




English version⬇

Kawasaki Daishi, Statue of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Goddess of Peace.
Religion and Humanity. An opportunity to talk with the ancients. We are thinking beings. It is an opportunity to calmly accept the religious views of our ancestors and explore the history of the world. The statue of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Statue of the Goddess of Peace at Kawasaki Daishi.

My life’s work is an exploration of human culture with a focus on residential architecture.
In addition to the usual modern houses, I also work on the construction of private residences.
I also engage in virtual dialogues with the people of the past who lived in old houses.
My main purpose is to have a virtual dialogue with people who used to live in old houses, as well as ordinary modern houses.

When I think of “reporting” in this way, various thoughts about the way of life of the people of old come to me.
I think that the main purpose of this project is to explore the traces of the lifestyles of the people of the past.
In this context, religion is positioned as something extremely dense.
In Japan, the religions of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are deeply rooted.
In the case of shrines, there are not many plastic statues as objects of worship.
If I were to venture a guess, I would say that shimenawa (sacred straw ropes) are equivalent to such objects.
As for architecture, Izumo-taisha and other shrines are symbolic.
But, rather, the natural mountain itself, as in the case of Ogami Shrine, is equivalent to such a shrine.
I strongly feel the ancestral form of deep-rooted sun god belief and nature worship.
In Buddhism, on the other hand, a wide variety of architecture and many Buddhist statues have been revered.
My family’s religious affiliation was changed to Jodo Shinshu at one time due to work-related reasons, but was later restored to Shingon.
Later, it was restored to the Shingon sect. I myself am the youngest child in the family, so I have been a member of the Shingon sect for a while.
I myself am the youngest child in my family, so I am not conscious of that much of an attribute.
Like most Japanese people, I think I have a “stay close to the people” attitude.
I am also a history buff, so I think I can find many “subtleties” in religious sites.
However, when I was a student, I was interested in learning the “Heart Sutra” on my own.
I have a sense of reverence for the religious views of the Buddha himself as depicted in it.
As one would expect from a teaching common to all Buddhist sects, I feel a strong sense of universality.

As I get older, when I go on business trips to Tokyo, I choose a place where I can go for a morning walk around Buddhist temples and shrines.
I have come to choose places to stay where I can take a morning walk around Buddhist temples when I go on business trips to Tokyo.
The most common places are in the Kawasaki area, such as Kawasaki Daishi and Hirama-ji Temple.
Old people are early risers, so we left the hotel and took the train to Kawasaki Daishi Station.
A five-minute walk down the approach to the temple allows you to participate in the early morning “morning service.
Well, not really to participate in the sutra reading.
I am allowed to chant a small Hannya Shingyo (Heart Sutra) to the accompaniment of numerous monks reading the sutra.
The grand fragrance of the incense and the loud sound of the sutra chanting give me a kind of cathartic feeling.
I don’t have any particular wish or curse to make (laughs).
(laughs) I guess you could say that I can spend time immersed in a religious atmosphere.
Japanese people have lived their whole lives experiencing this kind of time universally.
Do you want to maintain this sense of the average Japanese person?
I am not sure myself, but I do feel a sense of self-sufficiency.
Hirama Temple and Kawasaki Daishi Temple were founded in 1128.
The statue of Buddha was thrown into the sea by Kobo Daishi Kukai, and Hirama, who lived as a fisherman
The temple is said to have its origin in the fact that the Hirama clan, who lived as fishermen, scooped up the Buddha image into a net in the waters near Kawasaki.
The tale of the founding of the temple is strangely similar to the legend of Sensoji Temple.
Regardless of its authenticity, the activities of the people who have believed in it for more than 900 years
I feel something healing in the work of the people who believed in it for more than 900 years.





English version⬇

[Beijing “mass society” in the early Qing Dynasty and 1740s, similar to the Edo period.
Is the Chinese ideology an ideology that perceives the loss of its power base through restrained diplomacy? The peaceful bustle of the city, similar to ukiyoe prints. …

In a sense, Japanese history reflects the interaction between the world and Japanese society.
From the time of Himiko and the Yamataikoku, the movements of China have been the greatest influencing factor for Japan.
The fact that Japan even adopted a diplomatic policy of “seclusion,” which is rare in the world
I believe that the Japanese tradition of pacifism may have been at the root of this policy of seclusion, which is rare in the world.
Although the isolation of Japan during the Edo period was largely due to the distance it gained from Western colonial competition
The strengthening of the national defense system after the defeat at the Hakumura River, the “kokufu-ka” of the Heian period (794-1185), and the defense against the
In addition, the national defense against the Genko Invasions was the main target of the Japanese national defense policy.
I believe that the policy of responding to the Chinese nation as a maritime nation is shown in these movements.
The Chinese ideology, which is a nuisance to neighboring countries, is a domestic peace policy from the “I-idea” and
In order to achieve domestic peace from the “Gian idea,” it is necessary to have a foreign policy of “stay the course.
The best way to achieve domestic peace from the “Chinese idea,” which is a nuisance to neighboring countries, is a diplomatic policy of staying out of the way.
The best thing would be for China to change from an imperialist dictatorship to a democratic state.
But that seems to be an unrealistic dream.
If that is difficult, we can only hope that calm pacifism will remain stable in the country as long as possible.
If that is difficult, we can only hope that the calm pacifism will continue in the country as long as possible.
The time of the Edo Shogunate in Japan and the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in China
The period around 1740 was a relatively peaceful period due in part to Japan’s isolation.

In the “Qingfeng Zujian,” which depicts the bustle of the streets during the Chinese New Year in Beijing in the 1740s
It is full of depictions similar to the social conditions of the Edo masses in Japan during the same period.
The 28.6 cm (H) by 512.4 cm (W) extra-wide screen is filled with a variety of people’s lifestyles.
The Ch’ien-lung Emperor at the height of the Qing Dynasty loved this work depicting the bustling city life.
In the first lunar month of 1736, just after his accession to the throne, he presented the “Qingfeng Scroll” by Qian Chan, a painter of the Yuan dynasty.
The Ch’ien-lung Emperor was presented with “Qing-feng Scroll” by Qian Chien, a painter of the Yuan dynasty, in the first lunar month of 1736, and ordered the court painter Chen Hae to create a draft based on it.
In October of the same year, the emperor was satisfied with the finished manuscript, and this version of the “Qingfeng Scroll” was completed in the 5th year of the Qianlong reign (1740).
This copy of “Qingfeng Scroll” was completed in December 1740, so it is thought to be a different edition.
However, since the same artist, Chen Pai, is listed as the author of this scroll, it is likely that the results of the Qianlong 2 volume were somehow reflected in this volume.
However, since the same Chen Paik is listed as the author, it is believed that the results of the Qianlong 2 book are somehow reflected in this volume.
It is certain that the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, who had the “Qing-feng illustrated scroll” produced several times, had a great interest in this subject matter.

When you look closely at the city streets like this, you can see the happiness of ordinary, peace-loving people.
The peace-loving people of the city are happy.
The dominant atmosphere of this work is similar to that of ukiyoe prints of the same period in Edo society.
As for the work itself, it is a miniature painting on a 28.6-cm-wide canvas.
I am deeply moved by the variety of people’s lives expressed in these works.
I was deeply moved by the fact that he was able to express so many different people’s lives on a 28.6cm-wide canvas. I’m not trying to blackmail Taiwan, but I’m just trying to show you what it was like in the Edo period.
I strongly hope that peaceful coexistence like that of the Edo and early Qing dynasties can be realized even today.





English version⬇

Qing Dynasty painting “Qingfeng Scroll,” City of Beijing in the 1740s.
A Qing Dynasty version of the painting “Scenes in and around the City of Beijing”. The architecture and districts, as well as the general “customs” of the people who lived in the era, overflow onto the screen. A trip through time and space. The work is a short trip through time and space.

The Chinese military is now blockading Taiwan, firing live ammunition into the surrounding area and continuing to intimidate the Taiwanese people who greeted Pelosi.
The Chinese military is now blockading Taiwan, firing live ammunition around the island, and continuing to intimidate the Taiwanese people who welcomed Pelosi.
It is an insane “national” posture that stoutly adds argument to those who are weaker than oneself.
It is an insane “national” posture like Gian of the cartoon.
It can be said that the danger of the Chinese nation of the communist dictatorship was exposed to the whole world.

In such a situation, the Tokyo National Museum is holding a special digital exhibition
The special digital exhibition “The World of NPM” is currently being held at the Tokyo National Museum.
Compared to a normal exhibition, however, the size of the exhibition space is only about 1/4 of that of a regular exhibition.
One wonders how it came to be held on such a small scale.
The exhibition of VR images of the Palace Museum and the Forbidden City was also held using Japanese letterpress printing technology, so I wonder what kind of artistic diplomacy was involved.
It would be interesting to know how the artistic diplomacy was conducted.
So far, no information has emerged in this area, but we will keep a close eye on it in the future.
The Tokyo National Museum has decided that this digital VR exhibition alone is not good enough.
The Tokyo National Museum, however, thought it would be a bad idea to hold a concurrent exhibition titled “Calligraphy, Painting, and Crafts of the Qing Dynasty Court.
The museum also exhibited actual works of art from the Qing court that are in the Tokyo National Museum’s collection and under its management.
There are many opportunities to see Japanese and Western paintings in Japan.
Japanese and Western paintings are often seen in Japan, and the collection in Japan is very diverse and large.
On the other hand, there are few opportunities to come into contact with Chinese paintings in Japan.
Perhaps it was because the exhibition itself was very lonely.
I was allowed to take plenty of photographs, as I had full permission to do so.
Among them, the “Qing Feng Scroll” painted in the Qing Dynasty of China was wonderful.
The theme of the painting was the bustling city of Beijing during the New Year in 1760.
The people were prosperous because of the emperor Qianlong’s rule, as in a traditional dictatorship.
The work is openly intended to be a disgusting “manipulation” of the people’s wealth.
As an art appreciator, I do not want to listen to the pretensions of the rulers (laugh).
The “Qingfeng Scroll” is more than 5 meters long, and depicts the bustle of the gorgeous city of Beijing in great detail.
The preamble is a poem by Liang Shi-zheng, a calligrapher and senior official of the Qing Dynasty, written by the Ch’ien-lung Emperor himself.
(See the third photo.) Here is a poem that celebrates the full moon.
(See the third photo.) Here we can see phrases celebrating the full moon and the words “the imperial capital.
Based on the above, this long scroll is dated to the
The theme of this long scroll is the Japanese “Lantern Festival” in Luochu.

Thematically, it is probably similar to the “Rakuchu Rakugai-zu” in Japan.
In Japan, it is depicted as a sliding door painting, but in China, it is a long scroll representation.
In Rakuchu-Rakugai-zu, bridges over the Kamo River and famous places of interest are depicted.
The Raku-chu-Rakugai-zu depicts architecture, human figures, and customs. Although we do not know the specifics of the places of interest
but it seems that the intent of this “Keiho” scroll is the same as this one.
The gate, the fence around the building in the style of a shikai-in (a traditional Japanese-style house), and the exterior appearance of the building are interesting.
The roads are also represented as a stage with very wide avenues.
Although horses of various sizes and heights are depicted as means of transportation, the smaller ones do not appear to be horses at all.
The smaller one is not a horse, but seems to be a different animal species. The smaller one is not a horse at all, but seems to be a different animal species.
I would like to read the atmosphere of the period from the Chinese version of Rakuchu-Rakugaizu.

【現代生活のキモ「給湯器」 交換設置完了!】



English version⬇

The key to modern life, the water heater, has been replaced and installed!
We are now free from our daily visits to a hot spring spa, which is only a 10-minute drive away. Facilities are truly important lifelines. Maintenance and upkeep are essential.

A water heater failure occurred at our house & dual-use office just after the middle of last month, an Oshaka incident.
The cold-weather type water heaters are installed indoors, not outdoors.
When the oil heat source type, which accounts for most of the water heaters, malfunctions, it results in the smell of oil inside the room.
When the oil heat source type, which accounts for most of the water heaters, malfunctions, a petroleum smell is generated indoors.
I was intuitively concerned, “Oh, come on, we are in the midst of an equipment crisis….
As you know, in conjunction with the spread of infectious diseases and the crisis in Ukraine
The global production and distribution of building materials is undergoing major changes.
The fact that the water heater, in particular, was said to be in a bad shape immediately crossed my mind.
The results of the inspection showed that the previous water heater was a model with a life expectancy of more than 20 years.
We immediately asked them to replace the old hot-water heater, as it had passed the end of its life expectancy.
Hot water heating is an indispensable function in modern life.
Although it is not so necessary for cooking in the summer time, there is almost no alternative for bathing.
But for bathing, there is almost no alternative.
After we contacted the construction company, they desperately searched for an alternative.
They found an indoor water heater in Kyushu, and ordered it immediately.
We ordered it immediately, and it arrived on August 4, and was installed immediately.
Although there is little demand for cold-weather type indoor water heaters in Kyushu, the city has a large inventory of them in case there is a demand.
We were surprised to learn that some of them had been stocked in the market in case of demand.
This is a good opportunity to learn about the market structure, and an interesting market situation.

And, as one would expect from a 30-year-old building, there were a few “what’s this?
What’s this? There were also some problems in the plumbing.
There was a “backflow” phenomenon around a water outlet that had not been used at all.
The entire existing hot water piping had to be made sound before the facility could be renewed. That was also renovated at the same time.
The combustion air is obtained from outside and the exhaust air is also discharged outside.
The work took half a day, with some external work also required.
Finally, we managed to complete the work.
However, we had also requested the maintenance of the floor heating boiler installed in the indoor storage room at the same time, since it was the same kerosene boiler.
We had also requested maintenance for the floor heating boiler installed in the indoor storage room at the same time.
I had also requested maintenance for a floor heating boiler installed in a storage room at the same time.
This was also the first time we were informed of the market reality.
So, finally, the hot water supply environment was restored in our house.
During this period, we took a bath at a one-day hot spring facility about 10 minutes away by car for about two weeks.
I had been visiting a one-day spa facility about a 10-minute drive away (laugh).
(Laughs.) This is a facility that I am familiar with on a regular basis.
I enjoyed it in its own way, but
I realized that hot water supply is an indispensable lifeline in modern life.
At the same time, we also had to do maintenance on the toilets and modifications to the blinds.
I realized that maintenance and management are becoming more and more important in modern life.
Since there is a high possibility that the global market for building materials and equipment will remain unchanged for a long period of time, it is very important to keep up with maintenance checks.
I think it is very important to check maintenance on a regular basis.





English version⬇

Discovery of “crane guardian dogs” around the throne in the Palace Museum in Beijing
The decoration of “komainu” (guardian dogs) was universally practiced in the East Asian world. Furthermore, might they have their roots in the Sphinx? Stimulating the imagination. …

Japanese shrines are accompanied by “komainu” (guardian dogs).
I like shrines as architecture, or rather their spatiality.
It is generally said that they are not necessarily standardized or unified.
Though there is no doubt that the dog is a common design
I would say it is a canine, but it almost looks like a lion.
In terms of design, it seems to be a universal design adaptation of the Egyptian sphinx.
Does it mean that it is a being that protects and serves a deity?
In Japanese tumulus culture, terra-cotta statues of soldiers like the Chinese terracotta warriors are common.
I have never consciously regarded them as such.
I had wondered if there was almost nothing to see in the CG graphics.
The photo above was discovered at the Beijing Palace Museum exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum.
To my surprise, one pair of cranes are seated on either side of the throne like komainu (guardian dogs).

They were placed far apart on the left and right sides.
On the screen, I brought them closer together and cruised up the pair of statues.
I remember seeing this kind of use of komainu in some Japanese shrine buildings.
I found on the web that there is a shrine in Hakozaki, Izumi, Kagoshima Prefecture, which is famous for its large bell, the largest in Japan.
I found on the web that Hakozaki Hachiman Shrine in Izumi, Kagoshima Prefecture, which is famous for the largest bell in Japan, has a guardian dog like the one in the photo below.
The Forbidden City, a palace in Beijing, China, was founded in 1644, according to the following Wiki article.
〜In 1644, Li Jicheng’s army, rebelling against the Ming Dynasty, occupied Beijing and burned a part of the Forbidden City.
However, the Manchu and Qing dynasties drove Li Jisheng out of Beijing and rebuilt the Forbidden City.
The buildings that survived the fire were maintained in the Han Chinese style of the Ming Dynasty, while the newly renovated buildings were restored in the Manchu style.
The newly reconstructed buildings were given Manchu features, creating a palace with both Manchu and Han characteristics.
The style of the Forbidden City remained unchanged until the present day. 〜The Forbidden City is said to have been built in the Manchurian style.
The Forbidden City is said to have been built in the same style as the Forbidden City.
Hakozaki Hachiman Shrine, on the other hand, is said to have been built around the 1180s by Tadahisa, the founder of the Shimazu family.
Considering the period, the existing “crane” guardian dogs in Japan may be older.
The NPM may be considered to have been ancestral at the time of the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, but it is not clear whether this is the case or not.
Does this mean that the “crane” guardian dogs of the Hakozaki Hachiman Shrine in Japan are older than those of the NPM?
Well, there is no way to verify this.
We can imagine that in East Asia, the custom of using guardian dogs has been in existence for a long time.
The motifs have varied from lions to cranes, but the modern-day guardian dogs have always been a symbol of the gods’ power and authority.
The motifs have changed in various ways, and have continued to the present day.

Now, in the modern world, we are witnessing the visit of U.S. Speaker of the House Pelosi to Taiwan.
The tension in the world today is on the verge of war due to the visit of US Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan and the tense domestic situation in China.
China’s powerful state has been a tiger in the face of the U.S., but it is now on the verge of war.
The warped “emperor of China” who wants to clear his name could go out of control. And, if we were to look at it.
A live Chinese missile was released into Japan’s EEZ.
How should we respond as the Japan-U.S. alliance?
We must respond to the trend of the greatest risk factor in international relations without hesitation.
I pray for a calm and resolute response to the crisis.

【気温39度から24度の世界へ 断熱のススメ】



English version⬇

[From 39 degrees Celsius to 24 degrees Celsius, Insulation Recommendations
I am amazed at how people can stand the heat and humidity. I am still surprised at how they can withstand the heat and humidity. I am still surprised at how they can endure such a hot and humid climate.

I returned from Tokyo and immediately went into the otherworldly world of cool down.
Yesterday morning I was back to work in my normal temperature environment.
My home and office is a world of concrete block exterior insulation.
It is a three-story building with a floor space of about 1.5 square meters.
During the summer, I occasionally run the air conditioning for about one hour per day.
It is not so much to lower the air temperature as it is to cool down the temperature of the body as a result of activity.
If you sit still and work at your desk, the temperature sensation disappears.
When I return to the outside air once in a while, I am greeted by cool air.
While I was in Tokyo, there was some dialogue about thermal environment as architecture.
I suddenly found myself talking about the summer indoor climate of our house.
I am reminded of the power of concrete block exterior insulation.
Even in hot and humid regions, stone warehouses can provide a cool space by limiting the amount of sunlight coming in through the windows.
and cool spaces can be realized.
In the summer, you can experience that kind of “cold-storage” effect.
On the other hand, in winter, the “heat storage effect” works to create a “warm” effect.
If you are in such a world of common sense, you may not be able to feel the heat of the summer in the heat of 39°C.
In the heat and humidity of 39 degrees Celsius, we do not think of any protection.
In the heat and humidity of 39 degrees Celsius, we forget that the architectural philosophy of Japanese society is universal.
In my house in the suburbs of Tokyo, the second floor facing the stairwell is a scorching hell…”
I was surprised to hear such a realization from someone in the Kanto area.
I am still surprised.
Why is that?” I am not saying that “stairwells” are bad.
It is not that “atrium” is bad, but rather that the idea of insulation has not taken root.
Perhaps it is because people think of endurance as a virtue.
This year, there are even warnings to save electricity even when using air conditioners.
Although there is a great deal of technological knowledge in Japanese society
However, what can only be considered unscientific sentiments seem to be dragging down the Japanese society.
We should make calm judgments about the human environment.
Whether it is insulation or energy choices, insane ideas should be ruled out.

So, I’m back from Tokyo, but
Yesterday and today, I have meeting appointments with people in Tokyo.
I can’t help but say sympathetically, “Oh, my God, it’s 39 degrees Celsius.
For the past few decades, I have not walked south of the Kanto region during the hot and humid summer season.
I have lived in hot and humid areas in summer for more than eight years in total.
I have been avoiding such climatic conditions, perhaps unconsciously.
I have not been to a hot and humid climate for a long time, and I think I need to make an effort to expand the wisdom and power of insulation.
I was made keenly aware of the need to make more efforts to expand the wisdom and power of insulation.





English version⬇

Regular dialogue with “Tokyo” as Hokkaido people.
Robots and onlookers’ guts. Obviously suspicious behavior. Check out the atmosphere of Tokyo as it is today. Business decisions are made in this environment….

Yesterday, I returned to Sapporo from Tokyo where it was a scorching hot 38 degrees Celsius.
While I was in Kanto, the temperature was mostly stable at around 38 degrees Celsius.
In such a situation, we had to do a lot of walking to get to our destination.
The heat from the concrete and asphalt, as well as the radiation
The feeling of heat radiation is not so bad, and if you keep wearing a mask on top of that, you will feel the heat in your body.
If you have to wear a mask on top of that, the heat will stay in your body.
If you can radiate heat from your mouth, you can adjust the temperature.
However, wearing a mask prevents this.
However, in Japanese society, the pressure to wear a mask is very strong.
As a Hokkaido native, I have a certain ethereal mindset, but as a visitor, etiquette is a must.
As a visitor, the psychology of always observing etiquette prevails.
When you act, you can immediately feel the moisture stagnate around your mouth within 1-2 minutes.
The business zone is extremely populated with this kind of atmosphere.
Concentration is highly convenient for circling various destinations in a short period of time.
However, physically, I felt that I had indeed seen the breaking point this time (laugh).

So, when I came back to Hokkaido and drove from New Chitose Airport to the highway by car
The cool, green scenery that dominates the landscape fills my body and mind.
The humidity is a little higher than usual, but the feeling of refreshment is unbelievable.
Well, my wife came alone to pick me up, so I could take off my mask.
My body, mind, air, and everything else is liberated (laughs).
My mind’s speed seems to be restored all at once.
I think that sometimes it is good to be in the business environment of Tokyo to “refresh information” in various ways.
In many ways, it is an opportunity to “refresh information.
In recent office buildings in central Tokyo, security robots like the one in the photo
The security robot in the photo is patrolling the sprawling entrance floor.
The robot’s video recorder probably keeps a record of me as a suspicious person taking pictures
I am probably recorded in the robot’s video recorder as a suspicious person taking pictures (laughs).
(laugh) I felt a strange connection between the IT environment and humanity.
I was taking pictures without thinking about it.
I suppose some of the office buildings in Sapporo have such devices, but
I have never encountered such a device in my life.
It was surreal to me to see the guts of an onlooker against a robot….

The other picture is a scene from a trip around Shibuya in the blazing heat.
There is an elevated highway of the Metropolitan Expressway running above us and Route 246 below.
There is an underground walkway to cross it.
The graffiti, like that of an American town, fits in with the atmosphere of the city.
When I think about it, it has been half a century since I was 20 years old, and I have been watching the changes in the city.
I have been watching the changes of such a city for half a century since I was 20 years old.
Perhaps I am updating the sense of modern real time with various sensors.
But I feel a great sense of freedom when I come back (laugh).


2019年2月には東京国立博物館で特別展「顔真卿 王羲之を超えた名筆」



English version⬇

[People who are “fed up” with their own cosmocentric and Chinese ideology.
I felt the power of culture and art in the calligraphy of the National Palace Museum of Taiwan and the Chinese Emperor Yan Zhenqing, but unfortunately I could not sympathize with the CG of the Forbidden City architecture from the Beijing government. …

The “World of NPM” exhibition is currently being held at the Tokyo National Museum.
This year is the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.
The exhibition is being held as a “proof of friendship” in the field of culture and art.
In February 2019, the Tokyo National Museum held a special exhibition, “Eon Shin-kyo: The Master Brush beyond Wang Xizhi”
was held at the museum. It exhibited the “Festival Niece Manuscript” and other works on loan from the National Palace Museum in Taipei, and
The exhibition was so popular that visitors lined up for more than an hour even on weekdays.
I went to the Tokyo National Museum as a matter of habit, and found that almost all of the visitors were from mainland China.
I was so impressed by the long line of visitors, almost all of whom were from mainland China, that I decided to go to the Tokyo National Museum to see the exhibition.
I was not that interested in the calligraphy of the great Chinese master, so I was surprised at the long line and left the museum.
I was surprised by the long line and left the museum.
I was surprised by the line and left the museum, because I was not that interested in the book.
I thought that the style of writing in which he wrote about his feelings of grief and indignation was very moving to the people of China.
The Chinese people are said to be so moved by the brush strokes that they are eager to see it at least once before they die.
It is true that I could strongly feel such psychological fluctuation in his brush strokes, and it was as if he had sunk deep into the Chinese mind.
I was able to infer that there must be something precipitated deep in the mind of the Chinese people.
And since the National Palace Museum in Taiwan preserves these works as national treasures, or rather as the pride of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Therefore, the Chinese people on the mainland have an extremely high barrier to visit the museum.
The fact that it was exhibited in Japan, a third-party country, attracted many Mainlanders to the exhibition.
The people’s hearts and minds transcended national borders and were sympathetic.
Of course, Japan does not have exactly the same kind of cultural and artistic works.
However, I was able to feel a sense of respect for their sentiments.

On the other hand, this exhibition was held at the Forbidden City and the National Palace Museum in Beijing.
Most of the national treasures are in the Forbidden City in Beijing and the National Palace Museum in Taiwan, so there is a lack of such exhibits.
I had heard from some sources that there were not enough exhibits of such treasures in the Forbidden City.
I had been wondering what on earth would be exhibited.
I was curious about what would be exhibited in the Forbidden City and the National Palace Museum.
The architecture of the Forbidden City and the National Palace Museum are the best exhibits after all.
This must be the reason why they offered it as an exhibit at the National Museum of Japan.
The so-called “Chinese idea” is that the Chinese emperor sits at the center of the world like the North Star, the center of the universe.
The so-called “Chinese idea” is to make the people of the world bow down by declaring that the Chinese emperor is the center of the world, like the North Star, the center of the universe.
It is an idea that has little regard for how other peoples feel about it.
the psychology of other peoples.
Historically, what kind of relationship should Japan maintain with such a powerful entity?
It is clear that this has been a major undercurrent of history.

And as the recent Xi Jinping regime has taken dictatorship to the extreme, it is clear that Japan can no longer afford to show friendship to the Japanese.
I feel that the Xi Jinping regime has already lost the luxury of showing friendship to the Japanese people.
I have heard that the decision to hold the exhibition at the NPM was made in an inappropriate manner.
Although I felt some respect for the National Palace Museum in Taiwan
I think that many Japanese people have clearly expressed their intention not to visit the Beijing NPM exhibition.
I think that many Japanese have clearly expressed their intention not to visit the Beijing NPM exhibition.
I have never seen such a deserted exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum….






English version⬇

Japanese people’s sense of coolness and beauty “KAWAKAZE” by KOBAYASHI Kokei.
A girl sits on a porch with a fan in her hand, dipping her toes in the water to cool off, reminiscent of the beauty paintings of Hishikawa Shisen and Utamaro. The eroticism inherited by the people of Japan. …

Yesterday was one purpose of this event. Attending a long lecture event.
In the morning, when I had free time, I visited art museums. After all, there is such a thing as a simple desire for beauty.
These feelings are irresistible to me, Suki.

I am a regular visitor to the Yamatane Museum of Art in Hiroo, which is probably the most representative collection of Japanese-style paintings.
It is probably the leading museum in Japan in terms of its collection of Japanese-style paintings.
The theme of this year’s exhibition is “The Shape of Water.
-From “Battle of Genpei” to “Waterfall” by Hiroshi Senju, the theme of this year’s exhibition is “Forms of Water.
Feature Exhibit: The World of Genpei as Depicted in Japanese Paintings
Each of the exhibits is overwhelmingly appealing and a true delight.
Hiroshi Senju is a Japanese painter who is active overseas.
His work “Waterfall” is the best example of his exploration of Japanese aesthetics in real time.
His work titled “Waterfall” was the most prominent work on display.
It is a black and white monochrome work.
The “behind-the-scenes” exhibit included a color version of the same work, which was very interesting to see.
There was also a very large painting of the Genpei wars, which drew visitors in.
It was truly a strong reminder of the continuity of the Japanese sense of beauty.
Personally, I was impressed by Okumura Togyu’s “Naruto” work depicting the whirlpools and the contrasting
The power of Takeshi Ishida’s “Naruto Straits” contrasted with Togyu Okumura’s “Naruto” work depicting the whirlpools made me forget the time.

Among the exhibited works, there is one work that is free to be photographed.
Among such exhibits, one of the specialties of this museum is that there is one work that is “free to photograph”.
This time it was “Kawakaze” by Kobayashi Kokei.
On the museum’s Facebook page
A girl sits on a porch with a fan in her hand, dipping her toes in the water to cool off.
The hairstyle and the way she is dressed are reminiscent of the paintings of beautiful women by artists such as Hishikawa Shisenobu and Kitagawa Utamaro.
It was introduced to me by a tableware maker and was in the collection of Okumura Togyu.” The introduction of “Okumura Togyu,” a young and very popular artist.
The work is a pin-up of the beauty of a young Japanese woman in a very folksy manner.
Especially, the left foot is slightly out of the water.
The kimono is a simple pattern, and the image is reversed.
The kimono’s subdued pattern contrasts strongly with the sense of “bare skin.
The expression of the water flowing beneath her feet is a kind of surprise.
The expression of the water flowing under the feet is also a kind of surprise.
Above all, the expression on the woman’s face is the very essence of traditional ethnic beauty.
Japanese people are overwhelmingly healed by this kind of transparency.

On the other hand, a stark contrast was the “World of the NPM” exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum
The photo shows the entrance area on the second floor of the Heiseikan, the venue for the exhibition.
The photo shows the entrance area on the second floor of the Heiseikan, where the exhibition was held.
It was so deserted that it was hard to believe that it was a holiday.
The ticket window was usually staffed with a precautionary warning that the exhibition was a computer-generated image display, and that there were almost no actual items on display.
The staff was so busy that it was hard to believe that it was a holiday.
I was very impressed with the exhibition.





English version⬇

Duet of “Taro Bando” and ancient lotus in the blazing heat.
Taro Bando (laughs), a noble flower with a pure and pure Buddhist connection, is in a grand love affair with the lotus. Midsummer in Kanto is in full swing. …….

We wish you a very happy hot summer.
As I recall, this is the way to write during the month of July….
〜Shochu-omai is sent from around July 7, the end of the rainy season, to around August 7, the day before the first day of autumn.
The “Shochu-mai” is sent from July 7, the end of the rainy season, to August 7, the day before Risshu. Shochu” refers to the 30-day period between “Shozu” and “Douzai” of the 24 solar terms.
Shochu” refers to the 30-day period between “Shogetsu” and “Dougaatsu,” the 24 solar terms.
If it is given after this period or too early, it will be an unseasonal greeting. The “〜” is the correct term.
is correct, but I think of it as during July so as not to forget.
Today is the 31st, so I guess this is still the right time.

But it is hot (laughs).
Well, however, I am happy to see “Taro Bando” again when I come from Hokkaido to Kanto (laugh).
I was on a trip to cover some residential construction projects.
On the way there, I was overwhelmed by his great excitement.
When was Bando Taro established as a word?
When was Bando Taro established as a Kotoba?
It is said that it started to be used as a landscape expression typical of Kanto.
From the time when the Japanese people began to develop the Kanto Plain, the largest area in Japan
The summer heat and the majestic appearance of these clouds have been imprinted in our memories since the time when the Japanese people began to cultivate the Kanto Plain
The majestic appearance of these clouds must have been imprinted in our memories.
Since I am sorry to show you only clouds, here is a picture of an ancient lotus in the middle of the picture.
〜˜Ancient lotus bloomed naturally after it was excavated during a public construction project in Gyoda City, Saitama Prefecture.
It is interesting to note that the buried seeds bloomed as if suddenly remembered.
Based on measurements of the stratum in which the seedlings were found, it is estimated that they are about 1,400 to 3,000 years old.
The lotus is now called the “ancient lotus. 〜The lotus is called the “ancient lotus.
It is a very seasonal term for midsummer.
This one is like Taro Bando’s wife (laugh).
Taro Bando fell in love with the ancient lotus blooming quietly by the water.
I feel as if he is competing with it for its majesty, asking it to “turn around and look at me.
To begin with, the lotus is an herbaceous aquatic plant native to Southeast Asia.
It is assumed to have spread to various parts of Japan as a result of the historical transition of various trading activities.
We feel the masculine endemic nature of the Kanto Plain, which is illuminated by the sun.
In historical times, the Kanto Plain was also a vast “suigo” area.
Edo had an abundant waterway environment to begin with.
Hideyoshi considered Edo to be the area with the highest potential for economic development in the Kanto region.

If you come from Hokkaido, you may be surprised at the high temperature and humidity of the air.
However, compared to the areas west of Hokkaido, the heat may still give you a sense of openness.
We will be working in the peak season of high temperature and high humidity, and we will take good care of ourselves.