


English version⬇
UN Secretary-General says “Earth is a hot and dangerous place.
Hokkaido has a maximum temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, while Tokyo is over 37 degrees Celsius. Everyone seems to be adapting to the situation, although they are feeling a bit “yare-yare” about it. We have no choice but to think positively. …….

The temperature in Sapporo over the past few days has been around 22-23 degrees Celsius in the morning, finally settling into the summer-like atmosphere of Hokkaido.
 Upon arrival, I was greeted by a heavy, humid air that made me feel a bit queasy, but I have lived in Tokyo for about eight years, so my body immediately began to adapt itself. It is a body that has a good disposition to give up. Since everyone is able to live in this environment, as an étrancée, I have no choice but to be courteous. By the way, yesterday’s temperature in Tokyo was 37.7-25.6 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature in Sapporo is 28.9 degrees Celsius, so a temperature difference of almost 9 degrees Celsius.
 I visited three places on my working day, and both places were air-conditioned to varying degrees, so it was chilly in some places.
 However, the fact that such a statement as the above is made suggests that the reality of global warming is ongoing at a considerable level. The first and foremost concern about the continuation of such a hot and humid climate is the impact on agricultural production. The view from the sky suggests that the fields are growing well, but we must not be too optimistic. A warning signal that the price of rice is rising for everything.
 This is due to the reality that inbound tourism from overseas has fully recovered and returned to pre-Corona levels of inflow, resulting in a tight domestic supply-demand balance. If this is a market factor, there is no need to panic, as it will eventually be addressed. However, as reported in the news that flowers that bloom only once every few decades have blossomed, nature is definitely responding to global warming.
 In Japanese history, climatic cycles of warming and cooling have been repeated periodically, and the Japanese people have survived and thrived through such fluctuations. It is necessary to make use of empirical knowledge from these fluctuations. In terms of agriculture in Hokkaido, it is not a negative factor. It is possible to overcome these environmental changes with positive thinking.
 On the other hand, I have heard that the species of fish caught in the fishery resources have changed drastically from the past. Recently, when I go to the market, large “yellowtail” are being sold at eye-poppingly low prices; a large fish over 50 cm in length can be found for around 2,000 yen. As a nigirizushi (hand-rolled sushi) enthusiast, my eyes are glued to the yellowtail, but when I think of the 200-300 kan or even 500 kan it would make as sushi material, it is beyond the level that can be stored in the freezer at home. I can’t make sushi only with yellowtail. I can’t afford to eat only yellowtail.
 But if this trend continues for a long period of time, we should probably think about how to cook in response to such fluctuations in nature’s bounty. Hmmm. Oh, I am in Tokyo now (laughs). Today I will start my life’s work as a journalist. I will do my best.



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