




English version⬇

A lesson for those who are in need of medical care.
The energetic clouds overhead herald the arrival of midsummer in the northern part of Japan. The body alerts us to the outdoor-oriented summer fun. Eat eight portions of food at all times. …….

Compared to everyone else in Japan, Sapporo is on average 3-4 degrees cooler than the rest of the country.
But, as usual, the weather has been full of clouds.
As a Hokkaido native with a short summer, the hot and heavy air is a rare treat.
I am always happy to feel the hot and heavy air, which is rarely seen in Hokkaido.
In the morning, I try to walk as much as possible in the cooler time of the day, which increases the number of steps I take.
I also walk more in the daytime.
I was spending my Saturday like that.
However, when I came home in the evening and took a break, I started to feel a little “tired eyes”.
I had just been checking several computers at the same time.
I had been checking several computers at the same time, so after returning home, I had been concentrating my attention on the screen to check them.
It seemed that my body was warning me about this.

Well, once or twice a year, I get this kind of alert from fatigue.
It’s like, “Hey, hey, hey, you should think about your age.
I was mystified that my body would send me a warning signal like “Hey, hey, hey, hey!
So, I took a bath in cold water to suppress my hot flashes and rested.
I tried to rest, and the symptoms soon disappeared.
After I calmed down, I checked the “number of steps” on my smartphone screen.
My wife told me, “10,000 steps a day is too much walking. You should stop walking.
But I had ignored the warning to a great extent.
So on Sunday, I basically stopped walking, partly because of the early morning rain.
After going out for shopping by car, I tried to rest and recuperate.
I need to take good care of myself according to my age. A lesson in health care.

Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, I spent a lot of time in contact with the TV (laugh).
In between, I spent the day checking the election results, including on the Web.
I think the results were generally as predicted in advance.
I would say that the people’s choice, the will of the people, was clearly demonstrated.
I guess you could say that the so-called stability of domestic politics was highlighted to a great extent.
How will the strengthened government infrastructure be put to use in the future?
I would like to continue to pay close attention to this issue.






English version⬇

Japan, the weakest link in the new Cold War structure.
The Korean Peninsula was divided during the Cold War between East and West, and there is a strong possibility that the “division” of Japanese society will continue in the modern era. The people of Japan must make a calm decision. …

It is hard to return to daily life after the shock of the broad daylight terror and slaughter of former Prime Minister Abe….

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia immediately after the Beijing Winter Olympics.
The disastrous collapse of the United Nations, an organization that has failed to function at all.
In Asia, China’s war policy has increased the danger of distracting the public from the economic sinking.
As a result, the transition to the world of the “Second Cold War Structure” is undeniably underway.
As yet, this shock wave has not been fundamentally recognized in Japanese society.
Basically, the United Nations, an incompetent organization, is trying to maintain the balance of power against the system of dictatorships in China and Russia.
The UN, an incompetent organization, is totally ignored as a balance of power.
The free world is moving in the direction of strengthening alliances with NATO, Japan, the U.S., Australia, and South Korea.
The other day, the bankruptcy of the G20 organization also became clear.

The world as we know it may have come to an end.
In response to this international situation, Japanese society needs to regroup.
On the other hand, at this point in time, some in the media are still calling it “mollycoddling cherry picking” in their papers.
We live in an era in which such things can happen in broad daylight.
This situation seems to herald the arrival of such an era.
We have become too accustomed to peace.
Geopolitically, Japan is surrounded by Russia, China, and North Korea, which are illiberal and dictatorial camps.
Japan is surrounded by the illiberal and dictatorial camps of Russia, China, and North Korea.
During the last Cold War, the Korean Peninsula was divided and civil war broke out in Asia.
In the modern Cold War era, the crisis of division, including cyber and public opinion
In fact, there is a high probability that Japan will become the most dangerous zone.
I believe that we are still unaware of this “new normal of international relations.
It is not in the form of a direct invasion crisis by China or Russia, but in the form of a crisis that will bring “division” to Japanese society.
There is a high risk that it will bring about a “division” in Japanese society in a way different from a direct invasion crisis by China or Russia.
The assassination of former Prime Minister Abe seems to me to be a prime example of such an alert.
The phrase “assassination” is fully recognized internationally in Western society.
How can we “protect” Japan?
I believe that each and every citizen is required to make a calm decision on how to “protect” Japan.

Watching Mr. Abe’s unexpected death and his wife’s condition on TV
I felt grateful for the existence of a companion in the face of such a terrible tragedy.
In her deep grief, I heard that his wife distributed cold beverages to the press around their home under the blazing sun.
The importance of keeping one’s composure was clearly conveyed to me. Last night, my wife was at a legal hearing with her relatives.
Last night, my wife returned home at night for the first time in almost two days from a relative’s memorial service. I am relieved.
<The photo below is a reconstruction of the civil war during the Jinshin Rebellion. The bear has nothing to do with Russia.





English version⬇

Japan’s Security Crisis. Former Prime Minister Abe’s slaughter in broad daylight.
A daydream. A sudden burst of reality that no one would have expected. An absurd terrorist attack on a principled conservative politician. Japan is now weakened. …

What an outrageous tragedy in broad daylight.
No matter how “free and open” a society may be
No matter how “free and open” a society may be
Japan’s modern society has easily allowed terrorism that can be seen as the work of a delusional madman to continue.
Japanese modern society has easily allowed this to happen.
I am struck with a sense of indescribable impermanence.

He was only 67 years old.
By today’s social standards, he was still of an active age.
Of course, I am an ordinary person who has no acquaintance with Mr. Abe.
However, I have been in contact with his voice as a politician for a long time through the media.
Even to that extent, I still feel a strong sense of weakness at such a death.
As someone who has a strong interest in Japanese history, I am not surprised to hear of the deaths of such men as
I have the impression that the deaths of Sugawara no Michizane, Yoshitsune, and Sen no Rikyu were absurd.
It is as if someone that many Japanese have “come in contact with” died in the middle of his life.
The life of a politician must have such a meaning.

Now, how will the Japanese people act out of this sense of emptiness?
How will the Japanese people act out of this sense of emptiness?
On the one hand, there is the reality that the fiction of the United Nations is completely exposed for what it is.
On the other hand, there is the frightening reality of the invasion of a neighboring country by a nuclear-armed dictatorship with a “permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
Witnessing such a slaughter in broad daylight in the peaceful nation of Japan, we need to raise our awareness of the crisis.
We need to raise our awareness of the crisis.
This kind of peace-mindedness and defenselessness toward safety is the real crisis.
I would just like to offer my best wishes to Mr. Abe. My prayers go out to him.

【日本の王権と「工業力」経済振興 大和歴史証言-16】




English version⬇

Japanese Kingship and “Industrial Power” Economic Promotion Yamato Historical Testimony-16
The beginning of Japanese kingship. Metalworking workshops associated with the royal court existed both in Asuka and in Makimuku. The people’s true intention was to promote the economy. …

Now, this weekend we have an election for the House of Councillors.
Power has the primordial role of “presiding.
The first and foremost role of a politician is to “govern” so that the people can eat.
The etymological meaning of the word is to carve out a piece of meat for everyone to eat.
In modern times, the most important thing is how to promote a living economy.
This is the main role of any government, no matter who is in power.

The Yamato area, Nara Prefecture, seems to be the place where the original Japanese nation was born.
Visiting the Makimuku ruins and being exposed to various excavated archaeological materials and clarifications, I was able to understand the role of this primordial power.
I see traces of the primordial role of this power.
Today, the promotion of “industry,” so to speak, in the form of metalworking, such as ironware and copperware.
The point is that its success has long ensured the legitimacy of the Japanese nation.
Of course, the issue of food, which sustains people’s lives, is fundamental to all aspects of society.
In Japan, this is directly related to agricultural engineering technology for rice paddies, and the technology of the “water management” system.
In Japan, however, it is the responsibility of the government to control and develop agricultural engineering technology for paddy fields and the technological development of “water management” systems.
This would have been the main focus of the long-lasting legitimacy of the kingship.
I believe that this was the very legitimacy of the long-lasting royal authority.
In terms of basic agricultural engineering, the most important technology was metalworking and production.
The most basic and indispensable technological element in the archipelago was to improve the land so that it would “produce ears of rice”.
The most basic and indispensable technological element in this archipelago is to improve the land so that “ears of rice can grow.
The first priority was to dramatically increase the production efficiency of the land.
This required the innovative advantage of metalworking in the production of tools for land improvement.
In Asuka, the “Pond Workshop” was located very close to the royal palace, and various traces of metalworking were left behind.
and various traces of metalworking have been left behind.
In the same way, various metalworking artifacts have been unearthed at the Makimuku site.
The shift in the main role from copper products to iron products is evident.
The shift from copper to iron products can be inferred to have played a major role in the “handover of the land” between Izumo and Yamato.
The Yamato regime probably had an advantage in this technology due to its ties to the peninsula.
It seems that the production of iron tools for civil engineering improvements in the land was centrally controlled.
With this technology in hand, the rest is about the seasonal operation of nature.
The agricultural guidance was based on “scientific clarification” of astronomical observations, climate control prayers and responses, etc.
And finally, “praying for the people” was the significance of Japanese kingship. …

During this period of Makimuku, the raw material for iron was imported from the Korean peninsula.
It is believed that traces of the processing and production of ironware using this raw material were found.
Japanese society, as the frontier of East Asia, depended on the Korean Peninsula for the basic commodities of its economy.
The Japanese society as a frontier in East Asia depended on the Korean Peninsula for the basic commodities of its economy. This is why the later Japanese invasion of the Hakuchon River was so important.
Baekje,” which was the most stable import window, was a lifeline.
The diffusion of metalworking technology seems to have been the reality of the subsequent development of society in the archipelago.
I feel that Japan’s “country” is only about “economic promotion and people’s livelihood.

【1800年前・日本社会の「マツリ」 大和歴史証言-15】




English version⬇

Masks in Japanese Society 1,800 Years Ago: Yamato Historical Testimony-15
A symbol of agriculture, an ingenious mask was created by converting an oak stag beetle. Possessed by these masks, the Hatsugen “theater” rushed across the stage space at the foot of Miwa Mountain. Theatrical performance…

Artifacts excavated from the Mato Mukai site at the eastern foot of the Nara Basin in northeastern Nara Prefecture.
Some of the excavated artifacts suggest the situation of “MATSUMATAI” as the basis of Japanese kingship.
Among them, this wooden mask attracted my strong interest.
Similar masks have been excavated at ruins in Hokkaido.
It seems to have universality as a form of primitive “culture”.
Here, even the manufacturing process of the masks has been elucidated.

The following is a summary excerpt from the explanation of the exhibition at the Sakurai Municipal Center for Archaeological and Cultural Properties.
〜On the northwest side of the area around the residence area of the Momamukai site (considered to be a royal building), there is a road called “Tsuji Kawamichi.
The remains of an old river channel called “Tsuji River Road” was found on the northwest side of the area around the residence area of the ~Momamukai site (considered to be a royal building). <A river channel is the part of a river where the water flows down.
Usually, it refers to the area enclosed by a levee or riverbank and the riverbed.
On the south bank of the river, a large number of ritual piles (holes in which ritual implements were buried) were found concentrated.
All of these piles were dug deep down to the water surface, and the holes were filled with earthenware and other diverse artifacts.
In addition to earthenware, a variety of wood products and seeds were dumped into the pits in large quantities.
The fact that many of the wooden artifacts were burnt and charred suggests the possibility of a ritual using water and fire.
The wooden objects are thought to have been used in rituals that used water and fire.
Among them was the oldest wooden mask in Japan. The Mukai site has been the site of many rituals and ceremonies.
Numerous wooden artifacts have been excavated at the Miamukai site.
In addition to practical items such as building components and farming tools, the site also contains items of ritual significance.
Among them, earthenware, basket-like products, vermilion-lacquered shield fragments, and a sickle handle were excavated from a clay pile dated to the first half of the 3rd century.
The wooden mask was excavated from a clay pile dated to the first half of the 3rd century.
This wooden mask is 26 cm long and 21.5 cm wide, just large enough to cover a human face.
It is made of red oak, and was formerly made by converting a broad hoe (see drawing).
(The mouth is made from a hole in the handle of a mulberry tree.
The eyes were drilled with new holes, and the nose, which was left high and hollow, has an expression of a nasal cavity.
The nose, which has been left high and uncut, also shows the nasal cavity. The eyebrows were carved in lines, and the area around the eyebrows was slightly covered with red pigment.
slight red pigment was adhered to the area around them.
There were no holes for strings, and it can be assumed that the object was used by holding it in the hand.
The fact that it is a symbolic tool used in rituals, and that it is clearly a conversion of a farming implement, suggests that the ritual itself is deeply related to agriculture.
It is possible that the ritual itself was deeply related to agriculture. 〜The fact that the ritual itself may have been deeply related to agriculture.

There is something deeply moving about this (laughs)….
The fact that people wore masks and performed rituals is a sign of the “masked drama” that would come to be known in later times.
In later generations, a cultural form called “masked drama” was born.
Masked theater is said to have come from China.
I wonder if such rituals were universal throughout East Asia.
The masked dancers wear masks and dance as if they are possessed by something.
The way they wore masks and danced as if they were possessed by something would probably have been deeply agreed upon and understood by the general public who witnessed the ritual.
The scene of the possession drama would have been like this: “Oh, isn’t that the hoe we used to use until the other day?
(laugh)” It is easy to imagine a scene of a possession play.
It was probably a laugh-out-loud kind of scene.
I can imagine the origin of “theater culture.
I can’t stop imagining myself dancing around the “stage” space freely and energetically with a divine possession.

【箸墓古墳被葬者と魏志倭人伝「外交」 大和歴史証言-14】



上のGoogle Map地図になります。


English version⬇

The Burial Site of Kofun’s Tomb of Chopstick Tomb and “Diplomacy” in Wei Wei’s Biography: Yamato Historical Testimony-14
Himiko is a “Miko of the Sun”? Intentional imprinting of the perception of a powerful “queen nation” motivated by diplomatic security operations against China. …

Yesterday’s blog post triggered a comment from someone who said, “I’m starting to get paranoid.
So I’m going to write about the current stage of my imagination today.

The progress of the excavation of the Sumimukai site has provided more and more clues to ancient history.
The Chopstick Tomb Tumulus is the first forward-rear round burial mound that marks the beginning of the so-called Kofun Period.
She served as the daughter and maiden of the 10th emperor of the Sun Goddess of the Sun Goddess as a real and certain emperor.
The tomb is believed to be the tomb of “Yamatotsuki Yamato,” the daughter and priestess of the 10th Emperor Takamatsu, who served as the actual emperor.
The tomb of the Queen Himiko has recently been likened to the Queen Himiko as a symbol of the Yamato theory of the Yamato kingdom of Yamataikoku.
The Makimuku site is dated to the late 100s or early 200s.
Dating from archaeological excavations. The emperor Chosin must have been a personage of this period, apart from the notation in the Chronicles.
What is the inevitability that a woman, who is believed to be his daughter, was buried as the founder of a forward-rear round burial mound?

After visiting the site, I was curious about the relationship between the Chopstick Tomb Tumulus and the summit of Mt.
I was curious about the location of the tombs and the summit of Mt.
The map is shown on the top of the Google Map.
The locations of the ancient kingships are almost aligned in a straight line in terms of east-west, north-south, and south-south.
I think that the ancient royal authority had the primary role of guiding agricultural work above all else, so it is not surprising that the Ise Shrines are located in a straight line.
The calendar, astronomical observation, and surveying are the best “science” of ancient times.
and surveying were recognized by the people as the basis of legitimacy. From this inference
I think there is a basis for the coincidence of the directions of the tombs of Chopstick Tomb, Mount Miwa, and Ise.
Ancient front-recessed circular tombs were designed to instill a sense of legitimacy in people by having a king standing at the top of them.
The ancient forward-rear burial mound is said to have been a ceremonial site where a king stood at the top to instill a sense of legitimacy in the people.
If the summit of Mt. Miwa is located beyond the tomb mound, and the sun rises in the background
It seems to me that this was the best solution for an ancient royal legitimacy imprinting event.
The ancient scientific legitimacy appeal of the ruler of the sun’s movement.
The importance of the priestess role for such a royal authority is also understandable.
of a diplomatic visitor to Yabataikoku, as recorded in the Wei Shihwaden, which is said to have been issued in the period 280-294.
It is also understandable that such a miko woman would be recognized as a “queen” in the eyes of the Chinese.
The ancient kingship would have had no need to deny such recognition.
Perhaps the Chinese would treat their visitors with the highest level of diplomatic security motivation.
<There is a high probability that they would show them rituals such as divination by Himiko.
The goal is to make them realize that they are a powerful nation that would be difficult to invade.
The archaeological excavations at the Makimuku ruins are chronologically consistent with this situation.

As I mentioned yesterday, the first shrine of the Ise Jingu Shrine was founded in Miamukai during the reign of Emperor Sujin.
It is strongly believed that the shrine was moved to Ise during the reign of the next Emperor Taruhito.
In the process of relocation, it is believed that the shrine was recommended to Ise by following the direction based on the “scientific knowledge” of the time.
I think it can be inferred that the shrine was moved to Ise by following the direction based on the “scientific knowledge” of the time.
Although it is a delusion and inference with no clear basis at this point
As a historian, I have great expectations for further clarification based on modern science.

【纏向居館は伊勢神宮のルーツ 大和歴史証言-13】




English version⬇

The Mata Makimuku is the root of the Ise Jingu Shrine.
The Geku temple building with mune-hattori pillars to be relocated during the Ise Jingu Shikinen. The roots of the temple building are the residence buildings at the site of the Makimuku. The archaeological excavation facts and the Kikki tradition are clearly consistent. The origin of the building is the Makimuku site.

A person in Hokkaido commented, “Mr. Miki, for some reason you are spinning out to Nara.
On the other hand, a resident of Kashihara, Nara, sent us some valuable architectural materials.
From the point of view of a person from Hokkaido, Nara is a far remote place.
And from the point of view of people from Nara Prefecture, Hokkaido seems to have no connection with Nara.
But for me, architectural exploration is about the primitive and the modern.
I am deeply fascinated by both.

The Sumamukai ruins seem to be a bit of a fetish even within Nara Prefecture.
I found a web-based article on the Tokyo Shimbun Forum on September 20, 2014.
Reviving the Origins of Ancient Yamato Shrine Architecture
-The Tokyo Shimbun Forum “Reviving the Origins of Ancient Yamato Shrine Architecture: From Makimuku to Asuka’s Palace” was held on September 20, 2014.
The Tokyo Shimbun Forum, sponsored by the Tokyo Shimbun and the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture, was held on
The Tokyo Shimbun Forum was held at the Edo-Tokyo Museum in Sumida-ku, Tokyo, on August 30.
I have been following the event as far as the timeline is concerned (laugh).
In the article, Professor Ryuji Kuroda of Kobe University wrote “The Royal Palace of the Garatsuki Ruins and Its Subsequent Shrines, Residences, and Palaces.
The following is a quotation from the abstract.
The following is a quote from the abstract.
〜The 3rd century ruins of the Garumukai site in Nara Prefecture have been discussed in relation to the Yamataikoku Kingdom.
However, the most important thing is that it is considered to be the birthplace of the Yamato kingdom, considering the later history of Japan.
The buildings discovered at the Makimuku site can be considered the royal palace of the early Yamato kingdom.
The 2009 excavation of the royal palace is one of the largest and most valuable excavations in our country’s history.
The 2009 discovery of the palace is one of the most valuable discoveries in the history of Japan.
The buildings are appropriate for royalty in that their overall layout shows clear design intent.
The buildings at the Makimuku site are the prototype of “shrines and palaces”.
In other words, the relationship between the ruins and the Ise Shrine can be inferred from the descriptions in the Nihonshoki and Kojiki. 〜˜
This is what is being proposed.
When I saw the restored model of the mune-haruhashibashira structure (photo below), I thought it looked “just like Ise” (photo above).
When I saw this model, I naturally thought that it looked just like Ise (the upper photo is the outer palace building of Ise).
〜According to the Chronicles of Japan, Emperor Sojin enshrined the Imperial reign of Amaterasu at the Oomiya Palace.
The emperor was performing the “Doyokotoden” ritual in the palace, but he was afraid of the deity’s authority, so he built a hokorah in the palace’s main courtyard.
The emperor was afraid of the divine authority, so he built a hokorah in the palace’s main garden to house a mirror, which was the sacred object of the deity. This is Building C (photo below).
Still, the people were still afraid of the god, so a shrine was built in Ise during the reign of Emperor Taruhito, and the mirror was moved to the shrine.
This was the Ise Jingu Shrine, and the restored form of Building C is very similar to the Shoden of the Jingu Shrine.
The reason why the Shinmei-zukuri is similar to a warehouse is that Building C was a storehouse of treasures in the royal palace.
Building C at the Makimuku site is the direct origin of Ise Jingu. 〜The explanation is as follows.

Oh, yes.
Ise has been continuously rebuilding this shrine during the annual shikinen-sengu ceremony.
Ise has continued to rebuild this shrine during the annual relocation ceremonies, and it has been concluded that the origin of the shrine was this Makimuku site.
In my opinion, this is an objective fact when combined with such archaeological excavation facts.
I think that the end of the 2nd century to the 3rd century will be the beginning of the transition from myth to history.





English version⬇

Oh, the information for the fourth inoculation has arrived.
There is a legend that at the beginning of the Yamato regime, Emperor Sojin prayed to “purify himself” and built the Ookami Shrine to pray for the calming of infectious diseases. Is such concern a mental image that appeals to the people? …

The situation has continued for almost three full years, but the vaccination information has arrived again.
For a while, the number of infections had been on the decline, but now it is on the rise again.
Although the relationship between mankind and infectious diseases has continued since time immemorial, the “response” to such diseases has varied considerably throughout history.
However, the “response” to infectious diseases has historically differed considerably.
I was just writing a series of articles on the Sumamukai ruins at the foot of the Yamato Miwasan.
Emperor Sublime, who apparently actually existed, was prompted by the spread of infectious diseases among his people.
The story of the Emperor Sojin’s invocation of the Daikami Shrine in the wake of the spread of infectious diseases among the people was unearthed.
Even in this late 2nd-early 3rd century period, according to the Chronicles of Japan
The emperor was several years away from such religious “healing”.
The record of the Chronicles says that the infection was successfully cured around the time of the founding of the shrine.
The emperor’s purifying himself and praying,” and his sanitary philosophy
The infection gradually subsided.
However, it was propagated as “thanks to God”.
It is easy to criticize, but I like to see such a mindfulness of the government.
As for the current infectious disease, the cause of the infectious disease has not yet been identified by the dictatorial political system.
The cause of the infectious disease has not yet been identified by the dictatorial regime as a matter of universal human knowledge.
In this day and age of advanced science and technology, we are still suffering.
The current mutant strain from Omicron is showing a decreasing trend in incidence and severity of symptoms.
In modern society, the balance between economic management and social regulation is extremely difficult.
The government and bureaucracy are always on the lookout for “big fuss” from the mass media and other groups.
The government and bureaucracy have no choice but to walk a tightrope in their response policy.
I doubt that the tendency will be to just make a “zero corona” disturbance, as was the case until recently.
Even in China, it is said that the people’s antipathy toward the unusual “zero-corona” policy is growing.

In the past, political power was not as directly affected by infectious diseases as it is today.
It is likely that it was less so.
In such a situation, in the case of Japan’s past kingship, the “will of the people” was
In the case of Japan’s past royal power, it seems to have been “mindful” of the “will of the people” to a degree rarely seen in the world.
I wonder if there is some kind of national “tradition” like that.
I believe that the Japanese people have taken a very “generous” measure this time as well.

So, this is the fourth inoculation.
This time, in my case, it coincides with the Upper House election.
I was told that “reservations” are not possible at group venues “until the end of July”.
The names of nearby medical institutions were listed, and I had to contact them and make an appointment individually.
The system was to make individual appointments.
So, I am looking at the names of these medical institutions, but none of them are familiar to me.
The name of my regular physician’s office, the name of my family doctor’s office, was there last time, but not this time.
Hmmm… I felt a little burdened to look up the address and make an appointment at a clinic I didn’t know.
I was a little bit burdened by the idea of having to look up the address and make an appointment at a clinic I don’t know.
Should I wait until there is no need to make an appointment at the group venue?
But if I do that, there is a high possibility that I will “accidentally” forget to make an appointment.
I am wondering if this is something to think about. …

【三輪山麓「纏向」にやって来た王権 大和歴史証言-12】




English version⬇

Kingship that came to “Makimuku” at the foot of Mt. Miwa, Yamato Historical Testimony-12
In the 10th Emperor Sujin’s relics, he “moved the capital to the western foot of Miwa Mountain. He founded the Izumo-derived Ookami Shrine in hopes of remedying plague and disease. Fusion of myth and archaeological excavation. The fusion of mythology and archaeological excavation.

Abstract of a sentence from an exhibition panel at the Sakurai Municipal Center for Archaeological and Cultural Properties.
~The Makimuku Period
The base village, which had been active throughout the Yayoi period, was filled up with a moat encircling the village from the late 2nd to the early 3rd century.
In the late 2nd to early 3rd century, the moat encircling the village was filled in, and the size of the settlement became smaller and less clearly defined.
In the late 2nd to early 3rd century, the moat encircling the settlement was filled in, and the settlement scale became small and indistinct.
Such a change in settlement structure indicates that the framework of Yayoi society had collapsed.
This change in settlement structure is thought to indicate the collapse of the previous framework of Yayoi society and the beginning of a new Kofun period.
Just as the Yayoi settlements were beginning to decline and die out, the Kofun period was beginning to emerge in their place.
The Makimuku ruins appeared in place of the Yayoi settlements that were declining and dying out. The pottery type is Shonai 0.
The pottery forms of the site correspond to the Shonai 0-period (early 3rd century), which is considered to mark the beginning of the Yayoi period.
A huge “Machi” of about 1 km in diameter suddenly appeared in a place where there had been no settlements in the Yayoi period.
A huge “Machi” of about 1 km in diameter suddenly appeared in a place where there had been no settlements in the Yayoi period.
It was not a spontaneous emergence like the settlements of the Yayoi period, which had a strong agricultural flavor, but rather an extremely strong political intention.
but rather a “Machi” that was created with a very strong political agenda.
It is believed to be a “Machi” created with a very strong political agenda. 〜Oh.

Oh, yes.
At least, such an inference is confirmed by archaeological excavations.
And the Chronicler’s description of such an event is said to be the 10th emperor of the Chronicles.
The following is a summary quote from the article “Emperor Sojin” in Wiki.
〜In the third year of his reign, he moved his capital to the palace of Mizukakinomiya at the western foot of Miwa Mountain.
In the 5th year of his accession, an epidemic caused the loss of half of the population. The emperor tried to cure the plague with rituals.
The following year, he decided to remove the deities Amaterasu and Wakatonokotama from the palace.
He entrusted Amaterasu to Toyohuenirihime no Mikoto and had her enshrined at Hinohara Shrine (at the foot of present-day Miwa Mountain).
In the 7th year of his accession to the throne, he said, “In my reign, there have been many disasters. I shall use kameutsu (divination by tortoises) to determine the cause.
He gathered the eight million gods and divined their fortunes. Then, the deity Omononushi took over and enshrined himself in the deity.
and commanded that he be worshipped. He performed the ritual as it was, but it did not produce any miraculous results.
The emperor then bathed and prayed, “I wish you would teach me in my dreams and show me the favor of the gods.
The emperor bathed and prayed, “I wish you would show me your divine favor in my dreams. Then, in a dream that night, a nobleman appeared to him, calling himself the deity Omotonushi.
If you worship me with my son Otadaneko, you will be at peace.
Ootadeneko, a descendant of Omotonushi, was found and became the deity who worshipped Omotonushi.
He became the founder of Ogami-no-sha Shrine, with Mount Miwa as its sacred body. The plague ended and the harvest was bountiful. 〜From the end of the 2nd to the beginning of the 3rd century

The late 2nd to early 3rd century is more than 200 years before the Asuka period.
The “Wajaku-no-Hyakuso no Mikoto” in the text refers to a person buried in the tomb of Chopstick Tomb.
Also, “Ohmononushi” is said to be a variant of “Okuninushi,” the god of nation-building of the Izumo lineage.
Based on the descriptions in the Chronicles and the archaeological findings, the
It is not surprising that the Makimuku site is thought to be a trace of a pre-Asuka royal capital.
As a person who has made housing his life’s work, the theory of the origin of “Machi” in Japan resonates with me.
Given the fact that even the Asuka Palace seemed like a deep labyrinth
I can only shudder at the depths of the labyrinth, but at the moment I have no
I have not been able to find any evidence to deny this theory.
It is an interesting theory of history. The fusion of mythology and archaeological excavation.

【纏向王権の象徴建築 大和歴史証言-11】


東西12.4m 南北19.2mという大型建築になっている。



English version⬇

Symbolic Architecture of the Makimuku Kingship Yamato Historical Testimony-11
The Yamato Kingdom of Japan preceded Asuka. The remains of its prestige architecture existed at the Makimuku site. The site is expected to bring us closer to the riddle of ancient history. …

I started this blog series with an exploration of Asuka, but since it has spun out into a coherent series
I secretly transitioned the title to “Yamato Historical Testimony” (laugh).
This one is a period phase that goes back even further than the Asuka period.
Since the Kashihara Archaeological Institute of Kashihara has been active in archaeological excavation, we have been able to find
Sakurai Municipal Center for Archaeological Properties was established in Sakurai City at the foot of this Miwasan Mountain, and
The Sakurai Municipal Center for Buried Cultural Properties was established in Sakurai City at the foot of Mt.
〜<The key word to elucidate the original image of the Japanese nation and Japanese culture.
Sakurai City and the surrounding areas of Isogi, Yamabe, and Panyo are the birthplace of the Japanese nation
The area surrounding Sakurai City is the stage of the birth of the Japanese nation, which is connected to Asuka. In particular, the site of the Makimuku Ruins is believed to be the first location of the great capital of the Yamato Kingdom, and is the very starting point of the Yamato Kingdom.
It is the very starting point of the Yamato Kingdom.
We will continue to research and study the site and the surrounding area, and
The framework of “Garakko-gaku” is a cross-disciplinary “study” to elucidate the origins, history, and culture of the country from there. 〜The “study of the ancient ruins” is the essence of the “study of the ancient ruins.
The website of the museum states the purpose of this declaration in such a high manner.
What triggered such a declaration was the excavation of architectural remains like a model.

The architectural group was reported with surprise throughout the country during the investigation of the Makimuku ruins that began in 1971.
The three architectural models in the exhibition are the BCD.
B, on the leftmost side of the photo, measures 2 ken (east-west) by 2 ken (north-south) by 3 ken. Pillar holes are 50-60 cm straight in the distant view and rounded corner square.
Some traces of pillars remained in the holes, suggesting that they were made of wood measuring 20 cm in the straight direction.
Photo C in the middle is 1 east-west to 3 north-south to 1 west-east to 3 north-south. The pillar holes are circular or elliptical and 70-80 cm in diameter.
The columns, called “proximity munemochibashira,” were located outside the walls.
Similar examples of this six-pillar structure can be seen at the Ise Jingu Shrine and other shrines.
The largest D in the reconstructed building is an irimoya, or a gabled roof.
The length of the building is different, though it is 4 ken (east-west 4 ken, north-south 4 ken).
It is a large building, measuring 12.4 m east to west and 19.2 m north to south.
The moment I saw it, I had a déjà vu experience and thought of the “Ebinoko-kaku” of the Asuka Jomihara Palace.

The photo here is a restored model exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture.
It has an irimoya (gabled) structure, with an “edge” around the building and a railing.
The building is designed to rise above the ground by means of the support pillars.
Three staircases are set toward the edge of the building.
The appearance of the building is very Japanese in its prestige and prestige of royal authority.

The restoration of the building was attempted based on archaeological excavations.
The restoration was attempted based on archaeological excavations, and the knowledge of ancient architecture was concentrated to create this type of architecture.
This raises the theme of what this royal authority was.
It is said that this is evidence of the Makimuku area as the location of the royal authority that preceded Asuka’s palace.
Yes, it leads us to the age of mysterious ancient history.