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Hokkaido continues to be hot. Flowers that soothe the battered body.
Under high temperatures close to my body temperature, I have to be careful with exercise. I’m doing well on my planned diet, but I’m taking it easy with walking and other activities. …….

 Yesterday I wrote about the thermometer displaying “37 degrees Celsius,” but it seems that this summer has made Hokkaido as hot as Honshu (mainland Japan). Despite these temperatures, I have been taking my morning walk, which is more than 8,000 steps every day.
 My weight has been decreasing rapidly over the past three months since May, thanks to the exercise load from my continuous walks and the vegetable-based diet that my wife has devised for me, but the high temperatures seem to have dampened my motivation.
 However, when I walk outside, I find that Hokkaido is now filled with many flowers and blossoms. Many flowers, whose names I don’t even know, are pleasing to my eyes on the roadside.

 The last “flower” is a scene of “Ouba lily” after the petals have fallen off. It seems to be a process of producing seeds for the next generation, but there is a different sense of beauty from the flowers that is pleasing to the eye. Each individual seems to have a different number of these seeds. The Oubayuri that can be seen on the walkway are almost always in this process.
 Although humans are feeling a bit battered by the high temperatures, it seems as if we are being cheered on by the sight of flowers and plants that we do not usually see blooming profusely. Or perhaps it is because the heat makes it hard for me to root around and walk, and my eyes end up playing here and there.
 Well, I will do my best this week, as I have some things to process before my business trip to Tokyo later this week. Also, I really have a lot of “housing coverage” stock, but due to various restrictions on writing on this blog, I have not been able to publish my coverage. I would like to write on my original theme by unraveling the restrictions little by little, because I believe that my original theme is “housing and human beings.
 I will try to restore it from tomorrow onward. Thank you very much.




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