
【町家「鹿沼家」と幕府の税制 大和歴史証言-25】




English version⬇

The Kanuma Family of Town Houses and the Shogunate’s Tax System Yamato Historical Testimony-24
Sri Lanka’s national financial collapse due to prioritizing SDGs ideals. The collapse of the Edo Shogunate due to its economic incompetence. Criticism of others prioritizing ethics and a living economy. …

In this installment of “Exploring Old Houses in the Nara Basin,” we will visit a townhouse in Yamatotakada City, located in the southwestern part of the basin.
Since ancient times, Yamatotakada City has been at the crossroads of two major roads, Yoko-oji (Hatsuse-kaido) from east to west and Shimo-kaido from north to south.
The city of Yamatotakada has been an important place where two main roads, Yoko-oji (Hatsuse-kaido) from east to west and Shimo-kaido from north to south, crossed.
The Kanuma family lived on Yoko-oji Street, which was a major thoroughfare in Yamatotakada City.
The Kanuma family is said to have lived on the north side of Yoko Oji and operated a rice store for generations.
According to an extant “letter of undertaking and fukinsho”, the building was constructed in the 9th year of Bunka era (1812).
The front eaves of the main building are decorated with latticework, and the two ends of the second floor are decorated with sleeve walls.
The latticework on the front eaves and the latticework in the center of the second floor are typical of machiya houses.
It is said to be one of the oldest examples of machiya in the prefecture.
The following photos of modern machiya houses in the city were introduced on the Web.

In the Edo period and Japanese society, taxation of commercial transactions itself
In the Edo period (1603-1867) and Japanese society, a firm policy of economic management thought regarding taxation of commercial transactions itself is not clearly evident.
Although we moderns are accustomed to a reasonably logical taxation policy, it was difficult to tax individual commercial transactions under the Tokugawa Shogunate in the Edo period.
However, under the Tokugawa shogunate in the Edo period, it was difficult to tax individual commercial transactions.
The Tokugawa Shogunate system in the Edo period had difficulty in taxing individual business transactions.
There were also taxes levied on specific jobs, such as luck and money orders, as well as on temporary businesses and to make up for financial losses.
The main source of taxation in the Edo period was the so-called “annual tribute.” For merchant families, property taxation was levied on the floor space of their buildings.
The basic idea of samurai power was to “work hard,” and “land rights” were the highest value in society.
The samurai power was based on the idea of “working hard,” and the “right to the land” was the highest value.
The government was based on the commercial vitality of the people, but with the downfall of Tanuma Iiji, “bribery” became the norm.
But with his downfall, the hysterical impeachment of “bribery politics
The budding of the administration was choked off when Tanuma lost his power.
Personally, I believe that this attack on Iniji Tanuma was the first time that the illogical condemnation of others was imprinted as a characteristic of the Japanese people.
I personally believe that this attack on Iniji Tanuma was the first situation that imprinted the illogical blaming of others as a Japanese characteristic.
Mr. Tanuma was trying to figure out how to incorporate the emerging economic vitality into his administration.
In other words, he tried to fundamentally reform the finances of the shogunate by logically elucidating the economy.
The open-minded “rakuichi rakuza” philosophy, which had existed since Oda Nobunaga, did not become the basis of the taxation system or the fiscal framework.
The objective was to be clean and honest by criticizing Tanuma’s politics “ethically”.
The trend of making Tanuma’s politics “ethically” critical and purity the objective is a trend that continues to the present day.
This trend, which is still alive today, may be seen in the phenomenon of political criticism and hysteria of blaming others.
In Sri Lanka, where the president fled the country after the national financial collapse
The president’s agricultural “reform” banning chemical fertilizers in favor of the “ideology” of the SDGs has resulted in a dramatic decline in production by almost half.
As a result, production dropped to almost half of what it had been before, leading to the financial collapse.
A people starved by a clean slate, and a fugitive powerhouse lauded by the modern SDG philosophy.
The people are nothing but a bunch of fools to the people, including the administration of a clean and economically illiterate government.

Oops, I’m totally off-topic (laughs).
But on the other hand, I believe that there is a never-ending “rationalist” philosophy to be found in Japanese machiya architecture.
I believe that the “rationalist” philosophy that is endless in Japanese machiya architecture can be found in it. I will leave the architectural analysis for tomorrow.

【多武峰ふもとの農家「萩原家」 大和歴史証言-24】



English version⬇

The Hagiwara Family, Farmers at the Foot of Tounomine Peak, Yamato Historical Testimony-23
The Nara Basin, where the main melody of regionalism was transformed from the center of royal power to an agricultural area. I feel as if I am seeing the core of Japan’s pacifism. …

As I indicated on the map yesterday, the area of Shimo, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, is less than 5 km from the summit of Mt.
It is less than 5 km from the summit of Mount Tamu Peak and about 5-6 km from Asuka-kyo.
Shimo village is about 2 km south of Sakurai, which flourished as an inn, along the road to Tounomine Peak.
The Hagiwara family built a house in the northern part of the village, halfway up the western hillside.
The main house was built facing south with a view of the Nara Basin.
The photo shows the interior of the house, especially the vast earthen floor space on the right side of the entrance.
Half of the 6-ken frontage is an earthen floor.
It can be said to be a “domestic handicraft” house, with half of the space occupied by space related to agricultural work.
In the old houses in Nara Prefecture, kamado and okudo-san are very common.
In this house, too, there are many holes for cooking heat, which makes it hard to cook a large amount of food.
The design of the houses also has a lot in common.
All four houses we visited had this kind of cooking furniture design.
This kind of case is rare in my visits to old private houses throughout Japan.
I suspect that there may have been a mistake in the restoration process.
This Hagiwara house is said to be about 300 years old.
Looking at this earthen floor space, one can imagine that the Hagiwara family was a cottage industry that even processed miso and other foodstuffs.
This earthen floor space reminds me of the reality of the food processing industry, where even miso and other food products were processed.
The sink is installed by the window, and the spatial arrangement is very rational.
In the Edo period, a farmhouse was basically a basic value production center.
They created the maximum value for society in accordance with the basic principle of “nouhon shugi” (the principle of agriculture).
These basic functions of the farmhouse were probably the best social assets.
It is said to be a good example of the ancient style, such as the earthen walls that seal the earthen floor boundary.
This main building has a thatched roof with a frontage of 6 ken (frontage: 6 ken, depth: 4 ken) and a gabled roof with a thatched roof on the front side.
The rear side has an eave and is thatched with hon-gawara tiles. The right side of the interior has an earthen floor.
The right side of the interior is a dirt floor, and a stable with a “tusi-ni-story” is located in the front corner, with a kamaya on the back side.
The earthen floor space in the photo seems to be the “kamaya.
The room on the left has a four-room layout, with an altar, floor, and storage space on the front and back borders of the upper room.
Although there is no ledger stand at the entrance to the “Nando”, the threshold is higher than the floor level.
The “Nondo” doorway does not have a ledger board, but the threshold is higher than the floor level, a remnant of the style of minka development.

The Nara Basin, which had been the central region of the Makimuku, Asuka, and Fujiwara-kyo Dynasties, was the center of the royal government.
After the capital was moved to Kyoto, it became an active agricultural area.
The Nara Basin became an active agricultural area after the capital was moved to Kyoto.
Even today, the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe area retains a strong agricultural atmosphere.
I believe that these houses are truly the main melody of the region.

【奈良盆地東南、多武峰への高台農家 大和歴史証言-23】




English version⬇

High-altitude farmhouse in the southeast of the Nara Basin to Touno-mine, Yamato Historical Testimony-23
The dignified lifestyle of the foundational members of agricultural society. The Japanese agricultural social system that was created from the Nara Basin. ・・・・・.

The population of Nara Prefecture is 1,322,000 (2020), of which Nara City has about 360,000.
Nara City is the northernmost part of the prefecture, an area that opens up toward the Yodo River.
Most of the population is concentrated in the Nara Basin, the northwestern plains of the prefecture.
The rest of the prefecture is mountainous and mostly located toward Kishu.
Over the course of history, as the population grew, the nation and its capital grew larger and larger.
There is a probability that the capital functions were eventually relocated to Kyoto.
Nara Prefecture today has the atmosphere of a “national mahoroba”.

The word “Touno-mine” is written as “Touno-mine.
The name of the mountain conveys a kind of unique feeling of the word and a sense of history.
The name may mean “a chain of many peaks.
However, when I looked up the name, I found the following information about the origin of the place name.
〜A mountain located southwest of Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture. It was the place where Kamatari Fujiwara and Prince Nakataio discussed the defeat of the Soga clan.
Later, Kamatosoku’s son Sadatoshi moved his father’s remains to the top of the mountain and built Myorakuji Temple (and later, a branch temple of Eizan Mudoji Temple).
At the time of the Meiji Restoration, the temple was renamed Danzan Shrine, and has remained so to this day. It is also called “Nikko of Kansai.
(The story of Takamitsu Fujiwara, who abandoned his wife and children and built a hermitage in Touno-mine, is told in the late Heian period.
It is clear that the uprising against the Soga clan in the Otomi Incident was plotted in secret deep in the mountains like this.
This led to the rise of the Fujiwara clan, which made the area a sacred place to mourn their ancestors.
The “Old Hagiwara House” was located at the entrance to Tabu Peak, a mountain range stretching from the basin.
Although it is a farmhouse, it has long been a prominent local landowner.
In the Edo period, the family served as “Kumigashira” for many years.
The photo was an image that appeared when I entered the address on Google.
I chose the angle that gives the impression of a “farmhouse on high ground.
The house has been moved to Yamatokoriyama City and preserved.
I think it is a suitable image to relive the surrounding environment where the house has been standing for a long time.

The photo above is one of the “inside view”.
There is often a sense of history about farmers as if they were “oppressed beings” during the Edo period.
The samurai family was the highest class, and all others were considered lowly.
However, as we continue to explore the history of farm houses, we find that samurai residences were the “high branches of the family” and that the farmers were the real economic rulers.
The farmer’s house is more like a real economic ruling class.
The Edo shogunate system was based solely on an agricultural production economy.
The Edo shogunate system was based solely on agricultural production and economy, and if a samurai family made an incompetent economic policy, the power to sue them would be felt immediately.
The Hagiwara family may have been upper class farmers, but in an era when there was little need for furniture, the Hagiwara family was not able to afford to buy furniture.
I am surprised that the Hagiwara family has such a vast “hall” at a time when there was little need for furniture.
In fact, it gives us a sense of their pride in being the mainstay of the local economy.
Farming is a way of life that allows for self-sufficiency.
The appearance of the house is rather confident as the foundation of a social system.

【楠木正成の末裔「旧赤土家離座敷」 大和歴史証言-22】




English version⬇

Former Akado Family Detached House, Descendant of Masanari Kusunoki, Yamato Historical Testimony-22
Impressive but compact spiritual architecture. 17km of travel distance of the family clan in 3-400 years time. The depth of the ethnic history. …

The history of Japan and its society is concentrated in the Nara Basin of Nara Prefecture.
Even ordinary farmhouses have history spun out of them in a very casual manner.
The house was originally a farmhouse in Kosui, Kashiba City, in the western part of the Nara Basin, close to Osaka.
This is a detached room in the Shakudo family’s house.
According to the genealogical records, this family was the ancestors of the Kusunoki family, who served as the headman of the farmhouse.
The Kusunoki family was active during the period of upheaval in the Northern and Southern Dynasties during the reign of Masanari, and their home base was in Chihaya Akasaka Village
This village is located in the Minami-kawachi area of Osaka Prefecture and belongs to Minami-kawachi County. It is the only village in Osaka Prefecture with the smallest population.
Known as the birthplace of Kusunoki Masanari, the village is surrounded by nature, including Mount Kongo, where he trained as an ascetic, and terraced rice paddies.
The Kusunoki family played an active role in the middle of Japanese history at the Battle of Chihaya Castle in 1333.
That is the date of construction of this building in the early 1700’s. After 3-400 years of time
Thus, we can see that the family has continued to exist as a family lineage.
How did the Kusunoki family change their family name to Akado family?
I am sure you can find out how the family name was changed from the Kusunoki family to the Akado family, if you read the genealogical records.
I am more impressed by the fact that the family line has continued to survive than by the tale of Mr. Masanari Kusunoki’s spectacular successes.
I rather respect the fact that the family has continued to survive as a farmer.

This building is small in scale but has a well-proportioned form.
The top of the thatched roof has a structure to hold down the ridge, tightening the whole structure.
The interior is a single 8-mat room with a main floor, which is an excellent configuration.
Although I did not check the drawings, at least three sides of the room have turned edges protected by tile eaves.
Although compact, the spatial variation of the room is well arranged.
Considering the surrounding environment, it has a high degree of spiritual perfection.
The house is a “detached house,” so the owner’s spiritual life, away from the production activities of the main house, remains symbolic.
The alcove shows the spiritual life of the family.
The tokonoma (alcove) in the house gives off the scent of the family’s pride.
Although the house has been restored, the balance with the surrounding greenery as a farmhouse is a key point in the design of living in the early 1700s.
The roof and eaves were constructed in the early 1700s or earlier.
The roof and eaves seem to have been arranged in later periods.

As a traveler from far away Hokkaido, I was amazed at the layers of history.
It is amazing to see the history deeply engraved in such an ordinary farmhouse.
However, if you think about it, since the period of Sumo to Asuka
Japanese kingship has always been the core of “rice cultivation civilization.
The identity that ruled the people was the water utilization technology and lifestyle culture for that purpose.
So, such agricultural technology also covered the land of the past kingship and
The fact that such agricultural technology is being reduced from the royal castle to the remote landscape is a sign of great social progress.
This may be a sign of great social progress. It is truly profound.

【江戸期「旅宿」機能のしつらい 大和歴史証言-21】





English version⬇

The Edo Period Hotel”Tabi-Shuku” Functional Structure: Yamato Historical Testimony-21
A time capsule of “the breath of the people. Our ancestors lived wrapped in this kind of space and style. A dialogue that transcends time. The dialogue that transcends time.

I visited the “Usui Family,” a house on display at the Nara Prefectural Museum of Folklore.
I found some discrepancies between the description of the house and the actual condition of the house.
For me, the description of the house as a “half-merchant, half-farmer” house does not seem to fit.
Rather, I thought it was a valuable folklore site that conveys the reality of mobile transportation during the Edo period.
The “waiting space” under the half-outer, half-interior eaves of the house is like a platform where one waits for a train to depart on time.
The vast earthen floor space is a place for multiple people.
The vast earthen floor space gives the impression of a “waiting area” as a place where many people gather and disperse.
And the Japanese-style rooms introduced today remind us of the functionality of lodging.
This “station house” building is located under the castle of the Takatori domain in the Nara area.
Therefore, when the lord of the castle and visitors came to “see the lord”, they would stay in the building for a few days.
A place to stay to prepare themselves just before and the day before is necessary.
Reflecting the diverse status society, rooms with tokonoma (alcove) were also prepared.
For example, when a visitor from another clan on official business came to Takatori to meet with a Takatori official, he was asked to stay at the Iseya on the castle grounds.
The guest room was used as a facility for such a meeting.
It was used just like a modern reception hotel.

In the first photo, you can also see the storehouse in the back.
The storehouse is furnished with staging equipment suitable for various uses.
This Japanese-style room with an alcove could have been used for ceremonial purposes.
A lattice window is placed on the front side of this space.
The guests could wait for their appointments with their counterparts from the castle, and the attendants could enter the room through the sliding lattice window.
The accompanying guests could sense their presence through the shoji screens of the lattice window.

For loading and unloading the tools used to stage such scenes
The hallway is used as a place for loading and unloading the tools for such scenes.
This corridor may have functioned as a kind of “taste” in a space with a view that was open to the garden.
This corridor may have functioned as a kind of “taste” in a space with a view that was also open to the garden.
The roofed corridor for carrying in and out is an interesting spatial feature.
On the other hand, the group of Japanese-style rooms adjacent to the earthen floor seems to have the function of an ordinary “Ryabi-juku” space.
Various space-partitioning fittings are installed in a lacquered storage room.
The room was used to provide services to the guests in a flexible manner.
The food prepared in the “okudo-san” on the earthen floor is cooked and served in the board room.
The scene of food prepared in the “okudo-san,” which sat in the earthen floor, being cooked and served in the boardroom and served to the guests at the inn seems to come to mind.
This was a functional architectural space for “mobile transportation” in the context of a system that emphasized the prestige of samurai society.
These architectural elements seem to convey the reality of such a situation.

I enjoy old architectural spaces that convey the lifestyle of people of the past.
There are moments when the Japanese sense of life rises up from everywhere.
Such reality resonates with the heartstrings.
The living and architectural spaces convey something that transcends time, something that is “the disappearance of the people.
In other words, there are many time capsules of the “disappearance of the people.

【移動交通「用の建築」の空気感 大和歴史証言-20】



English version⬇

The former Usui Residence is a building that can be described as an “ekimae” (station delivery service) of the Edo period.
The function of the building is better described as a kind of “public architecture.
The half-outside, half-inner space with overhanging eaves in the photo above is a kind of functional space like a “platform.
The photo below shows a space that is a kind of “platform”.
The photo below shows a space with an earthen floor where many people gather to wait.
In fact, it must have been used as such during its construction period in the early 1700s.
When a vassal of the Takatori clan in the central part of Nara Prefecture went on an “official” trip
When a vassal of the Takatori clan in the central part of Nara Prefecture went on an official business trip, he would wait for his men and horses to be ready on this platform.
Then, they departed with their horses and men.
The vast earthen floor space was used to prepare food for the journey and to check the luggage of the accompanying men and horses.
I can imagine the scene of the accompanying horses and men sorting and inspecting their baggage.
People who were “seeing off” departing travelers also gathered here, and it must have been a place of traffic.
Although the main purpose of this building was for “official use” of the Takatori clan
In return for being asked by the ruler to support the official functions of the Takatori clan
It is easy to imagine that the building was also used to provide transportation services for the common people.
It is easy to imagine that the clan was also responsible for providing transportation services for the common people.
The township was responsible for the social needs of the people to carry a large amount of goods by horseback.
Eventually, these functional spaces would be transformed into modern station spaces.
the native atmosphere of the area seems to be in the air.
Even if we include all the areas “managed” by the castle town, the total amount of stone value is only about 100,000 koku.
It is hard to believe that such a large scale of government service occurred in this castle town.
In modern times, it would be analogous to a regional station house with a population of about 100,000.
However, it is the last place on the plain connecting Kyoto and Kishu, and from here, it is a mountainous area.
As a nodal point for traffic, one can imagine a certain amount of activity.
We can imagine a stage for human dramas such as encounters and partings.

I have seen many old buildings that are several hundred years old, but this is the first time for me to see such a functional space.
I have seen many old buildings that are several hundred years old, but I have never seen a functional space like this.
This space is about 300 years old.
When you think about it, there have been many “battles” in Japanese history, and there are records of traffic on a national scale.
The Gempei War period, for example, symbolically evokes the sense of “mobile transportation.
Especially in terms of “logistics,” such highways, post stations, and transportation functions are indispensable.
In the archipelago, since the Jinmu Expedition and the Jinshin Rebellion, there have been traces of active “east-west transportation”.
Since the Jinmu-Tokugi expedition, traces of active “East-West transportation” can be found in the archipelago society.
Fujiwara no Kiyohira, who established control over the Tohoku region, ordered the installation of “ri-markers” along the roads that traversed the area he controlled as soon as he assumed power.
Tokugawa Ieyasu also ordered the establishment of transportation routes to and from Kyoto and Osaka at the same time he established the Tokugawa Shogunate in the Kanto region.
Tokugawa Ieyasu also ordered the construction of transportation routes to and from Kyoto and Osaka at the same time he established the shogunate in the Kanto region.
In the society of that era, the maintenance of means of transportation was always a key element.
I believe that architecture provides an opportunity to experience this kind of atmosphere.

【公用伝馬役「伊勢屋」縁空間 大和歴史証言-19】




English version⬇

The space around “Iseya,” the official messenger of the Yamato Historical Records – 19
“Oh Iseya, have you noticed any unusual movements recently?” A scene of information exchange in the mobile transportation business during the Edo period. …

The basic role of this house was to serve the transportation system of the Edo period, called “official denma yaku”.
Naturally, this is different from the “individualistic” architectural purpose of modern houses.
The Takatori clan, a public institution, provided men and horses for its official transportation system.
The following is an excerpt from the Nippon Encyclopedia of Japan (Nipponica), “Denmayaku.

〜The official denmayaku was a division of the clan that was in charge of horseback transportation. Under the manorial system, the burden was borne by the feudal lords who owned horses.
Under the feudal lords of the Warring States period, the denma yaku were assigned to inns along roads and villages in the vicinity.
The denma yaku were paid in coins as well as general husbandry, while the management of business denma was permitted.
In the early modern period, the shukueki system was established, and its duty was to provide men and horses for the official transportation of goods and passengers.
In the early modern period, a shukueki system was established, and while the duties of the shukueki were to provide men and horses for official passengers, in principle they were responsible for the transportation of passengers per inn. This was the “go-denba-yaku,” or “horseman” and “pedestrian.
There were two types of duties: horseback riding and walking (jinzoku yakuza). The Tokaido-denba system was established in 1601. 〜The Edo Shogunate was established in 1601.
The Tokaido Shinkansen was the most important social infrastructure from the early days of the Edo Shogunate.
Conversely, it is important to understand how mobile transportation was conducted in earlier periods.
For example, what kind of logistics were prepared and implemented for the movement of people and horses in wars across the country from the Genpei War period?
What kind of logistics were prepared and implemented for the movement of people and horses in wars across the country since the Genpei period, for example?
〜Many inns and stations had 36 horses, and from 1638 onward, 100 horses for 100 men were set for each inn.
On the Nakasendo, 50 men and 50 horses were used, and on other roads, 25 men and 25 horses were used in principle.
The burden of the horse messenger was divided by house, but in castle towns, it was divided between small and large houses, and in mountainous areas, it was divided between small and large houses.
In the plains, the burden for horsemen was divided according to the height of the horse, while the burden for walkers was either divided by eaves or by booths.
In return for this burden, the landowners were exempted from the use of townhouse sites and were granted commercial privileges.
As it became difficult to provide horse messengers for the station, the burden was also placed on neighboring farm villages, and this was known as sukego.
As this increased, it became a problem in 1764 when the Nakasendo “Denma Dai-riot” broke out in Musashi, Ueno, Shinano, and other areas. 〜The “Denma Riots” of 1764

Until the Edo period, society was based on this kind of irrational system of control by the warrior class.
The society until the Edo period was a ruling system based on such irrational samurai usage, and was managed under such fetters.
If there had even been a “riot” as described above, it would have been a considerable burden.
If there was even a “riot” as described above, a considerable burden was imposed, and one wonders what the “quid pro quo” was.
On the other hand, during the Edo period, religious pilgrimages to Ise, Shikoku’s 88 temples, and other places of worship became the focus of a “tourism” boom.
On the other hand, during the Edo period, religious pilgrimages to Ise and the 88 temples of Shikoku triggered a “sightseeing” boom and various cultural economic activities.
In this context, the economic activity of “shukueki” (lodging stations) also became active.
Since Iseya was a passageway from Kyoto-Osaka to Kumano, Kishu, etc., how did Iseya thrive?
It would be interesting to see how Iseya was prospering (laugh).
The building is designed with a cloister over the road in front of it, and the space under the cloister is used as an interior space.
The style of utilizing the space under the eaves as an interior space is seen in this building.
The building was used as a place for clan officials to sit with their guests while they waited for their horses to be ready for official transportation.
The scene of clan officials sitting on the edge of the tatami room with their host while waiting for their horses to be ready for official transportation comes to mind.
It is also likely that there must have been a hotel business in the area.
I am sure that there must have been a hotel business in the area.
In my family, there are related businesses in the vicinity of Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, and my interest in them is boundless….

【旧・高取藩城下「半商半農」の町家 大和歴史証言-18】

母屋/切妻造茅葺き 桁行9間 梁間3間
内蔵/土蔵造り本瓦葺き 2階建て




English version⬇

A “Half Trader, Half Farmer” Townhouse under the Former Takatori Domain Castle, Yamato Historical Testimony-18
The Nara Basin has a different regional character from the active Kyoto-Osaka economic zone. A blend of farmhouse and merchant-style lattice design. Simple functional appearance. The house is a mixture of…

Former Usui Family Residence (Designated by the national government as an important cultural property)
Main house / Gabled roof with thatched roof, 9 ken (girder length), 3 ken (beam length)
Tile roof with eaves on two sides
Gut: 2 stories, earthen storehouse style, tile roofing

As I travel around Nara Prefecture more and more, I notice that
Nara Prefecture is a mountainous region in the southern part of the prefecture, and the northernmost part of the basin is called “Nara-bon”, which is separated by the mountain range.
The city of Nara was located in the northernmost part of the basin, and the capital was eventually moved to Kyoto.
The capital was eventually relocated to Kyoto, and the history of Nara shows that the capital gradually moved northward from the southern edge of the plain.
The city of Mimamukai is located on the eastern edge of the basin.
Mato-mukai is located in the eastern part of the basin, but once there, the royal power moved southward to Asuka, and then moved northward to Kyoto.
The royal power once moved southward to Asuka, and then began to move northward with the construction of the Fujiwara-kyo capital.
The construction of the Heian-kyo and Nara-kyo metropolises marked the era.
The construction of the Heian-kyo and Nara-kyo metropolises marked the era, and eventually, the capital moved to Kyoto in a great leap forward.
It is said that this house was built in the Edo period, about 300 years ago.
The third floor plan and the map show the house on the northwest side of Nara Prefecture.
The third floor plan and map shows the area to the northwest of Nara Prefecture, but the general geographical sense of the area can be defined as follows

The Nara area, as the southern capital of Japan, was an area where religious forces had unusual power.
Even during the Kamakura, Sengoku, and Edo periods, it was a very difficult area to govern.
There is no doubt that it was a difficult region to govern even during the Kamakura, Sengoku, and Edo periods.
During the Toyotomi period, the area was the hinterland of Hideyoshi’s government, which controlled Kyoto and Osaka.
In the Toyotomi period, the area was ruled by Hideyoshi’s younger brother, Dainagon Hidenaga, who also ruled Kishu, which was located behind Hideyoshi.
Hidenaga also avoided Nara, the southern capital of Japan, and used Yamatokoriyama, adjacent to Nara, as his base of operations.
It is said to have been such a difficult region to govern by military authority.
A castle was built in Takatori, which is adjacent to Asuka Village and Kashihara City.
In the Edo period, the Takatori clan was at its peak, with a total of 100,000 koku in stone.
At first, it was ruled by feudal lords from the line of Hidenaga’s vassals.
Eventually, vassals of the Tokugawa clan came to rule as the parent clan.
A warrior clan called the Uemura clan acted as the Emperor’s faction at the end of the Edo period, and
The family continued to hold on to their house safely even after the Meiji period.
This “old Usui Family” house is located facing the Ote Highway in the castle town of Takatori Castle, and is said to be the residence of the clan’s “official messenger”.
While serving as the clan’s “official messenger,” the family also sold sake and shoyu, and prospered as the “Oenyoyomi” of the castle town.
The family was said to have been the “Oenyoro” of the castle town.
Yesterday, I took a close-up look at the “okudo-san” that sits on the earthen floor of the house.

The two rooms on the left side of the house are latticework in the style of a merchant house.
The house is said to have a “lattice structure” in the style of a merchant house between the two rooms on the left side, while having a farmhouse-like plan and appearance.
The Takatori domain faces the old highway from the Nara basin to Yoshino.
It is not a purely commercial area.
It is not a purely commercial area, but it is basically an agricultural area, but it also had a commercial character as a highway.
The house seems to express the character of the district.
The simple form of the house, which follows simple functionality, is very beautiful.

【奈良古民家の調理火力「おくどさん」 大和歴史証言-17】




English version⬇

Cooking fire power “Okudosan” in an old minka (traditional Japanese house) in Nara, Yamato Historical Testimony-17
The fire power that sustains life. The performance and design grab your attention. The oval flat surface and black shiny rounded exterior appeal to mother nature. ・・・・・.

Today we will return to our regular series of house visits.
As an extension of the Asuka and Mukai series in Nara Prefecture, we will be returning to the Nara Prefectural Museum of Folklore in Yamatokoriyama.
This is from a group of old houses in the open-air exhibition at Nara Prefectural Museum of Folklore in Yamatokoriyama, Nara Prefecture.
The house in the photo is the former Usui Family Residence. The estimated date of construction is early 1700s.
It was built 300 years ago.
Before the reconstruction, the house was located in Kamitosa, Takatori Town, Takaichi County.
I will introduce the architectural background of the house and other details tomorrow.

The most striking feature of the house is the cooking fireplace “okudo-san”.
Kamado is the basic heat source that has sustained the life of the Japanese people.
It uses biomass heat sources such as firewood as its energy source.
This device is optimized for cooking rice, the basic food of the Japanese people.
The basic Japanese food, “Start a little bit, then a little bit, then a little bit, then a little bit, then a little bit, then a little bit….
The basic of Japanese food.
The kitchen is a powerful one, standing in the earthen floor.
In this house, there are five heat plates.
They are used not only for a large family, but also for many other people.
In the photo above, you can see the heat control ports for each plate.
It is likely that the cooks cooked various dishes while lighting the firewood at the right time.
A chair was also placed to control the heat level.
This is a scene that shows how Japanese mothers and motherhood support food preparation.
The heat efficiency must have been quite high because of the concentrated heat.
There are openings in three directions, including the front side.
Combustion efficiency is ensured by ventilation.
It was painted black as an exterior finish for the okudo.
aesthetic appeal much more than modern system kitchens.
The subtle circular arrangement against the fire control side has a strong impact on both functionality and design.
The circular arrangement of the fire control side has a strong impact in terms of both functionality and design.
The stone base is laid on top of the stone base.
The cooking manager’s side in the foreground has another layer of stone piles.
It is clear that this is used to scrape out and dispose of used ashes and other materials on the front side.

Looking at it makes me want to handle it (laughs).
With such a powerful fireplace, even tough root vegetables that are difficult to heat through can be slowly tamed.
It seems that with such a powerful device, it would be easy to tame even the toughest root vegetables that are difficult to heat through.
The volume and the functionality of the elliptical shape are both
The volume and functionality of the oval shape could be incorporated into the modern kitchen.
Above all, the unique and friendly appearance of the kitchenware is surely “enjoyable for everyday dining.
The unique and friendly appearance of the kitchen is a message of “making your daily eating life more enjoyable.
This type of “okudo-san” is the majority in this group of old houses on display in the open-air exhibition.
I have been looking at old private houses all over Japan, but is there a commonality in Nara?
If so, it seems that there is a unique culture and creator of these old houses in Nara.





English version⬇

The old house reminds us of people’s “life and death”…
Funeral proceedings for former Prime Minister Abe. The world’s reaction is announced to Japanese society one after another. A sense of symbiosis between the world and Japan. …

After a while of historical time, this current situation in Japan
I believe that after some time passes, this current situation in Japan will become a time and space where people will talk about “that time…”.
The Imperial Household Agency announced the Emperor’s state of mind in the form of an overheard report.
The Emperor was said to be “deeply distressed.
This is a last-minute announcement under the Constitution, which prohibits the Emperor’s involvement in politics.
Prior to the Japanese government agencies, the Stars and Stripes was declared “half-staff” in the U.S. government agencies.
From the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth officially issued her condolences.
A photo of her with former Prime Minister Abe and his wife was released along with her physical appearance.
This announcement appears to have ignited a reaction in the liberal world.
It seems to be the “common sense reaction” of the world.
Then, the Pope announced his condolences for the death.
Temporary facilities were set up at the site of the shooting in Nara Prefecture to offer condolences.
In fact, many mourners of the younger generation were seen at the site of the shooting in Nara Prefecture.
Also, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is now under fire from around the world, sent a condolence letter in which his voice could be heard.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is currently under fire from around the world, reportedly sent a letter of condolence that sounded like his own voice.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed out the fact that he has not even been able to revise the U.S. Constitution
He pointed out the fact that Japan has not even been able to revise its constitution, which was forced upon it by the U.S. and “Is Japan really an independent nation?
He is said to have said this to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was in the midst of negotiations between Japan and Russia.
From Russia’s point of view, returning the Northern Territories to the U.S. would be
the possibility of U.S. military bases being built in locations directly aimed at Russia.
There are grounds for perceiving the territory as if it were to be taken away by the US.
One part of the reality of such diplomatic negotiations is becoming clear.

The footprints of former Prime Minister Abe will affect Japan in this way in the future.
The value of a politician’s life is that it is related to the state of the nation.
Regardless of whether he is dead or alive, his influence will be felt far and wide.
After his sudden death and the great wave of the House of Councillors election
After the sudden death and the great wave of the House of Councillors election, it is difficult to foresee the future until there is a certain calm.

So, as a blog from a housing media person
I would like to return to the theme of housing and culture in a normal, quiet environment as soon as possible.
I am having a hard time finding the right time to return to the blog.
The photo is of the old private house exhibition facility in Nara Prefecture where former Prime Minister Abe was shot.
I have been taking various pictures.
In every photo, I can feel something like the breath of our predecessors.
Naturally, a house is a place where people are born, grow up, and die.
The reality of human life and death exists in the background of the pictures.
It is a space where one can feel the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy of life, as well as a deep sense of coexistence with one’s ancestors.
I can’t help but feel such a sense of atmosphere from every photograph.
I find myself immersed in a mood of respecting “life” without knowing it.