


English version⬇
UN Secretary-General says “Earth is a hot and dangerous place.
Hokkaido has a maximum temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, while Tokyo is over 37 degrees Celsius. Everyone seems to be adapting to the situation, although they are feeling a bit “yare-yare” about it. We have no choice but to think positively. …….

The temperature in Sapporo over the past few days has been around 22-23 degrees Celsius in the morning, finally settling into the summer-like atmosphere of Hokkaido.
 Upon arrival, I was greeted by a heavy, humid air that made me feel a bit queasy, but I have lived in Tokyo for about eight years, so my body immediately began to adapt itself. It is a body that has a good disposition to give up. Since everyone is able to live in this environment, as an étrancée, I have no choice but to be courteous. By the way, yesterday’s temperature in Tokyo was 37.7-25.6 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature in Sapporo is 28.9 degrees Celsius, so a temperature difference of almost 9 degrees Celsius.
 I visited three places on my working day, and both places were air-conditioned to varying degrees, so it was chilly in some places.
 However, the fact that such a statement as the above is made suggests that the reality of global warming is ongoing at a considerable level. The first and foremost concern about the continuation of such a hot and humid climate is the impact on agricultural production. The view from the sky suggests that the fields are growing well, but we must not be too optimistic. A warning signal that the price of rice is rising for everything.
 This is due to the reality that inbound tourism from overseas has fully recovered and returned to pre-Corona levels of inflow, resulting in a tight domestic supply-demand balance. If this is a market factor, there is no need to panic, as it will eventually be addressed. However, as reported in the news that flowers that bloom only once every few decades have blossomed, nature is definitely responding to global warming.
 In Japanese history, climatic cycles of warming and cooling have been repeated periodically, and the Japanese people have survived and thrived through such fluctuations. It is necessary to make use of empirical knowledge from these fluctuations. In terms of agriculture in Hokkaido, it is not a negative factor. It is possible to overcome these environmental changes with positive thinking.
 On the other hand, I have heard that the species of fish caught in the fishery resources have changed drastically from the past. Recently, when I go to the market, large “yellowtail” are being sold at eye-poppingly low prices; a large fish over 50 cm in length can be found for around 2,000 yen. As a nigirizushi (hand-rolled sushi) enthusiast, my eyes are glued to the yellowtail, but when I think of the 200-300 kan or even 500 kan it would make as sushi material, it is beyond the level that can be stored in the freezer at home. I can’t make sushi only with yellowtail. I can’t afford to eat only yellowtail.
 But if this trend continues for a long period of time, we should probably think about how to cook in response to such fluctuations in nature’s bounty. Hmmm. Oh, I am in Tokyo now (laughs). Today I will start my life’s work as a journalist. I will do my best.


 写真は前回の東京出張でイベントの開かれていた有楽町−東京の間に建っている「東京国際フォーラム」の内観の様子です。こちらの建物は旧・東京都庁舎の敷地跡に建てられたもので、国際設計コンペの結果、設計者:ラファエル・ヴィニオリ(Rafael Viñoly)構造設計:渡辺邦夫で1997年1月10日に開館し、株式会社東京国際フォーラムが運営する建物。


English version⬇

[Business trip to Tokyo starting today, struggling with the extreme heat? (Laughs)
Oh, I will never struggle with it. I will just go from air-conditioned space to air-conditioned space, quietly and casually, with patience and self-restraint, and spend my time in an indifferent manner. I will just spend my time quietly, patiently, and with self-effacement.

The photo shows an interior view of the Tokyo International Forum, which stands between Yurakucho and Tokyo, where an event was held during my last trip to Tokyo. This building was built on the site of the former Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and opened on January 10, 1997 as a result of an international design competition by Rafael Viñoly (architect) and Kunio Watanabe (structural engineer), and is operated by Tokyo International Forum, Inc.
 I visited the building for the first time at an event to introduce a case study of a group of companies utilizing “business restructuring” subsidies. During my working days in Tokyo, I worked in an office between Yurakucho and Hibiya, which was on the opposite side of the Yurakucho JR station, so I thought I was a bit out of touch with this building, but when I thought about it, I had made a U-turn to Hokkaido in 1980, so the time period is different from that of this architecture. I wondered why I was interested in this building.
 The reason why I was interested in this building is that after my visit to Hokkaido, I bought a book of photographs taken by Kishin Shinoyama, “The House of Mishima Yukio,” and read it carefully in order to research “the house built by Yukio Mishima” in connection with a certain project.
 Apparently, Yukio Mishima’s house still exists in Minami-Magome, Ota-ku, Tokyo, but it is not open to the public and is occupied by his next of kin. This photo album is the only clue we have.

The Mishima Incident is the case of writer Yukio Mishima (real name Kimitake Hiraoka), who committed suicide on November 25, 1970, after calling on the Self-Defense Forces to make a decision. The shock was so great that it was a kind of taboo to mention the writer. A Web search for “Mishima Incident” will bring back vivid memories of the incident. However, as a person involved in housing, I have a strong interest in the artist’s housing itself, even while keeping such background in mind.
 So, the only text in the book was written by Tatsumi Shinoda, an aesthetics critic, so to speak, about the relationship between the artist’s creativity and the housing space. It was written in a very difficult style, but it was about the relationship between Mishima’s personal life and housing, while keeping a distance from the sensitive Mishima Incident.
 I was further mystified to learn that Mr. Tatsumi Shinoda was also a member of the “deliberation committee” that made the major decisions regarding the construction of the “Tokyo International Forum,” which I mentioned above. The photos I took of the building and Kishin Shinoyama’s photo book intersect in my mind, and at the same time, the Yukio Mishima incident is blended together in a stimulating way (laugh). What is more, the requirement to visit this building (the business restructuring project) has also been completely forgotten.
 Human behavior may have some kind of flow or guidance in the background.





English version⬇

Is the large amount of ceramics an expression of the samurai lifestyle?
It is a common practice for warriors, who exchange life and limb on the battlefield, to drink sake and break pottery to make a covenant. An analysis of the economic aspects of this practice. …

Yesterday, I was exposed to ceramics excavated from the Yuzuki Castle, which is located near Dogo Hot Springs in Iyo Matsuyama. Iyo Province is said to be the central region on the Shikoku side of the Seto Inland Sea Economic Zone. Even in historical times, the position of “Iyomori,” the chief of the region, was considered very important in the Ritsuryo system. Iyo also played a major role in the Fujiwara no Junyu Rebellion.
 The Kono family of Iyo is a prestigious warrior family whose name appears many times in history. So the groundwork for this is this Yuzuki Castle.
 The fact that the ceramics excavated from the castle area of this base were mainly those produced by the Bizen kiln seems to indicate the existence of its trading counterpart. While these Bizen kilns produced 37,130 pieces, those from the Ming kilns of China, the main trading partner of Japan as a whole, produced 12,281 pieces.
 This is almost three times the level of the highest level of international trade, and there is a disparity of more than one hundred times the level of the other kiln finds. Does this evidence suggest that the Bizen kilns were a major trading partner?
 In researching the “usage and purpose” of ceramics, I came across an explanation that ceramics were used for “banquets” as part of the lifestyle of the samurai family. Since the Kamakura period (1185-1333), the warrior class of each region has appeared as a major player in Japanese history, and there is a close relationship between their “ecology” and the ceramics excavated from these sites.
 Indeed, there is a famous scene in Oda Nobunaga’s famous campaign in Okehazama, where he danced the “Kowaka no Mai” dance, drank all the sake poured into the pottery, and then smashed the pottery to go to war. Whether or not he actually did so, this scene reminds us that such scenes were common behavior of samurai families.
In addition, a large amount of ceramics from Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture, have been excavated from ruins in Hiraizumi, Oshu. In this case, it is likely that a powerful family from Aichi Prefecture existed as a trading partner for the Oshu Fujiwara clan. We can imagine that there are “economic and military aspects” that emerge from the traces of these objects.
 The second photo shows the restored samurai residence at Yuzuki Castle. It looks like a “serving room” for a banquet, but in the back you can see a large amount of ceramics and porcelain stacked on shelves.
 This clearly shows that these supplies were necessary for the samurai who exchanged lives on the battlefield for such war meetings.
 The question is whether the Bizen kilns simply boasted an overwhelming share of the Setouchi economic zone in the supply of such goods. However, there was no evidence of such a concentration of kilns at the “Kusado-Senken” site, a medieval Seto Inland Sea trade site that I visited, and no analysis was conducted.
 If this is the case, the existence of a major trading “counterpart” who shipped large quantities of Bizen ceramics may come to mind. In my imagination, the “Miki Clan” of Banshu Eiga, to whom I am related by blood, came to mind. The historical background of the two clans is also consistent with each other.
 Such an analysis stimulates my imagination about the medieval “Seto Inland Sea trade.

【「瀬戸内」経済の痕跡 伊予松山と兵庫姫路・英賀】



English version⬇
Traces of the “Setouchi” Economy: Iyo Matsuyama and Hyogo Himeji/Eiga
One archaeological physical trace has been disclosed in the roots exploration. Is this a hint to explore the reality of the Seto Inland Sea trading area? …

I have been on a “summer break” for a while, but I would like to continue my exploration of housing, people, and their history, which has become my primary field of empirical knowledge. A return to nature.
 I travel all over the country, but I believe it is because of the guidance of “karma”. I was 18 years old when I traveled to Europe for the first time in my life, and I remember that after that trip, I was awakened by an irresistible desire to return to my Japanese identity. After returning from Europe, I arrived in Yokohama, where my sister was living at the time, and immediately wandered off on a trip to Nara and Kyoto, just like the “Tora-san” of later life (laughs). Tora-san was my younger sister, but in my case, I think she was my older sister.
 I am Japanese, after all, and as a descendant of people who came to Hokkaido from the area south of the Tsugaru Straits, where ethnic histories overlap, I thought I was drawn to my roots in a large part.
 I have spent my entire life with such feelings imprinted in my mind. And I think I have finally come back to my true roots because of the changes in my environment. When I heard that an acquaintance of mine had almost finished his life at work and embarked on a “round-the-world cruise” with his wife, it made me realize that there is a totally different way of thinking from my own.
 Oops, that’s too long a preface (laughs). In January of this year, I went to Iyo Matsuyama in Shikoku. My wife, who has become a Shikoku fan, produced the trip, and she liked the Juzo Itami Memorial Museum so much that she said, “I don’t mind spending hours there,” so I went on a deep exploration of Yuzuki Castle, which is a trace of the Kono clan, a major root of my family, the Miki family, which I had long wanted to visit.
 The curator had given me keys to various pieces of information, but I was so busy with my daily work that I kept neglecting them. So, one key to information was the “number of excavated ceramics by production area” from the excavation of Yuzuki Castle.
 The actual traces brought to Matsuyama in Shikoku as a result of trade. According to the report, the largest number of pieces was found in “Bizen,” with a total of 37,130 pieces. The next largest number is 12,281 pieces made in China (Ming Dynasty). The largest number of traces other than the above is from “Kameyama” in the Bizen region of Okayama Prefecture, which has decreased dramatically to 944 traces. Therefore, I think it is safe to say that the main trading partners are these production centers.
 It is understandable as a western economic zone, since it seems that Chinese and Ming pottery would have been the “flower” of trading partners for Japan as a whole. On the other hand, the unusually large number of Bizen wares would be a key point.
 I have an insight into the existence of Banshu and Eiga, which were “immediate neighbors” of Bizen in the Seto Inland Sea trade. The Miki family was coiled here as the central power in maritime trade. Moreover, the Miki family is said to be directly related to the Kono family of Iyo Matsuyama.
 I have been thinking of such historical themes to delve deeper into the history of the Miki family. The homework keeps on increasing… I wonder what will happen now?




English version⬇

Hokkaido continues to be hot. Flowers that soothe the battered body.
Under high temperatures close to my body temperature, I have to be careful with exercise. I’m doing well on my planned diet, but I’m taking it easy with walking and other activities. …….

 Yesterday I wrote about the thermometer displaying “37 degrees Celsius,” but it seems that this summer has made Hokkaido as hot as Honshu (mainland Japan). Despite these temperatures, I have been taking my morning walk, which is more than 8,000 steps every day.
 My weight has been decreasing rapidly over the past three months since May, thanks to the exercise load from my continuous walks and the vegetable-based diet that my wife has devised for me, but the high temperatures seem to have dampened my motivation.
 However, when I walk outside, I find that Hokkaido is now filled with many flowers and blossoms. Many flowers, whose names I don’t even know, are pleasing to my eyes on the roadside.

 The last “flower” is a scene of “Ouba lily” after the petals have fallen off. It seems to be a process of producing seeds for the next generation, but there is a different sense of beauty from the flowers that is pleasing to the eye. Each individual seems to have a different number of these seeds. The Oubayuri that can be seen on the walkway are almost always in this process.
 Although humans are feeling a bit battered by the high temperatures, it seems as if we are being cheered on by the sight of flowers and plants that we do not usually see blooming profusely. Or perhaps it is because the heat makes it hard for me to root around and walk, and my eyes end up playing here and there.
 Well, I will do my best this week, as I have some things to process before my business trip to Tokyo later this week. Also, I really have a lot of “housing coverage” stock, but due to various restrictions on writing on this blog, I have not been able to publish my coverage. I would like to write on my original theme by unraveling the restrictions little by little, because I believe that my original theme is “housing and human beings.
 I will try to restore it from tomorrow onward. Thank you very much.


【米大統領選バイデン撤退 & 暑い北海道】


English version⬇

Biden Withdraws from U.S. Presidential Race & Hot Hokkaido
The thermometer in the city read 37 degrees Celsius! I was surprised to see this kind of temperature in Hokkaido while I was still alive. Cool block houses, but we want to stay safe. …

It seems that I had used up all my energy after eating over 200 pieces of nigirizushi last Friday, and I just slept through the weekend Sunday. I was awake in the morning, went to a museum, had lunch when I got back, and started sleeping around 2 p.m. I woke up once around 7 p.m., but went right back to bed and stayed in bed until 1 a.m.
 As one would expect from a sushi chef, the workload of buying the ingredients, processing them, making the sushi rice, and nigiri sushi was heavy. After nearly 10 hours of sleep, I finally recovered my energy. My mind finally started to think about what to do and what to put away.
 Just as I was about to start, I saw the news of “Biden’s withdrawal” in a web news bulletin on my computer. I knew it. What will become of Japan’s greatest security asset and sole ally? This is a theme that Japanese people with a firm grasp of realism would naturally be most interested in. At the preliminary stage, Biden mentioned the name of the vice presidential woman, Kamala Harris, but I think it is impossible to read anything at all from this point forward.
 Even if Biden were willing to do so, whether he could come together on it as a Democrat, or even compete with Trump as a Republican, is another matter. The vice president has a certain amount of exposure, but she has rarely, if ever, had a major presence. It seems to me that perhaps a major infighting will start within the Democratic Party and an alternative candidate will emerge. Well.
 For a change, it is abnormally high temperature conditions in Hokkaido.
 The photo above is a city-wide thermometer that the couple always calls an “exaggerated thermometer. It is a thermometer that always swings up when it is hot and down when it is cold, but to our surprise, it shows 37 degrees Celsius.
 Even though it was an exaggerated display, the people on the street were stunned. I never thought I would encounter such temperatures in my lifetime in Hokkaido. In such high temperatures, it is best to refrain from going outside during the day. Our house is built of heat-storing blocks, so it cools down quickly when we return home. We have air conditioners installed as we have many computer/printer devices, etc., but only one is occasionally run on the first floor of the residential portion of the house.
 As an elderly person, I would like to spend these times of the year on the safe side, limiting my walking exercise time only in the morning and evening. I hope you all take care of yourselves.

【人類は情報で滅ぶ、のか? マスコミ観察眼】

English version⬇

Will Humanity Perish from Information? Observations from the Media
Will the aftermath of the Tokyo gubernatorial election riots spread to the “freedom” of the mass media itself? A déjà vu experience of the “flip side” of prewar society’s outburst. …

The Tokyo gubernatorial election was playing a huge “rhapsody. Although we were not totally unaffected by the election because it was in the capital city, we were somewhat annoyed as to why people were making such a big deal about it since it was so far away from how we live our lives. I thought that now that the elections were finally over, things would calm down a bit and the debate would turn to the outcome of the U.S. presidential election and other issues, but the furor has not died down.
 Ms. Renho ran for the Tokyo gubernatorial election, and as a result of a very tough choice by the people of Tokyo, she unexpectedly came in third place. As a Hokkai-do resident who is not a resident of Tokyo, I have no choice but to watch from the sidelines, but the media was, or still is, making a big fuss about it.
 One of the events that caught my attention was that a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun, who I thought was an “ally” of Renho, wrote a critical commentary about Renho on her social networking site, X. When the reporter wrote a critical commentary about Renho on X, she became irritated and said that she was consulting with her lawyer and was ready to open the battlefield against the Asahi Shimbun. I think this person is an unemployed private citizen as a result of his unsuccessful election, but he has a great sense of power.
 On the other hand, Asahi Shimbun, which has a history of repeatedly making false reports about the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, etc. and refusing to admit it for several years even after being pointed out, immediately ordered its own reporters to “apologize” for the points raised by Renho (as we can recognize).
 The situation is still ongoing (Renho’s statement that “I will not let it end” in response to the apology), so we will have to wait and see what happens next, but the fact that it is an “altercation” between a former opposition party member and a representative of the media who is clearly in support of the opposition party is truly indicative of the state of the world in these latter days.
 This is the current point in time, and I am very interested in this development. The situation has stopped when Renho raised her cobwebs. Or, there may be some “behind-the-scenes” negotiation, and things may stop moving as if nothing had happened.
 There are many points of interest, but the biggest is as follows. When media reporters transmit information on their own social networking sites, there is a natural tendency for it to diverge from the information media itself. In response to this, the question is whether the media company can take away that “freedom” by “work order. Needless to say, this would directly lead to the total control of the employees, with promotions, pay raises, and other performance evaluations as a pretext.
 From a different perspective, the media company is a dictatorship-type organization that claims “freedom of the press” and asserts its extraterritoriality to society, but suppresses the “freedom of thought and expression” of its employees within the company.
 We would like to see former Diet member Renho take on the role of investigating this issue.



English version⬇

[Almost a tiger? The U.S. Presidential Election and Japan’s Direction]
One month after Japan’s first choice of government, the presidential election of a decisive ally. Isn’t this the place to make a national will choice, a choice of postponement? …

This is an “election” year worldwide. Among these, the most central variable is the U.S. presidential election. The impact of the outcome of this election on Japan is boundless.
 I have refrained from writing about my political interests on my blog for a while, but I will not change my stance, but I would like to touch on what I consider to be the most important issues.
 After all, the world is dominated by power politics. Japan has a “security treaty” with the United States, the largest super-military power, and it is indisputable that this international relationship is the most fundamental to the current state of Japan. Well, there are those who hysterically protest against this fact, but if we look at the reality of the situation, the main theme is “how Japan should deal with the situation” after accepting this fact.
 As of now, Trump is the natural choice for the Republican nomination. On the other hand, it will be interesting to see how the Democrats regroup after Biden announces he will not run. There will still be a great deal of uncertainty as to whether Trump is a sure thing. There is currently growing support for Trump in the wake of the shooting, but it could be reversed depending on how Biden handles himself.
 While keeping an eye on the somewhat “uncertain” U.S. presidential election, Japan will hold a “presidential election” of the Liberal Democratic Party in September, almost a month before the U.S. presidential election, to decide the next de facto prime minister of Japan.
 Can Japan afford to follow this schedule in choosing its prime minister?
 Will Japan be able to formulate a “policy” when it cannot foresee the trend in the U.S.? For me, this is the question that keeps nagging at me. Will we be able to select a person who can build a good relationship with both Trump and his successor, Biden?
 In such a situation, I wonder if the Japanese might have chosen to “postpone” the election of the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, using the Japanese method of ambiguity. The “ambiguous strategy” of postponing the election until next January or so, giving various reasons. 
 I find it strange that such an option has not been proposed at all in the political world. The current Koikekai-Kishida administration is essentially more naturally associated with the U.S. Democratic Party administration. The current administration’s affinity with the U.S. Democratic Party administration can be seen in its response to the LGBT bill, which has drawn the ire of “conservative” voters.
 We cannot take our eyes off this situation, which has a strong economic impact, and we cannot take our eyes off what will happen next.

【本日、握り寿司ランチ提供 ネタ準備完了】


English version⬇

Nigiri-zushi lunch is being served today.
My mind went into battle mode to make nigiri-zushi for the first time in a while. It’s not like cooking food (laughs). But Sukiyoko Kokoro gets excited. …….

Today, almost all of the staff will be coming to the office for a general meeting of the affiliate company, Fushimusha, with which the office is co-located. Therefore, we plan to serve nigirizushi as a token of our appreciation to the staff.
 We have been calling it the “President’s Cafeteria” until now, but we have no name for it yet, but it is our free will that we want to continue it again. In fact, the staff donated a “buckwheat noodle making set” for my retirement, but I am naturally lazy and have not been able to practice or train in that way at all. I am too lazy by nature to practice such a skill at all. I guess nigirizushi is the dish that motivates me habitually. I would like to be lazy when it comes to buckwheat noodle making, because I have a lot of hard training ahead of me (laugh).
 So, I completed the shopping preparations yesterday, went to bed early, got up after 2:00 a.m., and continued to process the ingredients, finally completing the process in about two hours. Now it is maturing quietly in the refrigerator.
 Hokkaido is getting hotter, so when I calculated the time from processing and nigiri to eating (scheduled for lunch), I calculated that this amount of time would be accurate, so I timed it accordingly. Hmmm.
 So after writing this blog (scheduled to be uploaded around 5:30 a.m.), I will start cooking sushi rice and plan to finish about 200 pieces of nigiri by 12:00 p.m.
 On the other hand, Kami has been in full battle mode since the day before. She is also planning to make dozens of oinari-san. She is also in charge of making several side dishes in advance. She was also particular about the disposable containers to put them in, and purchased them in advance.
 The start time of the hand holding is probably around 8:30 a.m. Until then, we will have to do our daily walks and relax. I would like to finish my daily walk and relax until then, but I am sure I will start a little early and with a flying start.
 So today’s blog is written by a mom in a pre-battle state of mind. Please forgive me if I am a little elated. So long.





English version⬇

[This summer, to the dispersal of the daylily.
I am allowed to observe a moment of the drama of reincarnation. From the drama that makes us recognize the sense of beauty, they are reincarnating toward their original “inheritance of the species”. …

I had not been to the walking trail near Maruyama Park for a while, but I suddenly became curious about the day lilies that I keep observing in the summer, and went to the Maruyama Park area for the first time in a while.
 Then, as I had been wondering, the time had passed somewhat from the peak season of the flower buds of the day for the daylilies this summer. However, some of the flower buds are still showing us their intense brilliance, and the photo above shows one of them. These flower buds are also becoming a little brownish near the stem, and are close to their last “shout,” so to speak. If I had a poetic mind, I could have written a tanka poem about it, but I only admired Shiki from afar, and I do not have such a sense.
 However, if you are in the mood to interact with an object in a photograph, it is a sukiyomi. There is heat in “reaping” visually, not Kotoba.
 In terms of the brightness of life, the Ouba lily will later create the soul food component of the Ainu people in its subsoil, perhaps entering into the most important process of all. Although the flower buds are in charge of interacting with humans, the most important part of their life is probably their activities in the soil. We can learn a lot from them.

The day before yesterday, I had photographed the back view of pigeons in the garden of a farm restaurant that did not readily respond to my shutterbugs, and yesterday, when I visited the waterside where mandarin ducks were nesting for the first time in a long time, I saw one of them approach me immediately.
 It approached my feet without any caution at all. Perhaps it is because there are so many people feeding these wild creatures. When I write about these wild creatures, some readers warn me about indiscriminate feeding, and I agree with them.
 Perhaps there should be a certain distance between humans and these wild creatures. However, by feeding, the wild creatures will always respond by “eating what they can get without worrying about it,” and some people may find this response “interesting” and repeat it, and it may become a habit.
 However, if we really think about the world of the wild ikimono, it still seems sinful. There is a boundary area between humans and wild ikimono that must be protected. I believe that feeding hides a sinful deed that destroys it.
 The individual in this photo may have acted out of habit, but there are many other individuals who do not engage in such behavior.
 There are many lessons to be learned from this kind of mandarin duck society.