



English version⬇

[Total amount of photos covered: 6.43 GB, to be sorted and organized
Functional architecture to store and preserve rice and unhulled rice from the hot and humid climate. It seems to be a cradle of Japanese “spirituality” toward the most important foodstuff. Architecture and folk customs resonate with each other. Architecture and folklore resonate with each other.

 After two days in Tokyo, the last of my appointments, I returned to Sapporo before 8 p.m. on yesterday’s slightly delayed flight. According to my acquaintance in Tokyo, the maximum temperature during the day was 34 degrees Celsius, and it was actually hard to be in the sun. Well, since we are traveling by car and our purpose is to visit architectural sites, we probably only spend about one hour a day completely in the open air. It is thought that the heat shields and air conditioning systems in the public transportation and inside the buildings function well enough to maintain the daily life of the people.
 However, the cool air that I felt when I landed in Hokkaido enveloped my whole body. My wife, who came to pick me up, said, “I wondered whether or not I should bring a coat of clothing. After a good night’s sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed and clear, probably due to the temperature. By the way, I took a walk in Ueno Park yesterday morning, and when I started walking, I felt a little “fuzzy” (laugh). It was partly fatigue, but I guess the outside temperature, even in the morning, was still “lingering” from the high temperature and humidity during the day.
 So, from today, I would like to return to my daily duties while simultaneously working on editing the large amount of photo data from the interviews, such as the one in the title.
 Using image editing software such as Photoshop, I am in the process of re-experiencing, reliving, and reconstructing the “firsthand sensations” of the interviews, while simultaneously collecting various additional “information” at the same time. This process forms the core of my background and my pursuit of the theme of the interview. A time of immersion.

 The photo shows the “Former Sakuma Family Itakura” preserved in the Minkaen in Fukushima City.
 It is that “inochi” architecture of the first place we visited in this tour. It was built in the late 19th century during the Edo period, so it is, well, a “basic functional architecture for agriculture” about 200 years old. This kind of “functionality-only” architecture is very “refreshing. It is wonderful that the building is straightforward in terms of the social functionality that it should fulfill.
 The roof is made of layers of thinly processed wood shingles made from chestnut trees. The walls are made of thick wooden planks that are “dropped” into the pillars by digging grooves in them. The wooden house is usually called a “granary” and is used for storing unhulled rice before threshing. It is a functional architecture that is designed to cope with heat and humidity by raising the subfloor and opening up the back of the house to improve ventilation. It seems to be an architecture that fully responds to the climate. The wall panels can be removed at any time, so the storage capacity can be adjusted according to the amount of paddy.
 However, despite this ingenious construction, it was difficult to protect the building from rodent damage, so they put up “guardian tags” and “prayed” for protection.
 This last part, “praying,” is what makes my heart respond. When I think that something about “folk customs” is involved in this, I cannot help but react deeply.




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