
【水郷と森の涅槃・鹿島 東国三社探訪-5】



English version⬇

Kashima, the Nirvana of Water Villages and Forests: Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan-5
The natural environment has continued to visibly transform the archipelago’s society throughout the historical ages. Perhaps there is something deeply imprinted in the spiritual climate of the Japanese people. …

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the Japanese archipelago is a land where topographical changes such as the Jomon sea advance were the norm. We are beginning to realize that the concept of “land and climate” is completely different from that of continental or peninsular nations.
The area that we now recognize as a plain is, on the other hand, a seaside beach, and the “retreat of the sea” has been progressively progressing, resulting in the appearance of a national land landscape. In this area around Kashima, there have been many Jomon shell middens as well as many excavations of marukibune (wooden boats), and it is thought that this area was an important transportation route area from ancient times.
In particular, the Tokyo-Kanto area, which is the center of modern Japan, and the Kansai area, including Osaka, were like that, and such dramatic transformation of the national land had a great impact on the historical stage of human activities. There is a story that Hideyoshi recommended to Ieyasu, who had moved to the Kanto region, that if he reclaimed this area and used it in this way, it would be a very useful territory in terms of distribution and water transportation.
The location of the Kashima Jingu Shrine shows us how the Japanese used the land, not through artificial civil engineering, but through the visible transformation of nature, which was then accelerated by human civil engineering activities.
In the vicinity of Kashima Jingu Shrine, suigo landscapes such as the one in the photo above continue to exist even today. The hot and humid climatic conditions of the archipelago against such a local environment created rich forested areas.

This “Kashima Forest” is designated as a natural monument by Ibaraki Prefecture, and is considered to be a valuable botanical forest where plants from both the southern and northern limits of the island grow together. The 70 hectares of the sacred area is home to 1,000 species of plants ranging from tall trees to undergrowth. The nature is a treasure trove of evergreen and deciduous trees such as cedar, cypress, sudajii, tabacum, sakaki, and fir. The fact that this area has been carefully preserved as a sacred place for the gods since the beginning of Japanese history has contributed greatly to the preservation of this nature.
The area is also home to a large number of wild birds, and has been designated as the Kashima Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary and the Kashima Special Protection Area. It is also a suitable site for fresh water called “Mitarashi Pond,” which has been a suitable site for seaside and shell mound settlements since the Jomon period.
It is easy to imagine that the people of the archipelago have been aware of this place as a place where the gods dwell, the closest place to nirvana, since the Jomon period. Conversely, it is precisely because it is such a place that the ancestors and the gods have continued to remember it as a sacred area for all people in the archipelago.
As a Hokkaido native who makes it a daily routine to take a walk around the Hokkaido Shrine and its surroundings every morning, I was feeling horny and motivated to preserve the rich forest environment at the foot of Maruyama in Sapporo for the future, as well (laugh). I would like to learn from my predecessors and do my best in modern Hokkaido as well.



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