
【人類は情報で滅ぶ、のか? マスコミ観察眼】

English version⬇

Will Humanity Perish from Information? Observations from the Media
Will the aftermath of the Tokyo gubernatorial election riots spread to the “freedom” of the mass media itself? A déjà vu experience of the “flip side” of prewar society’s outburst. …

The Tokyo gubernatorial election was playing a huge “rhapsody. Although we were not totally unaffected by the election because it was in the capital city, we were somewhat annoyed as to why people were making such a big deal about it since it was so far away from how we live our lives. I thought that now that the elections were finally over, things would calm down a bit and the debate would turn to the outcome of the U.S. presidential election and other issues, but the furor has not died down.
 Ms. Renho ran for the Tokyo gubernatorial election, and as a result of a very tough choice by the people of Tokyo, she unexpectedly came in third place. As a Hokkai-do resident who is not a resident of Tokyo, I have no choice but to watch from the sidelines, but the media was, or still is, making a big fuss about it.
 One of the events that caught my attention was that a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun, who I thought was an “ally” of Renho, wrote a critical commentary about Renho on her social networking site, X. When the reporter wrote a critical commentary about Renho on X, she became irritated and said that she was consulting with her lawyer and was ready to open the battlefield against the Asahi Shimbun. I think this person is an unemployed private citizen as a result of his unsuccessful election, but he has a great sense of power.
 On the other hand, Asahi Shimbun, which has a history of repeatedly making false reports about the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, etc. and refusing to admit it for several years even after being pointed out, immediately ordered its own reporters to “apologize” for the points raised by Renho (as we can recognize).
 The situation is still ongoing (Renho’s statement that “I will not let it end” in response to the apology), so we will have to wait and see what happens next, but the fact that it is an “altercation” between a former opposition party member and a representative of the media who is clearly in support of the opposition party is truly indicative of the state of the world in these latter days.
 This is the current point in time, and I am very interested in this development. The situation has stopped when Renho raised her cobwebs. Or, there may be some “behind-the-scenes” negotiation, and things may stop moving as if nothing had happened.
 There are many points of interest, but the biggest is as follows. When media reporters transmit information on their own social networking sites, there is a natural tendency for it to diverge from the information media itself. In response to this, the question is whether the media company can take away that “freedom” by “work order. Needless to say, this would directly lead to the total control of the employees, with promotions, pay raises, and other performance evaluations as a pretext.
 From a different perspective, the media company is a dictatorship-type organization that claims “freedom of the press” and asserts its extraterritoriality to society, but suppresses the “freedom of thought and expression” of its employees within the company.
 We would like to see former Diet member Renho take on the role of investigating this issue.



English version⬇

[Almost a tiger? The U.S. Presidential Election and Japan’s Direction]
One month after Japan’s first choice of government, the presidential election of a decisive ally. Isn’t this the place to make a national will choice, a choice of postponement? …

This is an “election” year worldwide. Among these, the most central variable is the U.S. presidential election. The impact of the outcome of this election on Japan is boundless.
 I have refrained from writing about my political interests on my blog for a while, but I will not change my stance, but I would like to touch on what I consider to be the most important issues.
 After all, the world is dominated by power politics. Japan has a “security treaty” with the United States, the largest super-military power, and it is indisputable that this international relationship is the most fundamental to the current state of Japan. Well, there are those who hysterically protest against this fact, but if we look at the reality of the situation, the main theme is “how Japan should deal with the situation” after accepting this fact.
 As of now, Trump is the natural choice for the Republican nomination. On the other hand, it will be interesting to see how the Democrats regroup after Biden announces he will not run. There will still be a great deal of uncertainty as to whether Trump is a sure thing. There is currently growing support for Trump in the wake of the shooting, but it could be reversed depending on how Biden handles himself.
 While keeping an eye on the somewhat “uncertain” U.S. presidential election, Japan will hold a “presidential election” of the Liberal Democratic Party in September, almost a month before the U.S. presidential election, to decide the next de facto prime minister of Japan.
 Can Japan afford to follow this schedule in choosing its prime minister?
 Will Japan be able to formulate a “policy” when it cannot foresee the trend in the U.S.? For me, this is the question that keeps nagging at me. Will we be able to select a person who can build a good relationship with both Trump and his successor, Biden?
 In such a situation, I wonder if the Japanese might have chosen to “postpone” the election of the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, using the Japanese method of ambiguity. The “ambiguous strategy” of postponing the election until next January or so, giving various reasons. 
 I find it strange that such an option has not been proposed at all in the political world. The current Koikekai-Kishida administration is essentially more naturally associated with the U.S. Democratic Party administration. The current administration’s affinity with the U.S. Democratic Party administration can be seen in its response to the LGBT bill, which has drawn the ire of “conservative” voters.
 We cannot take our eyes off this situation, which has a strong economic impact, and we cannot take our eyes off what will happen next.

【本日、握り寿司ランチ提供 ネタ準備完了】


English version⬇

Nigiri-zushi lunch is being served today.
My mind went into battle mode to make nigiri-zushi for the first time in a while. It’s not like cooking food (laughs). But Sukiyoko Kokoro gets excited. …….

Today, almost all of the staff will be coming to the office for a general meeting of the affiliate company, Fushimusha, with which the office is co-located. Therefore, we plan to serve nigirizushi as a token of our appreciation to the staff.
 We have been calling it the “President’s Cafeteria” until now, but we have no name for it yet, but it is our free will that we want to continue it again. In fact, the staff donated a “buckwheat noodle making set” for my retirement, but I am naturally lazy and have not been able to practice or train in that way at all. I am too lazy by nature to practice such a skill at all. I guess nigirizushi is the dish that motivates me habitually. I would like to be lazy when it comes to buckwheat noodle making, because I have a lot of hard training ahead of me (laugh).
 So, I completed the shopping preparations yesterday, went to bed early, got up after 2:00 a.m., and continued to process the ingredients, finally completing the process in about two hours. Now it is maturing quietly in the refrigerator.
 Hokkaido is getting hotter, so when I calculated the time from processing and nigiri to eating (scheduled for lunch), I calculated that this amount of time would be accurate, so I timed it accordingly. Hmmm.
 So after writing this blog (scheduled to be uploaded around 5:30 a.m.), I will start cooking sushi rice and plan to finish about 200 pieces of nigiri by 12:00 p.m.
 On the other hand, Kami has been in full battle mode since the day before. She is also planning to make dozens of oinari-san. She is also in charge of making several side dishes in advance. She was also particular about the disposable containers to put them in, and purchased them in advance.
 The start time of the hand holding is probably around 8:30 a.m. Until then, we will have to do our daily walks and relax. I would like to finish my daily walk and relax until then, but I am sure I will start a little early and with a flying start.
 So today’s blog is written by a mom in a pre-battle state of mind. Please forgive me if I am a little elated. So long.





English version⬇

[This summer, to the dispersal of the daylily.
I am allowed to observe a moment of the drama of reincarnation. From the drama that makes us recognize the sense of beauty, they are reincarnating toward their original “inheritance of the species”. …

I had not been to the walking trail near Maruyama Park for a while, but I suddenly became curious about the day lilies that I keep observing in the summer, and went to the Maruyama Park area for the first time in a while.
 Then, as I had been wondering, the time had passed somewhat from the peak season of the flower buds of the day for the daylilies this summer. However, some of the flower buds are still showing us their intense brilliance, and the photo above shows one of them. These flower buds are also becoming a little brownish near the stem, and are close to their last “shout,” so to speak. If I had a poetic mind, I could have written a tanka poem about it, but I only admired Shiki from afar, and I do not have such a sense.
 However, if you are in the mood to interact with an object in a photograph, it is a sukiyomi. There is heat in “reaping” visually, not Kotoba.
 In terms of the brightness of life, the Ouba lily will later create the soul food component of the Ainu people in its subsoil, perhaps entering into the most important process of all. Although the flower buds are in charge of interacting with humans, the most important part of their life is probably their activities in the soil. We can learn a lot from them.

The day before yesterday, I had photographed the back view of pigeons in the garden of a farm restaurant that did not readily respond to my shutterbugs, and yesterday, when I visited the waterside where mandarin ducks were nesting for the first time in a long time, I saw one of them approach me immediately.
 It approached my feet without any caution at all. Perhaps it is because there are so many people feeding these wild creatures. When I write about these wild creatures, some readers warn me about indiscriminate feeding, and I agree with them.
 Perhaps there should be a certain distance between humans and these wild creatures. However, by feeding, the wild creatures will always respond by “eating what they can get without worrying about it,” and some people may find this response “interesting” and repeat it, and it may become a habit.
 However, if we really think about the world of the wild ikimono, it still seems sinful. There is a boundary area between humans and wild ikimono that must be protected. I believe that feeding hides a sinful deed that destroys it.
 The individual in this photo may have acted out of habit, but there are many other individuals who do not engage in such behavior.
 There are many lessons to be learned from this kind of mandarin duck society.

【加齢と「イキモノ賛歌」気分の増進 】


English version⬇

Aging and the Growing Mood for “Iki-mono Hymn”
Recently, I have been having an increasing number of interactions with licensing authorities. I wonder if it is because I am seeking solace in nature every time I am forced to pay attention to the “corner of a heavy box. …….

Oh, don’t worry, this photo is “stuffed”. I saw this bear at the Kutchan-cho Museum of History and Culture. The bear’s expression looks as if it were alive, but no matter how you make a stuffed bear, the expression itself is always a pin-up of the bear as it was when it was alive as a creature.
 Recently, as I age, I feel that my feelings toward animals have changed considerably. This bear’s expression is very young and cute, as if its life ended when it was a child. I guess a grown-up brown bear would not have such a cute expression.
 The photo below shows the back view of a pigeon in the natural garden of a restaurant by Lake Shikotsu, almost as if it were a “domestic animal” and oblivious to the danger it posed to humans.
 I didn’t see any signs of “feeding,” but it seemed to me that the farm restaurant is trying to be in harmony with nature’s creatures as much as possible.
 It seems as if they are in synch with the emotions of any living creature these days.
 Of course, humans, especially children, are the easiest to synchronize with, but gradually, all things are becoming more and more bifocal (laugh), with no boundaries.
 I wonder if aging is the process of deepening the dialogue with one’s own life. I find myself becoming a little more “enthusiastic” in observing them closely. They are facing their own lives straightforwardly, and they are living as they are. It must be an instinct. This makes me want to straighten up and look straight at them.
 The day lilies in Maruyama Park are a plant, but looking straight at their ecology, you can feel the strong message that they are a living thing. It is not that I can talk about it, but my “imagination” becomes stronger on my own side, and I can feel a certain “synchronization” with it.
 Once such a “weir” is opened, the transformation of consciousness will begin very smoothly.
 Recently, I have often been exhausted by stressful communication with government licensing authorities, but for a while, I have been deeply healed by their honest responses.


【支笏湖畔の温泉浴とガーデンレストランランチ 】



English version⬇

A hot spring bath by Lake Shikotsu and lunch at a garden restaurant.
I was in a daze when I found out last minute that Monday was also a national holiday. In search of a relaxing and peaceful vacation, we went to the lakeside of Lake Shikotsu. A hot spring bath and a lunch at a natural restaurant. …

An unexpected three-day weekend. My wife requested that we spend one last day around Lake Shikotsu.
 We took a dip in Marukoma Onsen for the first time in a while, but it was very crowded, probably because it was a consecutive holiday weekend. Although it was a one-day trip, there were 5-6 cars waiting to enter the parking lot when I left. I guess there were many people like me who did not make any plans for the consecutive holidays. The distance from Sapporo may be just right for a casual visit.
 The management company changed a few years ago, but of course the water itself was as good as ever. This is a weakly saline spring, which is said to be beneficial to my health.
 This one faces the waters of Lake Shikotsu, and the water level of the lake is the same as that of the outdoor open-air bath. When I was in there yesterday, I saw a large number of water striders actively moving around on the surface of the water. My wife said, “Oh my God, that’s disgusting,” and she quickly evacuated the women’s bath, but in my case, my affinity for these creatures has been growing tremendously recently, and I enjoyed taking a long bath with them.
 The outside bathhouse has gravel underfoot, making it a little difficult to walk around, but it is full of wildness, and it was really enjoyable to take a bath while synchronizing with the view of Lake Shikotsu.
 On the way back to the highway, we had lunch at MEON, an English garden restaurant. I was worried about the restaurant because of the consecutive holidays, but surprisingly, I was able to be seated with only a 30-minute wait. I had some kind of seafood soup because I don’t have a particular preference, and my wife had a pizza-like dish with a crispy dough topped with prosciutto ham and other ingredients.
 Until recently, this kind of food would have been too much for my stomach to handle, but recently, perhaps due to my diet, even this kind of food has been enough to fill me up.

The store was designed by an architect friend of mine, and it is fun to see how the plants and trees change with the seasons, reminding me of the changing nature.
 Since I am semi-retired, I should be able to do whatever I want outside of the holidays, but for now, this seems to be the appropriate way to spend my time.

【浜松の人「北海道は暑い・・・」証言 in ニセコ大湯沼】



English version⬇

A Hamamatsu man testifies that “Hokkaido is hot…” in Niseko Oyunuma.
The couple was looking for a refreshing summer in subarctic Hokkaido, but the temperature was mercilessly high. They said they had a hard time staying in the car. What’s the happiest thing after you retire? by …

Yesterday, for the first time in a long time, we went to a hot spring in Niseko Oyunuma, which has a “sulfur smell. My wife was very sensitive to the smell of sulfur, so we bathed in the hot spring separately. I went to “Yukichichichibu,” a day-trip hot spring. The Oyunuma swamp next to this hot spring was “boiling” as you can see in the photo, and the hot spring was truly rich in natural beauty.
 The spring water seems to be rich in sulfur, and my eyes began to ache a little when I was bathing in the hot water. I am sure this is a reflection of my daily computer eye strain.
 However, I am gradually getting used to it and eventually it does not bother me anymore. In fact, it would be better to wash my face with fresh water after taking a bath, but…. However, it is a hot spring full of the wildness that is typical of Hokkaido and right next to a volcanic crater, and I love it. Recently, I was surprised to see foreign tourists even in such a deep hot spring.
 After getting out of the bath and getting into the car, I had a conversation with a person who was parked next to me in the parking lot. He told me that he and his wife were traveling from Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, to Hokkaido for a month while sleeping in their van. The first thing he said was, “Hokkaido is hot…” (laugh).
 I countered by mentioning Shizuoka City, where the temperature had recently exceeded 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), but the couple had been touring Hokkaido for about 10 years, and said it had become noticeably hotter in the past 2-3 years. They are over 80 years old and have been touring in Hokkaido for about 10 years.
 They are over 80 years old and have been experiencing the heat for the past 10 years.
 They say that the route from Hamamatsu northward through Nagano Prefecture to Hokkaido by ferry from Niigata Port is the best way to come to Hokkaido, and they are looking forward to a wagon tour of Hokkaido after their retirement, but as expected, their wives seem to be tired. If they use hotels, etc., and eat out at nice places, their money will fly under their wings in no time. So, she basically stays overnight in a converted van and eats only “convenience store meals.
 I am the type of person who enjoys such a way of spending time, but in our case, my wife does not agree with me (tears). She is more interested in “good food” at a nice hotel. This is a difference of opinion, so I can’t really say anything about it. Traveling is fun, but it is also tiring and stressful. It seems to me that how to spend one’s time after retirement is an interesting choice to make.
 After all, there are probably many people who would be happier if they were immersed in some kind of activity or work until the end of their lives. I was able to “interview” them through a casual conversation.


  1位:北海道 32,799 (t)
2位:青森県 633 (t)
3位:山形県 218 (t) 〜データ引用:2019年 食品データ館

English version⬇

Hokkaido’s specialty, hokke (hokke).
Local fish for the masses. It is a local fish for the masses, and the harmony with plenty of grated daikon (Japanese radish) is outstanding. This is the biggest culprit that made me make a U-turn to Hokkaido (laugh). Laughs

 There are various kinds of “delicious fish” throughout Japan and throughout the archipelago surrounded by the sea, but the most common taste in Hokkaido is still topped by Hokke.
 Hokkaido boasts the overwhelming share of the nation’s hokke catch, as shown below.
  No. 1: Hokkaido 32,799 (t)
No. 2: Aomori Prefecture 633 (t)
No. 3: Yamagata Prefecture 218 (t) – Data citation: 2019 Food Data Center
 I lived in Hokkaido until high school, and then moved to Tokyo for college. I was very nostalgic because I could not buy hokke no matter where I looked. In my case, this may have been the main reason why I wanted to live in Hokkaido. I was not really a fish lover (laugh), but in my deepest psyche, I have a strong attachment to the taste of fish.
 Later, when I was working in Tokyo and doing business with the Hokkaido Shimbun, which had a branch in Ginza, one of its employees once took me to dinner at a “Hokkaido restaurant in Ginza. The season was just right, so I had no hesitation in ordering “hokke (hokke open fish)” as my first choice. However, the one that came out was really “dried out” and even the meat was hard, and I was gnawing on it with deep tears. It was a disaster. Now that the distribution system has been improved, you may be able to eat delicious food at first-class restaurants in Ginza, but I probably won’t (I’m crying).
 Since it has been the season recently, they are inexpensive and large (the picture may not show it well, but the total length is about 35-40 cm), so they are very eye-catching even in food stores. Even at this size, each piece costs around 300 yen. It is truly a favorite food of the common people.
 The most exciting part of eating hokke is the moment when you grab the tail side of a fresh hokke with a lot of fat on it and pull off the center “bone” all the way to the head side at once. The ones that can do this all at once are surely good.
 For those who are a bit more adventurous, it is said that it is fun to suck and eat the skin-like pieces that have become entangled in the bone. Naturally, many small bones resist, but it is a real pleasure to carefully respond to them and skillfully peel them off. Then, the meat is taken away, marinated in a generous amount of grated daikon, and eaten.
 It was a pleasant sensation to eat the piece in the photo together with the couple, silently and without saying a word.
 Until recently, I would have finished a large piece like this by myself, but since I continue to work on my diet, this is enough for me. But I can also enjoy eating the hard part of the head and the skin. I can eat them in a “whole food” way. Hmmm… I will eat it again!




English version⬇

Shrine Visits and the Japanese Sense of Divinity
A society that is not exclusionary toward others. A nation of mutual respect for such local communities. In our home Shinto altar, there are many local gods and deities. The gods and deities of the local community are present in our family altar.

This week, too, things have been changing at a dizzying pace. Is it that a slight strategic “roadmap” has begun to emerge in the macroscopic dynamics of our immediate surroundings and our individual companies over a longer span of time?
 I am sure that everyone has his or her own way of dealing with aging, but I am gradually beginning to visualize my own form of development. At this point, it is a three-day weekend starting today. As an individual enterprise, not as an organizational corporate person, but as an individual enterprise, acting with a certain view of business, the framework and norms of behavior in the calendar are almost losing their sense. ‘Oh, really?’ I am not sure.
 The photo is a sacred card from my recent shrine tours around Japan. Takagamo Shrine is in Nara Prefecture, but other than that, Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, Munakata Taisha Shrine, Miyajitake Shrine, Sakurai Shrine, etc. are all in Kyushu and Fukuoka Prefecture.
 Visiting shrines seems to be more like respect for one’s predecessors than a religion to the Japanese. Unlike world religions, the essence of shrine tours seems to lie in reverence for the local gods.
 Each region of the archipelago has its own living remnants of its people, and the atmosphere in the shrine precincts is such that it makes me hang my head. When you are in such a place, something that the local people have lived and loved rises up in your heart. Sukiyori.
 I have a habit of purchasing a sacred card at such shrines and displaying it on the altar above my desk at home. I often hear warnings like, “Gods fight with each other,” but I don’t think so. I don’t think so. I think Japanese gods are basically not exclusionary.
 I think that Japanese communities were basically a group of people with individuality as a society of “Yaoyorozu,” or “eight millions” that opened toward the seashore and rivers. I believe that the centralized, unsettling deities that “overthrow” such individual societies and force their worship have been excluded.
 It is with this in mind that I worship many deities. When I look at each of the cards, I am reminded of my encounter with the land and its climate, which warms my heart.
 It seems to me that this is a Japanese spirituality cultivated in a country surrounded by the sea.
 So, I am going to spend the holiday weekend, which I had completely forgotten about, relaxing and taking it easy.




English version⬇

Fusuma-e, a decorative element of Japanese-style rooms, is a form of expression.
Fusuma, a building material, was sublimated and valued as a kind of artwork. I am interested in both the culture of appreciating such things and their disappearance. I am interested in both the culture of loving these things and their disappearance.

Last year I took a step back from the business I have been involved in, and while everyone faces “aging” in their own way, in my case, it does not seem to suit my nature at all to devote myself to hobbies and lifestyle. I guess it is a habit of mine.
 In the end, the experience I have accumulated so far seems to have a large “sukiyomi” element in it, and I am now moving in a direction that seems to have purified that orientation in my own way. Yesterday, I made a clear progress on the core of this movement, and now I’m just getting started. I would like to gradually announce the results when we are ready to make an announcement.
 Now, the other day I discussed “tokonoma,” a housing device that seems to be the root of Japanese spirituality, and along with it, there is another area of expression such as “fusuma-e,” or fusuma paintings. The photo above is a fusuma-e by Yosano Akiko, a female writer whose hometown was Sakai, Osaka. The photo below is a shot of the atmosphere in a house with a common fusuma-e. <Both photos were taken by myself.
 Akiko Yosano’s fusuma-e (fusuma paintings) are said to have been created by her husband, Tekkan Yosano, who had married Akiko after divorcing his ex-wife and was traveling in Europe, and Akiko, who wanted to follow him to Europe, bought them as artworks from an acquaintance to earn money for the trip.
 She was a writer who colored the heyday of “Taisho Romanticism” in the prewar period, and it is said that she established her style as a Romantic poet by composing about female ego and sexual love, which was groundbreaking at the time. Recently, I have been interested in the period between the Taisho Romantic Period and the prewar period, and I feel that she is at the bottom of the atmosphere of that era.
 I think she was at the bottom of the atmosphere of that period. Similar themes are used to create works of art in hanging scrolls and the like. To twist the question a bit, there was also a culture in which the calligraphy of politicians was also highly valued.
 Today, these elements are almost endangered for home interiors.
 While paintings can be easily accepted today as a means of expression, the culture of pinning up writings by celebrities and cultural figures and paying high fees for them must have existed in Japan for centuries.
 From an architectural point of view, fusuma, the building material itself, was treated as a work of art. I find it very interesting both that such a culture existed and that it has almost disappeared in modern housing. Hmmm.