


「松下奈緒 聖徳太子1400年への旅」という番組で9/28に放送されていた。


English version⬇

Horyu-ji Temple Pre-cut Lumber Used to Reinforce Timber Framing
A symbol of proud architectural renovation. The use of standardized dimensions was adopted for economic reasons, but the unification of lumber is rational for structural reinforcement. …

NHK is a highly controversial public broadcaster.
The Japanese National Railways (JNR) has been privatized, but NHK, an even larger problematic organization, or private broadcasting, which is merely licensed to use the public’s common property, the airwaves, is not.
Or private broadcasters who only have a license to use the public’s common property, the airwaves, are causing all sorts of problems that are not being addressed by the existing media.
The Kan administration is making progress in such reforms.
The Kan administration showed a direction for such reforms, but the current administration has not yet realized what policies are needed.
The current administration does not seem to have a clear idea of what kind of policies it wants to achieve. I am not sure what kind of policies the current administration is trying to achieve.

Personally, I like NHK’s BS niche theme programs (laugh).
Sometimes they broadcast interesting programs that cannot be aired in the private sector due to poor cost performance.
The other day, my wife recorded a program that she thought I would find interesting.
It was called “Nao Matsushita: A Journey to the 1,400th Anniversary of Prince Shotoku” and was broadcast on September 28.
The other day, I wrote about a lecture by Mitsuo Ogawa, a pupil of Tsunekazu Nishioka, a carpenter of Horyuji Temple.
The theme of the program is to dig up the historical background and the situation that has survived about the ancient architecture of Horyuji Temple.
So I checked it out and saw that it touched on a very interesting subject.
To my surprise, there is a history of renovation in successive generations as the world’s oldest wooden building over 1,000 years old
The content said that “pre-cut standard lumber,” as it is called today, was used to reinforce the hut assembly.
Horyu-ji Temple was built by Prince Shotoku during the Asuka period (710-794), and was a full-scale national public works and Buddhist architecture.
While Shitennoji Temple and Asukadera Temple were rebuilt in later periods due to fire damage, Horyuji Temple was destroyed by fire once soon after its construction.
The temple was destroyed by fire shortly after its construction, but since its reconstruction at that time, it has been the oldest building in the world to this day.
It is a symbol of the spirit of the Japanese people.
The reason for this long history is due to the efforts of successive generations of carpenters who have devoted their hearts and souls to the preservation of the temple.
The reason why Horyu-ji Temple has carved out such a long history is obvious to anyone who knows.
Horyu-ji Temple is a symbol of architectural “renovation.
Modern renovation has been relying solely on universal design.
Japanese craftsmen have kept the spirit of respect for the original design.
In a lecture given by Mitsuo Ogawa the other day, he talked about how he has repeatedly reinforced the structure under long-term loads.
He also talked about how he repeatedly reinforced the structure under long-term loads.
After the death of Prince Shotoku, the building was transformed from a national building to a private building.
However, after the death of Prince Shotoku, the building was transformed from a national building to a private one, and there were some difficulties in its maintenance.
In this program, an analysis of the structural reinforcement applied after the Nara period was explained.
The program also showed the use of 26 x 21 cm standardized lumber in various parts of the back of the building.
The program also explains that at the time of construction, each part of the building was made of its own thickness and thickness, but that this was not the case at the time of Horyuji’s economic hardship.
However, I think that the standardized lumber may have been used to reflect the economic difficulties of Horyuji Temple.
However, in my opinion, it is better to use a material of a certain size for structural reinforcement and to adjust for subtle deterioration and displacement in each part of the structure.
I think it would have been more reasonable for the carpenters to use members with fixed dimensions.
When I thought about how to strengthen and reinforce the structure
I thought that it would be easier to deal with the members of a certain size at the site.
The carpenters of the Horyuji Palace must have thought of various “devices” during the 1,400 years of their construction.
Mr. Ogawa says that as many carpenters as there are, there will be differences in their methods.
In short, it is important to read the peculiarities of woodworking and find the most appropriate method.
The idea of standardized lumber is also an expression of rationalism and on-site response to structural reinforcement.

It seemed as if I caught a glimpse of a demonstration of our predecessors’ “rationalism.
It was very interesting to watch. I wish they would be a little more rational, but…
I have been paying my NHK bill properly (laugh).





English version⬇

[Northern-style housing ZERO, starting – Hokkaido-Housing Fair 2022
A new standard to visualize the goal of zero-carbon housing. Hokkaido’s residential space technology is a shared asset for the next generation. …

Yesterday, we visited the main venue of the “Hokkaido-Housing Fair 2022” to cover the event.
The event is linked to the national “34th Housing and Living Month Central Event – Housing Fest in Hokkaido”.
The venue is located in the center of Sapporo City, Akapura Plaza and the Chikaho space between JR Sapporo Station and Odori Station.
The opening ribbon-cutting ceremony on March 15 was attended by members of the royal family and Governor Suzuki.
Governor Suzuki expressed his confidence in “housing” as a leading local industry in Hokkaido.
Hokkaido’s history, which was pioneered by immigrants from the Honshu region, is the basis for the development of the housing industry in Hokkaido.
Hokkaido’s history, which was pioneered by immigrants from the Honshu region, and above all, the performance technology of housing that served as its foundation.
The event provided an opportunity to spread the “current position” of Hokkaido to many people in Hokkaido.
This event also served as a kick-off for a new housing policy called “Northern Housing ZERO” that the Hokkaido government is currently promoting.
This event was the kick-off of a new housing policy called “Northern-style Housing ZERO,” which is currently being promoted by the Hokkaido government.
I myself participated in the council meeting and discussed the direction of the project.
I would like to spread the contents of the discussion in various ways in the future.
As the name suggests, Northern-style housing ZERO is an initiative in the housing field that aims for zero-carbon emissions.
Based on energy-saving technology, we will synthesize various elemental technologies to achieve the level of housing that the world should aspire to.
The goal is to achieve the level of housing that the world should aspire to.
The content of the measures that have been considered from various angles will be presented as a new target level for the Hokkaido region as a whole.
The content of the measures that have been studied from various angles will be presented as a new target level for the Hokkaido region as a whole.
We would like to spread the purpose of this project as an information media and blog.

I was walking around the exhibition hall.
I exchanged opinions with many old acquaintances in the industry at each booth.
It was a great experience to meet and exchange opinions in person for the first time in a long time.
I was reminded of how serious the three-year information blockage caused by the infectious disease was.
It was a great experience to realize how serious the three-year information blockage caused by the infectious disease was, even though it lasted only one day.
The exchange of information face to face, “renewing old acquaintanceships,” helped to clear up and organize information.
And at events like this, we can clearly see where we are at.
I am able to see where the residential construction industry is at and what direction it is heading in.
I think this kind of event gives me a comprehensive grasp of where the industry is at and where it is headed, including my own.
I think there will be a lot of seeds for new insights.

What caught the audience’s attention was the participation of children in the event.
For the first time in their lives, they were able to experience chopping wood and sawing wood.
The texture of natural materials, the experience of feeling them in their hands and bodies.
A sense of the materials used to create a living space.
The part that awakens when we add our own hands to natural wood.
The way he kept looking at his hand with a serious gaze.
I feel a strong empathy in my heart.
The wisdom of the living space created by Hokkaido’s climate and weather is passed on from generation to generation.
I pray that it will be passed on as a great asset to be shared by all generations.

【「体技の継承」とは? 鵤工舎・小川三夫氏講演・対談会】




English version⬇

What is the “Inheritance of Physical Skill”? Lecture and discussion by Mitsuo Ogawa, a member of the Japanese Manufacturing Industry]
The current depreciation of the yen is a tailwind for Japan’s manufacturing industry. In fact, the manufacturing industry is making a comeback in many business fields. Let us consider the spirit of monozukuri. ……

Yesterday and today, Hokkaido was the venue for the central event of the national housing month.
As part of the event, I covered a carpentry-related event in Iwamizawa City.
I visited the “Shirouki-ro-kai” (cutting workshop) earlier, but I will give you more details tomorrow.
In the evening, I attended a lecture and discussion with Mitsuo Ogawa of Ikaruga Kosha.
Mr. Ogawa is a disciple of Tsunekazu Nishioka, the master carpenter of Horyuji Temple.
Mr. Nishioka was working on the Showa renovation of Horyuji Temple.
He was working on the renovation of Horyuji Temple in the Showa period (1926-1989), when he received a directive from the national advisory body for structural reinforcement from “doctors of architectural engineering.
When he was instructed by the government’s advisory body, “architectural engineering doctors,” to reinforce the structure with metal reinforcement, Nishioka said
He is said to have rejected this policy, saying, “Even if I am beheaded, I cannot do such a thing.
Mr. Ogawa is the “legitimate heir” of Mr. Nishioka’s soul, so to speak.
His speech conveys the spirit of Mr. Nishioka, who has inherited his spirit and soul through his own body.
He said, “Shrine carpenters specialize in shrines, temples, and Buddhist temples, which is different from the process of house carpenters who build houses.
However, the handiwork and spirit of the carpenters are the same.
The participants were all carpenters in Hokkaido who have a strong desire to continue their skills as house carpenters.

Carpentry, which involves facing the wood with one’s body, is an activity done while speaking internally.
I have no background in carpentry skills as a physical skill.
We were talking to each other, translating in our own language so that we could share the spirituality of the work.
We were comparing the internal language of our own work with the internal language we experienced in our respective fields of work.
It would be natural to have a dialogue about the nature of work.
Physical skill acquisition is not the same thing as a social system like the Labor Standards Act.
It is conveyed that it is so in the essential part of “Kokoro Gakushu”.
And it seems to be an analysis of the essence of “Japanese monozukuri.
The yen is weakening in Japan, but in a sense, it is a sign from the world capitalism that the world’s manufacturing system is not the same as Japan’s.
It is a sign from the world capitalism that Japan should revive its position at the center of the world’s manufacturing industry.
Japan should revive its position as the center of the world’s manufacturing industry.
In fact, there is a movement to restore manufacturing bases in Japan in various business fields.
There have been announcements that semiconductor manufacturing facilities will be built in Kyushu, that Iris Okayama will withdraw from China and rebuild its manufacturing lines in Japan, and so on.
Iris Okayama has announced that it will withdraw from China and rebuild its manufacturing line in Japan.
Automobile companies are also moving to create their own production lines in other parts of the world by completely separating their production lines in China from the rest of the world.
The trend is far beyond what is reported in the media.
These developments are probably accelerating far beyond what is reported in the media.
Japan’s postwar revival was a result of the manufacturing industry benefiting from a tailwind of global demand.
In this context, I thought Mr. Ogawa’s lecture and discussion were worthwhile.
There are many issues to be addressed.
Some in the audience expressed despair over the current state of “human resource development” in the field of education.
However, I would like to believe that the core of the spirit symbolized by the Japanese carpentry tradition has taken root in the society as a whole.
I would like to believe that the core of the spirit and soul symbolized by the Japanese carpentry tradition has taken root in the society as a whole.
The power of monozukuri in the spirit of the soul is
We have no choice but to work on it, believing that it continues to be deeply rooted in the undercurrent of the Japanese people’s consciousness.

While accepting a framework such as the Labor Standards Law, the spirit of monozukuri must be passed on from generation to generation.
By thinking in this way, “Japan, a manufacturing powerhouse,” can survive in the world.
I was on my way back home, ruminating on such internal words and expectations.

【石蒸し➡縄文土器へ「食の革命」 日本列島37,000年史-10】



1 握りこぶし大の石を穴に入れる。
2 石がカンカンに熱くなるまでその上で火を焚く。
3 ホウの葉などの木の葉で包んだ食材を石の上に並べる。
4 その上に土をかぶせて1時間ほど蒸し焼きにする。
5 食材を土の中から取りだし葉を開いて食べる。


English version⬇

Stone Steaming ➡ Jomon Pottery “Revolution of Food” 37,000 Years History of the Japanese Islands – 10
From cooking only by baking to “boiling” food culture. There may have been a “steaming” cooking culture at the halfway point. Peaceful transition of the times. …

I have been thinking about the social reality of the Paleolithic in the Japanese archipelago at the National Museum of Japanese History exhibition.
For me, it was a stimulating Copernican learning experience.
Stone tools are the basic tools that have led to our modern culture.
The perspective of delving into the “evolutionary process” of the mother culture, which has led to our present culture using stone tools as basic tools.
Modern archaeological knowledge is based on carbon dating, which is a method that allows us to understand the realities of society.
It was exciting to learn that modern archaeological findings are approaching such social realities through the use of carbon dating.
I have tried to write a series of articles summarizing my thoughts along with the interesting parts of the exhibition panels.

I was also interested in the transition from the Paleolithic to the Jomon period, which is said to be 22,000 years ago.
I was very impressed with the “transition from the 22,000 year old Paleolithic to the Jomon period,” although I did not necessarily draw that conclusion from the exhibit.
I was very impressed by the “revolutionary change in food”.
The most central characteristic of the Jomon is the universal adoption of earthenware cuisine.
On the other hand, in the Paleolithic people’s food style exhibit
I thought it was very symbolic.
It is common to eat meat and fish by roasting them over a fire.
However, from a nutritional balance point of view, it is not appropriate for cooking essential plant foods such as those in the photo.
Grilling alone only leads to carbonization and does not allow you to taste the umami flavor.

Excavation photo from the Shimoyado Site, Nagano Prefecture, at the foot of Mount Asama, discovered in 1991.
What was found was a pit tightly packed with riverbed stones. A “stone steaming” kitchen.
The cooking procedure is said to be as follows.
1. Place a stone the size of a fist in the hole.
2. Build a fire over the stones until they are very hot.
3 Place the food, wrapped in leaves such as borax leaves, on the stone.
4 Cover the top with soil and let it steam for about an hour.
5 The food is removed from the earth, the leaves are opened, and the food is eaten.
This method of cooking is said to be found in modern folklore in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere.
I have actually eaten stone steamed food before, and it was very fragrant and juicy.
The key point is to wrap the food tightly in the leaves.
The key is to wrap the food tightly in the leaves. This kind of cooking method is still used today.
still exist today as steamed dishes. Mother food culture.
Food culture is a decisive factor in human evolution.
Cooking methods are based on the pursuit of the nutrition and umami of the ingredients to the utmost limit.
Meat and fish are the most important ingredients, and they are delicious just by grilling them.
But the “evolution” of infusing umami into other plant-based ingredients and eating them at the same time
I believe that “evolution” must have been pursued naturally.
In that case, “nabe cooking” with Jomon earthenware, the second item from the top, is revolutionary and rational.
Stone steaming is exceptionally tasty, but it takes a lot of time and effort to cook.
Earthenware, on the other hand, is simple and is fundamental to Japanese food culture as the root of so-called “nabe” cooking.

It is also flexible enough to accept a variety of ingredients as a whole.
The Jomon earthenware diet must have had a great influence on the spiritual prototype and roots of the Japanese people.
The Jomon earthenware diet may have had a great influence on the spiritual prototype and roots of the Japanese people.
The Jomon diet was based on fish, which was easier to acquire than land animals and could be obtained “peacefully”.
It is typical of the Japanese, including their spirituality, to draw out the full flavor of fish.
Apparently, the change of the times was quietly caused by this food revolution.
I can’t help but think that this kind of peaceful transition was appropriate for the transformation of the times in the Japanese archipelago.
I can’t help but think that this kind of peaceful transition was appropriate for the transformation of the times in the Japanese archipelago. What do you think?
From next time onward, I would like to move on to the next generation, the Jomon exploration.

【石器=道具に宿る人類進化史 日本列島37,000年史-9】





English version⬇

The History of Human Evolution in Stone Tools: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 9
The Stone Age’s most advanced technology, the “fine stone blade culture. Optimization of use brings about social development. Wide-area distribution and the development of information technology also progressed. The Stone Age

A search for chronological phases from the traces and remains of Paleolithic man in the Japanese archipelago.
From 37,000 years ago in time to about 13,000 years ago at the start of the Jomon period.
This corresponds to a period of about 25,000 years.
If we assume that the human generation renewal is roughly 20 years old, it is 1,250 generations.
Like a diorama, the wisdom of parents and children continued to be passed down from generation to generation.
Humans have survived through various innovations in stone tools.
A child is just turning his sharp attention toward a stone.
The father’s expression as he gazes at the child is filled with indescribable emotion.

The father’s face is filled with indescribable emotion as he looks at the stone. I wonder if this section can be used like this.
Finally, he is beginning to pay attention to the improvement of stone tools…”

They devise ways to advance their own way of life toward the stone.
The stone as the most universally existing useful tool.
The leap of turning stone into a tool and its development is what
The elements of human evolution were expressed in the leap and development of using stone as a tool.
These elements have been “sublimated” and connected to the modern world as technological traces.
This is a historical fact that has certainly existed.
In the illustration, the technical technique of “direct blow, indirect blow, and pressure peeling” is explained.
The roots of the evolution of wisdom in the animal species called human beings.
An activity that has been repeated without a moment’s pause in the course of survival.
You can do that cracking by doing it like this.
“Yes, but wouldn’t it be better this way, Dad?”
“Oh, that’s a good idea…”
Perhaps the evolutionary process began with these conversations.
After 1,250 generations of this kind of parent-child dialogue, the evolutionary process has reached a saturation boiling point.
The evolutionary process reached a saturation boiling point, and the Jomon period began.

We use tools to create a more comfortable living environment in the real world.
This special development, not seen in previous animal species, was possible only for humans.
This evolution of stone tools proceeded contemporaneously in various parts of the world.
This evolution of stone tools progressed contemporaneously in many parts of the world, eventually culminating in the fine stone blade culture, which combined razor-sharp stone tools.
This was the “cutting edge technology” of the Stone Age.
This culture spread throughout Siberia, northern China, the Korean peninsula, the Japanese archipelago, and surrounding areas.
The first pioneering example of this culture in the archipelago came to Hokkaido, which was connected to the continent around 25,000 years ago.
Since then, the culture is believed to have spread widely throughout the Japanese archipelago.
The world’s purest obsidian from the Shirataki Village area of Hokkaido was considered the best raw material for the development of the culture.
The obsidian found in the Shirataki Village area of Hokkaido was considered to be the best raw material, and there are even traces of the social organization that was involved in its excavation and production.
This is so good, everyone will want it.
“This is great, everyone will want it…” “We need an organization specializing in excavation and a place to commercialize it…”
We need an organization specializing in excavation and a place to commercialize the product….
It can be inferred that information sharing on a global scale was transmitted at a considerable speed.
The evolution of tools must have brought about the evolution of information exchange.
I am overwhelmed by the wisdom of our ancestors to survive. The wisdom of our ancestors to survive is overwhelming.

【旧石器時代・移動交流による進化 日本列島37,000年史-8】





English version⬇

Paleolithic: Evolution through Migratory Interaction 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 8
Although settlement began after the Jomon period, wide-area migratory exchange since the Paleolithic period has continued as the basis for the “evolution of the information system” of humankind. The evolution of the human race through mobile exchange

29,000 years ago, spear points called “peeled lancets” were used mainly in Kyushu.
The distribution of excavations shows that they have been found at sites all over Kyushu, and some in the Yamaguchi Prefecture area.
And similar stone tools have been found on the Korean Peninsula, mainly in the western region.
The panel display showed items from Kagoshima Prefecture and the central and western parts of Korea.
It may imply a relationship between Japan and Baekje in a far later period….
This may represent the situation of wide-area exchange among the Paleolithic peoples.
Looking at the map on the panel shown, it is clear that the Tsushima Strait between the Japanese archipelago and the continental side and peninsula is very narrow.
The map on the panel clearly shows that the Tsushima Strait between the Japanese archipelago and the continental side and peninsula is very narrow.
This period 29,000 years ago corresponds to the coldest period of the last glacial period.
The sea level dropped and the straits were only a short distance apart.

For Paleolithic people, who were hunter-gatherers as their main livelihood
migration was an extremely common practice.
It would have been common for them to wander from their fixed villages in search of prey.
They also moved from one village to another seasonally.
As long as they had the basic commodity of stone tools, migration itself was a very common practice.
The area was not large enough for people to cross the sea and interact with other areas.
The capture of marine animals may have been a major objective.
On the other hand, they may have been aware of kinship in terms of the unity of their hunting tools.
It is said that “monogamy” was adopted socially from the very beginning of human history.
It is no doubt that the recognition of kinship was also deeply rooted in human history.
This recognition of kinship must have been a significant factor in the evolutionary differences between humans and other animal species.
This recognition of kinship may have been a significant factor in the significant differences in evolution among other animal species.
This is an advantage for the expression of DNA developmental diversity. The map shows only a few dozen kilometers of the
The distance of the Tsushima Strait is only a few tens of kilometers on the map.
After this, there was a sea level rise of “Jomon sea advance” after 15,000 years ago due to the warming of the climate.
Even though there has been a mutual relationship since then due to the movement of ships
The Jomon people were basically separated from the continental side and evolved in their own unique way.

On the other hand, in the central Honshu region, obsidian, the greatest tool of the Paleolithic Age and natural glass, is produced at Wada Pass, the highest point in Nagano Prefecture at 1,531 meters above sea level, and at Kozushima Island off the Izu Peninsula.
The largest source of obsidian, a natural glass of the Paleolithic period, is found at Wada Pass, the highest point in Nagano Prefecture at 1,531 meters above sea level, and at Kozushima Island off the Izu Peninsula.
It has been confirmed that obsidian is distributed over a wide area.
The world’s highest level of obsidian is produced in Shirataki on the Okhotsk Sea side of Hokkaido.
It is known that obsidian was also distributed over a wide area.

The element of wide-area movement for subsistence was the mother of various social developments.
It was quite intentional to exchange knowledge with each other.
The traces of this exchange strongly influenced the psyche, and eventually led to the development of an abstract perception of the world and the creation of a new society.
This may eventually lead to the mysterious development of abstract world awareness and historical time awareness.
This is a very exciting area of DNA evolutionary history of the Stone Age.

【投げ槍と落とし穴・狩猟テク 日本列島37,000年史-7】

旧石器時代14542と縄文時代草創期2526となる。 重複文化層を1遺跡として




English version⬇

Throwing Spears and Pitfalls The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 7
The evolution of technology in the Stone Age occupation of hunting. Pitfall hunting brought advanced “deception” techniques and became the basis of “psychological manipulation” technology? …….

In the Stone Age, hunting animals was the basic livelihood and means of securing products.
Many archaeological sites have been found throughout the Japanese archipelago.
There are many archaeological sites throughout the Japanese archipelago, and as a society, there were settlements, and trade between them developed actively.
However, since hunting is the basic occupation, the social density of the society depends on the absolute number of the target population.
According to the archaeological site database compiled by the Paleolithic Society of Japan in 2010, in the Japanese archipelago
The total number of Paleolithic and Pioneer Jomon Period sites/cultural strata is 16771, broken down as follows.
Paleolithic 14542 and Jomon Period 2526. If the overlapping cultural layers are counted as one site, the total number of sites per cultural layer is
The Paleolithic period is 10150 sites and the Jomon period is 2432 sites.
If we consider the Paleolithic period of approximately 22,000 years and the Jomon period of 13,000 years, then the number of sites itself is about the same as the number of Paleolithic sites.
The number of Paleolithic sites itself can be said to be large.
However, considering the ability of the social means of production to sustain a population, the Jomon, which was suited to residential concentration
The Jomon, however, had a social means of production and population maintenance, and the Paleolithic required a wider area of development.

Modern humans have already lost the ability and experience to hunt.
Perhaps they have been “sublimated” into a completely different ability and retained.
Let’s compare spear-throwing and pitfall hunting in the illustration and diorama.
One wonders about the probability of capture by spear.
The production efficiency must be affected by the unscientific factor of the archer’s skill.
Also, on the part of the prey, if it escapes from danger several times, its experiential knowledge will improve, and it will be more likely to act on the safe side with humans.
It is highly likely that the prey will learn to behave more humanely and safely.
The other day, one of my friends got hit, so I’ll be more careful.
On the other hand, for pitfall hunting, it seems that more systematic hunting was possible.
As shown in the figure, a group of humans could drive a group of prey animals into a herd and ambush them in a fixed position.
The production efficiency may have been enhanced by the fixed ambush of a group of prey animals as shown in the figure.
Also, clearly, the horizon has changed from a world of individual skill to a world of collective intelligence.
This may have promoted more strategic and systematic development of intelligence.
The social background of this change was not explained or disclosed.
It is a “trick technique,” if you will.
and controlling it in advance is also applied to interpersonal relationships.
It is easy to imagine that this kind of “ingenuity” to detect and control animal psychology was applied to interpersonal relationships as well.
It may have served as an opportunity to awaken to the intellectual pleasure of social manipulation and deception.

Well, it has been 37,000 years, so I am not sure how much we have improved our intelligence as a species, or how much our DNA has evolved.
I am not sure. However, it is about half of the time in the history of the present human species.
I would like to see how we have evolved during this period.
Although it is said that the first humans appeared in Africa about 70,000 to 80,000 years ago, the history of the present human species is still very different from that of the past.
In contrast to this, the accumulation of empirical knowledge in this archipelago is quite long.
The regional nature of the Japanese archipelago may also have played a significant role in the evolutionary process.
On the other hand, humans are thought to have shared their evolution over a fairly wide area through trade.
In fact, sharp and highly useful materials such as obsidian were distributed over a wide area.
I wonder whether such information sharing involved a specific “division of labor” function.
Did such entities as traders help to share wisdom in a specialized way?
The scale of my questions and interests keeps growing and growing, and I can’t stop (laughs). …

【死への装飾と精神性痕跡 日本列島37,000年史-6】






English version⬇

Ornaments and Spiritual Traces to Death: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago – 6
Respect for the spirit of the ancients through the things they left behind. The inescapable conflict between life and death. The history of the spirit of belief. The history of the heart that believes in life and death.

The challenge of imaginative reconstruction that reconstructs the social reality of Stone Age man.
The frontier of research development based on modern archaeology strongly stimulates our imagination.

A major part of human history is the inescapable attitude toward death.
This is the part of human spirituality and imagination that eventually took the form of religion.
What happens after death? the human response to the eternal unknown.
Even in the age of stone tools, we can see a residential social structure and, so to speak, the economy of that society.
We are beginning to be able to see the economy of such societies. The greatest asset of a society is the human being himself.
Individuals who had gained a variety of experiences and had the wisdom to survive before reaching adulthood were
would have been a leader in society.
The accumulated experience and knowledge of an individual is itself an irreplaceable guideline for social behavior.
When such an individual was lost in the form of death, society would have buried him.
This can be understood as the most fundamental human activity.
At the “Yunosato 4 Site” in Chouchi-machi, Kamiiso County, Hokkaido, approximately 20,000 years ago, a 1-meter-long earthen mound that appears to be a “tomb” was found.
A grave pit (a grave with a hole dug in the ground), which appears to be a “tomb,” was discovered at the Yunosato 4 Site in Chinai-cho, Kamiiso County, Hokkaido, approximately 20,000 years ago.
This burial mound was covered with red pigment, and jades, stone blades, and stone blade nuclei were also found.
<Stone blades are long, slender, flaked stone tools with nearly parallel blades on both sides.
The stone blade is made by processing a rough stone to an appropriate size and removing longitudinal flakes (stone blade technique).
Stone blades of the same standard were produced in large quantities. 〜It is probably the largest tool of the Stone Age. >The dead continue to live on after death.
Was it offered to the dead so that they would not be troubled with tools for surviving after death?
The idea was that the dead would have “activities” even after death.
The idea of having tools for this purpose implies “belief” in the afterlife.
Red is the most fundamental symbolic color in the human sense of color.
The idea of coloring with it is somewhat understandable.

The photo shows a line-engraved stone tablet from the Kuroiwa site in Ehime Prefecture, Japan, dated around 14,500 years ago.
In Europe, Paleolithic people painted cave murals, carved animal paintings on stone tablets, and made horned female statues.
They also carved animal paintings on stone tablets and made horned female statues. In the Japanese archipelago, there are stone products and painted “line-engraved” gravels that are believed to be female statues.
In the Japanese archipelago, there are stone artifacts and gravels that have been “line-engraved” in the form of paintings. What kind of prayers were put into them?
What kind of human psychology was expressed by the shapes and line engravings?

The oldest known “clay figurines,” dating from around 13,000 years ago, also depicted feminine breasts.
The sacredness of the act of childbirth is imprinted in the base consciousness of humankind.
The world of consciousness, which is the rebirth of life along with death and reincarnation, has been imprinted on the human race as a subconscious that transcends the everyday.
It is thought that this world of consciousness, which transcends everyday life, has become universalized in humankind as a subconscious awareness.

When I was young, I was once mired in the materialistic historical view that “religion is a drug.
However, as I continue to look at the history of mankind in this way, I am reminded of the reality of the spirit of our ancestors.
I cannot help but feel a great discrepancy with the reality of the minds of our predecessors.

【石器時代からファッションは女性領域 日本列島37,000年史-5】



全く変わっておりません。<萬国製針 株式会社HPより>〜

English version⬇

Fashion has been a woman’s domain since the Stone Age. 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Islands – 5
Hey mom, I want to be able to make more beautiful clothes (sparkles). Women’s strong desire for beauty, DNA…

The hunting of animals, the main “livelihood” of the Stone Age
This makes us think about the various production activities that originated from it.
Today, we will discuss the process of “tanning” animal hides to produce clothing.
A diorama and photos of the northern people who maintain their hunting traditions even today.
The process of transforming animal hides into clothing by combining wood and stone tools and devising tools.

〜Many stone tools for leather tanning have been found at Paleolithic sites.
For humans living in the last ice age, which was colder than the present day, it was important to have warm clothing for protection from the cold.
Fur was especially important for making warm clothing for protection against the cold.
In the case of the northern peoples who still exist today, such tanning was the work of women. 〜The tannery was located in the northern region of the country.
The diorama above shows a mother and her child.
The diorama above shows a mother, a girl, and two people who appear to be girls.
The mother may be applying red pigment to a large piece of leather, or she may be working on it.
Or she may be working on it.
The girl appears to be working on the leather with a needle and thread in her hand.
Both of them are wearing rawhide clothing.
Weaving garments was a female labor area even in later human periods.
In the beginning, women have been responsible for the division of labor according to gender in areas related to fashion.
It is a universal fact of human history that women have been responsible for fashion.
“Wow, I can do it too, I did it!
“Oh, you’re getting good at needlework.
“You’re so good with your hands and you’re just like me, I’m sure you’ll make great clothes.
“Yes, I can!”
On the other hand, a woman from the modern northern tribe demonstrates how to tan a hide.
A woman demonstrates the tanning of reindeer hides with a scraper (a blade that scrapes off deposits on the outer surface of the hides).
The tanner is using a scraper (a blade or spatula-like tool to scrape or scrape off deposits on the outer surface) to scrape the leather from the reindeer feet.
The movement is also a physical exercise with a sense of rationality.
The final product of the work was imagined as he worked toward a better product.
It is an extremely human figure, as if he is praying to the leather at hand.

And as reader N always points out, the “needle and thread” as the greatest invention of mankind
The needle and thread” as the greatest invention of mankind is located at the origin of this fashion.
〜The oldest needle in the world was discovered in Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Russia.
The needle also has a needle hole for thread, and radiocarbon dating has revealed that it was made 50,000 years ago.
Radiocarbon dating revealed that it was made 50,000 years ago. The needle is 7.6 cm long and made from bird bone.
This needle is thought to have been used for sewing fur to make clothing in the extreme cold of Siberia.
The shape of the needle is also similar to that we use today. The shape of the needles is exactly the same as the needles we use today.
The shape of the needles is exactly the same as the needles we use today. <From the website of Bankoku Seihin Co.
It is clear that “cold weather” was an important environmental factor in the development of human history. …….

【狩猟採集社会の「経済」構造 日本列島37,000年史-4】


1 肉:食料
2 脂肪:食料・調味料・燃料
3 血液:食料・調味料
4 内臓(腸):食料・ロープなど
5 脳味噌:食料
6 毛皮:衣類・テントの外皮材
7 骨:槍先やハンマーなど
8 ツノ(角):槍先やハンマーなど
9 動物繊維(腱など):糸・ロープなど
10 歯・牙:装身具など
11 爪:装身具など


English version⬇

Economic Structure of Hunter-Gatherer Societies: 37,000 Years of Japanese Archipelago History-4
Tents for houses = Harvesting wood with stone axes + use of animal hides, etc. for roofs and exterior walls. Traces of technological infrastructure derived from the Stone Age. Stone Age

The Paleolithic Period, which began 37,000 years ago, is the primitive period of human The Paleolithic Period, which began 37,000 years ago, is the primitive period of human society in the Japanese archipelago, which until now has only been recognized as a nomadic lifestyle.
The Paleolithic period began 37,000 years ago.
The search based on concrete objects has revealed aspects of this period.
Today, I would like to discuss the economic structure brought about by animal hunting as a clue to the main social cycles of the Stone Age period.
The panel exhibition reconstructs the economic structure of animal hunting as a clue to the main social cycles of the Stone Age period.

The following is an explanation of “Animal Hunting and Food”.
〜˜Most Paleolithic stone tools are used for hunting tools and for dismantling and processing animals.
Paleolithic people used stone tools to sharpen animal bones and antlers, cut meat and skin, and
They also made holes in the skin, wood, and bones.
Flesh, blood, skin, and bones were thoroughly utilized as materials for food, clothing, and tools. ~.
Below are specific uses.
1 Meat: Food
2 Fat: food, seasoning, fuel
3 Blood: food and seasoning
4 Internal organs (intestines): food, rope, etc.
5 Brains: food
6 Fur: clothing, outer shell material for tents
7 Bones: spear points, hammers, etc.
8 Horns (horns): spear points, hammers, etc.
9 Animal fibers (tendons, etc.): thread, rope, etc.
10 Teeth and fangs: ornaments, etc.
11 Claws: ornaments, etc.
…each of these items makes sense to me.
When we explore the specifics in this way, we can imagine the root of the prehistoric people’s “imagination” in concrete terms.
I feel as if I can imagine the source of prehistoric people’s “imagination” in concrete terms.
For them, hunting was the sum total of various human economic activities.
The evolution of hunting was based on the mobilization of all kinds of imaginations about how to utilize the resources.
The imagination of its “usefulness” to human society was continually stimulated.
Yesterday, I thought that the clear expression of the tent skin material was unclear, but today I checked the details.
Today, when I checked the details, it was clearly identified as “animal hide.
However, “bark,” obtained through the evolution of stone axe logging technology, is also a valuable resource.
Human society would have made maximum use of it.
In fact, the Okhotsk people who lived in Hokkaido until around the 10th century
The Okhotsk people, who lived in Hokkaido until around the 10th century, actually used the bark as a material for the outer roofing of their pit dwellings in reconstructed dwellings.
The use of bark as a “building technique” derived from the Paleolithic period may have also existed.
However, from the standpoint of cold protection and durability against rainwater, animal hides would have been the best solution for tent hulls.
However, animal hides would have been the best solution for tent hulls in terms of cold protection and durability against rainwater.

On the other hand, the present humans, who arrived in the Japanese archipelago around 37,000 years ago, have been using “wood” to make their tents for a long time.
The technology to “make boats out of wood” was indispensable for their long expansion into the world.
The most basic of all human activities is the technology to process wood.
The stone axe was probably the most primitive human tool.
Stone tools and wood use formed the basic human economic structure.
The utilization of wood resources, along with animal resources as seen above, formed the foundation for the next stage of social development.
This is a glimpse into the roots of the “intelligence” that we modern humans have inherited. The world of the Stone Age