


English version⬇

Making sushi ingredients, mindlessly “sabaki” fish and shellfish, killing and offering.
When the knife is inserted into the shell, the hokki “screams”. The knife is used to mercilessly remove the shellfish. Dialogue with creatures in the midst of killing.

Yesterday, we had a hand-rolled sushi party with the family. In the morning, we started to cut up the fresh fish and shellfish we had purchased at the Sapporo Central Market on the previous Saturday.
From the front, shrimp, squid, whelk, scallops, and black flounder. In the back are tuna, octopus, hokki, salmon, muscles, and mackerel. In addition, there are many other supporting actors such as pickled plums and natto (fermented soybeans).
The black flounder is cut into three pieces the day before and frozen. Then let it thaw naturally. I feel that the umami taste is better that way. Shrimps were bought at the market already peeled from their shells. I served them as they were, but my wife noticed that it was better to “open” them before eating them, and I was grateful.
Squid has been scarce in Hokkaido recently, but we managed to find some at the market. It was surprisingly expensive, about 700 yen per pie for a large one. I respectfully double peeled the squid and cut it with a back knife, but when I cut it into long, thin strips like this, it just “popped” into my mouth when I bit into it (laugh). Well, that was entertaining and fun. Still, he said it was easy to chew, so it seems that the careful back-cutting had an effect.
The whelks were from the Higashi Shakotan Fisheries Cooperative Association, and after thawing naturally, I used the knife this way and that to cut the whelks while keeping their crunchy texture. Scallops were also purchased from the same fishery cooperative. The octopus was purchased at the market. The leg part weighs about 1 kg, and the sucker part has a cute expression on it, making it “hard to throw away.
The tuna was caught in the Tsugaru Straits. Although Oma is in Aomori Prefecture, tuna is also caught in Hokkaido, north of the Tsugaru Straits. Compared to the price of tuna caught in Oma, the price is reasonable. Salmon and sockeye salmon muscles are from the United States. Many people may want to stick to local products, but as a Hokkaido native, I am not so picky. I think people in Honshu tend to be “fundamentalist”. It is reasonable to be realistic about what is available there. Shime saba (mackerel) is a popular item at the common supermarket.
The last one, hokki, was a local product, priced at 225 yen per piece. When I put the knife into the joint between the two pieces of shellfish, it tightened up strongly. Then, I cut them with all my strength at once. This process is quite a thrill for me.
Although it is a work of killing, I feel that I am having a kind of “dialogue” with the fish and shellfish as I work with them, feeling their characteristics. I feel that bringing out the best of the fish is also a way of making offerings.




English version⬇

[On weekends, fish and their date to watch and eat (laughs).
Flounder, which have been made into pets, welcome me as they dance. I process the fish and make sashimi, but at the same time I feel affection for them. Is this a contradiction in terms of killing and eating?

My love of cooking has been with me since elementary school. I grew up in a family environment with five male siblings and an older sister, and my parents, perhaps for balance, wanted their youngest child to be a girl. His older sister took pity on him, and she had an expectation that he would grow up to be a sisterboy, a term popularized from the 1957 American movie “Tea and Sympathy,” which means “having an attitude and appearance like a woman.
Perhaps sensing such expectations, for some reason he took a strong interest in cooking, and was greatly inspired by his first “home economics” class when he was in the third grade of elementary school. My sister and mother were especially impressed and pleased. I remember that as the starting point of my curiosity.
Many years have passed since then, and I have become an old man who loves to devise new ways of cooking.
Recently, I have been going to a fish shop in Yoichi, Nioka Shoten, every day, and I am very interested in fish processing. Just today, my family is planning a “Temakizushi” party. I went to Sapporo Central Market, which I have been frequenting recently, to buy fish. The photo above is a water tank at the market. I thought it was a product for “Ikemakuri,” but the shopkeeper’s smiling face said, “Oh, that’s for pets.
The species of fish is called “baba flounder,” and as I approached it, to my surprise, it approached me, wagging its tail. When you get close to the fish, it wags its tail and comes close to you, thinking that it will feed on you. The wagging tail is a cute gesture by dogs, and it is often seen and appreciated by dogs, but this is a surprising sight to see a Baba Flounder.
I have a sense of kinship with humans when it comes to land animals and mammals, and I also feel emotions, but as expected, my imagination did not extend to fish. However, as I went to the market, I could certainly feel the depth of their affection. Although humans eat them sinfully, I strongly feel that this is a form of love, even though it is a different phase of love.

So, in order from top to bottom, they are anglerfish, flatfish, and kue (kue) that I encountered at the market yesterday. Kue, for example, has “Tsushima” in the name of its place of origin visible. Japanese people must have had a long history of interaction with these marine animals. They are really cute in shape and form. Well, today, I am going to eat Temakizushi.

【密教的な夜景・水庭ホタテ貝と対話する温室 淡路夢舞台-7】



English version⬇

Esoteric nightscape, greenhouse interacting with water garden scallops Awaji Yumebutai-7
Tadao Ando’s architecture and Kukai’s Koyasan Buddhist buildings. I feel that their orientations are similar. This is just an impression stage from my experience. …

The greenhouse with a glass surface skin is the white-hot jewel of the nightscape of Awaji Yumebutai. Its front garden-like water garden reflects the appearance of the greenhouse, giving it a sparkling appearance like a jewel. It also reveals a delicate appearance in contrast to the whispering silhouette of the scallop shells that cover the bottom of the water, introduced yesterday. The plants inside the sculpture give us a darker shadow of a sense of life, like a sleeping creature. Although they are sleeping, we can somehow feel the “flickering” of life.
The surrounding area is a green park that aims to artificially restore nature, but it is contrasted by a world that looks like a city illumination. The organic presence of the lighting contrasts with this environment.
Although lighting is basically planned in accordance with the “use” of the interior, this nightscape exterior makes us believe that the main architectural functionality of the building was to provide such a visually realistic experience.
The architectural fields of thermal insulation and airtightness that Hokkaido’s government, academia, and civilian sectors have been working on are, so to speak, the “manifestation” side of architecture, while Ando’s architecture may have an “esoteric” orientation. I was immersed in a moment of contemplation, wondering if this is a regional cultural characteristic of the Kansai region, which is home to Koyasan. The sense of impermanence of scallop shells….
This is just an impression from my experience, but it seems to me that there is a historical tradition of such “atmosphere” at the base of Tadao Ando’s architectural orientation and the Kansai region’s endemic culture that deeply supports it. I am a Shingon Buddhist of esoteric Buddhism, so in a sense, I have a part of my body that accepts this kind of atmosphere.
Perhaps Kukai’s goal of “Koyasan” was a group of buildings that embodied the esoteric worldview of the Japanese people. Koyasan, where the flat terrain on the mountain and the temple buildings emerge after finally passing through the steep mountain path, may have been deeply imprinted on the Japanese people as an esoteric “architectural” experience.

house. I would like to visit the greenhouse and the open-air theater at the far end of the greenhouse next time.

【音楽的景観・北海道の貝100万枚も無言参加 淡路夢舞台-6】





English version⬇

[Musical landscape, 1,000,000 shells from Hokkaido also silently participate in Awaji Yumebutai – 6
A million scallop shells from Okhotsk, far from their hometown, demonstrate their fundamental power in the restoration of nature in Awaji. A heart-warming exchange between the Kansai region and Hokkaido. …

From the perspective of people in Hokkaido, Tadao Ando’s reputation is divided. At a time when Hokkaido was desperately trying to create highly insulated and airtight housing as a regional social movement, he was almost indifferent to thermal insulation and the like, and was pursuing the “aesthetic expression of the surface after it is released” from the formwork by leaving the concrete untouched. The information is like “pounding with a gun” for the sake of beauty. The sense of distance between the two, as if the insulating properties were not a priority.
We also hear fragmentary rumors that the owners of Ando’s houses are shivering from the cold. I have actually seen a photo taken by thermal imaging showing warm air rising “straight and perpendicular” to the house. Almost an outdoor thermal environment. It seemed to me that this was a way of thinking about the thermal environment space in a different dimension.
On the other hand, however, I also came across some facts that gave me a different impression from such information. For example, at Awaji Yumebutai, one million scallop shells that were discarded at a canning factory in Okhotsk, Hokkaido, are now reverberating with the afterglow of a second life, forming a fundamental landscape at the bottom of a 10,000 m2 water surface. It could be taken as an emissary from the nature of Hokkaido descending to Awaji. It is unclear why Mr. Ando’s design philosophy led him to focus on scallop shells as the greatest hidden hope for the restoration of Awaji Island’s topography, simply as a symbol of nature’s rebirth, or whether a larger meaning moved him. But as a Hokkaido native, he shows us this kind of “trick of the mind” that makes us feel a certain kind of excitement.
At the same time that I feel a sense of discomfort, I can’t help but feel a certain passion as an architect that appeals to my inner self. It is truly a dichotomous and ambivalent work. The photo above shows scallops in Hokkaido, which seem to be rustling at the bottom of the water. It is as if to say, “Oh, they are living a new life far away from Okhotsk.

This is a space named “Water Garden. The thought that the scallops of Okhotsk are softening the sound of the water as they think of their faraway homeland at the bottom of the water just adds to the emotion. I like that kind of strategy. The whispering of a million scallops seems like a fitting way to restore the destroyed natural environment.

Not only at the bottom of the water, but everywhere you notice scallops covering the ground. It makes me feel very happy and grateful that Hokkaido is helping, even if only a little, to appeal to the mentality of people in the Kansai region and to be utilized in this way.

In addition, a cross is cut into the bottom of such water, and the chapel space is located at the “bottom of the lake”. The light from the bottom of the lake is reflected on the wall screen as a religious form of a cross. This sense of form that evokes a sense of fluctuation makes us strongly aware of nature, even though concrete, a man-made material, is used.
The Kansai region and Ando’s architectural works are both uncomfortable, but at the same time, there is a strong sense of affinity (laugh).

【安藤忠雄氏構想スケッチと建築群 淡路夢舞台-5】


1 楕円フォーラム〜楕円形の2重の壁の間を交叉する階段やスロープ、外部から貫入するコロネード。内部の大階段と水盤などで構成される。動線の結節点としてそれらの間を通るうちに見え隠れする内外部のさまざまな風景が、そこで行われるであろうイベントと共に来訪者に予期せぬ刺激をもたらす。

2 空庭〜斜面に埋め込まれた立方体のなかに連続する階段状の広場を内包する。壁に落ちる光と影、立方体のフレームで切り取られた風景などが抽象的な非日常空間を作り出す。野外イベントや彫刻展などにも対応可能な広場として計画されている。

3 百段苑〜約4.5m角の花壇が百段、敷地内外のどこからもよく見える急勾配の敷地に添うように埋め込まれる。巨大な階段と水の流れは山から海へと感覚的な連続性を生み出し、単純な幾何学形態が連続する非日常的な光景に彩りを添える。


English version⬇

Tadao Ando’s Conceptual Sketch and Architectural Group Awaji Yumebutai-5
A park-like open-air architectural complex with fair-faced concrete. Reclaimed green space and intentional concrete. A space of musical contrast. The space of musical contrasts.

Before leaving the hotel and heading toward the Yumebutai park area, there is a corner exhibit titled “History of Awaji Yumebutai” that explains the history of the project. Many “conceptual sketches” are displayed there. Since Tadao Ando is listed as the architect, it is clear that these sketches are his drawings. The designer’s sketches clearly show the conceptual process of the completed architecture, so it is easy to get a sense of his “thoughts”.
Since my time to interact with the Yume Butai buildings was limited to only about three hours, I was not able to visit the site to fully contrast the buildings. However, by tracing the process of my thinking with photographs and other materials after the event, it was easy to envision the process of my thinking. The sketches convey the basic conception in an easy-to-understand manner. On the other hand, the impression of the architecture felt realistically at the site and the image/imagination of the creator’s side are clearly indicated, which leaves a strong impression on the viewer.
Below are introductions to some of the architectural groups.

1 Oval forum to elliptical double-walled intersecting stairs and ramps, colonnades penetrating from the outside. It consists of an interior grand staircase and a water basin. The various landscapes of the interior and exterior that appear and disappear as visitors pass between them as nodes of the flow line, together with the events that will take place there, will provide unexpected stimulation to visitors.

2 Empty Garden – A series of staircase-like plazas are contained within a cube embedded in the slope. The light and shadows falling on the walls and the landscape cut out by the frame of the cube create an abstract, extraordinary space. The plaza is designed to accommodate outdoor events and sculpture exhibitions.

3 Hyakudanen – One hundred lower steps of approximately 4.5m square are embedded to accompany the steep slope of the site, which is clearly visible from everywhere inside and outside the site. The huge steps and the flow of water create a sensory continuity from the mountains to the sea, and add color to the extraordinary scene of a series of simple geometric forms.
So it has developed like a collection of architectural group photos, but there were numerous checkpoints, so I will summarize the concrete park-like appearance tomorrow.

【安藤忠雄・建築と風景のフュージョン 淡路夢舞台-4】



English version⬇

Tadao Ando, Fusion of Architecture and Scenery, Awaji Yumebutai – 3
I was surprised to learn that it was Ando’s architecture when I arrived and saw it (laugh). The rapid-fire barrage of vertical and horizontal concrete spaces that thoroughly exploit the gaps between them. The first time I saw it, I knew it was Ando’s architecture (laughs).

In fact, the entire lodging itinerary for this trip to Awaji Yumebutai was selected and arranged by my wife. Before embarking on this trip, I had only expressed my wish to stay at the Miki Family Residence in Tokushima. Until we arrived at Kansai International Airport and crossed the Akashi Strait in a rented car, I was unaware that our destination for the first day was Awaji Yumebutai, an architectural environment designed by Tadao Ando (laugh). (Laughs.) Since I was in a hurry until the last minute, I did not have time to consult with my wife, and the most important thing was to make her happy. I was just the chaperone. As we got closer to the site, I learned more information and became interested in the island, which was an embarrassing development.
Come to think of it, my wife had led me to visit the Chichu Art Museum on Naoshima Island a few years ago, so I was enjoying the simple experience of the built environment without thinking much about it.
I left Sapporo early in the morning and drove a long distance, so I went to a hotel and slept early at night. My wife was so excited that she walked around the Yumebutai at night, saying, “What a waste of time! She was so excited that she said, “Oh my God, it’s so nice! I had an early start in the morning, so after a quick search of the area, I walked around after breakfast. I had no prior knowledge of the “Hyakudanen” (the first photo), which is a concrete plot with flowers from all over the world planted in a distributed manner. You can interact with the architectural space straight away by feeling it with your own eyes and body. It is difficult to define the concept of whether the space of this dream stage is architecture or not. The sense that the landscape is cut horizontally and vertically using concrete as a means of architecture in the 20th century is strongly felt.

I had almost no prior knowledge or information. I was facing Ando’s architecture with a simple physical sensation, without the imprint of the urban guerrilla-like “to live is to endure” style (laugh).
Oh, and the children’s song melody of “A Winter’s Night” played low in the passage between the hotel and the building, harmonizing perfectly with the space. It was a spatial experience that also mobilized music. Even now, the melody and the sense of scenery are imprinted in my memory as one. It was a complete tactical victory for the hotel. They got me (laughs).

【事業規模500億円の自然改造 淡路夢舞台-3】

「淡路夢舞台」建設概要〜建築主:兵庫県・(株)夢舞台<第3セクター>〜設計期間:1993/4-1994/12(震災前)1995/10-1996/12(震災後) 工事期間:1997.07-1999.12 2003.3オープン 敷地面積:213,930㎡ 延べ床面積:95,078㎡ 設計:建築/安藤忠雄建築研究所 施工/(株)竹中組、清水建設(株)など11社JV。〜以上、淡路夢舞台・趣意書より。


English version⬇

Awaji Yumebutai: A 50 billion yen natural remodeling project
The total construction cost and the size of the space are truly big. The boundary between architecture and landscape/environment seems blurred. It has the feel of Tadao Ando’s “Labyrinth” world (laughs). Laughs.

The total construction cost of the Awaji Yumebutai is said to range from 43.9 billion yen to about 50 billion yen. The total project cost of the “Kansai New Airport,” a national-scale investment that became the starting factor for the project, was approximately 3 trillion yen. Considering the size of the cost, it would be a macroscopic figure that the cost of restoring environmental destruction was about 1.67% of the cost of the newly created public infrastructure.
On the other hand, the total “construction investment” of the Japanese government and private sector in 1999, when the construction was underway, was 68.5 trillion yen. Japan’s GDP in the same year was approximately 510 trillion yen. The construction investment in FY2023 is expected to be about 70 trillion yen. The economic scale of the construction industry is roughly in this range.
This is a rough measure to grasp the “economic value” of the Awaji Yumebutai.
Awaji Yumebutai construction outline – Architect: Hyogo Prefecture, Yumebutai Corporation (third sector) – Design Period: 1993/4-1994/12 (before the earthquake) 1995/10-1996/12 (after the earthquake) Construction Period: 1997.07-1999.12 Opened March 2003 Site Area: 213,930m2 Total Floor Area: 95 Design: Construction: Takenaka Corporation, Shimizu Corporation, and 11 other companies (JV).

The term “urban guerrilla” is well known as an expression of the design philosophy of the architect Tadao Ando, who was the “general designer” of these national projects. The following words are said to be his own words.
We are not an “army” consisting of a single commander and soldiers who follow his orders. We are a group of guerrillas, individuals with common ideals, convictions, and duties, who live their lives at their own peril.
I have visited many of Tadao Ando’s works, from the small house “Sumiyoshi no nagaya” and the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum to the Chichu Art Museum on Naoshima, but in terms of grand scale, this Awaji Yumebutai is truly a masterpiece.
While I normally live in a house the size of my imagination, this scale is far beyond what I expected (laughs). It is almost like designing a “landscape” of the entire topography.

【自然の廃墟を建築的想像力「リフォーム」 淡路夢舞台-2】



English version⬇

Can Human Society Restore the Lost Nature? Awaji Yumebutai-2]
A large-scale international airport is absolute social capital for the development of the Kansai economy. Awaji Island “cut itself down” by land reclamation and gave birth to the Kansai International Airport. …

In 1994, the new Kansai Airport was positioned as a fundamental public works project for human exchange and economic revitalization, an indispensable element of the economic recovery of the Kansai region. It is clear from the economic perspective that the port of Sakai in the Middle Ages played a central role in Japan’s social transformation. The most economically rational way to transport the earth, sand, and stones necessary for this was to use marine transportation to supply them from the islands of the Seto Inland Sea region.
It can be said that 30 years ago, the Awaji Island accepted this situation as a whole region, and it was the island of Awaji that gave birth to the Kansai International Airport at the expense of its own people. The photo shows a conceptual plan for natural restoration and the situation of the site at the time of the destruction. In similar situations, the site has been left almost untouched. For example, in the urban development of Sapporo, lumber was quarried from “Ishikiriyama” in the southern part of the city. It is obvious that there is a trade-off between economic convenience and destruction of nature.
However, in the 1990s, Japan and Kansai dealt with the natural environment of Awaji Island, which had to be devastated, with the intention of restoring the environment. Although they made such a decision, however, the restoration of the natural environment was something that human society had little experience with. In the development-oriented history of Japan since the modern era, there has been very little development that has addressed the restoration of the natural environment. The neglect of Ishikiriyama in Sapporo was a common occurrence.

Among these, there is a park full of flowers and greenery called “Putchart Gardens” in Victoria, near Vancouver, Canada. The site used to be a limestone quarry for a cement factory. The owner, Mr. and Mrs. Putchart, began to plant trees and plants by themselves, and it is said that the main part of the present garden was created in the mid-20th century.
In the aftermath of the bubble economy, a private golf course resort project was proposed at one time on the Awaji Yumebutai site, but the national government and Hyogo Prefecture took the lead in developing a “dream stage” to restore the lost natural environment, based on this Putchart Garden. It can be said that the imagination was focused on civil-architectural remodeling. Tadao Ando, the architect of the project, was responsible for the overall plan.

【関空建設での自然破壊からの環境再生 「淡路夢舞台」-1】




English version⬇

Awaji Yumebutai: Environmental Restoration from Destruction of Nature by Kansai International Airport Construction – 1
Osaka Castle stone walls were mined in large quantities from islands in the Seto Inland Sea. The modern KIX also destroyed nature, including Awaji Island. This is a report on the restoration of the Yumebutai. The reportage of “Yumebutai”, its restoration.

Today we begin a series on Awaji Yumebutai, Awaji Island in the Kansai region. Awaji Yumebutai is a complex designed by architect Tadao Ando for the purpose of environmental restoration from the destruction of nature by revitalizing a former landfill site for the construction of Kansai Airport. It is said to be one of Mr. Ando’s masterpieces of architectural space.
I happened to stay at the Grand Nikko Awaji, a hotel in Awaji Yumebutai. I have come in contact with many Ando architects in the Kansai region, and I have a good impression of him as a designer of architectural space. However, due to my distance from the Kansai region, I did not have much prior knowledge of the Awaji Yumebutai. I saw the information posted in the circulation room from the hotel, and saw Mr. Ando’s conceptual sketches. However, I did not have time to take the time to carefully organize the information, and this time I finally sorted through the photos and information to reconstruct the entire picture. Although I experienced the event many laps behind the rest of the world, I would like to summarize my experience, including the atmosphere of the event. I thought it would be best for a blog series based on my own experience, including what I felt and what I dug into. I would like to start by delving into the topographical situation and history of Awaji Yumebutai.

This Awaji Yumebutai is the geographic location (marked in red) on the GoogleMap map above. Kansai Airport opened in 1994 as a measure to revitalize the economy of the Kansai region as a whole. I often use the airport to go to the Kansai region. The airport is located in a very important position as the gateway to the Kansai region from the rest of the world. Naturally, the construction of this offshore airport requires a large amount of earth and sand for land reclamation. Whenever such large-scale development projects are undertaken in the Kansai region, resources are requisitioned from islands in the Seto Inland Sea area, a practice that has continued throughout history. Marine transportation is the most cost-effective way to transport earth, sand, and rocks. The stone walls of Osaka Castle were built using rocks from the islands of the Seto Inland Sea. Similar activities were actively carried out in 1994, when a large amount of earth and sand was mined and used from the Yumebutai area on the east coast of Awaji Island.

As a result, the scenic east coast of Awaji Island was severely destroyed. In this blog series, we report on the process and situation of how to restore the destroyed site.
<The following is a report on the process and situation.>

【少年信長「陣取り」勝利の戦略眼 戦後こども文化-6】



English version⬇

The DNA of Children’s Games: Postwar Children’s Culture-6
A boy named Nobunaga was absorbed in the game of “jin-tori” in the town of Kiyosu and various places in his domain during the Okehazama period. The past and the present are concentrated in the play area of a child’s brain. …

The DNA of children’s play can be traced back considerably into ethnic history. There is evidence of this in the mid-Edo period, as evidenced by a study of menco.
Thinking about this, I became curious about “S-jintori,” a game that I was crazy about in my childhood. I found that the children’s game of “jin-tori” has existed as an unchanging folk custom since ancient times. Although many menco screens depicted “warlords,” when I imagine what kind of children’s games Oda Nobunaga, who is said to have loved playing in the streets of Kiyosu, Owari, as a boy, played from the middle of the Edo period to even earlier, “jintori” comes to the forefront of my mind.
When I was a child, the game was to draw an S-shaped camp on the ground, then divide into two teams and attack the enemy camp with one foot on the ground and the other foot on the ground. There was an “heirloom” corner at the back of the camp, and if you stepped on it, you won. When you entered the camp, you could move with both feet on the ground, but while moving, you had to keep one foot on the ground. So, if you met an enemy while moving, both of you would wrestle each other with one foot on the ground. If both feet landed on the ground, you lost. There were rest areas along the way where peace was maintained between friend and foe.

The Japanese people seem to have handed down this war game from generation to generation. I am sure that such a war game was played even in Nobunaga’s time. If there were, Nobunaga must have been very curious and thought of all kinds of winning formulas. Many of his vassals had been playing such games since their childhood. In fact, Toshiie Maeda is said to be such a personage. In his childhood, he exercised his mind by playing virtual war games every day. It is natural to think that Maeda Toshiie was making his strategy more sophisticated with an eagle eye.
If he could get into a narrow defile, he could take advantage of the terrain to win even against a large army. If he had been out here and there every day, knowing the terrain thoroughly and developing his strategic game intuition, he might have been able to win the battle of Okehazama….
Apparently, the psychological sharing with historical figures increases from the research excavation of children’s games.