing number of Chinese tourists reflecting the “anti-Japanese education” of the Chinese Communist dictatorship, I am reminded of the importance of educating people with common sense. As a stone from the other side of the mountain, Japanese people need to learn more about their true, simple ethnicity, not about the idea of a divine nation.

In particular, the fact that the core of the Kumano faith has the heart of “resurrection” seems very important for the Japanese people. Being a volcanic island chain, Japan has repeatedly experienced natural disasters such as major earthquakes, caldera-level eruptions, and large tsunamis since the dawn of history. In fact, the Noto Peninsula is currently experiencing a catastrophe of the level of regional collapse. I strongly believe that Japan owes a great deal to the wisdom of its predecessors for its persistent efforts to rebuild at such times. It is sad to say, but I was struck by the deep wisdom of our ancestors who made the decision to migrate from Totsukawa to Hokkaido 135 years ago and showed us the revival of our people’s lives. It is imaginable that there must have been some national “guidance” in the aftermath of the disaster.
However, it is likely that the Kumano beliefs were a major psychological motivating factor in the people’s decision to move 2,000 kilometers away from their home village to clear the wilderness.
I myself was gripped by Osaibara, the core of the Kumano faith, which has been a major presence in the hearts of Japanese people for a long time, and where the old Hongu shrine was located. Well, I guess you could call it the magnetism of space.
From tomorrow onward, I would like to talk about the deities of Kumano faith.

【熊野本宮・大斎原と「蘇〜よみがえり」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-13】



English version⬇

Kumano Hongu Shrine, Osaibara and “Su – Revival”: A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Family – 13
The “Sai-no-gawara” stretches along the outer edge of Osaibara. It is the boundary of life, but in Kumano, there is a rebirth from there. This is the wisdom of a society in a disaster-stricken archipelago. Wisdom for a society in an archipelago of disasters.

The Kumano area has a basic tone of nature with the air created by the rustling of the 3600 peaks of the mountain range. The Kii Peninsula is in the south, the sacred direction from Nara and Kyoto. Kumano occupies the southern tip of the peninsula. The Kumano River runs through this natural environment.
Driving along the Kumano River from Hongu to Shingu, the mouth of the river to the Pacific Ocean, one can intuitively understand how the ancient people came to regard this land as kamunabi, the mountains and forests where the divine spirits reside. The sight of the red walls of columnar joints gradually unfolding on either side of the river basin toward the mouth of the river is particularly moving.
We can also empathize with the deep catharsis that must have been felt by successive imperial lineages when they arrived at this spacious “Osaibara” after having traversed the steep mountain path all the way from the capital of Kyoto.
The old shrine pavilions of Kumano Hongu were developed in this Osaibara. The site is appropriate as a sacred place for a native religion that considers nature itself, which is of Japanese Jomon origin, to be the deity.
A vast gravel space extends on the plane from the present levee-like area site boundary to the Kumano River.

The mountains facing the Kumano River basin must have been constantly supplying stone gravel from the mountain massifs. Perhaps the people of the past were deeply comforted by the sight of this riverbank. In Buddhist thought, there is the spatial concept of the Sanzu River and the Sai no Kawara. Such a riverbank leads all the way to Shingu. It is easy to imagine it as a boundary between this world and the next.
In 1889, a great flood hit this temple, and the temple buildings were severely damaged.
However, Kumano, whose fundamental philosophy is “revival,” relocated the shrine buildings to a neighboring small mountain within a year and a half to revive the Kumano faith.
However, as I was reading down the commentary on the tale of the origin of the Kumano shrine, I was filled with the story of Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture and Shin Totsukawa, Hokkaido, as I wrote yesterday, and the sight of the Osaibara filled my heart with a deep feeling of compassion. The town of Shintotsukawa still calls Totsukawa, Nara Prefecture “Mother Village,” as if it were a close relative. This kind of exchange between municipalities has been passed down from generation to generation.
The mother village continues to send chairs made of locally produced wood as birthday gifts to the children born in the child villages. Parents in the child villages continue to assemble the chairs for their children to sit on.
The Japanese society of the disaster-stricken archipelago must have continued to “revive” in this way countless times. And I think it is deeply wise that some of them made the choice to “move to another place” with all their hearts.
This Sai no Kawara is like the repose of the souls of many of our ancestors who were killed in the flood. However, the descendants who departed from there to Hokkaido, 200 km away, are making a remarkable comeback. It is a different story from the original Kumano faith, but as Hokkaido people, we have come to realize that we may be continuing to create a new Kumano faith today.