
【北海道夏の味覚 茶道にも似た「トウキビ」食作法】

わたしのiPhoneの記録ではきのうは 14,236歩 とかなり多め。



English version⬇

Hokkaido’s Taste of Summer: A “Toukibi” Eating Method Similar to the Tea Ceremony
There is a kind of “experiential dialogue with nature” in eating manners. This is the food culture of sugarcane. It is not a tea ceremony, it is a way of eating sugarcane. The way of sugarcane.

It is the last weekend of July. It is truly midsummer.
Yesterday’s high temperature in Tokyo was over 38 degrees Celsius.
In China, it is said that temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius are the norm.
The highest temperature in Sapporo was 23.3 degrees Celsius yesterday.
Well, the weather was cloudy, but I was surprised at the difference between Sapporo and Tokyo.
The difference between the two is astonishing.
Today, the temperature is finally expected to exceed 30 degrees Celsius, but… well…

I have been in Tokyo since yesterday due to some requirements (laugh).
So I had to move several places in the world where the temperature was over 38 degrees Celsius.
I was indeed made to feel some warning signals in terms of my physical condition.
In an overcrowded city where public transportation is the main means of transportation, you have no choice but to walk outdoors.
Especially in Tokyo, there are many opportunities for walking between stations and inside stations.
According to my iPhone’s record, I walked 14,236 steps yesterday, which is quite a lot.
I realized that it is important to save my steps while walking.

The photo shows sugarcane, which adds a wonderful touch of color to midsummer in Hokkaido.
It is arranged in heaps at the grocery store and is pleasing to the eye.
Before the season starts in Hokkaido, the ones from the Honshu area are lined up on store shelves.
I am not saying this because I am a local, but purely as a taste sensation.
Hokkaido products are very special.
The summer season is concentrated in the natural climate of the island.
After the first 5-6 grains are bitten into in rows and processed in parallel with the mouth, they are then placed along the void.
The sugarcane is then loosened by hand in rows along the voids.
The feel of the grains leaving the body of the cane is also very refreshing.
A row of sugarcane grains is stored in one hand (in my case, my right hand).
The “exhilarating sensation” of putting it in your mouth is even better.
And then there is the sadness of the last two or one rows.
It is a kind of “dialogue with nature” through food.
I feel deeply that this kind of “dialogue with nature” through food is the “character of the region” imprinted on my body. I feel that this is the “character of the region” that is imprinted on my body.
Oh, and the feeling of snapping the leftover sugarcane when you break it into two pieces and dispose of it in the garbage after you finish eating it….
The sensation of snapping the leftover corn cane into two pieces and disposing of it in the garbage is also hard to get rid of (laughs).
Oops, I folded it to throw it away.
I feel that this is similar to the etiquette of making and drinking tea.
Of course, the wild taste of eating the whole thing is also good.
The harmony of human body movements and taste. I think it is interesting, but…hmmm.

Perhaps it is a good thing that people in the Honshu area love Hokkaido’s summer.
I think the charm of this hidden actor is extremely attractive.
I wish them all the best this year.






English version⬇

2022 Housing Month Central Event + Hokkaido-Housing Fair
A desire for high-performance housing for the entire region since the Meiji pioneering period. The contemporary compass design of Hokkaido housing, always keeping an eye on future forms. The design of the modern compass of Hokkaido housing, which has always been looking to the future form.

Yesterday, I attended a meeting of the Hokkaido Housing Policy Advisory Council.
At the moment, we have not yet decided on a catchphrase-like name for the project.
We are considering housing specifications based on the concept of “Northern Style Housing ZEH/Zero Carbon Model.

Hokkaido has been a new frontier region for Japan since the Meiji era (1868-1912).
Hokkaido was pursued as a national proposition for the settlement of many Japanese people as a new frontier region for Japan since the Meiji era.
Even today, the basic structure of this concept remains the same, and it is the most reliable and effective way to respond to Russia’s desire for territory to the south.
As the most reliable and effective “national defense” measure
The goal was to promote the emigration of large numbers of Japanese and to stabilize the settlement of Japanese.
A temporary “central ministry” called the Hokkaido Kaitakushi (Hokkaido Development Office) was established.
Kiyotaka Kuroda, who later became prime minister, and others devoted themselves to the project.
The Hakodate War of the first year of the Meiji era united the country, and soon after, negotiations with
After establishing Japanese territory in Hokkaido through negotiations with Russia in Sakhalin, Kuroda Kiyotaka traveled around the world.
Kiyotaka Kuroda traveled around the world to find a Japanese house that could cope with the cold climate.
He even climbed up on the roof and built it himself. There is an anecdote that he even went up on the roof himself to do construction work.
Although he managed to secure Japan’s claim to Hokkaido through diplomatic negotiations, it was not a real victory in terms of national defense.
The real victory in terms of national defense was the relocation of a large number of Japanese people to Hokkaido.
In Sakhalin, he came into contact with Russian housing and for a time had a strong interest in log cabins, and actually had log cabins built on an experimental basis.
He was even allowed to experiment with log houses.
In the end, however, he decided to build a log house based on the specifications of houses in the northeastern United States.
He hired American housing engineers as “hired foreigners,” and
They were hired as “hired foreigners” to build cities such as Sapporo.
The resulting cityscape of Sapporo showed the Japanese the world of “clouds over the hill” that they should aspire to.
Hokkaido was a huge laboratory for the Japanese nation’s post-Meiji efforts to catch up with Europe and the United States.
Hokkaido was a huge laboratory, an exhibition hall for the acceptance of civilization and advanced culture.
The Meiji Emperor went to Hokkaido as the finishing touch of his mission to develop the island.
He traveled from Otaru, where he landed by ship, to Sapporo by rail, the most advanced civilization equipment of the time.
The Japanese culture, as symbolized by the Meiji Emperor, had taken root in Hokkaido as a test site for Western transplants.

However, even in North America, the fundamental housing element technology of heat insulation and airtightness was not developed in this period.
The basic housing element technology of heat insulation and airtightness remained at the wooden construction stage, and the basic carpentry techniques were based on the open construction methods of Japanese building technology.
The basic carpentry techniques were not suitable for cold-weather housing, as they were based on open construction methods of Japanese building techniques.
After the era of the central government and the Hokkaido Settlement Administration ended, a revolution in cold-weather housing construction methods began to take place.
The revolution in cold-weather housing finally began to take shape in the postwar period.
The existing Japanese architecture kept asking the question, “How do you make a warm house in a cold region? but the response was that it was impossible to make a warm house in a cold climate.
The response was that they could not give up what they did not have.
In the end, Hokkaido was able to establish a technical foundation by sharing information with Northern Europe and North America.
The correctness of Kiyotaka Kuroda’s efforts finally became widespread after a lapse of about 100 years.

The central event venue for the country’s Housing and Living Month this year was Sapporo.
Hokkaido also plans to hold its latest housing event at the same time.
The event will also serve as a compass for Hokkaido’s current housing culture.
We would like to design a system that places the home-building consciousness of ordinary Hokkaido residents at the center of the event.





English version⬇

The spiritual purifying effect of greenery.
The gentle gradation of greenery that continues from the foot of the mountain. As an ape, I love this kind of scene. And the tower assembly looks like Noah’s ark (laugh)….

Well, today I am scheduled to participate in the Hokkaido Housing Policy Review Conference.
I would like to look over the meeting materials in advance, but I haven’t received them yet….
I also have meetings scheduled before and after the meeting, and all sorts of digital and other stresses are coming at me.
I am also feeling a bit stressed about the recent events in the world, and I am not at peace.
There was a shocking and mysterious attack in which the former prime minister lost his life.
Since then, there has been a flood of situations that are incompatible with the basic Japanese sentiment of mourning for the dead.
The situation has been like a flood. I am a little fed up.
Not to mention the general media, I am seeing a lot of loudspeaking on social networking sites as if something is haunting us.
I am not saying that it is malicious, but it is a bit of a flood.
I am sure it is not malicious intent, but everyone please keep your cool.

So, I’m going to distance myself from the information and hope for peace of mind.
I want to be in the green as much as possible.
The photo above is a view of the foot of Hakkenzan, which I introduced the other day.
Moiwa, Maruyama, Sankakuyama, and Teineyama, which we are used to seeing in Sapporo.
Moiwa, Maruyama, Sankakuyama, and Mt.
Moiwa, Maruyama, Sankakuyama, and Mount Teineyama.
This is the best angle to see the sea of trees.
I have no expert knowledge of whether green tones have a soothing effect on the human senses or not.
I am not an expert in this field, but I do not know.
psychologically, however, I am glad to see such “embracing” green life.
I was casually clipping an angle of the image.
I was casually clipping an angle and noticed an interesting wooden artifact in the middle of the image.
It seems that only the top of the turret protrudes from the surrounding area, creating a Noah’s ark floating in the green sea.
It looks like Noah’s Ark floating on the green sea.
It looks as if it is floating like Noah’s ark in a green sea, as if it is “looking for mistakes” on the screen.
However, I can’t put a tag on the natural scenery as to what this is (laugh).
I wondered, and asked the staff at the farm restaurant what it was.
He said that people generally have that kind of question.
When we were building the grape orchard, we had to do a geological survey, like a boring.
When they were building the grape orchard, they needed to do a geological survey like boring, so they built the turret.
The turrets give a sense of Noah’s Ark in this kind of overgrown green environment.

I have been working in a telecommuting business environment recently, and I have been having a lot of meetings using Zoom and other tools.
I have been immersed in the computer environment for a long time because I have been restrained in my behavior and also because of the teleworking business environment and meetings such as Zoom.
I wonder if this is an unconscious reaction to get away from such digital stress.
I was playing with my eyes for a while, looking at the visual stimuli created by the natural surroundings.

【わが家の灯油給湯器 設置後20年で故障、ゲッ!】




English version⬇

Our kerosene water heater broke down 20 years after installation.
The harsh reality of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s December 2021 “request for a stable supply of household hot water heaters” has hit our home. We are forced to visit a hot spring for a day trip. …….

The global economy has been affected by various factors, including
The direct impact on the construction industry has been price hikes and shortages of various products due to the shortage of semiconductors.
As shown in the above information on product shortages, the tightness of “water heaters” is particularly noticeable.

While we were well aware of such information, we noticed something unusual about our water heater.
To our surprise, we smelled a strange petroleum odor in the house.
We have both a heating boiler and a hot water boiler.
The heating boiler is installed in a shed, and the hot water boiler is installed indoors.
When we asked the maintenance person to check the boiler, he came to a nightmarish conclusion: “This is a specific problem with the hot water boiler itself.
This is the result of deterioration of a specific component of the hot water boiler itself.
We checked, but the product is more than 20 years old and is a product of a company that has now withdrawn from production.
Therefore, there are no replaceable parts in stock. We have no choice but to replace the model.”
And what is the current stock status of the product in the market?
We were told this nightmarish pronouncement (tears).
Hot water supply is indispensable in modern life for maintaining architecture and living infrastructure.
As for uses such as cooking and kitchens, it is summer time.
It is possible to tolerate some coldness without using it, but
about baths, we are easily forced into a situation where there is no more escape.
The following is a summary of METI’s December 2021 announcement.
The Ministry has made a request for a stable supply of residential water heaters.”
〜Currently, there are delays in the supply of residential hot water heaters in response to demand due to difficulties in procurement of materials for hot water heater components.
The supply of residential water heaters has been delayed due to difficulties in procurement of materials for water heaters. Domestic water heaters, like heaters, are indispensable to people’s lives, and their stable supply is required.
Stable supply is required. Demand for domestic hot-water units increases especially during the winter season, and the completion of new housing construction toward the end of the fiscal year.
The number of newly constructed houses is expected to increase significantly toward the end of the fiscal year.
The supply of hot-water supply systems must not be interrupted.
In light of these circumstances, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) have agreed to take measures to ensure a stable supply of residential hot water units.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) have jointly made the attached request to the relevant organizations to take measures to ensure stable supply of residential hot-water units.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is also working to identify and resolve bottlenecks in the procurement of materials for the department.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will also take necessary measures such as identifying bottlenecks in the procurement of materials and introducing alternative procurement sources. ~~

Since the crisis, however, there has been no particular improvement in the situation.
It was against this backdrop that our water heater crisis erupted.
Fully aware of the severity of the situation, we requested an order and installation as soon as possible.
The earliest we could receive a response was August 3.
Until then, we had to go to a one-day spa every day as an emergency evacuation.
(Crying). We had to make sure that we had backups for facilities such as hot water supply.
It is difficult to maintain such facilities as hot water supply and to plan for repair and replacement in advance.
I can’t think of any functional alternatives.
It has been at least half a century since the early Showa period, when there were no home baths.
This is also a reminder of the need for life security. Hmmm.

【みどり滴る季節 八剣山の峰を数えてみる・・・】




English version⬇

A Season of Dripping Greenery, Counting the Peaks of Hakkenzan…
In a period of behavioral restraint, we are embraced by the local nature. Come to think of it, I haven’t been able to count the peaks of Hakkenzan since I was a child. Hmmm… …

Hakkenzan is a unique looking mountain located in Minami Ward, Sapporo City.
Since I was a child, I have been imprinted with the image of “Godzilla’s back…”.
Minami Ward is the most natural environment-preserved area in Sapporo.
The area has not been developed into residential areas like other wards.
In today’s action-restrained environment, such close proximity to nature is a blessing.
On Sunday, a couple of us went for a short “outing.
They said, “Hakkenzan has eight peaks with exposed rocks, right?”
“Ummm, that’s what they say, but…”
“Well, one, two, three…”
So many people are riddled with riddles when they see this mountain (laughs).
(Laughs) In such cases, people usually count from the left side of the mountain.
So, we can figure out up to about 6, but after that, the right end of the mountain is unknown.
I am tempted to destroy the natural environment by having the numbers engraved on the peaks (laugh).
The following is an excerpt from the introduction.

〜Hakkenzan is a 498-meter-high mountain located 15 km southwest of Sapporo.
It can be seen on the right side of Route 230 from Sapporo to Jozankei.
Hakkenzan is known for its “dinosaur’s backbone” ridge, and is called “Hakkenzan” because of the many rocky peaks that line it like a spine.
It is called Hakkenzan (Mt. Hakken). Hakkenzan is also known as Mt.
Hakkenzan is estimated to be an intrusive rock body (beryllitic andesite) that penetrated the Tomiyama Formation during the Neogene Miocene.
Vertically developed columnar joints can be observed around the southern trailhead.
At the summit, sharply pointed peaks and northwest-southeast oriented veins (quartz hornblende dacite) are exposed, and horizontally developed columnar joints can be observed.
The horizontally developed columnar joints are characteristic of this area.
The andesite intrusive body is dated at 6.7 Ma (K-Ar method), and the dacite at the summit is dated at 4 Ma (K-Ar method).
The dacite at the summit has been reported to be 4 Ma (K-Ar method). Author: Shinji Kito] ~

So, recently there was a winery farm and restaurant at the foot of the mountain.
It was lunchtime, so we had a meal like the one you see below.
I was a little worried that it might be too spicy or salty, but when I tried it
But when I tried it, I found it to be surprisingly light and tasty.
I think the name of the dish was something like “Hakkenzan” or something like that.
I don’t pay attention to details when I am in such a great nature.
Hokkaido people are at best “generous” and at worst “messy.
The overwhelming abundance of nature that surrounds us gives us a sense of being surrounded by nature.

Well, there is no difference whether there are six or eight. It’s fine.
In the first place, the number eight has the meaning of “a lot.
I think that the naming of the house has such a meaning.
So, I am sorry to say this, but please try to count the number of peaks with your eyes.

【人の生死が重ねる陰影感 大和歴史証言-29】




English version⬇

A sense of shadows layered by the life and death of people Yamato Historical Testimony-29
An old private house space composed only of natural light and natural materials. The overlapping of the lives and deaths of family members probably forms the mother of the mental landscape of the people. …

This is the final installment of the series of old houses in the open-air exhibition at the Nara Prefectural Museum of Folklore.
I have visited many modern houses.
As I get older, I am more and more attracted to the quiet “dialogue” in old private houses with the people I visit.
I don’t really know what that means to me, but I am fascinated by the atmosphere of the rooms, such as the one in the photo above.
For example, I feel a strong sense of “shadow” in the atmosphere of the interior as shown in the photo above.
The “opening” of a Japanese house is different from that of a Western window, which is a “door between doors.
In the West, the opening is relatively voluntary as a “passageway for the wind.
In Japan, openings are only allowed at intervals in the pillar structure.
Insulation and airtightness have been pursued only with painted wall finishes.
As a result, lighting conditions have not been emphasized much, and a sense that the interior is dark has developed.
The few openings that allowed light into the house were further shaded by the interior walls and fixtures.

Perhaps this sense of shading is deeply ingrained in the Japanese people.
When something sad happens
When something sad happened, there existed a space where one could “cry softly” indoors.
An open space is not enough to deal with this kind of emotional situation.
A dimly-lit darkness is the most appropriate.
I think the saddest thing was the death of a family member.
In an old private house, such deaths are layered and imprinted on the space.
The natural texture of the pillars and beams, the gradation created by the subtle unevenness of the painted walls.
The fixtures and fittings also let the expression of the wood drift naturally into the room.
In a word, the dead are absorbed into the shadows of the house.
There is a sense that afterimages of the family’s life linger in the house.
At a moment’s notice, a deep psychological stirring occurs, and a wistful tear rolls down the cheek.
There is a sense that this kind of atmosphere is naturally transmitted to visitors.
Every Japanese person shares this kind of experience in interior spaces.
And even on the exterior, traces of human life and death can be seen.
The finishing materials naturally create expressions, and shadows are externalized.
This kind of appearance may be naturally perceived by the interviewer.

The design of the kitchen heating and cooking equipment, also known as “okudo-san,” in this group of open-air exhibition houses was wonderfully uniform.
The design of the kitchens, also known as “okudo-san,” was quite uniform in this group of open-air exhibition houses.
The houses were generally built in the Edo period (1603-1867).
I wondered if this kind of standardization had progressed in the Nara Basin area during this period.
I wanted to do some research, but I could not find any clues.
Unlike modern system kitchens, each house has a slightly different look.
As well as being a cooking device, it was also made of clay, so it would have radiated heat in a relaxed manner.
It is a basic device that sustains the lives of the family with food and warmth.
The lingering visual experience still remains as an afterimage.

【日本のはじまり「橿原」の農家住宅 大和歴史証言-28】





English version⬇

Farmhouses in Kashihara, the Beginning of Japan, Yamato Historical Testimony-28
The architecture of the royal center was relocated and used in the new city, and the remaining land continued to be used sustainably as farmland. The wisdom of the Japanese people. …

Kashihara is named in the Chronicles of Japan as the final destination of Emperor Jinmu’s expedition to the east.
The Kashihara Shrine, which was built in the Meiji era (1868-1912), has the following description on its website
〜Kashihara, the sacred place of the founding of the nation, is where the nation of Japan began.
Kashihara is mentioned as the site of the founding of Japan in “Nihonshoki,” which is considered the oldest authentic history of Japan.
The place where the founder of the nation, Kashihara, was named in the Chronicles of Japan, the oldest authentic history of Japan.
He headed east from his palace in Takachiho, Kyushu, to create a prosperous and peaceful country.
Overcoming unimaginable hardships, he built the Kashihara Palace at the southeastern foot of Mount Unebi.
He ascended to the throne as the first Emperor of Japan in the first year of the second millennium A.D., some 2,600 years ago.
Kashihara, the birthplace of Japanese history and culture, can be said to be the origin of Japan. 〜The first year of the Kashihara Period
This is like a high declaration of “Kashihara is the origin of Japan”.
The location of this farmhouse on Google Maps shows the geographical relationship as above.
It is located in close proximity to Makimukai (Mamimukai) and Asuka (Asuka).
Although there is no evidence in Kashihara itself to support this Nihonshoki, the existence of this farmhouse has been confirmed in 10 generations.
The existence of the 10th Emperor Sujin, whose reign lasted from the end of the 1st century to the beginning of the 2nd century, is definitely confirmed.
The site is located in the same area as the “Mimamukai Site,” which dates from the late 1st to early 2nd century.
Although the chronological consistency of the Nihonshoki is questionable, it is an important region in ancient history.
Although the chronological consistency of the Nihonshoki is questionable, there is no doubt that this is an important region in ancient history.

The former residence of the Yoshikawa family was built around 1703 in the Naka district of Kashihara City, Kashihara Prefecture.
This is a central farmhouse residence in the central part of the country, which was a typical “shumura” (village) during the Edo period.
The family is said to have served as headman for generations.
The main house was built in the center of the site, facing south, with a nagaya gate in front of it.
From both ends of the main building, there is a U-shaped structure with an earthen wall, a barn, a building, a rice warehouse, and other outbuildings.
It is considered a typical “enclosure structure.
In the reconstruction, only the main building and the row-house gate remain.

The “shimomise” with a mezzanine “tsushi nikai” in the front corner of the earthen floor was used for weaving.
The large earthen floor is a space for indoor farm work and after dark.
It is a space for active food production even after dark.

From our modern point of view, it is a space where we can enjoy the beauty of a large city such as Tokyo, for example.
The central facilities of the city, such as the Imperial Palace, the Kasumigaseki government offices, the National Diet, the Prime Minister’s office, and other central political institutions, are all located in the same place.
The central political institutions such as the National Diet and the Prime Minister’s Office have been relocated to Hokkaido, for example, and their remaining land has been
It is difficult to imagine that the remaining land will be redeveloped as farmland.
In the Nara Basin, the “Mahoroba of the Nation” area, the center of the Japanese state undoubtedly existed from the 300s to the 400s.
The core of the Japanese nation undoubtedly existed in the 300s and 400s in this “national maboroba” area of the Nara Basin, but it has since been completely transformed into a rural area.
I am deeply reminded of the “Japanese sense of sustainability.
Come to think of it, in the old days, most of the structural materials for royal palaces and other buildings were
In the old days, most of the structural materials of royal palaces were recycled as building materials for new palaces.
It is said that the stone buildings in Greece and Rome were also relocated and reused.
Such “mottainai” spirit or rationalism is wonderful.
If the site is cleaned up, it can be easily converted into useful agricultural land.
I think it is also significant that the area is an obvious trace of such “wisdom of the people.

【江戸期の町家「職住一体」ぶり 大和歴史証言-27】




English version⬇

The Edo Period’s “Work and Residence Togetherness” of Town Houses: Yamato Historical Testimony-26
The Edo period, when society was fixed. The ruling class is too perverse, although elements of development can be found in the way of life of merchant families. The traditional art of condemnation of ridiculous ethics. …

The Japanese architectural culture of the machiya as a merchant house.
Various styles existed in line with each “family business.
In this house, we can catch a glimpse of a rice dealer’s business.
On the other hand, the machiya house has a very strong sense of unity between work and residence.
In this house, a self-sufficient well remains.
I was impressed by the fact that it seems to be an independent survival device.
I believe that the Japanese housing culture is based on the concept of “work and residence as one.
In the case of old houses, it is difficult to understand the lifestyle of the residents.
In the case of old houses, I think that the lack of understanding of the way of life is limited to samurai residences and tenement houses.
The tenement houses were the only way of life for the second and third sons of farmers who could only live as “servants” in Edo.
The second and third sons of farmers chose this type of living environment. With the spirit of “making a name for themselves
They first lived in a very small rented house, and then moved up to a better class within the family.
Some of them finally managed to live in a rented house in the same tenement and set up their own household.
In the case of those who were apprenticed to a merchant family, this would be equivalent to being in the banto class.
If you were able to rise further in rank, you could even get a detached house in the city.
This was a one-in-a-thousand chance. In the case of merchant family servants, it is the equivalent of being a “noren-keisatsu” (goodwill divider).
The probability of being a “successful person in Edo” was extremely low.
I believe that there were many people who had no choice but to take up the challenge.
Most of the tenement renters were not able to have their own families.
It would have been difficult for them to find a safe haven in Edo society.
If “individualism” was to sprout in the Edo period
However, the probability of such a situation was extremely rare.
If we look at ancient Western societies, such as Rome, and sort out “citizens” and “slaves
It could be said that they were slaves in the sense that they were good for the body.
However, Japanese society was not as harsh as that of the ancient West.
It seems that Japanese society was not as harsh as that of the ancient West, but was a more human rights-oriented social system.
At the very least, such classes were not discriminated against.
On the other hand, when we look at samurai residences, there is basically a lack of a “sense of life.
It is as if they were living in a fictional authoritarianism.
They maintained their mentality with an empty sense of vanity, as if to say, “Samurai don’t eat, but they do eat.

In this type of “urban residence” of the Edo period, the sense of unity of work and residence of the merchant family
The merchant family itself was part of the fixed family system of Edo period society, but it was also a part of the family system of the Edo period.
Although merchant families themselves were part of the fixed family system of Edo period society
However, I think they lived the most “free” way of life.
At least in the area of business, they were able to exercise their own wisdom and ingenuity.
However, the society as a whole was basically under the oppression of samurai rule, and the direction to break through the oppression was to use the structure of that rule.
The only way to break through this oppression would have been to take advantage of the ruling structure.
There was no freedom of commerce, and the only choice was to “take in” the oppressor’s efforts.
Personally, I believe that if Tanuma Iiji’s regime had continued in the Bakufu for a longer period of time, the Edo system would have been more viable.
I think the Edo system would have had a chance of survival if Tanuma Iiji’s regime had lasted longer in the Bakufu.
However, he suppressed capitalist social progress by ridiculously accusing others of “bribe politics.
As a result, such perverse thinking continued until the end of the Edo period.

Now, the regime is raising the somewhat unrealistic title of “new capitalism.
There is no future for this country unless it pursues a more capitalist development.
What kind of dynamic of social development will emerge from this movement?

【江戸期「米屋」の店構え 大和歴史証言-26】




English version⬇

The Edo Period “Rice Shop” Structure: Yamato Historical Testimony-25
Is the wooden lattice design an exterior icon of machiya merchant houses in Japanese society? The floor plan is a 4-ken square, rationality-compliant type. Is it an expression of the spirit to cut waste? ……

The Kanuma family has lived on the north side of Yoko Oji Street and has operated a rice store for generations.
The front eaves of the main house are decorated with latticework, and the two ends of the second floor are decorated with sleeve walls and a latticework in the center.
Entering from the main door, there is a “mise-doma,” and to the right is a “shimomise,” a low wooden floor.
To the left is the “mise,” and behind that is the “okumise.
The “mise” is on the left, and the “omise” is in the back. The scales of the rice shop, etc. currently on display are thought to be measuring instruments from the Meiji period onward.
The scales and other weighing equipment on display today are thought to be from the Meiji period onward. The so-called “weighing and selling” scene.
This shows the atmosphere of a townhouse and rice shop since the Edo period.
Rice is a staple food, so it can be said to be the backbone of the machiya business.
It is a two-story gabled structure with a girder length of 9.2 meters and a beam length of 8.6 meters, and the roof is covered with pierced tiles.
The right side of the plane is a street earthen floor, and the front and rear sides are partitioned off, with the lower part of the front side used as a storefront for rice and grain.
The front latticework, the second-floor latticework, and the two end walls are all characteristic of machiya architecture.
On the left side of the store is a tatami-mat-lined “mise,” where cash settlements with visitors or recording of purchases are conducted.
The left side of the store is a tatami-mat-lined “mise,” where cash settlements with customers or bookkeeping of purchase records were conducted.
Cash settlements were not often conducted, and transactions were generally conducted on credit with residents in the neighborhood.
The traditional Japanese settlement method was to settle in a lump sum at the end of the year.
The phrase “will I be able to make it through the New Year?” probably expresses the reality of the common people’s economy.
Considering that this is a form of trading in which visitors visit and make purchases, the amount bought and sold at one time is within the range of what one can bring with them.
In modern times, 5kg or 10kg packages are the standard.
I can imagine that the amount of food is about the same. It is a staple food, but with a standard family size meal, how often would it be purchased?
It would be interesting to see how often it was purchased, in terms of the trading site scene.
Architecturally, the square thick latticework on the front side is very bold and characteristic.

Was there an interior void area that served a “show window” function to the street?
One can only imagine what the display structure and eye-catcher would be as a rice store.
As an architectural style that succinctly expresses a traditional Japanese merchant house or townhouse
This “lattice” design must have been an exterior icon.

In the restored exhibit, the storage stock location for the rice bales of this product is not clearly indicated.
This may have been omitted during the relocation.
The floor plan shows a “toritsugi” of about 3 tatami mats in the back.
It is highly possible that there was a storehouse-like structure behind it.
All four rooms in the store and living quarters are 1 ken x 2 ken in size.
Looking at the floor plan, a square 4-ken square is the skeletal scale of the structure.
Although it is recognized as the most “efficient” floor plan even today
As a merchant house in the Edo period, it seems to have pursued architectural space efficiency with great calculation.
They seemed to have made an effort to reduce costs by thoroughly eliminating waste while imagining the relationship with their customers.
I feel that this work conveys the spirit of a merchant family that was striving to reduce costs by thoroughly eliminating waste while imagining the relationships with their customers.

【町家「鹿沼家」と幕府の税制 大和歴史証言-25】




English version⬇

The Kanuma Family of Town Houses and the Shogunate’s Tax System Yamato Historical Testimony-24
Sri Lanka’s national financial collapse due to prioritizing SDGs ideals. The collapse of the Edo Shogunate due to its economic incompetence. Criticism of others prioritizing ethics and a living economy. …

In this installment of “Exploring Old Houses in the Nara Basin,” we will visit a townhouse in Yamatotakada City, located in the southwestern part of the basin.
Since ancient times, Yamatotakada City has been at the crossroads of two major roads, Yoko-oji (Hatsuse-kaido) from east to west and Shimo-kaido from north to south.
The city of Yamatotakada has been an important place where two main roads, Yoko-oji (Hatsuse-kaido) from east to west and Shimo-kaido from north to south, crossed.
The Kanuma family lived on Yoko-oji Street, which was a major thoroughfare in Yamatotakada City.
The Kanuma family is said to have lived on the north side of Yoko Oji and operated a rice store for generations.
According to an extant “letter of undertaking and fukinsho”, the building was constructed in the 9th year of Bunka era (1812).
The front eaves of the main building are decorated with latticework, and the two ends of the second floor are decorated with sleeve walls.
The latticework on the front eaves and the latticework in the center of the second floor are typical of machiya houses.
It is said to be one of the oldest examples of machiya in the prefecture.
The following photos of modern machiya houses in the city were introduced on the Web.

In the Edo period and Japanese society, taxation of commercial transactions itself
In the Edo period (1603-1867) and Japanese society, a firm policy of economic management thought regarding taxation of commercial transactions itself is not clearly evident.
Although we moderns are accustomed to a reasonably logical taxation policy, it was difficult to tax individual commercial transactions under the Tokugawa Shogunate in the Edo period.
However, under the Tokugawa shogunate in the Edo period, it was difficult to tax individual commercial transactions.
The Tokugawa Shogunate system in the Edo period had difficulty in taxing individual business transactions.
There were also taxes levied on specific jobs, such as luck and money orders, as well as on temporary businesses and to make up for financial losses.
The main source of taxation in the Edo period was the so-called “annual tribute.” For merchant families, property taxation was levied on the floor space of their buildings.
The basic idea of samurai power was to “work hard,” and “land rights” were the highest value in society.
The samurai power was based on the idea of “working hard,” and the “right to the land” was the highest value.
The government was based on the commercial vitality of the people, but with the downfall of Tanuma Iiji, “bribery” became the norm.
But with his downfall, the hysterical impeachment of “bribery politics
The budding of the administration was choked off when Tanuma lost his power.
Personally, I believe that this attack on Iniji Tanuma was the first time that the illogical condemnation of others was imprinted as a characteristic of the Japanese people.
I personally believe that this attack on Iniji Tanuma was the first situation that imprinted the illogical blaming of others as a Japanese characteristic.
Mr. Tanuma was trying to figure out how to incorporate the emerging economic vitality into his administration.
In other words, he tried to fundamentally reform the finances of the shogunate by logically elucidating the economy.
The open-minded “rakuichi rakuza” philosophy, which had existed since Oda Nobunaga, did not become the basis of the taxation system or the fiscal framework.
The objective was to be clean and honest by criticizing Tanuma’s politics “ethically”.
The trend of making Tanuma’s politics “ethically” critical and purity the objective is a trend that continues to the present day.
This trend, which is still alive today, may be seen in the phenomenon of political criticism and hysteria of blaming others.
In Sri Lanka, where the president fled the country after the national financial collapse
The president’s agricultural “reform” banning chemical fertilizers in favor of the “ideology” of the SDGs has resulted in a dramatic decline in production by almost half.
As a result, production dropped to almost half of what it had been before, leading to the financial collapse.
A people starved by a clean slate, and a fugitive powerhouse lauded by the modern SDG philosophy.
The people are nothing but a bunch of fools to the people, including the administration of a clean and economically illiterate government.

Oops, I’m totally off-topic (laughs).
But on the other hand, I believe that there is a never-ending “rationalist” philosophy to be found in Japanese machiya architecture.
I believe that the “rationalist” philosophy that is endless in Japanese machiya architecture can be found in it. I will leave the architectural analysis for tomorrow.