
【子ども向け「雑誌メディア」への文化集約 戦後こども文化-5】



English version⬇

Cultural Consolidation into “Magazine Media” for Children: Postwar Children’s Culture-5
Children’s culture became a medium of manga magazines in postwar society. The dramatization and supplement culture sublimated the picture-story show and menko culture. The…

Now, I have been digging into the transition of children’s culture from the “Shitamachi Fuzoku Shiryokan” exhibition in Ueno, Tokyo. When I trace back to my personal physical experience of “picture story shows” and “patches (menko),” I cannot help but feel that the “unchanging” aspects of children’s culture come to the fore.
In particular, when we are shown evidence that the origin of menko can be traced back to the Edo period (1603-1868), we can strongly sympathize with the children of the Edo period in terms of their “sensitivity” to human nature. However, they realize that this naturalness only shows different expressions depending on the time period.
The fundamental “cultural nature” of such childhood experiences became media for us, the postwar generation, in the form of children’s magazines (manga magazines). In the exhibition materials, magazines for boys and girls like the one shown in the photo were displayed. I have no memory of these magazines, and I think they must have been read by children before my generation.
I am not sure if this was a common choice among my brothers and sisters, but I was completely absorbed in a magazine called “Shonen Gaho” (laugh).

Basically, I was overwhelmingly absorbed in “story manga” derived from picture story shows. It is a strange thing, but when I was attracted to this particular media, I felt as if I was “looking at the world from that world.
One day, however, “Magma Ambassador” appeared in the magazine. At that time, I was already “devoted to the light of the eye,” and I had come to care about the business negotiations and relationship between the publisher and the great author, Tezuka Osamu. I was even concerned about the business negotiations and relationship between the publishing company and the great author Osamu Tezuka. (laugh). I think I was bound by a kind of partisan system or position that was unknowingly influenced by certain media.
Perhaps this accounts for the internal motivation that led me to live on the periphery of the business of publishing=media.

【子ども遊び「メンコ」の歴史 戦後こども文化-4】


English version⬇

The History of Children’s Game “Menko” Postwar Children’s Culture-4
The discovery that my own physical senses are concretely connected to those of children in the Edo period. The reality that I too will eventually become history (laughs). …

It has become clear that the children’s game I called patch in my childhood in Sapporo was called “menko” in Tokyo, or rather, in the cultural sphere of central Japan. It seems to be a virtual war game in which players line up their mencos on a specific flat surface to compete with each other for the other’s mencos.
The history of menko is described in the exhibition at the “Shitamachi Folk Museum” in Ueno as follows 〜Menko has been made as a plaything since the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867). The first type of menko was “mud menko,” which was made by baking clay molds, and was used until the early Meiji period (see the photo at the top). Later, “lead menco,” in which pictures and patterns were embossed and colored on lead plates, became popular in the 1880s (the second photo, although slightly faded). Later, “paper menko,” which utilized woodblock printing techniques to depict pictures of brave historical generals and soldiers, were used. 〜Hmmm.
Hmmm. A discovery that my own physical senses are also concretely connected to the children of the Edo period. On the other hand, the paper menko is made of paper and circular in shape, and the rules of the game, in which the menko is struck against the competition board and the “wind pressure” causes the opponent’s menko to flip over or fall off the board, describe a material that is somewhat strange to me. Mud menco, for example, would not be able to be overturned by wind pressure, and lead menco seems too heavy. Mud menkos are far removed from what we in later generations would have called patches, and are more like Imagawa-yaki with red bean paste inside (laughs).
(Laughs.) Perhaps the rules and usage of this children’s game have changed historically. It seems to me that we need to explore the level of chronological research.
However, the discovery that the tools of children’s games from the Edo period are still connected to my own children of the Heisei generation is a fun way to feel history with a physical sensation. It is an opportunity to recognize again that there is a way of feeling that does not change in the human world, and to appreciate the universality of this way of feeling. …

【メンコとパッチ:道産子の疑問 戦後こども文化-3】




English version⬇

Menco and Patch: Questions from Dosan-ko about Postwar Children’s Culture – 3
Today’s topic is a time-limited Jimotei dialect story. Is this an actual example of the creation of a common language and dialect between the first source region of culture, the capital city and the remote and rural areas? …

When I was a child, more than 60 years ago, children were glued to picture-story shows and played “patch” indoors in the wintertime, using their whole bodies. The game was played on a round piece of cardboard, like the one in the photo, with strong-looking illustrations or pictures of famous professional athletes printed on it. In Sapporo, Hokkaido, this game was called “patch,” but there was a curious conversation among the children about a rumor that it was called “menko” in Tokyo.
In those days when the media had a monopoly on information, it was not possible to search for information by oneself, as was the case with the Web. The boys could not think of any way to inquire further, and the mysterious name “Menko” became a cancerous cell in a corner of their minds. The question of this menko was curling around the imprint of the boys and girls of the same age who wanted to go to Tokyo. When I actually went to Tokyo, I was completely oblivious to this subconscious world (laughs).

This question that has been left unanswered has finally been clarified. The conclusion is that the two names refer to the same game. The word “menko” is more primitive and is said to be “menko” in Chinese characters, and its vertical shape reminds one of a “horse’s face,” as shown in the second photo above. The way to play with it is as explained above. I have never seen a vertical one.
As the playing style evolves, the “circular” shape becomes more optimal and gradually becomes the mainstream. In remote areas such as Hokkaido, the name “patch” is probably more commonly used, as it immediately reminds people of this way of playing. I was told that my older brothers, who were about eight years older than me, did not use the name “menko” either.
However, when I asked my Heisei-born son who grew up in a nursery school about this play, he told me that it had survived even in the Heisei era and was played at the nursery school. He told me that the name of the game was Menko.
I wondered if this was a recent example of the common language and dialects that emerge between the cultural centers and the outlying areas of Japan’s long, vertical archipelago.



English version⬇

As of February 20, “snowfall” around my house is 429 cm.
Sapporo is now at the peak of its snowfall season. I want to spend my time relaxing and interacting with the snow. I am also having a gentle conversation with my muscle pain. I am still in a state of pain.

When I go out by car after the Snow Festival is over, I sometimes have a moment when I feel what is called “spring of light. The snowy landscape is still the same, but there is a slight “lukewarmness” in the air. The daylight of early morning becomes visible after 6:00 a.m. as the spring equinox approaches a month ahead.
Such minute changes give us a unique sense of the season.
However, the snowfall has been relentless and there is no rest for the snow shovelers. Since our office doubles as a home office, it is essential to remove snow from around the office before everyone arrives at work. The snowfall is perfectly synchronized with the daily muscle aches in my body (I cry).
The snowfall this winter has been almost the same as usual, but it is gradually becoming more and more similar to last year’s heavy snowfall, and the amount of composting around our house is quite extreme. Almost all of the roads in the area are now single lane, and safety is a top priority for traffic.
The 429 cm of snowfall is almost the same as last year’s 431 cm. The 429 cm of snowfall is almost the same as last year’s 431 cm, and more than the normal year’s 399 cm. The snow depth (the vertical dimension of the remaining snow cover at that point) was 99 cm, 5 cm less than last year’s 104 cm, but more than 20% deeper than the normal value of 80 cm.
This graph is provided by the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory, and we are checking this figure almost every day.
Last night was the first opportunity in a long time to exchange information in the industry. I met with Associate Professor Masayuki Mae of the University of Tokyo for the first time in a while. As I said, exchanging information face to face is beneficial. It is necessary to have an opportunity to respect each other’s views on issues where we have different opinions. I think that such a “tolerant” dialogue is lacking in Japan today.
Well, I will do my best again today to remove snow from the surrounding area.

【日本の物語文化〜琵琶法師と紙芝居 戦後こども文化-2】



English version⬇

Japanese Storytelling Culture: Biwa-houshi and Picture Storytelling Postwar Children’s Culture-2
The Heike Monogatari (The Tale of the Heike) and other forms of cultural transmission for the masses were established in Japanese society. It became a means of livelihood for the unemployed during the turmoil. The atmosphere of the postwar black market. ・・・・.

Paper theater is a kind of media that requires an urban environment. Even in the countryside, there were probably some kamishibai performers who traveled to perform at festivals and other events, but their travel expenses would not have paid for themselves if they performed for only a few days. The “summary articles” on kamishibai show business show how the unemployed, who were in great numbers after the Great Kanto Earthquake and the collapse of the economy and society after World War II, were engaged in this business as a means of making a living to survive.
The photos above are just a few of the themes of the picture-story shows on display at the Taito City Shitamachi Museum of Folklore. The second photo even shows an educational picture-story show that the Ministry of Education and Science was involved in. In the prewar period, they were also used for political purposes as part of military education for children. This type of storytelling with pictures and narration was one of the spillover forms of Japanese culture, and it was used to form a popular entertainment culture.
I remember that during the period I was in contact with these stories, many of them were science fiction stories, such as the one at the top of this page, and later on, adventure stories with heroes from manga. I think that the children’s sensitivities were more sensitive to “action” stories that made them sweat and sweat. I think they naturally shunned anything that was too educational (laughs).
The Heike Monogatari in “Biwa-houshi” is the closest I can think of to the origin of this form of drama. The social existence of the biwa priest is said to have developed as a kind of business activity in which the religious power of temples and shrines combined their proselytizing with economic activities. The biwa, a rare instrument, was a pioneer of the media in Japanese society, playing it and passing on the social upheavals of the time to the people in a news or theatrical manner. The common people living in the city, who were busy with their daily lives, would have been greatly affected by the civil wars and Genpei wars, which were the most extreme form of politics, but objective information on the state of change would not have been easily conveyed to them. It seems to me that the cutting-edge performing arts culture of the city of Kyoto began to play the role of media to capture this demand for knowledge. Many famous temples in Japan still have “pictorial scriptures” that contain stories about the founding of the temple and its history, and these also functioned as a method of conveying Buddhist stories.
Going back even further, it seems that the “Kanjin” group organized by Shigen, the general producer of the reconstruction of Todaiji Temple in Nara, which was lost in the war at the end of the Kamakura period, was the foundation of the temple’s activities.
In an age when information diffusion methods had not yet been established, these storytellers must have existed to meet social demand. In my childhood, this social demand was in the form of “picture-story shows.

Although my memory is gradually fading, I am certain that I experienced a concrete image of the media through my childhood contact with these humanistic picture-story shows.

【紙芝居は戦後メディア勃興の導火線? 戦後こども文化-1】



English version⬇

The Postwar Children’s Culture: 1] Postwar Children’s Culture: 1 Postwar Children’s Culture-1
This is a historical heritage that gave boys and girls, who were starved for entertainment, a starting point for contact with “culture. Personally, I think it is worthy of registration as a World Cultural Heritage site. I think it deserves to be inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List.

My blog has become more of an “exploration of lifestyle and culture” since the Corona disaster. A dispassionate self-analysis. While the staff has been doing their best to cover the housing industry in the field, I myself have been covering the housing industry in general in a “digging-up” type of way. I believed that this would lead to an understanding of the real market in conjunction with user trends. Then, four years ago, the general public began to block out information due to warnings of infectious diseases.
During that time, we were able to continue our coverage of housing, overcoming various difficulties. Of course, there were various factors that made it difficult, but the fact that we were able to continue our coverage with the cooperation of our clients was, in a sense, perhaps miraculous. The fact that we were able to cover the realities of users’ house construction even in the midst of the infectious disease could become an extremely important “record of information” after a certain period of time has passed. How were Japanese houses built during the infectious disease?” .
On the other hand, cross-industry information exchange is finally being gradually revived in the real world after four years. Still, the level of freedom is extremely low.
I believe that such a situation made it inevitable for us to dig deeper into the momentum “housing culture” type activities. Since houses are “living things” of people, it is a prerequisite to grasp the real sense of life of the people who live there. In this sense, it is the responsibility of those who have accumulated a great deal of experience to delve deeply into the realities of life and culture.

The history of life and the Japanese way of feeling are the direct experiences of modern people, and one of the major factors in their consciousness is the “postwar culture for boys and girls”. It is probably the starting point of the sensibility of those who are leading today’s society. It is probably necessary to confirm it as the starting point for subsequent popular culture, such as television culture.
In the “Taito City Shitamachi Folk Museum” exhibit, which I have mentioned before, there was an exhibit on “picture story shows,” as I had expected. I remember being exposed to them in my childhood, specifically from the age of 3 to 10. The photo above is a black-and-white record of my childhood, and is on display at the museum. The improvised media appeared on a street corner where children were playing after school. A bicycle cart was contrived with woodwork and turned into an exhibition device. Story cartoons unfolded on the screen, and the postwar boys and girls, starved for entertainment, were transfixed.
I believe that my own experience with “media” began with these picture-story shows. Although this media was later eclipsed by Rikidozan’s wrestling video on the streets and the introduction of television in every home, the “experience” was still very vivid.
After the performance, candy was sold from a wooden box and collected from the children as a “broadcasting fee,” but the excitement of the entertainment made it easy for them to fall for the adults’ tricks (laugh). I would like to consider the postwar culture of boys and girls, starting with this picture-story show culture.

【江戸期までの日本的心性を伝える家 大庄屋「片岡家」-5】




English version⬇

A house that conveys the Japanese spirit up to the Edo period, the Kataoka Family, the village headman.
Everything within sight is my domain. The easily understood belief in the land has continued to be at the core of Japanese society. The substance of the Japanese spirit is made visible. …

The Kataoka House, located on a slightly elevated hill, commands a view of the surrounding rugged terrain. The phrase, “The entire area visible from the house was the domain,” is a true statement of the reality of the situation. The photo below is an endorsement of land control by the “Dajokan” (Grand Council of State) at the time of the Meiji Restoration.
It is said that Japanese people have a particularly strong sense of value regarding “land” ownership. Is this largely due to the fact that after the Jomon period ended, land use was developed through agriculture based on rice production? Or was there a strong belief in the land as a place for hunting and gathering even in the Jomon period? At the very least, I strongly suspect that this has its origins in the belief in the indigenous gods of “eight million.
Conversely, this obsession with the land may have been homogeneous to the concept of capitalism that was rapidly embraced after the Meiji period. Was the recognition of the value of land as an asset that generates all things, similar to the capitalist concept of “investment,” very easy for many people to understand? It seems to me that such a basic structure was responsible for the earliest acceptance of the capitalist worldview in the Asian world. Speaking of which, successful capitalists who rapidly increased in number during the Meiji era (1868-1912) all pursued “large land ownership”. A major factor in this was that the Meiji government abolished the monopoly of land ownership by the feudal lords that had existed until the Edo period, and “lifted the ban” on land ownership to enable free ownership. I have visited Dazai Osamu’s birthplace “Shayokan” in Tsugaru as an example of the architecture of the capitalists who emerged after the Meiji period, and it is said that the financial capital of the Meiji period used “land” as collateral in order to grow the capitalist market.

The photo is a very old-fashioned measuring instrument, but it seems to prove that as a large landowner, he also had control over various “trading activities” in the region.
The concrete sense of social values of control and management by large landowners, which had continued uninterruptedly until the Edo period, has survived to the present day as a witness to the architecture of the house. I had a strong impression of this Kataoka House.
In this old house in Nara Prefecture, Yamato Province, one can glimpse not only the post-Meiji state of the Dazai family in Tsugaru, but also traces of the Japanese spirituality of an earlier samurai-ruled society.

This photograph shows a “Buddhist image painting” cherished by the Kataoka family. Along with the belief in the land, Buddhist beliefs have persisted in Japanese society since the reign of Prince Shotoku. Especially in Yamato Province, Buddhist power had deep-rooted authority. In Kishu, to the south, the Negoro-ji Temple and other Buddhist monasteries were powerful, making it difficult for the samurai to rule the region. During the Toyotomi administration, the No. 2 Hidenaga ruled as a “suppressor,” and even during the Tokugawa administration, the Honda family, the most militant of the three families, ruled Kishu, and the Gosanke played the role of stabilizing power.
The three families of the Gosanke clan in Kishu played a role in stabilizing power. As a person who is interested in history, I realized that a lot of deep worlds lie in Nara.

【建築文化継承と現代技術の対話 大庄屋「片岡家」-4】

この奈良県宇陀の片岡家住宅のことを書いてみて参考になったのは「JAPAN WEB MAGAZINE」さんの記事。「片岡家住宅」として記事構成されている。その記事(公開日:2010/05/06)中に当時の当主の方が「住みごこち」について印象を語られているインタビュー部分があった。以下、要旨抜粋引用。


English version⬇

Dialogue between Architectural Culture Inheritance and Modern Technology: The Kataoka Family
The residents frankly felt that the cold of winter was the first thing they had to bear. What is the harmony between the sense of mission of inheriting an important cultural property and modern life? The Kataoka House

The article “JAPAN WEB MAGAZINE” was helpful in writing about the Kataoka Family Residence in Uda, Nara Prefecture. The article is titled “Kataoka Family Residence. In the article (published on 2010/05/06), there is an interview with the head of the family who talked about his impression of “Sumigokochi”. The following is an excerpt.
〜Visitors to the house always comment on how old and beautiful it is, but there are many hardships involved in actually living in the house. First of all, the cold winters are very hard to bear. Uda City is cool and comfortable in summer, but cold in winter. The city’s houses are built in the olden days, with high ceilings and many gaps between rooms, which makes it cold and draughty. Indeed, although you would not notice it from the outside, from the inside it looks very cold with its high ceilings. No matter how many fires we built, it would not be able to keep up with the cold. 〜I was very surprised to see the coldness of the house.
I personally think, “It is cold in winter. Personally, I doubt the irrefutable expression, “I hear it is cold in winter. I personally have some doubts about such a simple expression, “I hear it is cold in winter. However, I strongly felt a kind of sense of mission to continue to live in a nationally designated important cultural property and a deep attachment to the house. On the other hand, the following is a case of repairing the house as an old building.
〜As long as the house is an important cultural property, it cannot be repaired or reconstructed without permission. After notification to the prefectural government, a professional carpenter comes to the house and repairs only those parts that need to be repaired. The owner of the house speaks in a calm tone of voice about his attachment to the magnificent house that has been handed down from his ancestors. Every word he speaks reflects the weight of responsibility and the difficulty of preserving and passing on an old building. 〜The theme of this part of the exhibition, “passing on the performance of the house and its architectural culture,” is quite thought-provoking. From the viewpoint of visitors, there is a part of the building that is seen as an object of exploration, like a “witness to the history” of the early Edo period. As I have mentioned three times before yesterday, from the viewpoint of exploring traces of samurai power in a local area, the situation in which the buildings have been preserved in this way, including their habitable environment, is of great interest. I also believe that long-term preservation of architecture is possible through its continued use. It is a fact that a house maintains its functionality as long as it is lived in, but if it is abandoned, it will collapse in a matter of seconds.

While I am deeply grateful that many visitors are given the opportunity to view this important cultural asset while preserving the ancient architecture, I also believe that it is essential to take measures to ensure a more modern living environment. There may be measures that can be taken to improve the living environment without losing sight of the essence of the design. However, it is impossible to improve performance without completely altering the status quo. Trade-offs are inevitable at some point.
In the case of architecture, this would mean a dialogue between traditional architecture and high thermal insulation/airtightness. The harmony of historical culture and modern technological development is something that Japanese society, with its long history and culture, as well as the solid technological foundation of modern civilization, is able to flexibly resolve with wisdom. I believe that an attitude of “dialogue” is important. <End of this article. >End of this article

【権力誇示目的の建築デザイン 大庄屋「片岡家」-3】




English version⬇

Architectural design for the purpose of showing off power: The Kataoka Family, the feudal lord’s house – 3
Spatial design for the purpose of “visualizing” military rule. The samurai family lived very hard to be seen. …

During the Edo shogunate, the ruling class, the samurai feudal lords, constituted the basic order of society. The Kataoka family residence, which remains here in the suburbs of Uda City, Nara Prefecture, is at the core of the economy of the daimyo ruling class. As headman, he was responsible for managing the entire rice production process and paying taxes on the harvest to the feudal lords. The Kataoka family seems to have been a key player in this process, and a room was built in connection with the main house for the Daimyo himself to stay in. The photo above shows the boundary between the house and the main residence separated by a mud wall. The space in the foreground was used for farming, while the space from this wall onward is reserved for the Daimyo Honda family.
The social purpose of the owner is clearly expressed in the design of a residential building. Here, the house was designed as a device to emphasize the social presence of the samurai family. The round window on the side of the headman’s house seems to be for the purpose of “reconnaissance” to quickly identify the identity of visitors. Although there is a kind of stylistic beautification, this is definitely the purpose of use. Basically, it is a figurative representation of a use directly related to military affairs. The heavily coated earthen walls may have been designed to provide protection against invading foreign enemies. At the entrance, the “threshold is high” as a matter of course.

This is the main room, the living room where the lord would sit on the edge of the room. The wall next to the front alcove also served as an entrance for the warriors in case of emergency. The purpose was to protect the lords resting in the main room by guarding them in the “warrior’s lair” in the back, and to protect them by jumping out into the main room in case of an emergency. With the concept of “Always on the battlefield,” the house was always prepared for attacks by foreign enemies.
Decorative interiors include tokonoma (alcove) and hotofuchi (plaque), as well as the woodwork design of the ranma that borders the adjacent room. The tokonoma is a typical example of such a device, and its purpose in design was to decorate the authority of the master by having him sit on the edge of the room with it as a backdrop. The expression “good sitting in the alcove” is often used as a compliment to the lord. In the samurai family’s ethical custom, the relationship of “gratitude and devotion” was sacredly stylized around such a lord with a good seat.
The tokonoma is not a value of comfort, but rather a house design that specializes in “visibility. The entire interior serves to enforce the samurai order’s sense of value that one should be polite and respectful.

This is the shirushi of the Kataoka family as village headman placed in the “next room. It is a common practice in period dramas to show “Goyo” lanterns when the Edo government officials were performing their official military duties, but in a remote area such as the Kataoka family’s, these lanterns probably functioned as official documents for official duties such as collecting rice.
In my family tradition, there was a time when I spent time in the position of village headman. They were often the target of raids due to the ruling policies of their lords, harsh tax collection, and higher taxes. They were often the target of vindictive attacks against the lord’s outrageous policies. In our family history, we know how the family was struck down as a result of such irrationality, and how the family turned into a merchant family as a result. I wonder if Kataoka-san’s family was lucky to have been attached to a relatively peaceful “Fudai” feudal lord’s family, and thus the family line was able to endure and the house remained as it was.




English version⬇

The first driver’s license “training course for the elderly” has been successfully completed.
The fact that people are concerned about the decline of cognitive functions due to the aging of the population is unavoidable. I would like to take a positive view of the situation by solemnly checking myself. I am very happy to have passed the first session of the “elderly driver’s license” training course.

Japan is an “advanced region” with an aging society. As the percentage of the elderly population is increasing ahead of the rest of the world, Japan is being forced to undergo various “transformations. I was casually struck by an article on the top page of yahoo today headlined “Yusuke Narita: ‘The elderly should commit mass suicide,’ NY Times reports. It is true that this is a bit extreme, but it may be a figurative expression, and I understand that there are various opinions in society. I think the point of his opinion is an objection to the current situation in which “the elderly almost monopolize the pivotal position in society”. That may be true. It is a natural opinion that the younger generation should be given more opportunities to play an active role as a strategy to maintain “vitality” in an aging society. I, too, have become an elderly person as an objective fact, and I would like to calmly accept this fact and think about the role I should play in society.
As long as there have been cases of accidents that are at least questionable in terms of physical and cognitive functions, it is only natural that we should consider how to respond to them as traffic rules. I received a postcard long in advance (more than three months ago, as I recall) with an application for a “training course for the elderly,” and since I am the kind of person who likes to get that stuff out of the way quickly, I applied immediately and took the course yesterday.
Due to the snowfall in Sapporo yesterday, the roads were mostly one-lane slow in many places. The usual 20-minute journey took more than twice as long as usual, and I arrived just in time for the scheduled time.
As a result, unlike the usual license renewal procedure, we had time for practical driving skills, which we thought was quite worthwhile. The cost of the regular license renewal procedure was 2,500 yen and the cost of the senior citizen training course was 6,450 yen, which is somewhat questionable (laugh). Some say it is “a measure to promote the flow of money in an aging society,” and I thought they may be right in saying so. However, when I actually took the course, I saw the results of wisdom and ingenuity in the development of machines for checkpoints useful for self-recognition, such as the “visual field angle survey,” “cognitive function survey,” and “nighttime cognitive function survey. The content of the course has evolved considerably compared to the conventional driver’s license renewal course.
In addition, during the practical driving skills time, an instructor rides next to the student and checks him or her. This is an experience I have not had since I obtained my driver’s license 50 years ago, so it was a new experience for me. It is quite difficult to share common sense when it comes to driving skills. Although strict adherence to the rules is a prerequisite, there is no opportunity to objectify the kinds of habits that have been unintentionally acquired over the years through one’s own judgment. I thought it was meaningful to be able to check them with a certain sense of tension.
In the practical training, there was a snow-covered pier-like place where I drove slowly at my own discretion, and the instructor praised me for it (ahem). The instructor gave me a compliment (ahem). Since I was made to feel so good, I thought that the 6,450 yen was just as well. I am a very cash-conscious and simple person (laugh).