


English version⬇

About 150 years ago, a Tondenbeiya cultivated land near my house.
In peacetime, they cultivated farmland, and in the southwest, they went to war as far away as Kagoshima. The Tonden Troop House was built 150 years ago near our house. ・・・

Some of my high school friends in Sapporo are “descendants of Tondenbei. It is said that there was a building around the current Sapporo Nishi Ward Office that looked like a command post for the Tondenhei. The Kotoni Shrine is also said to have been built adjacent to the Tondenhei Shrine, and it is said that the shrine was built by a group of Tondenhei soldiers from Miyagi Prefecture.
 In “Hokkaido’s Roads” in Ryotaro Shiba’s “Kaido yuku” series, he mentions the Tondenbeiya in the Asahikawa area and describes them negatively for their “military organization” style. He wrote negatively about the “military organization” of the Tonden-byo in the Asahikawa area.
 I believe that there were various fetters due to the dominance of the old military-like organizational principles.
 The photo shows the Tondenbeiya in the first year of the Meiji era and the interior of the Tondenbeiya that remains in the premises of Kotoni Shrine near my house. It is not very likely that such a portrait would be voluntarily hung in the alcove.
 From the Japanese point of view, what one would want to display in an alcove would be an image of “ancestral heritage,” such as a family tradition or a family history, or an image of a deity or an object of faith related to Shintoism and Buddhism.
 The architecture of the Tonden-biya was also too cold for people to live in this cold climate. In particular, the roofs were shingled, which is not in reference to the heavy thatch of minka houses in the Tohoku region, where “heat insulation” is considered, and there was little protection against the cold.
 Still, it must have been attractive for the people to be able to cultivate land and secure farmland and have a house in Nihon-sha at the beginning of the Meiji era. However, it seems to me that the only “tradition” in terms of performance of Japanese houses was their ability to “keep out the rain and dew. On top of this, there is an added element of “wabi-sabi” as part of the spiritual culture, and it is clear that this element has been part of the “high-class housing culture.
 In other words, it can be said that they were forced to be “patient” in order to show off their spiritual profundity while turning a blind eye to the cold.
 The coldness of the housing was incomparable to the evolution of housing construction methods in the western frontier of the United States.
 In the end, it was not until the postwar period that full-fledged measures to protect homes from the cold began to take hold. The full-scale technological exchange with Northern Europe and North America brought about a revolution in Japanese housing technology.
 The Tondenbeiya that remains today is a reminder of this historical process. Even today’s Hokkaido residents have an impression that is far from a “sense of roots.



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