
【鎮魂の空間と「音楽性」要素 竹林寺納骨堂-5】



English version⬇

Space for Requiem and “Musicality” Element Chikurinji Ossuary-5
The Japanese sense of “reading the air” may have been built up from a variety of experiences of Buddhism acceptance at the DNA level. …

Now, one leaves the concrete space dominated by the faint sound of water from the water basin. At Tadao Ando’s “Awaji Yumebutai,” a children’s song “Winter Night” was played as background music by the Hotel Grand Nikko just in time, and although several months have already passed, the melody still remains in my memory.
The sound of water in the ossuary here is not the actual sound of water, but a visual sound, or perhaps it is strange to say, but there is a residue of such a sensation. I have never really thought about the relationship between architecture and music.
However, in one of Ryotaro Shiba’s writings, he writes that when the first Buddhist temples were opened in Japan, the musicality of the “Buddhist chanting” repeated in the morning and evening seeped into people’s minds like a precipitation. It is said that the musicality of “Nembutsu Yomikyō,” which was repeated in the morning and evening at the time the Buddhist temple was first opened in Japan, played an important role for the people living in the archipelago, who had never seen or heard such music. This was introduced into the culture in tandem with the religious architecture of the temple complexes. The “mandala” worldview, from the high-rise architecture of stupas and five-story pagodas to the corridor-style inner sanctuary and outer sanctuary, was developed in the architectural space of Buddhist temples in one fell swoop. It must have been a truly astonishing worldview.
It is highly likely that the Japanese people’s acceptance of Buddhism, which can be considered to be at the level of their DNA, was greatly influenced by the experience of Buddhism, including its musicality. While Buddhism was dying out in India and China, Japanese society continued to revere this religious culture, which seems to have been deeply related to the Japanese mentality as a people with a high emotional level who “reads the air. The “change” factor is so enormous that it may be almost imperceptible to later generations. As something similar to such a feeling, I was left with the impression of the water-board device as a typical musical element.
I deeply agree with the sense that the water basin was chosen as a musical and architectural element to color the requiem space of the ossuary.

The concrete building body, both interior and exterior, is clad in wood. The ossuary is required by law to be fireproof. The wooden sections that make up the roof are all made of 105 square meters of prefectural Japanese cedar, with a 1995mm grid. The wood is laid out or stacked in layers. The truly “honest” expression of the materials enhances the atmosphere of the place of repose. Also, the lighting and ventilation from the twin windows add color to the repose of souls at this place.
Eventually, we left the ossuary and moved to the precincts of Chikurin-ji Temple, and I felt a sense of returning to my daily life, feeling a kind of reincarnation.

【建築的クライマックスに「水盤」 を配置 竹林寺納骨堂-4】



English version⬇

The “water basin” is placed at the architectural climax of the Chikurin-ji Ossuary.
The water basin is an introspective device that maximizes depth. The water basin harmonizes with the sky, the surrounding nature, and the clay-painted walls of the site to create the harmony of the sound of water. The water basin is a device for reflection.

This is the fourth installment of our report on our visit to architect Yasutsugu Horibe’s representative work, the Chikurinji Ossuary, which won the 2016 AIJ Prize for Best Work.
In the previous chapters, we have described that the design was intended to have an “environmental harmony” orientation, which is different from the so-called artist’s self-assertion. However, while it was in perfect accord with that purpose, at the same time, I was surprised to see that it came in this way. The latter part of the ossuary, through which the path connecting life and death passes, is impressively located in a space named “water room,” and the “water basin” was installed as the main device.
I am not familiar with the general design style of ossuary architecture. In the case of the Miki family, the grandparents who moved to Hokkaido from the suburbs of Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and their parents who passed away in this area, built their graves in the public cemetery in Sapporo. Until the cemetery was built, the graves were kept in the ossuary of the family temple, which was housed in the main hall of the temple, although I used to visit the graves there until I was a child. I do not know the details of the separate ossuary as an architectural structure. Considering the examples I am familiar with, I do not think that a “water basin” would exist as a general design specification condition.
Therefore, this layout plan is considered to be original by Mr. Horibe, the architect of Chikurin-ji Ossuary, and it seems to be the core of his architectural plan.

The static earth contrasts with the tranquil but dynamic water. I aimed to create a space where people can not only face the dead in the ossuary, but also feel a strong life force”. The introduction on Horibe’s website explains as follows
The wall is about 2 m high above the water, and planters are placed on top of the wall, in which several species of plants native to Mt. The walls are Tosa plaster with a mirror finish. The water basin is made of black granite. Water is constantly flowing in the basin, and the sound of the water echoes through the passage space. Water overflowing from the four perimeters is circulated by a tank and pump located in the bit directly below.”
Yesterday I wrote that “there was a person reading in the ossuary,” but there was no specific location mentioned in the original text. As a blog that does not go into details, I can only imagine. I think that the person who was reading must have been on a simple bench placed in front of the water basin.
With water, sky, clay walls collected at this site, and greenery surrounding the space, this place is truly a place for introspection, a place to be immersed in and embraced by the ossuary space where one’s relatives are laid to rest.
The placement of the water basin in this space seems to express a gentle, environmentally harmonious, yet straightforward artist and assertiveness in the architectural concept.

【読書する人もいる奥行きの空間 「竹林寺納骨堂」-3】



English version⬇

[A space with depth where some people read books “Chikurinji Ossuary”-3
I don’t think death is “gruesome. A place like the boundary between life and death is a place where the mind can be self-reflective. An environment that produces a richness of mind. …

When the Chikurinji Ossuary received the Architectural Institute of Japan Award, the jury conducted an on-site review. At that time, the jury witnessed an experience in which a visitor happened to be reading in the ossuary.
The jury was surprised by this and highly praised it, saying, “There is not a trace of insidiousness in this ossuary. However, I dare say that I wondered about the sense of evaluation expressed in the word “gruesome. Of course, I think the evaluator may have used the word as a metaphor to convey the ordinary senses of the general public.
The words of the designer, Mr. Yasutsugu Horibe, are reported here. Nowadays, we are losing the opportunity to feel death in our daily lives. Rather than avoiding the dead as something to be feared, I thought about how architecture should be like a path that connects life and death.
I feel a natural sensitivity and a strong sense of kinship with the person who is reading in this space while quietly facing his or her inner self. Human existence is an impermanent state of affairs, and life and death are just one scene in the flow of life and death. In fact, the act of reading, which is akin to prayer, is very much suited to this kind of space where life and death are blended together in a wondrous way. When reading, a person “talks” with a text written by another person as his or her counterpart, as his or her own true spiritual being. This is a very personal realm of experience, and one that is far removed from any intervention from others. In other words, we are in a firm place of inner freedom.
When someone close to me, a parent or sibling, dies, I make a memorial service for them and lay their ashes in a grave. I think it is natural for many people to experience a dialogue with eternity there. The place where one’s relatives are laid to rest for eternity cannot be a gruesome place. It is a place where we can deeply feel the connection with the dead by deeply facing our hearts.

I thought about the word “environment” yesterday, but in short, I strongly feel the environment in terms of the soul, humanity, and society. This is due in large part to the fact that the Chikurin-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple, but the environmental theory is significant as a part of “deepening” the basic goal of Hokkaido housing in terms of technology to cope with the climate environment, such as high thermal insulation and airtightness.
Hokkaido has the advantageous condition of being in dialogue with the abundant nature. I have high expectations for the evolution of housing in this way.

【歴史建築空間での「新」建築の心得 「竹林寺納骨堂」-2】



English version⬇

The “New” Architectural Spirit in Historical Architectural Space “Chikurinji Ossuary”-2
The contrast between Tadao Ando’s creation of a new space for the environment as a whole and an architectural space of human spirituality. Let’s take a look into the mind of the creator at that time. …

I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Yasutsugu Horibe for a housing project in a newly developed residential area in Kobe City, which was built by Daishin Build, a member of Shinjyukyo (Kobe Housing Expo “Vanguard House”). Chronologically, the project coincided with the time of this AIJ Award, but at the time, I was rather covering it as a good example of an optimal solution method for a rational 4 ken x 4 ken housing layout.
In 2017, a conversation with Norihiko Kamata of Shinjyukyo was planned at a housing exhibition in Tokyo, and the purpose of the project was to cover the actual example in the Kansai region.
The following is a reprint of the relevant section of Mr. Kamata’s article in this issue of Replan (published 3/2019), “Q1.0 Housing Design Theory,” in which he mentions Mr. Horibe.
About three years ago, I began to think that it might be possible to improve the performance of insulation and airtightness while maintaining the attractiveness of my architecture. When I put such a design into practice, I found that the residents were happy with the results, and I realized how much more enjoyable it was to design.” He said, “The high thermal insulation method is not a constraint, but a way to increase the freedom of design, to design attractive houses, and to increase the level of satisfaction of the client.”
I strongly felt the presence of these kinds of designers in the Kanto region and southward. I was informed that Norihiko Kamata had the same deep understanding of the “environment” as the makers of the houses in Hokkaido. At the time, I had understood environment to mean “heat,” but this visit to the Chikurin-ji Ossuary has changed my understanding. I strongly felt “environmentalism” in the sense of “knowing how to create a new architecture” by a modern creator in the magnetic field of space created by Chikurin-ji, a group of traditional buildings that can be said to be the essence of Japanese architectural culture.

As shown in the first photo, the five-story pagoda is an architectural asset of human spirituality, and the architects have created a spatial environment in which it is impossible for a modern creator to give priority to his or her own “authorship” when creating a new architecture. Rather, I sensed a creativity to “create new depth” by respecting and harmonizing the space created by predecessors. Although the purpose of the building is to serve as an ossuary, I could feel this attitude from the level of the viewer’s perspective of the half-underground, one-story building.
His comments on this work strongly suggest such a design attitude.
After having just experienced the spatial experience of Tadao Ando’s “Awaji Yumebutai” and the contrast of the Awa Imobe and Miki family residences, coming across this architecture was a very enjoyable experience for me personally.

【2016年度日本建築学会賞作品 堀部安嗣「竹林寺納骨堂」-1】



English version⬇

2016 Architectural Institute of Japan Award for Best Work: Yasushi Horibe “Chikurinji Ossuary”-1
A representative work of architecture by Yasushi Horibe, the first residential work to be covered in the Kansai region. How does it contrast with the Tadao Ando architecture of Awaji Yumebutai? …

I wrote about my exploration of Tadao Ando’s “Awaji Yumebutai” until the other day. After Awaji on a couple’s trip, we visited the Miki Family Residence in Tokushima Prefecture. After that, we visited “Udatsu no Machi” (Udatsu Town). After that, we went from Tokushima all the way to Tosa-Kochi in southern Japan. I forgot to mention that I had also requested one more place for Kami to visit, an ossuary at Chikurinji Temple, a famous temple in Kochi City. This one, as the title suggests, is the 2016 Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) Award for its designer, Yasushi Horibe, who is an acquaintance of mine.
As a member of the architecture-related media, but as a Hokkaido-based magazine media, I have heard about architectural trends in the south of Honshu, but I have not had the opportunity to visit the site. We were able to do so this time because our trip to Shikoku happened to be a couple’s trip.
The first photo shows the front exterior of the ossuary we were looking for. Naturally, this facility is located in a secluded part of the Chikurin-ji temple grounds. To get there, we had to pass through the temple gate, and then around the main hall and pagoda. The architecture, as seen in Mr. Horibe’s description of the purpose of the design, is a building that derives its life from the environment in which it is placed. It exists “connected” to many historical spaces and environments. Therefore, I would like to write about my architectural explorations in several parts, reporting on the surroundings as I visit the buildings.
Since this is a free trip, I will not be doing a lot of research. We do not work to obtain detailed information in advance. I will actually touch the architecture and based on that realistic experience, I will relive and organize it by writing in this way on my blog. I am beginning to find this style of writing more interesting.
I will learn about the presence of an ancient temple called Chikurinji in Kochi Prefecture only after I go and see it. It is the 31st temple of the 88 temples in Shikoku, and is a Shingon Buddhist temple with a history of 1,300 years. It is located southeast of Kochi City on Mount Godaisan, which, along with Katsurahama Beach, was once a famous moon viewing spot. I am a member of the Shingon sect and have visited Koyasan, so I feel a strong affinity with the temple. Namu Daishi Hensho Kongo…

On the morning of the day of the visit, I was first treated to the scenery of Katsurahama Beach. I had a part-time experience in Shikoku as a driver for the president of the company I was working for around September of my fourth year of college, when I was a prospective new employee. Touring the venue for an event that circled Shikoku.
It was a vivid memory of fushigi, food, and squeezing citrus ponkan into everything. If I count from that time, almost half a century has passed. I am grateful that I am driving around in a rental car again.
Oops, I can’t go on to the construction trip, which is my goal at all (laughs). I’ll get back to the site experience tomorrow or later.




English version⬇

Chemostratigraphy of Hokkaido’s “Shellfish” 80.2 Million Years Ago
While studying the latest research in geology, I encountered fossils of ancestors of Hokkaido shellfish. The history of the earth’s shellfish, which is made clear by the texture of sashimi. …

At the end of last year, I visited the “Chemistry Stratigraphy” exhibition at the Science Museum in Ueno, Tokyo. As a history buff, I am interested in geological stratigraphy and geochronology, and I know that NHK’s “Bratamori” also uses it as a basis for its program structure. The basic information of geology is the concept of “stratigraphy,” which is the layering of strata. The higher the stratigraphy, the newer it is, indicating differences in thickness, sedimentary structure, and types of rocks and fossils in each layer. Such a concept is called “chemostratigraphy.
This reminds me of my high school days when I was extremely ill-prepared. There was an achievement test that I could not prepare for, and I chose “geology,” and to my surprise, I was ranked in the top of my class. It was the only “success experience” in my personal study history (laughs). Thinking about it in reverse, I wonder if since then I have been interested in the presentation of the results of the latest research like this because I think geology is interesting.
Learning at such maniacal exhibitions gives me a sense of a compass for where we are going and where we are going to go. Human history is also strongly influenced by such a macroscopic span of time. As I was studying the exhibition, the word “Hokkaido” suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and I was awakened unexpectedly.

Amapondera amapondense, a type of “ammonite” that is considered a “shellfish” species, is found only in Hokkaido on earth at the latest age confirmed by fossils, about 80.2 million years ago.
It is said that this fossil came to the Science Museum here in Tokyo on a business trip from the Hobetsu Museum in Mukawa-cho, Hokkaido, and that information on this species is not easy to find even when searching on the Web.
Ammonites, on the other hand, are a taxon of cephalopods that flourished and were widely distributed in the oceans from the late Silurian of the Paleozoic Era to the end of the Cretaceous of the Mesozoic Era, a period of about 350 million years. Many species are characterized by their flattened shells, which are shaped like a spiral shell. The species is strongly related to shellfish.
I have been deeply indebted to Hokkaido’s seafood, and am fascinated by the taste of hokki-gai clams, such as the one in the second photo, and eat them as sashimi almost on a daily basis. I feel as if these distant ancestors suddenly descended upon me at an unexpected moment. Humans have sinfully survived by eating other species. To eat is to kill a living thing, but at the same time, I feel that it is a symbiosis of life. Reincarnation. The reincarnation of life.

【札幌の春一番(!) 市の集中除排雪わが家周辺に出動】




English version⬇

The First Day of Spring in Sapporo! The city’s intensive snow removal was dispatched to the area around my house.
Sapporo is a rare cosmopolitan city with an annual snowfall of 6 meters. Every year this battle is won in the end. Every year this battle is finally won. Is this the origin of northern “optimism”? The snow

In the residential areas of Sapporo, intensive snow removal takes place at the end of winter every year, and a large number of snowplows are deployed at once. The city announced that the snow removal would start around the end of February, but then there was a notice saying that it would be postponed and the timing would be announced in the neighborhood association’s newsletter. However, as expected, the Nishi Ward area around our house was one of the areas with the heaviest snowfall, so it seems that the schedule had been difficult to schedule the event.
Yesterday, without any notice, there was suddenly a flurry of activity from the morning, and work began around 10:00 a.m., with thorough and intensive snow removal work going on until around 3:00 p.m. The snow was removed from around our house with the help of our neighbors.
The snow around our house does not interfere with traffic so much because of the mutual snow removal activities of neighbors, but this year’s snowfall was as heavy as last year’s. The snow piled up so high that we could hardly look up at it. The snow piled up to the level of more than 2 meters and the thickness of the wall was also fat. The snow gradually narrowed the road, and although we managed to get alternating traffic around our house on the corner by mutual snow removal, there was only one lane on the straight road. We have a contract for a parking lot for six cars in the vicinity of our office, in addition to the three cars at our house, and we were having difficulty getting one of the cars in and out because of the ruts in the parking lot.
All these difficulties were resolved at once.

In addition, they even carefully “scraped out” the snow from the area right in front of our house, where it hung over the sidewalk. As a citizen, I wanted to cooperate in the snow removal, so I tried to push the leftover snow and ice in front of our house to the side of the road for easier disposal, but the driver of the snowplow offered to take care of it all for us. Well, I guess that probably interferes with the snow removal work, too (laughs).
The photo above was taken through a screen door, so some of it may not be clear, but the heavy equipment was carefully removing snow from the sidewalk. I was surprised at how skilled these workers were, even though it was their job.

As you can see in the photo above, the two-lane road has been completely restored. Our house faces the schoolyard of the junior high school, and the snow wall on that side has been transformed into a really thin wall. On the side of the road where the sun shines in that direction, the asphalt surface has already appeared. It was the first day of spring, for which we are very grateful.

【ホテル空間を彩る内外デザイン 淡路夢舞台-8】




English version⬇

Awaji Yumebutai – 8 – Interior and exterior design that adorns the hotel space
The hotel’s interior and exterior design is decorated with a certain emotion, whether it is a shell or a tropical petal. On the other hand, the concrete columns are very Tadao Ando. Did the earthquake have a profound effect on his mind? The earthquake also had an effect on his deep mind.

I continued the Awaji Yumebutai series, but I had not yet returned to the hotel where I first posted my photos (lol). Grand Nikko Hotel. The atmosphere of the lobby is like the photo above, with a mysteriously shaped sofa welcoming you; it seemed to me that it was probably specially designed, since the lobby is on the second floor and this sofa is placed in a position where it can be seen from the outside. Considering its location on Awaji Island, it may have been inspired by shellfish, or perhaps tropical petals. I couldn’t help but want to say, “Sit down, and I’ll take your picture” (laughs). The aim would be to “set the mood” in such a way, so it fits the purpose.
When I actually sat down, I felt a certain amount of comfort, and it was well made. In comparison, the two-seat chairs placed along the stairwell did not make me want to sit in them much. In terms of design motifs, it was difficult to convey what the motive was for the production.
In the case of this kind of furniture, consistency and harmony with the image of the space are important. The purpose of creating the atmosphere of a resort hotel would be to appeal to the sense of “special space” and consistency with the exterior design. To some extent, Tadao Ando’s intentions must have been reflected in the design. Perhaps the design is his. I could not confirm this.

Externally, the building is as shown in the sketch image. In the plan, the building is arranged in a V-shape, with the entrance at the steep angle. This V-shape faces the Awaji Sea, while the open side is the land side. It is thought that this layout was chosen in order to have all guest rooms with ocean views.

It is unclear whether the colonnaded concrete is structurally indispensable, but it seems to me that, like that of the Parthenon, it must have a psychological message to the viewer. Although the architecture would be viable without it, it is more reassuring to have it. This building, Awaji Yumebutai, experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in the planning stage, so perhaps it is a subconscious appeal of this kind.
This concludes the Awaji Yumebutai exploration series for this issue.



English version⬇

Making sushi ingredients, mindlessly “sabaki” fish and shellfish, killing and offering.
When the knife is inserted into the shell, the hokki “screams”. The knife is used to mercilessly remove the shellfish. Dialogue with creatures in the midst of killing.

Yesterday, we had a hand-rolled sushi party with the family. In the morning, we started to cut up the fresh fish and shellfish we had purchased at the Sapporo Central Market on the previous Saturday.
From the front, shrimp, squid, whelk, scallops, and black flounder. In the back are tuna, octopus, hokki, salmon, muscles, and mackerel. In addition, there are many other supporting actors such as pickled plums and natto (fermented soybeans).
The black flounder is cut into three pieces the day before and frozen. Then let it thaw naturally. I feel that the umami taste is better that way. Shrimps were bought at the market already peeled from their shells. I served them as they were, but my wife noticed that it was better to “open” them before eating them, and I was grateful.
Squid has been scarce in Hokkaido recently, but we managed to find some at the market. It was surprisingly expensive, about 700 yen per pie for a large one. I respectfully double peeled the squid and cut it with a back knife, but when I cut it into long, thin strips like this, it just “popped” into my mouth when I bit into it (laugh). Well, that was entertaining and fun. Still, he said it was easy to chew, so it seems that the careful back-cutting had an effect.
The whelks were from the Higashi Shakotan Fisheries Cooperative Association, and after thawing naturally, I used the knife this way and that to cut the whelks while keeping their crunchy texture. Scallops were also purchased from the same fishery cooperative. The octopus was purchased at the market. The leg part weighs about 1 kg, and the sucker part has a cute expression on it, making it “hard to throw away.
The tuna was caught in the Tsugaru Straits. Although Oma is in Aomori Prefecture, tuna is also caught in Hokkaido, north of the Tsugaru Straits. Compared to the price of tuna caught in Oma, the price is reasonable. Salmon and sockeye salmon muscles are from the United States. Many people may want to stick to local products, but as a Hokkaido native, I am not so picky. I think people in Honshu tend to be “fundamentalist”. It is reasonable to be realistic about what is available there. Shime saba (mackerel) is a popular item at the common supermarket.
The last one, hokki, was a local product, priced at 225 yen per piece. When I put the knife into the joint between the two pieces of shellfish, it tightened up strongly. Then, I cut them with all my strength at once. This process is quite a thrill for me.
Although it is a work of killing, I feel that I am having a kind of “dialogue” with the fish and shellfish as I work with them, feeling their characteristics. I feel that bringing out the best of the fish is also a way of making offerings.




English version⬇

[On weekends, fish and their date to watch and eat (laughs).
Flounder, which have been made into pets, welcome me as they dance. I process the fish and make sashimi, but at the same time I feel affection for them. Is this a contradiction in terms of killing and eating?

My love of cooking has been with me since elementary school. I grew up in a family environment with five male siblings and an older sister, and my parents, perhaps for balance, wanted their youngest child to be a girl. His older sister took pity on him, and she had an expectation that he would grow up to be a sisterboy, a term popularized from the 1957 American movie “Tea and Sympathy,” which means “having an attitude and appearance like a woman.
Perhaps sensing such expectations, for some reason he took a strong interest in cooking, and was greatly inspired by his first “home economics” class when he was in the third grade of elementary school. My sister and mother were especially impressed and pleased. I remember that as the starting point of my curiosity.
Many years have passed since then, and I have become an old man who loves to devise new ways of cooking.
Recently, I have been going to a fish shop in Yoichi, Nioka Shoten, every day, and I am very interested in fish processing. Just today, my family is planning a “Temakizushi” party. I went to Sapporo Central Market, which I have been frequenting recently, to buy fish. The photo above is a water tank at the market. I thought it was a product for “Ikemakuri,” but the shopkeeper’s smiling face said, “Oh, that’s for pets.
The species of fish is called “baba flounder,” and as I approached it, to my surprise, it approached me, wagging its tail. When you get close to the fish, it wags its tail and comes close to you, thinking that it will feed on you. The wagging tail is a cute gesture by dogs, and it is often seen and appreciated by dogs, but this is a surprising sight to see a Baba Flounder.
I have a sense of kinship with humans when it comes to land animals and mammals, and I also feel emotions, but as expected, my imagination did not extend to fish. However, as I went to the market, I could certainly feel the depth of their affection. Although humans eat them sinfully, I strongly feel that this is a form of love, even though it is a different phase of love.

So, in order from top to bottom, they are anglerfish, flatfish, and kue (kue) that I encountered at the market yesterday. Kue, for example, has “Tsushima” in the name of its place of origin visible. Japanese people must have had a long history of interaction with these marine animals. They are really cute in shape and form. Well, today, I am going to eat Temakizushi.