
【武家ヤンキーの建築痕跡 大庄屋「片岡家」-2】



English version⬇

Architectural Traces of Samurai Yankee “Kataoka Family” – 2
The “superciliousness” of the samurai rulers is another important function besides livability. In other words, it is an expression of violence in the manner of “Yoroba or I’ll cut you down. It goes beyond the functionality of a house. The house is not functional as a residence.

The geopolitical position of Yamato Province during the Edo period functioned like a watchdog over Kyoto and Osaka. After the Osaka battle, the Tokugawa Shogunate’s hegemony was fully established and the lineage of the previous regime, which was a potential risk factor, was eradicated. However, the Yamato Province would have been extremely important in controlling the Kinai region as the central region of the original Japanese state. In the previous Hideyoshi administration, Hidenaga, the brother of No.2 Hideyoshi, ruled the country as the “Yamato Dainagon,” the greatest “suppressor” of the administration.
The Tokugawa clan had placed the family lineage of Honda Tadakatsu, who was also a samurai yankee in “What to do about Ieyasu” (laugh), in such a fiefdom. The Tokugawa administration and the Honda family must have had a strong recognition of such a role. It is only natural that the Tokugawa regime and the Honda family must have had a strong awareness of their role in the Tokugawa administration.
The area around Uda, which has been a strategic point in the territory since ancient times, has been under the control of the headman’s family. It is natural that the headman’s house would want to express a “castle-like” meaning. I was inspired by the building because I happened to feel such an “architectural intention”. I think I saw traces of such an intention in the appearance of the building, which takes advantage of the natural elevation of the terrain and has stone walls piled up on the hillside to enhance its defensive capabilities.
The photo above shows the stone wall that defends the building. It shows that in the event of an emergency, the attacking army would be able to attack from above, while the defenders would be able to attack from “above. The head of the Honda family has a flag-like “hon” stamped on the eaves of the house as a “main camp” for his stay in the house, and there is also a bow and arrow stored functionally in the room in case of an emergency. The functionality of the house to attack foreign enemies from high ground can be clearly seen.

Even though it is a temporary, temporary “castle” structure, the natural expression of the spirit of a samurai Yankee lord has an intuitive impact on many people. Although the artist of the photograph is unknown, it is said to be the work of a well-known painter who stayed at the house for several days, hoping to paint it. The architectural intention of the house is expressed in a straightforward manner, and the space is filled with a kind of “tension”. This kind of atmosphere must be felt realistically by the artist. It becomes clear to me that straightforward conformity to “use” is directly connected to architectural design.
Today, we would not expect this aspect of residential architecture, but in the Edo period society, the highest priority was placed on the message to the viewer, far more than on the comfort of living. This work conveys a certain functionality that was sought in residential architecture.

【大和国(奈良県)大庄屋 「片岡家住宅」探訪-1】

歴史時間の隔たりの大きさに打たれる思いがして、こういう家の文化が現代まで続いていることが本州以南地域の住宅文化のコアなのだと深く気付かされる。断熱や気密といういごこち要素よりも、社会的な身分意識であったり、階級意識のような社会文化が優先しているのだと思い至る。 続きはまたあした。

English version⬇

Kataoka Family Residence, a house in Yamato Province (Nara Prefecture)
This old house was built more than 350 years ago, and traces of the samurai culture can still be seen in the layout plan. The priority is not comfort but “expression of social status. The house was built more than 350 years ago.

From today, we will once again be exploring the architecture of old private houses. The last chapter in our series on the 37,000-year history of the Japanese archipelago is about the Shinmu expedition to Yamato Province in the early days of the Japanese nation. As I was driving along the road from Uda to Asuka, the former capital of Japan, I saw a magnificent house protected by a stone wall from a slightly elevated position overlooking the road. Heading south on Route 370, commonly known as Isehon Kaido, from the center of Uda City, a house with a luxurious and massive thatched roof stands out on the left in a beautiful satoyama landscape that can be described as a typical Japanese scene. It is a magnificent house overlooking the surrounding area.
I was fascinated by its impressive appearance and approached the house as if I was being guided, and asked the owner to tell me about the history of the house. This was my first encounter with the Kataoka Family Residence.
This year’s NHK historical drama, “What to do, Ieyasu,” portrays Honda Tadakatsu (actor: Yamada Hiroki), who is considered one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Tokugawa, in a rather samurai-like, yankee-like manner. He is quite violent, throwing a spear at Ieyasu when Ieyasu tries to escape in a tight situation. There is an anecdote that even Takeda Shingen, an enemy general, thought he was a brilliant man. Ieyasu had two great qualities: the head of his helmet and Honda Heihachi (Tadakatsu),” is the phrase used by Ieyasu. The descendants of the Tadakatsu family had a fiefdom in Yamatokoriyama, which was an important part of the Tokugawa control of the Kinai region. The Kataoka family was the headman of the Koriyama clan. The lord of the Koriyama clan, the Kataoka family, had a room for the lord of the Honda family at the far end of the house from the entrance and at the most “elevated” position in the house. The layout of the house seems to be a kind of castle-like. It is a nationally designated important cultural property.
We were guided by Mr. Hikozaemon, the head of the Kataoka family. The family name has been handed down from generation to generation, and the family’s lineage is very similar to that of the samurai families of the Edo period. The Kataoka family served as the village headman of Tahara village for almost the entire modern period.
The Kataoka family has an abundance of village documents related to the surrounding Tahara village, numbering more than 13,000 items, mostly early modern documents. Historical documents related to the Kataoka family residence have also survived well, and in the area of fuchin-related documents, there is the “Tono-sama Goten Gosho Fuchincho” (1669) and the “Zashiki Fuchincho” (1671). The former is a document related to the fuchin of the guest room section of the main building, and the latter is a document related to the fuchin of the living room section, and an ink inscription of Kanbun 10 (1670) can be seen on the wooden hammer used at the time of the ridgepole raising. Taking this history into consideration, the house has at least 350 years of history stamped on it. While the landscape of Hokkaido was completely unexploited and almost unchanged from prehistoric times, houses with this appearance continued to exist in Yamato Province.
I was struck by the vast gap in historical time, and was deeply impressed by the fact that this type of house culture has continued to the present day and is at the core of the housing culture of the Honshu region and southward. I realized that social culture, such as a sense of social status and class, takes precedence over the comfort factors of thermal insulation and airtightness. To be continued in the coming days.





English version⬇

My Family’s Weekend Shopping Trip “Looking for Fish
The spring-like weather lured us from Sapporo to the tip of the Shakotan Peninsula for a drive in search of fish. We encountered fish while looking at the sea that foretold of a gentle spring. The fish…

Last week I made sushi for the first time in a while, so I am completely hooked on fish (laughs). So yesterday I went out for the first time in a while and went from Sapporo to the tip of Shakotan. I went to a retail store of the Higashi Shakotan Fisheries Cooperative Association and a certain fish shop in Yoichi. At the Higashi Shakotan Fisheries Cooperative, we mainly explored for shellfish. Yesterday I bought a frozen pack of “matsubu” or scallops. Since they are peeled from the shell, you can enjoy them deliciously by thawing and knife processing. Matsubu has a unique crunchy texture and a local flavor typical of Hokkaido. I think it is a typical taste in Shakotan.
In the photo above, a flatfish purchased at a fish shop in Yoichi is being processed.
It is what is called “sampai ni orareru” (cut into three pieces) with a knife. It is instructive to learn how a fishmonger who is familiar with the process of grating fish. I can’t take my eyes off the process, which further reveals the beauty of the beautiful seasonal flatfish. Yes, men must have a strong yearning for beauty. When the thin body of the flounder is further stripped down to three pieces, exposing its white body, you can’t help but let out a squeal of delight. I can’t get enough of the thrill (laughs).
Since people have come to live on the Japanese archipelago, this land surrounded by the sea on all sides has coexisted with fish from the surrounding waters. As a mountainous archipelago with rich forests, plant nutrients from these forests flow into the surrounding seas as rainwater, and fish have been attracted by the richness of these waters and have continued to cultivate their “umami” taste. As one of the world’s leading maritime nations, Japanese people have been sustaining their lives for more than 30,000 years on this rich fish resource. I believe that we have been bewitched by the variety of tastes more than land animals.
I am honestly moved when I see these fish being processed. It is as if a kind of reverence for life is being stirred up in me.

We also had the opportunity to visit a variety of fish products at a common market in Sapporo. A market close to our house, run by a fishmonger in the central market. The fish caught around Hokkaido at this time of the year are all very impressive in their own way. Below are some of the unique forms of common fish caught in the waters around Hokkaido.
The beauty of the coloration of the kinki fish’s body is a sight to behold. Its eyes, on the other hand, are cartoonishly fainting. Herring is also eaten raw as sashimi if you like. By cutting the bones into small pieces, it can be eaten as sashimi. I have had the experience of eating it myself, but I do not have the confidence to carefully cut the small bones by myself. The “Yanaginomai” is listed on the tag as being landed in Wakkanai, northern Hokkaido. Yanaginomai is a member of the family Mevalidae, and is caught in large numbers mainly in Hokkaido. It is sold as a reasonably priced side dish fish because it does not lose its freshness as quickly as other mebaru species. Although the price is very low for a “mebaru” fish, it is quite tasty when boiled or grilled, making it an excellent cost-effective fish.

So, the flatfish, matsubu and scallops have been stored in our refrigerator and will gradually grace our dining table this week. As a chef, I would like to enjoy cooking them with a knife.

【江戸っ子以来の文化「共通化」 下町長屋探訪-7】



English version⬇

The “Commonization” of Culture Since the Edo Period: Exploring the Shitamachi Row Houses-7
A chronicle of downtown culture. The first period was a time of “commonality” and acceptance of strangers. The Edo culture was vigorously developed by the common Nipponization of the people. The Edo culture was full of “common-ness” and acceptance of strangers.

The illustrations are from the exhibition panels at the Shitamachi Folk Museum. The illustrations show how the four seasons were sublimated into a shared lifestyle and culture in a region with a mild climate, where immigrants had gathered from all over the country.
To this perception of the four seasons in the Edo and Kanto regions, Hokkaido, for example, has added the latest seasonal calendar accepted by the Japanese people as a whole, the Sapporo Snow Festival, the last day of which is today. Unlike the sense of humidity in the Tohoku and Sea of Japan regions, I think there is a sense of openness there, like a dry, snowy climate with a comparatively low sense of humidity. Perhaps it has something in common with the Kanto-like low humidity of Tokyo’s Edokko temperament.
I was born and raised in Hokkaido. I experienced life in Tokyo at university, found a job in Tokyo, was transferred to Sapporo, and later became independent. In terms of life time, I have lived in Tokyo (living in Kanagawa and Tokyo) for a total of about 10 years. I have a sense of temporal continuity in my subjective consciousness, as I have had various ongoing relationships with Tokyo in my professional life. There is a perception that the “nearest other region” in Hokkaido is not Aomori but Tokyo. Aomori is “farther away” from Sapporo than Tokyo, even by air, due to the time constraints.
The general understanding is that this is inevitable because Tokyo is the center of the transportation system and the capital, and Hokkaido is remote. However, I have noticed that there are many similarities in the human temperament and in the process of its formation.

I use the Hokkaido dialect in Tokyo quite commonly, even in Kotoba. Well, anywhere in Japan (laughs). I am not ashamed of it. The Hokkaido dialect was formed by a mixture of immigrants from all over Japan, and in that sense, it is based on a kind of “commonality” rather than regionality, which I think is a subtle blend of the cold-weather culture of empathy. The spoken language of the Edo period was also formed by immigrants from all over the country, who added the element of transmission of a sense of local climate and customs to it. And it is a fact that such “common language” became the predominant cultural foundation in Japanese society after the Meiji period. So I don’t think there is any particular reason to be “shy” about it. Well, it seems to me that the orientation of wanting to embarrass is just a culturally conservative group, people who want to be in the mainstream, wanting to look up to the remote people for the reason of wanting to assert their sense of superiority.
I think that the national standardization of housing performance, such as insulation and airtightness, will continue to progress, but I think that this is also good basic standardization. When considering housing, an area where life culture is condensed in a sense, I think that people today should pay more attention to the way of looking at life culture that was created by the Edokko and Dosanko.

【道産子に先行のニッポン新人類「江戸っ子」 下町長屋探訪-6】


English version⬇

The New Japanese “Edokko”, the Newcomers of Japan, Preceded by Michi-Sanshi: Exploration of the Shitamachi Row Houses – 6
Living in a tenement house, they accept and digest what they see as strange and different. A leading example of the “Michisanko” spirit. Nippon newcomers. The newcomers of Nippon.

The concepts of city planning and town planning have been expressed in the historical process since the Heijo-kyo Capital, which was the first full-scale construction of a capital city in Japan. In Hokkaido, where I live, the streetscape of Sapporo was built as the last example of urban construction in Japan. I have a physical sense of this.
In the early period, the construction of the royal capital was diplomacy in the sense of building diplomatic relations with the Chinese state, and the construction of the state system itself. People began to gather and live in the capital, and various “cultures” were born. The central state was established through a “unification process” based on the myth of Yamatotakeru, and the concept of a “shin-governed state” was established as the ideological foundation for the development of the Japanese state.
In the early modern period, the great metropolis of Edo was established in the Kanto region. This metropolitan plan is probably one of the most successful in the world in terms of the construction of capital cities. It gave birth to an interesting culture of the common people and even the culture of the Edo children, which was different from that of Heijo-kyo, Heian-kyo, and other capital cities, or Sakai and other commercial cities. The above figure shows Kan’eiji Temple in Ueno and the surrounding “Shitamachi” (downtown) area. In reality, it seems to have nurtured a people-oriented lifestyle and culture. The foundation of this culture is “Shitamachi culture.
The Taito City Shitamachi Museum of Folklore and Culture provides the following summary explanation of downtown Edo.
As the center of the common people’s life, Shitamachi has flourished since the establishment of the shogunate in Edo until today. Edo was a samurai-centered city with Edo Castle as its center, 60% of the land belonging to samurai families, 20% to temples and shrines, and 20% to townspeople, but it was also a consumer city with a concentration of goods from all over the country via highways and sea routes. As a result, merchants and craftsmen gathered from all over the country and became Edo merchants.
Edo merchants set up store along the highways and main streets. These people from all over the country made the city of Edo prosperous. The majority of them lived in “back-alley” tenements, and they did not forget to accept and digest the stranger and the stranger in their daily lives. The second and third generations eventually came to be known as “Edokko. (The second and third generations eventually came to be called “Edokko” (probably because it must have sounded like a rare racial name in the early days). ) These “Edokko” continued to be the main characters of the downtown area from the mid-Edo period onward. The “kido” or “door” of a tenement house in downtown Tokyo.
Various “signboards” are attached to the “kido” arcades of downtown tenements. From a dubious store such as “Prayer – Takamagahara no Noshin,” to a scholarly store called “Sungakusha Foryo,” to a store offering shakuhachi instruction and moxibustion, etc., there are a variety of signs. On the other hand, there is a sexy lady going to a bathhouse (laugh), and the scene is truly bustling with a variety of human activities.
In Hokkaido, too, a unique society and human culture emerged as a result of immigrants from all over the country, and this downtown Edo culture may have been a precedent for the Japanese people.

【江戸庶民生活のリアリティ 下町長屋探訪-5】



English version⬇

The Reality of Edo Folk Life: Exploring the Shitamachi Row Houses-5
The way to futuristically enrich the local environment may be a soft sense of value like “downtown humanity. A downtown community with an expanded area. …

I believe that I have been exploring residential environments and people’s lifestyles for a long time in my work. In the past year, I have transferred the position of editor-in-chief to a junior staff member in the normal course of business. However, it will continue to be in my mind as a theme for the rest of my life. The scientific exploration of modern living, the comfort of home, and the search for the evolution of living styles will undoubtedly remain the main theme.
On the other hand, as we age, we are gradually becoming more oriented toward the imagination of what is to come. I am deeply intrigued to realize that the “lifestyle culture” accumulated by people in the past is there at the core of the modern and future human way of living, and its strong influence constitutes the base of house building. I believe that such an original consciousness exists in exploring old private houses.
The way of life of “downtown row houses” in Tokyo of Edo origin that we have been seeing for some time now. I would like to confirm the Edo period conditions along with the exhibition at the Taito City Museum of Shitamachi Customs and Folklore. If I were to travel back in time and be born in the Edo period, and if I were to make my family business of media about living environments, as I do today, I am sure that I would have a keen interest in this basic urban dwelling called the “Shitamachi Nagaya”.
Because of this interest, I was strongly attracted to the painted panel representation of the Edo period. The following is a quote from the exhibition panel description.
Most of the townspeople in Edo lived in back row houses. When you passed through the wooden door facing the street, there was an alley, and the back row houses were lined up in rows of eaves. 〜˜The alley is a shared passageway for the tenement residents. Because of the narrow living environment, the alleys were used for many purposes, including peddler’s markets, children’s playgrounds, cool evenings in the summer with a performance, and squares for well-meetings.”

The row houses were one-story structures with a living area of about 3 tsubo to 5 tsubo, or 9 shaku 2 ken, as they were called. Entering the entrance to the winch, there was a four-and-a-half or six-mat room, with a sliding smoke outlet window above the winch and a water bottle in the sink.”
No, the mother of the modern way of life exists in real life. It is obvious that the elements essential for human life have been compactly put together, and the functions have been established without excesses or deficiencies. The smallness of the house was complemented by the unique “downtown humanity,” so to speak, creating a human environment of collective knowledge.
Although the main focus of today’s housing environment creation is on housing performance, I believe that in Hokkaido, where the region has become almost completely insulated, there is a growing sense of the value of a comprehensive future human environment based on the wisdom of such a “social environment. In Hokkaido, at least in terms of awareness, this is probably the case. If we think of a more comfortable social environment, the area of downtown humanity is a huge treasure house.
There is much to be learned from the essence of the common people’s way of life that originated in the Edo period.




English version⬇

Sapporo, where the winter solstice is not the winter solstice, but the “snow solstice”.
Tourists from all over the world are coming to Sapporo for the Snow Festival. Winter is over and spring is far away. The surface of the water with only eyeballs is active under the snow mountain. Winter is here…

For a while now, I have been busy with many pending matters at work, and the heavy snowfall has meant that I have had very few opportunities to go out for walks, while the snow removal work every morning has been almost physically exhausting. My muscles are also getting tired from the snow removal, and my body is screaming for a massage every now and then.
My house is located in the mountain side of western Sapporo, and as you can see in this photo, the Hassamu River is in the vicinity, allowing me to enjoy the changes of the seasons from the surrounding area. The photo was taken early in the morning of February 6, when I went for a walk for the first time in a while, since there was a lull in work and snow removal. The temperature at 6:00 a.m. was about minus 10 degrees Celsius. The temperature was about the same as normal. On the other hand, the amount of snowfall (in Nishi Ward, Sapporo) as of 2/7/2010 was 345 cm, 342 cm above normal, and the snow depth was 80 cm, 75 cm above normal, which is also about the same as normal. In a normal year, the snow depth maintains almost this level for less than a month before melting. In this sense, Sapporo’s seasonality should be described not as the winter solstice but as the “snow solstice. So the “Snow Festival” is also held at this time of year. This year, after the festival was finally cancelled due to infectious diseases, realistic snow sculptures have been created, and tourists from Europe and the United States have been seen. On weekends, we are able to interact with Westerners at hot springs and other places. I am grateful for the wisdom of our ancestors who created such opportunities for international exchange.
The top photo is a view from the green space surrounding Hassamu River to the southwest, looking toward Mt. This is the view from the side of the old Route 5 road around our house, where the field of view suddenly opens up. This is the moment when a Sapporo person turns into a Hokkaido person (laughs). One of my regular walks in the seasons other than winter is up and down this surrounding green space, but since it is a winter road, I tend to go too far. But nature never forgets to inform us of the majestic workings of the seasons. A feast for the eyes and mind.

On the other hand, the second and third Google maps and photos show the concrete “terraced waterfall” from the pedestrian bridge across the Hassamu River, but the surface of the water is completely covered with snow as if it is the peak season for snow, and only a small portion is visible like an eyeball. In terms of direction, the map is north on the side at hand and south at the top. Human senses are strange things, and when I see such a scene, I react as if to say, “Oh, winter will soon be over. Of course, there will probably be a few more snowstorms in the future (laughs), but I feel that the switch to change seasons has definitely been activated.
Various projects are steadily underway this year. I would like to spend my time in an unhurried manner while interacting with the snow to prepare for the coming start of spring.

【久しぶりの「にぎり寿司」 買い物と手づくり満喫】



English version⬇

Nigiri-zushi” after a long absence Enjoy shopping and making by hand
A reunion with delightful fish and shellfish such as sockeye salmon roe, inshore squid, and fresh hokki. The best part of being a Hokkaido native is being able to buy, process, and enjoy them. …

Last Sunday, my family gathered for a celebratory “Nigiri-zushi” party. My family wanted to eat my father’s Nigiri for the first time in a long time, and I was so happy to hear their request. Oh, my gosh, I am so happy.
So we went to the Sapporo Central Market early Saturday morning to stock up on various kinds of seafood. We processed them and enjoyed a holiday full of nigiri. The Sapporo Central Market is surrounded by the sea on all sides and is a place where seafood from the cooler waters of Hokkaido is gathered. The market is a veritable cornucopia of fresh fish and shellfish. I grew up in a food manufacturing family, so the central market is my favorite place to immerse myself in the atmosphere. Sometimes I take visitors from Honshu to the market and they are amazed at the freshness and freshness of the seafood. The power of the real thing is overwhelming. It is delicious and has a cute shape. It is a very exciting experience for me, as it stirs up my inner animal instincts.
Last Saturday, I was able to buy a pack of salmon roe, which is one of my wife’s favorite foods. I used 10-20% of the salmon roe to make a 12-can bag, as you can see in the picture at the top. I think I made about 20 pieces of salmon roe in total, since my wife started chewing on the salmon roe from the end of the pack. I want to freeze the rest and enjoy it slowly.
We also bought squid for the first time in a while. I heard that the catch has been drastically decreasing in the seas around Hokkaido recently, but I bought a large, thick-looking one. I made a lot of “back knives” to make it easier to eat. The squid flavor spread in my mouth. The squid is so rich and hearty that you can fully enjoy it. Moreover, the squid was so smooth that it did not stick in the throat, and the texture of the original northern style was enjoyed as it eventually settled in the stomach.
The shrimp was prepared in a creative way, leaving some of the coloring on the shrimp. It is a real pleasure to be able to say, “Oh, it’s so beautiful,” when you see how the shrimp is handled with a knife. In the center of the nigiri photo below is a raw hokki. I also defrosted frozen hokki (see photo below), but the fresh hokki is so soft that it seems to melt in your mouth, giving it an exquisite texture.

Tuna is also famous in the Tsugaru Straits fishing area called Oma, but these days it seems that a lot of tuna is landed in various parts of Hokkaido. At the central market, you will see a lot of frozen tuna, though not as many as at Tsukiji, lying around and eventually being processed in a big heap.
Before the infection, I used to serve the “President’s Dining Room” to the company staff with a total of over 300 pieces of tuna at one time, but this time, in addition to the tuna in this picture, I also grabbed about 100 pieces, for a total of about 200 pieces. Each family member had plenty to take home. Since it had been a while since I had nigiri, I thought I had made less rice myself, but my impression was “Oh, it’s huge” (laugh). I was able to reconfirm how my body felt and how well I was doing, so I would like to gradually explore opportunities to make nigirizushi.

【母娘2人暮らしの機能性空間 下町長屋の「空間密度」-4】




English version⬇

Functional space for a mother and daughter living together “Density of space” in a downtown row house-4
One room that is both a living room and a bedroom. It is ultimately eco-friendly by using it as a three-dimensional space. However, it is limited in its ability to cope with the cold in winter. Is this a culture of endurance? The culture of endurance.

This blog entry has been in the NEWS section for two days. Today, the blog returns to the exploration of housing. This is a continuation of the series of exploration of tenement houses in downtown Tokyo that has continued since the Edo period.
 The photo above shows a tenement house in downtown Tokyo in the Taisho era, before the Great Kanto Earthquake. An elderly mother and her daughter live in a tenement house with a 4.5-mat Japanese-style room that serves as both living room and bedroom, and where they conduct all of their daily activities. In the middle of the room is a storable dining table called a “chabudai. The experience of using a chabudai as a piece of furniture must be limited to the elderly nowadays. Usually, the chabudai functioned as a dining table during meals, and after use, the legs were folded and the chabudai was stored as a round piece of furniture at the end of the room, and when a futon was laid out in the center of the room, it quickly became a bedroom space.
With the chabudai as the centerpiece, multifunctional furniture helped optimize the use of space. In particular, the “step stool” is the most useful device for utilizing high places. Even in a small space, you were able to double or triple the use of valuable space by utilizing it three-dimensionally. Holes were drilled in the sides for easy access, and it was also used as a trash bin. The ingenuity of the multi-purpose utilization is astonishingly brilliant. Is it the wisdom of the common people’s lifestyle that is part of the Japanese DNA?

 In addition, the main storage area, a closet, houses important heat source utilization products. The charcoal iron is a distinctive feature, but the wisdom of effective use of energy is condensed in everything, including the hot-water bottle. The ultimate ecological wisdom is expressed in the tenement life since the Edo period.
In the climate up to the Kanto region, could we manage to get by if we “gaman” with energy defense measures in this kind of lifestyle? Japan’s thermal-environmental response measures remained at this kind of common people’s wisdom stage.
When the development and colonization of Hokkaido became an indispensable task for a modern nation, fundamental “innovation in housing itself” began to be pursued, but basically, the cold regions had to make a breakthrough on their own. I saw it as a kind of monumental tool of the people.

Now, about the NEWS section up to yesterday. Hokkaido’s housing policies have been pointed out as a leader in Japan’s overall housing industry, and as a regional media outlet, we are aware of the social function of working with these trends as an indispensable part of our public relations activities as a regional media outlet.
As for the coverage of unique local housing that broadens the scope of living, Replan’s housing was featured in the nationally broadcast “Floor Plan Mystery” (Yomiuri TV) on February 2, as reported in yesterday’s article, and was awarded the “Floor Plan Grand Prize” in the program. Our company’s name was listed in the ending of the program as a “cooperating company” for the interview. We would like to thank those who saw our blog yesterday and immediately checked the broadcast & sent us their impressions.
 If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it on TVer, the official TV streaming service of commercial broadcasters, until February 9.
Link∶Floor Plan Mystery

【NEWS 2/2 読売テレビ全国放送住宅特番にReplanが協力】

今回無事に2月2日午後9時から午後11時まで放送されました。内容は以下番組HPより要旨抜粋。「『見取り図の間取り図ミステリー』 家の間取り図、それはどんな人にとっても身近で気になる存在。しかし世の中には一見しただけではよくわからない“不思議な間取り図”が存在することを、あなたはご存じでしょうか?
家主は、いったいなぜこんな間取りの家を建てたのか?調査を進めると、そこで一緒に暮らしている家族への想いがたくさん詰まっていた!!笑いあり!涙あり!不思議な間取りを通じて知る、色んな家族の在り方やその温かさにも、ぜひご注目下さい!! 」〜https://www.ytv.co.jp/floorplan_mystery/〜


English version⬇

NEWS 2/2 Replan cooperates in Yomiuri Television’s nationally broadcast housing special program.
We had refrained from giving advance notice of the program in a quiz-style program called “Floor Plan Mystery of the Floor Plan. After the broadcast, the architectural side sent us an inspiring e-mail. …

Another news item today. A house featured in our magazine Replan was featured in the third installment of “Floor Plan Mystery”, a housing-related special program broadcast nationwide by Yomiuri Television, a Nittele affiliate in the Kansai region, in a program with a quiz structure. Since the content of the program was a quiz program, we were not allowed to “spoil” the program in advance, and also because of copyright issues regarding the content of the program, we refrained from informing the audience in advance.
The program was successfully aired on February 2 from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.. The following is an excerpt from the program’s website. The program was broadcast from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on February 2, and the contents are as follows However, do you know that there are “mysterious floor plans” in the world that cannot be understood at first glance?
In this program, the MC’s floor plans and guests will reveal the “mysteries” of these “mysterious floor plans” in a quiz format. In the program, floor plans with “mysteries” that have never been seen or heard of appear one after another. When we go to the site and actually investigate, we find surprising answers hidden in the floor plans!
Why in the world did the homeowner build a house with such a layout? As the investigation progresses, we find that the house is filled with thoughts and feelings for the family that lives there! There is laughter! Tears! Please pay attention to the many different ways of being a family and the warmth of the family that you will learn about through the mysterious layout! https://www.ytv.co.jp/floorplan_mystery/~

In this issue, the houses featured in the Fall 2009 issue were introduced as “Surfing is a Way of Building Houses”. Although this was an opportunity for publicity on national television, we were gagged by the aforementioned program’s intent. Therefore, we were not able to introduce the program, saying, “Please watch it” (tears). I had made various arrangements as an intermediary for information, but I am relieved that the broadcast was completed without incident. Thanks to your help, the message “Replan, a housing magazine,” was printed in the “cooperation for coverage” information at the end of the program.
The designers of the houses featured in the program sent us tearful emails about how their children had grown up so well since the construction of the new house, and the entire staff was in a state of weeping (laugh). (Laughter). We were reminded once again that building a house is a life drama filled with joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness in many ways for everyone involved in the process. I believe that the articles that we wrote while digging into this part of the story must have been conveyed to the broadcast production staff and led to this opportunity, and it gave Replan strong motivation to continue the search for a good house.