



English version⬇

Noriko Takata Exhibition at Otaru Museum of Art
Painting and life. The clown painting I bought from a street artist in Paris has accompanied me throughout my life. The picture of my daughter that Ms. Takata painted for me will stay with me until my grave, I think (laughs).

Noriko Takata, a painter, worked as a helper for me when I first started publishing Replan, a housing magazine, which was run by a couple. Later, she established her own production studio, Albireo Kobo, and became independent.
 We had a few strange encounters with her, and when we heard that she was holding a solo exhibition, which we will introduce in our long-ago disappearance, we went to Otaru to enjoy the reunion with her and her husband. Although she had been working for us, I myself was immersed in setting up my own business and knew nothing about her at all (laugh). (Laughs.) I also learned for the first time that her father was an oil painter with a slightly abstract style. So, although I don’t have enough knowledge to introduce her to you, I would like to let you know.
 I received a flyer as a picture, so I am posting it as it is.

 In fact, my husband and I have also asked Mr. Takata to paint two pictures of our daughter. They are always in my bedroom, lulling me to sleep. The “children” softly expressed by Mr. Katata’s touch is really deeply sedimented. Although her touch is gentle, the way she receives the expression on her face is deeply maternal.
 When I went to Europe in my youth, I bought a painting by an unsuccessful artist on a street corner in Paris. I was worried about packing it in my travel bag because it was an oil painting, but he offered to send it to me by international mail. Now that I think about it, it is a bit strange how a Frenchman who did not speak much English could have received that payment and postage from a Japanese boy on the far side of the Orient and sent the painting to me, but anyway, I was really impressed by the painting that was mailed to me somewhat after I returned home.
 Since then, wherever I have moved, this clown picture has always been with me, so I think the life lessons I learned as a boy have lived on.
 I myself have a few sentiments toward painting, and I am sure that the encounter between a painting and a human being is something like that kind of “destiny. It is fortuitous if they are close to me, and if they cannot accompany me, it is also “predestined”.
 In this context, Mr. Katata’s paintings have accompanied me for a long time. I am deeply healed by his touch. This exhibition is open until July 28th, and I highly recommend you to visit.



English version⬇

The Sustainability of the Japanese Interior “Tokono-ma” (alcove)
As a function, it can be said to be a device for passing on “family status,” but it has disappeared from modern houses. Was it replaced by the TV? The trend is for it to be replaced by the Internet. The trend is for it to be replaced by the web.

In my recent article, “The House Rented by Takeo Arishima: A Luxury Rental House in an Apple Field on the Right Bank of the Toyohira River,” I reported on the state of rental housing in Sapporo at the end of the Meiji era (late 1868).
 In those days when people lived in the cold region of Hokkaido, which was positioned as a frontier of the Japanese people, the interior design elements of the rental housing included two alcoves on the first floor and an alcove on the second floor, which I have not yet introduced.
 And even Arishima, a leading intellectual of the time and a progressive who had the opportunity to study in Europe and the U.S., chose a house with this kind of interior design as his housing choice.
 In Hokkaido today, the presence of Japanese-style rooms in houses has become a minority, and we are reminded of the difference in “housing common sense” from 110 years ago. Among rental houses, the fact that a luxury rental house in a lush apple orchard with an alcove was a decisive and easily recognizable element in expressing the “luxury” of the house had a powerful message.
 Well, people my age and older subconsciously accept this kind of tokonoma interior as a “prestigious expression” of the house, but I must admit that I have serious doubts about the sustainability of such a perception.
 In fact, we did not even envision such a space in our house from the beginning.
 In contemporary housing, especially in Hokkaido, this kind of interior design orientation is probably rare. However, this kind of spatiality is a cultural tradition in the realm of Japanese sensitivity.
 The “hanging scrolls” hanging in the space express the owner’s hobbies and lifestyle and convey a cultural message, and have always been a space that “stretches the spine” of the Japanese people. It was a cultural device that most symbolically “conveyed” the Japanese sense of “home. What will become of such a spiritual realm in the future? Personally, I think that TV receivers have replaced tokonoma-like devices like this.
 Normally, one would think that this kind of culture would decline as people focus on functionality alone, but it is hard to believe that this folk cultural tradition will disappear so easily. However, it is hard to believe that this folk cultural tradition will disappear so easily, and it may be an interesting area of development from the perspective of housing marketing to consider what, if anything, will remain.



English version⬇

The “cry” of the Siberian lily, the branching of the flower buds.
The moment when the flower buds, which have matured in a voluminous and voluptuous manner, slowly lie down under their own weight. The beauty of the flower buds radiating in various directions. ・・・・・・・.

The Tokyo gubernatorial election has been a hot topic in the news reports. For the other 90% of Japanese, the election is an election for the heads of other local governments, a topic that has nothing to do with their lives for the time being.
 Since the election format is similar to that of a presidential election, it is a kind of theatrical election that differs from Japan’s representative democracy, and this may be why they are so interested in it. As a result, the candidate, Mr. Ishimaru, had a lot of exposure. He seemed to have strong support from the younger generation, but in interviews and other interviews, I sensed some doubt about his communication skills. In his interactions with the mass media, he was often critical of the Japanese press, and while it is understandable that this aspect of his behavior is “popular” among the younger generation, I had the impression that he did not seem to have the attitude to answer various questions in a serious manner. I am sure this will attract more attention in the world of politics in the future, but now what?
 It has been a very cold and humid early summer here in Sapporo, far from the extremely hot summer we have been experiencing in other parts of Japan.
 I suspect it is the “Ezo Rainy Season. We have not seen a clear blue sky for a while. The temperature is hovering around 23-24 degrees Celsius, and it is a little chilly to take a morning walk.
 The most enjoyable thing about this time of the year is observing the ecology of the day lilies in the photo. Every day, I can observe the ever-changing appearance of the lily of the valley. Among them, I like the one shown in the photo above the best. The moment when the flower buds, which had been growing upward with a massive, voluminous feeling, eventually show the expression of their natural lowering of their heads under their own weight. I think it is beautiful to see them drooping down as if they are ripe.
 This moment is like a “cry of life.
 It is a scene that repeats itself every year, but this kind of communion with life is becoming more and more desirable. The day before the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming, the day after the blooming. The flower buds face right side up, and then bloom. I suppose that the “sense of beauty” is more easily recognized after flowering, but for me, the state shown in this photo is the most stimulating to my sense of beauty. 



English version⬇

[At the end of the Meiji period, Takeo Arishima’s choice of residence, “Sapporo’s Bedtown”-2
Referring to the transition of Sapporo Toyohira-ku, it corresponds to the period when the population of the surrounding area increased along with the expansion of the Sapporo urban area. The first “bed town” that continues to the present day…

This is a continuation of yesterday’s report.
 The Tokyo gubernatorial election seems to have been a major topic of public interest, but the fact that the stealth “autocrat” Governor Koike was stronger than expected and that the second-place race between the Rikken Kyosan and the media critics was won by the media critics who have no organization at all is shocking. This was a bad moment for the outdated mass media. And the political public will probably continue to be interested in the Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential election. Now, let’s look at the house of Takeo Arishima.
 Takeo Arishima’s residence, where he lived as a university faculty member during his early years as a newlywed. He was the eldest son of the wealthy and financially successful Arishima family, and after graduating from Hokkaido University and studying in Europe and the United States, he moved back to Sapporo at that time in his life. Although he is the eldest son of a wealthy and financially successful family, he married the daughter of a good family recommended by his parents and started his new life as a newlywed. He is a traditional lifestyleist.
 Looking at Arishima’s housing history, we can see that after this high-class rental house, he lived just before the new house he built on a plot of land close to the current Hokkaido University, where he seems to have immersed himself in design planning. Although this house is considered to be quite unique even in the common sense of rental housing at that time, it is assumed that he learned a great deal from the improvements made to this living environment as he was planning to build a new house.
 Although the house has been relocated and is now preserved in the Hokkaido Kaitakunomura, it was originally located “in a large apple orchard on the right bank of the Toyohira River, about one township in size,” as described in Arishima’s work, “Born of a Trouble.
 My guess is that he was strongly attracted to the concept of living in a farm in a rich natural environment. At that time, the city of Sapporo was in the process of expanding its urban scale from the initial “government capital” urban plan.
 The right bank of the Toyohira River was strongly perceived as an area where the countryside spread out in contrast to the urban area of Sapporo. The historical transition of the area is as follows. (From the website of Toyohira-ku, Sapporo)
〜In 1871, many people from what is now Iwate Prefecture moved to Hiragishi and Tsukisamu. After the merger of Hiragishi, Tsukisamu, and Toyohira villages, the town was incorporated in 1908 and became Toyohira-cho. Agriculture is flourishing, especially apples have been grown mainly in Hiragishi since the Meiji Era, and “Hiragishi apples” were even exported overseas in the early Showa Era. ~.
 Arishima lived in this house from 1908 to the following year, which was right around the time when Toyohira-cho was established as a town. The area was positioned as a “bedroom town” suburban residential area of Sapporo.
 It seems to correspond to the period of the first expansion of the urban area of Sapporo.
 Looking back at the data in this way, I am interested in the replay of both Arishima’s housing selection ideas and the state of housing in Sapporo at that time. I have a feeling that my life’s work will converge in this direction (laugh).




English version⬇

110 years ago, Takeo Arishima rented a “house = prestigious” residence.
Housing equipment and specifications that expressed the social values of the time as rental housing. The departure to highly insulated and airtight housing was a value shift from prestige to an emphasis on living. ・・・・.

I am currently on a tour to explore houses where people lived in the past and get a sense of their design. As part of this tour, I had to photograph the house where the writer Takeo Arishima, who was a graduate of Hokkaido University, an English teacher at the same school, and a newlywed, used to live. The house was located in Toyohira-ku, Sapporo at the time, and is now a luxury rental house that has been moved to an old private house garden called “Hokkaido Kaitakunomura” (Hokkaido Development Village).
 The house was built in Toyohira-ku, Sapporo at that time, and was moved to the “Old Private House Garden” in the Hokkaido Kaitakushi Mura (Hokkaido Development Village), which is now a high-class rental house. Generally speaking, this house is a reflection of a house that was considered suitable for a “social celebrity” according to the sense of value of rental housing architectural design at the end of the Meiji period.
 There is no doubt that the character of the rental housing expressed the social values of the time in an easy-to-understand manner. It is thought that the sense of value and way of life of the people of that time are strongly reflected in the photos.
 Among them, these three photographs show the “main living room” of this rental house.
 Symbolically, the house has a porch and an alcove, and the alcove is doubled in the adjacent Japanese-style room. As a real estate property, it may have been thought to create a sense of conviction as a luxury property by building a massive ancestor worship device.
 The tokonoma space is an expression of the “prestige” of the master of the house in society. The addition of the veranda to the tokonoma space may have been an expression of the Japanese sense of “house = prestige” that is typical of the “inner-city” interior. To cope with the cold, a sliding glass door was installed on the outer edge of the porch to create a “boundary” with the outside.
 It was as if I could hear the real estate agent saying, “It’s too bad you can’t enjoy the garden in style, but we’re using expensive glass fittings to separate the two in consideration of the cold weather.
 Takeo Arishima, a university faculty member who had just married a woman whom his parents recommended as being suitable for the family, chose this house from the various rental houses he must have looked around. He spent the next three years or so before building a new house in Kita-ku, Sapporo, closer to his workplace.
 We do not know what selection criteria Takehiro Arishima used for this house, and we have not been able to investigate whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied with it.
 It is clear that the Japanese people of the time placed more importance on the “prestige” of the house than on its living space, and that a sense of value similar to that of “custom” was a key factor in their selection criteria. The role of residential architecture as a device for clearly communicating the “family status” of the house when guests arrived is evident.
 When a “Western-style” style was added to the house, it is assumed that it was perceived as more “open-minded” in terms of the ideology of the head of the family.
 From this type of housing culture, the essential struggle for “housing performance,” which is required in cold regions, began. I feel that this is a simple reminder of the “origins” of our society.




English version⬇

Global Environmental Change and Ikimono’s Way of Life
The global environment has changed drastically many times. Animals have survived through these changes. I hope that newspapers will not follow in the footsteps of the dinosaurs, but will look forward and aim for prosperity. Newspaper

When I wrote yesterday about the withdrawal from the business of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the leading manufacturer of rotary presses for newspapers, a great many people seemed to read my article. I believe that such a situation will occur as a matter of course, since rise and fall is a common occurrence in this world. The only choice we have is how to respond and how to survive.
 The existence of the “information industry,” as represented by newspapers, has been in a “long-term decline” since 1995, and its total sales have fallen to less than 50% of its previous level. In this context, the “magazine” industry, because of its specialized nature, is easily converted to the Web, and sales have rebounded from a period of decline and are now on a growth trend.
 However, Dentsu’s “sales by media” classification, which had served as a compass for the industry, had long classified “magazine” industry Web sales under the “Internet” category, and had been considered to be in the same difficult situation as that of newspapers. On the Web, more specialized information sources with a certain level of “credibility” can have an advantage over the existing general media information. On the other hand, the newspaper industry, which has grown too large for the information industry, is in danger of following the same trend as the dinosaurs that perished due to climate change.
 Just as in past global environmental history, smaller and more agile mammals thrived after the dinosaurs perished, so in this information industry world, the specialized media will be more responsive.
 And so, today’s image data comes from a recent visit to the “Municipal Museum” in Fukuoka, Japan. Hokkaido is positioned as the coldest large island in the Japanese archipelago, but the Kitakyushu area where Fukuoka is located is very close to the continent. Looking at a map of 20,000 years ago, the distance between Hokkaido and the Tohoku region is about the same as the distance between the two regions and the world of the Asian continent.
 We have come to love Kyushu so much on this trip that it will become an indispensable part of our life plan from now on (laugh). We are now living in a “mobile transportation environment” that has been available to us since the beginning of time, and we would like to make the most of the fact that our lives have been given to us in this era and live more positively.
 The newspaper industry is also in a difficult situation, but I believe that opportunities will be created equally if we are positive and steadily implement measures to break through. I hope that people in the newspaper industry, who are like “longtime comrades-in-arms,” will get up and get going.

【新聞輪転機事業 最大シェアの三菱重工が撤退発表】


 旅行中、ニュースも確認できなかった環境の中、6日前に非常に重要な発表があったことを知った次第。それが表題の件であります。これまでも新聞メディアの危機は言われてきましたが、その事業の骨格的な領域で、対応してきたインフラ産業側からの「撤退宣言」という事態。以下、日刊工業新聞 2024年07月01日WEBからの要旨転載。

English version⬇

MHI Announces Withdrawal from Newspaper Rotary Press Business
The situation is tantamount to the cessation of production of automobiles, the foundation of a transportation company. What kind of future will be created by the collapse of the production base? We must look at the essence of the situation and look forward to the future. Newspaper

I have been on the road for a week, and various things have been happening during that period, so I have been busy responding to them one after another. On my way home from the trip, I received an immediate response on my cell phone from the other party, which prompted me to keep a closer eye on the situation.
 It is an activity for the next generation, and it is a long-lasting thing, but that is why I think it is my role.
 There are many other projects in the pipeline, and I intend to respond to them calmly.
 During my trip, I was not able to check the news and learned that a very important announcement had been made six days earlier. That is the case of the title. The crisis of the newspaper media has been mentioned in the past, but this is a “declaration of withdrawal” from the infrastructure industry, which has been the backbone of the business and has been handling the situation. The following is an abstract reprint from the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun July 01, 2024 web.
〜MHI Machinery Systems to End Newspaper Rotary Press Production  
 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Systems (Hyogo, Kobe; President: Satoshi Kojima) has decided to terminate the manufacture of new newspaper offset presses (newspaper rotary presses). The decision was made in light of the aging of personnel involved in newspaper printing presses and the increasing difficulty in procuring parts. After-sales service will be discontinued by March 2036 at the latest, and the company will also withdraw from the newspaper printing press business. Since delivering its first newspaper printing press in 1966, the company has delivered a total of more than 670 newspaper printing presses in Japan and overseas. The manufacture of new newspaper printing presses will be terminated with the delivery of the contracted units to the customers who are currently placing orders. After-sales service, such as repair and maintenance of delivered equipment, will continue for the time being. ~.
 As someone who has spent a long time in the media business domain, I feel that we are in the midst of a complete “sea change of the times. For the newspaper industry, the fact that rotary presses are no longer viable as an industry is a matter of the utmost importance. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Systems, Inc. had a market share of over 50%, and if this is the case for a top company, it can be said to be an emergency alarm for the newspaper industry as a whole. This is almost parallel to the demand of all “newspaper companies” in Japan.
  However, the role played by the traditional print media will be reshaped, and the demand for information acquisition will certainly continue to exist. In fact, it is bound to increase. This means that tools will have to change. In this context, a new era will open up with wisdom and ingenuity.
 The “big gun” that is about to be fired could also be a great opportunity. What have we done to prepare and refine our vision for the future?




English version⬇

Tour Ends at the End of the Rainy Season – Return to Sapporo
Humans are in a daze, but the earth, atmosphere, and weather are constantly changing from day to day, moment to moment. People are kept alive in the midst of this grand drama. Punctuated sky travel scenery. …….

Yesterday, I finally finished my itinerary from Hakata to Tokyo. I returned to Sapporo after a long absence. Flying in a sea of clouds at the end of the rainy season is completely different from the usual scenery, and it gives me a slightly fantastic mood. It was an interesting experience for me, as I felt as if I was in the background of Hayao Miyazaki’s drama.
 Apparently, these days, the only choice of airplane seat is the window seat. The aging population is “window-side” as it is, and I wonder if our psychology is trying to adjust to it as well (laughs).
 I guess I am trying to adjust my psychology to it (laugh). It seems that I want to simply enjoy the sky, rather than the urgent “I want to fulfill my purpose as soon as possible” psychology of the aisle seat passengers. In fact, yesterday, the sunlight and the extremely complicated cloud sea conditions at the end of the rainy season provided us with a truly fantastic visual.
 Strange as it may seem, sometimes these changing landscapes provide us with moments to vividly replay a phase of our lives in our memories. I believe that human beings are living beings with various “time” memories. There is the time when we dreamed of the world in our youth, the time when we struggled with how to live our lives in our youth, and the time when we awaken to the joy of the moment when we look back on those moments. I live my life while recognizing these parallel times.
 At each of these milestones, in my case, there was a round-trip airplane trip between Hokkaido and other parts of Honshu. It may sound strange to say, but it seems to me that the flight time is an opportunity to replay in my memory all the things I have voluntarily chosen to do. Perhaps boarding an airplane is a punctuation mark time when there is nothing else to do.
 Now, I have a huge amount of data to process and organize from my trip to Fukuoka/Hakata and the processing of projects in Tokyo. It will probably take me at least one whole day (tears). On the other hand, there are some projects that have been progressing while I was away, and it seems that there are many things that need to be handled immediately.
 I would like to be idle, but that is not an option, so I will do my best today as well. Now, what should I do first…?

【博多を離れ東京のホテルでとんこつ麺 満喫(笑)】


English version⬇

Tonkotsu (pork bone) noodle soup in a hotel in Tokyo, away from Hakata.
Choosing a noodle store is very difficult. It’s almost like a game of chance. The recent convenience stores have a huge selection of individual meals, and their research and development is amazing. A safe choice. I’m sure it’s a safe choice.

Now that we have finally left Fukuoka Prefecture, my wife has returned to Sapporo, but I am staying in Tokyo for some business and will be returning today. It’s been a long week, and I want to get home as soon as possible. I’m probably tired, so I’ve been snacking. It’s not good.
 But when I was browsing the shelves at a convenience store, I found a seductive figure like the one in the photo.
 While I was in Hakata, I ate out for lunch mostly with udon. By the way, the udon culture area blog the other day was quite a buzz (laughs). And I had Hakata ramen only twice. One of them was on the way back to the hotel, at a restaurant I didn’t know the name of, which I found right in front of me. It was getting late at night, so I tried it here, but with the heart of a centenarian. The result…
 Well, it may be good for connoisseurs, but for travelers like us, it was a little too particular, and we were in a silent line. So we went to another long-established restaurant called Nagahamaya. This one tasted like the authentic Hakata tonkotsu ramen.
 That was the kind of experience I had, but when I moved to Tokyo, I just couldn’t resist snacking on this picture.
 I guess it was a kind of “groove” from my trip to Hakata.
 Eating between meals is strictly forbidden, but when traveling alone, meal times tend to be irregular. I find myself acting like I haven’t eaten lunch.
 I was surprised to find that the taste was much better than at the first restaurant in Hakata, although it was probably OEM by LOWSON. I have never had the food culture to eat ramen at restaurants even in Sapporo, because I have only one choice to make ramen by myself. Eating at a specialty restaurant is a kind of gambling, and you only get a “hit” once or twice out of 10 times.
 I think people are too much in the mood that if it were me, I wouldn’t make this kind of food. When you get there, this kind of OEM food is sometimes “safer”.
 Perhaps many people feel that way. My wife was trying very hard to decide whether it is better to go there or not with a travel magazine in her hand, but I think it is a little too reckless to choose and discard the taste of a restaurant. There is still a way out with Japanese or Western restaurants because you can choose from a variety of ingredients, but that is not the case with noodle specialty restaurants. The recent prosperity of “udon” chain restaurants is a reassuring sign, like the result of an election by local residents.
 Rather, in terms of being safe to eat, convenience store food probably has a sense of safety that has passed many “common denominator” tests. So, hara less. That’s all for today.




English version⬇

Sousuke Fujimoto’s “Temporary Hall of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine
Shrine architecture showing both sides of tradition and innovation. The “Shikinen Sengu” at Ise seems to show both tradition and innovation in Japanese wooden construction techniques. The aim of this design is good. …

The Osaka Expo is coming up, but I don’t feel any “excitement” about it. From my vantage point in Hokkaido, it seems as if the media are all working together in an anti-Expo movement, and are trying to discredit the event.
 Such a retreat from the mood of social uplift is apparently a worldwide phenomenon, and the root of it is said to be the pressure to increase the cost of social infrastructure, such as oil, which has been the basic resource of the economy. The theory is that rising costs in these areas are directly leading to higher living costs and upsetting existing political systems throughout the world. At the core of this is the too rapid development of decarbonization, which has resulted in higher electricity prices in Japan, for example. Living pains.
 The same is true in Japan, where the “now is not the time for everything. The same is true in Japan, where the prevailing mood may be, “Expo ’70 nowadays?
 I was going to mention the symbolic architect of the Expo, Sousuke Fujimoto, but that turned into an analysis of world affairs (laugh). The photo shows Sousuke Fujimoto’s design for the construction of a “temporary shrine” for the reconstruction of the main shrine of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine.
 This kind of “greening” technology is often utilized in recent urban design. Is this a kind of boom? It may be that there is a sense of deadlock with existing building materials, and that this is partly a result of the popularity of this technology, but it is also likely to be a reflection of the improvement in roof greening and other technologies.

I had been to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine 5-6 years ago, but this time I was surprised by a very new temporary hall of worship. As far as I know, this is the first time I have seen such a “worship hall. It was wonderful to see the spirit of innovation even in the world of the gods. I was simply amused. After visiting the temporary shrine, I was looking at the surrounding trees, so I think the impact of this design was significant as a trigger for my interest in the natural landscape.
 Japanese shrine worship is said to be more akin to “custom” than religion, but as a wooden structure, it has been a very powerful force in the transmission of its foundational “orthodox” design to successive generations. Perhaps the most significant cultural factor in the continued longevity of traditional wooden construction techniques unique to Japan has been the continuous rebuilding of shrines, such as the shikinen-sengu (ceremonial relocation of shrines).
 I wrote in an article in Shinken Housing the other day about how a Hokkaido construction company has been working positively to develop highly insulated and airtight technology while at the same time continuing to carry on the tradition of wooden construction technology, and I am very pleased to see the tradition developing.
 I thought the attitude of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine was also wonderful.