
【再会・出会い・情報交流 in ジャパンホームショー】




English version⬇

Reunion, Encounter, and Information Exchange in Japan Home Show
Reunited with Recruit Yoichi Ikemoto. We exchanged information with each other. We also had a real meeting with Dr. Masayuki Mae for the first time in a while. Kick-off of the exchange with a good response. We had a good time.

Yesterday, we continued our PR activities to spread the “Replan Sumai Navi” information.
However, the number of visitors slowed down a little, perhaps because it was the middle of the day.
The day before yesterday, despite being the first time to participate, we wanted to help the cat.
I was also able to attend other booths and lectures.

This meant that I had somewhat more time to spare.
I could encounter people with whom I would normally have to take time to make appointments.
I met again with Yoichi Ikemoto of Recruit, a lecturer participating in a group discussion-type event.
I was able to sit in the front row of the Shinken Housing event hall.
I was able to sit in the front row at the Shinken Housing event…well, that’s how small the turnout was.
I have not seen Mr. Ikemoto since seven or eight years ago.
Mr. Ikemoto has recently been appearing as a housing commentator on various TV media.
I first met Mr. Ikemoto when I was a child.
I first met Mr. Ikemoto when he had not yet been exposed in such a way.
However, he had opened a Facebook account
I was just a Facebook account holder, so I decided to make friends with him.
I wanted to hear what Recruit, one of the giants in the industry, was up to.
I jumped into the bosom of the high-rise office right next to the Yaesu exit of Tokyo Station.
I was jabbed with a “Mr. Miki is my business rival.
(laugh), I was happy to be able to engage in a deep dialogue with him without any illusions.
After that, I even tried to wear the same color clothes as the green Sumo character.
I was so pleased to hear that he has been playing an active role as an advertiser.
I could feel his motives and background when I looked at him and talked with him.
After a short conversation at the venue, they stopped by our “Replan Sumai Navi” booth.
We were able to have an open dialogue about this new business.
When we offered to continue exchanging information with them, they responded with open arms.
We are deeply grateful for their openness.

In the lecture hall afterward, I wrote a series of articles for Replan magazine, a local media outlet, for nearly 10 years.
I met Dr. Masayuki Mae, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, who has been writing a series of articles for Replan magazine, a local media outlet, for nearly 10 years now.
The discussion was about “Renovation for Better Performance,” which is a joint project with Shinken Housing and YKK.
The content of the discussion was not a public relations document, but the core of the concept, which emerged from the discussion and dialogue.
The discussion was not a summary of publicity materials, but rather a discussion of the core of the concept, and what emerged from the dialogue.
The current status of “performance-enhancing renovations” and the pioneers of this concept.
We were also able to make the acquaintance of Mr. Ikeda of Okaniwa Construction, a leading builder in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo.
I informed Dr. Masayuki Mae of the background of “Replan Sumai Navi” in advance, so he said, “I’ll be at the booth.
He also said, “I will visit your booth.
This new project was discussed with the AI research team from the Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University and the indoor environment team from the same Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University.
Dr. Taro Mori, a professor of indoor environment at the same Hokkaido University Faculty of Engineering, was deeply involved in this new project.
Dr. Norihiko Kamata of Shinjyukyo expressed his deep interest in the project.
I was hoping to hear from the former professor as well.
He is scheduled to attend a lecture today as well, so I would like to start this kind of “exchange” with him before and after the lecture.
I would like to start this kind of “exchange” with him before and after his lecture.
I am very happy to have made a big “profit”. Thank you very much.



「a,chottodake speak English・・・」みたいなボディトーク主体で対応。
ファーストコンタクトなので「Please mail talking」みたいな対応。


English version⬇

Japan Home Show “Replan Sumai Navi” Information Spreading
Tension is at its maximum at the first contact, leaving the explanation to the staff and immersing oneself in the encounter mechanism. Pilgrimage to Shinbashi Karasumori-sha for business prosperity. Business prosperity.

Yesterday was the first day of the Japan Home Show at Tokyo Big Sight, and we spent the entire day doing PR activities.
As one would expect from Japan’s largest event dedicated to housing, many people came from all over the country.
Many old acquaintances also showed up, but there were far more opportunities to meet new people.
However, there were many more opportunities to meet new people without a single break.
The booth was not a flashy display, but it was a modest one.
Even so, many people stopped by carefully to talk with us.
As I talked with them, they said, “You have an interesting point of view on this project…” and asked me for information.
They asked us for information.
One staff member had an appointment outside the venue.
One staff member had an appointment outside the venue and was in and out of the room, so there were three of us, including myself, to respond to the request.
It would take a lot of effort and time if we had to walk all over the country to seek new meeting opportunities like this by ourselves.
It would take a lot of effort and time to seek out these new opportunities by ourselves.
Although it is a “local media,” it is a new information media tool with the Internet as its main battlefield.
I brought about 200 business cards during the three days.
I lost quite a few on the first day alone… I realized this during the course of the event.
I decided to hand over the explanation and exchange of business cards to the staff as much as possible.
I was more of a “first contact” person.

Although most of the visitors were from Japan, there were many visitors from other parts of Asia.
I was also in charge of exchanging business cards with other staff members.
I met 4 groups of visitors just by myself.
I was able to respond to them mainly with body talk like “a,chottodake speak English…”.
This was a good way to raise the tension.
It’s not easy to come up with English words (laughs), but once you get used to it, you can get used to it.
I try to get through with English words that I think will be understood somehow.
When I do this, I get a good response with more laughter than I expected (laugh).
When I think about it, that part of communication is more important.
When I think about it, that part of communication is more important, and specific “business meetings” can be done well enough by e-mail.
It is more important to get a “I can’t hate this guy” kind of response.
Since it is the first contact, I responded with something like “Please mail talking.
I had prepared only Japanese business cards, but today I plan to bring English business cards as well.
Now, let’s see how many new contacts we can make today, tomorrow, and over the next two days.
It will be interesting to see how many new contacts we will make over the next two days, and whether we will be able to see the development of information exchange from one meeting to the next.

After closing in the evening, I had dinner with the staff in Shinbashi for a meeting.
Since I am a God lover, I took the staff to visit the Karasumori Shrine for the first time in a while.
I like this shrine so much that when we dine in Shinbashi, we first pay our respects to the local deity.
The staff was astonished to see such a shrine in the middle of the entertainment district.
It is true that the shrine is exceptionally divine amidst the flood of neon signs in the area.
I was thankful for the encounter and deeply prayed for business prosperity, just like at Karasumori Shrine (laugh).





English version⬇

Exhibiting at Tokyo Big Sight “Japan Home Show” East Hall 4
Opportunity for housing professionals from all over Japan to gather. Proposing a new platform. We look forward to a great exchange and sharing of information. We are looking forward to a great exchange and sharing of information.

Exhibiting at Japan Home Show for 3 days from today 26th to 28th.
After handling two requirements in Sendai yesterday
In the afternoon, I moved to Tokyo to handle one appointment and stayed overnight before the show.
As previously reported, my iPhone screen suddenly blacked out yesterday morning.
After that, I went to a rescue store in front of Sendai station to work with Kami to find a solution.
After that, I went to a rescue shop in front of Sendai station to see if there was any way to deal with the problem. I was so happy to see the results.
I had not done much diagnostics on it…” she said.
It seems that the extension outlet cable provided at the hotel where we stayed the day before had been damaged.
Apparently, the extension outlet cable provided by the hotel the previous day had given him an “electrical mild shock.
I did a little manipulation before going into the diagnostics, and the function was restored immediately.
The hotel staff was kind enough to say, “So, there is no charge.
The trouble-shooting specialist said that it was a very minor shock.
I was surprised, but relieved, since this was my first experience as an amateur.
However, today was also a hotel environment. We purchased a new charging cable and power connector as a precaution and changed them.
By handling them carefully, peace has been maintained so far.
It seems that my ability to deal with troubles during business trips is really being tested.

So, I will be at Tokyo Big Sight for three days from today.
The day before yesterday, I visited Dr. Norihiko Kamata at the Shinjyukyo headquarters in Sendai.
In parallel with the hearing of opinions about the northern style housing ZERO
We received his opinion about “Replan Sumai Navi,” which will be exhibited at this time.
He said, “Although heat insulation and airtightness is my area of expertise, I think this kind of orientation is interesting and meaningful in terms of supporting users’ home building.
This kind of orientation is interesting and meaningful. I think there are many areas where we can collaborate in the future
We can think of many areas where we can use this AI as a foundation and collaborate with them.
We have also received specific suggestions, and we would like to work in that direction.
Furthermore, after I introduced the project on this blog, several people responded to my request to come to the venue.
The basic framework has been solidified, but in the “brush-up” phase, we will continue to work with
The cooperation and opinions of builders and researchers from all over the country are indispensable in the “brush-up” process.
Since the project is being restructured with government funding
We would like to make it a more public “platform” with the help of the industry to improve the convenience of home building for users and to develop its functions.
We would like to make it a more public platform.
We hope that the release and dissemination of this information will serve as a catalyst for this direction.

However, it was only the day before yesterday that the Japan Management Association, the organizer of the event, issued a “venue map.
With so many exhibitors, there is a possibility of getting “lost” at the venue (laughs).
After staring at the guide map with a twisted headband, we were finally able to confirm the location of our booth.
As shown in the figure, we were in the “East Hall 4” across from the Japan Building Materials and Housing Equipment Industries Association.
We were happy to find our booth location, which is relatively easy to find.
We are happy to say that the location of our booth is relatively easy to find, and we hope that everyone who comes to the show will take the time to visit us.
We would be happy if you could visit our booth. We look forward to seeing you there.

【緊急事態発生 iPhoneがブラックアウト(泣)】




English version⬇

[Emergency: iPhone blacked out (crying)
The “business travel environment” seems to rely heavily on digital devices. Troubles occur in such an environment. I would like to calmly confront the countermeasures one by one. …….

This week is a business trip week, with a visit to Sendai and then a move to Tokyo.
However, when I looked at my iPhone, my trusty information tool buddy, I saw that the screen was black.
The screen was black.
I tried to force it to reboot, but it wouldn’t do anything.
It is now 5:00 a.m., the time I write my blog, my daily routine.
Even if I bring it to the store, the store opens at 10:00 a.m.
So today, I have two appointments in Sendai, and then I have to take the Shinkansen to Tokyo.
I have one interview scheduled in Tokyo as well.
I hope the store will be able to restore my iPhone with emergency treatment.
If it is necessary to have it repaired, it will be too difficult for us to handle the situation in Sendai and Tokyo.
However, if the iPhone needs to be repaired, the conditions are too difficult to deal with in Sendai and Tokyo.
For business trips, iPhone can be used as a car navigation system or for checking schedules and keeping in touch with customers.
Without an iPhone, the whole premise of the business trip would collapse.
It is a situation that reminds us of our dependence on digital devices.

It is an emergency situation.
If I were in Sapporo, I would be able to think of a way to deal with the situation calmly.
But when you are on a business trip, it is a desperate situation….
But, in line with the adage that despair is a fool’s conclusion
I have no choice but to do what I can do now, little by little, in a creeping manner.
The first thing I decided to do was to start taking notes.
Normally, I am totally dependent on digital means.
I will write down the Nakami by hand, with the means of correspondence, contact information, and so on.
And since there is no problem with the Mac, I make it my control tool.
The Mac is synced with backups of most of the data stored on the iPhone.
I will keep an eye on them at all times so that I can keep in touch with all the people I need to contact.
What kind of measures are there to obtain a smartphone as a means of communication for the time being?
Organize them according to today’s action schedule.
We have no other choice but to find a specific and flexible way to obtain a means of communication under those conditions.

Recently, “unexpected things” with digital devices have been happening to me
I have been experiencing a lot of “unexpected things” with my digital devices (laugh).
If I recall my old environment, it is not impossible to come up with a reasonable countermeasure.
The fact that this kind of situation occurs often is a sign of something.
I would like to calm down and think about it. I want to calm down and think about it.
So today’s blog is a report of an emergency situation.

【札幌でカモメの捕食行動 弱肉強食の自然の掟】




English version⬇

Seagull predatory behavior in Sapporo, Japan: Nature’s law of the law of the jungle.
Seagulls are also birds of prey. The ferocity of their eyes is astonishing. The world is watching, and the center of power is being forcibly eliminated. A neighboring giant nation that is difficult to distance itself from. The world is watching.

Every morning, the “Hassamu River” park is a major passing point on my morning walk.
It is a major passing point on my morning walk.
Topographically speaking, Sapporo belongs to a relatively inland area.
However, there are many rivers flowing into Ishikari Bay from the mountainous area in the southwest of Sapporo, forming a fan-shaped area, and the city is about 15 km inland from the coastline.
Even though the city is about 15 km inland from the coastline, seagulls were heard in the Yamanote area in the western part of the city.
Seagulls are coming and going along the rivers between the rivers and the sea to catch fish.
I often encounter this kind of situation.
Although their predatory behavior is not so obvious when they are flying in the sky, they are sometimes seen around the river.
But sometimes we can see their preying behavior around the river.
Unlike crows, we often imagine them to live in a rather peaceful habitat.
However, as you can see in the photo, their predatory behavior is as obvious as that of crows.
It is natural, but if you stare into their eyes, you can feel their fearlessness and ferocity.
They are emitting a deadly spirit from their eyes.
I took a picture of a rather large fish that had become a prey.
The natural order of the law of the law of the jungle is still in effect in the urban environment.

The photo-like scene was distributed around the world before and after he began his business trip move yesterday.
(Photo, Reuters/Afro) – From Yahoo page.
I don’t know much about the political power struggle-like situation, but it is very raw, like a weak man and a strong man.
It is quite intense, and this kind of information distribution conveys that.
Since the tragedy of Mao Zedong’s concentration of power and the Cultural Revolution that ensued.
The world capitalist system “hoped” that China’s power would become more open and transparent, but the clock seems to be ticking again.
However, the hands of the clock may be turning dark again.
The removal of the former head of power in public in front of foreign media.
I suspect that a court revolution situation may have occurred in this modern era.
China will have to make its own decisions about its own affairs.
But from the point of view of other countries, we have to pay attention to the situation as it relates to the future of the modern world.
Compared to the magnitude of the impact, the reaction of the United States and other countries has not been so great so far.
It is probably difficult for governments of other countries to comment on the situation since it is an internal political matter.
However, the fact that such images are being shown in such a manner is disconcerting, and the perception of a frightening political system is being shared around the world.
However, it is clear that this is a country that is not afraid of being recognized and shared with the rest of the world as a scary regime.
There is a high possibility that political and economic turmoil and crisis will affect the world.
I am sure it will be an uncertain factor for Japan’s political economy in the future as well.

Well, yesterday I moved to Sendai for the first time in a while.
On the one hand, there is an epidemic of infectious diseases, and on the other hand, the teleworking environment has been improved, so there is no lack of communication within the company.
I had been refraining from business trips to Sendai because of the spread of infectious diseases and the teleworking environment, etc., which allows us to communicate internally without any shortage of communication.
However, this time I moved the Sendai office, so I had to go on a business trip to get things in order.
I am feeling nostalgic for the atmosphere of Sendai after a long time.






English version⬇

Japanese Aesthetic Sense and Architectural “Climate
The unique place name of Yotei (Shiribeshi), which appeared in Japanese history during the expedition of Abenohirau. The Japanese reverence for independent volcanic landforms. Its far-reaching influence on architecture. …

It’s been a week of traveling from Sapporo to Sendai to Tokyo starting today.
I have been on the move a lot.
I have been on the move a lot, but sometimes I have to follow in the footsteps of my father and his ancestors, and as a result, I have a strong impression that I am more of a mobile exchange type of person.
I have the impression that I am more of a mobile person than a peasant person.
I sometimes wonder if blood is no longer blood (laughs).

When you move around, you experience different landscapes in each region.
The biggest landscape experience for Japanese people is the “mountain worship” of independent volcanoes such as Mt.
Fuji, the biggest part of Japanese people’s landscape experience is the aesthetic sense rooted in “mountain worship” toward independent volcanoes.
The photo above shows Mt. Yotei, the symbol of the Niseko area in Hokkaido.
It has a unique position among the surrounding areas and is a symbol of the region.
The name “Yotei” was written in Chinese characters as the name of a place when Abenohirau, a military commander and local powerful family, invaded Hokkaido during the reign of the Emperor Tenchi-period.
The Chinese characters used to write “backward yotei” and to read “shiribeshi” were the first time in Japanese history that the word “shiribeshi” appeared on the historical stage.
This was the first time in Japanese history that a place name was written in Chinese characters and read as “Shiribeshi”.
The Yamato regime’s authentic historical records also show a unique sense of Mt.
It is said that the word “back” was euphemized as “shiri,” the human body, but if this was the case, why was the word “beshi” used for Mt.
If this is the case, it is not clear why the word “beshi” is used for “yotei.
I am not sure if there was an Ainu place name as the origin of the word….
But the Japanese have an imprinted memory of the mountainous terrain that symbolizes the western Ezo region.
The beauty of this unique independent volcano is one of the attractions that attract many Westerners and Asians to the region today.
I believe that the beauty of this unique independent volcano must also be a contributing factor.
Fuji, this is probably the only mountain in Japan north of Mt.

On the other hand, Japanese architecture has been pursuing the aesthetics of roofs as a response to the rainy climate.
I believe that the aesthetics of roofs have been pursued.
The photo below is a rural stage at a “Boso no Mura” village I once saw.
On this stage, people sit in the plaza, and performing arts are performed during festivals and other events.
The stage culture that conveyed the atmosphere of fashion from the capital was diffused.
However, more than this, the stage, as a “space for showing,” was pursued to expand horizontally.
In this stage architecture, the left and right spaces are “skipped,” perhaps six ken wide.
The horizontal impression is emphasized by omitting the pillars.
The thick beams are visible as structural reinforcement.
As a subconscious synchronicity, one can make an analogy with the independent volcanic topography.
From there, the roof shape was determined as a result of architectural physics and rainproofing considerations.
The angle of inclination was determined as an appropriate “fit.
It seems that the shape of the free-standing volcano was selected from the subconscious at that time.
Or, rather, a very straightforward choice based on physics is also in sync with nature.

After all, the sense of “normal” selected in the climate has a very high probability
I have come to the conclusion that there is a very high probability that the sense of “normal” selected in the climate has been entrusted to it.

【美容ブランド拠点 〈ICOR NISEKO〉 inニセコ町】

長谷川豪 建築家。1977年生まれ。長谷川豪建築設計事務所主宰。
第24回新建築賞受賞、AR Design Vanguard 2014など。




English version⬇

Beauty brand base 〈ICOR NISEKO〉 in Niseko Town.
This week and next week, information exchange will be more active and heated up at once, right? Today, I’d like to share some architectural photos to cool down your mind. I’ll try to be more like an architectural photo blog today.

Goh Hasegawa Architect, born in 1977. President of Goh Hasegawa Architects & Engineers. Part-time lecturer at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
He has been a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Institute of Technology, a visiting professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, and a visiting professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Major awards include the SD Review 2005 Kajima Prize, the 2007 Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers Residential Architecture Award, the 24th Shinkenchiku Award, and the 24th Shinkenchiku Award.
24th Shinkenchiku Award, AR Design Vanguard 2014, and others.
I had no prior knowledge of the architect’s work, and was surprised to learn that he had recently built a new building in Niseko.
My wife dragged me to visit the building without any prior knowledge.

The building is a one-story building with a gently curving plan.
It is located in Niseko, a place that now seems to have become a multinational rather than a Japanese one.
The landscape of Hokkaido is divided into functionally intensive areas such as Sapporo, and other areas that are basically expansive.
The landscape of Hokkaido is a combination of functionally-intensive areas such as Sapporo, and other areas that are basically relaxed and austere.
The building is located on a national highway adjacent to the road.
The building is located on a side road off of National Route 5, and is immediately turned right onto a gravel road.
The building is located off of Route 5, which is a side road, and then immediately turns right onto a gravel road.
I am not sure if this is the case at the moment or if it is intentional.
There is a parking space, but it is not paved.
The parking space is not paved and is set aside against the green lawn.
So, from the front exterior, a small entrance can be seen quietly over the green lawn.
When you enter the store, you will find a café menu, but the main focus is on the functional architecture of a beauty brand center.
The main structure is wooden and looks like a corridor.
The structure is wooden, with a corridor-like interior space arranged as if in dialogue with a stream running parallel to it.
The interior spaces are arranged as if they were in dialogue with the stream running parallel to them.
The intention is to synchronize with the breath of nature as much as possible.
I am not familiar with the product, but I am sure that such a concept is the appeal point of this beauty brand.
I am not familiar with the products, but I thought that such a concept must be the appealing point of this beauty brand.

Normally, I would just casually drive by the scenery from my car and think, “There is nothing here.
However, when this kind of architecture is placed there
the landscape and the feeling of the land are cut out and perceived in contrast.
During the time I stayed at the store, almost all of the customers were young women and groups of young men and women.
They were all saying, “Wow, isn’t this place really cool?
The three young women with Kansai accents were very funny.
It was such an atmosphere, and finally the restrictions on activities eased.
For the first time in a long time, the relationship between nature and Japanese society that is typical of Hokkaido is being restored.
In the Niseko area, with the removal of travel restrictions, etc., the “multinationalization” of the past is more likely to take place.
I also feel that the “multinationalization” that has been taking place in the Niseko area will be spurred on even more.

These days, the dam of information exchange has been cut in one fell swoop
I am having more and more dialogues with a lot of people
I am feeling somewhat heated up. From the weekend, I will be in Tohoku and Tokyo.
Today’s blog is a collection of photos to cool down a bit.

【10/26-28 東京ビッグサイト・ジャパンホームショーに出展します】





English version⬇

Oct. 26-28 at Tokyo Big Sight Japan Home Show
New business utilizing AI and home photo DB. The area will be mainly web-based and will cover the whole country. We hope to see you there! We are looking forward to meeting many of you!

Well, it is coming up next week. While we are a housing magazine + web media company in the northern region
we will be exhibiting at the Japan Home Show 2022 hosted by the Japan Management Association in Tokyo.
This show is the largest information opportunity for housing professionals in Japan.
Every year, about 10,000 people attend the show.
Why a small regional publisher? The natural question is, “Why a small local publisher?
In fact, we were selected in November 2021 to apply for a business restructuring subsidy from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), and in March 2022, we will officially receive the subsidy from the Japanese government.
In March 2022, the government subsidy was officially approved for this new business field.
Naturally, our business has also changed from a paper-centered scope to a web-centered form.
Naturally, our business is changing from a print-centered scope to a web-centered form.
In this context, the core of our communication has consistently been residential photography.
We have a large stock of easy-to-understand photos of actual homes and lifestyles in the region, with a focus on examples of highly insulated and airtight homes.
We have accumulated a large stock of easy-to-understand photos of houses.
When beginning concrete planning for house construction, users often ask for “real-life examples” from many magazines.
When beginning specific planning for a house, users are said to present many magazine clippings of “actual examples”.
Photographic tools that convey reality and comfort are the best communication tools.
There is no better way to communicate and convey a house than through visual communication.
Replan has been watching the evolution and development of highly insulated and airtight houses together with the local community.
The photos taken by Replan are filled with the client’s thoughts and feelings about comfort, aesthetics, livability, and the environment.
Aesthetics, ease of living, and enjoyment are all incorporated in the photos taken by Replan.
We have published a web database of licensed photographs of houses, and have made them available to the public as a means of intuitive housing selection.
We provide this database as a means of intuitive housing selection.
We also use AI technology to analyze and grasp the user’s “preferences” in the process of selecting the housing photos.
The aim is to use AI technology to analyze and grasp the user’s “preferences” in the process of selecting housing photos, and to help the user select a space.
In other words, the business framework of this project is to provide a new housing selection tool by combining intuition and the latest AI technology.
The main point of this project is to provide a new housing selection tool by combining intuition and the latest AI technology.
The biggest question is to what extent AI, the latest artificial intelligence, can be used to help human intuition.

Since the government’s decision, we have received a lot of comments from people in the related fields of Hokkaido University’s Faculty of Engineering.
The basic framework of the project has finally been finalized.
The basic framework has finally been finalized. We are now in the final operation check stage.
We will take the opportunity of the Japan Home Show to spread the information.

I had my hands full with the preparations for the exhibition, but as reported yesterday, I also had my hands full with the Norihiko Kamata-Daotaka Suzuki debate, which I covered in depth (lol).
As reported yesterday, we are also going to cover the Norihiko Kamada-Daotaka Suzuki discussion in depth, and my mind was a bit of a whirlwind (lol).
(Laughs) But somehow, preparations for the event are underway.
Since our business area is on the web, our geographic area is the entire Japanese cultural sphere and the whole country.
Up until now, Replan has focused on covering actual examples of highly insulated and airtight houses, but now, even in Japan, there is a growing interest in high-performance housing.
However, there is a noticeable increase in the understanding of and need for high-performance housing throughout Japan.
In that sense, we hope to spread the word to many builders through our participation in this event.
I would like to spread the word to as many builders as possible at this event.

We look forward to realistic encounters. The name of the exhibitor at the event is “Replan Sumai Navi” (Replan Residence Navi).
The “address” is booth number “E4-T10.
I couldn’t find a map of the booth on the Japan Home Show website.
The booth is in the “IoT/Digital Technology Zone”.
We will have four staff members including myself at the booth.
We are looking forward to exchanging information with many visitors.

【住宅ゼロエネ化の王道へ 鎌田紀彦-鈴木大隆 対論】




English version⬇

Norihiko Kamada – Hirotaka Suzuki Dialogue
A dialogue between two people who are at the core of improving housing performance in Japan. Beyond a heated debate, the two men move on to resonate with the framework of “Northern-style housing ZERO”. Norihiko Kamada

Yesterday was the first real regional convention of Shinjyukyo Hokkaido in several years.
The schedule was set for the 18th and 19th, but I was unable to attend on the 18th due to other commitments.
I was unable to attend on the 18th due to other commitments, and on the 19th, I had to close out the work I have been doing for more than a year.
I had no choice but to miss the meeting, but yesterday morning, while taking a walk in the Hassamu River greenbelt near my house, I met a friend of mine who lives in the neighborhood, the president of the Hokkaido General Assembly.
I bumped into Mr. Hirotaka Suzuki, Director of the Hokkaido Research Institute, who lives in the neighborhood.
I wondered why he and his dog were so compatible with each other (laugh).
I knew that he was scheduled to have a “discussion” with Dr. Norihiko Kamata during the day, so I said to him, “Oh no, I’m so tired today.
I casually greeted him by saying, “Well, thank you for your hard work today….
From there, I went for a walking meeting with my dog, with whom I have a good rapport.
I have been a member of the Advisory Council for “Northern-style Housing” in Hokkaido, chaired by Mr. Suzuki.
I have been a member of the Hokkaido “Northern Housing” Advisory Council, chaired by Mr. Suzuki, for a long time.
I also share information about the planning process of the “Northern Style Housing ZERO” project.
Today is the first point of contact between the core of the Japanese housing performance movement, Shinjyukyo, led by Mr. Kamata, and the “Northern Housing ZERO” project.
I felt a subtle psychological tension because today is the first point of contact with the core of the Japanese housing performance movement, the New Jyukyo, which is led by Mr. Kamata.
Especially, Mr. Suzuki, even though he is a disciple of Dr. Norihiko Kamata.
Although Mr. Suzuki is a disciple of Mr. Norihiko Kamata, there are differences of opinion in the same area of “housing performance” from a standpoint.
I was able to get a sense of this, and I am glad to hear it.
I decided to leave the matter of the meeting to my staff.
I decided to attend the New Residential Association Convention.
Well, it’s not that I can do anything, but I might be asked to play a role
I was not really able to do anything, but I might be asked to play a role in some cases (laugh).

As expected, Mr. Kamata asked many questions during Mr. Suzuki’s lecture.
The content of the discussion went right to the heart of the transition of housing performance in Japan.
Mr. Suzuki also provided a lot of background information on building administration.
The content of the heated discussion between master and disciple was disclosed.
I was curious about some of the content, saying, “This is a bit beyond the scope of a residential construction company…”
I was also very interested in the discussion, but I had to rush to attend the meeting.
However, since I had to rush to attend the meeting, I was seated at the very end of the table and could not hear the end of each word correctly.
The discussion was heated, but I could not understand what was going on in the Nakami shown in the two diagrams.
Specifically, the energy target shown by Dr. Kamata on the second page as “Mirai” for housing in Hokkaido, and the energy target on the third page as “Northern-style housing” for housing in the northern region.
The third one is the point system design of “Northern-style house ZERO”.
I believe that we were able to confirm a clear agreement on the direction of the project.
Dr. Kamata said that although the details of each point system need to be examined, he himself has long been aware of the importance of users’ understanding.
However, Dr. Kamada himself has long been of the opinion that the point system, including user understanding, is the easiest and most practical to understand.
Dr. Kamata himself has long expressed his judgment that the point system is the easiest to understand and the most practical, including the understanding of users.
This has also been expressed for some time in his serial articles in Replan magazine.

So this sounds like an overview of the content of the discussion (laughs).
I hope that the Hokkaido branch of Shinjyukyo will soon issue a detailed explanation of the contents.
I hope that the Hokkaido Branch of the New Jyukyo will soon issue a detailed explanation of the contents.
I am relieved that I was not used as a preface to the article, and that I was not used in any way that would make it sound like “Actually, it was his fault” (laugh).

【日本のものづくり心のコア 刃物と研石】




English version⬇

The Core of Japan’s Manufacturing Spirit: Cutlery and Sharpening Stones
Carpenter’s tools reveal a person’s technical skills. The respect for sharpening is born out of the training of these tools. A world where one is taken for granted. …….

The Hokkaido Housing Fair was held as the central event of the Housing and Living Month.
I had various opportunities to cover the event and came away with some very interesting insights.
This is a shot of the exhibition at the related event, “Let’s Sharpen”.

Many “Kanna” are on display, just like at the “Let’s Sharpen” event.
The top one is a “Yarikanna”.
The bench planer is the most common tool for woodworking today, and can be purchased at DIY shops.
The “Yarikanna” is a tool used for cutting wooden surfaces.
<A carpenter’s tool used to shave the surface of wood to make it smooth.
The prototype can be found from the Yayoi period. It was called “kana,” but when the dai-kanna was introduced in the 16th century, it was called “yari-kanna” because of its appearance.
It was called “yari-kanna” because of its appearance. It is still used today for boring out curved surfaces of mortars and other tools.
The planes were displayed in a random manner at the event.
According to the explanation, they are still in good circulation.
A demonstration was held at the venue, attracting a large crowd of curious visitors.
The tips of ordinary bench-type canners were also on display and for sale.
As a layman, I could not tell the difference between the tips of the blades.
When carpenters travel around the country for training, they meet with local master carpenters for an interview and examination.
The carpenter is said to be able to see the carpenter’s tools that the master carpenter is carrying.
The master carpenter is said to evaluate the carpenter’s skill by his ability to select the right tools.
The relationship between carpenters and tools is an event that clearly reveals the core of Japan’s “manufacturing industry.
The relationship between carpenters and their tools is a phenomenon that clearly reveals the core of Japan’s “manufacturing industry.
Even today, for example, the details of Toyota’s production lines show the core technological capabilities of the company.
I know that even today, for example, in the details of Toyota’s production lines, the company’s core technological capabilities are being developed and renewed on a daily basis.
Such training, such a spirit of training, such a mindset, such a spirit of care, such a spirit of care, such a spirit of care, such a spirit of care.
I think that this kind of training and the spirit of the craftsman is clearly expressed in the carpenter’s tools.

I had a certain amount of knowledge about carpentry tools.
What surprised me even more this time was the display of sharpening stones.
Well, I have sharpening stones for kitchen knives at home, but I had never looked at them closely.
However, according to the explanatory staff, “Japanese swords are made to match the sharpening stones.
The explanation of the museum staff was surprising: “Japanese swords are made in accordance with the sharpening stones.
I was surprised to hear that. The Japanese sword is a marvelous weapon for Westerners.
The offensive capability of being able to cut off a person’s head with a single stroke of the sword was blindingly unbelievable.
After the Meiji era, when Japan opened its doors to the rest of the world, the Western world “took one look” at Japan.
The fear of such a sharp weapon was evident.
The reason for this fear was that Japan was a technological and cultural sphere that could develop such sharp weapons on its own.
The Japanese were undoubtedly influenced by the mentality of “This is a technological culture that can independently develop such a sharp weapon…”.
The search for a delicate match with the sharpening stone is at the heart of the Japanese sword’s technical core.
Indeed, sharpening efforts are indispensable for daily training of sharpness.
The result of such training can be clearly verified by the carpenter’s tool “interview” mentioned above.
The composition of the polishing stones is at the core of the delicacy of Japanese swords.
If you make this kind of sword and use this kind of polishing stone every day, you will get unparalleled “performance”.
Japanese craftsmanship culture has determined that if you make a sword like this and use this kind of polishing stone daily, you can obtain unparalleled performance.
Japan is one of the most volcanic countries in the world.
Japan is one of the most volcanic countries in the world, and if you have a discerning eye, you will be able to find the most suitable abrasive stone in each area. The “Mere Old Man” was beheaded by a single blow.
I felt rather refreshed after being beheaded by a single blow.