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The mental image of “Kacho Fugetsu” and the way of dealing with religion
As I age, I am drawn more and more to the “mercy of things” sentiment. The four seasons show us their diverse expressions from year to year. The Obon vacation is over, and I’m back on track. … .

 The photo shows a statue of a bodhisattva standing in the precincts of a family temple where I was paying a visit the other day. I did not confirm the name or the origin of the statue. I happened to take a picture of it, and when I checked it on my computer screen later, to my surprise, a faint mist was rising in the air, which appeared in the picture. It was a divine atmosphere. The Bodai-ji temple is backed by a mountain, and although I have never been there, I have heard that there are 88 places of worship. I am happy that the “spirit” of the mountain may have been reflected in the image.
 As is typical, as one ages, one’s mind naturally turns to things like “mental landscapes. We are forced to face our health and life expectancy, and this is a natural part of human nature.
 The Japanese archipelago has four distinct seasons, and I believe that this seasonal change has long been the backbone of the “Kacho Fugetsu” (flower, bird, wind, and moon) mentality of the Japanese people. In particular, the cold climate of Hokkaido has added a deeper sense of shade to the Japanese view of the natural environment.
 The Japanese-style paintings of Sumio Goto that I saw the other day seem to me to express, as mental landscapes, the expansion and extension of the Japanese people’s sense of “Kacho Fugetsu” (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). The form of expression itself, Japanese-style painting, conveys the Japanese view of “nature” in an easy-to-understand manner.
 The Japanese view of “nature” is conveyed in a way that is easy to understand. I believe that the Japanese people are deeply moved by the lineage of such expressions and the spirituality that has been handed down from generation to generation.
 Mono no aware (mercy of things), a core area of Japanese spirituality, is a worldview that is commonly shared by Kacho Fugetsu (flowers, birds, winds, and the moon). The Japanese have naturally acquired the philosophy of the impermanence of all things through the changes of the four seasons. The distinct changes of the four seasons have formed the framework of the lifestyle traditions of the Jomon society. This is probably the basis of the Shinto worldview, in which 8 million deities are worshipped. In contrast, Buddhism, a world religion, was introduced to Japan, but unlike in other countries, in the Japanese archipelago the two have functioned in a non-confrontational manner, as if they were the base and the surface of the world. It seems to me that a sense of “the bottom line,” like “honne” and “tatemae,” has emerged strongly in the Japanese people. In a society where cartoon expressions such as “Birds and Beasts Caricatures” have continued to exist as treasures of Kozan-ji Temple, a Buddhist temple that is a world religion.
 Oops, my Bon vacation ended yesterday (laugh). This is the “summary” of the vacation.
 Today, I will start my new duties again, dealing with the remaining issues. I will try to handle it as quickly and efficiently as possible.




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