


English version⬇

The “change of situation” is the result of various ties of fate.
Yesterday, the day after the holiday weekend, was a nationwide “restart work” day. Individual companies also received information about the restart of various work projects. We are thankful for the deep connections that we have made. Thank you for the deep connection.

 Yesterday, after a long holiday weekend, I got back into work mode.
 Although I have retired from a job that I had been doing for a long time, I have been working on several projects since then. Those projects are now back on track. Yesterday, I was able to handle all the projects that were due at once. It seems that the subconscious mind of “work day” is so strong that during the vacations, people tend to stretch things out and say, “Oh well, I’ll just get on with it. It is not that I can work if I have enough time, but it is what I do.
 I received an urgent call from the person who is working on the other matter that I am involved in, informing me that the vice president of a large company had completed the approval process. I was aware of how difficult it is to move things along in discussions with a “large company,” but to my surprise, things moved forward within a few months after we started working on the project in earnest. However, as a small private company, all we could do was to “communicate” with our counterparts who could look us in the eye and talk with us, as well as with the general employees of the company. Well, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but in less than half a year, the situation has changed due to the accumulation of various coincidences. I am grateful for that.
 I guess it is the hidden efforts and “thoughts” of many people that bring things to fruition as fate. The word “karma” is deeply felt.
 I am still reluctant to write my actual name and facts about my work (laugh). However, I think that yesterday was a peculiar “work day. It was a day like a node, so to speak, where the summer vacation of the Japanese society as a whole ended and the whole society restarted.
 The photo is of San-dan Falls, which we stopped by on the way back from our recent drive to the Sumio Goto Museum of Art in Kamifurano. This is a scenic spot in Ashibetsu City in central Hokkaido. The falls are located near the headwaters of the Ashibetsu River, a tributary of the Ishikari River. I see that the hard bedrock has been shifted up and down by crustal movement, causing the riverbed to form a staircase, and composing a large waterfall with a 10-meter drop and a width of 7 meters.
 The magnificence of the natural formations unfolds in the midst of the wilderness. This is one of my favorite spots. At this time of year, people in the Honshu area are probably exposed to the severe lingering summer heat, so I hope you can enjoy even a slight feeling of coolness from the screen. I have also taken some cool “videos” but have forgotten how to upload them, so if I remember, I will add a link to them later. I will add the link later if I remember.




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