
【34,000年前のムラ? 環状キャンプ 日本列島37,000年史-3】





English version⬇

A 34,000 Year Old Mura? Ring Camp 37,000 Years of the Japanese Archipelago – 3]
Empirical analysis of a Stone Age settlement. Traces of existence of social mutual aid. People have lived analogously among people. …

What did Stone Age dwellings look like?
The latest archaeological and historical studies are exploring these direct questions.
Illustrations are from the website of the Sumikosawa Site, Chiba Prefecture, and the prehistoric exhibition panel at the National Museum of Japanese History.

Although the vague lifestyle of migratory gatherers has been shown to have been a Stone Age way of life, it is not clear how it could have been a prehistoric way of life.
The results of previous research have shown that this was the lifestyle of the Stone Age.
The “Sumikosawa Site, Chiba Prefecture, Circular Block Group” from 34,000 years ago is on display here.
The following is a written description of the text on the panel.
〜The site is one of the largest in Japan, with 10,000 stone tools concentrated in an area measuring 67 m from north to south and 60 m from east to west.
The traces of concentrated stone tools and stone garbage distributed in a circle shape have been found in various places, and are called the “Circle Block Group”.
These are called “Circle Block Groups. This may have been the site of a large village or camp where hunter-gatherers who led a nomadic life gathered in one place.
It may have been the remains of a large scale village or camp where hunter-gatherers engaged in a nomadic lifestyle gathered in one place. ~.
~The theory of “hunting villages” where multiple groups of people gathered to hunt large animals, or
to exchange various necessities of life such as food during the seasonal migratory schedule.
The actual situation is a mystery. 〜The actual situation is a mystery.
〜Pit dwellings were not found in the Paleolithic period.
The main type of dwelling was a tent-like structure that could be moved around. Food was secured within a few kilometers of the camp.
According to resources such as seasonally migrating animals and seasonally changing fruit trees
The campsite itself was moved to accommodate the seasonal movements of animals, fruit trees, and other resources. ~.

Until now, settlement has only been possible since the Jomon period, and traces of settlements in the Stone Age have not been documented.
I have never known the existence of such traces until the results of this empirical analysis were presented.
I have always thought that humans have always lived in a similar way, but I have never understood the pre-Jomon lifestyle.
However, the pre-Jomon lifestyle was in the darkness of obscurity.
This is becoming clear as a result of excavation and research of archaeological sites.
It is more “unreasonable” to continue to live independently as an individual or a family unit without social mutual support.
It is indeed “unreasonable” to continue to survive independently as an individual or family unit without social mutual support.
If we consider hunting larger animals, it is much more efficient to work together.
And in the case of living in tents, gathering together increases the ability to defend against danger.
As a community for securing food and managing production, this could be called a “mura” (village).
The housing of this period would have been tents, and the aggregate material would have been wood.
The aggregate material would have been wood, and the surface material would have been large animal hides.
The larger the animal, the more hides were available.
In the exhibit, men were in charge of hunting and women were in charge of “tanning” the animal hides.
The division of roles between women, who are expected to play a fixed role in childbirth and childcare, and men, who are expected to engage in combat activities in hunting, is a probable outcome.
The division of roles between women and men seems highly probable.

In the Jomon period that followed, the main residential areas moved closer to the seashore and waterfront.
The Japanese archipelago has the advantage of being surrounded by the sea
This is easy to understand as a measure to secure a more stable source of animal protein.
When fishing became the main occupation, food acquisition became more stable and the social foundation for settlement was established.
As a result, the acquisition of large animal hides is no longer expected.
In terms of housing evolution, roofing materials changed to vegetable materials such as thatch in the surrounding area.
In addition, as settlement progressed, people began to devise ways to “improve the performance” of their homes, and the use of stable geothermal heat became a possibility.
The use of stable geothermal heat may have led to the use of pit-type dugouts.
It seemed to me that we could see such a macroscopic “flow of cities and housing.

【旧石器時代人由来の「こころ」 日本列島37,000年史-2】




English version⬇

The “Heart” of Paleolithic Human Origin: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago-2
The traces of human beings in the archipelago reveal the social reality of “trade. The conditions for the establishment of such a society reveal the basis for its progress and development. The history of the Japanese archipelago

Recently, the scope of my blog posts has been spread out a bit here and there.
The basic theme is living and housing. However, as I wrote the other day
I can’t access to the external SSD drive of the image data that I have been contemplating and recording, so I can’t refer to the thematic data that I have accumulated.
I can’t access the image data on the external SSD drive, so I can’t refer to the theme-intensive data that I’ve accumulated.
It is taking me a long time to reconstruct myself.

In such a situation, I tried an attempt of “37,000-year history of the Japanese archipelago.
The photo data is from the National Museum of Japanese History, Prehistory Exhibition.
The Paleolithic period was about 22,000 years ago, from 38,000 to 16,000 years ago.
People did not have earthenware yet, but used mainly chipped stone tools and bone tools made from animal bones and horns.
They hunted and gathered using bone and antler implements made from animal bones and horns.
In the Japanese archipelago, human activities have developed since this period.
From the exploration of various things, the world of the “heart,” as shown in the illustration above, has been revealed.
The world of “Kokoro” (heart) has been revealed through the exploration of various things, as shown in the illustration above.
This is probably confirmed as the “collective will” of the researchers at the Museum of History and Folklore.
Transformation Network
Ability to invent
Planning ability of resource development
Abstract thinking
The researchers have accepted the validity of the four mental realities of “the mind of the people.
These mental realities form the basis of the way of life that has been handed down to us modern people.
The “transformation network” can be easily understood by the fact that there is already a trade reality.
It is easy to understand. The fact that obsidian from Hokkaido has been excavated in the Honshu region is a clear indication of this.
This is obvious. And of course, this is closely related to the “planned nature of resource development.
This is closely related to the “planning of resource development.
There were societies that planned to use the obsidian they obtained to collect useful materials for daily life.
Inventive capacity” would also have been the basis for trading activities.
In order for a useful material to be distributed, it would have been necessary to develop a useful material that could be exchanged for it.
In order for a certain useful material to be distributed, there would naturally have been a need to develop useful materials that could be exchanged.
The condition for trading activities is the attractiveness of “if you go there, you can get this”.
Conversely, without such efforts, it would have been difficult to live independently.
The last point, “abstract thinking,” is extremely interesting.
In order to enrich people’s lives and improve the productivity of society
the evolution and development of the mind is indispensable to enrich our lives and improve the productivity of society.

From this accumulation of more than 20,000 years of time, we eventually shifted to the Jomon period and realized a human society that is connected to the modern people.
This is the origin of the human society that is connected to the modern human race.
The continuity of far-reaching wisdom is projected onto modern society.
And, to abstract the modern human behavior, we can use the following terms.
Time management
Exchange systems
Information network
The three elements were summarized as “time management,” “exchange systems,” and “information networks.
This perspective of synchronizing prehistory and modernity leads to various insights.
The “dialogue” with the researcher of the Museum of History and Folklore, which was triggered by this one panel, was beneficial.
It makes me want to communicate more deeply.
I am glad I kept a photographic record to warm up my contemplation long after the visit.
I understand how important it is to leave traces of one’s findings.





English version⬇

Sorting between the Shinto altar and the central IT equipment environment
There is a possibility that the altar where the gods of the nation gather may have been a constraint on the maintenance of the IT control equipment group that lives in the same house. We deeply regretted this and respectfully requested that it be moved. For the safety of the family and prosperity of business. I am very happy and grateful for your kindness.

How do you manage the ever-evolving IT-related equipment in your company’s office environment?
How are they managed?
In our company, the external communication connection device and the internal network device are connected and cohabit
and internal network devices are all connected and living together on a single floor.
From there, hubs and routers are installed in each room to form a network.
In this central area, the network environment can be controlled at a glance.
It was supposed to be….
However, there was a problem here.
This flat space was originally a vast “Shinto altar” area.
In the center of the space is a Shinto altar, and on either side of the altar are the “business” wishes that I had collected during my travels around Japan for interviews.
On both sides of it, there were prayer cards for “prosperous business” that I had collected during my travels around the country, as well as sacred fuda from various Shinto shrines.
The concentration of IT-related equipment here is, in a sense, symbolic for an information company.
In a sense, it is symbolic of the fact that the information we receive and transmit will be blessed by the gods (laughs).
I now reflect on the fact that I had such a subconscious somewhere in my mind. I am now reflecting on it.
Well, it is not a big information control device like the central control system of a large corporation.
but a compact control device that has evolved.
As a small, medium, and micro company, we have been managing to “accumulate” the information.
It could be said that we had no awareness of the need to control such things.

However, with the development of remote work in the field of infectious diseases
Recently, however, the level of sophistication and essential speed of corporate information control is quite high.
The above idyllic and godlike control mindset may cause discrepancies.
In the operation check of each device and centralized grasp of the connection status
It is becoming inevitable that various troubles may occur in the operation check of each device and in the centralized grasp of the connection status.
In such a situation, the gods are thankful to us for our IT environment maintenance work.
In such a situation, the thankful gods may be causing difficulties in IT environment maintenance work due to its locality.
I am ashamed to admit that I had forgotten about these things while setting up the situation myself.
I am ashamed to say that I was oblivious to these things while I was setting up the situation.
I am grateful for your help, but I wonder if it was too difficult for the vendor to make an offer…”
I finally realized the possibility that I had brought restrictions to the construction of a complex wiring and connection environment.
I am ashamed to say this as a business manager.
As a business manager, I deeply regret this shameful situation.
Although it is impossible to fully understand the contents of all control devices, it is important to understand the environment in which they are placed.
However, as a manager, I should give sufficient consideration to the environment in which the equipment is placed so that it is easy to control and work in.
As a manager, I should give sufficient consideration to the environment in which they are placed so that they are easy to control and work in.

Therefore, I requested that the kamidana in the photo be moved to a place near my desk.
The upper floor is also an office space, so I put a piece of paper called “Kumo” on the top.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the gods of Japan for their kindness to me.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the gods of Japan for their past kindnesses, and I would like to make sure that there are no omissions in the environment.
I am grateful to all the deities throughout Japan for their kindness to us, and I hope that we have been able to gain some sense of peace and tranquility through the tidying up of the place.
The Shisa guardian dogs that we purchased in Okinawa
The Shisa guardian dogs that we purchased in Okinawa are playing their role for the first time at this Douza.
Why didn’t you notice it before, huh? and “Why didn’t you notice it before, huh?
He is talking to us with a soft expression on his face. I hope that we will reflect on this and build a stronger information management system.
I hope to build a stronger information management system.
I wish for the safety of my family and prosperity of my business.

【10.15-16大工技術「削ろう会」 in 北海道岩見沢】



●​会場:岩見沢スポーツセンター 岩見沢市総合公園40番地 0126-22-6240
・駐車場(無料)80台+近隣の岩見沢農業高校内臨時駐車場150 台

English version⬇

10.15-16. Carpentry “Let’s shave” meeting in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, Japan
The process of whittling down wood to its most beautiful surface is the core of carpentry. This is a time to encounter the Japanese sense of beauty and tradition. The time to encounter Japanese aesthetic traditions.

“Mr. President, I got this from the president of Takebe Construction.”
“What is this? What is this?”
It’s a carpenter’s sharpened plane, practicing for an upcoming sharpening session.
So, I observed the faint sharpening. It looks so smooth.
The following is a description of the Sharuroukai on its Web page.
〜The competition of “technique” in the northern land. Hot artisans gathered in large numbers.
The “Shaperoukai” is a group of professional and amateur woodworkers, men and women alike, who love wooden construction, carpentry tools, and wood.
Shuri-Suto” is a group of professional and amateur craftsmen and women from all over Japan who love wooden construction, carpentry tools, and wood, pursuing the possibilities of hand tools and traditional techniques, including thinning planes.
See the skills of masters competing for 1/1000mm. 〜.

Among Japanese carpentry techniques, the planing process to finish wood surfaces is
The kanna process is an important part of the Japanese carpentry technique that expresses the craftsmanship and sense of the craftsman.
It is a basic carpentry skill that conveys the softness of the wood surface to the people who live in the house.
Since the material itself is a wood, its subtle hue, texture, and breathing qualities are all important.
The subtle color, texture, and breath of the material itself is a total expression of human sensitivity itself.
In the process of whittling, we seek the original beauty of the wood.
As we whittle with single-minded devotion, the skill to whittle thinly becomes an important element.
The ultimate beauty of the wood will be revealed, and this will be the true nature of the wood.
The “Sharpening Competition” is a competition of carpenters’ skills in the carpentry process.
This year’s event was held in Hokkaido as the central venue for the national housing month.
The national competition will be held in Iwamizawa during the same period.
Since this is a national competition, “Hinoki (Japanese cypress)” is the material to be used.
However, the following regulations were set as a “quota” for Hokkaido, a region that normally does not use Japanese cypress.
〜Establishment of the “Hokkaido Quota
Hinoki wood is not normally distributed or used in Hokkaido.
Therefore, for the contestants from Hokkaido, the wood to be shaved will be made of spruce. 〜‾Hokkaido
Wooden construction techniques in Hokkaido, which has been pioneered about 150 years ago, are different from those in traditional areas of Japan.
Hokkaido has developed its own construction methods, which are highly insulated and airtight.
However, there is a strong respect for tradition in terms of carpentry techniques.
In a related event, we are pleased to have a presentation by Mr. Tsunekazu Nishioka, a master carpenter of Horyuji Temple, who is said to be the legitimate successor of Mr. Tsunekazu Nishioka.
I also had the opportunity to cover this event.
I would like to cover this lecture as well.

So, as Mr. Takebe, President of Takebe Construction Co.
I am very happy to introduce this unique event to the public.
Why don’t you come to Iwamizawa on October 15-16 and experience the carpenter’s skills?
◎Sharpening Party – Summary
Special booth and carpenter’s tool anything consultation
Please feel free to consult with us about any questions you may have, such as little tips, even while participating in thinning.
Experienced carpenters will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Wood education” hands-on learning, “Northern Style Housing 2020” exhibition
Carpentry tools and tools for sale, local specialty booths, and workshops for shaving flowers.
Venue: Iwamizawa Sports Center, Iwamizawa City General Park 40, 0126-22-6240
10 minutes by bus from JR Iwamizawa Station, about 1 hour from Sapporo (Route 12)
Parking lot (free): 80 cars + 150 cars in temporary parking lot in nearby Iwamizawa Agricultural High School
Parking lot in Iwamizawa City Hall (tentative)


「Posted on 8月 9th, 2005」という日付になっているので



English version⬇

Will the Digital Revolution Bring about a “Dead Man’s Phone Booth?”
In my youth, I had the experience of reading Yutaka Haniya’s “The Dead”. It was shocking to describe communication with the brain cells of the dead. Will today’s digital revolution also visualize various kinds of death? …

As announced yesterday, we are in the process of modifying the blog’s configuration.
However, we are having a hard time because of the “unstable connection” during the process (tears).
It will take some time before the modification is completely completed.
In the meantime, there may be some problems with the display of the blog.
But even so, I want to continue updating the blog every day.
I started writing my blog after receiving a request from a staff member.
The date of my blog is “Posted on August 9th, 2005,” which means it was 17 years ago.
That is 17 years ago.
I have continued for 6,257 days until today. …The calculation is a little out of the ordinary (laugh).
Well, regardless of the content (laugh), what an ordinary person can do is just to keep going.
Even if there are some difficulties, I think it is my life’s work to keep writing.
It might be nice to write, “I’m going to die today, so I’m going to quit blogging.
The world has emerged as a result of the evolution of human society in the form of the digital environment.
However, even before the evolution of the real world, there were unique expressions.

In my youth, I had the experience of reading a novel by Yutaka Hani called “The Deadly Ghosts.
It is a work that contrasts with Dostoevsky’s “Evil Spirits” and
This work was highly praised as monumental in the world of so-called “postwar literature” in Japan.
During the student movement, which I was into for a while, I read it without really understanding its contents.
I was still reading it with a kind of thirst for knowledge, even though I did not really understand its contents.
Thanks to this, I was able to completely break away from the world of Kenzaburo Oe’s novels up to that time. I was able to completely break away from the world of Kenzaburo Oe’s novels up to that point.
One of the chapters was titled “The Telephone Box of the Dead.
In one of his novels, there is a chapter titled “The Telephone Box of the Dead,” in which a dead person’s brain cells are continuously communicating with a living person.
There was a time when I was immersed in the fascinating world of expression.
I was amazed at the imagination that went into creating such a setting.
It seemed as if it were a liaison dialogue between astronauts and ground control.
There, death was communicated to the brain cells with a sense of “coming.
The brain cells had no way to deal with it on their own.
It was simply described as a sense of communication being cut off.
Eventually, there was no response, and I remember a sea of silence spreading.
That novel was written about 70 years ago.
The progress of the digital society may eventually bring about such a world.
In other words, it is a vast realm of “expression of death.
I am not talking about the virtual world of novels.
It has the potential to become an area of practical expression in the real world.
And this is a world of expression that extends to many “ordinary people.
The various lives and deaths of human beings are being archived.

Recently, I was researching the web and found that there is a website titled “About Expression after Death.
The method of digital archiving is beginning to be shown on the Web.
It can be said that the field of artists is undergoing a big bang.
… In any case, continuity is the greatest power, isn’t it?

【Replan編集長9/30退任 本ブログは継続します】




English version⬇

[Replan Editor-in-Chief retires on 9/30, this blog will continue.
Since the first issue, we have continued to explore housing. This time, the first line was changed to young staff. Housing Space Watch will continue with vigilant vigilance (laugh). Laughs…

As we have already notified our business partners in writing
I, Keigo Miki, will step down as editor-in-chief of Replan on September 30 and devote myself to the position of president.
Aya Ohnari will take over as editor-in-chief from one of our staff members.
She has been in charge of both the magazine and the website.
With her addition, the framework of our web business in particular has been formed.
We trust that she will work hard to develop new directions and fields of interest.

The choice of a housing magazine as a field for my professional life and independent business was based on the fact that housing is a very important part of who I am as a person.
I believe that the field of housing magazines was chosen because of the significance of housing to people and the importance of housing in the community.
I decided that housing occupies a decisive position in the area of food, clothing, and shelter.
In this field, we can look at various perspectives on life and the family.
I think I have always been attracted to this kind of exploratory interest.
Especially since Hokkaido is our base region, we are inevitably confronted with the theme of housing performance.
Sharing with users the various insights that have been generated in the region
We are trying to function as a forum of useful information for housing in Japan as a whole.
We have been trying to reflect in the magazine the benefits that enrich people’s lives.
It has been a great pleasure to work with so many outstanding housing experts.
Replan magazine has always been dedicated to creating good housing from a “user’s” point of view.
Even though we are well versed in technology and detail information, the perspective from which we make decisions is that of the user’s happiness.
We believe that our basic premise is to be able to empathize with users as human beings.

Although I will no longer be involved in the overall structure of the articles or in determining the direction of the magazine and web pages, I will continue to actively utilize opportunities to cover housing and other topics.
However, we will continue to actively take advantage of opportunities to cover housing and other topics in the future.
As I have done in the past, I would like to continue to think together with many of you about the root of the theme of human beings and housing.
I would like to continue to think together with many of you about the roots of the theme of human beings and housing.
Well, it has become my life’s work, so I will continue to dig deeper.
Because of the nature of my work, my theme has always been modern housing, and frontline efforts at that.
I am gradually changing my perspective to that of an old private house, or rather, to a viewpoint that is closer to the human side of the house.
I myself am changing.
In that sense, I have the freedom to think about housing in a more in-depth way (laughs).
Although I am now over 70 years old, I still have a youthful awareness of the issues involved.
I still intend to face the housing field with a youthful awareness of the issues.
I will always be a housing media manager.
I hope you will continue to give me your valuable insights and opinions.
Oh, the “Editor-in-Chief” logo text in the title section didn’t change. Oh no.
I’ll fix it today and make the new binding from tomorrow onward.




English version⬇

Replan×TSUTAYA Ebetsu “Woodworking Event” to be held again this year
The experience of making things yourself sends a message of attachment to your living space. Creating a sense of community through living, making, and communicating. Replan×TSUTAYA

Yesterday, in the latest issue of Replan Hokkaido, we introduced the “KIECE Special.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, and the event was held at Ebetsu Tsutaya, a part of KIECE.
This was the first event held last year to bring together users, bookstores, and local construction companies.
This time, the event was expanded to include woodworking, hand-painting, games, and more.
This year’s event was more like a “festival” with woodworking, hand-painting, and games.
The event was a great success, with more parents and children participating than last year.
Three local construction companies participated in the event and taught woodworking to parents and children.
Three local construction companies participated in the event and taught parents and children the joy of making things out of wood by teaching them how to make things by hand.
The participants were able to receive wooden pot covers that they had made.
The parents and children who participated in the workshop were very serious about their work.
It was a beautiful space to have a piece of furniture in the house that was handmade by the participants themselves.
The memory that the children played a leading role in making the furniture will lead to their attachment to the house.
Sibling children, the younger one working with his older brother.
The younger brother was eager to leave even the smallest trace of his handiwork (laugh).
It was a heartwarming sight to see.
The children also tried their hand at sanding and painting the wooden coasters.
Their hard work was hot because they could receive the finished coasters.
In addition, at the garden corner of the exhibition hall, there was also a hand-painted craft and a Nordic mini game called “Moluk Mini Game.
In addition to the hand-painted crafts, a game called “Moluk Mini Game,” which originated in Scandinavia and Finland, was also held at the garden corner of the venue.
It is a kind of bowling game made of wood.
It is a very strategic game, and everyone was into it.

Ebetsu Tsutaya is a bookstore that blends in with nature in the surrounding lush green environment.
The atmosphere where books and the natural environment meet is a space that stimulates the intellect.
The site is huge, with a total of 500 parking spaces.
The bookstore has been a great source of support for our company’s publishing and information dissemination stance, and has been featured in Replan magazine and various other publications.
We have been handling almost all of Replan magazine, various special and extra issues, and Mooks.
Sales have been brisk.
The future of our publishing business is to collaborate with these bookstores’ positive attitude
I believe there is a great need for the publishing business to work with the active stance of bookstores to find a wide range of users and boost the business.
I also believe that it is important for local homebuilders, such as construction firms, to promote the “green and wood” concept.
It is a great opportunity for local home builders to interact with users in a “space surrounded by greenery and trees”.
This is one of the opportunities to build a friendly relationship with the local community.
We have participated in the preparation of woodworking materials for events and as instructors, etc.
This is a rare opportunity to “connect” with the local community.
Houses are a fundamental part of the community, a shared resource to be lived in, made, and passed on.
I believe that housing is a fundamentally shared theme for the community.
As an information media company Replan, we hope to use these opportunities for exchange as a way to
We would like to spread the joy of “creating a home and space” to our users.
I would like to thank everyone who participated in this event.

【全国地価調査上位独占「KIECE」とは? Replan最新138号より】



Replan webサイトAmazonFujisanマガジン

English version⬇

[What is “KIECE”, the top dominating national land price survey? From Replan’s latest issue #138]
The choice of Hokkaido-area residents not to be concentrated in one area like the Tokyo metropolitan area. From the latest issue of Replan. …

These days, the public mood seems to have finally become more vibrant.
The housing industry has also emerged from its long environment of information isolation.
Information exchange” is becoming more and more active.
This point is important, because on youtube and other media, only someone’s opinion can be expressed in a one-sided manner.
Without public opinion consideration, “guru-like” words and actions become a one-way street.
Each opinion is unique, but it is not accompanied by “sociality.
In other words, only one-sided discourses that have not been examined from various perspectives
In other words, there is a danger of one-sided discourse that is not examined from a variety of perspectives, such as the common sense of the world, and that it becomes a one-sided discourse.
I believe that a sound social development is based on the democratic exchange of information.

The day before yesterday, the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, which has made Sapporo Dome its home for the past 19 years, played its “final game” at the Sapporo Dome.
The day before yesterday, the Sapporo Dome hosted the “final game” of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, which has been its home for 19 years.
The city of Sapporo, as the owner of the Sapporo Dome, did not take any particular action.
The team will move to a new stadium in the neighboring city of Kita Hiroshima next year.
This is somewhat symbolic of the fact that, as a result of soaring land prices in Sapporo, the city of Sapporo has been forced to relocate to a residential area in close proximity to the city.
This is a bit symbolic of the fact that, as a result of soaring land prices in Sapporo, there has been a noticeable shift of residential areas from Sapporo to neighboring areas.
One of our staff members suddenly said to me, “Mr. President, have you heard of KIECE?
One of our staff members suddenly said to me about a year ago.
I was in the middle of a social blockage caused by an infectious disease and had not acquired sufficient information.
I replied, “Oh, what’s that?” I replied.
I was not fully informed, so I replied, “Well, it was recently featured in an article in the local Hokkaido Construction Newspaper…”
I was surprised to find out that KIECE is a company called Sapporo KIECE, which was founded in 1974 by the Sapporo City Government.
KIECE is an increasingly popular name for building houses out of Sapporo.
KIECE is a coined alphabetical term that is a set of the initial letters of the regions.
K (Kitahiroshima) I (Ishikari) E (Ebetsu) C (Chitose) E (Eniwa).
We asked Hokkaido Kensetsu Shinbun, the company that initiated the project, for permission to use this coined word.
The Hokkaido Kensetsu Shimbun, the company that initiated this project, kindly agreed to allow us to use this coined word.
We are now planning a feature article on KIECE.
The photo above shows the cover of the latest issue of Replan Hokkaido and the KIECE feature article page.
Considering the macroscopic development of Hokkaido, the core decentralized development is more regional than the overcrowded concentration in the metropolitan area like Tokyo.
The core decentralized development is more suitable as a regional character.
After all, Hokkaido’s appeal lies in its open climate.
I believe that decentralized development is more appropriate than a future that is overcrowded and increasingly high-rise due to an emphasis on convenience.
Rather than a future of convenience-oriented overcrowding and high-rise development, decentralized development is more likely to perpetuate the charm of the region.
As a media outlet, Replan thought it would be a worthy feature.
We also believe that this is in line with our media stance of working with local home builders who are
I believe this is in line with the media’s stance.
According to a recent land price survey, land prices in the KIECE area have been rising at a rate of 1 to 10 times the national ranking.
The recent land price survey shows that the KIECE area has dominated the national ranking from 1st to 10th place.

Also, the fact that North Hiroshima is the first place for Nichi-Ham to relocate to
It seems to be a kind of “democratic declaration of intention” by the people of Hokkaido (laugh).
It is still a small but futuristic movement in the region, and we hope that you will take a look at it in the magazine.
We hope you will pick up a copy of the magazine and take a look.
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【気候条件はどう推移した? 日本列島37,000年史-1】




English version⬇

How Did Climatic Conditions Change? The 37,000-year history of the Japanese Islands – 1]
Identification of prehistoric environmental conditions. Methods have been established and visualization has progressed. Exciting intellectual exploration reduced to a boy who loves history. …

Well, lately, my blog entries have been going back and forth.
Since I have decided to write every day, I would like to write on a specific theme as much as possible.
This will allow me to “dig deeper” and motivate me to do so.
For now, I would like to follow the world of “prehistory” research at the National Museum of Japanese History.
The theme is “The 37,000 Year History of the Japanese Islands.

The history of the Japanese archipelago and its inhabitants spans 37,000 years.
This kind of chronological identification seems to be a view that has been confirmed only recently.
In the chronological phase of human history, it is the period from the Paleolithic Age to the Jomon Period and beyond to the present day.
The latest research on the climatic environment that covered the archipelago during that period is on display.
The exhibition panels were based on the latest research on the climatic environment that covered the archipelago during that period.
〜The past climate, temperature, and paleo-vegetation were analyzed using ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, as well as ice cores from Lake Nojiri in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
and pollen analysis of lake sediments from Lake Nojiri, Nagano Prefecture, and Lake Suigetsu, Fukui Prefecture, Japan.
The Late Paleolithic of the Japanese Archipelago The Late Paleolithic of the Japanese Islands was
cold but stable period” in the Japanese archipelago. On the other hand
The Jomon Period, which began about 17,000 years ago, was a warm and stable period. ~…
I have not studied very hard, but now I am going to
I am amazed once more by the results of interesting research as a follow-up exam (laugh).
I mean, when I was educated more than half a century ago
such a study had not been finalized. As a result
I was educated in a state in which the real image of the world was covered by a blur.
So, I was really moved by the fresh impression and eager to learn (laughs).
If I had been taught this kind of thing, I would have learned more.
I would have learned more if I had been taught this way,” and the insolent thought of blaming others for my own lack of effort also comes to mind.
However, it is also a great pleasure to be able to experience the results of such research after aging.
Even in my old age, I feel as if my mind is rejuvenated to boyhood.

Roughly speaking, since the Jomon period, global warming has been progressing.
The Jomon period is a time when the warming of the earth’s surface led to a series of “social developments”.
I have often heard of the phenomenon called “Jomon Kaihin” (Jomon sea advance).
It is clear that this kind of climate change was the starting point of this phenomenon.
The environment itself, to which we should adapt, changed drastically from the Paleolithic period.
The land area was greatly attenuated by the “sea advance,” as it is called, but the land that remained was affected by the warming of the climate.
The remaining land was warmed, indicating that the tree fauna became rather abundant and diverse.
In addition, the entire vegetation on the land that had previously been underwater has been transformed into a rich food environment.
The rich food environment was created on the coasts of the archipelago, and fish resources became more abundant and plentiful.
This is exactly the lifestyle and cultural environment of the Jomon period.
Global warming would have made life overwhelmingly easier.
On the other hand, there was a diverse culture of stone tools as the main tools of life for hunter-gatherers.
The evolutionary development of each period in response to the fauna is disclosed.
The “visualization” of the macroscopic human environment also expands our imagination.

【輪廻を必死に生きるイキモノたち 動物観察篇3rd】



English version⬇

Animals Desperately Living in Reincarnation: Observations on Animals, Vol. 3
The dead bodies of salmon and pink salmon, which I have been observing since the other day, were found on the riverbank. I was so happy to see them. The dignity of life that transcends good and evil in the way we live and die in reincarnation. I am so happy to be able to see the life and death of a salmon and a salmon trout.

Apparently, when I look at the life of an ikimono
I feel as if I am being drawn in more and more.
Yesterday morning, I was taking a walk and on my way back home, I was at the last stop on my way to the Hassamu River.
I was casually looking at the riverbank when I saw a dead cherry salmon like the one in the photo.
I was so disturbed to see only a photo of a dead body, I decided to combine it with a reference photo of a cherry salmon species.
I combined them with a reference photo of a species of cherry salmon.
The cherry salmon is one of the species of salmon, and it goes upstream to spawn.
They are said to migrate upstream to spawn.
It is unknown whether this individual was able to spawn safely, but I know that it tried.
I was deeply moved by the divine appearance of the fish.
As I wrote yesterday, many local people are gathering at this bridge.
Some of them gave us some information about the bridge.
According to the person who likes fishing, the fish probably went upstream to lay eggs and then drifted down to this area.
The fisherman told us that the fish had probably gone upstream to spawn and then drifted down to this area.
However, it is not clear whether the local people made such an effort but ran out of energy to save their lives or not.
The riverbank around our house is a densely populated area.
The riverbank around our house is a densely populated area, and the construction of the river is so thorough that the underside of the stones that appear to be the riverbed has been paved with concrete.
The river bottom soil is not suitable for cherry salmon to spawn.
Salmon, too, have been misled by the apparent riverbed environment created by mankind
They dig the river bottom only on the top surface of the concrete plane to spawn.
Eventually, they realize that it is difficult for their offspring to live here.
They eventually realize that it is not possible for their offspring to live here, and they move to the riverbed further upstream.
We are now aware of the depth of the wisdom of the creatures and the selfishness of humankind.
However, it is also natural for humans to seek their own comfortable survival.
And it is our “history” that we have repeatedly modified nature in this way.
If this is the case, we have no choice but to join hands with the salmon.
Seeing their desperate appearance, we can only remember the depth of our human karma.
But we, as human beings, have no choice but to fight desperately for our survival.
The harsh laws of nature are strictly in place, and we must not stand still for even a moment as similar beings.
To stand still even for a moment as a hominid being would mean “death of species.
There is no doubt that humans have survived by exterminating many animal species.
We have no choice but to live with such original sins.

On these walks, I encounter many animal species.
Some of them we do not even know their names, and some of them seem to be so poisonous that we dislike them.
They, too, continue to live through the cycle of reincarnation, desperately taking other lives for their own survival.
They are also living through reincarnation, taking other lives in a desperate attempt to survive.
In Buddhism, this kind of thought must have led to the idea of “vegetarianism.
It means to keep away from killing, and
It is a way of thinking centered on vegetable products from the fields, but it is also a way of thinking
nature as it is, but it is also obtained by violently altering it for one’s own convenience. The world of karma is deep.